Many of us are going through various difficulties. For some, the challenges are healthwise; for others, they are economic, romantic, etc. Today, I want to focus on economic challenges. We may be finding it hard to pay the bills and generally take care of ourselves. We may even be in the embarrassing situation of not being able to respond to crucial needs in the lives of family nembers like contributing to tuition, weddings and funerals. We stay away from social and church functions, not because we’re anti-social or lukewarm, but because we cannot meet up with any associated monetary demands.

But the irony is often that what we are going through may be a far cry from what God is speaking to us about our lives. I remember a sister whose husband was seriously injured in an accident. The doctors weren’t sure he would walk again. His treatment was costing so much and the kids were in school. The sister, who was a poorly paid teacher in a secondary school at the time, had to devise other means to make ends meet. She began to sew clothes for people after work. Meanwhile, in the midst of these trying times, she was having a recurrent dream of herself driving an expensive new car.

Now, that type of dream can get somebody angry.

“I’m looking for money for basic needs and I’m having such a tough time getting it. Yet, I’m dreaming of driving a new car, and not just any car but a luxury brand!”

Perhaps, you’re having a similar experience. This reminds me of David in the Bible. He was anointed to replace Saul as king of Israel but for thirteen years, Saul hunted him to kill him. Within that time, David lived in caves, in the desert and as a refugee (1 Samuel, chapters 16-30). A man whom God had promised the palace! He wandered from place to place, never feeling safe till he left Israel. On one occasion, he sent his men to beg food from Nabal, a wealthy farmer who was having his sheep shearing feast, and they were roundly insulted (1 Samuel 25:4-11).

But if you know anything about God, you know how the story ends.

Isaiah 55:10-11 (KJV)
10. For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:
11. So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

David eventually acceded to the throne and ruled over all Israel as God had promised him (2 Samuel 5:1-5). And the sister who was moonlighting as a tailor had a complete turnaround some years down the line. Her husband recovered perfectly, she landed a better job that made the tailoring unnecessary and she got the luxury car she was dreaming of.


Apply this to yourself no matter how hard things are presently. Don’t disregard the things God is telling you now because they seem so improbable. Believe and write them down. Thank God for them often. Receive comfort from those words, humbly follow whatever steps God will have you take and know that at the appointed time, His promises shall become your reality.

Luke 1:45 (KJV)
“And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.”

Put your name in place of the “she” in the verse above. And may God strengthen your heart as you believe Him in Jesus’ name.
If God is not speaking to you, perhaps because you’re not born again, take a moment to pray this prayer and make peace with Him.
Almighty God, I repent of my sins and ask you to forgive me. I receive the work Jesus did for me by shedding His blood for my sins. Write my name in the Lamb’s Book of Life, send your Spirit to live in my heart and teach me your word. I receive the grace to live a life that honours you henceforth in Jesus’ name. Anen.

Join a Bible-believing church/fellowship and expect God to respond when you talk to Him in prayer. He can do this directly in your heart; through the Bible or through inspired words from other believers, books, CDs, etc.

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You can also like my Facebook page, Aunty Edith, follow me on Instagram, GooglePlus (1), GooglePlus (2), Twitter (1), Twitter (2), Pinterest and StumbleUpon. Plus, you can connect with me on LinkedIn. Jesus is Lord!


  • Beautiful encouragement, Edith. Love the story line, too! Blessings to you.

  • Chike Chiemela Elizabeth

    Thank you so much aunt Edith. Today, many people think skills are unimportant because of what God has promised them but I’m glad that this story has pinpointed the importance of skill acquisition once again.
    God’s blessings cannot be felt when one can’t do anything besides faith without work is dead.
    Thank you once again, Aunt Edith.
    His word is indeed Ye and Amen.

  • ramona

    Very inspirational…God bless you sis

  • Ahubaraezeama J C

    Gods time is the best, in all things we have to glorify God because he has the best plan for us. And we human must not lose hope in any situation we find our self…!! God makes way for us and bless our little effort

  • amadifenwankwo Stanley C

    This story is inspirational and educative but ma’am I want to learn how to write like u something inspirational and making sense

    • Edith Ohaja

      Praise God! You need to build your language in terms of vocabulary, grammar, etc. Then have something you want to say. Reading widely helps to fill your mind with ideas. Then for me, my relationship with God, prayer and meditating on the Bible bring inspiration. These are just the basics. Hope you find them helpful.

  • Chinyere

    It is encouraging, I love ❤ it

  • These are just the words I needed to hear today. Thank you Aunty Edith for your kind words of encouragement.

  • Eze Benjamin Oduma

    Why the words of God is more efficacious than the ordinary novel which we read is that it is new each time is is read or shared by somebody else. It restores the broken-hearted and lifts the downcast. It is inspiring, encouraging and thought-provoking.I will definitely share my testimony (ies) through this blog, I know and I’m sure that God will do it for me. Thank you ma.

  • Ifebunandu Angela

    Very inspiring………….Aunty Edith you are really blessed

  • Akwolu Chiamaka MaryAnn

    A piece short and straightforward. With God, we are all kings and Queens and the throne is ours; we are always lifted

  • chidiogo Georginah

    This post is encouraging. i love it. It shows that God never fails,He nevre foresakes, He is always faithful no matter what.

  • Onyekaozuru Florence

    His word is yea and amen, this piece is an encouraging one, some may say they don’t need this kind of encouragement that they need money but unknown to them that thus kind of piece can change their life,well to me I have been blessed and my faith has been reawaken and also I have been made to know that no matter how long it may take, he will surely take me to my place of glory…….

  • At the appointed time, God’s promises shall become reality. It is reassuring I must say. But many have failed to cling to this declaration and they end up taking impulsive decision. This piece reminds me of an editorial I read in one of the national dailies, The New Telegraph. It dealt with the rising suicide cases occasioned by the economic recession in the country. There were instances of men who took their lives because they could not afford to put food on the table.Some could not pay their debts and the last option was to end their lives. When I read the editorial, I had enormous pity on them. So, it depends on one’s level of understanding of God’s promises and his ability to answer prayers.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Yes, it does! A bad situation can turn around in the best future or even suddenly but the person who commits suicide won’t be around to find out.

  • Ekechukwu Nkechi

    Great encouragement.i’m really blessed, thank you aunty edith

  • Ugwu patience

    Quite encouraging. Aunty may God bless you for this great impact that you are making in our lives.from now on,I won’t be weighed down by my current conditions

  • Obetta Collins Odinakachukwu

    Encouraging piece… Reminds me of the biblical saying that “sorrows endure only for a night, but joy comes in the morning”. Faith and hope in the Almighty is all we need to Enjoy that “joyful morning…”

  • Ifechukwude Egbune

    Indeed! This story of David is a wonderful help to me because am also finding it hard believing such annoying dreams in the midst of agonizing situations in my life. thank you so much Ma.

  • Ike Faustina Uchechukwu

    inspirational, our plans and Gods plans for us are different so as Christian we should let God be in control. no matter the situation we find ourselves in, we should just trust in him.

  • covenant

    All things worketh together for good to them that love, fear and respect the Lord…

  • Joy

    This piece is encouraging.sometimes when I dream I always have doubts in my mind especially in agonizing situations… I will keep on saying things like, “Is this possible?” Let’s cling to God’s declarations. God’s plan is the best… God bless you, Aunty

  • keswet mercy

    this peice is very much encouraging to me….difficulties and setbacks have made it impossible for we humans to achieve our goal but just as the write up says YOU WILL ASCEND TO YOUR THRONE just dont give up

  • Okoye chidi

    He knws our evry need nd iblv he wil meet evry1 at his point of need. all we need is faith in him

  • Henrietta Okoye

    The above examples you gave is telling us that for our long lasting blessings to come we have to make sure we can stand the weight of the blessings through various test by God before He releases His blessings like David that slept from one cave to another for 13 years before He finally became king… So no matter what you are going through just take it as a sign of big blessings coming your way.. It’s just a passing through and everything will be fine

  • Hephzibah

    Thank you ma. I enjoyed this

  • Ijeoma Anita

    Very inspiring post. God bless u ma

  • Emekaobi Ijeoma rita

    Well said ma. After hearing other people’s struggles and success stories,I began to glorify God both in good and bad times because I see every disappointment as a stepping stone to success,bcos God is involved

  • Eze Chinyere chidera

    This post is very motivational. Motivates us to wait for God’s time for his is the best. Also encourages us to have faith in him.

  • Njoku Chioma Grace

    God is our ever present help in times of need. most times, it may look as though He is not there or has forgotten about us but He is right there by our side giving u the strenght and grace needed to forge ahead. we should learn to always wait and depend on Him, believe and trust in Him and at the set and appointed time, He will manifest and release His blessings on us for His thoughts towards us are that of good and not of evil to bring us to an expected end

  • Sandra Oweka

    God knows all of our struggles and He will address all of them in due time.
    All we have to do is believe.

  • onyema chinonyelum cynthia

    Ma, have i ever told you that you are gifted? Well you are and an amazing person too. Thanks for encouraging and reassuring me with you posts. God has me in His palms-i know i’m safe.

  • iheanyi ugochi elizabeth

    thank you ma for this wonderful words of encouragement . you are indeed a gift to us may God continue to enrich your life because of the souls you are mending through your post

  • Uche, David Ihechukwu

    God is able to meet us in all our needs. No matter how tough, how heart wrecking and hopeless the situation may seem. God will always be there. I love the Bible citations, they’re full of encouragement and so much hope.

  • Henry

    Amen. The road to the throne is filled with challenges, only the determined hold sway and get to ascend. God strengthen us, Amen.

  • Onwuamaeze Ikechukwu John

    Good things don’t come easy, challenges and certain setbacks propels us to questioning certain things. But, surely, we’ll ascend to our thrones indeed. Very inspiring.

  • Brown Favour Felix

    I will continuously be grateful to God for His love and wisdom He has bestowed upon you ma, your post are not just for writing sake but they come with a heart-mending spirit. These posts I have read these past days have indeed encouraged me to continue holding onto my faith no matter the situation.

    And this one is no exception, I will continue waiting for my sunshine day, no matter what I go through.

    Thanks, ma, once again. This oil shall not dry.

  • Obeto clinton

    When u are destined to be great, there is no stopping you. We should learn to feel optimistic about the situation we find ourselves in,seek God and everything will be alright by his grace. Amen

  • Maduabuchi Ebube precious

    I learnt that we should always try to see positive side in our situation and believe in God. And we would get or achieve our objective if we believe.

  • Sugbaza benjamin

    Every height requires you to climb a mountain so as every goal which you want to achieve requires you to experience obstacles and finally if you persevere you would ascend to your throne of glory.

  • Ossai Chidimma Linda

    I am not forgotten, God knows me and has plans for me.

  • Ojimadu kingsley

    They are people going to difficulties now. It comes in one way or the order. We should relay on the Lord for he is our guidian and protector. Who has good plans for his sons and daughters no matter the challenges which we are facing. Have faith and believe that it is a stepping stone to bigger plan ahead. This is indeed inspirational.

  • Ezekiely Stanley.

    Thank you so Aunty Edith, honestly some persons will say that sister was having malaria. God works in mysterious ways… Her story is an illustration that the way of the Lord is totally different from ours. For his the master of the universe. Father help me to believe you went in my deepest trying times in Jesus name ?

  • Udaya Blessing Ngozi

    Amen! Thank you ma for this encouraging words, as it will go a long way for me.

  • Ann

    Thank you for this timely prophetic word. God bless you.

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