I am delighted to present to you this guest post that captures so eloquently our collective hope that Nigeria will become as great as she is supposed to. This hope which has become a transgenerational feature of our families, was masterfully conveyed by the poet through the disillusionment he painted in the contradictions between our national pledge and our grim reality.
It’s a very moving piece and it echoed my mood recently. I’ve felt like saying, “Nigeria will be better,” but I feel she should have been already. So I guess we should say, “Nigeria don better!” in faith and, by God’s grace, we shall see it come to pass.
Kindly drop your impressions of the poem in “Comments” and share the piece widely on social media. We need as much hope as we can garner at this depressing time in our nation’s history.
Kudos to you, Recluse! This piece is awesome! I pray for more inspiration in your writing and greater recognition for your output. You’re going places in Jesus’ name.
Nigeria Will Be Better
…what grandpa said to dad,
And dad said to me;
Guess I’ll say the same,
To my unborn children.
I’ve pledged to Nigeria my country,
To be faithful, loyal and honest,
But my country ain’t a beautiful host;
It’s a desert that makes me grunt.
The labour of our heroes past,
Is today becoming vain,
Because the leaders of now
Are only mindful
Of their state of wealth,
Not of the peace
Of those they lead,
So we’ve become savages
Ambushed from the north…
The south-east agitates to go;
The south-west waits to take sides.
I’ve served with love and might,
In a nation said to be bound in freedom,
But it’s not so anymore –
We’re trapped under the feet
Of those who say they care for us,
Like a rat will bite his victim
And blow it cool;
Not because he cares
Nor because he feels sorry,
But so he could bite more.
We’re men who brood of hunger
And watch our brothers die of thirst,
And yet we kill one another
To uplift those who divide us –
We say we’re giants of Africa,
But we behave like none;
We’re wise men becoming fools.
We have a country rich,
But we live in one poorer
Than a beggar –
At least he goes home with little,
Not like us who get nothing
From the much we have.
“Nigeria will be better,”
I wish I won’t say to my son,
And if so I do,
I hope he won’t say to his.
(Related: Naija Will Rise Again)
[bctt tweet=”We should say, Nigeria is better, in faith and we shall see it come to pass.” username=”edithohaja1″]
About the Writer:
Oluwaseunfunmi Recluse is a second-year student of the Mass Communication Department, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. As this piece shows, he has a flair for writing poetry. He also engages in writing stories of various kinds. He is a smart and amiable young man and can be reached on Facebook.
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I must commend Recluse, he’s one of the upcoming poets that are doing us proud recently. I just hope that someday I can share in that faith to say Nigeria will be better. It is quite hard, the nation is so bad, I hope I can build my faith in it to become stronger. Thanks for this piece.
May God build your faith in Jesus’ name.
The state of our country is pathetic and disheartening. I don’t think we can grow, when our leaders doesn’t have our interest in heart. They are just there for their selfish interest and not improving/developing this nation….Have got fed up of this saying “Nigeria will be great/better” and hope not to pass the same statement to my unborn kids…
What a country we live in, a disheartening country. ? I hope I will be among those who see a better Nigeria. Amen. Recluse, more power to your elbow, dear!
Amen to that prayer in Jesus’ name.
We need to pray for our country Nigeria. We the citizens also need to step up and fight for what is right.
I really like this poem and my prayer is that Nigeria would be a better country for everyone. Good job Recluse
Nigeria don better!
Be the change you want to see. Nigeria needs me and you to change it by the way we live our lives everyday.
Hmmmm, it’s not easy to still believe in Nigeria. I’m sure no Igbo guy will pen down this kind of poem. Many of us have lost hope in Nigeria. But I solidly believe that politicians come and go but Nigeria remains. No matter what is happening now, Nigeria will rise again.
Amen and amen. And may we rise as individuals and families along with it in Jesus’ name.
Indeed we pray for a better Nigeria
This country would be healed
It would never remain the same
The next generation shuld hear a different story
I pray so in Jesus’ name.
Nigeria will be better!!! for how long should we wait.Nigeria is getting worse
but in God we trust.
The problem of Nigeria seems generational because the masses especially this generation only rant on social media and with friends without taking drastic decisions that could improve the state of this country
You mean without taking drastic action. Words and thoughts are what we release but I guess the action will probably lead to further bloodshed, and we don’t want to see more of our people killed.
God will surely see us through in this country.
We pray for a better Nigeria. But we should also make an effort to make our country better. Recluse this is an awesome piece, more knowledge and grace to you
This captures it all even though we have hoped for a better Nigeria for a long time we shouldn’t stop hoping because God is working His purpose out.
I pray that Nigeria would be better someday
I have that high hope that one day, Nigeria will be good, better and even the best.
Nigeria can only be better if we become better. We are the change we want to see
Nigeria would be better, I have always heard that phase well I just hope I would be part of those who sees a better Nigeria. Kudos recluse.
Nigeria seriously needs prayers……..
Churches are on it thus, so I believe the country will be better soon………
Nigeria don better, it can’t happen by only praying n hoping for God to intervene. Definitely he will buh we have to help in achieving a better Nigeria.. When we understand this, am not sure we have to tell that to our children or even our children telling it to theirs… Nice one Recluse!!
I love this poem. Nigeria will be better again. Personally, I don’t believe that, but with this poem, I pray that a little faith will rise in my heart to believe in Nigeria again. More grease to your elbow Recluse
My God. I am touched. To believe that this guy is my course mate makes me shiver.
This is a talented piece.
I really hope I won’t say “the same” to my kids – I want them to see it.
My best lines;
“The labour of our heroes past,
Is today becoming vain,
Because the leaders of now
Are only mindful
Of their state of wealth”
Beautiful write up of Nigeria’s infidelity. I really wonder how long we are going to keep hoping for a better Nigeria when majority of the politicians are seeking for their own belly. My hopes are still alive any way. Nice one recluse. Thanks ma for sharing
By faith,I’m replacing the phrase “Nigeria is going to be better” with “Nigeria is better”. I know Nigeria isn’t what she is supposed to be: there are a lot of killings, suffering and act of gerrymandering in the last election but I know that in years to come, the youths (leaders of tomorrow) are going to change the bleak future of Nigeria to a brighter one. This is a nice work ma’am and thanks to recluse.
yes! Nigeria will be better of its corrupt leaders,no more threats from northerners ,agitations from the south east and waiting to take sides by the southerners .all we need to do is to have patience and keep praying for our country .Just like God delivered the Israelites,so shall he deliver our country and we all will have a positive story for the future generation.
What a wonderful piece of writing, Nigeria! The word Nigeria it’s going to get better someday is gradually turning to slogan of this country, right from childhood I have been hearing it, as the writer said in the peom, hope I’ll not also tell this to my children
I know NIGERIA will be better even though it seems impossible today, it will still come to pass.
That’s the kind of leaders we do have. They have selfish intrest. I pray for unity and oneness in our country.
Like you said Miss Edith, i will also say, with faith.. Nigeria don better!
Indeed we have selfish leaders, that doesn’t mean we should seat back and do nothing.. As we pray for progress we should bear in mind that we are the future and do all in our power to move the country forward
This is the land of my birth… My Nigeria, your Nigeria, Our Nigeria… We will make Nigeria work…
It’s a really touching and heartbreaking thing that the poet sees himself possibly saying, ‘Nigeria will get better’ to his unborn children. we keep praying for Nigeria as we hope that things gets better and that Nigeria will adjust it’s crown and take up its mantle as the giant of Africa that it said to be
Inspiring poem!. Good work recluse. You took the words right out of my mouth and the thought out of my mind. We are all tired of saying Nigeria will be better. We want to acknowledge that it is already better. With one heart we pray that God hears our prayers. Amen. Thank u for sharing aunty
I do not only hope that Nigeria becomes better, but I believe Nigeria will be better if only we can make choices of the right leaders
It’s very hard to fix people with different ideologies and beliefs. The problem with Nigeria is all rooted in tribalism and beliefs. Believe it or not no matter how good a particular government may function, there must be grudges from other
the tribes. The problem is in the mindset, to make it worst, it is being passed from generation to another thereby making it an incurable disease.
I beg to differ. This disease is curable by God’s grace. That’s what the poem is all about: optimism about overcoming Nigeria’s challenges. You are blessed!
Oh! ?I wish I won’t tell to my son, “Nigeria will be better” and may he not tell same to his. My prayer is that Nigeria will be better beginning with us. God bless Nigeria, and give us God-fearing/wise leaders.
Nigeria is a great country, many people say, but when I watch national news and international news on tv,countries with greatness speak for themselves.
Most times, I can’t help but think my parents lied to me.
They said Nigeria is a great country and would be greater when I grow, they made me love my country so much, now my friends accuse me of taking things about Nigeria too personal.
I’ve been patriotic and loyal,disappointed and hurt,but I’ll keep being patriotic because it’s the only country I owe allegiance to as a citizen.
I really wish I can say the name Nigeria with the zeal and love with which I called the name when I was a little girl.
Yes! We pray not to say it to our children, but there will know that there were times their grandfathers and fathers used to say it, “Nigeria will be better.” it will be a history to them to keep the great achievement: Nigeria is well and great. All hands have to be on deck for us to make it; if you play your part well and I play mine as well, I don’t think we will have any course to regret it. So, it begins with you and I to make Nigeria not just a better country but a greater country. Many thanks to Recluse, the poet, who has come up with this inspiring write-up and to our caring mummy who made it come through; God bless you.
This poem really is touching and eye opening, it tells us that we are no longer who we claim to be”Giants of Africa” is no more than just a name. Our leaders are selfish and self-centered, they care only about their pockets and not the masses. They make promises they can’t keep jus so they can get into power and syphone money and also manipulate the people
Wow! What a great piece Recluse, you write awesomely. I pray I won’t also say that to my daughters.
We should all rise as compatriots and head to the Charlotte, and also pray when we Nigeria’s call obey. The future lies in our hands and I just wish we the youths of today will really be the leaders of tomorrow, and if so we’ll be, I hope we’ll be better than our predecessors… Nigeria will be better!
A very good one from Recluse, for many years we Nigerians have lived in suffering, yet with many unkept promises from our leaders, which is really a big shame and indeed a disgrace to the nation at large, May God bless Nigeria and all it’s citizens Amen.
We should all work towards making Nigeria better and not just by words of mouth because faith without work is dead.
This is a very nice piece of work from Recluse. The problem of this country is from our leaders during campaigns they make, promises which they won’t stick to once they wins the election, they are selfish once they are elected into the post instead of making Nigeria a better place they are always eager to embezzle money which leads to economic instability of this country. To make Nigeria a better country the leaders should change their evil ways, compassionate and considerate. God will see us through in Jesus name.
This poem really talked Nigerians problem so well that it even opened my eyes to some things I have never thought about. Our leaders are not helping matters, so many things are happening in Nigeria, and they pretend like all is well, even us the masses are worsening the issue but most of us are not just and honest in our own little place of authority.After everything, we’ll be alright(I pray so).
What I said to my son
Do not mind the white in our flag
For it is used to beautify corruption
Do not mind the fat belly for they are breeding blunders,
This is a nation where change becomes unchangeable
With flattered promises and promiscuous manifestoes.
Even prayers will irritate God
In such a nation of disguise and lies
Our leaders! May they live to see their birth
Son! Do me a favour
As long as you leave spare all hands innocent of loot and politics in this nation.
Second stanza isn’t quite clear! Cheers!
What a poem, Nigeria is now a blood pool and I hope my children have a better story to tell.
NIGERIA will get better!!!
NIGERIA will get better!!!
Thank you for this encouragement.
Amazing Piece Recluse…
That piece is great. Nigeria is really a country where the rich becomes richer and the poor gets poorer. But like he said and we believe and pray, that we will not tell this word to our children but that the word that we will speak will be actualized “Nigeria will be better”
What Nigeria needs now is revolution
Our leaders can’t even be controlled again. Revolution I pray!
We’re trapped under the feet
Of those who say they care for us,
This line was captivating, we are supposed to be represented by those up there, but no longer.. Its like we dont exisit as we sit and watch them take self- decisions
Obviously what we sing in the national anthem isn’t what we practice .
As the poet rightly pointed out, the labours of our heros past is becoming in vain . Anyway I pray Nigeria gets better amen
Aunty to say the truth this post touched me. Is not today that we’ve being singing this regular national anthem that Nigeria will be better which seems as an illusion. God help us
We have been praying for a better Nigeria since Independence. I hope that this dream will eventually be actualized. Because Nigeria is a great country and we would go a long way if we are better than we are now. God help us
As I read the poem it got me thinking so deep about our nation and doubts about it being better leaves this doubt in my heart but just like Recluse, I hope I won’t tell my kids that Nigeria will be better but that Nigeria is the best and would look back at today as the challenges Nigeria passed through in reaching where we are now.
Our land is hurting and in deep need of God’s divine healing. Oh Lord! Heal our land. God bless you Recluse for the hope
Pointing at line 12 and 13 of the poem, it is quite unfortunate that the rich are making the poor poorer and enriching themselves with the sweat of the poor without thinking back but strongly believe that Nigeria is in the hand of God and we will and everything will go excellently well with her
The poem was wonderfully written, I must admit. May Nigeria become better and hopefully, we won’t be saying this to our children…
This is a good poem, Recluse! Well done! We’ve been hearing “Nigeria go beta” since we were kids. We are yet to see results. I think I know why. We want change yet we want the change to start from our leaders. How about this change we talk about starts with us? I think Nigeria will truly be better.
Indeed, Nigeria will be better but it all begins from the mindset of the individuals and the leaders of the country towards development and social change. Ma, I am really bless by this post and I prayer that I will not repeat the same phrase to my children that “NIGERIA WILL BE BETTER”
Nice work recluse ??. I believe that nigeria will be better but everybody has a role to play. I pray for peace and unity in this country. I know that by the special grace of God we will say that nigeria is better.
Sometimes it seems like Nigeria can’t be helped anymore… Since we were kids we’ve been praying for the country to get better but things keep getting worse. “people say we hope we hope things will get better” we’ve hoped for too long…lets pray our kids don’t continue hoping…Let God’s will be done in this country, because only Him knows our problems.
Nice and inspiring one
Yes, we hope that Nigeria Will be better someday but all hands should be on deck towards achieving that by putting aside segregation, selfishness, hatred and uphold oneness.
Well, I hope our country gets better soon. Nice poem.
Poverty,insecurity, bribery, corruption are labeled to our country Nigeria, Bad leadership mothers them all.. Problems arises from every sphere of the federation.. Youth indulge in crime just to survive no crime climax d society..inflation is another thing devaluation of the naira. Foreign investors not coming nearer.
Check out social amenities is not something to be proud of in my country Nigeria..
We claim the practice of democracy I call it anarchy …
Writing about nigeria situation the book will become too bulky to carry .I still pray for my dear country. Because I have none other to call my country. So help us oh GOD
Recluse!!! what an amazing write up, indeed Nigerians have gone through thick and thin, October 1st reminds and gives us hope of a new nation but all their manifestos are just sweet nothings. I hope and pray same too
What an interesting way to capture the senerio…we call it a national anthem yet there is nothing national about the leaders. The white in our flag is just used to beautify corruption. What a country!!! I hope I don’t say it to my children too. Thumbs up to the young writer.
I hope and pray for a better Nigeria, I pray my children will hear stories of how bad Nigeria’s state was but won’t experience it… Hope help us.
Such a beautiful poem. Wonderfully written. I must commend the writer for his ability to capture what is happening in our country today where crime and corruption is the order of the day. We can only hope and pray that one day Nigeria will be a better place.
Such a beautiful poem, wonderfully written. I must commend the writers ability to capture what is happening in our country today where crime and corruption is the order of the day. We just have to hope and pray that one day soon, Nigeria will be a better place..
When the Citizens seem to lose faith in the Country, where lies hope? More so the young ones. We shouldn’t just end in Hope, we should act. Get to hold your leaders accountable so they be on their toes. Nigeria would soon take her rightful place. Nice one fellow Jacksonite.
This country could be good through God that strengthens us, because this nation cannot just change by man-made rather our country needs a supernatural force and intervention which is the Almighty God.
The plight of Nigeria was brought to light in this poem, a country where the rich gets richer and the poor poorer, where the leader is not really the one leading. Its indeed painful but I also wish I don’t say to my son “Nigeria will be better” too
Wow, an applause from me. It is awesome, I like the way he did justice to some issues; “Like a rat will bite his victim
And blow it cool; Not because he cares, Nor because he feels sorry, But so he could bite more”. “And yet we kill one another
To uplift those who divide us”. Keep it up bro, you are going higher in Jesus name!
It’s quite unfortunate we are were we are today, all because of some corruptions fighting corruption (I laugh sha)… Basically,all I can offer is to pray to God and believe with faith that “Nigeria Will Be Better” so help me God, Amen!
Yes Nigeria will be better again and I pray my generation will withness the transformational process of the better days to come Amen.As we pray for Nigeria to be better, may we ask God to use us as a transformational instruments to achieve the change we desire and deserve as a nation. Thumbs up Recluse
The leaders of today are only mindful of their wealth,where the rich keeps getting rich and the poor live like church rats , with what is happening in this our country ,hunger kidnappings and segregation I don’t think Nigeria will be better but we just have to have faith and hope that we won’t tell our kids, nigeria will be better.
This poem is very interesting and nice. Nigeria is a very rich and large country blessed with a lot of natural resources but the ambassador ‘s of poverty which are our corrupt leaders have impoverished it. My prayer is that our country will become a better country some day.
Nigeria go better, have been hearing it since I was born till now, it should get better na or is it wen we are dead it will get better? ??
Wow! What a wonderful piece Recluse. You write awesomely. I pray I won’t also say that to my daughters.
Nigeria will be better again, it sounds like is something impossible looking at the way the country heading. But all hope is not lost, I still have faith to see a better Nigeria.
our time don come to be better
But for this thing to happen all our hands must be on deck
We no fit just leave am for only one person to handle am if not nothing go move forward
Our leaders them get their part to play while we wer be the citizens get our own responsibilities to carry out
The thing be say na we dey use our hands spoil this country
But God don hear our prayers, “NIGERIA DON BETTER”!
Surely! Nigeria will get better, we cannot give up on Nigeria even though our situation seems irredeemable.
Being optimistic about our failing system will propel us into positive action that will change Nigeria
Don’t forget, change begins with me and you.
This poem captures the mind of any critical thinking Nigerian…. When is the use of “will” going to end? When are we going to rise and take actions; Deal with the present that we see? Yes, it’s good to have faith but same scripture tells us that without works, dead is any faith… God help us to realize that until we start in our little way to drive the change, it can’t, won’t come!
Change begins with each one of us. When we change things around us change then it spreads to the nation as a whole.
Quite a good work by Recluse. The truth of it all is that Nigeria’s problems did not start today, it started the day that contraption (Nigeria) was amalgamated. The British sole aim of amalgamation was nothing but exploitation.The major tribes in Nigeria were not, are not and can never be compatible.
Now the Britishs are gone,our selfish leaders have picked up from where they left. They still allowed Nigeria to exist in other to be “quenching” their “insatiable” thirst for the nation’s wealth.
The problems of the contemporary Nigeria lies with the leaders. I hate it when I hear the current government say “Change begins with you”. I ask myself what do this people take us for? The change the citizens want is not a moral change so to say, moral change is a personal decision but the change in economic, political state of the nation. To talk about this country Nigeria now is to arouse annoyance. If only they(leaders) can seek the face of God and trace back where they got it all wrong then I bet this country is on her way the her doom. God help us.
There is still hope for the hopeless, i still believe that Nigeria will come out of this present state. Regarding this, we should strive to pave a better way for our children, because it seems citizens of this country indirectly follow the footstep of the government they are complaining of. If we need change, the change begins with you.
Lovely poem, and yes Nigeria will be better now or sooner, just one day everything will be better,and our heroes labour shall not go in vain.
I really wish I could sincerely sing this to my unborn children but am afraid not. Until we look beyond our divides, we will always get it wrong.
Nigeria will be better but then who is Nigeria, it is us. So the change we want will not come if we do not change our attitude. Most of the time the blame is only on the leaders but we all have a role to play for the betterment of our country. Nice work Recluse?
I wish i wouldn’t say this to my son and to him, his ..what a lovely pun. Nicely said, our past leaders struggle seems to be in vain because of the ones we have now , we can only keep hoping and praying for a better country by becoming better ourselves and just like the ”change” mantra points out ”change begins with you”
Frankly speaking .. It’s hard to believe this..Nigeria being great again? But all the same..we live in a world where miracles pop up everyday…I’m totally looking forward to that miracle
Good job Recluse!
Any enterprise that lacks hope hardly becomes successful.
Nigeria is a great nation. This is not to say that we are very okay but I think we are growing. It is only hope that can even encourage citizens to participate in nation building otherwise, seeing Nigeria as dead means that it should be buried and forgotten.
If Singapore can get to where it is today, then Nigeria will be a super power some day.
We hear “Nigeria will get better” almost everyday. But I think the question we should attach to it is “who will make Nigeria better”
Even if we shout Nigeria will get better from now till next decade, Nigeria will not get any better if we all don’t come together and join hands to make her a better place.
I pray God gives us the strength and courage to make Nigeria a better place so we won’t have to tell our children “Nigeria wil get better”
Nigeria will be better. We hope so. We believe it. Nigerian have roles to play. But, with the trending, downgrading facts about Nigeria, propagated by Nigerians themselves, Like the musical tracks “This is Nigeria, everybody is a potential criminal” and “Nigeria jagajaga, everything scatter scatter”, which undoubtedly have gone viral, I wonder how the the country is gonna stand the shame in the international community.
The Title is actually an ironical one. I understand, however, that it is for emphasis. A country like Nigeria may not be better again. A country that somebody merged people of different cultural, religious and Moral Backgrounds with different worldviews without their consent and his girlfriend woke up from sleep and named “Nigeria”. What do you expect? Different ethnic groups are pursuing their interests against the national interests. Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba are locked in an intractable battle to win National Seats. Whoever wins concentrates in his tribe or region. How can the so-called One Nigeria develop? How can we grow?
One Nigeria is a pretentious term that is fast fading off, we have been crying and lamenting to everyone and no one in particular. There used to be a shade of hope but with the way things are now, am speechless about hope.
May I not tell my children same.
Wow. This poem is just so on point. “I pledge to Nigeria my country, to be faithful, loyal and honest” but no, the Nigeria I pledged to be faithful, loyal and honest is depriving me the chance of fulfilling my pledge. The kleptomaniac politicians are not helping us at all. Even the citizens are no longer faithful. When the poor masses turn left for support, they found that nobody is right. And when they turn right, they found nobody is left. God help us all.
I must confess this is a nice piece. we have been told about the “BETTER” Nigeria that isn’t fort coming because of greed and corruption. May God help us all.
The poem is laced with hopefulness and encouragement in spite of the state of affairs.
It’s such a shame that to till now, we do not have a line of true progress in our national anthem. We’ve only created an isolated collection of words that is NOT and was never a reality.
But prayerfully, we cannot continue to chant this same old story and hand it down to the next generation without an accompanying progressive up building of nationhood.
Recluse has given us a quality reminder. Thank you.
“Nigeria will be better” “Nigeria will be great” “Nigeria will rise again”….. For how long will we keep hearing this. When will we start to say ” Nigeria is great…..” We don’t want to tell this to our children, but truth be told, we’re still going to tell them and they will witness it, sorry to say so. Everyday we work towards a better Nigeria, but it seems unachievable. ‘The labours of our heroes past, is now in vain. Each day we serve with our heart and mind, *mana ihe na-ebe kana ebe*.
But still, I pledge to Nigeria my country,
To be faithful, loyal and honest
To serve it with all my strength
And defend it’s unity
To uphold her honour and glory
So help me God. Amen..
Thanks Recluse for the Write up. More ink to your pen.
Nice piece I must say. I like that it cites the pledge we would recite in formal assemblies, reminds us of the promises we make and the hopes we have had starting from our fore fathers to our fathers and to us.
This is a wonderful poem. We have always been consoled by the promise that Nigeria will be better but no effort has been put to that. We pray that God will bless us with selfless leaders.
‘My country ain’t a beautiful host, it’s a desert that makes me grunt’ as deep as it sounds, it makes me grunt as well. I really hope and pray Nigeria will be better. It’s quite disheartening seeing everything written in that poem unfold every time. ‘Giants of Africa, yet we behave like none’. So, so true. I can only but hope and pray for a better Nigeria.
Can Nigeria be better? This is I question I keep asking myself. If I cant answer this question now I don’t think I can tell my kids anything. I would hate to lie to them because frankly speaking, I don’t see Nigeria becoming better than it is now. This country just leaves me speechless.
Sometimes it looks as if the only solution will be to enter a plane that will take us to another country but we’re Nigerian and it’s in our blood. I pray Nigeria will be better than what it is today though the odds is against us.
“We will get there”. That is what I tell everyone I come accross who finds delight in comparing Nigeria of under 60 years to America of almost 300 years. That is not to bury the fact that our leaders are characterized by rapacity, greed and covetousness.
Loving how it was put together with the pledge, Because indeed the past heroes did work to for a better Nigeria, so sad that since then til now over 50 years we’re still talking about a better Nigeria. Indeed i hope We don’t say this to our children or our children to their children.
It is true that our country Nigeria is not good today but one thing keep on telling me that nigeria will be better, we are blessed with a good natural resources, the only thing we need is the philosopher king who will handle it better and our country will be a better place
Nigerians are the cause of her down full
Corruption this , corruption that lets forget the saying “naija go better ” even my grandfather told the same to my mum …
thanks for this wonderful post of the poem written by one of us , i love the poem , but logically and metaphysically speaking i dont see any hope of this currently becoming better unless there is a total change in politically power. thank you
what a wonderful poem, its not easy to write one , more blessings and inspiration to both the writer and the blogger. Consigning the post it will only take the grace of God to make Nigeria better.
We should all pray for a better Nigeria . It is a pity the things that are happening in our country today . The rate of poverty rises everyday, men, women and children feed from hand to mouth day by day. We say we are one Nigeria but our actions do not reflect in what we say. What else can we do but act, hope for the best and pray
This is a wonderful poem that clearly illustrate the writer dreams and aspiration of a better Nation(Nigeria). So many years have come and go, and we continue to ruminate about the possibility of Nigeria crawling up to the level of “a developed nation”.
The Poet, Recluse, did great pointing out the deceptive actions of our power intoxicated leaders symbolizing them as a “rat”.
Over fifty years now, we still are chewing one particular statement of “Nigeria will be better”, for how long? This must’ve been one of the reasons the poet wishes he doesn’t say this to his son, or his offspring to his own son. Let’s all come together and make Nigeria better and comfortable for our children. Nice poem, Recluse.
I will likened Nigeria to b an ATM, u see an inscription “insert your card” you do that, another pop up, “input your pin” you do same as well, u select your transaction option and the next instruction pops up ” wait your transaction is processing” lesson, we have prayed to God, we have done our part as human but what do we do after entering all instructions given by the ATM machine and it ends up taking both our card and cash, we are surrounded by leaders who have sold their conscience, what do we do, do we still pass the same fake hope of Nigeria will be better to our unborn generation, sorry to say but that will be “people deceiving people (P-P) its not my hand writing oooooo nice poem Recluse, more inspiration fall on you
Nigeria will definitely rise again..Nice poem Recluse
In faith we hope and believe that someday she will blossom once again..
We will see and testify of it …
Nigeria has a lot of things it should be focusing on like our social amenities, corruption, crimes etc but our leaders are more concerned about their personal and family needs more than what affects the citizens of the country.
Nice work Recluse. All we can hope for is that labour and suffers of our heroes and forefathers shall not be in vain and and that our children will not tell their children’s children the same mantra of “Nigeria go better”
We always hope for a better Nigeria. Nice work Recluse.
I’ve really never been a fan of poems but this is exceptional ,the title alone caught my attention and believe me I’m glad I read it …all i can say is that this country is weighed down by social,economic and political problems . I pray Lord grants us the lights of his spirit and make Nigeria a nation filled with love,peace and unity.
Wow! What a nice use of words,well done Recluse. What caught my attention is line nine and ten of this write up
…The labour of our herors past
is now becoming vain.
Our heroes fought for this country to get better but it is getting worst. We hope Nigeria would get better one day but nothing is happening, only God can save us.
First, I do like to first comment on the poet’s skills, the poem is really well constructed and passes a very clear information without being biased.
Secondly, I strongly believe that Nigeria will really be better one day, with God on our side. But we still have to put everything we’ve got to make this happen. As the youth, it is our obligation to make right some of the mistakes we have seen our leaders make and not follow their footsteps that have cost us lives. We have to stand strong ’cause we are the leaders of tomorrow, so that by the time we get there we will make it right and won’t have to tell our children the same story we’ve been told.
May God help us! The labour of our past heroes can never be in vain as we strive to put things right. So help us, Lord!
Nigeria is a great country, all we need is to do the right things both the leaders and those being led, i pray that God will give us the mindset to do the right thing because most people do not care, all they say is ” am i the one that spoil Nigeria why will i make it better” but once we do the right thing now i believe we will not tell it to our children
Just like the poem ‘AMBUSH’, our leaders have laid ambush for many people and the country is not developing. I like that line “the labours of our heroes past shall never be in vain” but with what is happening, it appears to be in vain already. But as it is said that the beautiful ones are not yet born, like wise those that will make the country better are yet to come. I join to say by faith “Nigeria is better”. Thanks ma for this.
She is a beautiful mother with many kids…like it is said.. Children are born of same mother but not all are of same God
Nigeria, the giant of Africa, the proud mother of many children… Unity, peace and tranquility your children had pledged to you but reverse is the case…How long shall we continue to live in diversity, destruction, riots, scarcity, segregation, war and fear, insurgence and insecurities?
Motherland…. I don’t want to tell same story grandpa told father and father told me to my pretty unborn children like our brother Recluse had stated.
God bless u Recluse!
We pray for a better Nigeria. But we should also make an effort to make our country better. Recluse this is an awesome piece, more knowledge and grace to you.
One nigeria, one nation and one country
Nigeria will be better by the grace of god, we just have to hope,and pray. We just need grace in the betterment of the country, we hope to tell good stories about the country to our children. Thanks Recluse and Miss Edith for this post.
Nigeria is forcing its best brains out, everyone one is searching for greener pasture. Still we won’t lose hope.
I pray our children don’t meet Nigeria in its current state.
Hmmm,the writer of this poem is no way in doubt of the country he found himself.
Of a truth the change we are looking for in Nigeria does not lie in hopes anymore,it’s high time great actions should be taken by everyone in his or her little way to bring this great country to the level it should a matter of fact “Nigeria will be better ” has become a cliche we Nigerians should end for good
Reshuffling of Governmental offices by outdated politrikcians will continue to hurt our dear country and political system until the youths accepts that truly they are leaders of tomorrow. We need to “Eradicate the Present Furure of our Dear Country Nigeria”.
With a heart full of sorrow,I say dat those who are meant to be our saviour betrayes us by the day.I pray that my country Nigeria be restored with goodness.our children deserve better than what we have now.i pray for a beautiful Nigeria,I pray for a corruption free Nigeria,I pray our lands get healed.i pray for Nigeria in jeopardy.
Nigeria is becoming a better place for us by the special grace of God. The Labour of our hero’s will never be in vain as said by the poet that our hero’s Labour is becoming in vain. We pray for God’s mercy and intervention in our country. Thumbs up to Recluse for the wonderful piece of work
Nigeria will be better has been on the lips of many for years. The question is when; our leaders are not helping matters and the youths have been deceived by their weightless promises. I pray also i won’t tell my children that Nigeria will* be better.
Change begins with us… Nigeria won’t be better if we don’t become better. Nice write up dear
He ended the poem with such optimism that even amidst hopeless situations surrounding Nigeria he still finds hope in her. I anchor my hope on his, and pray for a better Nigeria. A BIGGER AND BETTER NIGERIA WE PRAY.
Recluse is one of the many upcoming poet and writer I admire, this poem gives hope to our country, for it will be a better place with time. Thank you Recluse for this poem, Thank you Miss Edith for this wonderful platform, God bless you
Yes, I believe Nigeria will be better, i believe the economy will be better, infrastructures will be better, our leaders will be better, everything will be better! and we shall all say Nigeria don beta!
The problem with Nigerians is that we spend hours talking about our national problems and solutions to it but no one actually makes a move towards achieving it, Nigeria is not going to change in this current government and it’s our duty as citizens to change this government.
…because the leaders are only mindful of Thier state of wealth and not the peace of those they lead…How pathetic!…what is the hope of the country? Who knows we can only keep praying…niece piece recluse!
Wow!!! This is super cool. I compliment you Recluse. Keep it up dear.
Nigeria don better, I say. We must keep voicing out and act wisely to make it a better nation for us. God will surely help us to attain a better living without much struggle. God bless Nigeria. Lovely piece
Lovely poem.Nigeria needs God intervention and we all should put our country in prayers it wil go all long way.Nigeria will be better there is hope for us.keep it up recluse.
This write up is really Nice, but the issue is for Nigeria to be okey,it requires the effort of you and I in every field we are in
it’s easy to join the bad wagon and lament of the state of Nigeria. We all can’t point accusing fingers and say our leaders set us crying if we’re not trying to make the change we want to see. I believe in Nigeria. I believe in my mother land. She will rise again.
I really admire the talent Recluse has shown in this poem… Showing us how we Nigerians have gone out of our ways and decide to chase money instead betterment of our country not jst for us but for our future generation. Good work Recluse
I believe in a new Nigeria. Though we face many problems in this country, we have to progress. I pray that we the citizens keep voicing out and have positive thoughts. Nigeria can never change without us changing (positively). Nigeria don better!
For a greater tomorrow we need to build a better today and who else to do so if not us, everyone is a leader in his/her own little world, and we must strive to uphold the past legacies, the heroic acts of our predecessors and only so shall we rise again like the morning sun”
Nigeria is a great country which unfortunately for her, found herself in the hands of bad leaders.
Nigeria will be better someday, but I just hope I will be among the lucky people to experience the Nigeria flowing with milk and honey. It might take long, but it must surely come to past.
This poem by recluse is really moving, making emphasis on how our pledge hasn’t really being much of our pledge this days… And I also like d fact after telling us how wrong we Nigerians have being going about things we still have the chance to actually make it right b4 our children come of age and takeover
We’re tagged as the leaders of tomorrow, but our country is still being run in cycles, our recycled leaders would never take us to where we should be, that is quite sadly the bitter truth, but it doesn’t hurt to hope and pray for a better tomorrow
This is extraordinary! And saddening at the same time, my parents said this to me too, I grew up with so hope for this country but everyday a little part dies out when I see how injustice is everywhere and the richer are getting richer and the poor getting poorer, hopefully, I won’t say it to my kids
Wonderful piece the labour of our past is now being vain, but I believe Nigeraan will bounce back and better.
This is an awesome poem!
Hopefully Our country will get better and our anthem and pledge wouldn’t be in vain no more
This piece is so sensational. I almost cried Reading this. We all must come together to set a path and an example for our generation to follow because a better Nigeria starts with you and me.
How will Nigeria be a better country when those in position have refused to step down, they want to remain in that position, die and also reincarnate, how will Nigeria be a better place when those ruling have been there since when my parents were kids, they keep telling the same lies they told my parents, I’ve really given up on this county, we keep praying for a better Nigeria, like when will our prayers be answered.
Nigeria can only become a better place if good citizens who see what our present and past leaders have turned our country into show interest in becoming leaders themselves (and get there the right way). We can sit in our various houses and have faith but that won’t get our country working again (don’t get me wrong we need faith to survive but faith and no work is like going to a construction site with a fork). Parents tell your children the mistake and achievement of our leaders so that they can know those to follow and those to leave behind instead of just telling them ‘Nigeria will be better’. Let them know that they can correct the mistake done by past and present leaders. Ignite the desire of good leadership in yourself and your children because then and only then will our country begin to experience change.
You know what they say ‘action speaks louder than word’:so let us talk less and act more because just being told or telling others that ‘Nigeria will be better’ won’t make our problems disappear.
And in our bid to blame leader up there let us not forget that we to are part of the problem we face in our country;Remember that time you throw your dirt on the streets of our dear country or that time you disobeyed the traffic light or when doctors forget that their number one priority is the patient and not the money or when teachers forget that their job is to impact knowledge and not to exploit students,little things like this are part of what is destroying our country,so as you point accusing fingers also remember to work on yourself.
The popular saying [change begins with you and I] is one to be taken serious.
Until we realise that we are the Nigeria we are talking about,without us there will be no Nigeria.Let the truth be made known,we talk about the men on top piloting the affairs of this country with corrupts hands and mindset seeking for change,that change I think is yet to come and we the minorities are at our little corners promoting corruption.How will Nigeria be better.Nevertheless let’s hope and pray things get better.But I certainly believe Nigeria is in the hands of God.
Nigeria is a beautiful country with bad leaders who are self centered. Nigeria will be better when our mentality changes
It is obviously a sad thing to know that we live in a country so rich but yet inhabits people that are very poor. Everyday we hope in those representing us up there in power to help us, not knowing that we can start something by ourselves. We hope that before our generation fades out we would have made a better place for our sons and those to come after them.
Nigeria can only be better when we forget that there are Igbo minority in the central government. Nigeria will be better when we do our jobs in meritocracy. Nigeria is in a big mess locally, nationally and internationally. We all are in this mess.we all can bring us out of this mess. I believe in one Nigeria so to say. Eventhough the unity is not fast coming, there is hope in Nigeria to rise again. Amen.
The root problem of our country, Nigeria, is leadership decay, a country blessed with rich human and natural resources, yet poorer than a beggar. Umeh In his poem referred our leaders as “Ambassadors of Poverty”, “Patriots in Reversed Order”, who boost the economy of colonial order, thereby impoverishing brothers and sisters at home.
However, the good news is that there is light at the end of the tunnel if we start doing first things first. Enlighten the minds of the citizens towards being worthy, essentially in character as those who are leaders today were once part of the complaining majority. So that we shall comfortably and courageously chant the pledge to our Motherland.
Thanks a lot ma for sharing this piece that visualizes light and hope for our Nation.
On this voyage towards proper development, the best captain for this ship is Christ himself and only him can navigate this ship. We need to re-orientate our values, it is very important.
Beautiful poem, yet saddening. To think that things keep getting worse despite what we have been told by our parents. Our economy keep deteriorating, yet nothing is done. We can only hope for God’s intervention
Amen. we as nigerians hope the same but we also have roles to play in other to make it a great nation and gaint of africa by performing in our political,economic and social function so that we wont have to say the same to our children.
Beautiful poem. It is still good that some of us still believe for better naija(Nigeria). Good inspirational poem. At least with people like you, we can hope for a better future and with God all things are possible.
Amazing poem! It’s disheartening that the rich keep fighting to get richer paying no heed to the poor populace. We all hope for a better Nigeria. We all hope that when we repeat to our children that its getting better that it would actually be true. Amen
Amen.we should keep praying as well as work towards making it a better Nigeria so that we won’t have to make such statements to our children and future generation.
Bravo to you recluse. It is really amazing to tell the story of a nation that failed her citizens with its national anthem. This poem reminds me that Nigeria has failed as a Nation because with the nature of the current happenings in the country, it looks as if our national heroes fought in vain because instead of being free, we are still fighting among ourselves. I pray that i will see a better Nigeria, like Recluse said I pray I won’t tell my son to hope for a better Nigeria “.
Amen. We as Nigerians hope the same but we also have roles to play in other to make it a great nation and giant of Africa by performing in our political,economic and social function so that we won’t have to say the same to our children.
This is a very good post which the Nigerian government should also see that we and even them having been saying this same thing but till now nothing, and they should work towards achieving national interest and not their own selfish interest.
Wow, the last two lines really touched me, really is a devastating country, one problem with us is that we tend to get use to living in it, and that’s were we fail as citizens, talking from experience, this semester was like hell to me, eleven courses in less than four months, coupled with academic activities, two exams in one day! ! Students ending there lives anyhow, What kind of Nonesense country is this……. This is hell!!!! … God answer the prayer already, Nigerians need ur intervention . .
Nigeria will be better, Our government should play a major role in the Betterment of this Great Country, by trying to do things do the right things that is Supposed, let our mindset change for positive
The children are the leaders of tomorrow. Where the aged cannot leave the office for the youths. Where one goes to learn how to use a farm tool, but yet the teacher just farms and harvests for himself without allowing the student to try. Such a messed up country and system. Each government leaving sores and creating deeper aches in the heart of their subjects. Such a country! such a system!. The day for her children to be leaders seems blur. Hope it wasn’t all folktales.
I want to hear a new song in our heart and lips saying”Nigeria is better”We’ve been hoping to hear this for such a long time.please God come to our rescue because you are the only one that can save us,intervene and Nigeria will be better.
Wonderful! Optimistically, I have an ardent believe that one day a political and economical messiah will stand out to work and save Nigeria from Her excruciating and deteriorating condition. I have dream that such day will come, and it will start in my life time. I have a dream!
Wow! What a wonderful piece Recluse, you write awesomely. I pray I won’t also say that to my daughters.
I personally believe that One day one time, the present condition of this country (Nigeria) will be a precedence. God himself will raise someone who will change this country for better.
I appreciate the poem ma.
A very nice soul touching poem. Nigeria has a long way to go, but in faith, God will see us through.
I really don’t know if Nigeria is ever going to be better. The country, to me, is in a disaster and am not sure it can go back to the way it was. I hope I don’t get to tell my kids that Nigeria will be better.
What a timely poem. Nigeria is getting worst daily. We keep hearing that Nigeria will be better, yet she is deteriorating. This is however, not unconnected to the fact that Nigeria has been inundated with barrages of bad leaders with the exception of few. For instance in this present dispensation where sectionalism, nepotism, statism ,religious intolerance,Killing becoming a normal pattern and racial prejudice thrives ,tell me,how can that country be better. If the status quo remains,even in the nest century Nigeria will still not be inhabitable.
Wow I love this… I want a better Nigeria in my generation and not after my generation. Let the slogan “the gaint of Africa” be area and obvious to other African countries and outside Africa. We have all the resources, but our leaders are dreedy, tribalistic and sentimental.
When things turn out wrong
Don’t think all is Gone
And when things become rough
It is time you turn tough.
Nigeria will be better in my generation.
What a great country like Nigeria, it’s so heartbreaking we still experience sad issues and numerous challenges.
Today is June 12, Democracy Day, but it doesn’t seem like there is anything to be happy about at the end. I just hope Nigeria will be better and I also hope we won’t also tell the same tale to our kids tomorrow.
Nigeria Will Be Better
A nice piece from our own Recluse, We all take refuge in the belief that “Nigeria will be better ” either sooner or later, our faith and work towards it will guarantee, it shall come to pass, it may not be immediately but definitely.
By Faith Nigeria Is Better.
I strongly believe by his Grace; despite mismanagement of our resources by the
capitalist for their personal interest. I strongly believe that our Nigeria will be better one day. I go better na poor man prayer which will come to pass one day.. Amen.
This poem is wonderful…the poet carefully illustrated his dreams and aspirations for this country,but to be very honest..personally I’ve lost faith in the fact that this country would be better….make we just dey manage am biko
I truly believe that our dear country will be better, and we all have our individual roles to play in the process.
Hmm, well I want Nigeria to be better because myself and every other Nigerian will benefit from it but the point is that Nigeria can’t be better by just looking at it. We all have to contribute positively to make it better. Thumbs up Recluse. Nice poem Sir.
There’s a certain prayer that Catholics
all over Nigeria say immediately after reception of holy communion. It’s titled ‘Prayer for Nigeria in Distress’ My mum had told me that the prayer was introduced in 1993. Catholics still say the prayer till date.
And I wonder when Nigeria will come out of the distress.
Tomorrow holds a promise, I believe that Nigeria is gon be better, maybe not immediately but definitely.
Just like Recluse said in this piece, I hope my kids don’t tell their kids same thing our parents told us about Nigeria getting better.
First things first….. A big thumbs up to Reculse, nice poem my dear .
I join faith with you to pray that we wouldn’t tell the same story of “Nigeria will be better”to our children but by God’s grace we shall welcome them to a BETTER NIGERIA INDEED… God bless you dear .
This poem captures the mind of any critical thinking Nigerian…. When is the use of “will” going to end? When are we going to rise and take actions; Deal with the present that we see? Yes, it’s good to have faith but same scripture tells us that without works, dead is any faith… God help us to realize that, until we start in our little way to drive the change, it can’t, won’t come!
Nigeria will be better if we can the citizens believe that it is already better .And act towards it and then our mindsets and mentality can change so as that of others
What a nice poem. I really commend Recluse for this wonderful job. Truly, I know Nigeria our beloved will b better one day.
I commend his faith of the future of Nigeria. i have the same faith and hope too, but that is not all it takes. It takes the togetherness of people, with prayers and incorruptible leaders.
A nice poem. It really captures the situation/ sad reality of our country. With Nigeria it has been like the reoccurrence of sad stories which never seem to have an end. But all in all, our obligation is to never lose hope and keep praying for our fatherland. God bless Nigeria.
Amen,we hope that Nigeria will reclaim back its name as the giant of Africa,our dear lovely country Nigeria has always been known with great things, we have achieved a lot of things as a country, all we need is good leaders without selfish interest,leaders that are not politically, religiously biased, leaders that believe that we are one irrespective of your belief and culture
Recluse well done for this wonderful poem and I pray that Nigeria really gets better .
This captures the state of our country Nigeria vividly. I fell in love with last part of the poem “Nigeria will be better,i wish I won’t say to my son and if so I do,I hope he won’t say to his. The phrase “Nigeria will be better” has become a cliche and we have gotten used to the phrase that we don’t see any chances of it becoming any better. May our children not hear the same thing! Amen! Nice one Recluse, Kudos and keep it up!
A nice poem. It really captures the situation/ sad reality of our country. With Nigeria, it has been like a reoccurrence of sad stories which never seem to have an end. But all in all, our obligation is to never lose hope and keep praying for our fatherland.
A nice poem. It really captures the situation/ sad reality of our country. With Nigeria it has been like a reoccurrence of sad stories which never seem to have an end. But all in all, our obligation is to never lose hope and keep praying for our fatherland. God bless Nigeria.
This has been the prayer of Nigerians but still, nothing is happening. It’s high time we the citizens/elites take a step in bringing about changes than hoping and depending on our leaders because, if we continue in this pattern, we will forever keep praying and saying that, Nigeria will be better and our children will be forced to join us in the chorus. Change begins with us now.
I like this write up. But I would like to ask a question was there even a time when Nigeria was well? If not military coup, it would be assassination and riots here and there, like the Aba women riot etc. So knowing this will help us to say that Nigeria will be well or adding well again to it. Despite the ups and downs we are having in the country now, I believe that this country can be well, for to say it cannot be well would be a discount of all the labours made by different state men and indigenous nation builders past and present. The process would not be easy but it is possible. It would start by the transformation of our minds to have the conception of a working Nigeria. Nation building is a collective work not an individual enterprise. The politicians who are likened to a rat in the poem should not bite the feet of their subject and the citizens should fulfill the pledges they made to their father land. Thanks
A nice poem. It really captures the situation/sad reality of our country. With Nigeria, it has been like the reoccurrence of sad stories which never seem to have an end. But all in all, our obligation is to never lose hope and keep praying for fatherland. God bless Nigeria.
This piece just brings to mind the injustice of the system,the corruption the unfufilled promises and admist it all, the disunity among the ethnicities that make up this country Nigeria. We’ve been promised every four years of a better Nigeria but it seems like Nigeria gets worse each year. The sentence “Nigeria is going to be better” is fast becoming a cliche because these words have not been backed by actions. There’s still hugh crime rate, hugh death rate, no family planning, unemployment, poverty, lack of social amenities, inflation in the economy, and thats to mention a few. The poet is obviously in need of a drastic change in the country, a positive ons this time, as much as every other citizen in this country. I pray God see us through and help us lift this beautiful country Nigeria, to her proper standard.
This piece just brings to mind the injustice of the system,the corruption, the unfufilled promises and admist it all, the disunity among the ethnicities that make up this country Nigeria. We’ve been promised every four years of a better Nigeria but it seems like Nigeria gets worse each year. The sentence “Nigeria is going to be better” is fast becoming a cliche because these words have not been backed by actions. There’s still high crime rate, high death rate, no family planning, unemployment, poverty, lack of social amenities, inflation in the economy, and thats to mention a few. The poet is obviously in need of a drastic change in the country, a positive one this time, as much as every other citizen in this country. I pray God sees us through and help us lift this beautiful country Nigeria, to her proper standard.
First of all I want to appreciate Recluse, kudos to you. They have been singing this anthem that Nigeria will be better even before I was born, still nothing had Bern done. I pray for God’s intervention in our country. Amen.
First of all I want to appreciate Recluse, kudos to you. They have been singing this anthem that Nigeria will be better even before I was born, still nothing had Been done. Our leaders too are part of the cause of Nigerian problem. I pray for God’s intervention in our country. Amen.
This poem is talking about Nigeria, the giant of Africa, about all the trials and tribulations but we still came out victorious, even if we are still facing some problems, we will survive by God’s grace …
We’d be healed someday
Nigeria would be better
We’d gather in circles, make fires nd tell our children the past n history
Wev been surviving nd would continue surviving
Indeed Nigeria would be a better place
God bless u
God bless Nigeria
When will our mind and spoken word change? “Nigeria will be better” this has been said for years. We need prayers and a positive attitude and mindset. God should intervain for the betterment of our country, corruption have surfaced our country but we pray for a turnaround. Nigeria will be Better. Amen
“We’re wise men becoming fools”. My interpretation of this line of the poem is this: We were wise enough to seek freedom from our oppressors. We made strategic plans to recover our land and integrity but now we sit and look as it becomes prey for leopard-like men. We sit and look like men who never fought for freedom. We’re wise,yet,becoming fools.
I appreciate you work sir!
Niger go better!
Awesome!Let us pray that God
Will use his hand and appoint a Leader that will lead us,in this our Country Nigeria,so that Nigeria will be better again God bless you.
Nice piece from recluse.
A Clarion call to leaders and the lead to step up and work for the betterment of Nigeria.
We are Nigeria
We are one people.
God made us United, in our diversity for a reason .
All hands must be on deck to make things work well.
Hopefully Nigeria will get better before I have children so when I tell them I know it won’t be a farce passed from generation to generation.
I hope before then we would claim our position as the giant of Africa. I hope before then we would be wise enough to fight for our freedom.
Good job Recluse! It impressive that the state of this country bothers you… We pray that God takes over the leadership and pilot the affair of this country so that Nigeria will return to being the country our forefathers were proud of..
“We’re trapped under the feet
Of those who say they care for us,
Like a rat will bite his victim
And blow it cool;
Not because he cares
Nor because he feels sorry,
But so he could bite more”..
That line got me so emotional.. Nigeria Is just a nightmare.. May God help us.. Amen
“Nigeria will be better,”
I wish I won’t say to my son,
And if so I do,
I hope he won’t say to his.
Amen ooo….
Nigeria must change!
Great poem.
“Nigeria will be better!” I have heard that since I was born. I wonder when it will finally be better. I too hope not to say that to my children or them to theirs..
Recluse,I must commend this wonderful art piece.
Nigeria will be better is what we keep hearing from year to year! Politicians come with promises which at the end are not fulfilled. Well we should continue to pray for Nigeria and hopefully there will be a turnaround in Nigeria!
Yes!i believe that Nigeria will be better but we have role to play. I pray for peace and unity in this country. I hope it get better soon.
This is a beautiful poem that conveys a very important message.
describes the stark and sorry situation of this country and spurs this present generation to be proactive in initiating positive changes to ensure that our children do not experience the negative experiences we had.
Instead of promising them “that Nigeria will be better”, we should tell them we have done our part and ” Nigeria don better!”..
Really a nice piece. I like the sequence it flows. I nurture that hope too- a better Nigeria. We’ve been praying and I know God is not adamant. We only need to pray be upright in our own work areas.
Nigeria will get better soon in Jesus name amen.we will have to keep our hopes alive. Thank you ma for this wonderful post.
I pray Nigeria gets better too in as much as we don’t wait for it to get better. Things aren’t really cool. We Nigerians should start the change so it gets nationwide.
Nice piece Recluse. I must appreciate your piece.
Nigeria Is a great country just that we have bad government and corrupt rich elites that exploit the masses. We the citizens are the ones to stand up for our country and make it better and not waiting to be ordered around by some rich people whom only take advantage.. This is a good write up keep it up I know that with enough prayers Nigeria will be better
It’s so sad, how things are now. I too can’t help but pray that I won’t say the same thing to my children”Nigeria would be better, and if I do I hope he won’t say to his”
It’s good to know that there are people who still believe in Nigeria, despite our flaws and shortcomings we will get there one day, with a positive spirit, we can.
with God with us in this country Nigeria will be better one day. But we the citizens have to put in our best to make this happen. As the youth, it is our obligation to make right some of the mistakes we have seen our leaders make and not follow their footstep and hopefully we shall be great again
Wow! What an interesting poem. I must say that am tired of hearing”Nigeria will be better” when things are getting worst; I also pray I won’t tell my kids “Nigeria will be better”. May God help us.
Nigeria will be better for sure we won’t give up hope on her, but my prayer is that our children unborn don’t meet her in this condition,they shouldn’t say the same thing we are saying today rather they should say “Nigeria is better”
Nigeria is a land flowing with milk and honey, we honestly do not know how lucky we are. No natural disasters, a long list of mineral resources, wonderful and nutritious agricultural products, but to mention a few. We are blessed but take it for granted, I hope that soon enough a continuous change will occur that will restore us to our past glory and even rise higher amen.
Indeed I hope not to say the same lines we were told by our parents to our children. Nigeria has all it takes to rise from its shambles but no they decide to be greedy and loot our funds,embezzle them. I pray that God will give us a leader wise as Solomon and God-fearing like David so that we will not repeat the same lines.
Kudos Recluse for this beautiful piece. No doubt those who read it in both high and low places will take the hint and work for the betterment of our country so we can tell the tales to our kids and grandkids.
We hope or look forward, for our country to become better again,so we can change the story we will tell the unborn once like Recluse said”what grandpa said to dad and what dad said to me, Guess I will say it to my unborn children”.. In faith I will love to say “Nigeria don better”. Thanks ma for the post, and pray recluse have the strength and energy to write more..
I believe and still pray that Nigeria will get better and that change should start from our leaders. I really commend recluse for writing this, he deserves all the accolade
I believe and still pray that Nigeria will get better and that change should start from our leaders.I pray Nigeria really gets better because we all are tired of waiting. I really commend recluse for writing this, he deserves all the accolade
they say the darkest times always comes before dawn. I believe sincerely that Nigeria is this way because the season for flourishing is already close. I only hope we are all still alive to witness and that this phase passes by quickly
We will smile again, we shall unite again, we will all eat together again. All we need to make it happen again is by starting the change individual and by loving one another.
We all need to fight this battle till the end of time. Cause am not giving up on this wonderful country.
I do hope this country really gets better while we are still here, just so our children do not have to hope endlessly too. Oh God, please help our nation so that our hopes do not faint.
This piece is wonderful recluse was amazing, there is hope for Nigeria, I believe one day Nigeria will be better.
For Nigeria to grow again. It’s not only in the hands of the government. But we the citizens have to contribute in any way we can by desisting for illegal activities and making ourselves available in development activities.
I am loving this poem
Nice one
It’s all our prayer that Nigeria will be better one day .I just hope my children will not say this same thing too….I just pray
I always hope Nigeria will improve someday, but things just seem to get worse by the day
“Nigeria don better”. I believe this will definitely come to pass. It is well with Nigeria.
I hope I also do not tell my children this. Nigeria go better has become a cliche to Nigerians. Why can’t we say 9ja don better!. It saddens me to know that our Nation still faces economic problems and people die of poverty. Well. We can only look up to God for rescue and the betterment of our nation.. Amen
Amen. Nigeria will definitely get better one day, it’s just a matter of time.
Nice piece recluse
Good one Recluse? Nigeria Don better no matter what, I strongly believe in God’s intervention of his people who call on him for help. But we can’t achieve this change without changing our perspection on the way we go about things. It is not enough we go about preaching about change when the change actually start with us. I pray that the almighty God will liberate us from this political and economic bondage. Amen
Nigeria will be better, i have been hearing that phrase from the time i was born and nothing has changed. This poem described the sorry and horrible situation is in. This piece unearths the injustice of the system,the corruption, the unfulfilled promises and admits it all, the disunity among the ethnicity that make up this country Nigeria. i pray God helps us.
Nigeria can only get better if the few good ones stand up and do something but if they don’t it will keep deteriorating.let not forget that the change that we all are crying for begins with I and you, Let us wake up and build that nation of our dream.
Nice poem recluse, Nigreria will get better is a phrase that has been passed from generations to generations. If only we all work together as one to acheive it, it would get better.
I pray to God to help us in this country. Amen
I hope I also do not tell my children this. Nigeria go better has become a cliche to Nigerians. Why can’t we say 9ja don better!. It saddens me to know that our Nation still faces economic problems and people die of poverty. Well. We can only look up to God for rescue and the betterment of our nation.. Amen.
Wonderful one you got here Recluse. I strongly hope and believe that truly indeed, Nigeria will be better. And like the last 3 lines said, ” I wish I don’t say to my son and if I do so, I hope he won’t say to his “
Whether Nigeria will be better or not now depends on us not our leaders. i pray God intervenes. This piece just describes the current situation Nigeria is. We’d be healed someday Nigeria i pray.
Nigeria will be better if me and you could make a change if not we still tell the same to story to our children”Nigeria will be better” unless we change our attitude,action,and the way will think, Nigeria can never change and be better, because I have been hearing the same cliche NIGRIA WILL BE BETTER since my life still Nigeria never get better,my prayer is never to tell my children the same story.However, the only way evil supperceed good is the good men do nothing to bring change.
Nigeria will be better… that is one of the most common words in the mouth of every Nigerian today, but saying the word won’t change the country’s situation but the people in it, so let make the change happen so that the labours of our heroes past will not be in vain. I pray that Nigeria will be better and I also wish I won’t say to my Son, and if so I do, I hope he won’t say to his. God Bless Nigeria…
Nigeria will be better… that is one of the most common words in the mouth of every Nigerian today, but saying the word won’t change the country’s situation but the people in it, so let make the change happen so that the labours of our heroes pas will not be in vain. I pray that Nigeria will be better and I also wish I won’t say to my Son, and if so I do, I hope he won’t say to his. God Bless Nigeria…
“Nigeria will be better,”
I wish I won’t say to my son,
And if so I do,
I hope he won’t say to his ,this lines were touching to me, the fact is that not believing it to get better makes us wicked person’s passing on nothing worthy to our coming children, so we must stand, believe, fight and surely win the glory of the land back, Amen.
We all want to see a better Nigeria when we are not ready for the change. Before change can be effective, you have to accept it because it starts from you. Am tired of hearing Nigeria will be better.I think it should be these way:lets wait and see Nigeria get better. I pray God help us all do our own part in restructuring Nigeria. Niece piece fellow Jacksonite.
This is great…
This piece is giving us high hope that Nigeria will be better soon…
Nice one #recluse Nigeria Will be better again, I also wish I would not say this to my kids, if you also wish so, there’s work to be done starting from each and every one of us, Nigeria can never be complete without its people so let’s make sure every individual plays his/her part well in every sector we find ourselves. If Nigeria is to be better it has to start from #me. ??
We all hope Nigeria will be better. This poem is really nice, good job bro. Just pray we get the Nigeria we wished for.
Nigeria can only be better if we become better. We are the change we want to see
It will all be history someday
God bless you recluse
Nigeria will only be better if individuals, not just the government or the constituency join heads together to make a better country out of our great country,this poem has said everything and there’s a need to improve if we both join heads.
We all want a better Nigeria, but we have to start working on ourselves in order to achieve that. The change that will come to Nigeria has to start from us.
Nigeria is a country of great hope and great promise and no doubt it will get stronger one day.
This poem is captivating indeed as it captures all our challenges with few yet very punchy words.
Our leaders are not making things better for us neither are they concerned about the current state of the depleting economy. In as much as we hope it turns better, I wish we pray for our leaders and our country Nigeria too.
Oluwaseun, I say,this is a wonderful piece.
Nice piece bro, the country we live in is not one to boast of. The leaders are without vision, they all want to have a bite of the national cake and save up for even their generations unborn. This piece exposes the plight of our dear country, we hope to truly get redemption someday.
We have been praying for a better Nigeria since Independence. I hope that this dream will eventually be actualized.we want to tell the next generation different stories
God bless u recluse for this awesome piece
Hmmmmmm, I wish I don’t have to say so(Nigeria will be better) to my children too. I really hope we live to see the changes we have been hearing will come since we were kids, I really wish.
God bless you Recluse for this.
I really like this poem and I hope that one day Nigeria will be better again
Nigeria as a handmaid of the Lord will surely be better one day. My prayer is may God in his infinite goodness and mercy give us the grace to help ourselves with what he has given us. Moreover, each and everyone of us is an agent of positive change. So, let’s work together to achieve a better Nigeria.
This is not just an ordinary poem but a call to we Christian in the country so that we will pray for our dear country Nigeria, If we really don’t want the next generations to experience the bad things we are experiencing in this country.
It is beautiful yet saddening, to think that things keep getting worse. For me I do not think Nigeria will be better.
I really like the sequencial flow of lines. It is a nice one. I too share the same hope and as well, pray for a better Nigeria.
We can’t just sit around and say Nigerian will be better we have to make it better by working towards it and not traveling abroad at any slightest chance we get hoping to see it better when we get back.
They say charity beings St home, all hands should be on deck.
While we keep trying to fix the broken pieces of our nation, we must be hopeful. If we lose hope, then we have nothing. Lets all make this country work
‘I hope I won’t have to say this to my son and if I do I hope he won’t have to say it to his’ I love this it shows persistence which is good and required for growth. I wish many Nigerians will continue to hope for better and also work towards it because ‘faith without good works is dead’
100 percent in faith with that our dear country, Nigeria will be better again. Nice and Captivating poem Recluse… I love the end rythm and the free flow of thought… It is really nice… Am working on mine too …. Just don’t know how to get it here.
Nigeria will sure be better than what it was known will surly get greater and be ranked with other great nation.a nice post ma.we should all join hands pray and believe in this great nation. Thanks ma.
Indeed Nigeria will surely be a better nation someday if all of us can come out as one and fight those that are fighting, stop corruption and fight for justice. Nice post ma.
I wish I could share the faith, but the statement ‘Nigeria will be better’ seems to be a national heritage passed on from generation to generation without any actualization. Looking at the deplorable state of the country, Nigeria is nowhere close to being better and I dare say won’t be anytime soon. The country keeps declining year after year after year with no hope of change in the future. I hope the faith of those who still believe in this country can carry us through.
It’s saddening how long we have been saying and hoping that “Nigeria will be better” yet it only gets worse. We need better people in government, people that will actually care. We will keep praying and believing and one day, Nigeria will get better.
This is a very nice post ma. The wordings got to me and I strongly believe that Nigeria is in the process of getting better and no matter how long it takes, it will definitely be better. God bless you ma’am
I strongly believe that Nigeria will be better. Let’s take America as a case study, they were once like us but with time they developed into the country we know now. The same goes for other top countries that we look up to, they didn’t stay a day, it took them years and years. Nigeria will be better someday, but change begins with you and me to make it better.
The labour of our heroes past shall never be in vain.kudos to him
Inspite of all the killings, kidnapping and ethinic wars, I still have faith that Nigeria will be better. The anthem says that our past leaders work will never be in vain and I believe that.
Nigeria is just a nation. What makes it great and beautiful is when the inhabitants come together to make it such. She has the resources and the people but the bad people inhabiting the nation outweighs the good ones. We need to pray fervently for better leaders and watch our country become an example to others in the positive sense.
Our country Nigeria is really sick and we as Christians shouldn’t relent in prayers so our land will be healed.
A desert that makes me grunt
I pray it gets better
Honestly the poet deserves an award, he summarised the whole situation of Nigeria in this poem. This particular verse caught my attention “the labor of our heroes past, is today becoming vain, because the leaders of now Are solely mindful of their state of wealth “. God bless you for sharing this, ma.
Amen Nigeria will be a better place.
This is a very wonderful piece, our leaders are full of bribery and corruption,even we the masses kill each other if bribed.i sincerely hope that Nigeria will be better
We have been hoping for a better Nigeria, but it’s seems like pouring water on a stone. It’s actually very difficult to believe things will get better because the more we hope on the good the worst it becomes
I wish that I will never say that to my children in the future, The labour of our heroes past are being in vain we just hope and pray that Nigeria changes.
Nice piece. I doubt if Nigeria will ever get better
Nigeria don beta indeed,the labour of our heroes past,shall never be in vain in Jesus name. We needs God’s intervention in our country Nigeria.
Personally, I believe Nigeria can turnout to be the great country we’ve always imagined by just simply hoping and praying for her and it’s really important we don’t tell our coming generation the same story “it will be better” we were told.
This wonderful poem encourages us to live by hope of a better Nigeria still trying to get out of the woods. God bless the writer.
I doubt if Nigeria will rise again
But you know what they say “there’s a light after every tunnel, so we hopefully wait for the light after this great darkness
I hope and pray that Nigeria will be better by God’s grace
Lovely piece of work.
Hopefully Nigeria will get to the promise land
This captures it all even though we have hoped for a better Nigeria for a long time we shouldn’t stop hoping because God is working His purpose out.
Quite touching and emotional. He couldn’t have captured the state of Nigeria any better.
This poem aptly captures the condition of Nigeria. We hope, alongside the poet, for a better Nigeria.
I strongly believe by his Grace; despite mismanagement of our resources by the
capitalist for their personal interest. I strongly believe that our Nigeria will be better one day. It might take time but let keep hope that the labour of our heroes shall not be in vain so help us God Amen ?
What Nigeria urgently needs the most is activism. The Nigerian citizens are too passive and ignorant to bring about any positive change right now!
What we recite in the National anthem isn’t what we practice. I hope Nigeria turns out for good in the future and becomes a place where, we’ll be proud of . Thank you recluse for the poem.
This poem aptly captures the condition of Nigeria. We hope, alongside the poet, that Nigeria becomes better.
So realistic. We just need to continue believing that Nigeria will be a better place.
Nigeria,our country can only be better by God’s intervention and through our faith in God.
Indeed we pray for a better Nigeria. My prayer is that may Gods grace still keep saving and protecting us all in this country with our faith and Hope’s of our country Nigeria becoming a better one In God we trust.
By his Holy Grace, Nigeria will be better.
I love this poem.
The Peom is a nice reflection. Nigeria will be better when our Politicians keep to the trade by barter rules, for instance, since the westerners have their Technologies and we have the Resources, what we should have done if our politicians are not greedy is exchange without money been involve, and we will see how our country will grow, and they will be employment every where, and our Resources will not be living the Country unrefined, then there wil be massive development in the country.
Thanks ma for this peom, i believe if we keep praying for Nigeria, our prayers will be heard one day.
A very nice piece.
I hope not to tell my kids Nigeria will be better
I’m Soo speechless right now. I’ve always been of the opinion that this country can’t be good not to talk of been better. To be sincere my take on the issue has always been end Nigeria and start up another country because corruption has eaten deep into the country. But reading this poem it gave me reasons to say that Nigeria will be better again. And by faith I believe.
Grandpa indeed said so to dad, dad said to me, and it’s likely that I’m going to say so to my children! When is this ever going to end? Perhaps we should just live on hopes, “Nigeria will be better”.
A very inspiring poem
Nicely said.
These are issues that need our attention.
We should keep praying for Nigeria
One day things will be better.
The poem captured what is going on in the country. We pray and hope for a better Nigeria.
A powerful piece with striking descriptions and a clear use of words. I loved this poem so much, it’s the best I’ve read in a while, keep it up Recluse! We all hope we won’t have to say those words to our children…
??so deep and realistic. Personally, I believe if Nigeria would be better, she’s old enough to be so already. But then, what can we do but hope that we get a different and good story to tell our own generation.
Nigeria could be better if only our government, leaders, youths and grandparents tell themselves the truth and change there ways. If not the lies we see and embezzlement made by our leaders they the repetition of Nigeria would be better will keep repeating itself.
“Nigeria would be better” this saying has been passed from generations to another
When will Nigeria be better?
Well, I believe Nigeria would be better through prayers in faith.
“Nigeria wil be better” this saying has been passed from generations to another
When will Nigeria be better?
Well, I believe Nigeria would be better through prayers in faith.
A very nice poem, this shows the clear frustration of the author and hope that Nigeria will be better.
An in incredible piece keep it up
To believe in Nigeria is not easy at all. We have all had shattered hopes but one thing is sure, Nigeria will be great again
A satirical poem,that exposes the ills and evils,in the country. The poem is written, in simple, straight,words with run-on-lines,that ends on a note of hope and positive change for the country. A wonderful piece. Impressive.
Nigeria is in so much problems,chaos and disunity now. I hope that Nigeria will become better very soon.
Nigeria is a great country and by God’s grace it will be better again
Oh! Nigeria my country, so divided by so much ethnic squabble. If ui say Nigeria will be better, I do believe it, but I don’t believe that we can get new results from using old methods.
Hmmmm, it’s not easy to still believe in Nigeria. I’m sure no Igbo guy will pen down this kind of poem. Many of us have lost hope in Nigeria,and we are looking forward to this Biafra . But I solidly believe that politicians come and go but Nigeria remains. No matter what is happening now, Nigeria will rise again.
Am replying to the peom with grief because it’s the exact thing that is going on in our country today .No place is safe anymore one problem everyday innocent blood shed every where and nobody is doing anything we pray day and night but nothing is happening . Only God can bring us out .we need a Messiah
Well, hope for a better Nigeria is all we have left; losing the hope that our country will become better is a terrible blow from the enemy which we must defend against. Hope is all we’ve got
This is a long term tale shared on generationally.
I hope the change we envisioned comes soon enough.
We hope that things get better in Nigeria.
Nigeria will be better. Amen
The more we keep saying that statement, the more things get worse in this country and sincerely, I don’t see a better us. We only say those things not to appear pessimistic. Aspiring to be better is a process but the process I’m seeing in Nigeria is one that leads to more destruction.
We should keep praying for Nigeria and hopefully things will get better
“Nigeria will be better” words our parents told us, the same words we keep telling ourselves we can only hope that we don’t have to tell our children these words and even if we do we hope they don’t tell their children
Nigeria will be better,I love the poem.
We pray we will all live to see the better Nigeria.
I see this poem as a prayer so Amen!
Nigeria will be better some day by the divine grace of God
This country sha! ….if I sey e neva taya me I dey lie but las las Nigeria go better.
This poem is so interesting and captivating. I so much believe with this great writer that Nigeria will be better.
What is really killing us in this nation is selfishness both the leaders and the led. We must try our possible best to be selfless by so doing, I know that our dream of Nigeria becoming a better place will be actualised.
Well-done Recluse. Your poem really captures the present state of Nigeria and leaves us to wonder and hope for a better tomorrow
What a country we live in, a disheartening country. I hope I will be among those who see a better Nigeria. Amen. Recluse, more power to your elbow, dear!
Surely, Nigeria will be better. We hope with faith that at the end of the tunnel, light shall shine on our faces to make us smile once again
This is a wonderful poem that depicts the present state of Nigeria. It’s been long we heard the story that Nigeria will be better and that same story with nothing to show for it is one of the reasons that has fueled the clamours for secession and insecurities in the country. I pray that peace be restored and the dream for a better place achieved in our own time for the sake of the generation to come
Such a nice poem. I join my faith with yours that Nigeria will rise again someday
A very big AMEN to this
The situation of our country has gotten so bad. I pray God sees us through. Let’s hope and pray for a better Nigeria
I pray Nigeria our country will be better
I so much love the intro of this poem; very captivating, and i hope that Nigeria will be a better place soon, i also hope for my children to witness a better Nigeria.
We pray and hope for a better Nigeria. Very nice poem.
I believe that that Nigeria will change and that change starts with every individual (you and I) . We pray for God’s intervention.
The poem goes a long way, “it is only God that can help us” but are we ready to help ourselves? A country full of resources and everything God blessed us with filled with leaders who only care for themselves, citizens imposed with fear to speak up, leaders of tomorrow but today they’re killing us, bad economy and so on, God strengthen Nigeria.
This is a very good poem. Indeed Nigeria will be great again i believe so and I also pray i won’t say that to my kinds too.
Nigeria isn’t getting better and as a matter of fact, is even getting worse. May God help us in this country because we’re on our own, we’ve been abandoned by our leaders. This is a very nice piece by the way.
Oh my God! Am touched by these, surely Nigeria will be better though it seems impossible now Burt trust me with God, it will surely be possible, it will only take time and that’s all,I part we are going to be alive to see these come to pass
Only God can save Nigeria
The above poem is also a prayer
We shall testify and say “Nigeria is finally getting better” in Jesus name
Nigeria is still learning, still growing and still developing.
We will eventually get to that destination we all have in mind for our dear nation.
A very interesting piece of word, I loved every bit of the poem and I hope like the poem stated, that Nigeria ?? will one day get better.
This is a great piece giving us hope that Nigeria will be better
I also hope I won’t say to my kids I want them to live in a better Nigeria.
We pray for a better Nigeria. I love this piece.
Amen in Jesus’ name.
We shouldn’t lose hope yet, let’s continue to hope and pray for a better Nigeria.
” we’re trapped under the feet of those who say they care for us,”regardless Nigeria will be better again Amen .
Judging from the way things are going on in our country, it’s just seems like things will never get better. The more we hope for the better the worst it’s becomes. Even our government officials aren’t helping at all. I pray God help us out in this situation, Amen
I sincerely commend Recluse, for this wonderful piece of poem, the simplicity of Use of words and languages. I pray and hope greatly that one day our nation Nigeria will be better again. Therefore, as citizens of Nigeria we need to work and confess positively and not negatively towards the betterment of our nation.
I believe
I hope it will come to past, I have been hearing right from my childhood that Nigeria is the giant of Africa, I hope and pray Nigeria will be better, I hope I won’t say to my son, and if I say so, I hope my son won’t say to his own son that Nigeria will be better.
I believe
Kudos to Recluse for his outstanding poem which brings all back to reality. The word ” gaining nothing from our everything” really struck my heart, making me wince in pain.
Great Poem written by an Outstanding Poet, the Poem really Depict the Reality of Nigeria,not to be pessimistic Nigeria has a long way to go, it’s almost like it a Generational Fate for Nigeria to remain Underdeveloped
The condition of the country right now is very disheartening, i just hope that someday I can share in that faith to say Nigeria will be better
Nigeria is a country of ups and down but one thing is sure tomorrow will be better
The state of things in the country is so pathetic and discouraging looking at the leaders who are meant to take a stand and help to move things forward are the ones fighting tooth and nail against the citizens thereby making them suffer.
One thing I love about this poem is that deep down there is hope that things will get better. I strongly believe that a time will come when we look back and thank God for progress, growth and development.
Fine, God will help this Country.
But how long, are we going to keep calling on God?
Faith without work is Dead
What Nigeria need is a Working system and good leadership.
The way the country is going is nothing to write home about but it will be better. Thank you so much for this poem.
Amazing, Recluse.
Each day, we keep getting the reply that ‘Nigeria will better”. Great number of us have already gotten use to hearing this words because things keep getting worst.
A country that is known as the giant of Africa but the citizens are suffering.
We pray and wish for a better Nigeria some day.
This is really the state of Nigeria as it stands now, but I believe the time has come for the country to become better when the stolen mandate is restored to the right man.
No matter what, there is still hope that Nigeria will be better.
This is a great poem Recluse, keep it up! Nigeria will definitely rise again, Nigeria will bloom and flourish. Amen!
It’s well, in this our country, I believe something good will come out of it one-day. They poor masses will one-day celebrate and be happy again
Like the poems says, I pray I don’t say same to my kids…I pray for a better Nigeria.
The way Nigeria is going is really pathetic. I wonder if Nigeria will actually be better one day.
Like a rat will bite his victim
And blow it cool;
Not because he cares
Nor because he feels sorry,
But so he could bite more.
This is just the clear picture of what Nigeria is, the Giant has now lost its strength, it now just there with it’s big structure that the wind carries to whatever direction it pleases.
We trust in God for a change in this country Nigeria is all i can say.
We all hope and pray for a better Nigeria.
Nigeria will be good, better and even the best.
Such a great poem expressing our hurt
In as much as things has not changed we hope for a better Nigeria.
This is literally the heart of many Nigerians right now , especially after the presidential election, but regardless of our predicament as a Nation we must not give up but know that Nigeria will be great again.
Nigeria is a great country, though have been made a mess by her greedy leaders, remains the best black nation in the world.
Thank you ma for sharing.
The labour of our Hero shall never be in vain.
#Nigeria don better.
Nice poem but for Nigeria to change it starts with you and me..i pray we live to see this country become great again.
Amen 🙏🏽
We should hold onto God for a better Nigeria.
Nigeria is a blessed country and I only hope it gets better sooner.
I got to realize the writer’s point of view about Nigeria as a country in this piece.
thanks for the exposure ma.
Nigeria the giant of Africa or so we call it…
In as much as we acknowledge the fact that Nigeria is blessed, it is also in the hands of people who are bent on making the worst out if it, many citizens have lost hope while some still hope that things will be better. I personally hope in God continuously for the progress of this country. Nice poem Recluse.
Everyday, we soliloquize about our country, the fact that we keep hitting rock bottom is a very bad way for a country, the rich are getting richer while the poor is getting poorer and cannot do anything about it. This leads to many vices such as kidnapping, armed robbery, etc. This is a very beautiful country created by God with all the wonderful fineness anyone could dream of, but the leaders keep breaking our hearts and discouraging our hopes. I pray that God touch their hearts so they’ll make Nigeria better again.
This is a great poem. I have hope that Nigeria will become a better nation.
Such a well-articulated poem. Well done, Recluse.
I really pray Nigeria gets better soon.
I must say that it is a very bad omen that our country Nigeria is in this unpleasant state. Sometimes i ask myself..”what did we do wrong” because it seems like the labour of our heroes past has finally been in vain. We don’t see any improvement in our country rather things are getting worse the poor are getting poorer and even the rich are complaining, we don’t know our fate but we pray that God intervenes at the last minute when we think that all hope is lost. Bless you ma
All we have right now is HOPE and it is costing us more than we can afford but what else can we do but merely hope and pray else drowsy Nigeria sleeps and never wakes.
Plot twist: this is 2023 and “the giant of Africa” still hasn’t risen. But we’ll keep hope alive.
What a poem, full of truth and clarity.
Shows how bad Nigeria currently is with the hope it will be better. Let’s not give up, let’s still carry that hope until Nigeria is definitely better. God bless this country until it is better.
Despite the challenges faced by Nigeria, it is important to remain optimistic and work towards a better future. I hope that the poem and its message can inspire positive change and encourage people to take action towards a brighter future for Nigeria.
This is beautiful, emotional yet drives home a sensitive point. My country will be back to its glory🙇♀️
Bravo, Recluse!👌 We join you to pray that our children will not have to be told, “Nigera will be better.”
Where there is life, there is hope so in as much that Nigeria lives, there is still hope for our country,we only need good leader who will carry us to this journey.
The poem presents a devastating economic and social condition in the land perpetrated by greedy and irresponsible leaders. This is why the masses live in abject poverty in the midst of plenty. Hopelessness of the masses becomes the order of the day.
Nigeria will undoubtedly experience a resurgence, and I firmly believe, pray, and hope that one day it will come to fruition. A beautiful poem.
What a poem, full of truth and clarity. Shows how bad Nigeria currently is and with hope it will be better. Let’s not give up, let’s still carry that hope until Nigeria is definitely better. God bless this country until it is better.
Nigeria will surely be better again it’s just a matter of time every thing will fall in place.
Wow, such a nice poem. The poet said his Dad told him Nigerian will be be better and up till now he hasn’t seen any form of betterment. He’s trying to contradict what our national Anthem say that it looks like the labours of our hero’s are already in vain, he said he wish not to tell his children that Nigerian will be better, but if he does let his children not tell theirs.
May God make Nigeria a better country