
Every day, we run into obstacles, routine or accidental, which delay us from getting to our destinations or accomplishing our goals in a broader sense. A traffic jam may stall us on our way to work, the tardiness of those invited may prevent the prompt forming of a quorum to commence a meeting, power outage may force us to shelve important tasks that require electricity ….
There is no end to the different kinds of unpleasant happenstances that can crop up to ruin our day. We know that time is precious and once lost, cannot be recovered. This knowledge alone can get us worked up and push up our stress levels at such times. Well, since a lot of the adverse circumstances that leave us stuck at one point or place are beyond our control (like the lockdowns implemented as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic), our best option would be to devise means of salvaging the time we were going to lose.

We can do this by first changing our perspective about the prevailing circumstance. Most of us know the Serenity Prayer. Its first stanza comes in handy to help us adopt the perspective that can prevent our stressors from going into overdrive at unwanted delays and idle time.

“God, grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And Wisdom to know the difference”
– Reinhold Niebuhr

When we are confronted with something we cannot help, rather than giving in to feelings of anxiety and lamenting its fallouts, we can look on the bright side and find creative ways to engage ourselves in order to avoid the time being totally wasted.

The Serenity Prayer

7 Ways You Can Salvage Your Time

What you can do to reclaim your time when something untoward crops up depends on where you are and the facilities available to you. Let’s assume you are in a meeting that is taking forever to begin or one that involves lengthy procedures you are not critically involved in but have to sit through. I was in such a meeting last Friday. It was an election and accreditation of voters, explanation of the rules, introduction of the candidates, appointment of their agents and selection of election officials took about three hours (probably two for me based on when I arrived). Imagine sitting still for two hours with your mind flying to myriad stuff you’d rather be doing. Here’s what I did in point No. 1 below.

1. Write or create something

The day before the election, I’d learnt something interesting from the Book of Esther in the Bible. I hadn’t had the time to write it down. I decided to compose a blog post about it and thankfully, it kept me engaged till the time for voting. It worked so perfectly that as I ended the post titled, “Very Often, Timing Is Everything,” the officials began to distribute the ballot papers.

Maybe you don’t write. But perhaps you draw, knit, crotchet …. Always have handy what you need to continue an existing project or initiate a new one. Think of the fun you’ll have if you’re an artist and do caricatures of people as you wait or how relieved you’d be if you spend the time finishing up the sketches for illustrating a book due out soon.

2. Read or surf the internet

Perhaps, you have a book you’re reading (it could even a portion of the Bible you’ve been longing to delve into). The unwanted lull in activities may be a good time to go through it.

Sometimes , we have a list of things we’d like to check out on the internet- new concepts to understand; developing stories to catch up on (like the ongoing hostilities between Israel and Hamas); mails, social media notifications and updates to go through and respond to. If you have a website and no virtual assistant, that means more time in cyberspace. With battery power and cellular data or Wi-Fi to browse with, you can run your internet errands.

But always carry hard copy material or something you can look at in case cellular data connections or Wi-Fi signals are weak. That would also help you to keep busy if your device battery runs down because the wait is very long.

3. Observe people, nature, other stuff

So many interesting things can be observed when we choose to look around us. We can also learn a lot from these observations. You may see an act of kindness being performed, a harsh retort to a statement …, any number of things that may be heart-warming or cautionary. A lot of my blog posts have arisen from just looking around.

4. Talk to people, make new friends

As you look around, you may see some warm and inviting faces to strike up conversations with. You can start by asking a question about what is going on, you can then go on to introduce yourself. It may not always turn into a sufficient exchange to fill the time and your efforts may be rebuffed. So pray before you approach someone and move along when you think the conversation has run its course.


5. Preach the gospel, offer prayers and encouragement

A trying fix may provide great opportunities for ministry. You can help to calm down those who aren’t taking the delay well, you can offer physical means of making them more comfortable if you can- a drink, a snack, a more relaxing seat. You can talk to them about stuff you guys seem to have in common- perhaps, you are in the same line of work, you’re both parents, you’ve both been ill recently, you love the same celebrities or media shows. If you wish to be a blessing, God will likely provide some common ground and wisdom on how to proceed.

If you get a chance to preach, share the true gospel, not the babalawo type that promises an end to all troubles once the person surrenders to the Lord Jesus. Stick to Jesus died to save us from sin. He will send His Spirit to live in us and help us live right if we repent and embrace Him. You can pray the sinner’s prayer with them if they consent and present whatever needs they reveal to God. Encourage them to join a group of believers and read their Bibles daily.

6. Listen to music

If you have an ear phone, headphones or noise is permitted, you can listen to some music and possibly sing along. It’s a great way to lighten your mood and have time fly by without your notice.

7. Make outstanding phone calls and replan your day/week …

Idle time is perfect for ringing all those you haven’t got around to calling for a while. Perhaps, you need to have a long conversation with your distant relative or give lengthy counsel to a friend. As long as you have enough privacy to do it, utilise this slow time as the blessing in disguise it is and fulfill those obligations.

You can also use the time to rearrange your duties and activities that would be affected by the current delay. After that, you can see if any of those duties can be quietly attended to while waiting, like planning a meal or tidying up the slides or video for a forthcoming presentation.


If you apply any of these means to salvage your time, you will come out of the idle time forced on you with a sweeter temper and eagerness to get on with your normal routine or what’s left of it. That would be a lot better than griping over the loss of your time, getting yourself down in spirits or succumbing altogether to sickness from heightened anxiety and anger.

Perhaps, you have other ideas that may be helpful to those trapped in circumstances that are eating into their time. Please suggest them in the main comment thread.

Thank you and God bless you!


Full version of the Serenity Prayer

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  • Amarachi Juliet

    No time needs to be wasted after all. I have leant to make every second count.

  • Chukwumalume Ozioma

    How accurate! I, for one, listen to music, tidy up assignments (with my phone) and replan my week when I’m situations like this. Thank you for the other tips ma. More helpful information on how to utilize my time and avoid raising my stress level in circumstances like this. Where some of these tips may not seem viable, prayer is the best option. God bless you ma.

  • Emmanuel Eze

    Many at times, delays turn out to be blessings in disguise, I witnessed that first hand on Friday.

  • Ibeh Lorretta Chiamaka

    An idle man is the devil’s workshop. Planing what to do with our leisure time is very necessary in our daily lives. Thanks Ma for helping us through the write up

  • Ekechukwu Francisca

    This is very inspiring Ma. There are so many health and beneficial engagements we can indulge ourselves in while recovering our time. You shed light on many of them. Thank you!

  • Ugwu comfort

    This is a good idea and perfect ways to salvage once time when stuck in.Also ma’am during this time of processes as a student you can use the opportunity to complete your various note and also meditate on how to finish your assignment ought to be submitted sooner. Thank you ma’am for this token of advice.

  • Chibuife Isaac Chukwuebuka

    I found this post so entertaining. Thanks ma for sharing this insightful message. Never keep yourself idle.

  • Kehinde owoseni

    This write up is very helpful. Especially number 5. Thank you ma

  • Amaugo, Stephanie Chidinma

    These tips are quite helpful. It’s better to salvage our time than to let it go away without engaging in something meaningful. It is more satisfying to engage in these activities than to wallow in regret over loss of time. Thank you Ma for this.

  • Mecha Favour Onyedikachi

    Listening to music is a good means to salvage one’s time, also finishing up slides for presentation and creating a conversation with people around can help salvage your idle time.

  • The points are so inspiring, tho’ during my leisure time I prefer listening to music and surfing the internet, but I will try the other points you listed. Thanks for this.

  • Ibaro Harrison Chidalu

    “very often, timing is everything”
    Inspirational indeed! Thanks ma

      • Nwoke uchenna

        Thank you ma.
        This piece is really amazing. I must say it’s really a nice way of spending your time well at the election. Thanks for this tips as I plan to put this in my everyday life.

        As the saying says”an idle man is the devil’s workshop”.

  • Thanks for sharing this idear with us ma. The number two (read or surf the Internet) among the list is always my best way out from being bored or stuck…

  • Aroh Anthonia Ifeoma

    This post is really helpful especially to youths. I find it hard to manage my time and balance up my activities when one of my friends cancel on me, plus I’m the kind of person who plans meticulously and any change in plans for a day is definitely affecting my whole week. Thank you ma.

  • Akpan Sarah Precious

    This is a nice write-up ma, very helpful too. Making new friends especially and creating something new is a very good way to salvage time. Thank you ma for this.

  • OkaforAgatha Ifeoma

    You can use your leisure time to write out something or even read something that will build your initiative

  • Precious

    These post has taught me a lot now.i prefer listening to music

  • Agbowo Emmanuel chiagozie

    I must confess that listening to good musics that jolts me to dance works perfectly well for me

  • Always being observing is the key. Stay calm and watch what happens. I’m a writer and that’s a good point

  • Onwudiwe rita oluebube

    This post is so relatable that if feels like it’s speaking to me. Most times I’m alone wondering what to do and so on. I end up sleeping, playing music and singing to them and also reading a book, I guess I’m in the right direction.

  • Olusola Esther

    These are perfect ways on how to make use of our time without wasting it.

  • Chukwumalume Ozioma

    How accurate! I actually listen to music, tidy up some assignments and try to replan my week in a bid to salvage my precious time. The serenity prayer is a helpful tip!

  • Makwe Covenant Nkiruka

    Time management is actually a very hard virtue to imbibe. But with consistency and hardwork,you’ll be able to perfect it.

  • In this life,every minute is important and should be treated as such. We should use every single minute of it like its the last. We don’t have to stay idle rather,we engage in meaning full things.

  • Eja Manifest Eji

    This is really helpful to me and others. Often times, most people do not know what to do with their time, but with this, we learn how and what to do with our time.

  • Akpan Sarah Precious

    Staying idle doesn’t help rather it leads to waste of time.. Making new friends and creating something new is a very nice way to salvage time, thank you ma for this wonderful write-up.

  • Eze Nelson Emeka

    Time is money and as such individuals should utilize every second of life.

  • Chinenye Enwerem

    This is really great. Time waits for no one and one can’t afford to waste time.

  • Adiele Onyedikachi

    This so helpful, now I know things I can do when I am waiting so my time wouldn’t waste. I never thought I could even go preach the gospel to people while waiting

  • Ugwu Somtochukwu

    Also in other to salvage time, we could create discussion groups where we discuss various topics either in relation to academics or the happenings in the society. Thank you very much ma for the insightful post. God bless you.

  • Victor Izuchukwu

    I have learnt how to make proper use of my time and also the ways to prevent myself from being idle in such situations.

  • The importance of time can’t be overemphasized and hence one needs to maximize it to get the best out of life. This tips are just it. Thank you ma

  • Time is precious , time is money “;just like the English man said . Time and tide waits for no man . Time is everything , a time lost is a time wasted , time management is very important

  • Chinasa Victor Ukpabi

    Although we were assigned to read and comment on this post, it was actually very helpful and can definitely be applied in our every day lives, especially as students of UNN. We should all definitely have hobbies we can practise in our times of leisure, to allieviate the stress of assignments and lectures. For example; music, drawing, photography etc. In this day and age with the aid of the internet, you can easily become an entrepreneur and create a business just based off a simple hobby.

  • I really learnt a lot from this write-up, it is true that time waits for nobody, so we need to schedule our time very well in our lives and use it appropriately in order to meet up with our daily plans, and for us to stay away from idleness. We ought to have something doing even if it’s just playing music because once you are feeling lonely bad things will be coming to your mind but once you are busy with something you won’t feel it.

  • Eze Chinalurumogu Success

    This is an interesting piece and it speaks exactly the things I engage in when I’m stuck. I’m used to going to Ọkpara Square in Enugu to watch beautiful and clean cars screech away, listen to the trees wave its branches. Nature is actually a good way to usurp my time.
    Blasting music in my ears also help.

  • Chukwu Blessing Uzoamaka

    Thank you so much for sharing, now I can make use of my time to do other things than just listening to music

  • I learnt a lot from this write-up, it’s true that Time waits for nobody and because of that we need to schedule our time very well in order to achieve many things in life and also I learnt that for us to stay away from idleness we need to engage ourselves in something like playing music
    when ever we are feeling lonely because once you are busy with something ,your mind will not be thinking something bad because there’s no chance for over thinking. it’s only when you are fleeing lonely that your mind will be running around or looking for what to engage in both positive and negative but once you are busy playing music you feel relaxed in yourself.

  • Nwoke uchenna

    Thank you ma.
    The piece is really amazing.
    I must say it’s really a nice way of spending your time we’ll at the election.
    Thanks for the tips as I plan to put this in my everyday life. As the saying goes”an idle man is the devil’s workshop”.

  • Dick-Unegbu Jennifer

    Exactly Ma, A time can never be wasted, when you perform other activities you may like in place of the lost one, to pass out time.

  • Chinenye Onoh

    This is certainly the write up people like me have been waiting for. It’s so bad that seventy percent of the time I find myself stuck in such situations. I’ll be sure to try out your methods when next it happens.

  • Akpom Chinazor Kamdilichukwu

    Waow…. This is incredible. Listening to music helps me do stuff faster thereby salvaging my time. We should make proper use of our time and not stay idle or waste it because time is indeed precious and time lost cannot be retrieved

  • Maureen

    Interesting, I’m really learning a lot. Thank you ma, keep up with the good work, God bless you.

  • Nwokedi Fortune Odinakachi

    Time! Well it’s odd for me to stay without doing anything. It’s just so odd; so these tips just served as a reminder.


    Time is precious
    So we should make good use of it well

  • Ossai Judith mmesoma

    I have learnt that time waits for nobody and also to make every time count. Thank you ma

  • Njom Kosisochukwu Irene

    This is an eye opener and a mind blowing write up..keep it up ma’am…

  • These points are helpful, if put into practice. it’s better to savage our time than to let it waste without engaging in something tangible because time is everything! Thank you ma for the writeup.

  • Asogwa Christian Tochukwu

    We live in a sinful world,and anyone who doesn’t have something particular to do will invariably be tempted to do something sinful.If we have nothing to do,the devil all too eager to find things to occupy our time.

  • Oruma Nneoma Goodnews

    Number four,five and six was especially very helpful to me.This writeup has made me understand that proper use of my time is very important.Also,in order to salvage time, one can reflect or meditate on life and God’s words.Thanks Ma for this enlightening writeup.

  • Ikonne Vicory Ozioma

    The truth is that I didn’t know about this time utilization until now. This post has really blessed me! No room for delay!

  • Time management is one of the great rules to Man’s everyday living, staying idle and complaining of wasted time is ones decision but instead of being idle, ideas could be recreated either for ones pleasure or economical value.

    Thanks a lot ma’am, this enlightened me .

  • Oparaocha Uchechukwu Ruth

    Thank you very much ma.I really found this very helpful and I’ve learn how to make use of my time very well because every minute counts.More grace ma

  • Uchegbu Ogechi Elizabeth

    My dad will always tell me “there is no time to waste time” or a business man will tell u ” time is money” I hv always known time is very important but reading your post taught me how to use my time wisely.

    Thank you so much ma.

  • Nwoye Chiamaka Favour

    I have found out that i am very bad at managing time and also ending up at deadlines for things i ought to do earlier . After reading this i am going to practice a lot of these things said here and i am really grateful for this easy tips. Who knew managing time was this easy

  • Eze Goodness mmesoma

    You will notice that when you are not doing anything at a moment you will find out that time is running faster than it should be .my way of passing time is listening to music also drawing my sister really does that thank you ma.

  • Chukwukereobi Esther

    Listening to music while trying to salvage your time really goes a long way..when my earphones are plugged in ,time really doesn’t matter

  • Ebeyi Emmanuel

    As the popular saying goes”A stitch in time saves nine”
    This post is very helpful as it helps one know how to manage his or her time.

  • Nebo cynthia chinaza

    The truth of the matter is that time waits for no one but at the same time, we should should try and make those time worth more by enjoying it cause it might be a blessing in disguise.

  • Nkan David

    This post looks as if it was mainly made for me..The first and second point on how one can salvage his/her time, is what I normally do from time to time whenever I get stucked….If I have a note to copy, and I have a football match by 12pm to watch, I use the available time to engage myself in something reasonable, as a means of staying away from idleness till it’s time for the match to begin..

    Thanks Ma, another lovely one???…

  • Nweze Mary Chioma

    I picked a lot from the post ma but what struck more was the part where you made mention of one utilising idle time as an opportunity to reconnect with relationships that may have grown distant. It’s never crossed my mind but I know it’s worth trying. Thank you ma!


    This is really helpful,” especially with the knowledge that every second counts”

  • Udeh Precious

    “Talk to people, make new friends.” with this your Post remind me of saying that goes like this i quote “Problems shared is Problems well solved” but in this our morden society today Technology is taking live communications and meetings friends sharing ideas away from us, you will see 2 good friends going to visit each other, they will be there pressing their Smartphones, instead of talking to each other, and this is becoming a very big problem in this our generation, for example just last week i was a little bit in a bad mood went to see a friend to discuss the issues with her, she brought out her Phone and started playing games and didnt take what i was telling her serious. Thank you Ma for pointing out this to us to know that communications matters.

  • Chukwu Joy Chioma

    These are really good ways to salvage one’s time. For me, listening to music and writing always works.

    • Peter Chinecherem Nathaniel

      Most times, delay is a means through which God wants us to be of help to someone, or observe something or be somewhere. It’s good we utilize each opportunity as such using all the guidelines you have enlisted…
      Thank you ma for this wonderful master piece

  • Obiogwu Onyinye

    Really, time is money and there isn’t even enough of it so the little we get should be put into proper use. Wonderful, couldn’t have been better written

  • Ede Ndidiamaka Patience

    Your writings are always touching. Whenever I read them, it will be as if you are referring to me in particular. Am always relieved after reading your posts, because all that you normally discuss do connote with the situations I find myself at that particular moment. I don’t know how to describe this, but one thing is certain, you are a God’s sent ma.


    This post has taught me that I can make use of my time in any place to achieve something meaningful to avoid been idle, Thanks ma for your words of encouragement and using this platform as a means of educating and enlighten us on needful thing.

  • Eze hyacienth

    :we know that time is precious and once lost, cannot be recovered.more often we spend more time in things that doesn’t really add to our life, I pray God gives us the grace to always utilise the time in things that matters,??

  • Emilia Edwin

    Thanks so much ma, now I can add these to my list of what to do to while away my time.

  • Nwawulu Arinze

    Time is money ,Time waits for nobody and procastination is bad.The earlier u do things the better.
    They are time wasting agents everywhere
    Especially that traffic jam u mentioned earlier , lol,that’s the worst kind of time wasting agent

  • Chisom Efobi

    Time Indeed waits for no man
    Every second, minute,hour counts, its what we do now, that will determine what we will be tomorrow.

    As the popular saying goes”A stitch in time saves nine”
    This post is very helpful as it helps one know how to manage one’s time.

    Another way of salvaging time is watching educative movies, reading inspirational books.

  • Elijah Akuma

    Wow! Thank you Ma for thinking in this line; as humans, we have the tendency of abandoning tasks as a result of a setback. But this piece has just shown us some of the things we can do when there is an unplanned setback. For me, I always ensure I have a pen with me and my phone is always charged so that when such occurrences happen, I just switch over immediately and turn to my note pad and cruise on.

  • Ani Chelsea Nzubechukwu

    Thanks ma for the write up.
    Point 7 about connecting with distance family and friends during leisure is a good one and important because if you don’t do it during your idle times u may not be able to do it again cause of how busy you are and this will make your family and friends think you have forgotten them or you don’t care.
    Also reading novels during our leisure time really helps to salvage our time and also in improving our vocabulary.

    Always try to salvage your leisure time instead of wasting it.

    Thank you ma for sharing your knowledge with us it really useful. ??

  • Orieji Christiana Amarachi

    Oh wowwwww, this is what I needed right now. Thank you so much for this write-up. Sincerely I have not been managing my time well. Thank you so much ma
    God bless you so much.
    Wsdom to write more for us young people to learn and grow too!

  • Njepuome Nmesoma .O.

    Thank you ma
    These are really smart ways to utilise ones time.

  • Nwikwu chidera judith

    Wow. This write up is nice. I never really knew how to manage my time well. Whenever I go to functions with my parents, I either fall asleep or start daydreaming but now I have these tips, I’ll fully engage them next time.

  • Seriously mummy times waits for nobody at all the Best thing I have learned is to make every seconds you get count I love the story

  • Uyanna Joseph

    Time really waits for no one and with these post I have learnt how to utilize my time efficiently. Thank you ma.

    • Agbedo Ebubechukwu

      Nice write up ma. Instead of staying idle doing nothing, it’s advisable to engage in something productive with your time. Make every second count.

  • Ezema Johnmartins Kelechi

    Thank you ma for this piece. The points are really helpful and it is like the third point is for me. I like to look around and observe people and the environment and from that I gets lots of ideas and inspirations which I do pen down sometimes when I can.

  • Am speechless this enlightened me on how to spend my time when am idle due to several circumstances,no one likes to waste his or her time,because time is money.
    Thank you so much ma, it has impacted into my life.

  • Dennis Lovelyn Chisom

    The 7 ways you listed was good, but the one I like most is number 5. ‘preaching to people about the gospel’.

  • Okwa Ihuoma Jessica

    An engaging and eductive post ma. I have always found my self in an imposed idle time and approach it with a wrong mindset. Thanks for this post ma because now whenever I find my self in this situation, with the knowledge I’ve gotten from this post, I can effect efficiently handle it.

  • David Nneka

    Time is wealth, and the proper utilization is Paramount. The seven tips is useful in time management.

  • Ugwu Bridget

    Time management is the key to all things. I listen to music and rearrange my room to salvage my time.

  • Anarah Chisom Chigoziem

    Very inspiring ?. It’s interesting to note that instead of just facing the cloud of difficulties that hovers over our heads, we can simply take a break from our work and check out what we love doing, certainly different from just listening to music. Thanks ma.

  • Agbo Peace

    What an awesome post that warms my spirit, listen to music,these also contributes a lot to me because I feel so relaxed, listening to music,singing songs when am bored, these is also d period I ruminate over some things in my life and trust me,I find some solutions to them.

  • Uwadiegwu Mercy Amarachi

    This is a good way to salvage our time when stuck in. Number four taught me something. Some of us don’t know how to approach people or talk to people. This is also an opportunity for us to start up a conversation with people and also get use to people. Whenever we are being stuck in by something and we see people around us, we should start up a conversation with the person, bringing up a topic, from there we get familiar with ourselves. This will help us salvage our time.

  • Onyebuagu Onyinye Eleanor

    This piece is an eye-opener. Often times, we get bored waiting for an event or program to start and we get tired and eventually leave without participating. I see myself practicing some of these already

  • Ekenworah Chidinma

    I must confess this write up is so true and helpful as well, I thought only surfing the internet and listening to music can help me salvage my time well, cause most times when am stuck with traffic or bored at home these are the only things I do, thank you ma for giving me other options.

  • Onyeke Victoria

    I learnt that we can look for something doing during our free time….like reading of novel or inspirational books making sure we keep ourselves busy….cos an idle man is the devil’s workshop.

  • Zita Ezechi

    This is very helpful
    Especially number 5
    I always do number 6?


    These ways are actually really helpful, it helps alot, am a victim myself. Thanks so much for these wonderful write up

  • Chinweuba Blessing Oluchi

    All the aforementioned points are strategic ways to utilise time since its a general notion that time and tide waits for no man

  • Omeje Chinenye Martha.

    Beautiful,Accepting what I can’t change and moving on.

  • Iyorakpo Dorathy

    Thank you ma for these brilliant tips, I have learnt to make every second of my time worthwhile. God bless you ma.

  • Thank you so much ma for this tips .I am already fond of number 6. I don’t go anywhere without my earpiece but I have learnt a few tips that is very much helpful. Thanks a lot ma for sharing this post

  • Ossai Joy Adanne

    Music is life. I find myself always listening to it when I start to have anxiety about a particular problem.

  • Anytime I get stuck in this kind of situation i put on my earphones and watch inspiring YouTube videos…. I listen to music atimes but I don’t read because I love reading at a quiet place… Thanks for the tips though, I’ve never thought about sharing the gospel anytime i get caught up in this kind of situation not to talk of making new friends…

  • Nwafor Cynthia Chinenyenwa

    “A stitch in time saves nine” time waits for no man indeed. So we should try as much as possible to be more productive with our time. “Make hay while the sun shine” we should always remember that every second of our lives matter so we should put it to good and productive use.

  • Nnochiri Chinecherem Nnabuike

    This is really educative. Sometimes we do not know what to do with our leisure time, therefore we give the devil room to work in us, for it is said, an idle man is the devil’s advocate. With this tips i now know what to so with my leisure time
    Thanks Ma for this

  • Enemuwe John Paul

    All this steps come in handy ma’am. I also have something to add. For me number 8 should be make plans ahead if possible write them down, plan your schedule for the day or for the week.

  • Okwuchi Kimberly

    Time waits for no one and procrastination only delays your progress…we should learn to plan properly in order to use our limited time well

  • Nnochiri Chinecherem Nnabuike

    This is really educative. Sometimes we do not know what to do with our leisure time, thereby giving the devil a chance to work in us for it is said, an idle man is the devil’s advocate. With this tips I now know what to do with my leisure time. Thanks Ma for this

  • Sunday Chenka Esther

    An idle man is the devil’s workshop.. It is very important we get ourselves engaged when stucked. I enjoy listening to cool gospel musics especially in a traffic, it gives room for a sober reflection. Thanks for the tips Ma.

  • Orazulume udochukwu victoria

    Thank you ma for this post …I think it’s actually meant for me . With this I can be able to not only manage my time but to also do something meaningful with it . An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.

  • Sometimes I feel guilty for listening to music or let my mind wander or even using the internet while in a meeting or something. But I know now that they are great ways to salvage my time . God bless you ma!!

  • Time awaits for no man,instead of procrastinating , we should use that time and meditate on the world of God or even go online to know what is happening in the world especially our country Nigeria.

  • Aguguesi God'sfavour Idimmachukwu

    If we make out time to observe things around is the better. Most times our dear ones may need the location and we can be able to help them trace it.
    But music works best for me. It literally connects my soul.

  • Achor Ojoche gift

    Time is very essential, thanks ma’am for these amazing ways in which one can number his days and not stay idle cos every second counts.

  • Ugwuanyi Charity Ugochukwu

    One of the things I learnt from this post is that we should always keep ourselves busy wherever we find ourselves, for an idle mind is the devil’s workshop

  • Ojobo somtochukwu praise

    Time is an essential part of the human life to start with, one could make every second count by doing meaningful things or even having a leisure or relaxation time. I love the aspect of making out time to evangelize or spread the gospel. Thank you for this ma.

  • Orazulume udochukwu victoria

    Thank you ma for this post. I think it’s actually meant for me. With this I can be able to not only manage my time but to also do something meaningful with it.
    An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.

  • Iwuchukwu Samuel Ifechukwu

    To avoid waste of time reading, writing and engaging in God’s word would help in utilising one’s time properly.

  • Ama Mitchelle Chisom

    One thing that spoke to me the most was,”look on the bright side”,no matter what happens, just look on the bright side.

  • Ben-Egbe Nneoma Andrea

    Very Correct. Your posts are usually very relatable, Thank you!
    Writing and creating new things always helps.

  • Victor Adimchimma Ogenyi

    To be honest ma, when I get stucked in this kind of meetings, the only thing I do is to chat with friends online. But thank God I’ve found a reliable tip that can help me salvage my time when stucked.
    God will continually bless you ma.


    Very useful I must commend, for me I listen to music almost everytime even when I’m busy or less busy sef, lol. And surfing the internet is useful as well depending on what you’re surfing there tho?. Thank you!

  • Okoli Ifunanya

    Really helpful tips. I personally love to listen to music and surf the internet at times like this. Thank you.

  • Abangwu Tochi

    Thank you ma for this helpful piece.Time is precious and should not be wasted.At most,i have learnt what to be doing to salvage my time.

  • I always listen to music it helps me to be motivated and thing about certain things in life. They often say that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. I also read inspiration books during my free time. This post is very helpful and I will share this with my friends and family. Thank you Ma.

  • Lotanna mba

    Like we know time is priceless, so managing it is very important; and most importantly time is MONEY

  • Emeka Richard chibuike

    This article has helped me learn that every second s of our time counts and we should make good use of it.

  • The tips are very helpful, for me especially no,4,5,6 thanks ma u are wonderful.

  • Emmanuel Ejiofor

    These are wonderful ways we can use to make good use of our time. Thank you ma for these suggestions. They are really helpful.

  • Onuzulike Chukwuebuka Prosper

    When we don’t know what to do with our leisure time, we give the devil a chance to work in us for it is said, an idle man is the devil’s advocate. Thanks Ma for this, it’s really helpful

  • Pearl Azuoma

    These tips will be very useful to me. Most times I’m stuck and it affects me and my day’s schedule. I’ll try this out ?

  • Iheme Akunna

    even though reading isn’t easy, I often scan through but with this tips, am all the way good. Thanks Ma.


    even though reading isn’t easy, I often scan through but with this tips, am all the way good. Thanks Ma.

  • Olenyi Nnamdi Paul

    What if you’re in a classroom ( or an environment that requires absolute quietism) having a boring lecture and you’re exhausted. Don’t you think all the aforementioned ways to salvage your time will be a disturbance. How will you go about it?

  • Godwin chiemerie janemary

    This write up is quite helpful. I have learnt new ideas on how to salvage my time and make something meaningful out of it than just wasting it away. And as I give a try to all points you listed am all the way good. Thank you ma.

  • Onyenekwe Ihechi Prince

    Wow! I am so entertained and helpful by this blogpost. I do engage in one or two of the above like listening to music, attending to social media errands, reading online but the rest gave a more engaging perspective with salvaging my time especially making new valuable friendship and writing. This post was super helpful, Ma. Thank you.

  • Okolo Elizabeth Chisom

    Really inspiring ma
    Thank you.

  • Sunday chibuike

    Never keep yourself idle. The devil will work on you

  • Okeke Mmesoma

    I have been doing most of these things and this write up will help me add more activities to my life.

  • Ezeudogu Oluebube Mirabel

    An idle man is a devil’s workshop. I learnt a lot ma, we should make proper use of our time.

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