Sharon has appealed to her boss to give Raphael a job and he agrees. She wants to compensate for “dumping” him for another guy. But it’s not the job she expected that the MD wants to give Raphael. He is to work with her and she feels Raphael might outshine her on the job. Let’s find out what really happens.
The MD scheduled to see Raphael the next week as he was going on a short trip to Ghana. He started work right from that meeting. By the time I came to pick some documents from the MD’s filing cabinet, they were already plotting the chapters for his autobiography. Raphael was brimming with ideas and before lunch break, he was showing the boss a folder full of stuff he had printed from the Internet. These were articles written about him over the years. He promised, to the MD’s delight, to peruse them that evening and come up with fresh angles for the book.
The idea he floated was that the autobiography should reveal things about the MD that weren’t already public knowledge and should help to build in people’s mind the persona of a selfless, altruistic individual right from his childhood. The boss lapped that up like Raphael was Einstein but how else could the book have been approached? These guys were taking to each other like a house on fire and I felt like I was being tossed aside. After being the MD’s favourite for so long, you can imagine how that hurt.
Raphael and I were not back on an even keel, expectedly. But he said he couldn’t bring himself to be angry with me for two reasons. First, he claimed that he loved me. Second, he believed that I loved him too (even if I didn’t know it yet) and that convincing my MD to hire him was a sure proof of that. On these grounds, he declared that he would wait till my relationship with the lawyer had run its course.
The whole thing made me mad. Who did Raphael think he was? Why was he so sure of himself? The truth was that my relationship with the learned gentleman (Nnanna) wasn’t going so well but I told myself that I’d rather die than admit it to anyone, let alone Raphael. We’d only been together three weeks or thereabouts but I was fed up! Nnanna was dishonest and self-centred. He enjoyed playing on other people’s intelligence. He was manipulative and if not for keeping up appearances before Raphael, I would have told him to go to h#ll.
In the time we had dated, the guy had accepted several gifts from me without reciprocating. He always came up with an excuse to split the bill or make me pay wnen we went out. He made long calls to his clients with my phone and used up the cellular data on my modem.
He had some good features, everyone does. He said the sweetest things (especially when I fed him well), he was quick to apologise, he wasn’t pushing for sex and he looked drop dead gorgeous! But I’m afraid none of these things could redeem him in my sight. So I’d gone from one tangle to another. I was desperately seeking for means of offloading the lawyer without letting Raphael know. Didn’t want to see him gloat.
What to do? As I was angrily rifling through papers on my desk on Friday in search of my ringing phone, I chanced upon the leave form Mr Pen Pusher had brought to me a few weeks ago. That was it! I was going to apply for leave, not just to get the allowance, I actually wanted to go away.
Things were messed up for me. I needed time to clear my head, to restrategise. Having Raphael so close wasn’t allowing me to do that. In the past, I couldn’t leave ’cause no one else could handle my portfolio but with Raphael on board, my boss would have no reason to deny my application, I thought.
But when I brought it up, he said I should give him till the end of the following week to decide if and when I’d be going on leave. Imagine that! And to add insult to injury, he announced that he was assigning the writing of the books to Raphael while
I continued my “rantings” on social media. He actually used the word “rantings”. So much for Raphael being my assistant!
“I will soon be the girl that serves you guys tea and doughnuts if care is not taken,” I muttered, and Raphael chuckled. He actually found that funny!
There was no TGIF for me that day. A miserable weekend loomed ahead. It sucks to be in the dumps especially when you know who to blame for your predicament. How I hated Raphael! But I was going to bounce back! I was not going to let him render me redundant in my own office! And while I was at it, I was going to make him pay for working his smart-a#se routine on my boss so soon.
-To be continued-
Ⓒ Edith Ugochi Ohaja 2016
Do you think the MD has been unfair to Sharon?
If you were in Raphael’s shoes, would you do anything differently?
Watch out for Episode #5 of this very entertaining story right here on
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Aunty Edith simply has d knack for story telling! It gets better as there seems to be this invisible glue that glues one n says u must finish this n even want more. Sharon’s predicament is what we always come in contact with in life. From love to hate and the guilt and the consequent need for -compensation! But who knows if the compensation will end up unfavouring us?
And Raphael; true like all good lovers (I must say like me), is willing to wait for an eternity to have his bae! I won’t jump into conclusions, I’m expecting the next part, Aunty; Cheers.
It gets better by God’s grace, my dear. Stay tuned, as they say on TV. You are blessed!
Not sure yet but will keep you posted, thank you!
I predicted in Episode 1 that Sharon’s decision to even take Raphael to her working place could achieve something worse than expected (when i had not known she was going to get a job for him in that same company). Those who are chauffeured by desperation are bound to overstep the limit of reasonableness. I am surprised she does not seem to expect her predicament. Her Boss’ “ranting” outburst discomforts her (lols). However, her determination to bounce back and turn the situation around adds another suspense. Ma, the way you come up with unpredictable scenes is amazing and award-winning. Thanks once more as you continue to entertain and teach us. It makes me feel the hunger for this blog even though I have lost my device. God bless!
Sorry about your device, Chinagorom, and thanks for the kudos! It is the grace of God that is doing this. Glory to His name!
I read all four episodes today Aunty. I must say that you are a master plotter of suspenseful and spellbinding tales. I just couldn’t take my eyes of the screen of my phone until I have munched the whole of Episode Four.
And about our heroine, Sharon, the happenings in her life are a reflection of what happen to individuals in our society. Let’s face it, Aunty: even the most born-again, spirit-filled and tongues-speaking pastor in a denomination would ‘battle’ with envy when he sees another who outshines him. Like Sharon, everyone needs God’s grace every day, every time, and everywhere. Thumbs up, ma’am!!!
Yes, we need God’s grace always, my dear. Thank you and stay blessed!
the MD has not been unfair, and if I were Rapheal, I will do more to impress my boss (cos the job is important)
But I can understand how Sharon feels. That MD na waa oh! You send person make e dey do something, you turn call am “ranting”. Lol!
the battle line is drawn…….Sharon is now facing her worst fears…….
the MD is sooo very fair to her.
and oh yes…i love wat Ralph is doing nd if i were in his shoes i would do more….but i know luv conqures all
Don’t you pity her just a little? Things are surely not going the way she planned them.
No she is some how getting her own coin from another person. she is indirectly receiving her punishment. if i was in Raphael’s shoes i will do just as he is doing and telling her those words “because i love you and i know you love me too” is something that will really put more fire in her head.
Fire in her head? Lol! You are blessed!
No need to apologise. Sometimes, we just can’t escape the consequences of our actions.
I dont think the MD is doing anthing wrong, from the way i see it he is a man of variety am sure he could use a little space and the idea was pushed to him in first place.
And for sharon i think her applying for a leave is okay, she needs time to think about the changes going on around her.
I would seek a break too if I were in her shoes.
I think Sharon is getting just what she deserves. Th MD and Raphael haven’t done anything unfair. All the negative attributes she described of Nnanna are what she’s surprisingly, guilty of.
This is where her scheming has landed her. #justdesserts
lol, Sharon’s boss might be joking when he used “Ranting” as the duty of Sharon, if we can actually keep sentiment apart, we would not blame the MD, he needed his company to go to the next height, no matter how rich a man is he will surely strive for more, besides it was this same Sharon that brought Raphael… Raphael is actually on the right track, he should just take it easy with her, you know some people dont really appreciate what they have until they loose it, very soon the speck in her eyes will fall off, i pray it wont be too late then.
The use of the word “rantings” is enough to make anyone mad. She was just doing what he asked her to do. Thank you, Ijeoma. You are blessed!
Sharon is the pilot of her problems… it was so callous of her blaming it on Raphael. the M.D was not being unfair to her, in fact talent are rare to find, but when you find one, you need to grab it. that was all the M.D did. if i was in Raphael’s shoes, i wouldn’t do anything differently because i am not doing anything wrong, but merely doing my job, being consistent and putting all hands on deck
The MD is one smart businessman. Kinda reminds me of Donald Trump. Lol! Grace and wisdom to you, Chiamaka, in Jesus’ name.
wow! this story is getting interesting and the turn out of events is intriguing. ahh the MD is cool and has done nothing wrong, Sharon is just reaping the fruit of her mess. Good luck to her. And for Rapheal, he is a true gentleman. His kind is rare,Sharon should count herself lucky to have such a man care for her.
That MD, though. Talking about Sharon’s work like that! But it’s likely he’s being used to humble her without his knowing it. Sleep tight, Nkechi!
Girl!! don’t let your ego drag you to the mud why not leave the lawyer, you want to prove Raphael wrong at the expense of your own happiness(well its pay back) but seriously if she also gets rid of her jealousy she will see that she wont be serving anybody tea
You think the lawyer is an unnecessary encumbrance. But she wants a working boyfriend. And this one is hot to boot. Lol! Bless you, Amarachi!
The MD is not entirely being fair but the he is what he is, a business man. So Raphael is not so wrong cause he is trying to secure his position.
Yes, the MD is a smart businessman. As for Raphael, he just can’t help himself. He’s that good and Sharon knows it. That’s what has got her shaking in her boots.
well, i think the MD is not, i will just put more effort into every work before me and prove to the boss that i am competent and capable
As he knew I was before Raphael came on board. That should work. Bless you, Chinyere!
The boss is actually doing what he’s supposed to do as a boss. He is not being unfair to Sharon in anyway. There is nothing wrong in what Raphael did. If i were in his shoes, i will do more to prove myself competent and capable.
Thanks, Ifunanya! You are blessed!
Hard work pays ,,Raphael is working hard and his boss is impressed with him,he should continue working hard to retain his job
Abi? Sharon’s headache is her own cup of tea.
Dat z up to Sharon, she caused her own predicaments Nd to Raphael,he should continue to work hard cuz it counts in any organization,, tanks ma
The MD just wants the growth of his organization and nothing else.If i was Raph i would have done exactly the same thing.. the world does’nt revolve around Sharon you know
The MD has done nothing wrong to Sharon, Raphael has only proved himself to be hardworking and delligent.
If i were Raphael, seriously i would put in extra effort. This is really interesting ma.
the manager is not been unfair…everyone sure goes for the best,no one stops at better….Raphael should keep up with his job…he has a responsibility
The boss has not been unfair to Sharon in anyway, he is just doing his job and as for Sharon i think she is reaping the fruit of her predicament. if i were to be in Raphael’s shoe, i will even do more than that
Sharon has just dugged her own pit and she is gradually falling into it.As for the M.d i think he should accord Sharon her respect since she has always been up to the task and as for Raphael who is an hardworking man if i were to be in his shoes i would not let my guard-down but put in more effort into the work am being assigned
Eyaa sharii is really confused. Just go and re strategice let’s know the other plans u hav for us. Pls grant her her leave oooo!
Ceteris paribus Md’s trying to create I.e law of equality, in this way create competition amongst them which will in turn make them prove their worth by adding more skills to themselves. To Raphael ” I am not lucky am Blessed” I would do things differently for me to be opted out from the crowd of cobwebs.
What is greater than the cricket has entered the cricket mouth and if vomited will course problem, allowing it to stay their is also dangerous, i just pray their will be a way out but i doubt. As for the MD, He is not wrong because he has a target before investing in his firm which is to boast his popularity among others.
Yes the MD was being a little bit unfair to Sharon. I dont think Raph needs to do anything differently. he should keep working hard.
The MD is fair because he puts his business progress in line before any other thing although He might hurt Sharon’s feeling.
Hmmmm, Raphael can’t really quit because he really wants to achieve more and it’s like a dream come true for all workers to be acknowledged nd promoted but also I said earlier there is more to what Sharon is experiencing.
Noooo the MD is just thinking like a real business man profits and gains before favouritism …..and if am in rapheal I will do the same he is just being romantically annoying trying to make her see what she is about to loose…#laughs I just love this epusode
The MD is not unfair to Sharon in any way. though, Sharon might feel hurt and dejected due to the official role assigned to Raphael . that is, writings of the books while Sharon does the ranting but all these disposition is for the progress of the company since Raphael has proved his intelligence and competence in handling such office. as for Raphael, hard work and sincerity as well as integrity is the attribute that he needs to possess for the rapid progress and success of the company.
Mr MD is not unfair to her I would say, every reasonable tycoon will put his business into account first before any other thing (business before pleasure) she should feel offended but put more and more commitment to her duty (ies)
I will try to prove beyond every reasonable doubt that I’m capable of the assignment
the MD is not being unfair to Sharon because his business comes first before anything else. if i was in Raphael’s shoes, i will not do anything differently cause its not my fault that i am that good.
The MD is doing his job as a business man and if am in Raphael’s shoes,i will not do anything differently ,becos i dnt knw wot sharon is carrying mind
MD has not be unfair to sharon , just that businessmen want the best and when they see talented person that will give them the best and improve their business,they don’t hesitate to grab the opportunity because opportunity come but once. if i am in Rahpael shoes, i will do the same because opportunity come but once like i said earlier, this is his opportunity to improve his financial life through hard work because hard work attract big salary or better salary.
No he didn’t,more attention was given to rapheal because he is good in writing and just fits in the MD’s plain.
No if i was in rapheal’s shoes,i wouldn’t act differently because i would think she is been sincere and original.
hahaha, i knew it, didn’t i say it. hahaha so sharp sharon where did all this land you??? chai,vanity, ur prophecy may come to pass. didnt u want to help Ralph. Nice one Aunty Edith, keep us going
I don’t think the M.D. acted unfair at all
MD is not unfair…. from the inception of the story, MD want to create a better image for himself and he wants competent persons to do that for him. so, the work of Sharon and Raphael is like PR work.. therefore, MD needs competent person to do the work for him. moreover, i thought Sharon is smart. she should have thought of the outcome earlier… if i was in Raphael’s shoes, there is nothing special i would have done, because they are still the plans of Sharon and since have gotten the job, i will do my best to do the right thing…
I wonder what Sharon expects Raphael to do. To appear dumb to the MD or what? that way, he would lose his job in no time since he is of no use. He just can’t hide his potentials..i can only say sorry to you miss Sharon and good luck with your smart, drop dead gorgeous Lawyer Boyfriend!
No, the MD just chose expertise to number of years in office which is normal and no i wouldn’t have done things differently in Raphael’s shoes. the story just keeps getting better. Good one Ma
I appreciate, Ifechukwude. You are blessed in Jesus’ name.
Sharon should first remove the moth in her eyes before seeing the one in someone’s eyes. she has the nerve to describe Nnanna as dishonest, self-centered and playing on people’s intelligence when it is exactly all she is doing; guess she is getting more than she bargained for. As for Raphael, love or no love, my dear the job is important at least with it, you can still take care of her when eventually she agrees to marry you. Raphael cant lose at both ends and as for the MD, I dont blame him if he falls for someone who can promote his popularity more for him but then, it is bad of him to just relegate Sharon just because a better person came along.
Beautiful comment. Bless you, Chioma!
The MD is being fair and if Raphael is the best for the job so be it. To Raphael, he is not doing anything bad, he is just trying to do his job and Sharon should not think only about herself
I don’t think MD was unfair to Sharon. Every manager of whatever firm or establishment would want his enterprise to thrive. what is needed here is the brain and not the face. what i mean is, Sharon has not much of the brain (i mean knowledge) as Raphael does. Face here refers to the boss/employee relationship between the MD and Sharon. MD’s work demands the knowledge rather than the relationship. Therefore, he did no wrong choosing Raph (who he finds more competent) to do the work. It is said that there is no sentiment in business, I suppose MD knows this and that’s why he chose Raph in the place of Sharon. And if I were in Raph’s shoes, I would do nothing different either.
The boss is just doing what anyone could have done under the circumstances, since it was Sharon that brought Rapheal and Rapheal has proven to be a genius in his field. please who would’nt want the best. not that he is actually doing away with Sharon, this is a book and it got to be at its best. i think God used Sharon to bring Rapheal so that the MD’s book would be wonderful.
The MD is not being fair to Sharon but i think she shouldn’t complain since she brought it upon herself. And why will she complain about Nnanna, saying he is being self centred and does not reciprocate the gifts she buys for him because of spilled fund. she deserves all she is getting. If i were to be in Raphael shoes i wouldn’t think differently because of the quality time we spend together and for the fact that Sharon tells everyone in the office that i am her boyfriend and everyone believes it.
” he declared that he would wait till my friendship with the lawyer had run it course” I feel like crying,Raphael sure love Sharon, but life is so unfair that sometimes the people you love don’t love you back…Sharon is a definition of pride herself why stock yourself with someone that disgust you… I don’t think there is anything wrong with what the MD did because he actually thought he is doing her good by helping her friend…if am in Raphael’s shoes I will not only smile but will laugh out loud.
Hmmmmm… Sharon’s plans have backfired on her, I think Raphael is just working hard to impress the MD. Just observing Sharon’s next move?
Watching with 3D ? glasses from here too. Lol!
Raphael should keep it up with his talents and good ideas; Sharon should learn from him. She is just being jealous. we should not be envious of other people’s talents we can be better if we believe in ourselves.
Correct! ?? Bless you, Esther!
The MD is not being unfair because to him he is getting the services he wants from Raphael and this is want every entrepreneur desires. To me Raphael is not doing anything wrong he is just doing his job
Sharon is getting what she deserves and she should quit being jealous and learn from Raphael before he throws her off her position. As for Raphael he should keep up the good work.?
The MD have not been unfair to sharon rather he is doing his work, if i were in rapheal shoes i will not act negatively rather keep watching her till she is satisfied with her plans.
The boss is doing what everyone would do. Lets face reality Raphael is better than Sharon, so the boss is just being fair. Raphael is also doing the right thing, if i were to be in his shoes,i would do the same thing.
I don’t think the MD is being unfair to Sharon. She is getting what she asked for and its all her fault. Who doesn’t like progress? and I don’t think Raphael should anything differently either
Sharon deserves everything that is happening to her, and as for Rapheal, he should keep up with the good works, the MD is just doing what is best for the company, Rapheal is good at his work and so will be the company, with Rapheal…
He wasn’t unfair to sharon at all. he is just going about his business.
i wouldn’t, I’ll keep being good at my job, if Sharon feels so bad, she should politely ask Raphael to teach her.
To me , I don’t think the MD is unfair at all.. I mean this is business for Christ sake..he’s looking for the best and the betterment of his company.. And as for Ralph, I will keep trying and doing my best
Sharon is reaping from what she sowed
Good for sharon
My heart hurts for dear Sharon. Oh! Things are not going the way we planned it baby, but relax! We’ll get to the end of this. But if it becomes too unbearable, I will bounce away like a football thrown in nonchallance
I don’t think MD has been unfair to Sharon, he is sincere in his duty,he thought Sharon has a good intention by helping him(Raphael) to secure a job not Knowing that she is thinking otherwise, is just that Sharon’s plan is beginning to thwart ND is as if MD is being unfair to her
If am Raphael, I won’t think differently, I will still be there for her even though she doesn’t have that feelings I have for her because life is all about trial, I will keep trying ND I so much believe that one day she will dance to my tune
The MD is not unfair to Sharon in anyway, he has to do the right thing that will benefit him and others. No, if am in Raphael shoe, I will not do anything differently because the right thing should be done.
I doubt if the MD is being unfair. Probably he’s seen another competent hand to entrust with his business and he feels happy about it. Sharon isn’t really acting out of place as most of us if in her shoes will act same way when we meet rivalry and competitors our way.
To Sharon her MD ws unfair but for me i think her MD ws only doing what he thinks z right ie things that will move the company forward.
If i was Raphael, i will not, i will just seat n enjoy the whole thing…lol…
I don’t think so, being that she was the one that persuaded him to accept rapheal, he wasn’t being unfair since Raphael turn out fine. If I were Raphael I’ll always get on Sharon’s nerves… for fun!
The MD is not being unfair to her because first she recommended him and the man want the best for his company and Raphael shouldn’t act differently
She can’t believe that Nnanna was so self-centered and manipulative. What irony!
I feel the MD was not trying to be unfair to her, I think he just wanted to reduce her work load but she took it the wrong way. If i were to be Ralphael i won’t do things differently instead i will work harder cause i want to keep my job and not relax cause the girl i love is the MD’s favourite.
The MD is fair to Sharon cus its obvious that raphael is doing a better job than she is..and if I was Raphael’s shoes I really won’t mind changing my strategies cus this is a business organization and it needs fresh ideas
Currently the MD is my best character in the stories, he is so understanding. Always trying to accomodate Sharon. and if i am Ralph i will not do anything differently, I will show the MD that he was not wrong in appointing me and also establish myself
Judging from the boss’s side, I don’t see any thing wrong with what he did… He did not fire Sharon. Rather he saw a better Hans and decides to use it.. Someone that would give him what he wants..
If I was in Raphael’s shoe.. I wouldn’t av done anything different from what he did
To me, he did what he was supposed to
The MD is not unfair to sharon,if i were in Rapheal”s shoes i won”t do anything different
I don’t think that the MD is unfair, he is doing what will favour him and his company. Ralph is brilliant and should use it to project himself more and not others like he did for Sharon back in school
hahahahaah this is really funny….my dear the MD is not doing anything unfair to her, karma has caught with her and for Raphael he is just doing what he should be doing.
The MD hasn’t been unfair, the only thing there is that good works attracts appreciation. If I happen to be Raphael’s shoes, I won’t do anything to make my employer regret why he employed me.
The MD is somehow unfair. Raphael shouldn’t have done anything apart from that which he is doing already.
Not at all.the M.D just needs d best and dis is his image he is protecting.thou the word ‘ranting’ may sound harsh but Dats not what he really means. I don’t expect rapheal to act differently. He should keep acting cool for the cool guy he is.
Logically, the MD, I think is not is not unfair to Sharon in any way. She requested his help towards compensating Raphael by giving him a job. If her request is being granted, it is non of MD’s business. The MD is neither aware nor interested in their relationship. On the other hand, I think doing anything differently is not necessary. Therefore, I would not!
so touching…in a way she did want she has to do as a woman behind her man in getting that job for him but on the other hand, no man one earth would love to backdown from his job since he is hardworking and no MD OF ANY COMPANY WILL RISK HIS COMPANY’s reputation because of someone working with him. sharon should endure it and not plan dirty like she is already doing..MA!YOU ARE REALLY GREAT.
Praise God! I’m glad you’re enjoying the story.
The MD is not being unfair to Sharon because he sees potentials in Rapheal and he is trying to give him a chance and if i was in Rapheal’s shoes i wouldn’t do anything differently. Sharon needs to get a hold of herself.
in business, u dont bring in bias… you go with the best irrespective of who the architect is… so i dont think the MD did anything wrong. Raphael was just doing his job.
The MD has the responsibility of ensuring his business flourishes and if that comes with Raphael, his new hand, why not. Sharon should accept that fact. That’s business
The MD is trying to improve his image which he thinks will add to the betterment of his company and I don’t think he is being unfair to Sharon as he is only trying to reduce her workload and he actually found the best person for the job.
If I were in Raphael’s shoes, I wouldn’t do anything differently. This is an opportunity to regain his feet in the financial world.
I think MD has been unfair to her. His use of uncouth language,” ranting” was derogatory and inflammatory. This is reminiscent of the popular igbo saying,” Anuta agbogho achupu agadi” (when a new wife is married, an old one is chased away).
However, I would not do differently if I was in Raphael’s shoes. This is because what she actually murmured was funny and Raphael’ reaction was somehow a reflex action. Besides, Raphael was not supposed to rise to her defence, because he was still new to the environment and enjoying the MD’s admiration.
The MD is not being unfair he is receiving the service he is paying rapheal for and if I were rapheal i would not do differently
The ND is not unfair to Sharon. If I was in Raphael shoes I wouldn’t act differently because of the love I have for her.
The MD is not being unfair to Sharon. His only acting the way anyone would act when they meet someone with bright ideas for the future.
Sharon is getting what she deserves for leading such a fake life. Leaving Raphael right after her scheme fell in place was just the beginning of her being in the dumps. The MD is being very fair to Raphael, no doubt, realism and selflessness really pays off.
Aunty you have the back-bone of a writer. The most interesting episode.
Glory to God! You are blessed!
The way things are going does not show any sense of unfairness from MD to sharon. Raphaels actions towards MD and the company at large is a good one because I believe he’s working for the betterment of the company.
The MD did what he ought to do by rendering a help hand.
if I’m in Raph’s shoe I will continue being my self.And then put in my best into the work.
The MD did what he ought to do by rendering a helping hand
IF I’m to be in Raph’s shoe I will put in my best in the work.
The MD wasn’t being unfair,he wants d best 4 d company and also needs to choose d best 4 it but nt by making sharon look inferior and Raphael shouldn’t do anytin differently,he needs to put out his best if he really want to seek favour and be appreciated in d company
The MD is not unfair to Sharon.
in Ralphaels shoe i dont think i would since he says he loves her
Story going just as I expected it….Raphael’s got ideas n ideas are like d backbone of every firm….so Sharon shud quit being jealous n b d executor of these ideas cos d words work hand-in-hand.
NNE eee before i start i want to tell you first to leave that lawyer u called a boyfriend because is not for you.but for Raphael i dnt think that he is doing anything bad because he was just trying to put his best in the job and for you to be jealous is what i dnt understand dear.
Abi oh! You got good instincts, girl. Keep it up!
the MD is not fair to Sharon and if i were Raphael i will do all it take to keep my job
On one hand the boss has been unfair to sharon for ignoring her and i liked as raphel was handicapped concerning the issue i.e he was silent
she should better act fast otherwise it would be a different story altogether. some of these boss in the office have this character of tossing people aside even those that have served them for years
The MD is a talent hunter and I think he is not being unfair to Sharon, if I were Raph I will get myself a female friend and watch her reactions
Na was for you oh! Lol!
Not at all, the MD is doing his job. if i were in Raphael’s shoes, i will do more than him
i think the MD is being unfair to her…why say derogatory things about her.because he has seen a fresh brain he now wants to stylishly dismiss the poor lady… that’s so unfair.and as for Raphael if i were him i would let her know im not trying to outshine her.just doing my job.
i don’t think the MD has done anything wrong or unfairly. he is just open to fresh brains and ideas, after all it was Sharon that recommended Raphael even though she knew they weren’t hiring at that time, and also this is business and in business there are no sentiments. If i was Raphael, i wouldn’t do anything differently, this is an opportunity for him to show his potentials, and that is definitely not a bad thing, if he holds back just because of how Sharon would feel then he is making a mistake,
Lovely! Bless you, Ijeoma!
The MD should make decisions for the interest of the company and not to please his workers.If I were to be Raphael i will do more to impress my boss.
i do not tink the MD is unfair to Sharon, i believe he finds Raphael more competent and trust worthy of the job and must have been impressed with Rafael’s work.
I don’t think the MD was not being unfair to sharon because in business, the best are always needed and appreciated. Rapheal provided more helping hand and interesting idea so i think the MD is doing the right thing.
And Rapheal was only trying to please and impress his boss and to let him know that he is suitable and qualified for the job and that he will not regret employing him in future. i think sharon was just feeling REJECTED AND JEALOUS.
I love this story Sharon should better be wise or she will loose everytin
well the net has caught a golden fish, and it is time to show it the the world.she should understand that the MD means well for and only want to see how good the new catch is.
I thought Nnanna was the catch. Or do you know something we don’t? Lol!
the MD has been unfair to her, imean she been working for him for so long and when raphael came he forgot about her and forcusing on raphael which to me is not fair
it serves sharon right. it seems Raphael really loves sharon. it is her greed that is misleading her. i wonder what she is planning, she better not get herself into trouble.
The MD has not been unfair to Sharon. Infact he has been fair because he liked her alot and wanted to do what will make her happy that was why he accepted to give Raphael a job even though they were not hiring yet. Nop! there is nothing more that Raphael could do other than to over look it as he did.
The MD is quite neutral here. It appears that Raphael is more pontentially equipped than Sharon is. I mean being the main drive towards her academic success, proves my point.. So ordinarily, the MD is bound to develope more interest in Raphael considering his business upliftment. In all, the MD’s decision is based on a fair scale. And considering being in Raphael’s shoes, i would act similarly.
The boss is not selfish.he is close to Raphael because he has the answers to his questions and he will help him attain success in his business.i dont see anything wrong in what he did.if am in his position i would do same.same. Aiso Raphael is just doing his job so she should stop blaming him for her predicament
No, I don’t think the MD has been unfair to Sharon, it’s all in her head. If I were in Rapheal’s shoes, I won’t do anything differently.
no I don’t in any way think the MD was unfair
if I were to be Raphael I wouldn’t have done anything differently because it wasn’t my fault that the man liked my personality more than sharons
the md didn’t do anything wrong by liking Raphael more than Sharon because obviously Raphael is more hardworking and intelligent than Sharon and I would not be bothered if I was Raphael because am just doing my job.
No, the MD has not been unfair to Sharon. The company belongs to MD and he has to seek and reward the services of any staff that works better than the others. He needs progress and not sentiments to work.
2. No,Raphael is intelligent and needs a good job, which he got. I would utilise the opportunity, put my skills to work and still nurture my love for her.
The MD was only giving Raphael chance to improve himself.After all it was Sha that recommended him to the MD and said many good qualities about him so i think the MD is being fair.
i will continue with my hard work and stop doubting my capability so i will not do anything that would jeopardize my job.
MD is not unfair to Sharon. he is just trying to use the person that can make name for him to the highest level, since Sharon cannot do that Raphael can carry it on.
The MD is not being unfair to Sharon. He is just doing the right thing by paying attention to Ralph, knowing his high level of intelligence coupled with his contributions towards establishing the company. I think Ralph should not act differently towards Sharon .because she actually helped him securing a job. he should be free with her. .
Its obvious that Raphael is more capable than her,so the behaviour of MD towards Sharon is normal
abeg, i see divine justice taking place. The table is about to get turned in favour of someone and that person is raphael. And as for the MD kudos to him for .
The MD is fair to Sharon. His choosing Raphael for the job is because of the knowledge needed for the job. From the story, I understand that Raphael is more knowledgeable as well as competent than Sharon. He is the right guy to do the work. Besides Sharon has no right to tell the MD who to choose for the job. Sharon has no choice but to bear with whatever fate presents to her. If I were Raphael, I would go ahead and do the job, I would not do any thing different either.
The MD’s behavior is totally normal,he’s just sticking to who and what he believes is best. Fair is what it’s not though, since Sharon has been there before him, and most importantly she’s always been there for the MD too, so I don’t think the MD is being fair to her.
If I were Raphael I’d have done exactly what he did, the whole thing is just Sharon’s plan’s gone wrong, a plan Raphael never knew of, so I don’t blame Raphael for his present actions.
MD is just reflecting the nature of every good business man and Raphael is on the right track
i don’t think the MD has done anything wrong. I CAN’T LEAVE SWALLOW AND GO FOR INDOMIE (lwkm)
nothing bad is done by the MD. the progress of his company is his priority .well if i were Raph, my job is more important than any other thing. get the money and any other fish can be dashed to it.
kudos to aunty Edith! chinua Achebe of UNN, chimamanda of mass comm and olarotimi of many universities u re blessed.
Lol, you dey coin title for Aunty? You are blessed!
hahaha …… am loving this…. Sharon have to pay for her mistakes and her egocentric trait.. Raph i discovered he always give all to anything he is engaged in and am seeing him having the last laugh
seems there is going to be a competition.. anyway humans will be humans.. Raphael is really making use of the opportunity. . nice episode
I didn’t see any room of being fair or being unfair on the part of the MD because as an entrepreneur he is only after profit and productivity. Raphael was doing more than Sharon and the MD appreciated that because it will benefits his interest. and Raphael on his own part was just trying to sustain his job by impressing his new boss. so I don’t see anything wrong with what he did because Sharon will equally do that just to stay in job.
No and No….. Lol am actually loving this
I don’t really think he is doing bad. He was just trying to appreciate Raphael. I think I would act the same
NO! I don’t think the MD was unfair to Sharon, rather he was only doing what was right in the eyes of God and man by awarding merit to Raphael for his hardwork towards his duties. …..NO, a young, zealous and talented man such as Raphael deserves a good job because he is good at what he does. I would make myself readily available for what the job entails,apply it, and let it reflect not just in my place of work, but in the world as a globe and still be sincere with my feelings towards Sharon.
The MD is being unfair because it is not right to allow her go on leave just like that because she has been working with him for a very long time.He could have just occupied her somewhere in the office.If i were Raphael i wouldn’t wanna leave the Job i just got and i wouldn’t want her tossed away either.
Am I missing something here? Her leave application is yet to be approved.
How the MD was treating Sharon is quite normal in such situations. I wouldn’t do things differently if I were Raphael.
No!, the MD is not being unfair. One of the perks of working for someone is that you don’t get to make decisions for them, and I think Raphael is walking in the right direction.
the MD is acting indifferent but Raphael needs to keep the job
oh dnt tell me you are jealous sharon baby!even if i was the boss i cant loss the chances of losing the genius Rapheal…..
The M.D is not being unfair to Sharon…i wouldn`t do things differently if i were Rapheal.
I don’t think the MD has been unfair to her, I feel he still treats her the way he is treating her even tho rapheal is there or not. If I was in rapheal’s shoes I wouldn’t do things differently.
Its not the MD’s fault that Sharon brought him someone with fresh ideas to help him out with his book. I mean, “who no like better thing” so, I dont think he is doing anything wrong at all plus he thinks they are an item so even if he patronizes Raphael, to him, its to Sharons delight and if I were Raphael, I wouldnt do things differently…One does not know the kind of joy he got from getting that job after God knows how long
Great conrnent. Thanks, Victoria!
So far the MD has not been unfair to Sharon his just running his business the way he knows best.
I wouldn’t do things differently if i were Rapheal.
Yes, becos he took d important work meant for sharon and gave it to raphael leaving sharon behind. I would try my best to avoid making sharon feel left out n also try to assist her in every way i can.
I don’t think the MD has been unfair to Sharon, he only saw a rare gem and is safeguarding it.
i would do same if am in Raphael’s shoes
the MD is not being unfair and as for Raphael, i would concentrate on my job which is the most important.
The MD is only acting in accordance to his title
what goes around definitely comes around! lol
I don’t think the MD has been unfair to Sharon, it’s all in her head. If I were in Raphael’s shoes, I won’t do anything differently.
Frankly speaking, the manager did nothing wrong to Sharon.
If I was raph,I wouldn’t do less, it’s not his fault that he’s too smart
Well I don’t think the MD is being rude to sharon; there is this saying that when your willing & obedient you will dine with kings…so for Raphael he really put in his best for the boss to notice because if I were the MD will do more…for Raphael my advise is that he should keep being himself & putting in his best abilities to perfect more.
The MD has nothing negative in mind concerning Sharon; as for him he’s doing what’s good for business. If I were to be in Raphael’s shoes, no hard feelings, I’ll just keep it professional and then watch her response.
In my opinion, the MD is doing what any other person in his shoes would do, Sharon brought whatever she is facing upon herself by scheming and manipulating hence, she has no right to blame him for anything and if i was Raphael, i will make use of this opportunity to shine and gain the boss’ favor which is exactly what he is doing.
“Business is business”… chief Igwe is not in any way wrong. he saw potential, innovation and fresh talent, who wouldn”t want to take the chance?. On the side of Raphael, I think he is clean too. this is a job he is paid to do, why wouldn’t he do it to the best of his knowledge and having stayed for a long time without a job, its just natural for him to showcase what he has been storing in his arsenal.
The MD is not being fair to Sharon but any business man needs an idea that will promote his business.
I don’t think her boss is being unfair. he is just doing this for the betterment of the company. Raph should work harder, he owes nobody an apology.
the MD is not being unfair he is just doing what”s best for his company and if i were in his shoes i would do the same or even worse.
All i have to say at this point is ,Sharon you asked for all of this. I wouldn’t blame rapheal ohh because sharon offered her job to him on a platter of gold all in the name of being a good girl
The boss isn’t doing anything wrong,Sharon is just disillusioned and sees everyone as working against her,additionally because she uses people for her own ends.I admire Raphael for being really cool and himself.
I think the MD is not unfair in any way. He is actually doing her demands.
The MD is not unfair. Sharon has introduced a hand working man to his organization. The MD needs to grab such opportunity as he knows nothing about their privacy.
The MD is not unfair to Sharon he is doing what a boss suppose to do as for Raphael i don’t see anything wrong in what he is doing if i were in his shoes i would do far better because i just got the job and i need to prove my worth
The MD had been very very fair to Sharon. First, she initiated the idea of giving the young man job which of course the MD complied for her sake
Raphael is good at what he does so nobody is to be blamed. Sharon has no right to be jealous, after all she was the one who introduced him, she should be happy for the guy; what are friends for?
The boss was not being unfair to Sharon, although he would have been more assertive and diplomatic, he was just selecting the best hands.
If I were in Raphael’s shoes i would have shown a bit more respect to Sharon as an older staff of the firm.
I don’t think he is unfair to Sharon, because he is interested in moving the company forward, so he found a competent hand that can do the job for him more than sharon and there is nothing wrong with that.
if i were Raphael, i will relax and keep up my good doings to fetch a higher position.
Am really trying hard to laugh right now… and have just one to say which is that.. she asked for it and now she’s got it so she should dance well to the tune
No I don’t think so
The MD has done nothing wrong at all, he wants his company to be at its best apex that’s why he dances the way he does, the natural hidden jealousy coming from Sharon is expected though she unstrategically planned the obvious outcome. However, if i were on Raphael’s shoe, i would give my best to that company, after all Sharon thought he was not well to do because he had no decent job, i also think that Raphael is silly, how could you be content that the lady whom you see to be your future wife is having an affair with another fellow. Well let the drama keep unfolding may be Raphael has a hidden game to play on sharon. Well true love doesn’t stand in shabby foundation.
For me, MD hs not been unfair to Sharon because that is exactly what a person in his right sense should do
before nko,what was she expecting,yes the MD is not fair on Sharon but this is business,he has to take the best
Sharon should know that what goes around comes around. the MD is not unfair to her. and Raphael should do more to impress his MD
The MD has in no way been unfair to Sharon and if I were Raphael I would react exactly the same way
Raphael’s smartness made him get the job and i don’t think the MD is wrong, Sharon should only work hard and stop feeling bad.
I don’t count what MD did as unfair, he is just a ,Man who has great passion for what he does and is easily fascinated by people with great talents. On the other hand Raphael is just acting the way evry human will but sometimes he really gets it wrong the way he acts.
i don’t know if it’s right to say at this point that you can’t cut your cake and have it. Sharon is getting exactly what she deserves, no one is been unfair to her or is acting the wrong way to her
The MD is not unfair in anyway. He is definitely doing Sharon’s wishes
MD was not unfair to Sharon at all,he saw someone capable of discharging the duties perfectly and even more than her.Sharon is even over using the guy and it might backfire.Just that the poor boy loves her……Lover boy…
Yes, he is been unfair to Sharon
I would try not to make Sharon feel left out.
i think what he did to Sharon is not fair by referring to her work as rantings and as for Raphael what more could he do but then sharon kinda deserved it
i don’t think the MD has been unfair to Sharon. He’s human and when we see something that’s best, we go for it or maximize it.
its not Raphel’s fault that his boss is pleased with his work. He got a job he likes and it’s normal for him to put his best into it.
Unfair? absolutely not. Bright ideas are always appreciated and the MD did just that. Raphael to me is a gentleman and if I were him, I pray I would do the same: wait and relax.
Literally speaking, the MD has been unfair to Sharon, she should at least be appreciated for all her effort. But life is all about competition so Sharon fight for your position back.
i don,t think the MD is being unfair rather i see it as trying to get the best from his employee which on a normal is one of the ethics of a good boss or employer. what do you even expect ?…… secondly, if i was Raphael i wouldnt do anything different probably to please sharon .just be myself
Like i commented in the previous episode, i knew that he will definitely go for someone better. so sorry for Sharon *I feel her pain*
the MD is not being unfair to Sharon but she thinks he is. he probably wants something fresh, some new ideas from a different source. and for Raphael, he is only trying to get on his bosses good side, something every employee aims for.
what MD did to sharon is not fair. He is trying to use the person that can make name for him to the highest level since sharon can not do that, Rapheal can carry it on.
MD has never being unfair to Sharon. She brought Raphael to her boss and the man responded by giving him the job he deserves,so i do not see anything unfair here.
The manager is not unfair to Sharon. She is slacking at work but Raph is picking up the pace.
No I’ll do my best at work.
The MD is as fair as can be. All he wants is someone productive and serious with the job and he got that person in Raphael. Sharon should set her priorities straight! Her job or A man!!!
The MD is a business man and a good one at that. he is more interested in productivity than perpetuating sentiments. Being in ralph’s shoe, i will certainly hold onto the proverb of not biting the hands that fed me.
The MD’s reply to Sharon’s application was on called for. As for “lucky Raph” (as i have named him), he has been looking for a job and now he has found one. Honestly, i would give my all to be the best at it. Raphael is doing the right thing, which is, trying to keep his job.
well, well, well…..nobody should blame the MD. i am a realist…if we were that MD, we would have done the same, some of us would even go as far as sacking sharon to save cost…we all want the best, it’s not about who is, it’s about who can…but raphael chuckling was totally uncalled for..even if it was funny…he wasn’t supposed to chuckle..he actually made it look like he was making fun of her..ok…….m off to episode 5..ok byee
MD is not unfair to Sharon. He is just trying to use the person that can make name for him to the highest level. Since Sharon cannot do that the way he wants it,Raphael can carry it on.
Not at all! The MD is not being unfair to Sharon. After all, “Who no like better thing”?
Well, Sharon is good at what she does (ranting) and that’s his reason for telling her to continue with it.
I think he used the word ‘ranting’ simply because Sharon and Raphael are friends. It would have been a different case if the duo were strangers.
Well, if I were in Raphael’s shoes, I’ll put in my best to impress my boss very well so as not to lose my job. And while at it, I’ll try not to make Sharon feel inferior in anyway.
One thinks he or she is the best in doing something just because he has not seen somebody that does it better than him. Sharon thinks she is the best in the office because she has not seen another person that does it better than her. Raphael’s appearance in the office changed so many things even the relationship between Sharon and her boss. In the other hand, her boss is too quick to dump her or call her work ranting just because he saw another person better than her.
I smiled broadly where Raphael stated that he is fine with waiting for Sharon till she is done with the Lawyer. This is LOVE.
To think the lawyer man is not even worth it at the end, too sad for Sharon.
That aside, I can smell jealousy brewing in the air and i am so loving the atmosphere. Raphael is a smart man indeed, now I understand Sharon’s fears from the beginning. She shouldn’t see it as a competition and relax, maybe this is her little punishment for using the young man as a bait.
oh Sharon, can you please calm down and allow things to flow naturally? just focus on your job with all your might before you will lose it totally, you even need to start praying hard so that things will straighten up.
Kikikikikiki see love nwantiti he will wait for her till eternity that is true love. It show that he is not after her money and love her whole heatedly. Any way the boss you that ranting because he thinks they are familiar with each other not knowing things are not it way they seem and thing will brew competition between the two.
It was Sharon’s plea for Raphael, I don’t think the MD is wrong in assigning Raphael more works, Sharon might be slacking due to the mental and physical stress she is putting on herself .True love is what Raphael had for Sharon and I think he wants to try and prove it to Sharon that he can be better for her.
The MD has done nothing wrong, he is just doing the right thing, Raphael is better in handling the writing of the book that’s why he gave it to him. Smart people like people who are smart also around them.
Also, if I were to be in Raphael’s shoe I will do the same, he did what she feared because she knows he is better than her.
The fact that Sharon thinks who Raphael is to think she is in love with him shows she is clearly in love with him but doesn’t want to admit it. Again Raphael did the right thing as a new employee, you should try to impress your boss to show him, he wasn’t mistaking in employing you and I pray Sharon doesn’t do anything stupid.
This one is a cry of hard I know which comes at last. The MD is doing what he ought to do, hence he sees Raphael and Sharon as one so dear to each other. I don’t expect Raphael to behave differently, because he has faced alot of humiliation from Sharon. He should be busy with his work until Sharon comes back on her knees begging.
Sharon should not allow jealousy and envy to destroy the good relationship she built all this years with Raphael. I think Raphael is only being hard-working and not trying to spoil the relationship Sharon have with her boss.
This is going to be a trying time for Sharon. I expected that Raphael would outshine her judging from the fact that Raphael was a hard-working guy. It is normal for jealousy to creep in in this type of situation, after all, we are humans. I pray she gets rid of this jealousy before she add more salt to the injury