The Young Professionals were so happy, they had no restraints, they worked hard but they denied themselves no pleasure. That was the way to live! She too needed that sense of liberation and active pursuit of pleasure, she told herself.
Kayla was staring at her phone screen. The image of a couple she had chanced upon on a Val card had her mesmerised. It was a full-length silhouette and the bodies of the guy and the lady were welded together. They were standing on a beach and the grey lighting suggested it was early morning.
Kayla often daydreamed and this image launched her fully into that halcyon place where the couple stood. She unlocked the girl’s arms from behind the guy’s neck, pried her loose and took her place. She buried her face in his broad shoulders and began to weep because much as she loved the feel of his warm skin against hers, she knew it was not real.
“Earth to Kay-la, earth to kay-la!” her friend, Chiamaka, sang into her ear from behind.
Startled, she slowly wiped her tears. Chiamaka leaned on Kayla’s oak reading desk and took in her cute, sad face. (You could never guess she was above 20, she looked not a day older than 18). Kayla’s dad had succumbed to diabetes a few months earlier, so Chiamaka thought the tears were part of her ongoing grieving process.
Placing her hands on Kayla’s shoulders, she offered kind words of comfort. Then she made a suggestion:
“I know you can’t stop the tears, they just come when you are alone. So, how about moving to the hostel with me in the meantime? When this phase is over, as I’m sure it will, you can move right back.”
Kayla played along. She was never fond of her dad. He had been a polygamist whom she and her mum (his third wife) hardly saw. But being a business mogul, he kept them in splendour and paid for her N150,000 efficiency apartment as soon as she got admission into the university. The furniture in her 10 by 10-ft room cost over half a million and her monthly allowance was a hundred thousand Naira. Her mum had assured her that they had been amply provided for by her late dad in his will and she had a thriving fashion store. So mourning her dad on emotional grounds or the loss of comfort his death portended was out of the question. But people would think her cold if she revealed that, so she heaved a few times and let loose a few more tears to make her friend feel useful as a sympathiser. Then she assured Chiamaka she would be fine alone.
But deep down, Kayla was angry with herself. She was all of 24 and still a virgin! As an only child largely left to her own devices, she could have had a boyfriend, boyfriends actually, but she chose to bury herself in her books. Mathematics was her thing and she spent three years teaching it at a private secondary school in Ikoyi where she and her mum lived before writing the University Matriculation Exam. She saw herself as a missionary mathematician, hoping that someday she would have a platform through which she could improve young people’s numeracy skills and show them that Mathematics is a part of life- it’s not something to be afraid of. She was in her penultimate semester at the University of Benin and certain to make a First Class in Mathematics Education, her dream course.
But Kayla was unhappy with herself for not taking more interest in boys and disgusted that she was still a virgin. Chiamaka would be horrified if she could read her thoughts. She was a virgin too but just 19. Kayla felt she needed some diversion, otherwise she might graduate and carry on as she’d been doing.
“Don’t wanna end up as a cat lady,” she told herself.
Chiamaka was a Catholic girl promised to the son of a family friend living in the US. Kayla came across the image that had her transfixed because Chiamaka told her to find a suitable free card online where she could add a personal Val message for her fiancé. She was saving herself for marriage and that was the reason she befriended Kayla, a serious student and decent Anglican who wouldn’t pressure her to sleep with anyone.
Well, Kayla was determined to do just that: sleep with anyone, and if possible do it frequently before she left the campus.
She had no clear idea if she wanted to be married but she had started watching a TV series called, “Young Professionals,” some months back. It challenged her intellectually because in each episode, one of the cast members undertook a task and she enjoyed working along with whoever it was to accomplish the task. These people were computer programmers, accountants, lawyers and so on- very bright people.
But another strong feature of the show was its high sexual content. There was an underlying assumption in the show that sex was essential to existence, to happiness, to productivity, you name it. The cast ridiculed those who were not sexually active on a regular basis and hooked up casually with one another. They did the same with their colleagues at work and their neighbours, no strings attached. They also went to bars on weekends to pick up dates whom they brought home …..
At first, Kayla objected to this part of the programme but kept watching because she found the show mentally stimulating. The cast members were drop dead gorgeous and brilliant. She loved them and never missed an episode of the show (one of the benefits of being able to afford cable TV subscription as a student). She installed the app of the cable TV service on her phone so that she could watch the show even when she was away from her apartment. She assured herself she was a big girl and far from impressionable. But you can only watch so many explicit sex scenes and they begin to get to you. Kayla started having erotic daydreams and hated herself for living a withdrawn life on campus.
The Young Professionals were so happy, they had no restraints, they worked hard but they denied themselves no pleasure. That was the way to live! She too needed that sense of liberation and active pursuit of pleasure, she told herself.
“I think this is perfect. What do you think?” Chiamaka asked.
She passed her troublesome Comwi Android phone to Kayla. She had written a Val poem for her fiancé, Obiajulu. As Kayla read it, she told herself that the forthcoming Val Day would be the day. She still had three days to search for a guy to do the honours for her. Who would be the lucky guy? It didn’t even matter- anyone was anyone- as long as he wore a condom.
Kayla recognised the apple tree. It was in the centre of her paternal grandfather’s compound. The apples were red and ripe. “What a waste!” she exclaimed, but a voice sternly asked her, “Why, why would you say that?”
As Kayla wondered who was speaking and whether they were really talking about the apples, the voice added, “I don’t expect that from you, Tinito. The world has gone crazy! What was once cherished is now despised. But I don’t expect that from you.”
Kayla woke up with a start. She was still sitting at her desk. She must have dozed off after Chiamaka left.
She remembered her dream and realised it was connected to her decision. Only Nana Oruke, her paternal grandmother, called her Tinito. Although she hadn’t seen her in over a year, she phoned occasionally to find out how she was doing and she was always praying for her. It was quite curious that the bond she lacked with her dad, she had in excess with his mum.
The thought of prayer reminded her that it was ages since she had prayed for herself or read her Bible. No wonder she had been sucked in by the Young Professionals. She stopped questioning their world view and accepted their progressive standards as the norm. She felt worthless and unfulfilled compared to them and saw her virginity as a load to be hastily discarded, rather than a part of her that should be cherished.
The worst of it was that all the while, she forgot that the show was not real. It was all make-believe. The cast may not actually be that bright and sophisticated and happy in reality. They were just actors playing out a script. There was no guarantee that anyone who lived the way they did in the show would get the same kind of positive outcomes they were portrayed to have. On the contrary, such a person would be more likely to lose his or her self-dignity and be miserable.
It was all a deception and she had fallen for it! She who was incredibly bright! How much more would less smart people be duped by such pervasive content from moviedom?
-The end-
Ⓒ Edith Ugochi Ohaja 2020
Would love to hear your impressions of this story and do share it on your social media accounts. Cheers!
This story is thrilling. It appears so real
Glad to hear from you, Mariam, and praise God you liked the story.
Thank you ma for this story it is an eye opener, whatever you don’t approve of and keep listening to or watching you would eventually approve of it. It sad that sometimes we don’t value good things because of what others say or do.
We sometimes tend to take “hook line and sinker” what we see in movies, which in turn affects our decisions (usually negatively).
May God save us from this “comedy of errors”.
Amen in Jesus’ name. You are richly blessed in Jesus’ name.
I must say Kayla is such a lucky child, not many people have or enjoy the privileges that she enjoys…and most importantly, being a virgin is not a crime and is nothing to be ashamed of at all,,so I really advise that we don’t make hasty decisions that we will live to regret. I’m glad she had that dream as it could help her have a change of mind. Nice post, ma????
The world is standing most things on their heads now. Nasty things are being applauded all over. #smh
I really lov this story and I think it is timely for Valentine’s day celebration on Friday.
Lots of young people especially the females now see chastity as something to be ashamed of, all thanks to movies, music and the social media.
I hope that like Kayla, anyone planning to venture into premarital sexual relationship will have a change of heart.
I pray so, my dear! May God’s Angel’s guide and guard you on all your ways in Jesus’ name.
This is really a very nice story, this story actually portrays what happens to most girls out there, they make decisions and then after they regret it, my opinion is that in all you do, involve God, any decision you make, let God be involved…… Kayla would have fallen into that hands of temptation if not for her grandmother in the person of an angel, her guardian angel to be precise who brought her out of her doom.
I pray that God will recover girls out there who have decided to put themselves in doom.
Thanks aunt Edith for this short story.
Yes, God watches over us and uses the prayers and love of others to keep us safe. May He keep both boys and girls safe in this Val season in Jesus’ name.
Lol.. interesting twist…It’s a really nice story which I’m sure a lot of girls can relate to especially girls who weren’t lucky enough to have a grandmum giving warning signs in a dream.
Virginity is cool…and should be embraced
Thank you Aunty Edith
I should have used a boy for the story. I hope you guys think virginity is cool for dudes too. Congrats on your work with Phoenix Media!
She was deceived because she never believed in herself, she was deceived because she devoted her time in seeing all the parts of the movie without filtering them to select those ones that suits her personality, she was deceived because she was never proud of what she has(her virginity).
But this not the end of her life, she still has the opportunity to amend her ways and follow the right path to her destination… Thank you ma for this wonderful story
Praise God for caring friends, mentors and relatives who pray for us! We may never know how many times their intercession saved us from tragedy.
Thank you ma for this nice piece…alot of people have led astray because of what they watch on tv or even read in a novel forgetting all these are either fictions or played out script..
Wow….. Kayla’s story just taught me that even a moment without God is dangerous and can cause damages.
Very true, my brother! We need to cling to Him always.
It’s sad how we get highly influenced by what we we allow to pass through our eye and ear gates. Most of the movies we watch on TV are very capable of depicting wrong themes. If only Kayla invested her time properly, she wouldn’t have fallen victim of this deception. Thank you so much Ma
Thanks for dropping hy and have a blessed week!
Wow! What an incredible piece! This story portrays what goes on in the minds of so many young ladies. Nobody is ready to wait and keep themselves but the repercussion always ends in disaster.
Young people need to put God’s word above every idea no matter who is promoting it. You are sooo blessed!
It’s a story, but it’s happening in our society now, young people now boast of how sexually active they are,making it look like abstinence is a crime. God help us.
What a beautifully-written story More power to your elbow, ma. Kayla represents many young girls out there who think that virginity is a curse because their peers say so. Thank God for the dream that brought her back to her senses.
Also, people should not accept everything that is being played on the television. Most of them are all fantasies!
Virginity is not a crime but something to be proud of, though this is contrary from what we see in our society. Also we should believe in ourselves and not in what we watch on the television
Just a second away from God can be disastrous in a man’s life. devil tries to occupy our hearts with things that can destroy our live so we can forget God. Thanks to God that we still have people around us that are interceeding for us in their secret altars even without our knowledge of it.
awesome write up! more power to your elbows.
This is so Great……Indeed, the power of what we see and hear so often can never be over-emphasized, it could make the mighty weak.
Wow! Very inspiring story!
Most girls now see being a virgin a burden which is terribly bad. Kayla was lucky she had a granny that intervened spiritually.
Nice write-up Ma. More power to ur elbow!
Quite captivating ma! Basically there is nothing wrong with her keeping herself until marriage though she got influenced all because of the show she do watch… and most time they leave one in the world of fantasy.
We should always be careful, of the kind of movies and programmes we watch and we should not allow ourselves to be pressured by society, we should always do what is right.
I think most times in life we have misplaced priorities and that was the case with Kayla. I also wish to advise every youth out there to be careful of what we read and watch because it can go a long way in shaping who we become
Some people thought that having premarital sex make one to know that she has arrived. I like this post and wishes that every young girl and some parents should read this literary peice in other to advise their children wisely.
That most people are having sex on Valentine’s day doesn’t make it right…
Thanks to Kayla who changed her mind.
Nice literary piece ma
This is an eye-opener indeed and very timely as well , considering the fact that sexual purity is now seen as outdated and laughable. Thank you ma for the lessons Iearnt.
Hhhhhm, Kayla is giving attention to the wrong thoughts. I hope she keeps to herself cause there are lots of heart breaks especially since she has the wrong idea
Mehn!!! Awesome storyline ma, to all the youth out there, you don’t do something because others are doing it or become something you are not cut out for because others are, keeping your virginity either as a guy or a girl is your honor and a virtue, as a girl your husband will forever cherish and respect you forever, as for the guys let me just move on, smiles!! More grace ma
Wowwwwwhhhhh, nice one. I love this story.Kayla was very lucky to retrace her steps back to the right road with good intentions. Well this story is very vital for young people so we can have a well mannered society where people will have to live a good life and a good legacy for generations unborn. And before I forget; I want to appreciate you ma for such story….you may not know but its helping us to grow. Thank you so much ma.
This story draws attention to young people to be careful about the kind of movies they see. Kayla mindset was poisoned when she found pleasure in the movie ” Young professionals” and believed that was the right way to live but fortunately for her, she had a dream which served as an eye opener for her. The story also draws attention to the importance of prayers; Kayla discovered that she has not prayed for a longtime and this gave reasons for her being carried away by the movie.
Many people are victims of movie deception especially when it has to do with the actors or actresses whom they admire. (their role models) Some have gone astray because they tend to learn from their so called role models, for instance, the Maryland, without asking themselves if these people (the role models or stars) are actually who they are being portrayed as, or if they can act or react the same way, if faced with a Similar situation in real life. May God help our generation
Beautiful story, invaluable message!
It’s a very real thing, and it’s unfortunate too how the media have advanced depraved ideals and make believes to such an extent that even smart people now question their choices and moral values.
I’m really glad Kayla realised this in good time.
Some people aren’t that lucky and only realise how dubious the movies are a little too late.
Thank you again for the piece
The television affects how we see things both in the positive and the negative light. Hence , it is important that as Christians we ought to know what to watch on the screen . It is also unfortunate that a lot of people believe what they see on the television without questioning just like Kayla .
Lastly, Prayer cannot be overemphasized as Christians. We ought to pray often to avoid falling prey of the enemy and also to hear from God .
We should be careful the kind of things we watch or read as some are just tools used by the devil to hinder our success. It is better we go through the word of God for better understanding of His word and to walk in His footsteps
“The thought of prayer reminded her that it was ages since she had prayed for herself or read her Bible. No wonder she had been sucked in by the Young Professionals. She stopped questioning their world view and accepted their progressive standards as the norm.” The exact reason why Jesus warned against eating the leaven of the Pharisee. And funny enough Christians are not watchful, the devil isn’t sleeping, he master minds programs and shoots to the media and everyone is falling for it. We should endeavor to be selective in the content we absorb. Thanks a lot ma for sharing this, it is indeed needful in times like this when everyone has been quarantined leaving virtually every youth to the media.
Just like what the magic bullet theory of mass communication states the media especially TV has a very very pervasive power…. Which sometimes or most times are deceptive
Kayla’s weak relationship with her dad saddens me, I believe there is a major role a father plays in the life of his children and I won’t say unfortunately, but he probably had a lot children due to him being a polygamist….
Well I am a person who loves happy endings, it pleases my heart to know that Kayla came to realize herself on how she had put too much thought into fiction and undue fantasies
This story is really educucative. What happened to Kayla in this story, do happen to young people these days. They would want their relationship and family life be like the ones they see in movies forgetting that almost everything we see in movies are not real
This story reminds me of how we the young ones shouldn’t consume all we see on the TV and take it as the gospel. I believe we should all have some sort of discipline and standards so when we are watching such shows, we don’t find ourselves getting consumed by the fictional lives and conforming to the standard depicted in the movie, but actually learning and understanding the major message the movie is trying to send, which is mostly positive. Every other thing are just ingredients to spice up the show.
Wow, I recently overhead some girls discussing how overrated virginity is, they can’t wait to get it done. It made me worry about this generation. Thank God for Kayla. God help us all.
Kayla is lucky to have realized it early enough not to fall a victim of the TV show misguides… Most of us aren’t as lucky as her… We easily get so engrossed and carried away with TV shows’ fantasies and boom, it starts rubbing off on us.
Chukwu nyere anyi bu umu-ntorobia aka (God help us the youths).
Wow…. I really enjoyed this story with a very interesting twist. Most young girls today are in Kayla’s shoe, thinking that virginity is a burden without knowing the blessing that follows. Thank God for Kayla’s dream, which made her to know that all that glitters is not gold. This shows that dreams are vital in human lives. Also, we have to be careful with what we read or watch because it affects us psychologically. Our digital media are now filled with high sexual content scenes and not all we see on social media are real…. Above all, we should always be prayerful. Thanks, ma, for this!
Most people get really convinced by the media to a large extent, funny enough it’s mostly towards negative things. It takes only a strong mind to engage in watching strong erotic content and not fall for it. I thank God Kayla was snapped out of the illusion she got from ‘The Young Professionals’ series.
This society makes virginity look soo outdated.not everyone has a grnadma who gives warnings now. Just be you.I worry for my generation
Amazing story. This just shows how easily we(youths especially) fall for make believe. It is very easy for us to believe lies that these shows tell us and sometimes try to adopt their way of life. We forget that in reality, life isn’t that perfect. It takes critical thinking and some sort of spiritual maturity to overcome these vices.
Perfect timing to prevent mistakes common amongst youths. It is well!
This is a wonderful and educating story. It is also an eye opener especially for those that believed in Nigeria movies and think they are reality, I pity them shaaa.
Thank you ma’am for this wonderful story, you are blessed.
There is need to guard what we feed our eyes and ears with because it affects the way we think and live our life either positive or negative as we saw with kayla which influenced her mindset on virginity and we should always live our life based on God’s direction inorder not to follow the wrong path in life.
Very strong message, ma! Social media and Hollywood have deceived us so much that we believe what we see and watch is reality. I pray that if we ever fall victim of such, we would snap out of it like Kayla did.
Actually to me, I think that Kayla was carried away with what she saw on the screen and for her to regret not having a boyfriend or not being married at her age shouldn’t make her think that the world is a bed of roses for the married ones.
Also, why would one think that being a virgin at her age is obnoxious? Who does that?
This story is best for the youths, especially those in the university. Thank you, ma, for these write-ups.
Wow…..nice story
Alot of people get influenced by what they see on media be it social or broadcast. They think that everything they see is true failing to understand that people act roles and some people pretend in order to make others see them in a certain light.
We should be comfortable with ourselves and with our decisions and not base anything at all on any media platform.
What is wrong is wrong, no matter how much people normalize it. We really shouldn’t follow the crowd. And no matter how old a person is, he/she can still he influenced by the media. Let’s be guided.
The media can be deceptive.
We should learn to filter what we see from what reality actually is.
This is so nice Ma, we should be careful of the effects the media and movies have on us and the society as some of its contents can make or mar us. We should choose wisely which to copy from the contents of the media.
The things we watch or look at leave an indelible mark on our subconscious, and that’s why the bible says to pluck out your eye if it causes you to sin. No one is above sinning, it’s only the grace of God that helps us resist sin so as Christians we need to learn to choose what to watch and what not to.
Social vices with it’s ills and also peer pressure..we all need his grace..Kayla should be proud of holding on even at that age..we need God providence, wisdom and guidance to pull through .this turbulent world..nice one ma
I still wonder why people feel that being a virgin isn’t cool. I’m glad there was a turn around for Kayla.
An interesting story ma, kayla is lucky not to have been carried away by such movie. There should be no rush to lose one’s virginity. There is time for everything!!!!!!
May the Lord help us not to be so progressive that we lose our essence, our value and our chastity in Jesus’ name.
You’re a product of what you see, read and the people you associate with. This statement rings true in this story and life in general. We must therefore make concerted efforts as individuals to sieve what we engage in and rid ourselves of the “downward pull” or simply we must rid ourselves of unnecessary pressure to engage in actions that are contrary to our morals
This is very interesting. A lot of people allow themselves to be fully immersed in such shows thus making them lose track of reality. I believe this short story serves as a wake up call for people that have been deceived by such content
People tend to be wooed with what they watch on TV or on other media gadgets. This in turn transforms their critical way of thinking. It is so sad that we no longer think for our self but we prefer to let others think for us. Kayla thought she was treading the wrong path, while she was actually being a good moderate fellow who took her ambitious fate with all seriousness.
Since the very day she began to watch the young professionals, her mindset changed completely. Do not let anything or anybody cajole you into doing something that is not in reckony with your spirit. Instead pray to God to direct you. Do not be deceived!!!
Hmmmmmm I pray the Lord will help us. It’s really a struggle.
The way young unmarried people brag about their sexual activeness and body counts these days ehnnnn, It can make one lose guard oh but thank God for a story like this.
Most times in life people are easily infulenced negatively by what they see on movies, hear, peer group infulence and what they consider as classic lifestyle, not minding whether it morally worths it. Kyla could have been a victim of an act that will forever be a nightmare to her memory, she could have ended up in great misery. Thank God for that divine intervention, if not, she could have turned herself into a runs girl in school, thereby sacrificing her dreams and goals on the altar of sexual pleasure and fitting in to other people’s lifestyle, just to belong.
A very interesting story that got my necks bent while I assimilated the content values. A reality piece questioning life of a child out of parental sight and control.
I pray for grace!
This story is such an eye-opener to young people especially. Often times, things we see on TV are not what they really are in real life.
So glad she was rescued from her imaginations.
In reality, most people going through the same thing do not actually have a voice to bring them back to their senses. They go on with what they have planned out and regret it later on in future.
This is why it is important to have friends around you with the same vision as well you. To have focus and also to avoid being pressured to do the wrong things.
Sincerely we get addicted to some things outside reality so much and just get carried away by whatever thing they make people believe. We should learn how to set our own standards and not be too fickle but in all the best person to get directions from is God and not any mortal or any sophisticated show on TV.
Its sad that people still believe everything portrayed by the media and allow it to govern their lives. So many people can’t tell what’s wrong from right anymore. A strong faith is what we all need to be able to resist the temptations of the devil, the devil works overtime these days
At this our youthful age, we can easily get influenced by so many vices. Being able to control what you see or hear and how you digest all those things is very important. We can get carried away by the trends of the world. A strong relationship and faith in God is all what we need to overcome wordly temptation!
Kayla’s life in this story is a reality of most young girls. If only we can see people on social media as normal like us, If only we could choose value, and stop aspiring to belong.
We only end up losing ourselves in the process. I’m glad at the end of the story she was able take the right step.
This is very interesting.
Teenagers have to be careful of what they watch and digest. Movies are never real but a scripted show. Learn to surround yourself with friends that share the same ideas as you. Let God be your guide.
Spiritually speaking, you are a product of what you consume. We are shaped by what we see, think and hear. The mistake she did was to get herself hooked up by those unedifying media contents which would have ruined her life but for the timely intervention. That is largely the problem of youths which has caused a shipwreck of of the destinies of many but I pray God will intervene. We spend time consuming what we are not supposed to consume which brings a lot of harmful consequences. God help us.
Thank you, Ma. I am blessed by your writings. God bless you.
Kayla was in a deep thought of adding pleasure to her seriousness with her studies, moreover being 24-year-old virgin. She found herself in a dream world and this retorted her back time the reality through her grandmother, who call her Tinito.
The programme she watched on TV made her believe she can still be focus and be sex attractive and engaging in it; is not a bad idea but all is a deception!!!
“Deception” A story that teaches one to be careful of what one digest. Movies are never real, what happens behind the scene is never real. Teenagers have to be careful of what they watch and digest. Often, people have been led astray by the movies they watch. We need to understand that the movies we watch on TV are never real but a scripted show. We should learn to surround ourselves with friends that share the same faith as us. This is a good story that needs to be recommended to teenagers and even adults in our society.
Wonderful story…..
We must be careful what we feed our hearts with and also be sure to not let the lies of the world that is wrapped in the body of truth steer us away from the right path.
I’m so glad she didn’t give in .
Thank you ma as always for this wonderful post. God bless you
This is so good and encouraging ma’am.Though it all a deception nowadays most of our youth today have fallen victim of this delima and illusion that most of our celebrity portray in the movies industry not knowing that it all illusion/ false attribute of vision/ dreams that one should not meditate on.Thank God for Kayla that she never fall a victim of such deception.
This is a very interesting and educating piece.
Teenagers are so blinded by what they watch on tv. What we feed our heart makes us who we are and what we produce to society. We need to inculcate the ability of filtering information as both what we hear and see can have great impact on us. We also have to surround ourselves with friends that share the same ideas as us. Let God be your guide.
Going through the comments and I see MOST people stating the fact that virginity is cool and it’s a lady’s pride, lol, what about the guys is virginity not supposed to be their pride also? Remember, our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, all of us both male and female are expected to use our body to glorify God not just a specific gender.
May God help us all.
Wowuu….it was really such a rescue and a timely one. Immorality used to be odd and out of place but presently, one who is moral is termed “JJC”, he/she doesn’t know what’s up…just like the voice of her granny, we need the voice of God to return to our senses…
Incredible story ma, it is not uncommon for us young people to feel left out and get influenced by movies and friends. This story is as real as it gets. Bravo
Virginity is important and good.. but the world we are in now has no respect for it.
I once met a guy that told me he won’t get married to a virgin. He said and I quote, “I want an experienced woman.” It was just his way of using girls making them think he will marry them. The guy later went to the village to get a “virgin wife”. ?.
Thank you ma for this short story… It is a must-read for every teenager.
What a trilling story. i have it captivating because it really do have a lesson attached to it. “you be what you watch” at least she came to her sense on time. what about people that have fallen prey to things they see. and people associate virginity with only women. Men can/Should also be virgins too.
most of the negative trends in the society today largely comes from movie industries, they paint unrealistic world, and the gullible follows
The story of Kayla is akin to reality. What is considered a treasure is no longer so. Our virginity is sold out for a penny or two. How did we get here? Where did our values go?
It’s so obvious from this story that what we watch as a movie goes beyond just seeing to change our perspective about certain things in life.
The story is so true, is a typical example of what is happening in our world today, we only need the grace of God to survive in this trial times, abomination is now seen as modernization, May God help us all, Amen.
In our society nowadays being a virgin is seen as a thing of shame for most youths.Apart from peers who will mock you, most parents also mock their virgin children.
I hope that like Kayla, anyone planning to venture into premarital sexual relationship will think twice.I pray that the coming generation will be more like kayla’s grandmother.Virginity is a gift,a priceless virtue
I believe that not all the things we see on the television is real. Some have negative impact on us and it is unto us to decide whether to agree to it or not. We should run away from anything that is against our faith.
People especially youths and teenagers easily get enticed by what they see on television and especially on the internet, and these things corrupt them making them behave in an uncultured manner
So many young people have fallen prey to some tv shows they watch without knowing that those shows are not real.We must be prayerful to avoid falling into enemy snares.
This is a nice story
It points out the impacts what we watch or even read has in us
I pray we learn to give our attention to more positive things
Virginity is now seen as irrelevant, it’s no longer considered the pride of a woman. I guess that was why Kayla was feeling ashamed of been a virgin at 24. We should know that not all we watch on the television is real and also avoid getting influence by it.
The story is awesome, I think we should be smart enough to understand the different between imagination and movie acting from reality of life to avoid deception. God bless you ma.
Most people especially the naive ones are easily deceived by what is shown on TV. They are made to believe all they see is real. Deception is bad.
Most people fall in that categories, some from friends, movies and so on. But movies has been one of the deceptive things especially to teenagers and youth. Thank God she was able to realize herself.
Wonderful piece..we need to be careful about what we watch. We should watch healthy programs.
People especially youths and teenagers easily get enticed by what they see on television and especially on the internet, and these things corrupt them making them behave in an uncultured manner
Peer pressure is really too bad, yes, virginity is not an achievement but never mock anyone who decides to keep hers, I have always had this mentality that I can’t really marry a virgin
Because of this some of us are misguided into doing the wrong things God help us
It is very bad that majority of girls in our county today are in Kayla’ s shoes.young girls and boys see their “virginity as a load to be discarded rather than a part of her that should be cherished”
Wonderful story ma, this is the reason why we shouldn’t expose ourselves to movies that would lead us to deception.
We need to be careful of what we watch and things we allow into our body as they influence our lives positively or negatively.
Chastity has been thrown to the dogs, People no longer value virginity. Pornography is like the norm this days and this is not good for the society. Nobody is perfect but I wish people don’t yield to temptation easily.
The desire to belong has led lots of people astray.. God help us
Avoid those movies, music and generally anything that threatens our relationship with God. That we live in the world, should not make us of the world.
This is a very educative story. It teaches that what we see and hear can be very deceptive.
Movies can be deceitful at times. In our world today, people no longer believe being a virgin is a thing to be proud of but thinks it’s a shameful thing. Kayla was drawn out from that thought by the grace of God and knew what she really wanted in her life.
Interesting story, keep it up.
So many in the world now feel that virginity can’t be kept due to what most people have watched (seen) and heard.
Youths should be mindful of most things online and TV cause most of them ain’t real, taking them personal just leads to taking a decision you’re not supposed to take.
It’s true that what we see and hear have a high tendency to register either the good or the bad. She was a victim of that but thank God she came off the thought that could have gotten her into a great trouble.
Nice story ma, deception leads to frustration,youths should be aware of what they do and watch inorder not to derail from good behavior.
Sometimes, our search for the so called ideal life leads us far away from God. We should really watch who we look up to as role models and whose lifestyle we want to imitate.
One needs to be very careful so as not to be influenced negatively
I am glad she realized it’s deception,before she made that mistake of following them. Most times things are not what we think they are,we need wisdom to discern all these. I thank God for her life
Really interesting
This write-up is indeed an eye open to us youths who at times go astray for our need to belong to the group of big boys and girls .
Thank you ma.
She is not wrong to worry about not having a partner. She is wrong worrying about being a virgin. She should work on her relationship life and pray for a good man. Losing the virginity won’t help matters
All that glitters is not gold. Do not judge your way of life based on what you watch or how you see people live theirs. Consistent communication with God is key to avoiding distractions and temptations.
Any thing you see on social media movies some are not real. i learnt a lot from these piece
The media plays a powerful role in our today’s society, contents on this platform can either make one or destroy one, negativity seems to be the order of the day that we no longer know good and bad, nasty things are being applauded just a second away from God can lead to deception
Nice one ma, many youths have taken the wrong path because of peer group influence, movies they watch, the internet and the society itself.
Sometimes we tend to look at what people will say without believing in ourselves. Most young girls are influenced by what we watch and they think that virginity is a burden.
Social media and TV has it’s own implication, because of all this make-believe and it’s considerable,huge influence on people, especially the youths. Always look out for signs, questions and endeavor not to fall prey to things on social media.
The world distracts us with it’s illusions and vanities,only God can save us in these moments.
Only the strong shall survive.
People has been living in there own dreams thinking it’s reality . Seeing things that are not worth it not knowing that they are deceiving there self .we should not allow what the word is bringing out day by day to affect us and our relationship with God.
Most of us are like Kayla’s including males and females. We seems to practice more of what we see in movies forgetting the fact that it was only dramatized and are not real. ThankGod for Kayla’s grandmother who was able to open her eyes on the wrong decided she was about to make. When we fall into such temptation we should try to prayer to overcome it.
Most things we see are not true, but those that are not wise will fall in it, but thanks to God, she realised and followed the right path.
Thank you ma for sharing, seriously deception is really bad.sometimes we believe people or what we watch too fast.Virginity is now seen as irrelevant in the eyes of the foolish ones, it’s no longer considered the pride of a woman. I guess that was why Kayla was feeling inferior and ashamed of been a virgin at 24, which here in Igbo it’s a proud and decent thing to keep. But the bitter truth remains that virginity still gives you that respect in eyes of everyone.
Deception is very bad. Look at how the dreams and aspirations of this young girl got crushed. We should not succumb to any form of deception because the end part is always destructive.
God first!!! kayla’s story has just made me learnt that we should put Gof first cause even a moment without God is dangerous and can cause regrets and damage. Indeed the power of what we see and hear so often can never be over emphasized. It could make the strong weak.
I actually think, Kayla’s case is one of misplaced priorities. We should never lose ourselves in the path of self-discovery. Not everything presented to us on television or social media is worth our consideration or attention even. If I were a motivational speaker, I’d say that christians should stay woke.
Even in the Bible it is written that we guide our heart with all diligence, therefore being careful of what we see or hear. Thank God she realised herself before it became too late.
Nobody is ready wait and keep themselves but the repercussion always ends in disaster.Nice literary piece ma.
This story reminds me of the saying, “Not all that glitters is gold” some things may look appealing to the eye but harmful in disguise. As a teenager we should endeavour to guide our thought and seek the face of God in all we do. Thank you ma for sharing.
Firstly,though I know is story but I want to thank God for the life of Kayla. Deception is very bad and that why we should not be exposing ourselves to all this movies that won’t impact in our life and we should always follow friends that has a good Vision ahead to avoid going astray
The devils main instrument is deceit…
Thank goodness Kayla realized on time but then, what happens to the remaining ninety percent of our youths, whether brilliant, shy, exuberant, that have fallen victims to this same deception. Each day, let us remember these souls in our prayers, so that God will have mercy and save them like he has done for kayla.
What a story…..I really love the suspense that comes in this story, cos I don’t think much person’s were able to predict the end from the start of the story…. My happiness is that Kayla didn’t lose her pride, and also coming to realise that it was just a TV show which was just a make believe script, people acted on…
Thanks Ma…..
Deception is one of the most dangerous agents of destruction.
Interesting piece… This happen often to we young ones, we need the grace of God to realize ourselves and focus
This short story is really an eye opener. We should always guard our eyes from the things we see and watch because this things may so negatively affect us even before we realize it. Being a virgin is really priceless and something we should be proud of.
One really have to be careful on what we watch this days, most of these are not for positive influence but the nagative, kayla would have made the biggest mistake of her life if they was no covering from her grandmother.
Virginity is nothing to be ashamed of
It is a priceless gift to be proud of.
Teens of today are usually pressured to be like their mates on social media they use the common and popular slang “God when” We should learn to be more appreciative of what we have and place our priorities right. Thanks for sharing ma.
Fictions aren’t real and sometimes wat we see on the TV are not real and this may lead to self-deception …thank God for her
Wow! What we see or expose ourselves to really affects us both mentally and emotionally. Thinking of “a virgin at 24” being a crime? It is only evident in a society like ours which is filled with evident traces of immorality. May God help us!
When one watches sex scenes over and over, it starts getting to them gradually and if care is not taken the person may eventually engage in it . I am glad that Kayla finally realized that it was all a deception.
What we see on Tv or social media are most times scripted, we have to try our best to not get sucked into this fiction or fantasy. Kayla was able to avoid making a bad decision in her life, not everyone would be so lucky.
We should be mindful of what we feed our soul and body.
Ma this piece is really for me
With all the turbulence going on in the university, sex is a free thing to get on campus at a cheap rate as well.
Most virgins don’t feel the need to keep their virginities any more.
Sometimes, decisions we take can terminate our destinies, if she had gone ahead with her plan she might have terminated her destiny.
It’s a relief that Kayla was rescued from her own thoughts right on time, and saw that things seen on TV are only make-believe. One’s virginity is meant to be cherished and preserved and not see immortality as a necessary phase.
Seeing they say is believing but when it comes to movies we should have a rethink
Tge story appears so real. People like Kayla should be made to understand that virginity is not a crime but something to be proud of. Also we should believe in ourselves and not in what we watch on the television
Ma this piece is really for me
With all the turbulence going on in the university, sex is a free thing to get on campus at a cheap rage as well.
Most virgins don’t feel the need to keep their virginities any more.
Sometimes, decisions we take can terminate our destinies, if she had gone ahead with her plan she might have terminated her destiny.
People should quit believing everything they see online because it makes you feel you are not doing your best and makes u feel pressured.
Thank you ma for this beautiful piece. This piece taught me that we should always cling to God at all times, and before we take any decision, we should always involve God and not take or make decisions on our own accord.
Not everyone one would as lucky as Kayla. Virginity is a very priceless gift to hold on to tightly. Let’s learn from this story some victims weren’t lucky enough.
What is good is good and what is bad is bad. No matter the lies the world projects as truth, the only truth is still the word of God. Hold on to it, it saves.
Thank you ma for this enlightening piece
We should be mindful of what we feed our eyes with as they are the gateway to the soul.
Most females tend to loose their virginity due to peer pressure from their friends or from what they see online. Rather they should be happy and proud about their virginity.
The Bible says we should guard our hearts. Kayla would have been a victim of what we see in the movies but was saved by God through her grandmother. The story is very good one.
This is really an interesting story. Being engrossed, believing and tend to live by what we see on TV is truly a deceit by one’s self. Those things are what we are made to believe and not real, it’s good Kayla realized that before she could make the wrong decision.
What we do regularly has a strong impact on us especially when we get addicted to them, it could either be for better or for worse.
Movies has a way of portraying reality. They try to create a perfect world where there is much fun than is obtainable in reality. I hope we won’t loose our self control because of the fantasies we are exposed to. Nice story ma’am.
This is one good reason why people should always be close to God because no matter what might happen along the way, God has a way of always drawing us back to him. Thank God for her, she was drawn back to God
Some of us can be misguided by the internet or what we see on tvs, those things are not real, we shouldn’t fall victim before we realised.
Deception can actually enslave someone. In as much as we watch movies and look up to others, let’s understand that everyone is not facing the same reality and we should look beyond the face value and as well think beyond the immediate. I’m happy Kayla wasn’t deceived forever.
Thanks so much ma’am!
No one’s destiny is tight to another, because it worked for someone, doesn’t necessarily mean it would for you, learning to be oneself is the key to good life.
We should learn how to control what we watch at times and should also be able to discern the difference between fiction and reality
There are so many deceptive things that we all have to be aware of. Thanks for sharing ma.
This society makes virginity look soo outdated.not everyone has a grandma who gives warnings now. Just be you.
Chastity is a virtue that should be pursued and preserved. It’s quite sad that the girl in the story finds her virginity a load that should be discarded. Let us all desire to be pure and holy.
the the things you see in movies are not always real most of them are fiction and those explicit content are meant for mature minds Kayla was saved that God intervened in her life before it was too late.
Our media content consumption often influences our reality and decision. Teenagers are often the worst hit. Only redirection to the Lords path will define our living.
History tells us the sad reality of the life we living now. Most young people take premarital sex (fornication) as a norm now and this is due to the acceptance of the Western world and the type of movies we are exposed to
I love this story, It is a very captivating one…. All these things we watch on TV are all scripted one shouldn’t be swayed by it.
We should not accept everything we see on television because some of them are fiction. Fictions are not real. Thank God for her
An interesting piece Ma, we should never believe whatever we see on television, they can be misleading at times. Imaging Kayla, who has a bright future ahead of her, trying to divert that blessing because of a Television series. People nowadays, get easily influenced by what they see, watch or listen too, which is very wrong.
This should teach us all a lesson. Not everything we see are actually real. Kayla is lucky, she is a very intelligent and privileged girl who has all she wants. All in all we should always put God first.
She didn’t know that all those thoughts were vanity upon vanity. Thank God she came to her senses later
People lifestyle is now dictated by what they see on the media. I thank God Kayla regained herself before falling completely into the lies. It’s not everything we see on the media is real,we shouldn’t try to compare our life with the fake things happening on the media. This generation needs to pray and also constantly study the word of God in order not to go the wrong way.
Beautiful piece. This taught me that people shouldn’t always try to follow trends or anything see on the media but focus on their main goal
Premarital sex has become the norms these days and it has gotten to the extent that virgins are being shamed and seen as people that don’t know “whatsup”.. Sighs!.. One way to keep to this is by having a strong relationship with God and being able to discern between right and wrong regardless of what majority think.
This story is addictive and super interesting.Kayla allowed herself to be deceived by reality show which isn’t actually real and at the process lost herself to it.
It’s high time we all come to accept the fact that anything we watch and hear have a great influence on us. The devil have used different movies and series to lure young people to sin. Watching nudes is the number one reason for today’s sodomy and immorality..God help us to understand when our life is endangered and flee.
We are in a crazy world indeed!!! And the only way to survive in this perverted generation is to build strong moral principles that guide our actions. We should never take too seriously what we see from friends, social media and the likes of them…. The word of God should be our standard for what is right or wrong. Thank you ma for this beautiful piece for youths of this generation.
This post potrays the negative effect of some TV programme and the persistence to live a life like that if you fail you become the dumb one, God help us.
Great piece.
Young people should learn to hold on,on their integrity and not to be influenced by what they view especially on social media.thank u ma
Thank God she realized her dreadful state and snapped out of it else her story would have been complicated.
The media can be deceptive, what we watch or see in social media and TVs it’s not always real. We should not let that get us, let’s put our attention in more positive things.
Hard work and pleasure are totally different things which doesn’t go hand in hand and this is a technique movie producers use to get the attention of their audience and make them feel that the world is full of roses. But it’s unfortunate many have fallen for this trick.
The kind of things we expose our selves to affects us greatly especially in a generation where immorality is glorified. Let’s be careful because not all us will get the same chance as Kayla.
I love this piece. I wish that our youths will learn from this story. We shouldn’t be deceived by what we see and hear especially from social media
Not everything we see on the tv or internet is real.
This has happened to me a lot, I watch a series and I wish my life was like that until I remember that it is just acted, it doesn’t also take long before what you watch influences your thoughts and dreams
This has happened to me a lot, I watch a series and I wish my life was like that until I remember that it is just acted, it doesn’t also take long before what you watch influences your thoughts and dreams.
Truly, many of us are forced to go under the knife from what we watch on our screens and what we see people around us do, forgetting that we have different destinies
Deception everywhere! The terrible part of it is that people tend to imitate bad things more. Deception doesn’t only come from the media but also from the friends we keep, who and what we surround ourselves with. People don’t really want to loose their virginity but because they feel it’s trending they have no other option than to fall victim.
All that glitters isn’t Gold. Online trends are just mere disguise, if we know this we know peace.
All that glitters is not gold, people act and fake things on television and social media so be careful not to be sucked into their deception and lose your morals and values.
All that is not gold, people act and pretend on television and social media so be careful not to lose your morals and values and be sucked into their deception.
There’s nothing more important than upholding one’s dignity. This is one thing every girl child should understand. Thank God kayla was stopped from taking that very destructive step.
Virginity is a woman’s dignity which we should be proud of. God truly watches over his children, just as he used Kayla’s grandma as her guardian angel.
Virginity should be embraced and premarital sex should be shunned.
Nice short story…
We are a product of what we see,hear,read or watch and as such we should be mindful of what we expose ourselves to so we dont end up being deceived.
A very interesting story that got my necks bent while I assimilate the content value, I have it captivating because it do really do have a lesson attached to it, most of the negativities trending in the society today largely comes from movie industries, they paint unrealistic world
This story got me . We all should be careful with the friends we have , because bad friends corrupt good manners .
Interesting story. This story will be beneficial to the youths of nowadays, because of the kind of things we are exposed to. we need to be careful with the kind of contents we devote our time watching.
Ma’am what do you think about guys who think it’s awkward for them to be virgins using the mentality that they are polygamists in nature and by that needs to have sex.
C’mon, what do you think I think about that? I obviously do not support their notion. Chastity in singleness and marital fidelity are for everyone.
Hmm, interesting story.
We should be careful as youths on world view and how we accept other people’s progressive standards as the norm. But my deduction is summed on the fact that the phrase that says “Different stroke for different folks” played out for Kalya in the sense that where one inhabits determines what, when, and how to enjoy whatever it presents. Secondly, living our lives based on such premise articulated on the story has affected youths either positively or negatively. It’s a double-edge sword if I must conclude.
I’m constantly intrigued by the writing skills evident in your writing ma. More grace.
My take on the story. I can only relate Kayla’s plight to mine. I’m consistently question my resolves and want to live the wild life, trying to place a balance that can never be, between pleasure and success. However, after reading this, I think I’ve made up my mind. Success first and pleasure later or not ?. All that glitters is not gold.
things we involve ourselves sometimes have a grater chance of influencing us easily .it only takes grace of God and mature mind to differentiate between good from evil .thank you ma.
Whenever we don’t have the Holy Spirit or we aren’t prayerful we can be easily swayed. We should make efforts to be prayerful.
Hmm, interesting story but my deduction is summed on the fact that the phrase that says “Different stroke for different folks” played out for Kalya in the sense that where one inhabits determines what, when, and how to enjoy whatever it presents. Secondly, living our lives based on such premise articulated on the story has affected youths either positively or negatively. It’s a double-edge sword if I must conclude.
This post makes us understand that most things we see are not as it is. Don’t fall for the trending things online, some are not real.
Youths need to be encouraged , so that they would not be easily deceived by opposite sex especially, when on campus.
In most cases, life is not always the way we thought it to be. What we see in the movies, most at times make us derail from our peaceful and purposeful life pattern. This may be due to its pervasive and persuasive nature.
Nevertheless, a wise and enlightened person should never throw away his moral principles because of few make-believe scenes of a movie.
There is a saying that social media influences people at lot. Not everything that is shown or displayed on social media is true, you have to question whether or not it is true inorder not to make a terrible mistake
Thank you ma for this story.
Most of the movies today indirectly promote moral decadence. They now have high sexual contents. People will enter a relationship and the next scene will be a sex scene. Indirectly portraying that relationship is all about sex.
Our youths are really falling prey to this kind of stuff, they no longer feel ashamed to talk about immoral stuffs
That is why it is good to always allow the presence of God to surround us and we should also be mindful of what we watch or read to avoid corrupting our hearts.
Just like the way she was having erotic daydreams, those who read or watch those stuffs will be batting with immorality and even masturbate.
We should be mindful of what we take in because when it goes into us, it starts laying eggs and they hatch into something bad.
Above all, we should always walk in the Lord for He alone will direct our paths.
This has great moral impact. A simple message struck aggressively! Thank you ma’am.
Just because something is broadcast on air or largely by others doesn’t mean it is good, true and encouraged in real sense .
Some psychos can be behind script in disguise of being creative.
Your creativity is topnotch.
The movie industry is ever ready to lead astray the gullible.
Thank you for the reminder.
thank God for the spirit of intercession, their’s nothing wrong when someone forget his or her self but make sure you don’t get too lost for people to find you or for the person to turn back
This is beautiful Ma and I learnt from Kayla’s story that we should be careful about what we watch because it can definitely make or mar us.
I’m glad the dream came just in time. It’s a good thing that Kayla changed her mind and went back to her morality. This story isn’t something that only girls should learn from. Men need to keep their virginity too.
Movies can be so so so influencing you begin to loose your moral standards,focus, perceptions and decisions. I’ve been in Kayla’s shoes before so I perfectly understand. Then again, even tho it’s all a movie script being played out, it is actually becoming a real thing in the society and the world at large today. Sex is becoming a normalcy and there is no age limit to who gets involved in it now. So, it can still influence a persons stance without it being played out on tv. It only takes God’s grace, good company and daily dosage of the word of God, also, personal decision to overcome this deception.
This story tells us about the fact that whatever we watch has a way of influencing the way we think. Lovely story ma’am, it felt so real.
Virginity should be embraced and premarital sex should be shunned. Nice story ma, keep it up.
This is awesome.
It possesses lots and lots of moral lessons which everyone should practice on a daily basis…. I mean, mind what you watch and what you put your thoughts into.
it is in important to know that not everything we see on the internet, movies e.t.c is worthy of emulation
Wow, good for young girls!
And boys too!
What a deception!!!

The end got me thinking.
Ma I want to ask. Isn’t it necessary to satisfy our feelings???
The Bible says to do that in marriage, not outside it.
Nice story! We shouldn’t let what we see on our screens take over our life.
most times in life we have misplaced priorities and that was the case with Kayla. I also wish to advise every youth out there to be careful of what we read and watch because it can go a long way in shaping who we become. Whenever we don’t have the Holy Spirit or we aren’t prayerful we can be easily swayed. We should make efforts to be prayerful.
This show’s that it is not all we see in the television or Internet are real
And we should be careful who we befriend no matter denomination their from
The little we see goes a long way in forming our minds, which in turn influences our actions. We must never forget that.
This is exactly what happens in our time,so many young people have gone astray by what the watched listened to
Keeping yourself for that one person ordained by the heavens attracts more blessings from Yahweh
Lesson: mind the kind of things (contents) you Feed your eyes with. That goes a long way in our mental health.
Half movies are fantasies
We as young ones should not be carried away by that
Many lessons are to be learnt in this story. This story should be an epiphany for young ones to learn. We should be mindful of the kind of movies we watch, books we read, etc and the friends we keep, they play vital role in our lives. Thank you ma for this wonderful piece.
This story proves the adage that says “ not all that glitters are Gold “ sometimes our sense may be deceiving us . We don’t have to make decisions when we are happy or angry because we might regret it later .
The story of Kayla can be seen in the society now, where people thing that being a virgin is living an old-fashioned life. The virgins in the society are taken for granted and tremed the naive one because people see them as “scared” and not being able to take the bold step, we pray that God rescue the young ladies out there who have the same mindset as Kayla. Thank you ma for this wondeful piece
We actually need to be careful so we don’t mess ourselves up at young age
Don’t fall for deceptive tricks that can destroy your life destiny, because our tomorrow is an product of our yesterday, what goes around comes around. Be wise..!
This story is an eyeopener,we sometimes allow what we see in movies ,what we see on social media affects our lives mostly negatively.
Most of the movies we watch are capable of depicting wrong themes. Lots of young people especially the females feels that as long as there are still a virgin it’s a taboo,they are usually ashamed instead of being proud.
I learnt that just a second away from God can bring diaster someone’s life,as we can see the devil tried to occupy the mind of Kayla with the show she was always watching because she moved away from God
I also learnt they it’s not everything we see on social media,we inhabit,in the story Kayla was inhabiting what she was seeing and it started changing the way she saw the world, the way she saw herself if not for her guardian angel who was able to stop her.
This story depicts the ongoings of the world today. This is more reason why we need to hold unto God tightly because a moment without God is scary. I love the fact that your stories are ever green, ma.
The world of television and social media can be very deceptive and trying to pattern your life according to it stories will only end in regret and low self-esteem
That a lot of people do it doesn’t make it right. We should learn to have self confidence and embrace God’s love and will, in other to be fulfilled. Secondly we shouldn’t believe everything we watch on TV or online, cause they aren’t real. God bless you ma for this wonderful story. Remain bless!
Truly, the TV/Media has a a way shaping and Influencing People’s actions, more reason why we should be conscious of what we watch and the information we process.
Thank you ma for this Inspiring Piece.
Truly,we are consumed by what we digest!!!! To think that there are millions of people who feel the same way as Kayla is sad.
Interesting story! Sometimes we are carried away by what we see on television or what we watch on social media and forget our good moral upbringing. This story is a reminder for me. Thank you, ma!
An interesting piece of writing, ever timely and educative! Many young people like me can relate with the battles Kayla was going through, although not necessarily in the area of losing virginity but many other immoralities, that if you are not participating in such activities, you are seen as inferior by your mates.
From this story I get to understand that what you expose your self to can affect your mindset, just as Kayla mind set was affected. we should also try our best to protect that precious thing we have (our pride) not allowing anyone or anything make us lose it.
Whoa, this story about deception and the power of influence is mind-blowing, It’s a powerful reminder to question what we see and not be easily swayed. Can’t wait to read more!