I composed this poem in early August 2015 but I find that the observations made in the first and second stanzas are still spot on. The prescriptions in the third and final stanzas are still imperative, therefore.

Governance by trial and error

When a government is run without a road map
When the rulers seem to be learning the ropes
When issues are more complex than they deemed
And they can’t say how they’ll meet our hopes
What you have is governance by trial and error

When policy pronouncements are made on a whim
And constant reversals follow to clear the air
When campaign promises are qualified or disowned
And ad hoc arrangements become the order of the day
Then it’s a bad case of governance by trial and error

But we should not fold our hands in despair
Or gloat and hoot that the government will fail
Nor should we offer blind allegiance
Pretending that all is groovy and swell
Or we’ll be hurt by governance by trial and error

We should rather supplicate for the people in power
To assemble the best team and a great plan devise
We should offer our ideas; keep them on their toes
And as needed, commend, criticize or chastise
So we may be saved from governance by trial and error

Ⓒ Edith Ugochi Ohaja 2015



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