How to Write an Excellent Interview Feature

I hereby share a segment from the fourth chapter of one on my books, Feature Writing Simplified, to help students and practitioners who are tasked with the responsibility of crafting interview stories hand in brilliant pieces.

Interview Feature
Interview features are based on the writer’s dialogue with the subjects. Those interviewed may be recognised authorities in special fields or well-known persons whose prominence gives weight to their views. They may also be relatively “unknown persons whose ideas are new and unique.” [18]

While a writer may occasionally get a story from an impromptu interview, it is usually better to make an appointment thus giving the interviewee time to think about the subject and come up with more interesting and comprehensive material.

A list of questions should be pre-planned and loosely adhered to so that the writer can elicit the exact information he desires. Whatever the theme of the interview, the writer should endeavour to ask the readers’ questions (the kind they would ask if they were to meet the interviewee).

The interview article is usually divided into two portions – the introduction and the text. It can begin with a vivid description of the person interviewed – his personal particulars, appearance, mannerisms, surroundings and background. It may also begin with an epigram or a quotation from the interview followed by a description of the interviewee. The reason for the interview should be included in the introduction along with any relevant background or explanatory material.

The text usually consists of the questions and responses in the form of direct quotations. Excerpts can be used if the interview was too lengthy. Also, needless repetition and meaningless responses should be omitted to avoid wasting the reader’s time and effort. And words should be added where the writer has omitted or transposed some of the responses to ensure clarity and a smooth flow of the article.

The foregoing and a few other useful guides gleaned from William Zinsser’s On writing well have been condensed into the following quotation:[19]

You’ll find that (the interviewee) said much that’s not interesting, or not pertinent, or that’s repetitive. Single out the sentences that are most important or colorful. You’ll be tempted to use all the words that are in your notes because you performed the laborious chore of getting them all down. But that’s a self-indulgence. Your job is still to distil the essence.
Never let anything go out into the world that you don’t understand. Don’t become the prisoner of quotes – so lulled by how wonderful they sound that you don’t stop to analyse them. (When in doubt) you can call the person you interviewed. Tell him you want to check a few of the things he said. Get him to rephrase his points until you understand them.
I know from experience that it’s just not possible to write a competent interview without some juggling and eliding of quotes. What’s wrong, I believe, is to fabricate quotes or to surmise what someone might have said. Therefore, if you find on page 5 of your notes a comment that perfectly amplifies a point on page 2 – a point made earlier in the interview – you will do everyone a favor if you link the two thoughts, letting the second sentence follow and illustrate the first. This may violate the truth of how the interview progressed but you will be true to the intent of what was said.
(Also), play with the quotes by all means – selecting, rejecting, thinning, transposing their order, saving a good one for the end. Just make sure the play is fair. Don’t change any words that would distort the proper context of what remains. (Don’t) let the cutting of a sentence (do that either).
Finally, if the speaker’s conversation is ragged – if his sentences trail off, if his thoughts are disorderly, if his language is so tangled that it would embarrass him – the writer has no choice but to clean up the English and provide the missing links. (If) there’s a hole in the language or the logic, to leave the hole is no favor to the reader or the speaker – and no credit to the writer. You have to patch the damage. Often you only need to add one or two clarifying words. Or you might find another quote in your notes that makes the same point clearly. (Whatever you do, however, let the interviewee’s) turns of phrase (remain. Let the responses) sound like him.

Credit for picture in graphic: Sora Shimazaki on Pexels

The example below is a product of the juggling, eliding and provision of missing links recommended by Zinsser. It is an interview a student had with a newly-elected Students’ Union president at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. As I did in the quotation from Zinsser, I have put brackets around the words I inserted in the interviewee’s responses for illustration. (Included in this post is just an excerpt. The full interview can be read in the book.)

“Students’ Welfare is my Major Concern”
– New SUG President

by Martin Oji

They call him a preacher and he is one. The newly sworn-in Students’ Union Government (SUG) president of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN), Mr. Ikechukwu U. Anaga, is one whose election into office comes as a surprise. For one thing, he is a devout Christian whose pious standing seems to conflict with his new role as fighter for students’ rights. For another, he comes from the faculty of social sciences (department of sociology, social works unit) and succeeded amidst stiff opposition from the school authorities and two opponents from the faculty of engineering, a faculty that has consistently produced SUG presidents, at least in the last five years. And then, he is only a second-year student.
In this interview, the SUG president bares his mind on the state of affairs in the school and the controversies that characterized past SUG executives. He also speaks on the focus of his administration and what he hopes to achieve in office.
Anaga proved to be a very approachable fellow. This was demonstrated by his immediate acceptance to grant this interview at his presidential lodge in Akintola hall. The handsome and eloquent Sunday School teacher who is always impeccably dressed is primarily concerned about students’ welfare as the text of this interview shows.

Q: Mr. President, I congratulate you on your election. How does it feel like being the No.1 student of a big school like UNN?

A: Thank you for congratulating me. I am still my usual self, it’s just that I have greater responsibilities to the students right now. I remember (one former American president), when he won the presidential elections, he went into his bedroom and started crying. Some of his aides came and asked him why and he told them, “Look I am now carrying the problems of the whole Americans on my shoulder.” Just like him, now I am carrying the problems of over 25,000 students squarely on my shoulders. That’s it.

Q: So what you are saying is that you are already feeling the stress.

A: Well I used to be plump, but I have reduced so much. I came back from Katsina yesterday (date) and started working right away. I was here consulting with students till 8 p.m. This morning I went to the police station. In fact, I had to cut some of the assignments to meet up with others. And I even started working before my inauguration. I had to do the work myself, I am the chief servant. I must confess to you that it is really hectic.

Q: What informed your decision to run for the SUG presidency?

A: I came in here through (the) diploma (programme) and I took time looking at the students and how they are taken care of. People pay service charges and nothing is done for them. As I thought about it and prayed, God spoke to my heart and asked me to pick the form. Actually, I have been taking care of children in Sunday School. That is where my ministry is more – taking care of young people. That is why I chose to read social works and community development. Picking the form was like doing one of the things I am used to.

Q: And what will be the focus of your administration?

A: From the way I’ve been sounding you will know that my focus will be the welfare of the students. The motto of this school is “To restore the dignity of man.” (That means) restoring everything about man; bringing him to a level where he is learned, a fulfilled man. When someone is not educated, he is not fulfilled. But an educated man can be transferred to the world outside the university and (he will) be ready to face the challenges there. So my focus is going to be the welfare of the students. For sometime now, Nigerian higher institutions have been taken over by cult boys and many people are being killed, (there are) series of rapes and all that. I want to make sure that the students are well protected. I don’t mind stepping on toes to do that. If I step on toes now, when I am out of office, I can still go and make up, but if I hurt the students by not providing for their welfare, I won’t survive it. This place is going to be too hot for me. They saw that I could do it, that was why they elected me.

Q: Do you have a laid-down plan or blueprint for achieving this objective?

A: Yes. I intend making sure I dialogue for every thing I will get for the students and I tell you, I have achieved so much with this. When the students were talking about extension of the curfew, I went to see the chief executive (vice-chancellor) and he approved of it. When the Okeke (hostel) students were having problem with their light, I negotiated with the school authorities and power was restored.
Apart from that, I intend having a 20-man committee that will be divided into sub-committees for light, water, security and special duties. Each of these committees will now take care of one aspect of the students’ lives and communicate with them on efforts being made to improve their welfare.

Q: Thank you very much, Mr. Anaga, for granting this interview. I wish you a successful tenure in office.

A: Thank you and God bless you!

Illustrating the interview feature

Picture credit: Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

As stated in my book, Magazine article writing, “An interview feature requires one or more pictures of the subject (the interviewee). They could be pictures taken during the interview or those he took previously if the writer was not armed with a (good) camera.” I might add that a picture of both the interviewer and the interviewee that clearly shows the latter’s face is also acceptable.

18 Helen M. Patterson, Writing and selling feature articles. (Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1956), p. 65.

19 William Zinsser, On writing well. 5th edition. (New York: Haroer Perennial, 1994, pp. 71, 73, 79, 72, 73, 78. (This quote was framed through some “juggling and eliding” of Zinsser’s material.)

Review Questions:

***What information should writers add to the introduction of their interview features?

***In what ways can writers improve the sequence and clarity of the material they obtained from interviews?

***Suppose you were to interview the following personalities on the stated topics, prepare a list of the questions you would ask each of them.

  • The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, on the efforts of his administration to ensure the safety of staff and students during this COVID-19 pandemic
  • The Ondo State Commissioner of Police on what his command is doing to combat the menace of herdsmen-kidnappers
  • Nollywood actor and director, Tchidi Chikere, on the current challenges and prospects of the industry

***Write a feature based on your interview of a personality of your choice on an issue of public interest.

Further reading:
Bender, J. R., Davenport, L. D., Dragger, M. W. & Fedler, F. (2009). Reporting for the media. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Itule, B. D. & Anderson, D. A. (2008). News writing and reporting. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Kennedy, G., Moen, Daryl, R. & Ranly, D. (1993). Beyond the inverted pyramid. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Ohaja, E.U. (2005) Feature writing simplified. Enugu, Nigeria: El ‘Demak.

Ohaja, E. U. (2004) Magazine article writing. Lagos, Nigeria: John Letterman.


  • Chinecherem Stephens

    I love the last line of those quotations by William Zinsser, ‘let the responses sound like him’. I think it summarizes the essence of interviews.

    This was very helpful, ma,
    Thank you.

  • Chukwuneke adaeze jennifer

    Interviews encompass unique characteristics that distinguish them from other types of communication. goal-driven, question–answer, structured, controlled, and unbalanced. Interview is more like the point of view of a particular person or entity such and church mosque on a particular topic of discussion. Usually during an interview the interviewer prepares a list of questions to be asked in other to get the point of view of the interviewee does questions could be personal about the person or just a random question, now how do you start an interview what are the steps :
    Identify the purpose of the paper.
    Research the subject. …
    Prepare your questions….
    Contact the interviewee and prepare for the interview. …
    Conduct the interview. …
    Format the paper. …
    Create an outline and write your paper…
    I really enjoyed reading this particular post ma’am. Happy Sunday

  • Anekwe Paschaline Chidera

    Thank you MA for the explanations. I’ll do well to practise with the above questions

  • Buchi wisdom

    So much to learn

  • Buchi wisdom

    So educational

  • Awforkansi kamsi

    This is so detailed and easy to understand. Thank you Ma.

  • Okeke kingsley nwabueze

    So interesting ma, I learnt a lot from this study
    Thank you ma

  • Ossai Chidimma Linda

    I will get two of my friends to serve as personalities mentioned in the review questions and practise with them. As the saying, goes practice makes perfect.

  • Ozioko Glory Oluchi

    This was very helpful. Thank you ma

  • Amaugo, Stephanie Chidinma

    It’s so comprehensible. Like you said, it’s always best to make an appointment with the interviewee so as to produce an excellent interview. I don’t like impromptu interviews. Thank you for all the points you shared!

  • Ugwoke Jennifer Chinecherem

    This is so educational. I really learnt a lot from this write up. The lord will always be your strength. Thank you Ma

  • Enukora Onyedikachi Blessing

    This is exactly what I needed to improve on my interview features. Thank you ma for the detailed outline of the subject, and also an excellent example to garner knowledge and an idea of an interview feature. I will practice with this.

  • Abah Okpe Gabriel

    This is a well detailed piece which needs no further analysis nor critical thinking to actually understand, thank you. More practice, they say, makes perfect- time to practice.

  • Orieji Christiana Amarachi

    I learnt so much I need to practise this. I will try out with a friend of mine. Thank you so much, ma’am.

  • Chioma igwe

    Enlightening…Ma please assuming a writer interviews 2 or 3 personalities on a particular issue of interest, can they be combined ? If combined, would it not make the write up look immorderate?

    • Immoderate? Lol!
      To answer your question, it depends on how you asked the questions to begin with. If you interviewed both of them together, giving the two the chance to answer each question, you can present the session as such. But if you interviewed them separately, you can choose who has the best answers on which questions and use their answers for those questions. But the best approach to avoid chaos and confusion would be to have each interviewee feature in a segment of the interview that covers one aspect of the topic. Bearing that in mind when hosting the guests is important to getting the answers for writing a rich and orderly article.

  • Thank you ma for this educative piece on interview

  • Leonard Patience

    I must confess, it’s really hard getting a recognised authority in special field in the Campus to grant you time for interview even outside. I’ve been posted many times ?. I wanted my interview to have more credence compared to when I interview my classmate. This is the reason I’ve not been able to cover my assignment on the Facebook live interview given by Miss Kamara Daughtry

    • It’s true but you don’t have to climb to the top of the iroko tree. You can stop at the branches. For example, if you can’t get the Dean of Students’ Affairs, you can get one of the lecturers serving as Hall Warden, a Porter in a hostel or a Hall Governor to interview on the issue of students’ welfare.
      I hope you find this useful.

  • Ejiofor Emmanuel

    This is so comprehensive. I also think that an interviewer should endeavour to make the interviewee feel at home during the interview. Let the interview be conversational. This will elicit more and interesting answers from the subject as he is in a relaxed state.

  • Ndubuisi peace udoka

    Thank you ma on this educative piece on interview. In most cases the interviewee tend not to answer a particular questions or leave what you have asked them to answer a different one.

    • That is where follow-up questions come in. Rephrase the question and ask it again but be sure you ask it properly. Sometimes the way you phrase the question affects the way the interviewee responds. For example, if you ask too many things at once, the interviewee may not know where to start and just talk vaguely around the theme of your interview. You are blessed!

  • Nmesoma

    Could you make it shorter next time??

    • Really? An article that includes an example. This is not the forum for your two-paragraph pieces. You clearly don’t understand what we’re doing here. I suggest you change your attitude or fall out as they say in the military.

  • Chioma igwe

    Thank you ma..

  • Treasure moses

    Thank you ma for sharing this guide, I really learnt a lot. May the good lord continue to bless you.

  • Onyebuchi juliana chinyere

    Writing an excellent interview feature can only be achieved basically by proper preparation. A list of questions should be pre-planned to avoid asking a non sense question. The interviewee need to have an in depth knowledge on the topic of discussion. It is better to make an appointment with the interviewee, this will give him time to think about the subject and come up with more interesting answers. During the introduction, the interviewer creates a conducive discussion environment by asking the interviewee questions based on his personal particulars, then followed by the text which consists of the direct quotation. Provision of missing links are important. Pictures can be taken during the interview. These and many more I learnt from this brilliant piece. God bless madam

  • Ifunanya obiaga

    This is so detailed! Learnt one or two things from this piece of article. but ma what if in a case where you’re trying to shape his thought or words into your writing maybe because it comes as not being orderly and presentable as the writer or interviewer, isn’t there a chance you can miscommunicate his point.

    • There’s a caveat on that in the post. It says you should be careful not to fabricate quotes or to make the speaker sound like you instead of himself or herself.

      I think the problem you mentioned arises when the reporter’s language is poor. He or she may use words that convey a different meaning from what they intend. That is why reporters should see themselves as perpetual students, constantly building their vocabulary and expanding their knowledge in different areas.

  • Ngene Bob Charles

    The examples you gave were pretty helpful; it’s better interviews for me from now on.

    Thank you, ma’am!

  • Nkwocha chibueze Innocent

    From the examples you gave ma, I think I can actually try out an interview feature, then knowing as much as can be known about the subject, having confidence in oneself is also required.

  • Obi Chisom Vanessa

    These are indeed great tips for giving interviews, and I’ve learned a few pointers from here. I’ve always found it hard giving interviews but with this I believe there’s room for improvement.

  • Awaka Vivian oluch

    Thank you ma for bringing out time and educating us on this. God bless you abundantly.

  • Mba Jane ugochi

    Thank you immensely for this lecture ma…
    I learnt a lot “it is imperative for proper editing of the interview feature as long as we remain in line with the ideas of our interviewee”

  • Jacob Tsado

    This is so educating. Thank you ma.

  • ChikaGlory Francisca Ozor

    Thank you so much ma for this. I wish I saw this before Ms. Kamara’s assignment, I would have done better, especially the part about introducing your guest, his profession and what you will be interviewing him on. But, ma, I would want to ask- in a situation where the guest sends in the answers to your questions via voicenote and it happened that his voice wasn’t clear enough, what should you do? Can you get him to repeat the interview and in writing so that one can quote rightly?

    • Oh dear! That is a very distressing situation to contemplate. Before we choose such modes of interview, we must be sure that both ourselves and our interviewees have very good digital devices for recording and listening to such messages. Savviness in handling digital devices is also important on both ends because one may have a state of the art device and not know how to properly use it. If the interviewee is gracious enough, typing his or her responses will be nice. But it’s best to get it right the first time than burdening an interviewee with repeating an interview.


    This is a very educative and insightful guide, a comprehensible write-up. Thank u ma for this amazing interview write-up

  • Uzochukwu Onyeka Godwin

    I have learned some great points from here
    Thank you for bringing out your time to educate us
    God bless you abundantly ma

  • Isaac Uche Dorathy

    So detailed and comprehensive. Feels like I just attended a class right from the comfort of my living room. My take home sentence is “Don’t become the prisoner of quotes”. Thank you so much ma for always impacting knowledge on your audience.

  • Thank you, ma, for sharing this vital educative piece. By reading this, I have learnt much about interview and this has helped in shaping my knowledge about interviews.

  • Thank you so much Ma, for this detailed explanation. I always find it hard to go out for interviews and also writing an interview piece but with this write up am willing to give it a try. Practice they say makes perfect.

  • Ikea Joy

    Personally, I feel like this post broke the topic down for me and has helped increase my understanding on how to conduct a decent interview. Thank you ma.

  • Ozoani Emmanuel m

    It’s actually insightful and well written, one could be versatile in journalism with this format. Keep it up ma, more grease to your elbow. ???

  • Ugwu Amanda Uchechukwu

    Very educative
    Thank you ma

  • Ekuma, Jude Ede

    Mostly impressed with how you articulate the content of the piece, the simplicity of the words used, how pointed and direct your analysis are.

    But a times maa, an interviewer may throw nothing but relevant question to the interviewee but he avoids it because it may lead him to reveal some secrets about him or say his office or work.
    Then, in such case, what do you do as an interviewer?

  • Emmanuel Blessing Ifeoma

    This is so educational. I’ve learnt at least how to put questions to the people interviewed and also to have background knowledge of the topic of discussion. Thank you ma!!!

  • Ugwu Amanda Uchechukwu

    Very educative ma

  • Eze John Onyedikachi

    This is very educative ma’am. It is very rare to find a proactive learned woman showcasing her intellectual capacity in the infosphere. Everything here boils down to the fact that you didn’t become a lecturer for the money involved but due to your love for it.
    I envy the department you are leading. No wonder Mass Comm. students are always proud of you.
    Love you… From Philosophy dept.


      Though I have read that from the main book.his piece is nice, especially the excerpt from William Zinsser. It has opened my mind on how to go about interview feature writing. Ride on ma?

  • This is a wonderful and interesting lecture. With it, I now know more about interview. May God continue to strengthen you as you keep on educating us and giving us guidance. Thank you, ma!

  • Amazing. This write-up has made indelible impact in my life. Ma. it is fortunate to encounter such a scholar like you. I have always been afraid to write story and equally to stand before an interviewer but through this now I can be able to make an attempt.
    Thank you very much. May the Almighty God bless and increase your creative ability.

  • Wow thats awesome, keep it up Ma.

  • Eze Christian Chinedu

    Thank you so much for this insightful write-up Mà
    You are really blessing a generation

  • Okoli Ezinne Juliet

    I just got to understood that, when writing an interview, brevity should be observed so you don’t bore your readers. Also I understood some things about magazine article writing. Happy Sunday, ma!

  • Nwabueze Ogechi Norah.

    This piece is an eye-opener. It has opened my eyes on how to go about interview feature writing. Interviewing people and writing about interviews will not be difficult for me any longer, as a philosophy student.

    Thank you Ma. May God continue to give you insights.

  • Ogbozor Chiamaka Zillah

    I have no regrets to have you as my lecturer, with all these you’ve said, it won’t be cumbersome for me concerning anything pertaining to interviews, at least I can be able to defend myself either in an interview or in writing any article on interview

  • Kalu Grace Onuma

    My name is Kalu Grace Onuma, a 300l student of Philosophy department.

    A concise and well analyzed work as this,captivates a reader and promotes readership the more in Africa.

    Comprehension most times becomes a challenge to most readers who are not extensively versed with vocabulary and densely used Dictions, Reading can actually be discouraging when most of our great lettered African Writers tries to make a show of their rich and intimidating vocabulary, with the intension to portray an air of Superiority, they end up making a mess and a Caricature of the essential aim of Communication.

    The core aim of language is communication and the very reason for communication is to relay an information and this can never be realized without appropriate comprehension. when there is Gap in communication due to Ambiguity of language, it without doubt,poses a big problem to the reader.

    “Why buy when you can actually purchase” may seem a rhetorical question but it is a truism that should guide our native writers, the principle aim of writing is to pass across information and not to impress or make a show of your level of learnedness.

    I want to as well point out the need for a concise work, a good writer should avoid the overwhelming type of writing that bores the reader when the point can easily be made, it is tiring to keep reading a long paragraph without being able to get a point or getting a point when one seem exhausted.

    • Na waa oh! Are you commenting on a post about writing interview features or giving a lecture on a different topic? ?

      • Kalu Grace Onuma

        Sorry Ma, the comment was not for interview feature .

        My phone has faults with both the screen and some other areas. I am struggling to comment with it but just that I enjoy your wonderful works through this medium.

        Still on this interview feature I must commend how educative and beautiful this work is. With your page, one can’t be totally off when it comes to writing.

  • Isani Christopher Ikechukwu

    Apt! I must commend your tireless efforts gearing towards elimination of ignorance. I must confess I’m now more enlightened on the subject matter than I was before clicking on your link.

    Your soul is blessed ma

  • Emmanuel Ngozi Treasure

    Before now, I had issues understanding this article, but after a thorough and calm reading of your piece, I can tell of my improvement and I look forward to putting your effort into practice as a student philosopher. Thanks for having our interest at heart.. God bless you

  • Such a comprehensive guide.
    Just found out new things.
    Thanks so much Dr.

  • Amah Somtoochukwu Blessing

    Well Articulated, Simplified, Educational And Interesting… Thanks For D’s Wonderful Piece….

  • Wow, thank you very much my amiable Dr Edith Ohaja. Indeed the duties of a journalist are not simple in any matter. This is obviously why training and coachings for Journalists are strenuous and complex.

    I am Wilfred, Chigozirim Wisdom a 300l philosophy student of UNN. Once more, thank you Dr Edith Ohaja My assiduous lecturer, may God Crown your unflappable nature with more Glory.I have learnt with Joy, the journalist should ensure that the questions are clear to avoid nebulous answers, since in most cases the person interviewed, prominent and powerful people in the society. Through the interview important facts are divulged from the personality to the Journalist, who writes the interview feature to disseminate the information elicited.

    As a prospecting Masscommunication philosopher. I say Bravo ma!

    I will keep visiting your blog… And I will try my possible best to invite most of my friends both in UNN and other higher institutions to come over to your blog and learn a new perspective too.

  • Thomas Henry Chibunna

    So educational! Can’t be any way better than this.
    With what I’ve learnt here, I’d be able to improve my own interview skills.

  • Thomas Henry Chibunna

    Please in what way exactly can you make an interview seem less formal and still arrive at your aim, which is, gaining certain information from the interviewee? Or does an interview always have to be straight forward and formal?

    • I talked about exchanging pleasantries. Asking personal questions that are not offensive also help. The whole tone of your speech can help relax the interviewee if you speak conversationally rather than in a starched and formal way.

  • Francis Okwukaeze

    From this piece, I have learned a great deal about writing an interview feature. And the examples you gave are superb. Great article!

  • Eze Ogechukwu Christiana

    The write up is an inspiration for students who would want to become better writers. Thank you ma for information you have passed unto us through your writing.

  • Jibulu Ngozi

    It’s always good to prepare for an interview like when you said the interviewer should send out his possible questions before the day of the interview
    Also you tried adding some words that were omitted from the interview with the Sug president therefore making the interview look rich
    Thank you for the detailed information you give to us students

  • Iwuh Donald

    As a reader, I have read some really great interview features and some bad ones too. And a key difference between them is in the colourful usage of quotes or lack thereof – As Zinsser rightly pointed out.
    On the other hand, as a writer, this well-detailed post will certainly help me write better interview features as well as ensure I don’t do what I hate.
    Thanks for this, ma!

  • Maryann Ugwuanyi

    I’m really elated to read this post. Thanks ma for sharing.


    If after reading this educative piece carefully and one is not intellectually stimulated towards an excellent interview feature writing, then the agent is accountable for that omission.
    Thank you ma for that lucid and illuminating explanation.

  • Omeke celestine chiedozie

    So much informations to digest. Keep it up ma’am.



  • Aṅulika Iwoba

    Thank goodness I didn’t miss this piece.
    Thank you so much ma. This is so detailed and easy to understand.
    I’m sure I can turn out better articles with practice.

  • Ngwu Charles kelechukwu

    Nice one Dr.

    It is a brilliant Article which not just explain on interview feature but with detailed example on how to go about while writing an interview feature…

    Some of the recent interviewer’s do bring settlement in the cost of interviewing someone in the sense that they refuse asking some critical questions which is pertinent with that mentality of “I don’t want to lose my job…”

    Should there be any settlements while interviewing someone?
    Not asking the most important question which you may refer to as something personal to the persin being interviewed, is it a good idea considering interview feature?

    • Except you’re working for a tabloid newspaper or gossip magazine, you will not delve into people’s personal affairs that don’t border on public interest.

      • Ngwu Charles kelechukwu

        Thanks Dr for the clarification. ..

        With this i already know my limits as an interviewer.
        And with this aIso, I won’t like to run a gossip magazine ?

        Thanks so much

    • Nzubechi Victor

      Wow… This post shares a huge amount of light on the necessities of this writing.

      Thanks so much MA.


    Thanks alot ma for sharing, anyone who takes out time to study and inculcate these ideas on feature interview writing will definitely be a pro.

  • What agent are you talking about, biko? ???

  • Ugochukwu Chah

    Honestly speaking I have never done an interview before, except a vox pop which isn’t technically an interview and I have been scared of conducting one, not knowing how to start, where to start from and all that. As a journalist I am better at writing than at speaking or interviewing people. But I think with this simple explanatory advice, I can try it out. The way you listed out the things to do before and during an interview really made it all seem so easy and somewhat effortless.
    I am so very grateful that you take out time from your schedules to still educate people wherever you are.
    Thank you, Ma, and may God bless you.

  • Tawo Enare Benson

    God bless u richly ma, this piece of writing is excellent, i pray for more of God’s grace on u ma, I’m really privileged, indeed knowledge is power.

  • Isaac sopuruchi peace

    I tried interviewing a fellow class mate who is an upcoming actor after Ms.Daughtry’s Zoom class.
    And I would say it was exciting because it was my first actual interview.
    Thank you ma, for the opportunity…

  • Thank you very much ma, this is really helpful and eye opening. God bless you.

  • Onah Kenneth C

    This is seemingly More easier and simpler to comprehend…
    Thanks a bunch ma??
    A little question,,, “Does an interview feature have a time frame?

  • Eunice Onyinye Ifeanyichukwu

    So much to learn. Definitely going to practice with this. Thank you ma’am for the detailed explanation

  • Ugwu Amarachi Matilda

    Thank you ma for sharing such an educative piece. I just like the simplicity nature of this write up…it is so easy to understand and I think I can now confidently go out there to practice this or even write.Thank you So much. This is helpful.

  • Dennis Lydia Ekperechukwu

    This is good and educative. It has increased my knowledge on interview report.

  • Thank you so much ma for this piece. I’ve been looking for a comprehensive explanation like this. This will be of great help to me personally.


    Thank you Ma, for this model of depth and clarified presentation which have greatly contributed immensely to my understanding of Feature Writing generally .
    Above all, this insightful commentary and interpretive rigor presentation inspired me to try my own hand at Feature Writing scholarship and have allowed me to improve my work to a large extent.

  • Nwaduche janefrances oluebube

    This is a nice educational piece, with a lot to learn from. Thanks a bunch Ma, for taking out time to put this together. Your effort is highly appreciated.

  • Orisakwe Ezinne Amarachukwu

    Thank you ma, for this wonderful article.
    This will totally be of great help to us either now or in the future. Godbless you.

  • Agwaraonye Geena

    Wow this write up increased my understanding on feature/ interview writing. Thank you ma for impacting knowledge to me.

  • Paul-kayode praise chidiebube

    Love the examples, so detailed, can’t wait to apply the steps, thank you ma

  • Ukwuani OGECHUKWU Cynthia

    Thank you for the teaching and am super grateful to have you as my Iecturer. This is so helpful and easy to understand with the simplicity of your choice of words. I have a lot to learn from this and from you, will do well in practicing them as practice makes perfect

  • Sophia

    This is really helpful ma. Thank you for taking out your time, to write comprehensively on this topic. Can’t wait to start practicing.

  • Nwankwo Chidiebere

    Thank you ma..

  • Abasiofon Nkem

    Thanks so much ma??God bless you for this piece.. it’s really helpful

  • Ezeja talent chimezugorom

    Interview stories are quite tasking though because nowadays people tend to withhold relevant information and just give a shallow answer to the question,it requires a journalist that has the skill to make people go deeper into the issue, your textbooks are always easy to understand, I appreciate you for that ma

  • Ezike Winifred udochukwu

    I found this piece really helpful ma…thank u for granting us greater insight ..God bless u ma for your efforts.

  • Marcillina Odinaka

    Thanks to you ma, this will be helpful to anyone who can read especially mass communication students.


    this is very comprehensive and is a plus up for those in the department and also those who wish to delve into journalism..we have been given details on how to go about collating information to get a well written interview feature..we need to abide by these guidelines..

  • Eboh Ndubuisi Festus

    Interview feature has never been this simplified.
    A wonderful piece I must say.

  • Chidebe uchechukwu cyprian

    Ma in this article, you gave me all i need to know about feature writings and interviews by using the nearest simple language to convey your message with illustration’s which made it very comprehensible. It is now Left for us as prospective journalists to put what we have been taught into practice. I fully comprehended your teaching and I thank you so much ma…

  • Atuogba Favour Chinaza

    “A list of questions should be pre-planned and loosely adhered to so that the writer can elicit the exact information he desires. Whatever the theme of the interview, the writer should endeavour to ask the readers’ questions (the kind they would ask if they were to meet the interviewee).”

    I am grateful for this, ma. These teachings, I believe, are making me better. I have tried some Interviews and I am happy with the results.
    The questions at the end were also helpful.

    God bless you, ma. Thanks for your sacrifice.

  • This summary is really helpful, a lot of things are clearer to me now.
    Serving us this summary here is a great idea.
    I appreciate ma. May God continue to strengthen you

  • Orieji Christiana Amarachi

    Wow! Reading this piece again feels so fresh and on a lighter note I understand better now. This writing is so detailed and easy to understand how to conduct an interview; possible ways to make it interesting and conversational in nature so both the interviewer and the interviewee will benefit from each other. Thank you, ma’am. You’re a blessing to my generation.

  • Ezeh chimezie Amos

    This is very educative and very simple to comprehend. Giving out the main details on how to go about with interviews. This is/will be helpful to any Journalist/aspiring journalist who wish to get and write a comprehensive interview.
    Thank you Dr Ohaja for making out your time to bring this to this platform.

  • Thank you ma for this piece, I easily understood the processes involved in writing an interview feature, and I reckon its interesting carrying out an interview.

  • Odoh Ogechukwu Augusta

    Highly educational and very detailed. I didn’t realize I had so much to learn about interview feature until now. Thank you Aunty Edith. God blessings ma.

  • Nwankwo Chinonyelum Gladys

    Okay! I should try an interview soon. This piece is really a guide on how to conduct and generate perfect interview questions. Thank you, ma!

  • Asogwa Chidera Promise

    Wow! This piece is Interview feature made easy… Ma, I can’t thank you enough for this knowledge shared. This will really help aspiring journalists grow more in the field.

  • I am intrigued by the comprehensive explanation of what this kind of feature looks like. This is very helpful for those who would like to do this. Thanks for shedding more light on this.

  • Orie precious

    Very short but detailed work on interview writing, thank you ma

  • How to write an excellent interview feature. This post has given me clearer and in depth understanding on how to conduct one, what I should and shouldn’t do while interviewing someone. Also that most interviews are interviews with prominent personality as their words carry weight and attracts readership. Questions should be written down before the interview to avoid repetition.

    Thank you ma for this, it was helpful to me personally.


    Interview! Interview! Interview! What we speak of almost every time and we see on TV, magazines and listen to on radio but do not know what it actually entails. I think I have more than “pretty much” understood what I was mixing and adding up all this time about interview. It seem according to what I have devoted my time to read up here, gives me the idea that an interview could be long or short depending on the issue to be talked about and for a person being an expert on the field, talked about. Then talking about an introduction and a text, I know but till now, can differentiate both.

    To you a beautiful teacher and God sent woman that you are, I am glad to let you know that I can write a feature interview… At least!! By the grace of God.

  • Ezeh John Onyekachi

    This is great. Comprehensive and impeccable interview feature writing techniques, simplified in a concise but rich manner.
    It’s indeed a rare privilege to learn under you.
    Bless you, ma’am!

  • Eze vivian Nkiruka

    Am interview feature is an interesting kind of writing and very educative .cant wait to practice it.thank you ma

  • Chukwuemeka Ifunanya Abigail

    The interview feature is a very interesting feature because of the dialogue. It engages the mind of the reader. I was so engaged in the discussion. Thank u Dr Edith for making learning fun and fulfilling.

  • Chukwu .R. CHIAMAKA

    One down. I have learnt how to write an interview features, remaining other features like news and confession. This was helpful ma thank you ma. God bless.

  • Obeta Lillian Chiamaka

    An interview feature is an Interesting type of feature. It is very engaging. Both the interviewer and the interviewee are active participants in this feature.

  • Ezidimma Odinakachukwu Oluchukwu

    This is a very detailed explanation on interview feature. With these guidelines, one can write a good and comprehensive interview feature. Thank you, ma.

  • Ngwu Ifeanyichukwu Kingsley

    Just wish you will recommend short classes here online, even if it will last for 25mins cause every teaching here is clear and sole understanding. You are naturally meant to do this cause every word from u is life changing. You are blessed ma’am

  • Pamela Chigbu

    Wow, this piece is detailed and very helpful. During my IT, I had the opportunity of observing someone interview an important personality and I learnt a lot like how to conduct yourself before and during an interview. I learnt a lot from that and I will make it a point of duty to try and conduct an interview because as the saying goes “Practice makes Perfect”. Thank you, ma, for this helpful piece. God bless you!

  • Nnachetam favour chinecherem

    Although i’ve gone through this from the text book but now i have clearer understanding. My challenge was being able to ask intelligent questions to the one being interviewed, but now, I believe enough research and knowledge on the subject matter can aid my line of questioning.

    Thank you very much, ma.

  • Onyekachi Agbo

    Writing an interview feature need a key interest and attention to details. The interviewer (journalist) need to be prepared and like you said notify his/her interviewee before hand in order to get the most out of the arrangement.
    Another important lesson for me from these explanations is the need for backgrounding which give readers pre- informs the readers of the personality of the interviewee and a peep into the content of the interview.

  • Egenti jennifer

    A really enlightening piece ma. Writing news is a very complicated task for me. I’m going to apply this to my next draft and see how it turns out.

  • Anabude Oluchi m.

    Nice one as usual…it is very vital we know the right questions to ask the individual we are about to interview in order to get the right answer we desire. Thank you ma for the write up,May God continue to make you grow in more of his wisdom.

  • Gabriel chinasa

    Very nice piece ma thank you !
    I know now the meaning of feature writing, how to go about interview and the questions to ask during the interview has to be related to the theme or topic of discussion .

  • Okonkwo Sophia Ogechukwu

    The questions are so constructive and intelligent,read it over and over.
    Will do well to start practicing.
    Thank you Ma

  • Nwaduche Janefrances Oluebube

    This piece is absolutely brilliant! I’ve learned particularly that the subject should be given prior notice of the interview. However, I have a question, Ma..Are there cases where prepared questions are sent to the interviewee?

  • Nwaduche Janefrances Oluebube

    This piece is absolutely brilliant! I’ve learned particularly that the subject should be given prior notice of the interview. However, I have a question, Ma..Are there cases were prepared questions are sent to the interviewee?

    Remain blesssed, Ma!

    • Yes, it can be done as a favour to the interviewee but it’s not the professional thing to do. Recently, the WH asked reporters to submit questions ahead of the press briefings with the WH Press Secretary, Jen Psaki. The problem with that is that reporters and viewers can’t see her honest reaction to the questions because she’s seen them beforehand and she can choose questions she wants to answer and ignore others.
      What should be done is to give the interviewee the theme of the interview so they can prepare well, just like giving students areas of concentration, rather than the actual questions for an exam.

  • I have always looked at feature writing as a tedious and tiresome type of journalistic writing.
    But with these tips and steps on how to write feature interview that you gave us here, it doesn’t only make it comprehensible but also easier for me to write a well crafted and aesthetic feature story. I appreciate.

  • Adumike Winifred Munachimso

    During live interview sections on TV, sometimes we see that the interviewee avoid some particular questions or obviously try to be evasive, but then it’s broadcast so the audience sees it, is it proper to include that situation in reporting for prints?

    • To a certain extent. Print interviews are often edited and excerpts published but when the full text is published, it will be easy for readers to see the games played by the interviewee.

  • Oshana Oyaku Endurance

    Your making learning just too easy for us. Such a wonderful piece that you’ve taken the stress to put up for us. Thank you ma

  • Ezeme Jude Ikenna

    There is no better way to pass home any message than you have just done with this Interview Feature. Thank you ma.

  • Ikebudu juanita chinenye

    Knowing the right questions to ask and getting the appropriate answer from the interviewee is essential in news features. Thank you ma for your unrelenting effort to keep enlightening us.

  • Paschal Odigonma Victoria

    I have a question to ask. When I interview people, I make a list of possible questions to ask. But at times (depending on the course the interview takes), I end up asking questions preceding from one response of the interviewee just so I can get a particular information or something substantial from a question I know to be important to my news reporting. At the end of the interview, I notice I probably just got to ask 3 out of 7 questions.
    Particularly Nigerians do this a lot, they know the main reason for the interview and end up dodging all the main points just to leave you with nothing to write about. For example the last interview a Channels broadcater had with Rotimi Amaechi of which he made a huge ridicule of the broadcaster.
    How do we tackle such problems when we face such interviewees?

    • By respectfully and constantly restating the important questions. If the interviewees still refuse to answer and the interviews are live, the viewers/listeners will know the truth that they were dodging the questions and the shame will be on them, not on the interviewer. But if they aren’t live interviews, the editors should decide whether to trash them and find more co-operative interviewees who will give the information sought.

  • Paschal Odigonma Victoria

    Thank you ma for the guidelines. I will be answering a question no 1.

    The writer can introduce the interview by giving us some information on who is to be interviewed. A snippet of the interviewee can attract readers especially when the person of question is of importance or holds a high position in the society. His life background, achievements, or career path can be used to introduce the interview.

    Also, the writer can write a preamble on why the topic of the interview is important. For example, a writer who wants to interview the Commissioner of Police of Ondo state on the menace of the herdsmen can briefly talk about the damages caused by the herdsmen and why it concerns us.

  • Nweze Mary Chioma

    This is beautiful ma. I learnt a lot
    from this post about how to go about my own interview feature. I work with relevant points and avoid boring sentences and unnecessary repetitions. I go for clarity. Quotes don’t sweep me off my feet. I also help my interviewee arrange his thoughts, responses and sentences and fill up other holes that may appear. The tips really gave me ideas on how to see to the excellence and effectiveness of my interview. Thank you so much ma.

  • Onyia Ujunwa Sandra

    Wow so easy to understand… Learnt guidelines on how to write an interview feauture. I will do well to practise with the above questions.

  • Epuechi chinwendu Almira

    This is very detailed and helpful. I have a group assignment where we have to interview certain people to get a story and this is going to come in handy for me. Thank you Ma for always finding ways to make learning easier for us!

  • Ibe Favour Kalu

    …and the bottom line is that it remains the reporter’s responsibility to keep the words(answers) of the interviewee clear, without changing the meaning of what he said and how his responses sound.

    Thank you ma for this. The piece is simple and understandable. I envy the way you write, and I hope someday, I will write like you do.

    God bless you.

  • Chukwunonso Obi

    Great work ma’am, most times when I read your works I wonder if I could ever be half as good.

  • Nwokedi chinecherem Deborah

    I have never written an interview feature before but I just felt like I can with the explicit knowledge you gave here through this write-up i actually picked a particular point from Williams comment which states “Don’t become the prisoner of quotes – so lulled by how wonderful they sound” most times writers are being carried away with their intentions of filling a magazine page without knowing they are boring the reader. I just noticed a reason for that as well as picked how to escape that

  • Brown Bethel Ogadimma

    Thanks for the piece Ma. I have gotten deeper understanding and knowledge of how to write an Interview Feature.

  • Lawrence Cletus

    Good day ma. I will say from what you have written, a lot of preparation needs to go into the planning of the interview feature article. My take home is the fact that it will take a special level of expertise and intelligence to get this kind of interviews where it is not planned (whatever the circumstances were that couldn’t allow for proper preparation).
    Regardless of how unprepared or unpredictable the interview turns out, this piece provides useful guide in dealing with such situations especially where you point out that the interviewer “should ask questions that the readers will ask the interviewee if they had the opportunity to meet them. Then there is the proper structure of writing an interview feature as you explained,ie, into introduction and the main text.
    This piece is very informative and I say a big thumbs up to you ma.

  • Oba Cindy Biobele

    The ordeal of giving interviews is now clear. This piece really added supplementary information to what I already know and read on interview feature. Thank you ma.

  • Anorue John-Daniel Kelechi

    A very punchy and educative work. Thank you Ma’am.

  • Nwannah Juliana ngozi

    Yes I am a mass communication student but for the very first time I don’t have a problem with writing an interview feature. Thank you from the best part of my heart ma.
    God bless

  • Omeje cynthia

    Thanks ma for dis educational enlightenment, I just discovered a saying used by the newly elected SUG personal in the feature interview example, which is “look l am now carrying the problems of the whole American on my shoulder” which he related to his new position. thinking intently on this, flashes of thought came to my mind, firstly as a student having not been oppurtuned to interact With the new SUG but going through the interview, Aroused my interest in him. secondly considering the quote above, assured me of a selfless student leader and this in a manner grow my confidents in him that he is going to do well in that position Assigned to him. lastly in my own understanding, interview is a sure way to influence into the people’s mind.
    Above all, I learnt or observed that feature interview brings dis warm ness and relaxation to the person being interview because it’s like a question he/she has already prepared for !! Thanks ma for dis excellent write up, remain blessed.

  • Nwoye Chiamaka Favour

    I used to think Interview features were quite difficult so I would rather write other parts under feature but with this lesson and example you have given, I have seen that interview features are quite simple . Thank you ma for sharing with us from your well of wisdom

  • Aleke Juliet C.

    This is very useful. Now I know better on how to go about interview feature. Thanks Dr.

  • Nwoye Chiamaka Favour

    I used to think Interview features were quite difficult so I would rather write other parts under feature but with this lesson and example you have given, I have seen that interview features are quite simple . Thank you ma for sharing with us from your well of wisdom .

  • Awa-OYOM Glory

    Well detailed aid on how to write an interview feature. Thank you

  • Ikechebelu Ginika Francisca

    Ma, you are gifted beyond measures. Your work is usually self explanatory, and the grammar and vocabulary used, very simple and accessible.

  • Ozukwe mirian chisom

    This is so much to assimilate yet am grateful I got to know more about how to conduct an interview.
    I have never interviewed someone before and I guess with this writeup, I might give it a shot.
    Thank you ma.
    God bless you.

  • Kooyon Abigail Aershimana

    This lecture note with the practical example is an eye opener to me dating back to an interview project I once carried out.
    I was sent by our association in school Committee of Tiv Students (CTS), UNN, in 2019 to interview Prof Nicolas Adah at Benue State University (BSU) to get information about a hub that he was to serve as a co-founder. This information was to be published in our annual magazine “the DenTivs”… It was actually my first time to conduct an interview and chaiii! Because I was nervous, I made plenty mistakes during the interview and afterwards, these mistakes were not corrected but now I have a clearer understanding and I think I can improve next time.
    God bless you ma!

    • Ugwuanyi Collette

      Thank you so much for this wonderful piece on interview feature,
      Now I understand it better and my wrong notions about it has been corrected.

  • Thank you so much ma for this lucid explanation on interview feature, now I can bodily write an interview feature without any confusion or fear.


    This piece is very helpful. I don’t really give much thoughts to interviews because I had the fear of asking the wrong questions but I think I can improve on my interview writing with the above guidelines. Thank you ma.

  • Udoko chinasa Theodora

    Interview very well thaught and articulated, it’s an eye opener, bearing in mind the rudiments of writing a good interview feature, keep opening our eye ma,your reward in heaven.

  • Prosper Onuoha Famous

    In the case of an interviewer being in doubt and decides to reach out to the interviewee on issues of a concluded interview for clarity. In getting him (interviewee) to rephrase his points, will that be questioned in terms of interviewers ineptitude?

    Ma’am your work is enlightening, expository, elucidating, imposing and your efforts of giving your students an A-class break down of an interview feature is evident in your write up.

    Learning never ends.

    • You don’t want to that person who leaves gaps or grey areas in your questioning and has to call an interviewee to help you fill and clarify them. But sometimes it can’t be helped. Just be courteous and try to avoid a repeat of that performance, else the interviewee will certainly question your competence.

  • Chidebe uchechukwu cyprian

    Ma, I really enjoyed the educational write up embedded with concise explanation, accompanied by good illustrations as a guide in order to enhance comprehension, and finally an assignment to enable us access our ability by attempting them.. Ma may your days be long.. truly, you are a great teacher indeed, second to none. May God bless you abundantly… Amen

  • Mummy, if I tell you that this work didn’t assist me in today’s exam, then I would be branded a terrible liar. The explanations were clear, the examples, easy to comprehend. Nothing was lost and everything was gained. Once again, thanks a lot, ma’am.

  • Eroh Ebenezer John

    Simplicity that’s what I get from this write up I enjoyed the style of interview, it’s well detailed and not cumbersome to understand.

  • Ikebudu Emmanuel

    Wooowww. This content is wonderful! Nice one Ms. Edith Ohaja ?? God bless you for giving us this.

  • Thank you very much ma. I usually have problems on conducting interview I normally shy away from performing an interview so how can I gain boldness in conducting an interview?

  • Ikebudu Emmanuel

    ? you are doing great AUNTY Edith

  • Chukwu Joy Chioma

    Very helpful.
    Can a beginner engage in interview feature writing? Or does it involves highly professional skills?

  • Very Educative!

    How should an interviewer handle it if the interviewee tells an obvious lie.

    Should the interviewer call out the interviewee or just let it go?

    Also,are there laws guiding the types of questions that an interviewer can ask to avoid the common occurrence of an interviewee walking out on the interviewer in anger?

    • When someone lies and iron an important matter, letting it go means you are complicit in deceiving the public. You ask a follow-up question to clarify things.

      I don’t know that interviewees walking off in anger is a common occurrence. Ask your questions respectfully and use maturity to douse tensions.

  • Ugochi

    Never let anything go out into the world that you don’t understand. Don’t become the prisoner of quotes – so lulled by how wonderful they sound that you don’t stop to analyse them.

    A very insightful post. Thanks Ma.

  • Abiayi Ifeonuchukwu

    Thank you ma for this wonderful post now I know that an excellent interview feature can only be achieved basically by proper preparation. It’s advisable that questions should be pre-planned to avoid asking an irrelevant question or inconveniencing the interviewee.

  • Odumuko Oluchukwu Victoria

    Very insightful. Thank you ma for constantly enlightening us on ways to do and be better. I believe with practice and patience I can actually do this.

  • Adebanjo Adenike Rebecca

    This piece just confirmed one of the words I learnt from my mentor”a developed man is one who is educated and ever ready to learn more”.
    Have seen a different angle of what I thought interviewing is, I thought I will just jumped into asking the interviewee their names and other braced up questions but now I know you make a well detailed description of them before you do the latter.

  • Interview has been one of my major challenge, though i have not attended one before but hearing the name alone makes me afraid because it requires a lot of boldness, I always feel that I may not get it right
    So ma, how do I overcome?

  • Ekechukwu Francisca

    I understand that an excellent Interview feature writing should have an introduction that embodies relevant information on the interviewee and the purpose of the interview. The main text which comprises of direct quotations should be built on questions the readers would ask if they were to meet the interviewee. For a brilliant finish, a feature writer should clean the copy by moderating or filling the gaps but not altering the statements of the interviewee. Thanks so much for this detailed explanation Ma.

  • Chukwuemeka uchechukwu pepertua

    It’s quite easy going through this write up. I really learnt something.
    Thank you ma’am and more power to your elbow!

  • Ekechukwu Francisca

    Interview feature writing deals with organising direct quotes of the interviewee which are built on questions that are required for the purpose of the interview.
    Very educative Ma. Thank you!

  • Sambo Deborah Friday

    I’m really inspired by your post ma?
    But seriously, some people can be so rude and frustrating ? that when you ask them for an interview they would start suspecting that you’re a spy, in this type of situation, what can one do?


    Before now i hv always been scared of carrying out an interview but i am now well equipped. Thanks ma

  • Dick- Unegbu Jennifer

    Firstly, I really enjoyed reading the quotes made by “William Zinsser”, it’s really a good work piece.
    This post is really exceptional, It really tells us, how to ensure that the interviewee is comfortable with questions a feature writer ask and making sure that the interview is well planned . That an interview feature writer is required to fill in gaps, correct mistakes made during the interview in other to make the best out of it. Thank you, Ma. Now I believe if perhaps, I intend to prepare an interview, this is the guidelines to be followed.

  • Mogekwu Esther

    I learned two things from this;prepare for the interview and write down questions. Thank you ma for this enlightening piece.

  • Aroh Anthonia Ifeoma

    Thank you very much ma for this piece. There’s something I’ve noticed while reading interviews, interviewers prefer beating about the bush and asking questions from the positive angles. I want to know if this is a rule or just the paper’s attempt at avoiding trouble.

    • Hi! You can tell it’s not a rule. I could guess the reason better if I knew the magazine. It may not be a news outlet, so it offers soft-shell, feel-good stuff. But as I said, I don’t have enough info to suggest a reason.

  • Onwudiwe rita oluebube

    Thank you Ma!. Your contents have really inspired me and I’m grateful for that.

  • Ugwu Doris chinenye

    This is really educative and the practical would be better so the interviewer that would clearly show the physical facial acceptance of your interview. Thank you so much ma’am I appreciate

  • Lucky Okezi

    So in writing an interview feature one must prepare the right question fit for the type of interview in order to compile a good work. Although initial I wouldn’t agree with letting the interviewee know what questions he or she should be expecting, from this I realize it will help in the flow of message and create a good atmosphere for both the interviewer and interviewee

  • Ekeh Maryann C

    I use to think interview is just for the interview to come ask questions and leave. Now I know it’s beyond that.

  • Okafor Agatha Ifeoma

    The interviewer should ask the presenter corresponding question to the theme of the interview

  • Ugwu Somtochukwu

    Very comprehensive and detailed too. Thank you Ma for all you do.

  • Ibrahim Mariam

    In as much as I thought interview was an easy task but with this article my eyes have been open to understand that there is more to that than I think, so for one to achieve a good interview one must prepare questions before hand, inform the person to which the interview will be conducted with,a recorder should be taken, proper research should be conducted on the research work in order to come out with a clean work.tank u

  • Ibrahim Mariam

    In as much as I thought interview was an easy task but with this article my eyes have been open to understand that there is more to that than I think, so for one to achieve a good interview one must prepare questions before hand, inform the person to which the interview will be conducted with,a recorder should be taken, proper research should be conducted on the research work in order to come out with a clean work.tank u ma

  • This is really inspiring and an eye opener for me because at first I saw interviewing as a very easy thing that anyone can do, but this piece has helped me to understand that more is required and its easy if i put more effort to it and follow the steps required.

  • Nnaji Esther uchechukwu

    Wow. I never imagined an interview can be this tough but with this interview feature It has been made easy because I have understand the transition from introduction to text .is indeed a good guide to write an interview feature

  • Nwawulu Arinze

    I enjoy reading interview features on magazines and newspapers. Its nice to learn how write it. Thank you ma for this insight

  • David Nneka

    Thanks, I now know how to conduct an interview if I am required to.

  • Agbo Peace

    Thanks for the clarification ma,these post throws a huge light on the necessities of writing an excellent interviews,it detailed explanation of what interview feature is all about,I must say that these clarifies and answers the questions that I have always have in mind to ask.

  • Nwikwu chidera judith

    This is so educative. Before the covid break, I had to interview those running for various positions but I had to ask a third year student of mass communication to write the article for me. But with this I believe I can apply them and get better.

  • Igboka chidimma

    Writing an article for an interview was one of the things I never thought of or thought I could do but with these guideline I know I can do it.

  • Ekenworah Chidinma

    Waw!! I love the way you enlighten us with this post, is so amazing, the way you explained it in a lay man’s understanding is so perfect, I must practice with this cause I have learnt some points. Thank you so much.

  • Nnochiri Chinecherem Nnabuike

    Proper preparation in very important before an interview.its gives the journalist the background knowledge of the topic. Thanks Ma for this educative and amazing write up

  • Victoria Chigere

    An educative write up, i can actually learn how to write my interview questions without much stress. Thank you ma

  • Samson Alabi

    Just when i thought I’d do well with interviews.
    Thanks you very much for this ma’am..these questions will help me and aid me better through my future interviews

  • Ede Ndidiamaka Patience

    One major problem in writing interview articles is knowing how to compose the questions, but with this write-up, one cannot see it as a problem anymore. Thank you ma.

  • Iwuchukwu Samuel Ifechukwu

    Identifying the purpose of the interview helps one know his/her stand and deliver a good feature.

  • Christabel

    Enough efforts is required for you to give and effective and successful interview with enough preparation

  • Eke Tobechukwu

    Good preparation and informing the interviewee before the interview are the most important things I learnt Frome this tip.
    I’ll do well to put this into practice Aunty Edith.

  • Onuzulike Chukwuebuka Prosper

    A journalist is expected to prepare before going for an interview. This helps the journalist to have an idea about the interviewee and also the question to be asked.

  • Ubabunike David Ogochukwu

    There’s always something to learn everyday, beautiful piece Ma

  • Bassey Katherine akpan

    Such a splendid and amazing work. We appreciate ma.


    Thank Ma for the wonderful piece ❤️I learnt alot from it

    • Nnebife Joseph uchechukwu

      The teaching was vivid and inspiring.
      Thank you very much ma ☺️ for finding time, for us am grateful 🙏

  • Nnebife Joseph uchechukwu

    Thank you ma ❤️ for effort in our study

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