This is a poem with an accompanying reflection on the conflict we face when we ask for God’s will and it turns out contrary to what we want or expect. Read and be blessed!
Have you ever been in a situation where you’re asking God to direct you on a matter and when you sense where He is going, you balk? I have, a countless number of times. Questions like: “Is this what I prayed for?”, “How does this help me reach my goal?” or “Is this a disappointment or what?” begin to fly through one’s mind at such times.
[bctt tweet=”Have you ever been worried or disappointed at the way God is leading you? This should help.” username=”edithsmusings “]
But if we can just trust God and keep moving as He leads, in faith, even though we don’t understand, approve or are delighted with where He’s taking us, we’ll have a testimony in the end. The truth is things aren’t always what they seem and only God knows the end from the beginning.
The Bible says that when God brought Israel out of Egypt, He didn’t take them through the highway crossing the land of the Philistines to Canaan although that road was shorter. Rather, He took them through the desert (a far longer and more arduous route). It seemed like a bad choice but He had a good reason (if they faced war so soon after leaving Egypt, they might have decided to go right back – better the harshness of the desert than the brutality of war which they were ill-prepared for).
“When Pharaoh finally let the people go, God did not lead them along the main road that runs through Philistine territory, even though that was the shortest route to the Promised Land. God said, “If the people are faced with a battle, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” – Exodus 13:17
But they didn’t know this. That’s the thing: God doesn’t put Himself in the position where He has to explain everything to His children. He just expects them to trust and obey.
[bctt tweet=”God doesn’t always explain everything to us but He expects us to trust and obey Him.” username=”edithsmusings “]
Unfortunately, the Israelites had a hard time doing the latter, so they suffered unnecessarily. The route chosen by God meant an 11-day journey but they reached Kadesh-barnea on the edge of Canaan in about two years due to the fallout from their idolatry and sundry acts of rebellion.
“Normally it takes only eleven days to travel from Mount Sinai to Kadesh-barnea, going by way of Mount Seir.” – Deuteronomy 1:2
But God turned them back into the desert for another thirty-eight years after the fiasco following the unfavourable report by the men who were sent to spy out the land.* They ended up spending forty years in the desert and many of them died there. They missed the blessing of entering the Promised Land.
“Thirty-eight years passed from the time we first left Kadesh-barnea until we finally crossed the Zered Brook! By then, all the men old enough to fight in battle had died in the wilderness, as the LORD had vowed would happen.” – Deuteronomy 2:14
Any child of God who insists on rashness, rebellion and generally acting like they know better than God never has it easy. That kind of attitude/behaviour leads to misery, frustration and when God completely loses His patience, death. That will not be our portion in Jesus’ name.
[bctt tweet=”Any child of God who insists on rashness and rebellion is courting frustration and misery.” username=”edithsmusings “]
May we receive the grace to truly allow God to be the Lord (Master, Commander, Controller, Director) of our lives and walk humbly with Him, obeying and patiently waiting for the fruit of His wisdom made available to us daily in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Perplexity fills my heart, oh Lord
Incredulity at the way You’re leading
Uncertainty at what You intend
Anxiety that it is far from my wish
I want to do Your will, mighty God
I want to be in harmony with You
I don’t want to chart my own path
I don’t want to disobey Your word
Enlighten my heart, my dear Lord
Quieten the fears bombarding it
Brighten my face with kind assurance
Strengthen my faith that it’s for the best
Amen in Jesus’ name.
Ⓒ Edith Ugochi Ohaja 2016
*Twelve men were chosen from the tribes of Israel to spy out the Promised Land and advise the Israelites on how to take it over. When they returned, ten of them said it was impossible: there were giants in the land and the cities were fortified. They said they looked like grasshoppers to the inhabitants of the land. The Israelites cried that they shouldn’t have left Egypt, some wished they had died when God punished the disobedient in the desert and God got really mad at them. He sent them back into the desert till that generation had died off except the two spies who brought a favourable report, Joshua and Caleb. (Read the full account in Numbers, chapters 13 and 14.)
The scriptures used in this article are from the New Living Translation of the Holy Bible.
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Nice one Anty
Thank you, Joy!
Almost everyone has had or will have such experience, but faith will direct such person to follow God if such person is a faithful person. No wonder the Bible says that our wisdom is like foolishness before Almighty God; he expects us to follow him and obey entirely. However, I am convinced that people who are being led by the Holy spirit, can and/or get revelations about God’s plans and ways. John the Baptist found himself in such situation in Matthew 11 and indirectly questioned the messiahship of Jesus. The story of Job also teaches people to follow God no matter how bad your situation is. The word of God in the book of Jeremiah (7 :23) says……”obey my voice, and i will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways that i have commanded you, that it may be well unto”. That is to say that for one to be a child of God, he/she must obey him and follow all his ways (irrespective whether or not such ways or commands are beneficial to him/her). Nice work, Ma. God bless you for the message.
Thank you, Chinagorom, for the kudos and the enlightening scriptures you brought in. You are blessed!
nice one
Bless you, Juliet!
Doing God’s will imay be difficult in the interim, but it’s always the best thing in the end.
I appreciate, Lanna! You are blessed!
Your poem is so beautiful. When I pray for my children or anyone to do the Lord Will for their life, I always pray for courage for them too. if they don’t have the courage to step out and do it…then there’s a problem.
You’re right, Marie! Good intentions are not enough except they are carried out and for that, we need courage. Bless you!
I love it Aunty
Glory to God!
Beautiful poem.
Thanks a bunch, Debbie! God’s favour and protection upon you and yours in Jesus’ name.
I’m always spirit-satisfied any time I read through some the numerous encouraging posts of yours. I have learnt to trust God even in the most ugly situations that I may find myself just like this (present) situation. Thanks!
The walk of faith is not always easy but I find the alternatuve inconceivable. Bless you, Benjamin!
Doing God’s will requires great commitment and endurance. You cannot just wake up one day and say I will do his will. U will fail…All you need do is to look up to him for direction and guidance.
Thank ma for this great piece.
Nothing can be compared to doing God’s will, as it gives satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment to your soul, even Jesus made the prayer “father let thy will be done”. Surely, you can never be wrong or feel frustrated when you do God’s will.
God’s will is the ultimate because it surpasses all the plans we think we have for ourselves. My favourite Bible verse is Psalm 3:5 trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not on your own understanding. Sometimes we feel we have it all figured out but no! God’s plans and purpose for our lives are indisputable
Father please help me to love and accept your plans for me… Father i want to be fully yours, give me the grace to you..my master and my friend.. I want to do your will Lord and lets your will be done in my life.
Lord almighty i am praying earnestly to do your will in all my endeavors in life.doing his will,will eventually guarantee us success in everything we do.
God sure do know the best and always lead us there. There was a time i needed a job desperately then i found one which pay sounded great to me but he insisted i do not take it, i was mad at him ’cause he gave no reasons, later on God gave me a more comfortable job without stress and beyound my expectation.GLORY!
Amen. I receive Grace to do your will Lord. God bless you ma.
Its actually hard to have trust or faith. Our mortal bodies are our worst enemy. The canal mind mostly prevails but with God, nothing shall be impossible. It is quite funny that it is easier to just say them than to actually face them head on.
Order my steps in your word dear Lord, teach me, guide me everyday, send your anointing father I pray, order my step…… Show me how to walk in your word, show me how to talk in your word…… That’s my prayer Lord.
God give me the grace to do your will always not to sin against you. I know with you all things are possible help me to always do the right thing accepted by you order my way not to deviate from your will. Thank you ma for this motivational post.
I feel like that sometimes.
I ask, what if God’s will won’t be so cool? I’m I going to like it?
But he said I’m Jeremiah 29:11 he has good thoughts towards us.. So we should just trust God!
Amen… Quiet every voice in my head that doubts Your Word and argues over Your promises.
Doing Gods will requires commitment and dedication, and most importantly His grace. That why we have to ask God to order our steps everyday.
Some times wen i pray all i say is Lord let me know u more.dear lord am looking up to u for directions. Amen. Thank you, ma, for dis beautiful piece
We all make this prayer. I for one, know from experience that when we make this prayer, we make it usually with all sincerity of heart but truth be told when he actually tells or shows us His will we are not ready to do his bidding.
There were times that I even knew God’s will but I deliberately wanted to pray and I knew I wasn’t ready to do His will because I have my plans already.
So like the poem ended, we pray for God to strengthen us. Amen.
Inspiring one here! As was said in the poem, it’s only God that knows the beginning from the end. Therefore, we should submit our human knowledge, analysis and intelligence to God’s feet. Even when it seems to us that things are not really the way we want them, we still need to keep on doing His will because the way of God is not the way of men. His way is much better.
Oh! how this poem hits the punchline I want to do your will oh lord give me your grace to do it. As believers we have challenges and tribulations making us not to do the will of our father. May His grace continue to guide us as we do his will. Thank you so much ma for this wonderful post. You’re blessed by all means ma?
It is controversial to think most times at the beginning of our Christian walk that GOD is a catalyst to achieving our self strategized goals,but I have come to understand that the start of this walk is actually the beginning of us living out that which we were created for. From the understanding I have gotten these past years I believe that only the creator knows the full potential of is creation .Being the only creation with self will,we tend to be blinded by ambition and not see our father who fashioned us as a guide for living through this earth and He knows best how we can perfectly express our selves here on earth, only if we submit with this understanding as a stand point and know that we have been given Grace irrespective of the complexity of our individual lives to be the best we can be in Christ.
I want to do Your Will Lord!!
Everytime I read through your various inspirational pieces, my spirit is always gratified. I have learnt to trust God even in the most dreadful circumstances, like this one right now. Many thanks!