HUMBLED (Short Story)
Nkechi was getting impatient as the okada man searched for her N300.00 change. She had missed most of the church service for her friend Chiamaka’s wedding, that last Saturday in January, but she didn’t want to miss the photo session before the reception. She adjusted the red belt on her cream Vera Wang cotton-linen dress and smoothed out the creases on it from the ride as best as she could.
She was still smarting from the fact that she had to pay N200.00 for the short ride from her house to the church hosting the wedding but remembered with a note of mischief her abuse of the okada rider before climbing on his bike. She began to yell at him to hurry up. After another minute or so, he emerged from the provision store where he had gone to find the change.
As he briskly walked towards her, her new crush from the street adjacent her house, Obinna, approached in his sleek BMW. Nkechi self-consciously touched her gelled hair that was pulled into a curly attachment at the top but realised as he drove past that Obinna hadn’t looked at her. His attention was on the okada guy. “Mtcheew,” she hissed.
Presently, Obinna parked a few metres away and alighted from the car.
“Magical Mike,” he hailed.
The okada man looked up and his face broke into a smile. Obinna ran and hugged him. Nkechi momentarily forgot about the wedding. Her curiosity was piqued. She wanted to know what Obinna, a doctorate degree holder and university lecturer who had recently returned from Sheffield, had to do with an ordinary okada man. Their looks and dressing showed their different stations in life: Obinna was clean-shaven and spiffy in a green ankara jumpsuit and brown leather sandals while the okada man looked as people in his trade do during the harmattan season- bundled up in an old jacket and woollen cap.
Slinging the long strap of her red Givenchy purse across her left shoulder, Nkechi began a very slow counting of the change she had received in tiny denominations while eavesdropping on the conversation between the two young men.
But she could only do that for so long. To get the full gist, she walked over gingerly in her matching red, high-heeled, Sergio Rossi sandals, greeted Obinna and introduced herself as his neighbour, thus inserting herself into the midst of the two friends as their reunion unfolded.
Long story short: They had been classmates at ESUT (Pol. Science) and the okada man had graduated at the top of the class. While Obinna’s parents sent him abroad for further studies, Mike bought a motorcycle with his convocation prize money to help him take care of his ailing mum and siblings while looking for elusive jobs.
Excited about meeting his old friend whom he’d lost touch with, Obinna invited him and the neighbourhood girl who seemed keenly interested in their stories to a nearby eatery for refreshments. Nkechi declined, satisfied that having met Obinna at close range, he would recognise and greet her henceforth.
Meanwhile, embarrassed at her earlier rudeness to Mike, she apologised. Her excuse, which was that she didn’t know he was a graduate, sounded lame even to her. She was yet to gain admission into the university herself but she didn’t entertain insults from anyone.
It seemed that working as a receptionist at a five-star hotel had warped her perspective, causing her to look down on people in blue collar work. She was humbled beyond words and offered to return the change to Mike, who thanked her for the gesture but refused to collect it. She had just been too conceited to know that many people are worth more than what you see on the surface, Nkechi told herself.
Now, she looks at people differently, taking time to answer greetings from everyone, greeting them first sometimes and generally being courteous, not just at her duty post, but everywhere.
-The end-
Ⓒ Edith Ugochi Ohaja 2021
Humility is one of the piquant characteristics one should possess throughout life. Those who lack this precious trait often find themselves in tight corners. Ma, thank you so much.
Yes, the Bible says that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Such disfavour can deny someone many blessings.
Humility is a key factor in taking you to the next level. Be humble.
Don’t reckon people by their physical appearance, but by their demeanor.
Humility attract upliftment.
It is not good to disrespect people because you think you are better than the person as youbdon’t know where you might need the person’s help.
Humility is a virtue rewarding but yet difficult for a lot of people to abide by. Respect has gone with the Sumner wind.
So sad! That is why it’s so refreshing to meet a truly humble person, like you, perhaps. ? Cheers!
Thank you ma, I am elated.
I learnt that no matter how someone may be will don’t judge by appearance, Respect should be given to everyone equally,don’t discriminate for blessing and rewards comes from what we take forgranted .Humility is the key to progress. Thanks ma for educating us.
Humility is a virtue, be humble to everybody irrespective of appearance
Alot of people find it really hard to be humble, instead they derive joy in being disrespectful and rude, especially this generation. It’s so sad!
I had a similar experience few months ago, minus the insults, of course. I boarded a public bus with my mom to go shopping in another town. The man sitting next to me tried severally to strike up conversation between us but I just wasn’t interested. At a point I resorted to blocking him out by using my earpiece to listen to music. He wasn’t bothering me, as a matter of fact, he just looked uninteresting so I didn’t pay attention to him. Few weeks later, I discovered that the man was in fact, one of the richest men in our town-a business mogul, no less. Now I’d like to think that I’m the kind of person who would have treated him the same regardless of his status, but I can’t honestly say that. Once in a while I think back to that encounter and wish I acted differently, maybe paid a little bit more attention to what he had to say.
My point is, consciously or unconsciously, we tend to judge people based on their outward appearance and treat them accordingly. Oftentimes, we might even be justified. It would, however, be a better world if we treat everybody with as much respect as we would the most important people in our lives.
It would indeed be a better world if … How I wish we were all nice and considerate always.
Humility is one character that is hard to acquire. Man is an epitome of pride, sometimes even in death. But with the help of the Holy Spirit, it can be attained, and when one does, it becomes a second skin.
Personally, I think humility is an attractive quality in anyone-man or woman. As you rightly said, the Holy Spirit can acquire this quality.
It is not good to look down on people. The one you are looking down on today has the potential of becoming the best you look out for in a person tomorrow. Besides, we are all humans and discrimination is not supported by God. Many people are in manual jobs in this country, not because they don’t deserve or merit good-paying white collar jobs but because of the unemployment condition of the country. Our generosity to people should not be inspired by what we think we can benefit from them but because it is the right thing to do.
Thank you, Ma. I’m blessed by this story.
I’m glad you’re blessed. Glory to God!
Humility is very important in our daily living. That’s why the Bible says God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. It pays to be humble. Jesus is a wonderful example of humility personified. Thank you so much ma for the reminder.
Praise God and thank you for reading attentively.
Wow. This is a very nice story ma, indeed people need to be reminded of how humility is important and sometimes a way to open doors and blessings.
Thank you ma for this wonderful piece.
A normal human being shouldn’t look down on anyone no matter how the person dressed. Working as a receptionist at a five star hotel didn’t change Nkechi. Humility comes inbuilt in anyone that has it. Though you can still learn if you aren’t born with it.
Yes, one can.learn, as she did. Happy Easter, Amos!
Some people are funny ?????
So if it weren’t for Obinna she wouldn’t have apologized to Mike. It’s so pathetic.
People miss opportunities simply because of such mistakes N.K made.
I know of someone who got a scholarship just because he greeted and stood up for an elderly woman to sit at a park…
Blessings and rewards come from these things we see as little or take for granted.
And even if they don’t, just do them because they’re the rightful things to do.
I don’t know if there’s any religion that preaches violence, rudeness or disobedience?
Let’s learn to be humble and respectful to people regardless of their sex, age, race, tribe, religion, backgrounds etc.
What goes around comes around so don’t do to others that which if done unto you, you won’t like.
Wonderful admonition. Thank you, Abigail. I’ll soon start calling you Mother in Israel. But seriously, thank you very much.
Mother in Israel? ??????
That got me. I’m sorry mummy but it sounds funny ??????
Thank you much more ma for the wonderful work you’re doing here.
You’re really training us on how to be humans because since the world is revolving, we tend to be revolving with it and hence we have lost value for one another (humanity).
I must say you’re correcting this cynical attitude of ours and I so much love it.
I absolutely don’t know where our generation is headed but I can bet that these are the kind of things we need to regain our sanity.
God bless you abundantly and before I forget, Happy Easter!
Glory to God and happy Easter to you too! ?
Humility is very important in our lives.people should never be in a hurry to judge people because of the way they looks
I think short stories are going to be my favorite category hence forth! Humility is priceless, and as such one should learn not to look down on anybody regardless of who they are.
We should never be in a hurry to judge people’s situations. You do not know what they are going through until you walk in their shoes.
True. God bless you!
Life is a teacher.. And I think this story further buttresses this quote. “There’s more than meets the eye”
Oh, what a touching story!
Yes people will respect you more based on your qualifications but I mean everyone deserves to be treated nicely. Lol she only saw fault in her behavior when Obinna spoke to him
This is such an interesting story, I wanted it to continue. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt in life, it’s that you shouldn’t try to tell a book by its cover, no matter the situation.
Wow, this is lovely! Regardless of your position in life, do not look down on people. Stay humble. Finally, it’s the little things that really matter. For instance, she should have politely requested for her change but no, she chose to talk to the okada man rudely. In addition to what you shared, humility brings upliftment. Just as James 4:10 “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” Thank you Ma! God bless you
It pays to be humble and I am glad Nkechi learnt that and accepted it wholeheartedly.
Indeed, people are worth more than we see on the surface.
Thank you so much Ma’am for this story.
Happy Easter to you. ❤️
At that moment, I knew regret became a companion. But a lesson to be learnt; always put out your humble foot in each sphere you find yourself. Be nice…
Many people do not understand the simplicity in being simple. Humility is not faked or professed, it is tested. Tested in arguments, greeting, dressing, speaking and even serving punishment.
Many of us have acted like Nkechi in one way or the other. Even belittling people we “believe” we are superior to because of age, status or class. We should all learn to be nice, physical appearance is just a modicum of who we are. There’s so much more within to discover when we are patient, nice and hospitable.
The story goes with the popular saying” Do not jugde the book by the cover’
One should not be judged by their appearance .
Also, we dont need to know much about a person’s reputation before deciding on how to address or treat him or her
Do what is needful and right.
Great one ma, Nkechi learnt her lesson the hard way. humility is a virtue that is difficult to acquire. one can only pray for the wisdom and spirit of humility.
Is good to be humble,Nkechi should thank God that she learnt her lessons on time especially at the stage of seeking admission because a lot of people has fall victim of this attitude, therefore missing there opportunities.Thank you ma,for this educative story.
We really shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. People missed their opportunities by looking down on people. Most people even feign being humble when they are not. But I must say, humility is a difficult virtue to keep. I will try to be humble in life. Thanks for your reminder Ma.
We should never judge a book by its cover.
Discrimination is not the key to a healthy society,we should learn to see ourselves as equal in the society irrespective of our backgrounds.
Thank you ma.
We all should try as much as possible to accord people with their due respect. Youths especially are fond of this. Not greeting the cleaner, cab driver or bike man first can also be likened to this.
Humility they say is virtues,but we at some points find it difficult to keep.
It pays to be humble and God lifts those who are humble.
This story is nice and educative.
Thanks Ma for letting us see this.
One of the most dominant traits that Jesus exhibited throughout his stay on earth was humility. When he washed the disciples feet, he showed humbleness. That is why every one who calls himself/herself a Christian should strive to be humble because that is one of the major characteristics a Christian should possess.
Thank you for ma for this wonderful message you have instilled in us, through it we have learnt a remarkable lesson. That we shouldn’t be disrespectful to the people no matter the status or class and that we should be humble to people and Christ also showed the examplary life of humility in the Bible when he washed his disciples’ feet. We should all emulate that kind of life and show kindness to the people we meet in our daily lives. Thank you and God bless.
Humility is very important in our daily life. We should learn how to respect people irrespective of how they dress or where we meet them and we should also know that first impression matters alot.
Humility is very important
Same goes to respect
Wow! God bless you ma,pride is the downfall of man. Let us try to be humble in this life and avoid looking down on people.
These days people tend to judge others according to the way they dress, speak or even the work they do. Most of them see themselves as people of class and label others classless forgetting that things are not always what they seem. Another insightful story once again Ma. Thank you
Pride is the downfall of every man.
We should try as much as possible not to look down on anyone no matter the person’s status because everyone is worth something.
Wonderful! this article is worth reading and reading again. With this story I can understand that the personality and worth of a person isn’t measured by physical appearance. Thank you, ma.
This story has really proved that humility is a virtue….
One must really strive to possess this outstanding quality.
Also, one must never look down on others irrespective of the circumstance
This story is amusing. Someone who hasn’t gotten admission being rude to another whom she considers not to be a graduate. I’m sure it will take time before she recovers from that shock and I hope the experience humbles her forever
It is easy to look down on people especially when they seem to be beneath our “level” but we need to learn to treat every one with respect . Lastly humility is a trait every one should imbibe because pride would lead to a fall , always.
I was reading this story with so much curiosity to know what it was trying to point out.The conclusion really awed me.I thought it would be like everyday stories that can easily be predicted.Courtesy as a major theme in the story is very important and essential.Even though the society we are in has neglected it as a major value, we should do well to embrace it.Nkechi looked down on the Okada man and what happened at the end was quite shocking.We should all learn to be courteous and never to look down on people.Life is very unpredictable.We should be good and value based humans.
Am trying to remember a bible passage which goes thus”the humbled shall be exalted….. This story depic twhat is paramount in our society today. Your appearance adjudged who you are to people. Luxury appearance earn one respect while the casual dress simply person is not awarded any reverence. Nkechi story shows humility is the key. I than God she learnt her lesson.
There’s a popular saying that says that it’s only he who wears the shoe, that knows where it hurts. Most times we see people and just instantly make conclusion on their personalities not minding their age,tribe or religion and we begin to assume we are way better off than they are.
Humility is priceless and if only the majority of us will just humble ourselves and get to know people before concluding on their personalities,then the world will be a better place.
Thank you ma….God bless you.
Humility is a virtue every human should aspire to have. It is said that where your money or wealth can’t take you humility will. We need to be careful of the way we judge people. Who are you to judge me without knowing me?
As humans we should never treat another as not worth associating with us. The Bible says “Jesus was humble unto death”. Humility is a key.
Wonderful story ma. I often wonder why people treat their fellow human beings like they are nothing just because you think you are better than them. They way people yell at waiters like they are useless, we often forget we’re all just trying to make a living, and life can change for anyone, anytime.
It really pays to be humble,had it been the girl wasn’t rude to the okada man,her condition would have been better
Humility is a virtue we should never lack, it pays to be humble.
This is a really a nice story there is a saying that good name is better than money or anything else,being humble can open so many ways for one . things which people find hard to get ,with good character the sky is the begining .thanks and remain blessed.
Thank you ma for this short story..
Even the Bible said that we should be humble in everything we do and people will appreciate it more than gifts and the Lord will be pleased with you
I love the story,it was actually straight to the point.
It’s help to bring back sanity in a world were people have lame excuse for being rude.
Humility is the key because we don’t actually know who is who in this country,we should try not to judge people by their outward appearance.
Humility is the key to success. looking down on people doesn’t take you anywhere instead it brings you down.
sometimes those been looked down upon have legitimate job that is not enticing to some of us than those who got their wealth through fraudulent means (pls. Obinna not a case study). we should try to regard our fellow human being no matter their circumstance.
Humility is a virtue and a sign of respect. We are to learn to respect people not really because of who they are but because it’s a virtue in us.
This is a thrilling story, it has its own peculiar lesson, it simply teaching us how to be “Humble” in life, don’t look down on people because of their current situation, cause life is indeed very unpredictable, humble yourself when you are dealing with others cause you meant not be opportuned to correct your mistakes.
This story is full of lessons especially for the ladies. because a man can disguise himself and approach you, but because you lack respect and humility you might loose your destined partner or destiny helper. so we must have respect for everyone regardless of who they are. Thank you ma for this piece of advice.
Judging people without really getting to know them could turn out really ugly.
Wow, what a nice story.The bible says that God honours the humble. Always find yourself humble in everything you is very important.
Lesson: I learnt to appreciate people irrespective of their social status
Humility is a virtue that only the wise uses always to gain favour from the least places….?
A wonderful story, from the names of the wears the price can buy a car ?. I love obinna’s dressing.
Anyone who humbles himself will be exalted. Treating people as less important because of their situation or condition is wrong. We should learn to value everyone not minding their background.
I’ve always learnt not to look down on anyone irrespective of one’s status or race, nobody knows tomorrow! Nobody knows what tomorrow has in store for us. Humility pays indeed
Humility is indeed the key, what comes after pride is downfall, nice one from you ma, even though people always make others look like they are wicked
A nice story indeed ma
No matter where we find ourselves, in any situation we should always be humble…even the bible says God will lift the humble and humble the proud….thank you ma
Been humble is the best thing,we can do on this life. Because we don’t know where our help might come from
Being rude is never the best option, it always good to be humble.
Wow!!!! Such an interesting story. We should learn not to judge a book by its cover. Humility is a great virtue every individual should imbibe. The bible says “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble”
Humility is a very important virtue that every one my have, most people tend to look down on people which is a very bad habit
I meant to say “everyone must have”
Humility is a virtue that everyone must have. Most people tend to look down on people which is a very bad habit
OMG this story is centers on there’s no hurry in life and right attitude to everyone around you because people don’t normally appears the way they are.
This made me remember what happened last two years when I got admitted in UNN my secondary school teachers where surprised I was admitted all because they felt I wasn’t reading and serious about my studies. All those they couched and encourage that too first positions in school didn’t enter school.
This was when they believe you don’t underestimate any student. Everything depends on the grace of God upon your life.
Do not judge people by their current situation because you do not know what they would become in the future. We should also not look down on people’s means of living. We should be humble no matter our how rich we are or our positions on the society.
It takes nothing to be humble rather it exalts one.
In our society today,humility is a rare virtue .If Everyone learn this virtue Nigeria will be a better place to be.
Humility is the key to success, but it is a rare virtue now .
Humility is a virtue which only few possess that is why I have made it a vow not to look down on anyone because I realize I’m where I am today just because of God’s Grace
Everyone is equal in the eyes of God. The earlier we realize this, the better. One’s status on earth does not make him any better than another person.
This is a very nice story that teaches humility and its importance.
It is never a good thing to overlook an individual maybe because of the person’s appearance, job and so on. We should learn to appreciate ourselves because each and every one of us is a Masterpiece of Jah’s creation with our own uniqueness regardless of social class. We should also remember that no condition is permanent. Thank you Ma.
Nice one ma
We are all equal in the sight of our creator so we should not look down on anyone
It’s never good to despise or look down on people, maybe because of their present condition. Humility is an indispensable virtue we must try to inculcate in our lives . Thank you ma for the inspiration.
Never look down on anyone because no one can tell who will be your savour tomorrow
Never look down on anyone because no one can tell who will be your savour tomorrow. Do not judge a person according to his look
Never look down on anyone because no one can tell who will be there savour tomorrow and don’t judge someone by his or her look
Being humble doesn’t cost a thing, we should always try to treat everyone equally irrespective of their status.
Humility is one virtue that is not easy to come by especially in our generation. We tend to look down on a people because of their appearance and the kind of work they do, which is not good. Let’s respect every individuals irrespective of their status.
Been humble is the best thing we could do on this life. Because we don’t know where our help might come from.
Humility is a virtue,We should not look down on people no matter how we see or meet them.
We ought to be humble always not just because of the benefits humility brings. But rather we should see it as a way of life.
Nice story
Thanks ma
From the story Nkechi was an impatient person but at the end she looks at people differently which made her different and humble because her life was transformed from the story of the bike man she insulted and abused.
Humility is an attractive and rewarding quality and assert one should acquire. The bible says that God will bring down the proud and uplift the humble. For a woman, humility is a virtuous trait and should be acquired. It is not easy but it is achievable.
Humility is one of the hardest virtues to imitate. You might think you’re humble where you are now but just wait till you hit a jackpot and start driving the latest cars and living in the most expensive estates, before you can even say Jack your mindset will change to something so unrecognizable. Just as in Nkechi’s case, she looked down on blue collar workers because she worked at a five star hotel and later on, it turned out that the mere okada man was far better than her proud self. This was a necessary example ma, and I’m grateful that you set out your time to put this down.
“She didn’t know he was a graduate”? Lmao…A Funny, interesting and educative piece.
Reading this post, I got more lesson from Obinna. He is so humble that he had to run and hug his mate not minding how unkept he looked . We should stay humble no matter the position we find ourselves in.
Humility is the greatest virtue. It takes you places
No one knows who would be of help tomorrow, it’s good we all keep pride aside and become humble even as Christ advised.
I love the use of suspense in the middle of the story ma. Great one!
Humility is very important in our everyday life. One needs respect others regardless of age, race, gender, religion, nationality or status.
Be humble and full of nice words to others. You don’t know who is who or what that person’s story is. Never look down on anyone except you are appreciating their shoes.
This is a very nice story that teaches about humility, even in the holy bible God despise the proud and the humble he blesses .
Humility is a virtue not everyone has, most persons thinks being rude makes them above the other which is not true, don’t be rude to people because they look haggard or be nice to people because they look decent but rather be humble not just because of its benefit but because it’s the right thing to do.
We all should learn how to respect and see people the way we want to be treated not minding the circumstances surrounding such persons
In every aspect of life we should learn to be humble cause we never can tell what our tomorrow will be
Pride has never and will never take anybody to any greater height in life. I so much enjoyed the story. I have a word for us all
The person you take for granted today may eventually turn out to be the person you need tomorrow so be extremely careful how you treat people for life is unpredictable.
Been humble is the best thing we could do in this life. We don’t know where help might come from.
Seriously if not that nkechi found out who the okada man was she wouldn’t have apologized,some people self.why would she look down on people in the first place that is as a result of lack of home training.
Thank you for this insightful writing ma !……I believe our story will change for good if this virtue is acquired in our society and in our doings!
Don’t look down on people, you don’t know what they are capable to do for you, be humble to associate with people
Never look down on anyone because no one can tell who will be there savour tomorrow
Humility they say is a vital aspect in ones life and it’s the most lacking in most of the individual today we should learn to be good and do not judge people by first instance.tanks ma.
“many people are worth more than what you see on the surface” (Edith ohaja). Don’t look down on anybody, that person you shun or insult could be someone that can help you in life . this world is a small world, treat everyone with great hospitality
Wow! Life is really a bag of surprises. Who would have believed that a bike man was actually a graduate and the lady cursing and hissing was yet to see the four walls the university? Well, I’m glad she learnt her lesson in the end. It really pays to treat people right irrespective of their status or appearance.
We thank God for her life. Pride always go before a fall. So much to learn from this, thank you so much ma.
Oh yes! people are worth more than they look on the surface!
An intresting story with a very good moral lesson.
Thank you ma for reminding me of the need to be humble and respectful regardless of the situation.
Humility is one of the hardest virtues to imitate. You might think you’re humble where you are now but just wait till you hit a jackpot and start driving the latest cars and living in the most expensive estates, before you can even say Jack, your mindset would change to something so unrecognizable. Just as in Nkechi’s case, she looked down on blue collar workers because she worked at a five star hotel and later on, it turned out that the mere Okada man was far better than her proud self. This was a necessary example, ma and I’m grateful that you set out your time to put this down.
The problem in this our generation today is that most people are materialistic, no fear of God, as the Bible said Matt:23:12 for those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. we should always be humble to be exalted.
So touching a story. Never look down on anyone in life, no matter the condition they’re passing through…. It’s actually good Nkechi felt sorry and changed her character in regards to her relationship with people…
Ok, well the story is very interesting but for me this story has a deeper meaning thank God nkechi learnt her lesson on time. We should be very humble in every aspect of life we really don’t know what condition have made people in the situation they are in.
I really love the story and I thank God for the life of nkechi
Lots of people we meet in life that we normally look down on are far better than us. We only look on the surface, but if we could look deeper, we would see what they carry. This is a lesson to us: to be humble and never look down on people. Humility pays.
This story is a typical example of “don’t judge a book by its cover”
We should all learn to be respectful and treat everyone equally.
If our Lord Jesus Christ was able to put his heavenly royalty behind him, and came down on Earth to save a race full of evil and darkness, then everyone else should put their shoulders down and be humble. Humility is like the trademark of a good Christian character. Nkechi was in for some good shock.
The story shows that humility is the best way to live our life , God can bless anybody ,don’t look down at anybody nobody is special ..
Being rude to people as a result of situations which you know nothing about? So bad! “Ignorant of the fact that he’s a graduate” very lame indeed! What has being a graduate or not got do with respect?
Experiences teaches better!
“God resist the proud, but gives grace to the humble”. Humility is a very rare trait that many people lack, as many people tend to look down on so many people just because of their present circumstances, forgetting that, the person you look down on today, will be your saviour tomorrow… I pray God helps ua
Although it is difficult not to judge one by appearance, it is something I’m steadily trying to incorporate and I hope other people should too. Most people are so fond of looking down on people that don’t fit in their particular standard of “respect-worthiness”.
We need to embrace the art of humility
Indeed one should never judge a book by its cover. You don’t know the story of a person so never be quick to judge others
we need to embrace the art of humility.
Don’t look down on anybody irrespective of who they are
Little things like this has made people loose great opportunities in life
Humility has always been, and will always remain the sole requirement to be a good and responsible human being. Nobody, not even a day old child should ever be looked down on because every single person has his/her worth ?
No one can see what the other is going through from their face and that is enough reason for we all to Master the act of humility,life is already hard for the okada man for people to be looking down on him on Daily basis will only make his life more miserable
Being humble is best than allow yourself to be brought down even the Bible tells us that he that exalted himself shall be humbled.
This is very sad as it is seen that people are addressed according to the level of their social status. We should try as much as possible to respect everyone trying to earn a living out there.
Because no one can read what the other is going through from their face is enough reason for we all to master the act of humility,life is already hard for the okada man,encountering people who looks down him will only make his life more miserable.
In this life one has to be humble and be your self be one can never tell who is who in this life the person we look down on can be your destiny helper so everyone has to be treated equally with respect
Try to be humble to people not minding the way they look because we don’t know who might be our helper tomorrow.
This is a great lesson to learn from the okada man. Having attained such height academically, he still lowered himself to do the job many people in his position wouldn’t consider doing. Imagine as a first class student having to meet your classmates on the street as an okada rider. I think that should be enough lesson. And for the girl, she too has learnt her lesson and how I wish we too can learn from the story.
Humility is a sure virtue that is meant to be acquired by all
Judging a book by its cover is a mistake many people make, including me, which is very wrong.
Humility is an attribute everyone should possess, Thank you Ma.
Always treat everyone well, you never know who is who
No matter the level you have reached in this life, its not good to look down on people because of the way they appear or dress,that person you neglected and looked down on today might be your divine helper tomorrow .Humility is priceless, we should learn how to accommodate and embrace it in our lives.
The story is teaching us to be humble and not to underrate any person because nobody knows what tomorrow will be and who is who in the society.
The world is a small place, we should be mindful of our judgement of people and how will treat them.
We should not be in a haste to judge people. Just like the saying “do not judge a book by its cover”. Hopefully reading this will help change people’s view on things.
Interesting story. I thing I get to know is that, in this life we don’t know who is who. It not good to look down on people and to also discriminate our fellow human beings is very bad. The one you looked down on today….. Will turn to be the best and the greatest tommorow…… This world is just a small world….. Many people out there are in manual job, not because they wanted to….. But because of the present condition of our country…. We should learn not to look down on people… Thank u Ma for the short story.
It’s not good to judge people because of the way they look because it can be a test like some Rich men do dress like a very poor person especially when they are looking for a good wife to whether the lady they want to marry is in love with money or not, and once she rejects the man because his poor she will just lose the opportunity. And it’s not good to look down on people.
Nollywood things! ???
Interesting story. One thing I get to know is that, in this life we don’t know who is who. It not good to look down on people and to also discriminate our fellow human beings is very bad. The one you looked down in today….. Will turn to be the best and the greatest tommorow….. This world is just a small world…….. Many people out there are in manual job, not because they wanted to….. But because of the present condition of our country….. We should learn not to look down on people . Thank you ma for this Short story.
This story is educative and filled with moral lessons. It teaches humility as a virtue, and teaches that in this life , we are not to look down on anybody irrespective of our status. Because of the experience that Nkechi had , she learnt to respect people not minding their status in life.
An amazing story that I won’t forget in a hurry ,it’s always good to treat everyone you meet wit respect regardless of who dey are because you may not know who is who behind that clothing,it’s always good to have manners .
Humility is key
Humility is such a virtue!
Much thanks ma’am!
The spirit of humility is one of the most important attributes a man should possess.
A normal human being shouldn’t look down on anyone no matter how the person looks like or appears. Humility comes inbuilt in anyone that has it. Though one can still learn if he doesn’t have one.
Beautiful didactic story. People should learn to love and respect others, at least because they are humans too. It is weak to base respect on class and status.
Never look down on people and respect everybody equally not withstanding the situation.
Wow!!! Great story indeed…. There is more to life than what we actually can see. Humility is a virtue we should all imbibe regardless of our knowledge about people’s status. Never look down on anybody.
Life is not what is seems.Don’t look down on people because of their appearance and what type of job the do.Humility is everything, am glad nkechi learnt how to be humble
You don’t know what your tomorrow might be, giving respect to the people of the lower class might be the thing that will help you be great in future nkechi learned her lesson in time about not to judge others not knowing what they have been through. Humility comes before a fall.
Pride comes before a fall.
Humility is a virtue humans should aspire to have. Little wonder the bible says we should be like little children. Meek and lowly at heart.
We should never judge people by their looks or judge a book by its cover. Indeed people can be worth more than meets the eye.
One shouldn’t treat people based on their class in the society…. Respect is very important.
Humility is one unique quality that is hardly seen in people nowadays
It is priceless… We should learn to be humble
Humility is a very important virtue. We should try to uphold this virtue in our life for growth and development
Judging a book by its cover is a mistake many people make, including me, which is very wrong.
Humility is an attribute everyone should possess, Thank you Ma.
You should always be humble and good to people anywhere you go because you don’t know where you can be tomorrow. Thanks ma for this interesting story.
Humility is one of the greatest virtues. Nkechi was very judgemental and wrong. I learnt that things are not always as they seem.
No one should be treated as such regardless of their state of being or backgrounds. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect not just because they’re rich but because they are human. These little things matters alot.
Humility precedes Honor and pride goes before a fall. Like Nkechi, most of us lost opportunities and good people because of our disgusting and proud habits. You should never judge a book by its cover by so doing people have missed their destiny helpers.
Judging people from their experience is wrong. Everyone deserves to be respected no matter their situation. Also humility is a virtue every man should acquire.
It pays to be humble. Thank you ma.
I’m so happy that the girl in question corrected her wrong actions and grabbed the lesson. Most people have lost a life saving opportunity to pride, while others have lost it to carelessness. I must say that everyone, no matter the status deserves to be treated fairly and I pray God give us the grace to do that always. Amen.
It pays to be humble regardless of one’s status.
We have a longg way to go if we are humble. Is not everysin that is pardonable, there are people who you will be rude to that will deal with you seriously. We should be really careful.
Wow. This tells us to be humble always . Being an okada rider isn’t a disease, one don’t have to be rude to them. Not everyone doing the job is happy with it but because of the situation of unemployment rates,one has to work hard to survive .
Judging people from their appearance is wrong. Everyone deserves to be respected no matter their situation. Humility is a virtue every man should acquire.
This story goes with the saying pride goes before a fall and the lesson, treat everyone with dignity.
It’s very bad to be rude to people because we might not know where and the condition we might find ourselves in the future
This is a typical example of the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover”. People should learn to respect others irrespective of their class and appearance. Nkechi just misjudged the okada rider simply because she taught he was a tout that didn’t go to school. Her perspective of judging people is very wrong and shallow for someone who even have a secondary school certificate. I expected her to be more open minded and mature, but anyway everyone has a lesson to learn from each encounter in life and she just learnt hers
I am actually shocked the okada rider didn’t Insult her back but just went on with his reunion. It shows how humble he is and we should all learn from this story because this happens a lot
Matthew 5:5 says ” blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth”. For us to achieve anything in life we ought to be humble. Humility can take us to places we don’t expect. We shouldn’t allow pride cause our downfall,instead let humility lead.
Looking down on people because of their profession, looks or even background is very wrong, I’ve seen when someone lost a job just for insulting the CEO of the company mistaken for a low class individual due to his dressing style, after being told he was the CEO she cried begging but she didn’t still get the job. I’m glad Nkechi apologized. We live in a world where no one knows who is who.
Judging people based on outlook has been a reason for loss of opportunities…. Most times the content of a page is filled with greater messages than what the cover has to offer.
In life, don’t look down on anybody just because you are better than them. They might be at the top of the ladder tomorrow while you are at the bottom.
In life, don’t look down on anybody just because you are better than them. They might be at the top of the ladder tomorrow while you are the bottom. This life is unpredictable and unbalanced.
Humidity is a virtue which everyone should try and impact it in themselves
I am humbled by this story ma. I have learn to treat people I encounter with love, because most times we don’t understand what there are passing through.
We learn everyday. Mostly from our mistakes and experiences. Never look down on people no matter what.
Humility says it all…
In addition, I can translate the moral lesson from this article to this word “do not judge a book by it’s cover”
It is very important to not dismiss someone based on their looks,everybody is important and should be accorded the same level of respect.
Interesting Piece!
This is why the Bible emphasises on humility. It is better to be humble and then be honoured than to honour yourself and be humbled. We should never judge people by appearances or treat people harshly because no one is sure of tomorrow.
Humility is a virtue .
Let’s strive to be humble
Thank you ma. I learnt that it is not good to look down on anyone.
Don’t judge people because of their appearance. Blessings and rewards come from what we take for granted. I learnt respect should be given to everyone equally. Humility is the key to progress. Thanks for educating us.
Thank you so much ma for this, this is an important lesson to us especially we the young ladies. Respect and give honour to honour is due
Thank you so much ma for this, this is an important lesson to us especially we the young ladies. Respect and give honour to whom honour is due
You always have to humble. It’s not everytime being rude like some people. Humble yourself among your mates.
Now I understand this expression, Don’t judge a book by it’s cover. Everyone deserves to be respected no matter their situation
My submission is that in all we do here in life “Just treat everyone with dignity”
secondly, parents in this generation are failing woefully in training up their wards in moral and social strata
This contribute more to the problem we face in this days society .it’s obvious people no longer buy the idea making money through hard work and consistence because of how people regard in the process , thereby increasing the rate people involved themselves in bad means of making money through any means .
I really commend Mike for his mature way of handling this like this. Thank you for this story ma.
We ought to be humbled in all our daily life because we don’t know where we will find ourselves tomorrow because humility pays.
Impatience and ego are two spices of destructions. My submission is that in all we do here in life “Just treat everyone with dignity.” Secondly, parents in this generation are failing woefully in training up their wards in moral and social strata. Humility is the focal point of any endeavor and achievement in life.
Be humble to everyone,Irrespective of who they are or where they are from.
Humility, among all other virtues, is the most expensive to afford. Yet very cheap to imbibe.
Wow. Interesting indeed. People need to stop judging a book by its cover.
People really need to stop judging a book by its cover. The unemployment rate in this country has made even the best of the best venture into various businesses just for survival. We really need to stop underrating people just because of what they do.
Honour and respect all men.
Humility matters in our everyday life no matter who we might be. It is a virtue that not everyone possesses.
It takes someone truly filled with the spirit of God to be humble
Thank God she learnt and changed her ways for good. This story is really an eye opener for us.
Thank you Ma
Every human should learn how to be humble, never judge people based on how they look, dress… God himself exalt the humble.
A lot of people need to learn humility from this story. As long as a person is a human being, he/she deserves to be respected regardless of the person’s occupation, tribe, political views, race, etc.
Humility is very important in our dealings with our fellow men.
A lame excuse indeed!
This story really shows that it pays to be humble!
There is need to be humble and treat everyone you come across with, with respect because the person you are looking down on today, may be in a position where you may need he/her help tomorrow.
Never look down on anyone and don’t give preferential treatment to only those whom you believe are of high class. Everyone deserves to be treated kindly.
Everyone should be respected.And respect shouldn’t be accorded to people due to what they have or are
We should all be humble and treat people equally. I think our youths should learn from this story
One should try their possible best to inculcate in oneself, humility.(^^)(^^)
Humility is still and will continue to be a virtue
We must learn to respect and honour all men.
We never know what people are going through. This is why we shouldn’t be too quick to judge others.
We shouldn’t look down on people whether good looking or not. For whatever goes around comes around.
Never look down on people and respect everybody equally not withstanding the situation.
It is not right to look down on anyone even if they are below your status
Humility is a virtue
It’s really good to watch how we talk to people, avoid looking down on people because of their status.
Humility pays even more than the highest currency in the world.
With humility, one achieves certain goals that he might not have ever dreamt of on a normal basis.
Learn to be nice always and not let your ego elude you. Also we should not always judge a book by it’s cover. Thanks ma for the story, I enjoyed it!
A piece our generation really need to read and digest(humility pays)
Truth is, no one knows tomorrow and people’s educational degree isn’t written on their foreheads.
As humans we should learn to be patient and not judge.
Don’t judge a book by its cover, some people are worth more than their looks, the moral lesson is never to look down on or downgrade anyone. Who would have thought that an ordinary bike man would have graduated from the university with first class? Always try as much as possible to be humble, it’s vital, and it stimulates human growth.
This story gives the meaning of don’t judge a book by it’s cover.
Humility is gold. The Lord abases the proud and exalts the humble. Even Nkechi wasn’t well-to-do, just proudly seeking for attention till she had to learn her lessons. No matter your class, always treat each and everyone with dignity. I’m glad she turned a new leaf. Beautiful and impactful story, Ma.
Appearance doesn’t matter. It pays to be humble. Humility is the key.
Thanks maa for this post
God exalt the humble and opposes the proud.
I am happy that Nkechi learnt her lesson on time
Many of us have acted like Nkechi in one way or the other. Even belittling people we “believe” we are superior to because of age, status or class. We should all learn to be nice, physical appearance is just a modicum of who we are. There’s so much more within to discover when we are patient, nice and hospitable.
This a good definition of don’t judge a book by its cover
We should respect people no matter who they are.
Nkechi was wrong to have looked down on the Okada man. I’m glad she learnt her lesson and changed. Thank you so much Ma for this story.
Judging people from their outward appearance is very lame and wrong. We need to change our view about people. What they can offer matters more.
: Humility is and will continue to be a great virtue. We must learn to honor all men as we live.
Humility is the key to live a well meaning life and it should be paramount in our everyday life.
Be humble and treat all men with respect.
Every person are important, so treat everyone with love and do not look down on anyone.
Humble at any spot regardless of influence or affluence.
Thank you for this piece ma.
No matter what we are or what we have in life, we shouldn’t look down on people. Humility is very important
Important lesson: Don’t judge people by there appearance. Don’t look down on anyone either, be humble!
It pays to be humble.
Nice one ma
humility is indeed a virtue…
thanks a lot ma for this piece.
Humility is key. It is not good to look down on people because, you might not know what they are going through at the moment.
Treat everyone the same way you want to be treated. That’s the one thing I learnt from this story.
On a daily basis people look down on others, this happens in our work places, in school and even on the streets which is very bad. If you only begin to respect people after knowing their rank and capabilities then you’re not really humble. Sometimes people act humble because they no longer have a choice but to act so. Nobody has to be belittled, we all know and have something that another does not.
Humility is a characteristic everyone should have, the Bible says God gives grace to the humble.
Humility is a virtue.
Humility is an important virtue that everybody should acquire in other to achieve so many things in life. A humble person is always rewarded with wonderful things in the world. Even the bible say that man must humble thyself like a little child to be able to make heaven. It is indeed a great virtue
Humility is a character that everyone should possess. It can save us from being seen as self absorbed and proud. This story teaches us on humility and also sheds light on the fact that even as a graduate,one can result to menial jobs if care is not taken. I’m glad Nkechi learned her lesson and changed her proud ways after that experience.
Humility is a virtue one must have. I pray God grant us the grace to be humble.
Humility is a great virtue every individual should imbibe. The bible says “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble
This story should be a great lesson to everyone out there, most especially the young ones who always feel like the world revolves around them. Hence, don’t judge a book by it’s cover. Gracia ma Edith, nice one ryt here again….!
Humility indeed is a virtue. Do not look down because nobody knows what tomorrow might be. Thank you ma for this post.
This story explains the popular saying “don’t judge a book by its cover”. Humility is a virtue!
This story is Wonderful, Humility is a virtue and it brings success to our door steps, looking down on people bring you nothing but downfall.
Christ our Lord was humble even onto death, this is to show us that humility is one of the most important Virtue that even the Devil could not attain.We should try as much as possible to acquire this because with humility we tend to love the right way even to the least person in our world.
Practicing humility is a great way to live a life of being free from judgementalism. We pray that we will live a humble life as Jesus did! Amen!!
Humility is a core factor in human race, never look down on people because of a particular condition they are at.
No matter the position you have attained in life, make sure you stay humble and respectful always.
A lesson learnt, one should always be humble.
Humility pays.even the bible says God decreases the proud but giveth grace to the humble.we should learn to respect every person we come across whether old or young
Don’t judge a book by it cover. Respect everyone
Learn to respect people no matter your background.
Don’t look down on people because tables might turn round
Sometimes people tend to have an unwarranted opinion of themselves and looking down on people they feel they are better than. you never know who is who, it doesn’t pay to do so, there is absolutely no benefit in disdaining people. That act of condescending behavior is utter stupidity, what does it take to just treat everybody equal and respectfully.
Humility is really important, and it is exhibited when one has learned to treat others with respect irrespective of their condition. I love the fact that she retraced her steps and amended her ways.
People should learn how to treat others equally, respect is for everyone one both small and big ,tall and short, old and young , because you do not know who you will meet tomorrow.
This is more than a story. It is wrong to respect people because of their social status or what they have, weighing a man’s worth goes beyond the surface. I learnt not to judge people by how they appear. Thank you ma.
Life will also humble you in an unexpected way. It costs nothing to be humble to your fellow humans regardless of who they are in the society.
This story serves as a reminder that we should not always judge people based on appearances and stereotypes. I can totally relate to Nkechi’s initial behavior, as sometimes we all make snap judgments without really knowing someone’s story.
Never belittle a fellow human being because despite the age, race or occupation. In life, it is necessary to be humble. Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues.
Absolutely, humility is a valuable characteristic that can guide one through life’s challenges. Those who lack it may face difficulties. It’s a quality worth nurturing. Thank you ma for sharing this insight.
This piece clearly explain the truism” Do not judge a book by its cover”. Education is key but doesn’t determine one’s destiny.
Humility is a virtue that every human being should possess because no one knows tomorrow and also no one knows what life has installed for everyone,there is need to trade with caution and desist from pride.
Without a doubt, humility is a precious trait that can offer guidance in the face of life’s obstacles. Those who lack it may encounter challenges.
People need to be humble because it’s not everyone you see doing a lame work is a dullard or means you’re better than him.
Humility is a core attribute, we should exhibit as human beings.
Wow what an interesting story pride is the downfall of man we should try to be humble either to the poor or to rich regardless who they are