Some days ago, I was teaching a class and a student who had probably been held up in a lecture in another faculty came in. As she was walking to a seat, I noticed she had this retro look. Her hair was plaited in one of those styles women did in the 1970s. The only difference was she used wool, which is in vogue now, while cotton thread was used back then.

Once in a while you see something like that. Someone who is brave enough to go against the norm and stand out from the crowd. I mean that in a positive way, of course. I would never endorse deviance that tends towards illegal or immoral conduct. But it’s refreshing to see someone do something in a unique way or remind us of pleasant long-forgotten stuff as the young lady in question did. Right there in the room full of ladies with all kinds of wigs and weave-ons, some might say she looked odd but I say she had the courage to be different.

She kindly sent me some pix she took with that hairstyle and a chic getup. I’ve added a few of those here. Lovely, don’t you think? It’s to be expected, though, as Chisolum Ugezu (her name) loves fashion and posing for shots. She is the last child of Mr & Mrs M.C. Ugezu and hails from Enugwu-Ukwu in Anambra State.



The youngest child in a family is often perceived as spoilt and lazy but this one is as hardworking as they come. Besides being a third-year student of Mass Communication at the University of Nigeria, she makes beads for sale, has a budding acting career (she has been featured in the home movies Royal Banquet, Moment of Agony, Echoes of Love, etc.) and aspires to be a model and broadcast show presenter. She also dreams of becoming a fashion designer and a Nollywood superstar. Hmmm… lots of dreams, but all achievable by God’s grace!

We wish her success in her studies and other pursuits in Jesus’ name.
Do you ever do that, I mean, strike out on a unique path? Or are you content to be like others? I ask this without judgment. Just curious. Have a beautiful weekend and be richly blessed of the Lord in Jesus’ name.


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  • Ndudu John

    Chisolu is a very beautiful and confident lady

  • Josephine

    Beautiful lady…… Love her courage

  • Ohakwe Oluchi judith

    Have seen Chisom several times her dressing is always unique and she is a very pretty and adorable lady.

  • Nonike Victoria

    courage though heard of everyday is a rare virtue..i feel inspired by this post, bless you ma.

  • Odiase Erico Osazee

    Nice hair, Nice makeup, Nice attire

    • Edith Ohaja

      You would know, after all you’re in the beauty business (Makeup artist, right?). More power to your elbow and God’s abiding presence in Jesus’ name.

  • Walter Nkemakonam Onukwue

    Solum is not only beautiful, she is kind, caring and every other good thing you can think of.. no dull moment, every minute with her is a time to remember.. she is my sister from another woman’s womb..
    i wish u all the best christie

  • Hello, this is a beautiful story, I must say. Beautiful not because of your apparent wit – which is clear – but for the singular reason that it inspires, just like many other of your stories. I am greatly intrigued, and moved.

    I am imagining the effect or impact of this on the object of your story. If she is anything at distance from what you portray here – which I don’t imagine – then she is, with this, held to a pint of responsibility. And on other students and the public? My imagination is wild, in a good way.

    Thank you Mrs. Edith Ohaja. Well done.
    May the blessings be!

  • Eze, Chime Mark

    The young damsel is good to go! I was also thrilled when I first saw her in that attire.

  • Ezeigwe Martin

    The hairstyle really looks good, She v’e got a whole lot of talents. God bless her.

  • Akwolu Chiamaka MaryAnn

    Courage always helps us stand out with a difference, and courage boosts confidence. the lady in the pictures is beautiful.

  • deuce emm

    Courage lies in the mind of the explorer

  • chidiogo Georginah

    this is really inspiring

  • Irumekhai Mariam

    Beauty is from within. She is an epitome of it. I am inspired by her courage, carriage and intelligence.

  • Njoku Israel

    Inspiring, I must say. With the human paradigm, you drew your story closer home, and closest I will say, on the instance of the hardworking girl you just used as an example. To be different, it is appropriate to use the word “dare” because it is such a difficult and fearful course of action. We often fear the eyes that look at us, and therefore succumb to the ease of following the crowd.

  • When majority rather chose to follow what is in Vogue, she mustered the courage to be different. It is commendable. She refused to be swayed by the wind of change which has flung many to distant places.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Bless you, Gideon! The point is, some may love that hairdo but would not dare wear it for fear of being laughed at.

  • Ugwu patience

    Wow! This is beautiful. Chisolu I wish you good luck.

  • pretty damsel congrats and more power to your elbow

  • Obetta Collins Odinakachukwu

    Chisolu… Well nice name I will say… And a charming look. I guess because of the traditional hairstyle you have there.

  • Ike Faustina Uchechukwu

    lovely style i love it

  • matthew fortune.c.

    Courage is the only key to being outstanding…. it really pays to be hardworking and filled with inspiration for the future not looking at only the present.

  • covenant

    More grace to you chisolum as u pursue your dreams…

  • amaechi chinaecherem chiemela

    she’s really creative. glamorous lady at that. an epitome of beauty

  • Amadi victoria chinwendu

    I know chisom as someone who doesn’t joke with her looks. Keep it up babe.

  • Flawless Ifeanyi

    Nice and wonderful look. I love the hair, let me remind some people out there that not all children that are last in the family are lazy cos am one and am not lazy.?? aunty tell them oo

  • Muoka onyeka

    9ce 1

  • Amoke chinasa

    Indeed,chisolum is one of those few girls that wear any hairstyle whether trending or not as far as she looks good on it.her confidence and carriage really amaze me.she doesn’t dress to please anyone.funny enough guys still compliment her hairstyle though it’s obsolete.indeed this piece is very really educates we young girls on d need to be confident in everything we do.thank u ma for d wonderful piece.

  • keswet mercy

    this write up is quite captivating…truly speaking, only few girls of nowadays would carry a hair do like this one..she is actually different

  • Yes, Chisolum is always unique and it’s part of her. I love her courage to be different.

  • Okoye chidi

    I tink wat mkes any one stand out is his or her atitude

  • Nneka Orjiude

    Many are afraid to be different since one of our needs as humans is the need to belong, It takes courage to stand out for something positively different.Tnk U Ma for the article,well written and it has been an inspiration


    nice outlook Chisolum. I love your outfit, the colour combination. And your hairstyle is cute, even from the packing style. ‘e’ make sense dear. May the Almighty help you as you push forward in accomplishing your dreams.

  • Henrietta Okoye

    I didn’t like her the very first time we met but she’s a cool girl with a brave heart very courageous lady

  • Hephzibah

    There’s beauty in being your own person. And it’s obvious she’s her own person.

  • Otegbulu juliet Amarachi

    I love her courage. The hair made her so beautiful and unique from others. I once made a hair style similar to that. Nice one.

  • Kingsley Okafor

    Courage is a rare virtue and she is her own person. I was thrilled and amazed when I first saw her in that attire.

  • Ani Chidinma M

    Dare, she did.
    Noticed and admired, she was by all.
    This post, though centered on Chisolum, is a call to be daring in a monotonous world of trends. Truly, it costs little to look different. Give it a try today……….??

  • Perpetua Ugwu

    A lady with beauty and courage

  • Ijeoma Anita

    It takes courage to be different. We stand out when we are not afraid to show the world who we really are. She’s comfortable in being herself and that speaks a lot.

  • Benjamin C.Nweke

    hey guys, that’s my kid sister, chisolum.
    i watched her grow up. look at her, she’s big now. very soon, wedding bells will be ringing.
    for sure her husband will pay double pride price.
    thanks ma’am for featuring her.

  • Yeah! The short story is incredible!
    I also have something too but i’m sure it’s lame.

  • Obasi Kosiso


  • Eze chinyere chidera

    Lots of dreams!! Quite impressive.

  • onu victor tochukwu

    nothing more sweet than having a sister like her with beauty, brains and a good sense of culture.

  • machie celestina

    it is good to be hard working no matter your position in the family

  • Ibeh chiamaka

    So many people are working hard to achieve their dreams .my only prayer for these hsrdworkers is that,God should crown all their hard work with not excluded in this prayer.


    It takes boldness to do such a thing. As for me, I think it’s very encouraging considering the kind of generation we find ourselves in and i’d like to say more power to her elbow.

  • juliet

    yea.. just once in while , you just need to step out of the crowd

  • harmony

    it takes courage to appear different in this 21st century and i think that will be the next hair i will make

  • When one chooses to stand out, you can’t help but give attention to that person. Hardwork and God’s grace is all that Chisolum needs to succeed.

  • It pays to be unique and I must confess she is beautiful.

  • Wow! It is not easy to look different in your own style, i love this.

  • okoro nneoma anna

    her hairstyle is very beautiful, although in this present age people would have thought it to be weird and seen her as local, she really looks pretty embracing the unique African hairstyle. i admire her courage and aspirations, more power to your elbow, chisolum, and thank you, ma, for bringing this beauty to light.

  • Okwor Blessing Amuche

    wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love the hair style.
    she is unique

  • Otti Uzoma Augusta

    its cool to be different it gives you a trademark. Success to you Chisolum!


    It really requires a lot of bravery to go against the tradition that is prevalent around you, i really love the hair style of the young woman. She really did something unique unlike the common weavons and brazilian hairstyles that young girls of today would kill for.
    Most times it requires strength to be different and not feel like a freak, thumbs up! to the young lady once again.

  • Agugbua Chisom

    Yes i agree with you ma. Once in a while one needs to be unique and stand out among others. Some people may say that being unique is being odd or being childish but i think its okay for a person to chose to be unique. Being different to me is being special in your own way. And a person who is different knows how to trust in him or herself and always stand on her own words.

  • Iroegbu Amarachi

    People always want to go with the crowd forgetting that they can draw the crowd to themselves if they can stand out and be different in a positive way. Some people may cower and not stand out but would admire those who do.This post says Be Unique! Be different!!There is beauty in uniqueness. Nice one, Ma.

  • Abonyi Chisom Eucheria

    Chisom is a bold girl her hair style is unique. sometimes we have to do things that will makes us to be unique and different from others. chisom may God grant you your heart desires.

  • omenma ndidiamaka

    I love her courage.Its perfect and unique.Honestly,I dont think i can make the hairstlye.Its really nice to be outstanding.

  • ayogu lovina chinenye

    The person that chooses to stand out of the crowd is always an out-standing person in the society

  • Bessong Faith Ada

    One must never forget that it’s our differences that makes us unique, some don’t like you being different especially if it’s a good difference and would love to pull you down but we are made to understand from the post to never allow anyone to put you down because of the way you look or sound.

  • Chantal Nwoye

    Wow! i really love her courage. not everyone has the desire to go for an african hairdo. It’s made me come to a decision to try being African once in a while and be proud of my African heritage.

  • kalu Divine Ogechi

    Everyone was created in a unique way and is best when we do not follow the crowd but be different, although pressures may come but we should show some courage to be different…nice hair

  • Emmanuel Gerald

    The decision to stand out is one very difficult one to make, but upon implementation, the results are really outstanding. Meanwhile, the lady in those shots shares much resemblance with one ‘Elizabeth’, a one-time contestant on the MTN project fame reality show, season 9.

  • ogbodo somtochukwu

    i dnt really know why i love this story so much …its stort and simple but of so much interest to really inspires me so much to work hard and dream big ….maybe it’s because I’m a last born like she is.
    yeah, that the reason #lol..

  • Izuogu Ozioma Precious

    I love Chisolum, she encouraged us to value our culture, to learn how to look simple and also to be ourselves.


    Chisolum Ugezu is a good example of a courageous, confident and enterprising young lady. very beautiful write-up.

  • Ikwuakam Oluchi Francisca

    It’s good to leave the crowd and do something different sometimes. this one has great courage to have made this hair in this computer age, lol. Thank you, ma, for this.

  • orji chidubem

    wow! what a lovely hairstyle. I really love the girl’s hairstyle and also her courage. we should try to be a little different from other people.Seems like I will plait this type of hairstyle when next I will make my hair.Lol

  • nzeh restore

    We are all different, but making a positive difference can only be done by doing or saying something spectacular or
    strange. So long as it makes a positive change in society, it’s good.

  • ugwoke chisom

    I see the girl as someone who loves our old way of doing things and tries to do it.
    Generally, Aunty Edith is a woman that has the fear of God and encourages others to do so. This is seen in her speech and writeups. Keep it up ma, I love you.

  • Ugwuaneke Grace U

    she is courageous and outstanding, living her life not minding what people will say. one important thing i derived from the story is the fact that people will always see you the way you see yourself. she is contented with her qualities and that’s what matters. nice one, ma.

  • Ogbu Nkiruka Gloria

    This is so beautiful,looking beautiful and unique.


    To be different is not only in character but it covers all aspects. her hair style made me know that some people out there somewhere still value our culture which is a way of life of people. it is very good to appreciate one’s culture and the place you come from instead of getting so engrossed in the western way of life all the time. dare to be different in all aspects of your life and always learn to appreciate things that you have and things made here………..Bravo!

  • Emmanuel Ujevwe

    : This is true. A lot of people have forgotten their cultures and portray the white man’s culture. These days, fellow Africans see African clothes as archaic but we should not see things this way if we want our culture to progress. We should be proud to be African.

  • ugama gloria nkechinyere

    She is pretty. It is her decision to be natural and I think she is actually okay with it. Though it is rare to see ladies in her looks, but I think there are still more of her type out there who chose to be natural.

  • She is beautiful and choose to look different and unique than coping others. She portrayed our culture by making that, hairstyle and it suited her well. She was confident in her self to carry the hairstyle. Always be your self, be unique and make a different don’t do what others are doing. Thank you ma for this post.

  • Joseph Chizoba Kingsley

    Wow! She’s really looking beautiful.
    I Believe the lesson in this story goes beyond the content.
    The courage to be different ( positive difference) is very important. The lack of courage to be different has caused some student in University today to throw away the good virtues they had prior to their admission into the university; just to be seen as one who ”belong” and not “local”

  • I really don’t fancy trends. I just choose what i am comfortable in, if its part of the trends or style in vogue, then fine. if its not, then fine too.

  • Eze chikadibia Joan

    Yes! Am this kind of person that loves being different in all ramifications. For instance, my hair style. I do a lot of creativity on my hair which makes people to appreciate it’s uniqueness of it’s style. Its good to look different (positively).

  • Charles D.

    What a beautiful girl wearing a glamorous attire and stylish hair. She has the qualities of a model.

  • Michael onyedinma

    Well the hairstyle is beautiful and it fits her.i pray for her to remain courageous as she continue to make positive change in our society.

  • Ominaki pamela

    Uniqueness comes from within, it is refreshing for someone to stand out from the crowd, be different, be outstanding and be unique and be proud about it. Those are good attributes that will take you somewhere, don’t always try to be conventional always be different in a positive way


    Chisolum was my next-door neighbour in Nkrumah Hostel in 2018. I must confess that she’s sure unique in her own way,with a special kind of style and she’s also a friendly and nice person.

  • Orisakwe Ezinne

    Wow.. The hair is so outdated..
    I can’t remember when last I saw something like that.
    It takes courageousness for someone to be that unique…

  • Asogwa chidera promise

    That means she has quality esteem and believes in herself,for her to have all those dreams. I like the fact that she still does petty things to fund herself despite the fact that she is the last born of her family ..more strength to her, and I must say she is very beautiful

  • It’s unique and significant. It’s also a commendable courage. Not withstanding the hairstyles,the appearance all through is Superb. It shows there is always beauty in being unique and going with the norms. She never forgot where she came from.

  • Omeje ifunanya emmanuella

    Wow,what a beautiful outstanding lady,I love your courage. What a courage ,while most youths of nowadays always follow d crowd she followed heart.. Your courage z great

  • Ezeh Blessing

    Lol who still plaits this type of hair style in our contemporary society with human hair and all the like? Nevertheless, I must confess that I admire and respect Chisulum for her courage to stand for what she wants despite being odd.

  • Eze vivian Nkiruka

    It takes courage and Gods grace to do things differently and being outstanding among your equals,doing things differently from others in a positive way,makes you unique,special, creative and innovative.

  • Ibekwe Vincent chukwuebuka

    That’s nice. Am inspired by this post. I really need that kind of courage.

  • Ojimadu kingsley

    He sense of nice is nice, won’t be bad for one to look different once in a while. Her determination is admirable. Trying to change people concept of last born child in a family. Cudors to her.

  • Chukwunwenwa Chinenye

    The hair really looked nice on her. I don’t know if I can rock it though!
    However,I don’t follow trends. In fact, I don’t like wearing trendy things, I prefer to be unique, that’s why you’d see me most of the time in a corporate attire than the trendy ripped jeans.

    There was a time I bought a pair of trendy shoes (high heel) but couldn’t rock it because I wasn’t comfortable wearing it. I abandoned the shoes not because every other girl wears them but because I couldn’t walk well with them.(Imagine walking like a starved Hausa goat all in the name of fashion?)
    I was pained because the cost of the shoes was very high. If I had gone for shoes I could wear comfortably rather than the trendy one, I wouldn’t have had any regrets at all.

    The shoes taught me a great lesson that I’d never forget.

  • Nwannah Juliana ngozi

    Follow your own path and blessing will follow you. I love your courage boo.keep it up

  • Emmanuel Eze

    We definitely need to all learn the art of being different

  • Ossai Chidimma Linda

    It is truly rewarding to stand out in a positive way, you attract attention, the right kind.

  • Nwatu Vera Chisom

    I love everything about this lady down to her name, chisolum is not a very popular name and I love it. I hope she has accomplished these beautiful dreams of hers or she is on the way to accomplishing them.

  • Igwe Chioma Esther

    Dare to be different as this stands you out from the crowd.

  • Wow! I also love it most times when one comes out simple but beautiful and also industrious

  • Chilaka Vivian

    It’s really nice sometimes to be different from our contemporary appearance. It distinguishes a person

  • Alaedu Chioma Gloria

    Standing out is the best
    I love the hairstyle

  • Ugwu Doris c

    Her courage is deep and indeed different. Her dreams you mentioned earlier is actually what I want to be in future but I’ve plan my way so it won’t look like I’m insatiable.

  • Chukwumalume Ozioma

    People who take the courage to be different (positively), deserve to be recognized and commended.

  • Onwudiwe rita oluebube

    Once in a while it is good to stand out of the crowd , to just be different. Chisom even looked more beautiful with the hairstyle

  • I so much admire people that be themselves, they don’t do things because others does same. I like her courage.

  • Asogwa Christian Tochukwu

    I love this! Just be yourself. Be genuine. People appreciate and are attracted to genuine people. There is nothing wrong with being different. This is spot on. Thank you for sharing!

  • Wow it nice trying to do something different or looking different from others. By so doing it will lessen the rate at which people pretend to be what they’re not. I really like her way and she still looks pretty with the hair.

  • Amalu precious

    it takes courage to be different* and, only the courageous ones will stand out in the so large crowd

  • I determine to have the courage to be unique.
    Mind less on people’s provoking words, just do the right thing.

  • Mogekwu Esther

    Being positively different and unique is wonderful and it comes from a place of knowing i.e knowing one’s self and daring to express it.

  • Makwe Covenant Nkiruka

    To be outstanding, you have to stand out from the crowd. Strive to be unique,in your own way and be totally different. The idea of following the crowd,is really bad and discouraging.

  • Chukwuemeka uchechukwu pepertua

    Courage is a rare virtue..and being different in the mass is also hard.
    It is an interesting story.

  • she just wants people to see how unique she is, which is a courageous thing to do , most ladies do look down on themselves or some will think the girl is too old fashioned

  • Maureen

    The hair is beautiful. Her poses too. Lol.

  • Boton Chiamaka Maryann

    She is really beautiful and courageous,I’m sure she will go miles

  • Uchegbu Ogechi Elizabeth

    She really looks beautiful with her hair.. she just reminded us that African has styles.. most people just do what the westerners think is better and we forget our culture.

  • Uyanna Chibuike

    Being different really takes a lot of courage because there will always be criticism from people, because some people see being different as being weird.

  • Chukwu Joy Chioma

    It’s the courage to stand out and be different for me, and how she knows what she wants and goes for it.

  • Nwafor Cynthia Chinenyenwa

    Standing now does it make you a fool as long as what you are doing is right. People will always talk but it’s your responsibility to decide if you want to let what they’re saying get to you or not

  • Chukwukanne chinecherem winner

    Interesting story ma. We should learn how to make a difference in all we do but it takes a courageous person to make a difference. Let learn how to be courageous in all we do. I pray that God we give us to be courageous in all we do.

  • Okwuchi Kimberly

    Wow she’s looks beautiful
    She’s is indeed courageous…only few young ladies have to courage to make such a difference

  • Victoria Chigere

    Being outstanding is one thing I have always aimed for.


    Hmmm it’s actually nice to go blue at times, but I must say it takes a whole ounce of courage to do such. In all this serves as an encouragement

  • Obong Phebe

    I admire her for the courage and most especially for being herself, cause that’s the problem of most girls on campus which they’ll later get involved in an unnecessary trouble while trying to copy someone. My dear you’re unique and loved the way you are. I am too.(smiles)

  • Eze Chinalurumogu Success

    There was a time in my life I didn’t want to make that hairstyle because it was ‘archaic’ and ‘outdated’. I needed the pace at which my hair grew to speed up so that hairstyle was perfect for me but I didn’t want to do it because I’d not be the hot girl anymore. Growing up,I began to know better and did the hairstyle despite what folks said and I rocked it with my bold earrings.

  • Nnochiri Chinecherem Nnabuike

    Courage makes us stand out among our equals. Chisolu was able to achieve her dreams through hard work and courage. These virtue are very important to acquire.

  • Duru Gift Onyinyechi

    Being oneself is something very difficult in this century. People quest for flashy and trendy things is something else. I love your courage dear,the hairstyle is unique too.

  • Agbedo Ebubechukwu

    She’s beautiful, courageous and ambitious. I love to see it.

  • Ojobo somtochukwu praise

    Everyone wants to do what everyone is doing, want to do trending stuff, trending styles and all that, they all lack the courage to stand out with there own style, who knows, they might love your style after all.

  • Onyebuagu Onyinye Eleanor

    It takes a lot of courage to be outstanding

  • EMEKA Richard chibuike

    The retro style outfit she had on is indeed unique and significant..

  • Onuzulike Chukwuebuka Prosper

    Chisolu wouldn’t be outstanding if she lacked courage and hard work. These virtues are very necessary

  • Victor-sunday Daniel

    Uniqueness is a virtue that seems to be eroding in this generation but has to be embbraced with all integrity and sincerity. Both the old and young ones has to summon the courage and gut to be uniquely different in his or her generation.

  • Okocha precious

    The courage to be different is a journey that can be faced with appreciation or ill judgement. It is still important to go with your uniqueness irrespective of judgement.

  • Ebi osinachi mercy

    firstly I will like to say, this lady look so beautiful and I really love her hair, her uniqueness is so intimidating, her decency is beautiful to see in this generation

  • Patience Anthony

    We needs to learn how to stand out- to stop following the crowd and forcing yourself to fit in.

  • Ahueze Vivian Isioma

    Amazing Young Lady.
    This serves as an Eye Opener to so many.
    Thanks Ma for this Great Piece.


    This story also talks about the important of being different positively.

  • Asogwa Esther chioma

    I love her courage, society has made it quite difficult for people to just be who they are and be comfortable without thinking about other people’s opinion. nice post ma

  • Summer Izuagba

    She looks so beautiful, love her courage to stand out from the crowd.

  • oboni veronica

    It is good to have the courage that is having the boldness to stand out not following the crowd.
    Also there is something I realized as a girl when you wear a dress that is decent some people may decide to start calling you name like mary amaka but you should not be discouraged by what people say.

  • Eze Chidiebeube Judith

    I always tell people, let your USP (Unique selling point) make you different from others. There should be something that makes you positively different and can only be ascribed to you. If there is nothing special about you or different about you, create one for yourself irrespective of people’s point of view. It’s normal to criticize and throw bad remarks at first but with time, they come to terms with it because they won’t have a choice.

  • Ekeh Rosemary

    There’s beauty in difference .

  • Okoye-azi Chiemerie Regina

    It is not a coincidence that I am on your blog today. Happy birthday to you, Ms. Edith. I pray that God’s light continues to shine on you. I wish you good health of mind and body. Have a fun-filled day, Ma.

    About the story, it really takes a lot to be different. I commend Chisolum’s boldness. I wish more people would dare to differ( in a good way of course)

  • Treasure Emone

    Interesting…I know if it were me , I will be so shy to walk around with the hair. She was actually brave and I admire her for it.

  • Ndukwe chinecherem diamond

    Strike to be different look beyond the normal

  • Okereke victoria chigemezu

    Waw! She is so courageous and unique in her own way.

  • Okwor Uchenna Sonia

    Being different makes one stand out, which why you got captured with the hairstyle.

  • Wisdom Ugosinachi Miracle

    Wow, I love the hairstyle but I don’t think I can make it.

    She should be awarded for her courageous act, she’s actually beautiful and bold

  • Onyiwalu ogechi faith

    It takes boldness, self confidence and courage to appear different, but it radiates the uniqueness and beauty of being different . I love the hairstyle , it’s beautiful and unique

  • Amadi Doris Nmesoma

    It’s very difficult to see someone who chooses not to join the bandwagon in doing negative things. It only takes courage or bravery to do such.

    Thanks ma for this.

  • Uzochukwu Angel

    People tend to be courageous in different ways. Keep it up!!

  • Amara Ikwueze

    I love the way she dared to be different. If all her dreams of being a fashion designer and all come to pass I bet she will bring in the uniqueness of decency into the society of indecency.

  • Sonia Ubani

    This really inspired me,I’m so grateful.

  • Okolo Elizabeth Chisom

    Been able to have the courage to be uniquely different is what make you shine among others..
    Thank you ma

  • Rosemary

    A great fashionista! Love your attire 😊

  • Winner Favour

    I admire her bravery. It’s not easy to be different in this present world

  • umeaku obianuju

    Brown skin girl, she’s soo beautiful. I’m really inspired.

  • Okolie-Ekwuazi Zutem Nonyelum

    Dare to be different that’s all I can say.
    Intresting read, thank you ma.

  • Mboutidem Godwin Samuel

    Her dreams is gonna be achievable.
    Just as she never knew she was going to be future in this story because of her hair.
    More Grace to her…
    Thank you ma for sharing. god bless you.

  • Glory Odogwu Chikaodinaka

    it’s beautiful how we both share the same dream.
    A beautiful write up once again ma.

  • Innocent Esther .C.

    I applaud her courage in a generation such as ours… 👏👏

  • Aniehe MaryJane Chisom

    I admire her courage. It’s important that we all learn to stand out from the crowd. Being unique is the new normal.

  • Omolola Akande

    It is actually a good thing to dare to be different so far it’s a good one.

  • Kamsy Mbamalu

    Her uniqueness and her drive is what I admire.

    Just wow!

  • Oke Sharon Munachimso

    She is a very beautiful soul and it takes a whole lot of courage to stand out in the crowd. She is just so confident and thank God for that because it is so hard for young girls of nowadays to be confident with themselves. May God give her the grace to achieve her dreams and may she not deviate. Amen

  • Ugwuanyi Perpetua

    Being courageous conquers a whole lot of fear in life, and it is really intriquing to see young ones distinguishing themselves among their contemporaries, and it is all about having a personal/unique identity. Chisolum I must say is a rare kind of lady to come by in this our time and I pray she achieve all her dreams. Thanks ma’m 😘


    I love the hairstyle ma

  • David Efemena Christiana

    It is important we brace up and learn to stand out even in the most uncomfortable scenarios.


    I love how she stands out, she is really a beautiful African queen.

  • Ekene Emmanuella kosisochi

    Being unique is beautiful. I love this story ma. Thank you ma.

  • Chimdalu onah

    It takes so much courage to standout. I love the fact that she decided to be herself regardless of what people might think

  • Rejoice Chiwudom Onyewuchi

    There’s always this uniqueness about positively standing out. I really admire her courage.

  • Dan Joseph

    Be different and don’t mind what people may say, for once you are beautiful, you will stand out as long as you do it in a good and responsible way as chisom did.

  • Ozioko Glory Oluchi

    Indeed it takes courage to be different. It shows that she has self confidence. That’s why she dresses however she likes not minding what anyone has to say about it.

  • Gbatalibe uchenna Mildred

    The hair looks neat and it fits her and I applaud her courage to carry that type of hair to school in this age. Bravo.

  • Nnamani Chidibere John

    Chisolum’s ambition and hardworking nature are commendable. Her ability to balance different career pursuits with her Mass Communication studies is impressive. Her dedication and drive are admirable, and with God’s grace, I have no doubt that she will succeed in all of her endeavors.

  • Agha Onyinye Judith

    As Westlife sang, “What makes you different makes you beautiful.”
    Thanks so much, Aunty Edith, for reminding me of my rarest and most precious gift from God; uniqueness.

  • Chinaza Ugwuoke

    When you have confident in yourself then you can dare to stand out among the crowd. You might be looked down on but dare to always be different.
    Thanks to Chisom for daring and showing forth her uniqueness.

  • Ogbu Cynthia Nneoma

    Be different and don’t mind what people may say, for once you are beautiful, you will stand out as long as you do it in a good and responsible way as Chisom did.

  • Esogwa Jubilate Aghachiluru

    This is an inspiring and challenging post that encourages Christians, most especially to stand out from the crowd and live according to God’s standards. Though it can be challenging to be different.

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