As we lay my dad’s remains to rest today, I want to share the poem I’m using to say farewell.

Grateful thanks I hereby give
To the LORD who gave you life
All the days that I shall live
My praise shall flow for who you were

Let me count my blessings now
For lo’ you were a part of most
Skills I’ve got and people wonder how
Flowed from you as the Creator willed

As your first seed, I’m proud to say
I got from you what looks I have
And when with words I life portray
I know it stems from your writing flair

My work ethic was drawn from you
You demonstrated what the scriptures teach
“Be the best at what you do,
Don’t look at men, serve as unto the Lord”

You were a father and a friend
Taking a keen interest in all we did
You strived a helping hand to lend
Denying yourself to lift us up

You opened your home to one and all
You gave as though a millionaire
You always answered the pauper’s call
Knowing the generous will be forever blessed

‘Tis true we had our differences
But the mutual love and care remained
And I’m glad by grace we mended fences
And all the bitterness disappeared

Today as we say goodbye
Be assured your legacy we shall preserve
To do good to those from far and nigh
To seek to lift what lives we touch



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