Are You Saved To The Bone?
Some decades ago, the expression, “Saved to the bone,” was common among Christians. It meant you weren’t just answering a name when you said you were saved, you meant it completely. Everything about you changed when you confessed Christ as your Lord and Saviour.
You couldn’t stop talking about Him, but even if you did, the way you talked, the way you behaved, the way you dressed – all marked you out as belonging to Christ.
Belonging to Christ means you are not of this world. So when people are scheming and cheating, envying and fighting, fearing and panicking, you won’t be there.
If you are truly a disciple of Jesus, everyone around you knows you can be trusted. People know you will be fair to them. You live a life of generosity and sacrifice, considering others first before yourself, as Philippians 2:3 admonishes followers of Christ.
What makes the foregoing most remarkable is that those who knew you before can attest you were not like that in the past. They can see that you have completely changed. This seems impossible by human standards but that is the regenerative power of the gospel, and so you can sing:
The things I did before, I do them no more (thrice)
There’s a great change since I’m born again
Is that your testimony?

Buying a new car, building a house, winning a contract or other signs of human accomplishment are not the indices of faith in Christianity. Being like Christ is. Changing from who you were to exhibit the nature and character of God is- His love, meekness, forgiveness, kindness and self-control (Galatians 5: 19-23).
The Bible asserts that, “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17 – KJV).
This can be your experience from today if you sincerely repent and surrender your life to Christ. It will not be by your power but by the Holy Spirit if you commit yourself sincerely in your heart to Him.
Let it be so for you in Jesus’ name. 🙏
Kindly share this message widely and be blessed in Jesus’ name.
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Amen and Amen. God bless you!