Whether we acknowledge it or not, voices are constantly speaking to us- spiritually and physically. Some of the voices mean to help us, others mean to harm or even kill us.
A brother was washing his car one Saturday morning and a voice taunted him with these words, “If you die now, your own chapter will be closed, right?”
He rejected and cancelled that projection immediately.
He was scheduled to attend a seminar that day and did so successfully.
As he was speedily driving home, along the Third Mainland Bridge, Lagos, a voice began to chant to him: “If your tyre bursts, do not step on the brakes.”
Shortly after, he heard an explosive noise. It was so loud that he was disoriented. One of his car tyres had burst!
The natural inclination would have been to jam on his brakes. But he obeyed the voice that warned him against that and kept his foot just as it was on the accelerator.
Before long, the car slowed down due to the resulting imbalance and he steered it to the side of the road and parked.
What would have happened if he had jammed on the brakes? The car would have lost control, it could have somersaulted or ploughed into other vehicles.

That was how God saved the brother’s life. One voice suggested death, the other voice gave him the presence of mind to act right and escape death.
So, whose voice are you listening to? Are you listening to the voice of God and those on His side who wish you well or are you listening to the devil and those on his side who wish you ill?
Jesus tells us in the book of John:
“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me. – v. 14
“My sheep listen to my voice … and they follow me. – v. 27
“But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.” – v. 5
One more thing: Whenever evil is spoken against you, pray earnestly to destroy it.
The brother in this story didn’t pray much because he had a busy day ahead of him. But his wife heard a voice at home that asked her, “Are you lying down here while your husband is about to die?”
She started praying and was told to get up and be more serious about it.
Less than 15 minutes later, her husband called to say he had just escaped death in an accident.
Beloved, when you receive revelations, pray as much as you can and ask your loved ones to pray too. That may make the difference between life and death.
The bottom line is: voices are speaking- constantly and with diverse agenda. What the enemy says is not final because our God is on the throne. But we need to be close to Him to distinguish the sources of the voices we hear and respond appropriately.
God bless you as you do this in Jesus’ name.
(Credit for image used for graphic: karlyukav on freepik)
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This was a lovely piece and it spoke directly to me
Glory to God!
I pray for the grace to listen. Sometimes we can get so busy doing things that don’t really matter that even when God is speaking we don’t listen. Thank you ma for this wonderful piece.
I think it’s a gift from God; ability to hear that calm directive voice which smoothly outfits your intentions and understanding…..
Yes, it is! Very much so.
Glad to hear from you!
Ma, sometimes it’s very difficult to distinguish between the voice of God and that of the enemy. We have so much occupied our mind with garbages In the world and the opinion of men, that we don’t even understand who we are, talk more of understanding the voice of God.
The things of God are no longer our priority.
Ma,I just pray God should help us and liberate us too.
Thanks for all you do,ma.
Very true. This is why you should always make time for God, no matter how busy we are. We should have Him in our hearts, pray and read our Bibles often. And even when we engage in the things of the world, we should endeavour not to be engrossed in them as 1 Corinthians 7:31 admonishes us, so that they don’t take the place of God or diminish Him in our lives.
Knowing God and hearing his voice is so sweet.
Without God’s voice; I wonder where we humans could have been.
Thank you Jesus for providing such a close relationship with us your special creation.
Thank you ma; for this, has opened my eyes that obeying God’s voice has lots of benefits to it.
Thank you once again; Ma.
Thank you for your thoughtful response.
I believe that God speaks to us always but sometimes it’s difficult to listen or know when God is speaking to us.
Yes, we are easily distracted. We need to tune out the world and its noise to hear from God except when He wishes to speak to us through what is happening around us.
Amen 🙏
Like you said ma, “ voices are constantly speaking to us…” but it is very important as a Christian to be discerning, that way we would be able to know the one that’s of good and the one that’s of evil. Like the Bible says in 1 John 4:1, “ Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God..”
Thank you so much ma, God bless you.
God bless you richly too in Jesus’ name.
When we are in good relationship with God he speaks to us all the time . I am a testimony to that .
Amen ma🙏
We hear voices always as both our inward and outward man have voices but then we lack the ability to discern and distinguish between the voice of God and the voice of the devil. But I feel with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can be able to discern.
From now onwards, I need to be conscious of the voices I listen to. God bless you immensly for this piece, ma.
God bless you too!
It is truly important to be close to God and to pray to him always. Being close to God is an advantage to knowing when he speaks to us and when the devil does. I once found it difficult to distinguish between the voice of God and that of the devil, I still do sometimes but what I do is that I pray when I hear these voices and I ask God to lead me to the right path and he does not disappoint. I pray that we all continue to keep a good and close relationship with God. It is invaluable. Thank you for this ma.
Sure voices do speak to us, but many times we do neglect it because we do not understand where it is coming from and that is why we need to build our relationship with God. For it is only when we are close to God that we will be able to know his voice and that of the evil one.
Many people have got it wrong in life due to the kind of voices they have listened to and the problem most times is that they were unable to distinguish which one was of God or probably their desires had a play in the turnout of events. As a believer, we need to discern and also reject the voice of the devil through prayers instead of brooding over his misleading voice.
Truly, voices do speak to us but detecting the voice of God sometimes seems to be hard. I pray the Lord open our eyes and hearts to the things of the spirit.
Honestly, there’s a voice that speaks to us. I have heard mine on so many occasions and if one obeys the voice, it doesn’t go wrong at all. It requires relationship with God to hear the voice clearly when it speaks.
There are voices, but how we distinguish This voices at times seems difficult.
Sometimes we mistaken the wrong voice to be the voice of God, that’s why we must be sensitive in spirit.
I pray that God will always give me the grace to identify him when his speaking to me because sometimes it’s very hard to distinguish between the good voice and the bad voice.
If you don’t even have a relationship with God it will be impossible to distinguish his voice and the devil’s.
I believe it when you dedicate your life to God you will have the ability to hear his voice and recognize his voice
Hmm. I pray I’ll never be too busy to hear God and discern voices. It’s really hard to know the voice of God without the help of the Holy Spirit. I really pray God helps us. Thank you ma.
This is really helpful ma. I pray God grants us the spirit of discernment to know the right voice that speaks to us🙏 and the grace to act accordingly Amen.
God bless you for sharing this.
Knowing God’s voice is very important as a christian.it brings peace of mind to oneself
We need an intense relationship with God to discern our next step. By being repentant we are to test every spirit (voice) and embrace God’s own.