Do you realise that no matter how much of God’s goodness you’ve seen in your life, it’s just a glimpse? That means that there’s an endless supply where that is coming from. More than that, the scope or magnitude of what He does for you keeps expanding.
[bctt tweet=”No matter how much of God’s goodness you’ve seen in your life, it is just a glimpse.” username=”edithohaja1″]
There are many Bible passages I could quote to you about the goodness of God but right now I’m led to share a verse in the book of Job that fills me with awe. After detailing what he knew about the power and majesty of God, Job concluded with this insightful remark:
“And these are but the outer fringe of his works; how faint the whisper we hear of him! Who then can understand the thunder of his power?” – Job 26:14 (NIV)
You see, God is infinite in every way. The same way we know very little of His power as Job testified, even so do we know very little of His goodness.
When you enter into a covenant to walk with God and commit to keep your part of that covenant, things may not be immediately rosy but hang in there because where God is taking you will blow you away if you knew it. You simply would not believe it! Abraham stayed for 25 years before receiving the child God promised him but today, Jews, Christians and Muslims claim Abraham as their father. We’re talking billions of people worldwide.
[bctt tweet=”Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee – Psalm 31:19.” username=”edithohaja1″]
And the goodness of God does not stop with you but continues down your generations. In Deuteronomy 5:9, God warns against idolatry, declaring that He will punish the children for the sins of their parents to the third and fourth generation. However, in the next verse, he makes this extravagant promise:
“But I lavish unfailing love for a thousand generations on those who love me and obey my commands.” – Deuteronomy 5:10 (NLT)
(Related: We Were Like Them That Dream)
I said earlier that God is infinite in every way. So don’t even waste your time trying to imagine what He means by lavishing unfailing love on you and your generations if you follow Him. It’s beyond your capacity to comprehend. That doesn’t mean you won’t face trials but your end will be glorious and what you didn’t reap in the flesh, your descendants will. On top of all that, heaven will be yours.
Now, let’s look at the flip side of the coin. I cringe to say it but it’s the truth that if you reject the salvation plan of God effected through our Lord Jesus, you set yourself up to see the anger of God and the ever-increasing wickedness of the devil. In other words, when you think the devil has done his worst, he might just be starting. And God who alone can halt him will not interfere because a choice was made. In many cases, the pledges the enemy made to entice the person may not be delivered or they come at a terrible cost. The Lord Jesus rightly said of him:
“He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” – John 8:44
Whatever the case, there’s no peace or satisfaction in the devil’s camp. A look at the lives of some famous people who have rejected God substantiates this.
“But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.” – Isaiah 57:20-21
And when the devil finishes with the one who served him, he commences to deal with members of his or her family except they repent and run to the Lord for refuge. You see, that is how covenants work. They affect the bloodline, touching even those who weren’t present when they were made. In some cases, the devil wipes out entire families or perpetuates unimaginable afflictions down the lineage. This is usually the case for those who practise occultism, witchcraft and other abominable crafts which their family discontinues (Deuteronomy 18:10 & 11). These activities which God abhors are gaining popularity and are disguised in many media programmes as admirable and harmless.
But even without such a deadly supernatural connection, living without Christ makes one particularly vulnerable to the devil’s wickedness.
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” – John 10:10
(Related: God Can Stabilise Your Life)
You can make the choice today. God or the devil? And understand that there is no middle ground. Not choosing the Lord amounts to opting to remain in the devil’s camp and suffer the consequences of one’s sin and iniquity one may know nothing of. No one is pure in himself and no one can by saying “I’m not religious” be exempt from this choice.
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” – Romans 3:23
[bctt tweet=”Choose to enjoy God’s infinite goodness by receiving Jesus as your Saviour and Lord.” username=”edithohaja1″]
Come to God today, confess your sins and ask Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour. That will be your covenant with God resting on the blood Jesus shed for us on the cross. And if you’ve done that already, hold onto God no matter what you see for truly, the best is yet to come. Always, child of God, the best is yet to come.
“O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” – Psalm 34:8
“For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.” – Psalm 84:11
Amen in Jesus’ name.
The scriptures used in this post are from the King James Version of the Holy Bible except where otherwise stated.
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Life they say is hard without God’s grace and infinite mercy, and as far as we continue to recognize his wonders in our lives, so he will continue to shower us with blessings. sometimes we feel so ashamed to confess our sins to God maybe because we feel we are not worthy but he said “come forth and I will wash away your sins because all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”.
Bless you, Victor!
I like it when u say ” there is no middle ground”, one is either with Christ or with the devil. but to live and die in Christ is gain, for what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul. besides things of the world are vanity, and when one chooses Christ and holds him tight, he never disappoints, neither does he fail those who trust in him. his blessings are endless, while the evil one cannot go near God’s anointed. there are more gain in serving the lord than one can imagine, and am glad to be one of his beloved. More grace Ma! am inspired.
Praise God! You are lifted, Chinaza!
most times we try to sweep away the fact that God is real and that all we are and have is out of His infinite goodness; this surely leads to the devil and eternal death.
May God deliver us from that destructive path in Jesus’ name.
yes.. the devil can never give anybody anything free of charge. He must collect one thing or the other in return. We have to recognize God’s presence and Grace in our lives. He fights battles we may never even know about. His Grace keeps us going…always.Bless u ma!!!
Glad to hear from you, Precious! Have a blessed new year!
God’s love is unfailing. God’s promises are sure! Believers are sometimes impatient, they run to different wrong places for help and support,forgetting that we serve an Almighty God who is able to deliver us from all prevailing circumstances.believers should learn not to be lukewarm,we should not have option B.God should be our option A-Z. I just read this and it has really blessed my soul. Thank you ma! May God give you more wisdom,grace, strength and encouragement to water us with this living word of God,that our souls may not thirst again
Amen. Welcome, Jennifer, and thanks a whole lot for your kind words. Have a wonderful year in Jesus’ name.
Lord i pray, please come into our lives and the world. You are our choice and will always be. There’s no peace and satisfaction in the devil’s camp. Save us and the whole universe and give us the grace to receive your infinite mercy.
Amen. But God demands that each person make the choice for him or herself. Bless you, Isabel!
I found this captivating: ”…That doesn’t mean you won’t face trials but your end will be glorious” . Some people think following God means they will completely be without trials, as if the whole world is full is of milk and honey.
Yes, it’s a wrong notion but no matter what we go through, our God is stronger.
I have read this post over and over again to digest and meditate on it.God’s love is the only thread that keeps our hearts together and stops it from failing. His unfailing love which we do not deserve has kept us going,we serve a wonderful God.Lukewarm Christians should stop being lukewarm. You’re either here or there. You cannon serve God and mammon. To enjoy the full and overloaded blessings of God,you need to serve God alone without enjoying the pleasures of this world
To serve God is not an easy road, the devil comes when he knows we are in need of something to tempt us, he gives us many options of sinful ways to choose from which will pull us away from God’s love. We must try as much as possible to always put our trust and faith in God because God’s abundant love keeps us going and to get this love, you must serve him and look away from the things of this world which is vanity upon vanity.
“Do you realize that no matter how much of God’s goodness you’ve seen in your life, it’s just a glimpse”. These words are everything. We should strive to seek the face of the Lord in anything that we do, so that we too could witness His unfailing love.
One with God is majority, always trust and believe in him and every other thing shall be handed over to you.
What shall it profit man to gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his own soul. We humans need to embrace God and accept him as our lord and personal saviour because the Bible said that one with God is majority .
Oh God, help us to understand your relevance in our life and forever serve you in truth and with faith. Amen
A child whose father is a king knows how satisfying it is to be a prince or princess. Everything is available and at your disposal. God will provide in abundance for anyone who decides to follow him in truth.
God loves us so very much, this is truer than true. But most times, we forget that he loves and cares for us and instead, we choose to worry, to be moody and to let the troubles of this world take away our happiness.
If only we all choose to sweep all our worries and adversaries under the carpet, trust God’s ability and strength to come to our aid, we’ll enjoy God’s infinite goodness the more.
Thank you for this post ma!
Most times, when i hear or read about Job in the bible, I always find solacr. “For what will take us away from the love of God?” And i pity those who claim to have seen life and do not believe in God.
Gods infinite mercies is forever sure, if only we trust and obey him.the best gift one can have is accepting Jesus christ as our personal saviour.
Surely trials and temptations will arise while serving God but his everlasting grace and mercies has always been at our rescue .According to the scriptures,God will never allow his children to face trials that are bigger than they can carry.
God is good,God is love himself and the only way to partake of this love and goodness is being born again.
God’s goodness endures forever in the lives of his children. His goodness for his children always increases because of grace. I choose to enjoy his goodness everyday because it is my heritage as a child of God.Thank you for the writeup.
It’s so wonderful how after everything we do in life and all the sins we commit on earth God still finds a way yo forgive our sins and this shows he has endless love towards his children and matter what sin we must have committed that he the lord is always ready to forgive us once we show remorse.This post is encouraging
Perfect title for am amazing write up,the devils comes and paints serving the lord as very stressful and demanding but the truth is that serving the lord is the most amazing thing that can happen to someone in this life, because it entails a life free of worries because he already promised to take care of your worries, all he asks of us if to trust him and serve him sincerely. Nice one aunty, highly inspiring
God is so beautiful that he took all the satisfaction in the world and put it in himself, yes the devil may make Rosy promises to them that will give him a chance in their life. But the ultimate questions still remains after this what next. So for us Christians it is worthy to note that God can never leave us at any point of our lives even when we are unfaithful he remains a faithful God.
Ma, May you be graced enough to share more of these pieces. I enjoyed it. It gave me peace with the assurance of God’s goodness.
Indeed God is ever faithful and he never fails to remind us of that each day ,bless his name .
The blessings and the works of God are ever present in our lives and he always shows forth his goodness too. I pray we see that and continue to glorify his Majesty… Nice post, ma’m!
The goodness of God never ceases. He is faithful to the end. He is always present in our lives as long as we invite him into our home and tell him to take control of our lives. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, ma.
Indeed, salvation only exists in Jesus. I have chosen to enjoy the infinite goodness of God. I know that what he has in store for me beyond my imagination
I don’t believe to be alone again, rather, right now, I believe I can rule the whole world because the one who is backing me is far much greater that this world. In the past, I have been wallowing that God left me because of my sinful state. But reading this right now, I know right now surely,that God has been ever present with me.
There are things i pass through, and I just fall on my knees and thank God for giving me the opportunity to choose to follow Him. Being in Christ is the best thing that can ever happen to anyone. No matter what happens, i will still choose to enjoy the infinite goodness of God.
God’s goodness and mercy is infinite and unlimited. Choose to enjoy it by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal lord and saviour. God is a loving father but let’s not forget that he is a jealous God. It simply means, he does not share his glory with any other gods.
God’s goodness is really unlimited, and for it to be fully enjoyed, one need to have a great relationship with him. a portion of His word said ‘draw near to me and i will draw near to you.And in this relationship with God, one needs to be fully rooted and not being on the edge, because if you are just on the edge, the wind can easily sweep you off. God bless you Aunty Edith.
No matter how much of the lords goodness u have seen its just a glimpse, God wants us to know that he is always there for us, he is always ready to help no matter it doesn’t matter how many time we asked , he is not a human being that we remind you of the help they rendered to you, he is always willing to help
You know the devil is a good strategiser he has a way of getting Christians fall for his antics but thankGod for the infenite mercy of God which if not for,who knows what would have been the faith of man in this wicked world.we’ve overtime undermine the mercy of God and that has been the reason why the world Is been plagued with so much darkness.
God’s goodness, a thing of joy brought by he who laid his life. Sometimes I recall how it would have been without his death on the cross. Majestic piece ma’am. Bless you
For everything God created, His goodness is felt by them yet, there is another step everyone needs to take: that is the choice of telling God ‘See, I know you created me and you have blessed me as your creation, but if your goodness and mercy can keep me at this surface level of relationship we have (creator/ created), I want to be in a deeper level of relationship where I can enjoy unlimited exposure to this goodness’. This is the point we give our lives to Christ.
God’s love is endless. He really showers us with blessings, both the one we know and the ones we are not aware exists. Thank you Jesus!
God has good plans for us all his mercies endureth forever. The thing is when God blesses us we tend to forget that he has more in stock for us and then we backslide from him without knowing the greater deeds he want to do for us.
The infinite goodness of God is long lasting, its interesting, kind,all we just need to do is to key in and enjoy this infinite goodness, because we have a true and covenant key…
God goodness is unlimited.
“When you enter into a covenant to walk with God and commit to keep your part of that convenant things may not be immediately rosy but hang in there because where God is taking you will blow you away if you know it”
This particular one touched me,there is no way you will be in good terms with God and he will not surprise you,believe me am a living witness, This God is more than awesome in showing his goodness…..yes there are atimes it seems everything is not going or that nothing is working anymore dnt shake because he that created you knoweth your heart desires and him alone knows how to supply you according to his riches in heaven,that’s one of his promises he made to us
who doesn’t know the devil as wicked and treacherous fellow, his gift to man can never be genuine ,putting God first is always the right move to make to achieve progress in life.
God’s grace is the only thing that has been sustaining us, even when we lie and denied him to save ourselves. He is still there for us
This is a reminder to those who are unsure of how loved they are…..nothing can change or stop God’s love for us. and there is more with Christ
Everyday, I learn new Bible passages from here which helps me grow spiritually. God’s love is indeed infinite. Thanks Ma for this uplifting post.
Lord i pray, please come into our lives and the world. You are our choice and will always be. There’s no peace and satisfaction in the devil’s camp. Save us and the whole universe and give us the grace to receive your infinite matter what we go through, God is our strength.
This is so true. Thank you ma. The covenant relationship is the strongest kind of relationship. God would not force you to enter a relationship with him but it is His deepest desire for mankind and that we stay faithful to the covenant. When we are faithful to the covenant relationship we have in Christ, we would enjoy every benefit attached to it.
What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul..
“There is no middle ground, is either you’re for God or devil”
He owns blessings and it pain him not to give it out.
All he wants is our obedience and loyalty..
All merciful , all powerful, everlasting Father.
He always has good plan for us.
Am just surprised at the statement in the write up saying the activities that God abhors are gaining popularity and promoted through media platforms. Now this has got me thinking because I don’t see anything. Unless my mind has been beclouded by such which I need to desist from. Thank you for this wonderful piece. Most of your gospel write up serve as a reminder for me.
When we accept Jesus as our personal lord and saviour, we automatically become sons and daughters of God inherent to the kingdom thereby enjoying the infinite goodness of God.
The Lord is good to His children even when we don’t deserve it. He is merciful and kind.
The main problem in our relationship with God is us. God will never fail us when we are in covenant with him. We should trust God completely when we are dealing with him. We should believe that he won’t fail us and we should keep to our own promises.
Although it may not be easy but we should try and whenever we break the promise we should do well and run to God for forgiveness.
“I cringe to say it but it’s the truth that if you reject the salvation plan of God effected through our Lord Jesus, you set yourself up to see the anger of God and the ever-increasing wickedness of the devil”. I will ensure i dont reject directly or indirectly the salvation plan of my God. I therefore chose and resolve to enjoy the infinite goodness of my Creator. Alleluia!
God’s goodness to us is immeasurable, even when we don’t deserve His goodness and mercy. All we need is to trust in Him. God bless you ma.
Our God is a God of infinite goodness and awesome wonders his grace is sufficient, his mercies endless, he is always ready to listen and answer our prayers no matter the kind of we do sometimes i cant but imagine what manner of he is…
Nice piece ma…I am sure that I shall see, the lord’s goodness in the land of the living….I have never seen a good God like him, ever compassionate and merciful, the lord’s goodness to his people is unquantifiable, he is always blessing us, if there is nothing to thank God for, what about the life he gave you? He is truly the living God, no one like him
Hallelujah, there is an endless supply of God’s goodness for my life. For eyes have not seen, ears heard nor has the heart of men conceive the things the Lord has in store for those that love Him
Seriously, life is hard without d grace of God…And in this life, it is either u are with the devil or with God… Gods goodness to man is speechless to me… The worst part is that we don’t deserve it… Yet he does it.
psalm 31 vs 19 speaks to me because i know that i have not seen even a glimpse of god’s glory. the bible let us know that we cannot serve two Gods at the same time, it is either we are for God or for the devil. for God let us know through the scriptures that if we are not hold or cold he will vomit us from his mouth.
The word of God is true and must surely fulfill it purpose. What we need is the grace of God because the spirit might be willing but the flesh is weak. Father help me, let all I do be in accordance to your will and help me to live a sinless life.
when you say choose, it means that our life is a deliberate intersection of our choices and decision. you can decide if you want to enjoy God’s infinite gift or not. it is a remainder that God is ever the gentleman and He will never intrude in our lives. i understand now that God deserves my total submission and i must learn to serve him and continually choose the better of the options.
The life of Christ is the best life one can live. The grace to live this kind of life only comes from the father after we must have accepted His Son. I pray that we shall experience the reality of God’s goodness and mercies upon our lives.
Two choices were laid before us “life and death” God in his infinite mercies advises we choose life for it is the way to eternal glory but if anyone decides to choose the opposite, the reward is still sure. Make up your mind whom you will serve today. GOD OR DEVIL. God will spew u out if you are neither cold nor hot. Thanks MA.
Sincerely speaking. Following God is not a bed if does not mean we won’t face trials and persecution but one thing is certain and that is if we hold on to the word of God we will always overcome and victory will be ours .one thing about challenges that Christians face is so that our faith in God become stronger.
The thought the lord has for us is of good and not of evil to give us an expected end. God’s activities is for the betterment of mankind. He has an infinite wealth. He promised us to ask, seek and knock that we shall be given, we shall find and doors shall be opened respectively, however, God might deny us some things because he has the best in mind for us. So whenever we are passing through difficulties just like Job, let’s bear it in mind that there is something bigger ahead.
Do we even understand what the infinite goodness of God entails that sometimes we run from place to place seeking help where we can find none? I decided to ask this question because some people fail to reason along this line, that God loves us and has His outline of plan for our own welfare. His goodness is definitely infinite, His love enduring. There is no other better place we can go that will offer a percentage of what God will offer us. I am speaking because I know. He has everything we seek and yearn for day after day and night after night. Thank you Ma.
Infinite goodness of God means the unending or inestimable goodness of God to those who belief, trust and love him. As King David in one of his Psalms wrote
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” (Psalms 91:1-2)
God is so merciful and as such no time for him is too late, if we have been going contrary to his commandments just like the prodigal son he will surely welcome us back only if we feel remorse for our wrong doings.
Am lifted by this!
I like it when you say “where God is taking you will blow you away if you knew it”. It reminds me of His promise that says “for I know the thoughts i think towards you”, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end. the only problem is that often at times we are too impatient to wait and see the fulfillment of his glorious agenda towards us., but i pray he gives us grace to be patient and wait for his perfect timing.
Gods promises are yes and Amen and he delights in blessing his children.
Thank you Aunty Edith for this wonderful piece.
The devil cannot give you something and not collect it back in four folds but our heavenly father provides for us and forgive us our sins even when we are not following the right path.When we are faced with problems we shouldn’t seek for solutions by doing things that are contrary to the words of the lord
Thank you ma for this. The truth is that most of us don’t even know what “the infinite goodness of God” means or entails. I tell you today that it is because of that “infinite goodness” we wake up everymorning to start our battle for salvation on a fresh page everyday we wake up.
It is also because of that “infinite goodness” we are able to make amends whenever we go off the trail of life. It is also because of this “infinite goodness God hears and answers the prayers of a sinner.
psalm 91,1;2, he who dwells at the secret place of the most high abide under the shadow of the most high, i will say to the lord ‘my refuge and my fortress, my GOD in whom I trust. our God is very merciful and just. his infinite goodness is everlasting that’s why he gave us sinners a second chance to come to him by sending his only begotten son to die for us.
I know God’s goodness for me is endless, his ever loving kindness is all embracing. It’s just splendid that God’s got our back in every situation.
I will ensure I dont reject directly or indirectly the salvation plan of my God. I therefore chose and resolve to enjoy the infinite goodness of my Creator. I tell you today that it is because of that “infinite goodness” we wake up everymorning to start our battle for salvation on a fresh page everyday we wake up. Thanks so much ma. nice one.
God is perfect and kind. In Him we find the genuine rest and pleasure. The other pleasures and comforts we find in other things like luxuries, money, mansions and so on are transient and therefore are not genuine. We came from dust and we shall return to dust. Since it is through God that we exist, every source of our sustenance has to be located in Him. If we stay in God, we are going to enjoy infinitely His infinite goodness both here and hereafter.
his goodness is endless,he said in his word that the unfaithfulness of the unbelievers can not nullify his faithfulness. the blessings of God makes one rich and adds no sorrow,but for the devil, is not so. this is too encouraging
Just as a verse in the Bible says,”everyone has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God “.Therefore it is our Christian duty to acknowledge our sins and ask for forgiveness for Our Father who is so merciful will forgive us but promising not to go back to such sin. His goodness for me is endless.
God is infinite, his mercy endureth forever,he is ever willing to accept and love us and the devil is there roaring like a lion seeking for whom to deavor,the devil decieves us with a lot of fantancies that when we get closer, he wil start his wicked operation in our life’s but God is not like that, he can delay but not deny.
His promises are unfailing so I will choose to enjoy his goodness by total submission.
I thank GOD for dying and coming for me that I may have eternal life. I no that i have sinned and gone short of the Glory of GOD, that is why I will forever acknowledge my sins and ask for forgiveness because i need to be saved from sins. Sometimes what we know that is bad becomes good when it is not suppose to be, that is when devil is using us, when he is trying to condemn us but we will always ask for GODS grace in everything we do.
God is the Amen and Amen of everyone. HE alone can save us from anything and it is always good for us to acknowledge our sins and ask for forgiveness. He can to redeem us so we owe it to Him to stay away from sins.
The condition is simple, Love and obey His commandments and He will lavish his unfailing love on you and your generation. the goodness of God is unending. He is ever ready to reward those that diligently seek him.
following God entails that you must be faithful to him in all things , despite trials. that you are a follower of Christ does not mean that you are above temptation, him too was tempted and us will not be excepted.the only thing is just to hold up to him.
God is a perfect being to go into covenant with. God never fails and would never fail. All we need is obedience and trust in God’s word. Amen
Serving and accepting God is the best decision anyone will ever make in this life, his love is unending his goodness is unlimited, even your fellow man will ask for something in return when we want something, i choose to keep appreciating him while i seat back and enjoy his blessings
Waooo… Before now, I use to think that when my prayers is been answered, it ends there.
Now I have a different thought knowing that Gods goodness is beyond what we think and his deeds transcends the physical. Thank you a lot ma.
The choice to follow God is easy, yet it seems so hard to follow him. The choice anyway is ours. “Choose to enjoy the infinite goodness of God”
God’s infinite goodness cannot be overemphasized. It’s unimaginable and great. Who can doubt that? Which should embrace his goodness with love and obedience.
What God does in our Life is beyond human knowledge. His goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life and promises us we shall dwell in his house forever and ever only and if we do what pleases him. Always impartial God in our daily life nobody will deny God infinite goodness if the person do that person is incipient God is very good indeed. God bless you MA.
I am inspired..
And believing God the more
Thank you ma!
God’s goodness are supreme, his ways are pure and holy. He is impartial in his dealing with men and his mercies and blessings are infinite. God bless you ma
Negativity is one of the things I detest in life and for me to conquer that I choose to enjoy the life God has given me and to reap I his infinite goodness and mercy because without him I know I’m nothing
God is truly wonderful, his ways are mysterious, unknown to man. One thing is sure is sure about him, they things he promised he will do is exactly what he will do. What a wonderful God we have. God bless you for this post ma.
God is indeed infinite in every way. His numerous promises and blessings coupled with His love are so endless that we can’t begin imagining them. In as much as all these are extended to all irrespective of whether a sinner or a believer, one can only have access to fully enjoying God’s goodness when he or she has a personal relationship with the Master.
Truly, eyes have not seen, ears have not heard what God plans for His children. He’s a wonderful God.
His promise, since the days of the old, is still unadulterated even in our present time. God had promised that none of His children shall suffer. He promised Abraham that his sons shall fill the earth, and none of such sons of his shall lack the blessings of God as it was showered on Abraham. I implore you Christians to leave the presence of God. Always work hard in his vineyard; in the end he will surely shower you with his infinite goodness…
God is willing if one is eager to seek for help from him.
Wonderful piece of message.
Dear aunty, for me, the answer is yes. I choose to enjoy the infinite goodness of God. I want him to not only bless me but my generation to come. I know it may take some time but with him,waiting is nothing. Thank you for your post aunty and God bless you
Choose to..
This shows, that the decision is ours to make.
God gave us the ability to make our own choices, and He wouldn’t be blamed when we make the wrong one. For me, i choose to enjoy all that God has for me, rooted in him.
God is infinite in every way, and I like it, where you point out that “that doesn’t mean you won’t face trials but your end will be glorious and what you didn’t reap in the flesh, your descendants will.
Therefore, we should be grateful to God, who gives the strength to face every trials and tribulations and come out victorious.
Praise be to God.
For me, choosing to enjoy the infinite goodness of God is not an option, but it is something I will always long for in my life and in my family, even to my generation to come. Therefore, God’s goodness is what everyone should crave for. Thank you ma, for this wonderful piece.
Yes ma, i chose to enjoy the infinite goodness of God because through him comes every good things in life. Though it may take hard, there will be trials and tribulations but only those that endures enjoys his goodness…..
Life is hard without God. This life is a two way thing, its either you are with God or with the devil. the devils programme in our lives is to steal kill and destroy, this is a very wicked plan, God has come to liberate and save us from the deeds of the devil. So we should turn to God and see how wonderful things will be in our lives.
It is not totally fathomable that God’s goodness is infinite. It’s a joy to the heart. “Infinite goodness”. The goodness extends far more than our minds can reach. Great!
To those who believe in God, His goodness is endless. They have his peace on earth. They have his rest in heaven. Anything that has merits has demerits is not for faith in God. The perpetual goodness of God is sure for his children. May we not cut it short by our misdeeds
You cannot serve God and mammon at the same time .You need to pick a side and God grace is so sufficient that it takes us all the way helping us avert obstacles and tribulations life throws at us
God is an ever loving,caring and faithful father whose goodness has no end in the lives of those who believe in him not minding the temptations of the enemy. And God has promised eternal blessings on each believer that is faithful to the end. This message is really captivating ma, am blessed.
one with God is majority, without GOD life is meaningless. God’s love and goodness are unconditional. nice write up ma
Gods love is everlasting. He said we might face trials. But he assured us that victory belongs to us. Glory be unto his holy name.
According to the bible,He said he shall supply all our needs, according to his riches in glory in christ Jesus.when we choose to do his will and keep his commandments,we stand to enjoy unlimited goodness and blessing from him.what a wonderful post ma.
God’s goodness endureth forever. In all circumstances He is still a good God.
God’s goodness and mercy endures forever. He is always there for his children to put them through the trials of life. If only we can acknowledge him as our lord and king and accept him into our life, he will never forsake us because he is the God of love and infinite goodness.
Nobody can measure God’s goodness because its beyound measure. even in the midst of trials and temptations he never fail us. In other to attain God’s favour we need to be patient.
God is our only salvation. His love for us is truly infinite and only he can give us the happiness we seek
God is good not because he received it from anyone but because by nature, His being is infinite goodness. As it is impossible for His divinity to be lessened, so is it impossible for His goodness to be lessened.
God is good at all times, his love, goodness and mercy endures forever. Those who are always patient and waits for God’s time, are always blessed because He never sleeps nor slumber…
It is indeed true that a life without Christ is prone to attacks from the evil one. It is therefore pwetinent that, as creatures of God, we are to establish an unflinching and unshaken relation with the creator.
Jehovah is a merciful father and his mercy is reflected in his son jesus christ, who reflected his father’s qualities perfectly.
Jehivah extends this goodness and mercy to all those needing.
The goodness, mercy and grace of God will always be on you and will be passed down to your generation as long as you keep on living your according to God’s will and acknowledge him in all you do.
“But I lavish unfailing love for a thousand generations on those who love me and obey my commands”. This statement is touchy and true. God loves us unfailingly. He loves everyone of us but He has unfailing and infinite love for those that obey His commands. As Christians we should always obey God’s commandments in order to earn his love.
Wow so despite the numerous blessing God has showered on us, there’s an endless supply where that is coming from. More than that, the scope or magnitude of what He does for you keeps expanding. God’s love never run dry. And yes, a life without God is prone to attacks from the evil one.
The goodness of God is infinite. No matter the goodness of God you’ve seen in your life it is only a glimpse. He just started. The goodness of god does not stop with us, it continues with our generation. All we need to do is to maintain the Ancient landmark( His covenants).
God is ever merciful to us whenever we acknowledge an confess our sins to him,he accepts and keep us back to himself, his word says that”even if our sin is as dark a charcoal,that he will make it as white as snow”. It is left for us to get up and make a move of repentance.I am encouraged I must say,thank you so much ma.
The goodness of God is infinite. It is amazing. The bible says that the Lord abounds in goodness. That means His goodness overflows. And when we enter into a covenant with Him, it seals that goodness. And what’s more, His goodness goes on to benefit not only us but down to our generations. And to the next generation unto the next. Praise God.
The devil can never give anything free of charge,He must get something valueable in return. We have to recognize God’s presence and Grace in our lives. He fights seen and unseen battles. Above all God loves us beyond human comprehension.God Bless u ma!!!
Choose you this day whom ye wld serve? We cannot serve two master’s, so choosing to serve God is choosing to enjoy his infinite goodness.. “that doesn’t mean you won’t face trials, but your end would be glorious”, he said it in his word (John16:33). Using the case of Job, his latter end was greater than his beginning. I therefore choose this day to serve God jus like Joshua declared. Thanks Ma’am for sharing
Come to God and you will lack, he is too good, your enemies shall never conquer you if you stick to him, our life is in his hands, we do not own our lives. His goodness is crucial to your life, sin can deprive us from his goodness, therefore let us run to him for forgiveness because he is a merciful God. He fights and defends us in all, no matter the circumstances. I am blessed with this.
God is sweet when you test him, and that is why there is noting greater than him, when you work with him his goodness will make you have a comfortable and peaceful mind, even when people find things had you, will be doing it with joy of the lord which is your straight
God’s goodness and mercies endureth forever;it has no bound and his love is beyond measures. Is left for us to acknowledge him as our personal lord and saviour.
It is said in the bible that no eyes or ears have seen or heard what the lord has prepared for those who love him. Therefore, any good thing that comes your way as a good follower of Christ is just a glimpse.
God’s mercies and goodness are indeed infinite, without end. All we need to tap into this is an unwavering faith and obedience in God.
As the word says, his mercies endureth forever and his goodness towards us is still a mystery for us to unravel because it never ends. It’s continual. For one to enjoy his goodness and mercies he/she has to work side by side by him.
God will never fail or disappoint us in any condition we are….I learnt that we should trust him and he will grant us our heart desirer
It is the nature of God to be good and everything we will ever need for the journey of life have been provided and paid for (1Tim.6:17) through the blood of Jesus. God’s grace and mercy endures forever, so to enjoy God and His blessings, seek Him for salvation, fear Him, and walk in His ways.
Indeed there is no middle ground . It is either you are with God or with the devil. God’s goodness is very sufficient for those who serve him and it is said that we are just seeing the beginning of his Goodness upon our lives.Now we just pray that we stay in this line of favour from God and never depart from his words.
Everything God showers on us are all infinity; his love, grace, mercy, kindness, goodness etc. Only those who acknowledges him every day and night are privileged to enjoy this awesome opportunity.
Gods privilege and mercies are for his children their is nothing impossible for him to do only to believe and trust in him to enjoy your rights as a Christian. He will never fail or disappoint his people.
If God has done what you think he should do, trust him. If God doesn’t do what you think he should do, trust him. If you pray and believe God for a miracle and he does it, trust him. If your worst nightmare comes true, believe he is sovereign. Believe he is good.
The love and goodness of God are so overwhelming. They’re renewed every morning. When you think you’ve tasted all that there is to his goodness, he fills you up more.
Oh how sweet the love of God is!
I can remember a song lyrics that said: when I thought that he have done too much, Jesus did it again. God’s goodness is immeasurable and infinite……. His wrath is disastrous and unimaginable.
God is the perfect being to go into covenant with. God never fails and would never fail. All we need is to do is be obedient and trust God wholeheartedly. Thank you
Am indeed lifted with these words and most importantly we should always look up to God and no matter how the devil wants to present his offer one should know that the end is usually pain.
The greatest joy of all times is GOD. Without God you can’t get peace and you can’t enjoy his grace and favor because he’s the source of all happiness.
The steadfast love of the Lord never cease and his mercies never come to an end and they are new every morning.
These are the blessings of God and so much more that his children dwells in.
Hmmmmm, I love this! This struck a chord somewhere, so Enjoying the God’s goodness is a choice? Hmmmmmm, that’s right, it just reminded me of Jude 1:21 that says, “Keep yourselves in the love of God” meaning HIS love that spurs up is goodness towards us is constant but there is a possibility for us to stray out of this love and out of His goodness as well. Hmmmmm everything is making sense now, thanks a lot ma.
God is infinitely good. No one who has chosen God over the devil has regretted it, no one. If not any other thing, the peace and joy a Christian enjoys in Christ is what many rich men can’t even price with their big money. Choose God and u will never regret it.