Just finished reading John Grisham’s 1999 novel, The Testament. The story is about a cranky old billionaire who nullified his will and disinherited all his known children and ex-wives before jumping to his death from his skyscraper. The guy gave all his wealth to an unknown and illegitimate daughter, which inevitably precipitated some intense legal battles. Heard of Grisham before but had never read his work. Loved the humour and faith components in this one, so I decided to research the man.

Grisham is an award-winning American novelist, the latest of his numerous wins being this year’s Lucien Barrière Literary Award. Grisham has 39 novels to his name and over 300 million copies sold. He has also penned some short stories and nonfictional works. His net worth is estimated to be $350 million.

Some of his recent novels are Sycamore Row (2013), Gray Mountain (2014), Rogue Lawyer (2015), Camino Island (2017), The Reckoning (2018) and The Activist (2013), The Fugitive (2015) and The Scandal (2016) from the Theodore Boone Series. Grisham is so prolific that since 1991, he has been writing at least a novel a year and in 2013, he released three. He has degrees in accounting and law, has practised law and served as member of the Mississippi House of Representatives.

An article in Christianity Today cited Newsweek magazine as calling Grisham a “commercial supernova.” Composing legal thrillers is his trademark (although he has written other stuff as well), and that is not surprising as he was an attorney for nearly a decade. Quite a few of his novels (e.g. The Pelican Brief and The Rainmaker) have been turned into feature movies, a few like The Firm and The Client have inspired TV series. The Philadelphia Inquirer once remarked that “John Grisham may well be the best American storyteller writing today” while the Atlanta Constitution quipped thus about how his books make compelling reading: “Each book jacket should bear a warning to consumers: ‘Detrimental to sleep. You may read all night.”

Grisham’s 1st and 30th novels

In the Christianity Today article earlier mentioned, I found this interesting tidbit: “Grisham committed his life to Christ when he was eight years old. He remains dedicated to living according to biblical principles as he copes with the fame and wealth thrust on him since 1990.” Awesome! I learnt that he has gone on mission trips to Brazil and those stints must have helped in the excellent account of the character, Nate O’Riley’s adventure in the tropical wetland over there seen in The Testament.

In another article on Gospel Light Minute web site, Grisham recounted how his mother led him to Christ as a child and called it “the most important event” in his life. Grisham, who is a Baptist, still teaches Sunday School, contributes heavily to churches and charitable organisations and participates in missionary work abroad from time to time, not only to share the gospel but to remind himself of how deprived many others are. Wise move really ’cause it’s easy to become conceited and uncaring as the millions roll in. In fact, he thinks he was made so financially successful to be able to support God’s work and philanthropic organisations substantially. Get that! He was asking, “God, why me?” before coming to that conclusion. The guy doesn’t think he’s made it because he’s super smart. Oh, and he does all the spiritual work and giving with his lovely wife, Renee.

Something else I picked up: Grisham’s first novel, A Time to Kill, was rejected by 28 publishers before an unknown publisher, Wynwood Press, accepted to release it.

Glad I looked into the life of this great man. Showed me that faith is not a hindrance to success. With the prevailing evil in the world today, some people seem to think that for a novel to be worth its name, the author must lace his or her writing with profanity and orchestrate one or more orgasms and deadly violence in it. You just can’t seem to escape the vulgarisms, steamy and gory scenes in books (and in the movies).

However, Grisham proves that you can write relatively wholesome fiction, yet it can be most entertaining and land on the bestseller list. (The language in his books is not entirely kosher because it reflects the diverse characters’ fibres, but it’s stuff that we encounter in public on a daily basis.)

Grisham’s stand on these matters has not gone unchallenged. Mike & Amy Nappa of Nappaland Communications observe that, “Grisham … has fought hard with publishers and producers to keep his books and movies as clean as possible.” Entertainment Weekly reveals that, “His highly public tirades against what he sees as overly violent and excessively sexual entertainment have landed the author on the front lines of skirmish upon skirmish, doing battle with some of the most influential filmmakers in Hollywood.”

But that does not mean that Grisham shies away from the dark and seamy sides of life. He confronts issues like corruption, greed, parental neglect, alcoholism and drug addiction, building convincing characters and plots that show their deleterious consequences. However, he doesn’t always paint a hopeless picture. His books, my research shows, often help the afflicted and downtrodden to be heard and sometimes have redemptive endings as in The Testament where O’Riley found strength in God to overcome his addictions. His 2015 short novel, The Tumor, which he described as the most important book of his writing career and gave away for free, dwells on the use of a new therapy called focused ultrasound for the treatment of diseases. He is helping to raise funds to promote research into this non-invasive form of treatment for malignancies.

Grisham’s life also shows that you can remain in faith while raking in the millions. Faith and fame can reside side by side in your life if you find ways to keep yourself grounded. For him, it’s his closeness to his family, commitment to living by the Bible, charity work and missionary activities. One can add maintaining close relationships with ordinary people away from the celebrity crowd.

Faith and politics are not incompatible too. As stated earlier, Grisham was once a legislator (for about eight years) and is currently an activist. The issues he campaigns for include the overturning of wrongful convictions and the elimination of capital punishment (my views differ on this one). But I daresay we don’t need to fold our arms as a demonstration of our piety in the face of issues that concern us and the world. I follow Rev. Franklin Graham’s Facebook page and I wince at the virulent attacks he receives from Christians who feel he is misguided when he addresses current controversial issues and urges believers to take a stand. I haven’t read where the Bible says we should not try to exert influence on earthly affairs, especially by speaking out in a civil manner and exercising our franchise.

And for anyone worried about not getting a big break yet, remember Grisham was turned down 28 times before someone took a little chance on his first work (a contract to print just 5,000 copies)!

I hereby include some Grisham quotes. Quite a few of them concern the craft of writing and I’ve taken the liberty to add commentary to them.

Some inspiring quotes from Grisham’s work:

“Quitting is not the answer. Life is not fair, and you can’t quit every time something unfair happens to you.”The Activist

“My children know nothing of Christmas. They have so little, and want so little, it makes me feel guilty for the mindless materialism of our culture.” – Skipping Christmas

“They say a woman marries a man with the belief she can change him, and she can’t. A man marries a woman with the belief that she won’t change, and she does.” Gray Mountain

“I’ve loved you all my life. Even before we met. Part of it wasn’t even you. It was just a promise of you.” – The Firm

And here are some that are plainly his (with my comments in brackets):

“Jesus preached more and taught more about helping the poor and the sick and the hungry than he did about heaven and hell. Shouldn’t that tell us something?”
(Each of us needs a very active social conscience in today’s selfish and materialistic age.)

“Stephen King reached out to me twenty-five years ago and taught me some valuable lessons. In return, I’ve tried to be generous with my time over the years with young writers. I’ve given them my email and said if you need someone to talk to, I’ve been through it.”
(Guiding the young, teaching them trade secrets, is crucial. Makes no sense to be so great and not pass it on.)

“I always try to tell a good story, one with a compelling plot that will keep the pages turning. That is my first and primary goal. Sometimes I can tackle an issue-homelessness, tobacco litigation, insurance fraud, the death penalty-and wrap a good story around it.”
(This is very important because a novel is first and foremost for entertainment. A loss of focus regarding this creates disharmony of purpose which could ruin the work.)

“One thing you really have to watch as a writer is getting on a soapbox or pulpit about anything. You don’t want to alienate readers.”
(Related to the last quote and so true! Subtle is the way to go, especially if you write about faith which easily gets many people up in arms.)

Some Grisham books on display

“When you write suspense, you have to know where you’re going because you have to drop little hints along the way.”
(Honestly, this cannot be said loudly enough. I read some mystery books and I get so angry. When the authors are busy complicating the plot, they sometimes forget to drop relevant hints with the result that when everything is resolved, I just don’t buy it. It’s not believable at all!)

“My mum was never too keen on TV, so we kids all went to the library and got books out. Right from the start, I loved the works of Mark Twain. Every time I read about Tom Sawyer, I’d go out and do something low-level naughty, just like him.”
(Very important seeds must have been sown through those library books for Grisham to end up crafting popular fiction without taking any course in creative writing. Mark Twain’s books are humorous and yet they sometimes deal with important issues like racial injustice and poverty, same as Grisham’s books. And I guess having played childhood pranks, Grisham is able to write fluidly about his characters’ shenanigans.)

“An outline is crucial. It saves so much time. … With the outline, I always know where the story is going. So before I ever write, I prepare an outline of 40 or 50 pages.”
(This is cool and requires discipline. However (this is not humble me contradicting an accomplished writer like Grisham), but I doubt that it’s always possible to know where the story is going ab initio. Sometimes, you take it as it comes. If it doesn’t develop fast, you mull over it until it picks up momentum and goes the way you feel it was meant to go. But this is just an aside and isn’t meant to undermine the importance of having an outline for one’s writing.)

Now that I’m a big fan, I’m into my second Grisham novel, The Appeal. I will certainly read more and perhaps I’ll tell you about them. You are richly blessed in Jesus’ name!

Hope you enjoyed reading this post. Care to share what you’re taking away from it?


Photos of Grisham’s books and his portraits used in graphics are from Grisham’s Official Facebook page

Emily Yahr. (June 30, 2017). “Why did Hollywood stop making John Grisham movies?” The Washington Post.

Gospel Light Minute #33. “John Grisham: Accepting Jesus Christ Was ‘the Most Important Event in My Life’”

“John Grisham”. Wikipedia

“John Grisham Biography” (and Quotes). The Famous People

“John Grisham Is Letting You Download His New Novel as a Free eBook”. Open Culture.

“John Grisham Net Worth”. Celebrity Net Worth

“John Grisham Quotes”. A-Z Quotes.

Mike & Amy Nappa. “Inside Look @ John Grisham”. Nappaland Communications

Will Norton, Jr. (October 3, 1994). “Conversations: Why John Grisham Teaches Sunday School”. Christianity Today. Vol. 38, No. 11




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  • ChikaWrites

    I enjoyed reading this. So much to learn from this literary icon.

    • Edith Ohaja

      So glad you visited and enjoyed the post, Chika. I love to learn from great people like this. I find it inspiring to see how they made it and how they’re coping with success. You are blessed in Jesus’ name.

    • Onovo Veronica chizoba

      He is a good man worthy portraying Jesus. Thank you for using story to teach success and Christianity inline with each other.

  • Gloria Ugwuoke

    Our world is full of “mindless materialism” indeed and personally, sometimes I feel the need to blend by doing awkward things like showing a little more skin or going to inappropriate events. But a tiny voice keeps reminding of who I am and the need to remain on the right track.
    Reading this tonight just made that Voice Louder. ??I can’t thank you enough.
    Good job, ma.??✨

  • Sometimes as Christians we can be so “heavenly focused” that we are useless for this earth! We are called to be salt and light, not in heaven but right here on earth! Thanks for this reminder that we can serve God with integrity and still be blessed materially. And if the material blessings don’t come, well that up to God! It’s HIS story to write, not ours.

    • Edith Ohaja

      You’re right, Cheks. We shouldn’t be so focused on money as if that were the primary thing and we shouldn’t be so insulated from what’s going on around us. Thanks a lot for dropping by and abundant grace in all your endeavours in Jesus’ name.

      • Eze Sylvester Toochukwu

        Thanks for this reminder that we can serve God with integrity and still be blessed materially. Most often believers focuses on Heavenly things forgetting the scripture that say they are like light to the world, and no one lights and lamp and puts it under a table. Even as Christians we can still impact our world, let our light so shine to overcome darkness, thanks for this reinforcing write up MA.

  • Ubani

    This is great…I have read about 70percent of his books but never knew him in this perspective..Thanks Ma

  • Miracle

    This is beautiful. Thanks for profiling this novelist. I know next to nothing about him, except that his works areally usually interwoven with legal themes. I enjoyed reading this. That he is a Christian is so amazing. It gives me hope knowing that faith cannot be compromised for anything. Thank you, Ma.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Yes, my dear Miracle! Our faith will surely be challenged but if we stand our ground, God will be honoured in our lives. The world that wants to bend us will even respect us at some point. Have a beautiful week and remain blessed!

  • wisdom

    You read John grisham too? That’s good, though I never quite took him as a Christian

  • Ogoo

    Food for thought

  • Chukwuneke Adaeze jennifer

    Sometimes as Christians we can be so “heavenly focused” that we are useless for this earth. At the same time, we should never forget that we were created for a purpose so as not to focus exclusively on worldly things. We should live in such a way that after all the stress of this life, we will be qualified to rest with God. Nice one, ma.

  • susanhomeschooling

    Wow, I didn’t know all of this about Grisham, and that his first novel was rejected by 28 publishers!

    • Edith Ohaja

      I love to learn about successful people. It’s very encouraging to see how many of them struggled before getting their breakthroughs.

  • Okibe Mercy

    It is only when we don’t keep quiet at all times that even when our faith is challenged then we will not compromise.we can be successful and famous and still stand strong in our faith.

  • Nnachetam Favour

    Yes! Even though we Christians are not of the world but we are still in the world and we are the light of the world, as lights we ought to contribute the way we can to whatever that makes the world world more conducive to live in. Actually I don’t know much about him but reading through this made me want to read his works I believe I have a lot to learn. This is like an introduction for me. Thanks ma’am.

  • mirian ndawe

    I know Grisham as a renowned writer, but I never knew he was a christian, it feels good to see people who are high up and well know in the world reckoning God. To me this piece is a reminder that a lot of things are to be prioritized over fame and materialism.

  • Añulika

    Grisham is a man who recognises the connection between spirituality and physicality.
    A number of churches, sects and groups opine that the two cannot be related and that one must give up earthly acquisition to attain the other.
    However, Grisham has found the middle ground where the two harmonise.
    Again, I find it delightful that despite the difficulty of writing relatable materials completely devoid of the common filthy and trendy languages, the man Grisham is able to not just write nobly and with dignity, but also to touch upon those salient points of our time without losing his language to the present day distasteful diction.

    Finally, Christ’s emphasis on character and goodness is an ardent warning that we should be more interested in doing good to our fellow human being than to have the word and the account of the fear of hell and the bliss of paradise in our mouth all day without actions to follow suit. Grisham captures that aptly in the gentle reminder “Jesus preached more about helping the poor and the sick and the hungry than he did about heaven and hell”

    • Edith Ohaja

      Yes, he did find a middle ground. But I must point out that the language in his books isn’t entirely kosher as some characters are creeps and lowlifes and their conversations need to reflect how such people speak in real life. God bless you greatly in Jesus’ name.

    • Ezekiel Stanley

      What more! Where have I been since? Well, reading this wonderful account of Grisham has taught me one thing, selflessness in God’s vinyard.
      Indeed, there is a blessing in serving God am blessed reading this… More!

    • Such a nice write up ma.his principle is worth imitating.i never knew him, but now I read your article I have capture some many things.may God strengthen you ma.

  • Obeta Lillian Chiamaka

    John Grisham is a very talented author, his writings are always educative. Faith and fame can work together, it all depends on how you apply them

    • Ugwunweze Osmund Ogugua

      Amazing! I got to know more about him from your write up.

      John Grisham is a highly skilled writer and I’m learning a lot from him.

  • Ozukwe Mirian chisom

    Thanks for this piece Aunty Edith though I know nothing about John Grisham or his works but as you have shared this piece has made me to know little about him. And knowing that he is a Christian and a practicing one at that gives me joy.

  • Anekwe Paschaline

    This goes a long way to show that faith in God is a very important factor in our lives. Many people were close to God but suddenly they stopped because they became famous forgetting that what they are and what they hope to achieve are all in his hands. This also shows us that what we read go a long way in shaping how we behave and how we live. John Grisham’s life shows that you can be famous and still keep your faith in God strong and unshakable.

  • Ogbonna Precious Onyinyechi

    This is inspiring and educative. I learnt so much from this non fiction.In today lives we don’t have much people that have faith in God especially with those ones that have fame thinking they have made it in life.Grisham first book was turned down by 28 publishers but still he continued his writings having full faith until God opened the doors for him. I really enjoyed it thanks so much ma.

  • Ukpai-uma Lucy

    Well, the whole thing happens that when we get so rich or wealthy we tend to forget God. But here is someone who had in mind that his riches was more or less not for him but for the needy. Thank God for that grace and understanding.
    As for life, we just should never quit because it gets unfair….we should always have high hopes in God. Amen

  • Michael onyedinma

    Faith and fame are indeed friends, John Grisham made it clear in his works. Such insight is needed for our success in life. Thanks for sharing.

    • egbo Rita Somtochukwu

      God never fails his own. It might seem rough and being neglected by people but God’s time is the best. John Grisham’s life is an example to us all. Let our faith in God increase because in him there is fullness of joy. Thank you Ma for sharing and God bless you..

      • God never fails his own. It might seem rough and being neglected by people but God’s time is the best. John Grisham’s life is an example to us all. Let our faith in God increase because in him there is fullness of joy. Thank you Ma for sharing and God bless you.

  • It should dawn on us that no matter our fame, it should not be a reason to deviate from our faith. Grisham is a really a man of faith by not turning his back on God, even after his first book had been turned down by 28 publishers. Wow!

  • Ezeh Blessing

    I love that you shared John Grisham’s story with us ma. He sounds like a really great man who has shown that one’s life can still be centered on Jesus even when one is rich and famous. I’ve met some really rude rich people who think only them matter just because they have money. But this man is different and I respect him for that. Thanks for sharing ma

  • Kat

    Now I believe that faith and fame can indeed go together. I mean John Grisham has been so richly blessed and still remembers to be humble. He even believes that God has blessed him greatly just so that he can be a blessing to others too! That’s really saying something. He is someone i wish everyone would emulate especially in the kind of world we live in today, where celebrities and famous people do not stop to think about anyone other than themselves. You just won John Grisham a new fan aunty?

  • Blessing Udeobasi

    Many people tend to forget their God when they feel they have become successful. They fail to know that it is the lord who maketh a king.
    The story of Grisham has indeed proven that fame and faith can be friends.

  • Nnamani Oluoma Esther

    We shouldn’t let people’s thoughts, views or opinions about certain things define how we live our lives. John Grisham did not use the same method of writing that other writers use. He didn’t use things like vulgar language. People usually think that it is the best way to be a best selling author. But the good news is that faith is the best way to be a best selling author. When you do the things that you love doing, you don’t have to follow the world’s stereotype. Just apply faith and God willing, things will fall into place.

  • Ugwu Chizoba Janet

    I love his principles and I hope on embarking on that road of standing firm on what I belief in even when am being rejected by the world social standard, just like John Grisham who got rejected by different publishers.

  • Oma

    Is one thing to be rich and another thing is to be rich and humble ,the life of John Grisham is worthy to emulate and the fact he heard faith to keep on pushing even when publishers rejected his work is another thing I have learned from him.
    Finally having faith in God and following his guard lines.

    • Chukwuma Ifeanyi Williams

      I’ve read a few of John Grisham books, they are very nice especially the Theodore Boone series.
      His life shows how you can have both fame and faith as with all the fame and wealth he had gathered he still led a righteous life.

  • Eze chinyere

    A very interesting account you have there! The character of John Grisham is one we should emulate. Despite his fame and achievements over the years, he still deems it necessary to do God’s work(through his donations to philanthropic organizations and helping people around him; and also composing meaningful works that people can lean from). May we not forget God’s mercies and kindness when we become successful but see it as a means to make his name known across nations.

  • Uchechukwu Felix ibeziako

    Really faith and fame can be friends even faith and politics, its important that Christians should place no limitation when it comes to doing what is right, many Christians believe it’s better to be poor on earth to inherit heaven, others have the view that politics is for unbelievers but that is not what the Holly book have thought us, John Grisham is a role model..
    Reading your posts always add value to my life ma..

  • Chidinma Obasi

    This is amazing ma, thanks for this piece it has really showed me another mindset of serving God and also being useful to my generation. we should always have the mind of Jesus that is, having concern about others and not just us at all time.

  • egbo Rita Somtochukwu

    God never fails his own. It might seem rough and being neglected by people but God’s time is the best. John Grisham’s life is an example to us all. Let our faith in God increase because in him there is fullness of joy. Thank you Ma for sharing and God bless you..

  • ologhofor sampson

    Thanks ma for this wonderful piece. Faith and fame can work hand in hand only if one always see the impossibility, possible with God. The life experience of John Grisham is worth emulating for everyone… God bless you ma.

  • Blessing obidudu

    Wonderful piece ma! If we have faith and we have a goal in mind to pursue we could actually do it because with faith comes hope, and with hope comes the grace to do whatever we want as far as it pleases God.?

  • Amana Sharon Umola

    Its amazing how someone like this can so wealthy. I never knew he was a Christian. But then faith and fame working together can only be evident in a man that God has really worked upon. This man is someone who should have undergone diverse dealings with God so he knows better not to allow his faith sink because of fame.

  • Iroegbu Chinatu Amara

    They say a woman marries a man with the belief she can change him, and she can’t. A man marries a woman with the belief that she won’t change, and she does.” – Gray Mountain. I love that quote from Graham. Makes me want to read his works. With God directing our steps, poverty shouldn’t be an option. Christians can be rich too.

  • Kalu Divine Ogechi

    Faith and fame can indeed be friends, this shows that being famous is not an excuse to be a sinner or put people down but your spiritual life and social life can both be sound if your grounded in Gods word..nice one.

  • Ikedichi blessing henry

    John Grisham is a Christian is really a pace setter for the saved that still want to be famous …the truth as I am just learning is that we do not really need to sacrifice our dreams for our faith and neither do we need to sacrifice our faith for fame …God can be dignified and honoured by the fame of the saved.

  • Paul-kayode praise c

    Nice one MA, in as much as we were placed on the earth, we shouldn’t forget where we truly belong by letting fame and desires of the world cloud our purpose on this earth

  • Ugwoke ifechukwu melvina

    I have been hearing about john Grisham for awhile now but I never knew all this about him. I didn’t even know that he is a Christian. He sounds like an interesting person. Am going to get a copy of his book right now. Thank you ma, for this wonderful write up.


    Thank you ma for this writeup. I have never heard of josh Grisham until now and i even got to know a little about him through this writeup. It made me happy when i found out that he is a Christian who is sucessful. I used to have this notion that most famous people who are very wealthy don’t believe and acknowledge God in their lives because they believe that their success came from their own hardwork but this post has cleared that notion.

  • Euphemia Nwele

    Thank you ma for the profile, it’s got me Googling to download some of his books.

  • Theophilus Blessing

    Oh! I thought you were going to tell us about the full story of” the testament” it’s so interesting! May God continue to credit his account even as he(sir John Grisham) continues to help the poor.

  • Onu Tochukwu

    I am not really a fan of his works but I think I should check it out. This is really a nice one from a reknowned writer because people tend to forget their faith when they attain fame.

  • Chinenye Lucy

    I have read a couple of novels from the man I can I tell you with all confidence that the man knows his salt, along side some of my personal favorites like Danielle Steel, Sandra Brown and Mario Puzo. I am also impressed that he is able to combine his faith with his fame.

  • Afiadigwe Nnedinso Rita

    This goes a long way to show that faith in Christ Jesus can make us famous on earth. And as Christians, our work should manifest on earth and we should also be heavenly minded.

  • Annabelle Orji

    An excellent writer with a good spiritual life. This goes to show that not every famous or well to do person is evil and doomed for hell, and that we can make name for ourselves on earth and still be a servent of God.

  • I am Actually encouraged by this work, it really brought out how faith can be the substance of things and it taught me patience grisham trying to publish a particular book,but was rejected by several publishers and still he kept pusing and i learnt to continously live for Christ with every resources I have . Thank you ma

  • Agugbua chisom

    Nice and encouraging post ma. This really teaches us to be Christlike both in body and spirit. God bless you ma.

  • Nkpozi miracle

    Thank you ma, for this piece because in our generation today it seems faith and fame can’t go together. Especially when I visit places like IG and FB it feels like the only way to get famous is my sharing body revealing pictures. But with this piece am reassured that fame can along side with faith

  • Dennis Lydia Ekperechukwu

    I thank God John Grisham. It is this type of people’s books that we suppose to read. Some has the spirit of God and write with His knowledge. It is his type of books that you will be reading you will hear God speaking to you not the that devil will possess us with. Writers suppose to write things that ares sacred and moral not things that will destroy people’s life.

  • Joseph Chizoba Kingsley

    The life of John Grisham is actually inspiring. He has made me to really understand the essence of giving to the needy. There is always blessing when we give.
    More so, I learnt from his life that giving up is not the best options. Even when 28 Publishers had rejected his work, he never give up but continued trying.God will always be there for those who believe in him.

    • ErnestValentine

      But in giving, who should be considered needy? Is it that young strong-bodied man begging for daily bread? Is it that young beautiful and intelligent lady that has never thought of employment, or in general, that group of persons that go about pretending to be beggers when their intentions are to harm people through their givings?

      • Edith Ohaja

        I think you know the answers to your questions. My advice is to be careful that cynicism does not deprive you of opportunities to help those who are truly in need, ’cause believe me, they are everywhere, especially in today’s Nigeiria with her terrible economy. Have a lovely day!

  • Bryan Casey

    Here goes another mentor it’s like it’s time to harvest from his known knowledge…. Thanks Aunty for this story.

  • iheanyi ugochi elizabeth

    thank you Ma for this piece , most christians are so engrossed with the thought of heaven that they see wealth and riches as worldly things, they believe that their riches is in heaven.

  • Okonkwo Goodness Chiamaka

    One good thing i learnt is that as a christian you can still serve God wholeheartedly and be famous without the fame stopping you from serving your God. We Shouldn’t allow the desires of this world to crash our hope of glory. Thank you ma for the write up

  • Cynthia Ugwuoke

    Nice piece..I honestly haven’t heard of John grisham before .. reading about him right now made me realise that faith in God is really very important in life.

    • Wenibo Modupe Glory

      The title made me wondering how faith and fame could possibly work hand in glove and I came to release that one has to keep doing good and that no matter how hard you’ve tried never give up. It is possible to please God in fame just like Grisham.

  • agbo Jude

    It is good to worship God with all our heart but that does not mean that we should be isolated with what is happening around us, good one aunty Edith

  • Chiwetelu Stella

    Even though we Christians are not of the world but we are still in the world and we are the light of the world, as lights we ought to contribute the way we can to whatever that makes the world world more conducive to live in. We shouldn’t be too heavenly conscious and earthly useless nor too earthly conscious and heavenly useless. Actually I don’t know much about him but reading through this made me want to read his works I believe I have a lot to learn. This is like an introduction for me. Thanks ma.

  • Ogbonna blessing

    We should not because of the things of this world deviate from our faith because vanity upon vanity all is vanity. John Grisham should be an example to us.

  • When I perceived the post, I never believed that someone who is economical and academically fruitful can still keep up with his or her faith, because the both do conflict one another, but Grisham has found the middle ground where the two harmonize. Again, his way of life injects simply that no being can do it alone without God by his or her side.

  • Melekwe Anthony E

    “Jesus preached more and taught more about helping the poor and the sick and the hungry than he did about heaven and hell. Shouldn’t that tell us something?”

    Jesus gives us power in Mark 16 because of these people ; the sick, hungry and poor.
    How do we use this power on earth without this people.
    Some say he came to die, I say he came to teach us love and compassion to use this power.

  • Ugwoke Jennifer

    This is inspiring ma, doing the right thing should not be compromised with any other thing in this world, just do it don’t listen to what the world have to say about it just as John Grisham did.

  • Adonu Ifeanyichukwu B

    I have read his Pelican Brief which was quite engaging and suspenseful. He’s really a good writer. From your research, the man is a living example of one thousand and one ways to be a Christian in a world where popularity or being a celebrity keeps many away from their Christian track. Thanks for this enlightenment ma’am I will try and read more of his books.

  • Brown Favour Felix

    Be different is hard to maintain and it can only takes a discipline heart to remain focus and courageous. Cudos to Grisham for staying focused despite all the rejection and stress. I just much love is Faith which led him to fame without compromising.

    I pray for God’s grace to always remain determine and courageous with anything we are doing and not to compromise our faith because of fame, but rather combine them successfully to the glory of God.

    Thanks mma.

  • Thomas Rebecca Ina

    When fame comes, to some people many things change. I can remember when my friend won a beauty pageant competition as “The Nigerian Princess”, for someone who was a choirster she never attended church until her reign was over, even now it is still a battle.
    Grisham, thank you for being a figure we could look up to as a role model.
    I think I would love to be like you.

  • Ezema onyekachukwu Gideon

    I have heard of John Grisham but never have I read any of his books.His biography shows that one can be rich and still humble and God fearing.

    • Michael Ebuka Ogidi

      It’s usually hard to be rich and famous and still think about heaven, because it makes you to think that everything ends here on earth, thereby, taking you away from God. It only takes the grace of God to cope with the two. Grisham’s life is an example of God’s grace.

  • Grisham’s story truly reveals that faith and fame work hand in hand and also serving God can bring about many success stories in our lives because with God all things are possible. No matter what happens,God will always come through for us.

  • Herit

    What a journey of life! Grisham just taught me to be focused no matter what. What a rich man in God

  • Egenti Jennifer

    This is a life with moral shows riches shouldn’t interfere with our moral character. we should remain humble and also fear God too

  • Obiaga ifunanya steph

    I’ve read few of his books and I’d always say this man is my favourite writer.
    It honestly felt so good reading a post on him,i actually never got to research on him . Thank you for the information ma

  • Michael Ebuka Ogidi

    Grisham’s life is a life of grace because it requires the grace of God to be rich and famous and still think about God and heaven.

  • Kooyon Abigail A

    Yes it’s true fame and faith can work correspondently depending on the individual involved.
    If you want to serve God in truth and honesty, fame shouldn’t be a barrier.
    You got to have time for your Maker.

  • Anorue John-Daniel Kelechi

    Inspiring one. Grisham’s life teaches us to believe in God despite our success and fame in life. Some people get blinded by wealth and fame, thus, forgetting the God who Fathered them.


    An educative and enlightening post ma,I just thank God for his grace to buttress some of this some have been too religious and been blinded by some action and activities.grisham life is one worthy of praise.he is not a hypocrite,he is firm on his beliefs.we should be firm and take a stance at something


    A wonderful write up with byeline,quotes and take home lessons such as his trials before coming to limelite.many in our world today would criticize these man in some of his actions. He strongly stand on what he believe to be could be an activitist and use your relationship and involvent with people to make an evolutionary change in behavior, mentality and what have you.swift one ma.


    A man with a catchy personality. Grishams is one who is an innovator and an impacter.entertaining as well giving the is well known that it is hard for the society to see rich and influencer people being tip for heaven as it is in the bible.grishmanis an efficacious entreprenuer with the mindset to thrive in all ramification of life.


    Grishams life is one worthy of emulation in the aspect of strongly going for what he believes.An activist who it against greed, corruption and other social vices.i strongly believe our christians should be more firm nd rigid like him.


    Fame and faith are two concept that at times moves mountain in the hands of the Grisham this two concept were used evidently to impose, implant and efficiently dissipate good morales. this story is an exemplary life full of messages key to success we should look into it.


    Grisham’s life is a book with many scintillating and humorous happenings. Grisham’s determination never to allow being famous distrust his christian life is applaudable. unlike in our country where as soon as we start making small cash we forget God nice one Grisham,nice one ma.


    Fame is a good thing but most especially having the creator the maker and creator of the whole universe is wise.Grisham life attract praise as not many person can do this.they are easy dissuade by the things of this world.great one ma.

  • Onah Joy Chimdalu

    So much to learn from the life of Grisham. If life throws you down, get up, dust yourself and keep going.
    Quitting is not the answer.

  • Wow! I feel inspired by this post. The fact that John Grisham still has time for other things apart from work shows his humility. I’m very sure that other writers not as big as he is can’t do that sort of thing as teaching in Sunday school. One thing I picked from this is that if you are humble and diligent, God lifts you up. Nice post Aunty.

  • Nwosu Victoria

    Today, our world is full of materialistic mindset personally, sometimes I feel the need to blend by following trends and doing awkward things like showing a little more skin or going to inappropriate events. But a tiny voice keeps reminding of who I am and the need to remain on the right track, the need to do the right thing . Good job, ma

  • Emmanuel Steve Sunny

    As a popular Nigerian preacher once opined, of what use is our earthly possessions when it is not being used for God? From the story I’ve seen above, the life of John Grisham is a lesson to those of fame that they can apply it for God.
    Let’s all emulate John Grisham.


    “Jesus preached more and taught more about helping the poor and the sick and the hungry than he did about heaven and hell. Shouldn’t that tell us something?”
    This quote by Grisham really got me thinking, and it’s absolutely true. Most times we’re more focused on preaching the kingdom, but we don’t show kindness to our neighbors and people we come across, and that ought not to be.

  • We should all learn from Grisham, who despite his fameness still stood by God and acknowledged Him as his personal Lord and savior… We shouldn’t because of material things forget our God cause without Him, we can do nothing

  • Catherine Anokwuru

    Having faith alongside fame without falling from the faith cannot be done on our own. We need to be spiritually minded and be strongly influenced by the Holy spirit, rooting our faith in the word of God. It takes the grace of God to achieve this.

  • Nwachukwu Chidinma

    This article is simply about that we should never lose our faith in GOD and in times of difficulties we must always remember that GOD LOVES US. we must always remember that we are nothing without GOD..

  • God never fails his own. It might seem rough and being neglected by people but God’s time is the best. John Grisham’s life is an example to us all. Let our faith in God increase because in him there is fullness of joy. Thank you Ma for sharing and God bless you.

  • Oleighibe Oluebube Tessy

    Wow! Reading about this John Grisham’s life, there are things that struck me in this post; how Grisham dedicated his life to God from a very tender age till date, how his first novel was rejected by 28 different publishers and also how his works (both novels and movies) are free from overly violent and excessively sexual entertainment, yet he is on the bestseller list. now tell me who said faith and fame can’t be friends?
    Thank you Ma, for this enlightening post. I am always glad to read something from this blog because controversial topics are always clarified, therefore friends, I recommend ‘7 proven guidelines for godly dating by Miracle Nwokedi and Edith Ohaja, because it is another controversial topic that is clarified and best answer is given.

  • Okechukwu Obiora C

    Thank you Ma for making me know John Grisham. Before today, I didn’t even know he exist. But because of your blog and post, I have know him and type of person he is.

  • Ajibe Chinonye

    I strongly believe that we can Fame and faith as christians.We should never allow Fame overcloud our faith but learn to balance it.Grisham has already shown us an example that it is possible,Thank you ma for this post.

  • Kenneth Onah

    It’s one thing most of the famous and wealthy people fail to understand… that it is not by your making…
    “Thank God for Grisham, who was able to acknowledge that God made Him so, and was able to use it for the Glory of God. A very big lesson for us, especially the present time Youths.
    “Helping, not just the poor but the needy, according to his quote on Christ’s teachings and preachings while on earth.

  • Chisom nwalutum

    Thanks for this reminder that we can serve God with integrity and still be blessed materially. And if the material blessings don’t come, well that up to God! It’s HIS story to write, not ours.

  • Beautiful. Who says we need to be world to attain fame. Thank you ma for reminding us that we only need God. John Grisham dedicated himself to God at a tender age and it paid off. I implore everyone to do the same

  • Ikebudu Juanita c.

    Wow,am so amazed and elated,this story makes us to understand that faith is not a hindrance to success and the other way round inasmuch as we are grounded,so working towards success doesn’t imply walking away from faith

  • John Grisham is a man worthy of emulation. Despite the ups and down he never gave up, because he know who he has (God) nd he knows that God cn never forsake him. FAITH is a strong shield. Another thing is humility,John is a humble man. Despite his fame, he still respect and adore his creator..

    I cn testify that this story is very enticing. Tnk U very much MA.

  • Orisakwe Ezinne

    This is awesome ma!
    John Grisham is the perfect explanation for the saying “Bring up a child in the way of the lord and when he is old,he will not depart from it “…

  • Orisakwe Ezinne

    This is awesome ma!
    John Grisham is the perfect explanation for the saying “Bring up a child in the way of the lord and when he is old he will not depart from it”…

  • Abonyi Chisom E

    John Grisham, so wealthy, yet God-fearing. Most times, Christians tend to so focused on their race to heaven that they give no attention to material wealth or fame. Does that mean that God doesn’t grant wealth beyond measures, or fame like we are always told…? Supposing we channel our fame, and wealth to the works of the kingdom – to good deeds – I believe it’ll be a better strategy to keeping up with our faith even in times of wealth..

  • Wow! I only knew John grisham to be a writer till now.
    Thanks aunty Edith for enlightening me ?

  • Chukwuneke adaeze jennifer

    John Grisham is a very good example to the upcoming youths telling us that only with God all things are possible he had faith in the Lord and God blessed him abundantly he reaped the fruit of his labour and also that helping others both for poor and the needy is a good Christan virtue.thanks ma’am for bringing his to our knowledge remain blessed .

  • Gold jumbo

    Morals maketh a man. Fame comes with a lot of Bliss and sometimes unfavorable circumstances. I think it’s most important to be humbled as much as you earn. Respecting others needs and opinions and not letting fame or newly found ambitious status get the best of you. Remember manners maketh the man

  • Abasiofon

    I’ve never heard about Grisham before. I’m happy you shared wonderful insights from him which is so inspiring. Success in Christ is the true success. Great one Grisham

  • Favour Nnaemeka

    I have read so many John Grisham novels but I’m a bit shamed to say that I never really knew about this aspect of his life. Faith has never been a hindrance to fame and never will be as is evident in the life of this great writer, it just takes God’s guidance and wisdom to do these things and do them well.

  • Favour Nnaemeka

    – I have read so many John Grisham novels but I’m a bit shamed to say that I never really knew about this aspect of his life. Faith has never been a hindrance to fame and never will be as is evident in the life of this great writer, it just takes God’s guidance and wisdom to do these things and do them well.

  • Really faith and fame can be friends . its important that Christians should place no limitation when it comes to doing what is right, John Grisham is a role model am Actually encouraged by this work, it really brought out how faith can be the substance of things and it taught me patience grisham trying to publish a particular book,but was rejected by several publishers and still he kept pusing and i learnt to continously work with faith until something happen. .

  • Ayigbo Chineme Edna

    Woaw to think i have read books by this great author and dont know his biography. Thank you ma for this expository on his life and some of his works.

  • Anyasor Emmanuel Gerald

    Wow! I’m glad someone else knows this man like myself. Indeed faith and fame can be made to move side by side.
    John Grisham is indeed a gem in the literary world.
    Morals indeed maketh man.

  • Oluchi igboamalu vivian

    It is often said that faith without work is useless and work without faith is also it is always important to keep up with what one believes in and work towards actualizing it through the grace of God that abides

  • Nwosu chinwendu favour

    Am really inspired by this post, John Grisham’s character should be emulated. It’s good to know that there are people who still know that walking with God is more important than earthly possessions

  • Eze vivian Nkiruka

    Really multivating ma,its rear to see a man with such qualities as that of Grisham,who believes that fame and faith can go side by side,he sees his financial success as Gods purpose for him to support Gods work and philanthropic organizational substantially.thank you ma for bringing such a multivational write ups,such as the testament and the tumor, to my knowledge.

  • Ojimadu kingsley

    We can have both, there is nothing restricting that, with fame one can share is faith and believes, fame Will help pushing one faith to a larger public. So they can be friends, heck! The can be best of friends

  • Ugwu Collins Kelechi

    Patience and Consistency are the priceless keys to success and it is expected of us to keep harbouring and nurturing these virtues so as to succeed.

  • Abaraonye, Chidinma Blessing

    As a Christian you can be a great writer, artist, novelist, enterpreneur, etc, they are the position where God have put you so that through that platform you will be able to achieve the purpose you were created.

  • Idam Joy Ogwu

    No man can achieve fame without faith, you can be a Christian and still be successful, you can still be a billionaire and still be meek, fame does not necessarily mean the absence of faith as the world say, faith and fame can still be friends

  • Eze Chioma

    Although I’ve read just one of John Grisham’s novel which is The Chamber,it was enough to know he is a very talented prolific writer. I love the way he tries to inculcate God and his teachings like forgiveness, peace, love, etc in his novels. Indeed, faith and fame can be friends as his steadfast faith in God has helped in the inspiration of the over thirty novels he has written. It is then proven that success without God is near impossible as you need God’s guidance to know how to manage fame, have time for God and for yourself and your family. His belief is that by being philanthropic, it will increase your blessings in a thousand folds and it has obviously worked out well for him by God’s grace and faith. I love the quote in The Activist the most, “Quitting is not the answer. Life is not fair and you can’t quit everytime something unfair happens to you.”

  • Nwabuike onyinyechi

    This is just a reminder that no matter how blessed we are or how much money we have or how successful we are, we can still serve God and work for him just like John Grisham. It’s more like an eye opener to me that you can be wealthy and still work for God diligently

  • Ochekwu Caroline Ene

    Am really blessed by this post today and I really learnt a lot… is one of the key to success I mean look at Graham his novel was rejected 28times but he never gave up, most people would have given up a long time a go even with their 3rd try. This post has made my faith even stronger and also made me to give even more than I used to… Thanks a lot Ma for this inspirational post.

  • Ochekwu Caroline Ene

    Am really blessed by this post today and I really learnt a lot… is one of the key to success I mean look at Grisham his novel was rejected 28times but he never gave up, most people would have given up a long time a go even with their 3rd try. This post has made my faith even stronger and also made me to give even more than I used to… Thanks a lot Ma for this inspirational post.

  • Ezema Uchechukwu

    This story teaches that you could do well in the Labour market, and still be strong in the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Combining his Faith and Politics is very inspiring for me personally. If more people like John Grisham can come into limelight in Politics, I believe we will have Godly Leaders. Thank you for this piece ma.

  • Chiamaka Onah

    I have read a couple of his book and I know for one he is an amazing writer but I know nothing of his personal life. But this write up is indeed a motivation that no matter what point we reach in this life that we should learn to have time for God. Kudos to John for doing a task that’s usually harder as you rise in fame and social status

  • Nwankwo Amanda

    I can totally relate to this, my pastor is a living proof of the fact that faith and fame can be friends.
    He does so much for the church and the society, his level of faith is on the high side, at not point has he let pride take over him, for someone who is successful and famous, he sure is one of the humblest human beings I have encountered.
    This is a beautiful motivation for me, thanks for this.

  • Levi Ifeanyi

    Nice work ma. Truly, faith and fame can abide together in one’s life just like in John’s life. It takes determination and God’s grace to achieve.


    A man with accomplished and innovative career. Do we still have men of his calibre who find a way of pairing faith and fame with ease. All great books are channelled for goods. We should emulate his good ways.

  • Ossai Chidimma Linda

    Dare I say, this weekend, I will be reading my first Garisham’s book.
    “Quitting is not the answer. Life is not fair, and you can’t quit every time something unfair happens to you.” I feel this is easier said than done sometimes we quit, but what matters is getting back every single time.

  • Glory Oluchi

    The life of Grisham teaches us about persistence. The fact that he never gave up even when his work was rejected by many publishers inspires me. Many would have lost hope and put the blame on the devil but he believed in himself and kept trying. The young generation need to learn this from him: to obstinately refuse to give up; quitting is not an option. There is no glory without a story, so never say “it is over” until it is over…….

  • Grisham is indeed a focused writer…no wonder, I always digress when I’m writing a story…he said he always writes 40-50 pages of outlines before starting his story…Thank you for this vital step.
    God help us upcoming writers to leave good footprints also.


    Truly faith and fame can be friends where the focus Is’nt fame but God and His glory. It is very evident in Grisham’s life that even in all his achievements his focus is God. Thanks a lot, ma, for sharing this. There’s just so much to learn.

  • Ominaki pamela

    This story shows that you can still be in the faith and have wealth, game, etc. After all, the blessings of God maketh rich and add no sorrow with it. When you work for God, he’ll make everything work for you and since you’re not working for a second best God, you won’t be second best but the best in every and any area you want.

  • Haruna Precious Ikilama

    Everyone loves a good success story,we’re always eager to hear of that coster monger who became a billionaire. It’s a part of human nature to project and envisage what we want for ourselves on others be it positive or negative however,sometimes we fail to look beyond the surface and miss out on important life lessons. John Grasham’s quote on Jesus’ teaching(s) on giving and helping the poor really hit hard. Giving doesn’t depend on how much you have but on how well you are able to give and your level of understanding on what it feels like to have nothing.

  • Haruna Precious Ikilama

    *Grisham I beg your pardon

  • Adebanjo Adenike Rebecca

    The very word I will add to my inspirational words “faith and fame can reside by side in your life, if you find ways to keep yourself grounded”. We often picture working with God will not enable us to earn for fame, total misconception, with life of Grisham, it is well portrayed in the non fictional story.

  • Abiayi Ifeonuchukwu

    Grisham’s life story indeed teaches a lot on your ability to keep to your faith no matter how wealthy or famous you are. I have never really read his full story up until now.
    Thank you, ma, for enlightening me. God bless you!

  • Chikwesiri Uka

    I think I’ve seen the name, JOHN GRISHAM somewhere, but i didn’t know anything about him until now Its good to know that you can be rich and famous and still be born again. Thanks for sharing profiles of wonderful people, this is really inspiring

  • John Adoyi

    O wow, he is a great writer. I will try to read some of his books.

  • Ajah Ugochi Agnes

    If the Bible admonishes hard work, then I think the same Bible can never be against fame. As far as I am concerned, faith and fame go hand in hand. All we need to do is find a balance.

  • Igwe Chioma Esther

    The profile of John Grisham is worth reading. A prolific writer indeed! There’s so much to learn from him as a Christian

  • Even though Grisham was turned down by 28 publishers, he never let his faith down, we must have that kind of faith.

  • Ndukwe Akwara

    If one works hard surely one must be famous, from the comments have seen so far this issues needs attention

  • Chilaka Vivian

    It is a misconception to think that faith can turn one into a failure. The truth is that with faith much more can be achieved in a person’s life.

  • Oruma Nneoma Goodnews

    John Grisham is actually one of my favorite writers. That is because i love suspense books and he writes them a lot. However,i never took time to know more about him so i am glad i read this.His story is quite food for thought and his faith and fame is enviable.

  • Sambo Deborah Friday

    It’s very good to read about other people’s life story as this can help in motivating an individual’s mindset about life

  • Ibeh Lorretta Chiamaka

    Learning from people like this is really wonderful. The life of John Grisham is worth emulating. Thanks Ma for this wonderful piece


    This is a great recommendation to a great writer and how to reconcile fame and faith.? thanks ma.

  • Chibuife Isaac Chukwuebuka

    Reading this now, I am compelled to know more about this John Grisham. His success stories inspires me greatly. I hope to read more of his books soon.

  • Okeke Obinna Clinton

    The first time i am reading this man’s story and knowing him.. it’s a nice one
    Thanks ma

  • Chinenye Enwerem

    John Grisham is one of the best writers I know, his writings are realistic and quite educating. I enjoyed reading his novels back in secondary school.

  • Most people tend to worship money and forget about God , some christians have no time for God. This is an educative piece,we should learn how to balance God and money.

  • Faith is the bedrock of success.

  • Nwofor Gift Chinenye

    Nothing is impossible with God
    I’m inspired by John’s life

  • Ossai Judith mmesoma

    At the first place I was confused about faith and fame being friends but after reading this man’s work… I cleared my doubt. Well-done ma

  • Nwoke uchenna

    Many people tend to forget their God when they feel they have become successful.

    Very inspiring.

    • Olusola Esther

      When you understand your root, the source of your strength you will never wish to move away from it, even for a second, cos you will automatically fade away. Only the good fame comes from the lord.

  • Chukwumalume Ozioma

    John Grisham’s life story teaches balance between faith and fame. He decided to maintain a clean writing because of his faith and God blessed him with success.

  • Akpan Sarah Precious

    Turned down by 28 publishers and still kept writing? That’s really a great act of having and exercising faith.

  • I don’t know anything about John Grisham before but with this post I have gotten a little insight about the man, life and work,he is a great man indeed.

    • Victor Izuchukwu

      Indeed John Grisham is a really talented, I am inspired by this and hope to read more of his books.

  • Aroh Anthonia Ifeoma

    I really like it when Christians are aware of the need to make certain corrections in the society and this cannot be done by sitting down, folding our hands and just praying. We need to take bold steps like participating in political to show the difference. #Letgodlymenandwomenbeincharge.
    John Grisham is a good example.

  • Makwe Covenant Nkiruka

    John Grisham’s “The Summons and The Broker”,was a turning point for me,in legal fiction for me. He’s a creative, prolific and talented writer. And it’s wonderful knowing that he’s maximizing his potentials,to God’s will. He stood in the face of trials and temptation,and declared his stand,in using his works to inspire people,rather than the trending works of romance books. His story is really inspiring and worth living.

  • Anarah Chisom

    This piece is very lovely ?. I have learnt now that you’re Godly and Christ-minded doesn’t mean you should live a boring life. One can be heaven-focused and still be blessed materially.

  • Manifest Eja

    I don’t why some of our celebrities don’t see serving God as a prerequisit in life.
    I wish they will understand the fact that they became famous because God gave them the grace.
    He is a man of grace and he understood that well.

  • Nwokedi Fortune Odinakachi

    Grisham’s life; Faith and fame!
    Such connection is evident when you dedicate and direct all you do to the glory of God.

  • Emilia Edwin

    John grisham’s “testament” is filled with faith work because the old billionaire leaving his wealth to his illegitimate daughter(Rachael). He knew that she would do the right thing and the lord didn’t fail him.

  • Onoh Chinenye

    He has been one of my favourite authors for as long as I can remember. No doubt, his talent is God-given and with each word he writes, he has changed the world in his own way. John Grisham is a legend and his life is enough evidence to show that someone can make a difference with his or her pen and with innocent words too and of course by God’s grace.

  • Amalu precious

    Now I’m compelled to know more about John Grisham?. Once you start something good and stay in line with God and the truth, be sure to get wholesomeness out of it. Indeed faith and fame can go together.

  • Your faith in God can actually go a long way in helping you acquire fame. By faith, one must aspire in order to acquire the desire that one require.

  • Phillips faith

    This is awesome. This serve as a reminder according to the bible scripture “Matthew 6:33:But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these will be added unto us’ This is a reminder that when we serve God with our hearts we will be blessed with all other things both material things and other wise.

  • Sochi

    I love John Grisham’s personality because honestly speaking, if I am the one with that kind of John Grisham’s net worth,I might stop going to church because of the claim of being too busy.May God give me the grace,to be humble and consistent in His works even after becoming rich

  • Ma I didn’t know you read John grisham I love that guy but never knew he was into God’s work

  • Dennis Lovelyn Chisom

    Money shouldn’t be our main focus in life.
    Our focus should be on God who gives both Money and life.

  • Akpom Chinazor Kamdilichukwu

    Our relationship with God should be able to make us impact fully in people’s lives here on earth. Definitely heaven is our heart desire and goal but before we all go there let the world see Jesus through us

  • Nwawulu Arinze

    Sometimes as Christians we can be so “heavenly focused” that we are useless for this earth. At the same time, we should never forget that we were created for a purpose so as not to focus exclusively on worldly things. We should live in such a way that after all the stress of this life, we will be qualified to Make heaven! Nice one, ma.

  • Williams Blessing Ngozi

    I have heard a lot about him but I never he is a Christian .it feels wonderful to know that most people who are famous and well known still know God and are close to him. This shows that our fame and money are nothing without God .

  • Charles Flourish Iheoma

    According to Apostle Paul, “I wish above all things that you would prosper even as your soul prospers” God really has in mind to give us all the good things of life, fame inclusive.

  • Chukwu Joy Chioma

    I’ve always heard, in fact majority holds the belief that fame is is very difficult to keep up with especially in one’s faith. But this story serves as a source of encouragement.

  • Am really blessed by this post today and I really learnt a lot ,faith is one of the key to success I’m happy you shared wonderful insights from him which is so inspiring.

  • Ibaro Harrison Chidalu

    John Grisham is indeed a model! I’m inspired. Thanks ma!

  • Zita Ezechi

    I learnt something new today
    You can be wealthy and famous and still be a strong believer and worshipper of Christ

  • Okwa Ihuoma Jessica

    Wow this post got me excited, lol, wow so many amazing books to read!
    John Grisham’s life is a wonderful example to us Christians. He was patient, determined and even after getting the fame, he still keeps his principles and the Faith never compromise.
    Good work sir.

  • Duru Gift Onyinyechi

    Nice one ma. Our love and service to God shouldn’t stop us from doing big things here on Earth. The best thing is to achieve the fame just like Grisham did and then use it to glorify God. Thank you ma.

  • Chinweuba Blessing Oluchi

    Faith is the evidence of things not seen. Am amazed that Grisham could balance faith as well as fame. This is very difficult unless one is determined.

  • Victoria Chigere

    Faith and fame can reside side by side if you keep yourself grounded

  • Peter Chinecherem Nathaniel

    John Grisham writing is really great, though I haven’t read any other of his work but this taught me that as a Christian, Faith cannot be compromised for anything , though sometimes our Faith is tested , but we ought to stand our ground.

  • Ossai Joy Adanne

    Faith and fame can indeed be good friends. Even in the Bible God told us to enjoy our life on earth and remember we will give full account of it.Am really inspired by the story.

  • Okochi Chinonso

    What an amazing character. In everything put God first. God gave you that possession,he gave you that wealth so instead of claiming too busy stay committed!

  • Njepuome Nmesoma .O.

    Thank you ma for this insighful post on John Grisham.
    Before now i’ve heard a lot about his books and even come across a few but have not had the urge to read any.
    Now am curious to know more because he sounds like a great man with an outstanding personality.

  • Ezema Johnmartins y

    Though I’ve not read from this man( I don’t even know when to), I’ve learnt much from him more especially in the last part of the post. This wouldn’t have been possible if not for your blog madam.

  • Nwikwu chidera judith

    I’ve read most of his books, mostly the ones containing legal matters but I never took him as a Christian man. This is good to know and to note the way he is handling his game in the world and his faith in God.

  • Aguguesi God'sfavour Idimmachukwu

    I was Soo engrossed that I didn’t realize that it has finished. So much to learn. Thank you so much ma.

  • Nweze Somto Maryann

    Faith and fame can work together,it all depends on how you apply them. This post is really educative.

  • Dick-Unegbu Jennifer

    Seriously, people tend to forget God, as soon as they get the fame, they prayed for; forgetting that it is the lord, that helped them achieve it
    John Grisham is a typical example of how faith and fame can be friends.

  • Adiele Onyedikachi

    I never actually knew of this man but now his books are going to fill my library. The fact he is able to be a consistent Christian amidst his fame is inspiring

  • Ekechukwu Francisca

    John Grisham was a man of faith. He then became a man of Fame. An author of beautiful works, some of which you alluded to.
    We really need to strengthen our faith in times like this.

  • Nnochiri Chinecherem Nnabuike

    This is really inspiring. As Christians we shouldn’t get distracted by the things of this world but focus on the things of the spirit. John Grisham’s life is worthy of emulation.

  • David Nneka

    He is a good writer, I have read his book last testament, it very educative and informative.

  • Stephen Ofojeh

    It is really interesting to find out all this new things about John Grisham

  • His story is truly inspirational. Being wealthy doesn’t mean you can’t still believe in God, in fact, it is the very reason why you should hold on to God and be grounded in His word along with helping other people and touching lives.

  • Ama Mitchelle Chisom

    Indeed faith in christ is never a hindrance to success rather a push and an exciting part of a person’s story.

  • Igwe Amarachi precious

    So educative, I will go and check for John Grisham, this post has induced me to research more of his works.

  • Faith and fame can really be friends if we want it to be. It wasn’t too hard for Grisham to do, so it shouldn’t be for us.
    Ma, I like your writing spirit, it encourages me more.

  • Onuzulike Chukwuebuka Prosper

    This is really inspiring. John Grisham’s life is worthy of emulation. We should try not to get distracted by the things of the world but focus on the things of the spirit

  • Ani Gift Onyinyechi

    Grisham’s life is a complete balance of fame and faith. His novels are quite unique as they differ from regular foreign novels.

  • Ubabunike David Ogochukwu

    Just hearing about Grisham for the first time, thanks for enlightening us Ma

  • Oluchi Abonyi

    I grew up withh the teaching that Christians should not be wealthy, influential or famous. But a lot has changed and this piece has been a source of encouragement to me that regard.

  • Iheme Akunna

    In sum, coping with the fame and wealth thrusted on someone has a lot to do with upbringing because the first lesson a toddler (if I may us that word) learns is within the home environment. His Humility was the focal point of his endeavor and achievement in life embedded with his faith and consistency to it to mould him.

  • Ekeh ifunanya Cynthia

    His story is so inspiring.


    John Grisham’s lifestyle is one worthy of emulation. His faith was a stunning one, even after being rejected by different publishers when he began to write he still had the faith and courage to keep trying.
    Faith and fame can go together if well orchestrated.


    His Humility was the focal point of his endeavor and achievement in life embedded with his faith and consistency to it to mould him.

  • Faith and fame can work together. Grisham writing is very encouraging. He is an encouraging author

  • Okocha precious

    “Jesus preached more and taught more about helping the poor and the sick and the hungry than he did about heaven and hell. Shouldn’t that tell us something?” This quote strikes me quite well and it keeps a reminder in my mind to be generous. I enjoyed this page and insight into Grisham’s life and the realization that fame and faith can be friends has uplifted a burden in my heart and that indeed one can be faithful and yet successful. The notion that the Christians are poor while the wicked are always rich doesn’t end that way always. An encouraging author indeed. Thank you, ma, for sharing this.

  • Mercy osinachi

    One of his quotes captured me: “Jesus preached more and taught more about helping the poor and the sick and the hungry than he did about heaven and hell. Shouldn’t that tell us something?”….. it’s so sad that most of us only think of our selfish interest than helping others, may God have mercy on us

  • Yahsown Dabere

    Faith does not stop success, rather it makes it beautifully pure.

  • His works always speak to the heart.

  • Onyekachi Amarachi

    This was really inspiring to read, it feels so good to know that one can be rich and still be committed to God. This goes to show us that you don’t have to compromise your faith for yor career.

  • Ngwu Chiamaka

    This write up is a life thriller!
    The life of John Grisham depicts a legacy worthy of emulation. It portrays a lot of examples ranging from not giving up, to staying humble even a midst of riches and affluence.
    This one captured my heart❤
    Thank you ma’am🌸

  • Vivian vie

    He is indeed a great man combining faith and fame together not all rich people do this cause they feel they have arrived so therefore have nothing to do with God again which is wrong.

  • Amadi Doris Nmesoma

    Wow! Nice read.

    After going through the post, I got to know that one can excel in life and still do good.
    Being wealthy or famous shouldn’t stop us from doing what God wants.

    Also, the quotes you extracted from John Grisham’s works made my day.

  • Ugwu Ogechukwu promise

    Thanks for this, it will help correct the impressions of many believers that wealth and riches are worldly things, Which has left many them to live and find pleasure in poverty. The life of John Grisham has proved that assertion by christians wrong. Someone can have fame and still keep the faith.

  • Akamadu Oluoma Francisca

    Thank you, ma for using this story to teach success and Christianity

  • Ihuoma Ogochukwu Chinonye

    This is a great read. Faith does not and should not hinder our success. We must learn to balance both while holding on to our faith.

  • Mbakwe Rebecca Turning point

    There’s indeed a lot to learn from this great man.

  • Treasure Emone

    Honestly I am thrilled by the life of John Grisham’s. He is an epitome of a true Christian and someone who is blessed

  • Akalugwu Ruth Chigozie

    This is really amazing.
    I like that you shared the works of this great man,John Grisham with us.
    Although, I know little about him, I know he is a man of Faith with great works, earnestly contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
    He’s really fulfilling according the the Bible.
    Thank you ma. I’m so Blessed.

  • Ekeh Rosemary

    This piece has taught me to keep trying, you’ve never know when your efforts would yield results and you won’t know if you stop. So don’t quit

  • Eze Chidiebeube Judith

    Irrespective of social class, popularity, achievements and wealth, it’s always important to give back to the society and also impact others lives.

  • Okoye Emmanuel

    Being rich doesn’t come with arrogance and pride as people always think. Look at the life of John Grisham, not minding his wealth, he was still humble down to earth.

  • Chidera peace

    Grishams life is worth emulating.he showed us that we shouldn’t lose fait in God.

  • Okwor Nmasi Sarah

    Thank you ma for this write up and for letting us know his perspective in his writing .

  • Itodo Amarachukwu Grace

    Thank you so much ma for sharing. I really learnt a lot from this write up about Grisham.

    I love that part that he is able to find a balance between his career and spirituality. I strongly believe that faith and fame are compatible if you find the equilibrium point. ‘Faith and fame can reside side by side in your life if you find ways to keep yourself grounded.’

    I also love the fact that one can Grisham’s life also shows that one can be in God and still be successful in life. It helps to change the believe that anyone in God must not command affluence or be rich.

    His life as a writer shows that you must not ‘follow the crowd.’ He made a name for himself by not writing the way others wrote even though it was actually difficult at first.

  • Nicholas Princewill Kelechi

    So great a man, Godly and clinged to this much humility,… Of course he has to soar higher hence God blesses the humble in spirit

  • Jacenta ossai.

    Quitting is not the answer. life is not fair , and you can’t quit anytime something unfair happens to you. Motivation!!

  • Peace Agada

    This is timely, to be honest I never knew this side of John Grisham till I read this story, this further proves how impactful this blog has been to me.
    “faith and fame can indeed coexist” you can serve God and still be impactful, very impactful. Now John Grisham is known world wide for who he is and for what he stands for. I also learnt to be bold about my faith.

  • Ezugwu Chidera

    I enjoyed reading this. So much to learn from this literary icon, I didn’t even know this much about John Grisham.

  • Agwuna kamsiyochukwu chidinma

    Wow. His works have a lot of inspirational quotes that educate and at the same time lift up one’s spirit…I truly enjoyed this post and learned a lot.

  • Amen!
    Right now, I plan on reading one of John Grisham’s book. One can rightly pattern his or her lifestyle just by reading posts from this blog. I regret hesitating to visit your blog after you sent us.
    Thank you so much ma’am.

    • Ucheghara Fortune

      This write up is very inspiring. The story of Mr Grisham is one that motivates one to keep going despite the darts thrown at you.

  • Okwor Uchenna Sonia

    Grisham’s book is such an amazing and interesting one which every writer should be acquainted with.

  • Okereke victoria chigemezu

    This is very inspiring, Graham’s resolve to follow the right path despite rejection and failure.His life is worthy of emulation.

  • Benjamin Glory

    Some people think christians are broke people, but in Jesus lays greatest wealth. You can’t be in Jesus and be broke, never.

    He’s the giver of wealth, and serving God and work yields fruit. Even the bible talked about work and faith.

  • Sincerely I haven’t come across Grisham’s book, but this story is a very interesting and impactful one. Thank you ma.

  • What a great way to combine wealth and fame!


    One should persist and continue to work hard towards their goals, even when faced with adversity or obstacles. Perseverance and determination are key traits that can help individuals overcome setbacks and achieve success.

  • Igboka Valentine chidera

    I enjoyed reading this, there’s so much to learn. Quitting should never be an option in our life

  • Ezeagu Eberechukwu A

    Thank you man for this post
    I didn’t even know much about John Grisham. This write up is very educative.

  • Onuoha Augusta

    Even though his first novel was rejected,he didn’t stop writing he kept on writing till he became so great.Always put your faith in God

  • Uderika onyinyechi gift

    Who says we need to be worldly to attain fame. Thank you ma for reminding us that we only need God. John Grisham dedicated himself to God at a tender age and it paid off. I implore everyone to do the same. Indeed he is a role model worth emulating

  • Onyenekwe Ihechi Prince

    I’m delighted and fortunate to learn from John Grisham’s lifestyle that despite fame, your faith can be so much alive and intact and with your fame, you profess your faith and do exploits in kingdom business to God’s glory. Passing on your greatness is also key. Thank you so much, Ma.

  • Nwachinemere Oham

    I believe that as Christians we can always leave room for materialism, while at the same time working hard to improve and prosper and make sure God’s word is spread throughout the world. Love and light everybody.

  • Aniehe MaryJane Chisom

    Grisham’s perspective of the relationship between being famous and still faithful to God’s work is one I find inspiring. I believe it’s something every christian should learn.

  • We should know that no matter how rich we are that is by GOD’S and we should not forget the poor

  • And we should remember to thank GOD for all he gave to us no matter how small.

  • Rosemary

    Don’t know much about Grisham but I enjoyed reading this 😊

  • Glory Odogwu

    I learnt about a man named Grisham in this writeup, and how he was a very prolific writer and a born again Christian.
    I also got to know how he feels his blessings are as a result to support and push the gospel forward .

  • Ihuoma Ogochukwu Chinonye

    This is a great read. Faith does not and should not stop or hinder our success. We must learn to balance both while holding on to our faith.

  • Madukwem Ebube Sharon Oghenetegiri

    Faith is not an hidrance to success instead it lays the foundation for success .

  • Will ifeanyi

    Wow.. This is amazing, reading through the lines and seeing how such an icon of faith is handling his faith and fame, All young people need to go through this for better experience of handling success as Christians.

  • Emeka Hope Nmesoma

    Wow! The beauty of being in communion with God. An inspiring write up.

  • Obinabo Chinelo

    From the little I’ve seen here, Grisham’s books are truly inspiring

  • Braide kenneth victor

    Before now I didn’t know such an icon existed, it’s good to know that our career choices doesn’t necessarily affect our relationship with God unless we let it. Thank you ma for the enlightenment.

  • Akuma Creeda

    This post is so true, faith and fame can really be friends.

  • Kamsy Mbamalu

    I have heard of John Grisham but I have not been opportune to explore his books. This details you have given ma about him has piques my interest in him.

    The man is an epitome of fame and fate actually going together.

  • Chidimma Miracle

    Such an enlightening piece, I learnt that one can serve God and rake in millions. His life is really worthy of emulation.

  • Ugwu Samuel Chidera

    Faith and fame can reside side by side in your life if you find ways to keep yourself grounded.

  • Ugwu Samuel Chidera

    God gave you wealth for a reason. Use it for the selfless service of those in need.

  • Ekene Emmanuella kosisochi

    Faith and fame can exist and humility is one virtue that helps in promoting it.


    I believe fame is a blessing From God, which we should use to influence people for good.

  • Chimdalu Onah

    Having faith in God is the bedrock of success. God is the giver of wisdom and knowledge as a creative in God, God inspires us.

  • Ngwu Chinasa Modesta

    Thanks for your good work ma, have heard of his name but never know all this about him (John Grisham).

  • Ebube Leonardo

    This is very inspiring!. His works have a lot of inspirational quotes

  • Harrison Nnamdi Ogbonna

    John Grisham has written and inspired many youths. I never knew him much till after I read this. Thanks for this, Ma’am.

  • Oshen uke Gift

    Faith and fame can actually go together but it takes someone soley rooted in Christ to achieve such. I am proud of Grisham.

  • Odo Faith Chinecherem

    I am really blessed by this. God bless you ma

  • Uduma precious

    The story of John Grisham demonstrates that a person’s faith can coexist with their success and wealth. Grisham, despite his immense wealth and fame, remains dedicated to living according to biblical principles and regularly contributes to charitable organizations and missionary work. He attributes his success to God’s blessings and sees it as an opportunity to support God’s work and help those in need.

  • Chukwuemeka Lydia Ogechi

    This a huge inspiration! Being a born again doesn’t hinder you from your dreams, instead it fuels it to success. First time hearing about him, his life is a huge inspiration. I feel bless to have gain this knowledge. Thank you ma’am

  • Chukwuebuka Adikankwu

    Faith and Fame can go hand in hand, it all depends on how we manage them.

  • Juliet

    Peoples relationship with God should allow them do good here on earth and help people around us.

  • Chidiebele Ojuanu O.

    This is awesome ma. Serving God and still keeping the standard doesn’t make you poor. God knows how to reward His own.

  • Ogechukwu Joy Omeje

    Thank you Ma for enlightening us through this piece.

  • Chiamaka obinna

    Hmmm… quite interesting ma.
    One thing I got from this story is that” Faith is never a hindrance to success”. Both can be combined and balanced effectively to give a productive life.

  • Okoewa favour

    Please ma, where can I get John Grisham’s books?

  • Ugwoke Rita ogechukwu

    This is impacting, yes as a human being everything shouldn’t be heavenly based though one should no how to balance things inorder not to miss heaven.

  • Onyishi Henry Kelechi

    John Grisham’s life and work remind us that faith and success are not mutually exclusive. He is a talented writer who has maintained a commitment to clean and engaging storytelling, proving that wholesome fiction can still be compelling and find a place on bestseller lists. His dedication to faith, charity, and humanitarian work showcases that faith can coexist with fame and wealth when grounded in core values. Grisham’s journey from initial rejection to becoming a celebrated author underscores the importance of persistence and following one’s passion, even in the face of setbacks.


    Quite enlightening thanks for sharing ma

  • Ugwuoke Eurel Chikwendu

    Certainly! Your exploration of John Grisham’s life and work highlights the harmony between faith and success, the challenges of maintaining a moral compass in the world of entertainment, and the importance of perseverance in the face of rejection. It’s a testament to how an individual’s values and actions can coexist with their achievements. Grisham’s story serves as an inspirational example for those aspiring to make a positive impact through their writing and personal beliefs.

  • Tom Teme

    Thank you for using this blog to inspire us. God bless you ma.

  • Ezea Amarachi Joy

    Faith and fame can truly be friends. Grisham despite attaining fame and prosperity as a celebrated novelist has maintained a steadfast dedication to his christian faith. This showcases that one can achieve worldly success while upholding profound commitment to their religious convictions. I’m impressed.

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