Messiah Has Passed to Glory Poem


“This cannot just be right
His disciples stole him by night
He cannot eclipse our light
When we thought we’d won the fight”

These leaders did not know
The prophets said it’d be so
He’d suffer and die to show
To sin all men could say, “No!”

And risen from the dead
To God’s right hand exalted
He’s ensuring that we’re made
His people, o’er creation the head

Our endless “Hallelujahs”
Help us proclaim, “Alas,
Death, sin and loss will pass
Because Messiah to glory has!”

Ⓒ Edith Ugochi Ohaja 2022

Happy Easter, everyone!  💖


Messiah Has Passed to Glory Poem

Scriptural References

Matthew 28:11-15
[11] Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch f came into the city, and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done.

[12] And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers,

[13] Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept.

[14] And if this come to the governor’s ears, we will persuade him, and secure you.

[15] So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day.

Matthew 1:18-23
[18] Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on d this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused e to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy f Ghost.

[19] Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily.

[20] But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.

[21] And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

[22] Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,

[23] Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being k interpreted is, God with us.

Hebrews 12:2
Looking unto Jesus the author e and finisher f of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Romans 8:29-30
[29] For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

[30] Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

1 Corinthians 15:52-57
[52] In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: aa for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

[53] For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

[54] So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

[55] O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

[56] The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.

[57] But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

(The scriptures cited above are from the King James Version of The Holy Bible.)

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  • Yahsown Dabere

    One of the most precious gifts given to man is the salvation from the death of Yahoshua our Messiah, the son of Yahweh.

  • Nora Nsan

    The best gift that mankind has received is the give of our Savior and redemption from sin.

  • Ngwu Chiamaka

    Thank God Christ has risen and lives in us everyday… That’s the best thing that happened in my life…❤
    Ride on Ma..

  • Nzenwa Grace Zionah

    Jesus death and suffering was not in vain

  • MMA Eze

    The death of Jesus Christ should be a reminder to all Christians that God loves us and gave his only son up for our redemption
    May his name be highly exulted
    Thanks Aunty Edith for sharing this lovely poem

  • The story of Christ is the real definition of a tragedy. To be persecuted by those you intend to die for, to be betrayed by those you trust, to be denied and to be crucified by those you cannot bring yourself to hate. Praise the name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.

  • Evelyn Johnny

    Christ paid the price for me
    Glory be to his name alone

    • Anita kadiri

      He’d suffer and die to show to sin all men could say word I’m still trying to isn’t that easy to say no to sin…but I believe he has paid the price on the cross

  • Ihuoma Ogochukwu Chinonye

    This just reminds us of the love of God which is why he sent Christ to die for us. We must sing praises to God for his love and we must praise him at all times.

  • Onovo Veronica chizoba

    He is really the Messiah.

  • Jacenta ossai.

    A thrilling poem.
    For John 3 vs 16says , for God’s so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son that whosever believes in him, will not perish but have an everlasting life. God’s love for us is immeasurable.

  • Okeke Tochukwu Patricia

    I believe that he died and rose again

  • Egbue Precious

    Of course we should all be prepared for that day when he shall come as a judge since he has come as a saviour the first time to save sinners then died and went back in glory

  • Ugwu Ogechukwu promise

    Christ paid the debt we could not pay,
    We should reciprocate the love of God in sending his son to die for our sins by surrendering totally to Him.

  • Okwor Nmasi Sarah

    Jesus Christ death on the cross is the best gift to man , it’s a living testimony of Gods love. His death on the cross is not in vain at all.

  • Wisdom Ugosinachi Miracle

    He died that we might live

    Praise God!

  • This is a very interesting poem.Well done ma.

  • Mba Rita chizoba

    Christ buried my shame in the tomb and resurrected in glory Amen

  • Summer Izuagba

    Jesus suffering will not be in vain in my life.

  • Peace Agada

    “Oh death where is thy sting,oh grave where is thy might”
    Christ was persecuted but didn’t stay down, why will I stay down when I’m persecuted. Hallelujah for Christ is risen and I am alive in him.
    This poem is perfect for the season that we are in because Easter is fast approaching.
    An opportunity to reflect on Christ’s unflinching love for us.

  • Treasure Emone

    This poem reminds me of the love Christ has for us. We must learn to always be reminded about the love God has for us.

  • Mbakwe Rebecca Turning point

    Christ paid the price for me and he is risen in glory!

  • oboni veronica

    Christ paid the price for me and you on cross and arose in the glory of God which the Jew and the soliders are trying to denie by saying that his disciples has taken his body by night

  • Aniaku Oluchi Victory

    The significance of death of and the resurrection of christ is the greatest gift mankind has ever had. It’s the greatest love shown towards us.

  • Itodo Amarachukwu Grace

    Thank you for the poem ma.

    Christ’s death created a path way for the newness of mankind. It served as a new beginning where man could fellowship one-on-one with God with the forgiveness of our sins and our redemption.

    Christ’s resurrection serves as a basis for Christianity. It is the most important factor that have rise to Christianity. I will say that, ‘No resurrection, no Christianity.’

  • Chidera peace

    Christ’s resurrection is the best gift given to mankind..

  • Okoye-azi Chiemerie Regina

    Christ has risen as he said. Alleluia!

  • Benjamin Glory

    Jesus is the greatest gift of mankind.

    The joy of man is to have the Savior, the one who saves.

    This piece is beautifully articulated.

  • Obinabo Chinelo

    The best gift we were given as humans is the gift of salvation. God is indeed faithful

  • Okoro Charity Oluchukwu

    Our salvation comes from God. He is the sacrificial lamb that died to redeem us from sin. His love for humanity doesn’t have boundary.

  • Ezugwu Chidera

    Salvation is the greatest gift mankind ever received, I’m glad to be able to partake in it.

  • Ezenwa Miracle Joy

    How funny they thought He was stolen by His disciples, I guess they thought He was also dubious due to the many accusations they levied on Him. The wounded Messiah yet endured all things that He might give everlasting life to humanity, not minding what they did to Him.

  • Chibudike Nmesoma Praise

    Where would man be without Christ. Christ in us is our hope of Glory.

    Thank you so much ma’am for this edifying poetry.

  • Jane Odoh

    They didn’t believe in the resurrection of Christ but indeed God’s ’s word prevailed.

    • Ugwuanyi Perpetua

      All we are is nothing but the product of His priceless redemption and sacrifice, and for that we owe Him everything. Thank you Jesus! Thanks ma’m for this reflective poem.

    • Cyndy uju

      The greatest gift we ever received ☺️

      May his name be glorified. Amen

  • Chidimma Miracle

    God’s death was never in vain, thank God that jesus truly resurrected, making our religion legit and enabling us to proudly say we are serving a living God.

  • Christ has risen and his death is not in vain

  • Onyenekwe Ihechi Prince

    Wow! Such an awemazing and edifying poem. I’m just anticipating Easter celebrations right away. Glory to Christ, the hope of our Christian faith. Thank you so much, Ma’am.


    The death of Jesus is one of the most precious gift given to man for salvation

  • Edebeatu Ebere Nelly

    The biggest gift and love God has shown mankind is the redemption plan. The very essence of Christianity is rooted in the death and resurrection of Christ. Its hard to believe love could make him do this.

  • Abosi Delight

    I liked the rhyme scheme Ma, thank you for reminding us about our saved status.

  • Okolie-Ekwuazi Zutem Nonyelum

    Christ is Risen, Hallelujah!

  • Onyia Amarachukwu Maryann

    Wonderful poem
    Jesus is the best Gift man has received

  • Ahumibe PraiseGod Chiamaka

    Jesus’s death and resurrection is to the salvation of man

  • Akalugwu Ruth Chigozie

    God’s love is beyond what we can really think of.
    He sent his only son to dies for us.wonderful !

  • Utazi Ogochukwu Immaculata

    I’m in love with this poem,this is just to remind us that christ died for our sin,so that we may have everlasting life.

  • Onyiwalu ogechi faith

    This season reminds me of this immeasurable love of the messiah Jesus , who died for my sin and after three days overcame death in glory.

  • Chukwuemeka Lydia Ogechi

    What would have become of me, If not for Christ? What would have been my fate, if he hadn’t paid my fees? Glory to God in the highest!!!!

  • Ezenwanne Chisom Akunna

    Love is God . The death of Christ shows the greatest love God has for us

  • Glory Odogwu

    This is a beautiful work ma.
    noticed how the poem encompassed in a whole why how Jesus Christ came to die for our sins and rose up to heaven .

  • Ucheghara Fortune

    This poem is one that gives every Christian that comes across it joy… that joy that triumphs over the opinions and theories of those who still doubt His resurrection.

  • Ezimora Reliance

    One week to another marking of his eternal love for us. While we were yet sinners, he loved us. Love like no other.

  • Chinomso salome Jeribe

    Christ paid the price for my sins and for that am grateful to Him

  • Innocent Esther .C.

    .. ” whosoever Believes in him shall not perish but have an everlasting live”. Amen.

  • Innocent Esther .C.

    .. ” whosoever Believes in him shall not perish but have an everlasting life”. Amen.

  • Chukwude Olachi

    As we all awaits the memorial of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, let we christains bear in my that Christ died on that rugged cross for us to be cleanse of our sins and we should always share with others the gospel of Christ who lives forever

  • Amadi Doris Nmesoma

    As Messiah passed to glory so as our pain, loss and every negativity pass to glory.

  • Will ifeanyi

    Our joy as Christians ließ in the risen christ

  • Abah precious

    Jesus death on the cross was to pay for my salvation
    never was it in vain

  • Okoh Stephanie Chinenye

    Salvation from sin was the greatest gift given to us by Christ, he went through all those sufferings to save us his children. His resurrection is the greatest testimony, Glory to Christ Jesus, the wounded Messiah
    Thanks again for this amazing piece Ma.

  • Ejim Juliet Ifechukwu

    The greatest showcase of love is through sacrifice. God gave us his only son for him to be sacrificed for our redemption. This is a really nice poem. Thank God for giving you the inspiration to write it.

  • Madukwem Ebube Sharon Oghenetegiri

    Rejoice for Christ has risen!

  • Akuma Creeda

    Jesus Christ the hope of all mankind. He passed to glory and will come again in glory to take the righteous with Him.

  • David Efemena Christiana

    Christ has paid the price for us.
    Glory be to God!

  • David Efemena Christiana

    The death of Jesus Christ is an evidence of God’s love for us.

  • Kamsy Mbamalu

    It is really hard to imagine the fate of humanity without christ being it’s saviour.

    We thank God for Christ our Redeemer!

  • Amachaghi Goodness Akuchukwu

    Christ has arisen from the dead no more bondage of sin and it’s wage death

  • Destiny

    The resurrection of Christ brought us salvation , his death brings joy to all Christians in the sense that he sacrificed his life for us to live.

  • Anita Ilechie

    Thank God for Jesus who was given to us by God for the salvation of men. Thank you Lord


    Jesus came to the world and died for us and that is the greatest gift to mankind.

  • Elias Ozioma Favour

    This poem made me reflect .. Christ gave us the greatest gift of salvation when he died on the cross. God bless you ma.

  • Aniehe MaryJane Chisom

    Christ in us, the hope of Glory, hallelujah! It is so evident that God’s greatest gift to mankind is salvation. I pray we don’t take it for granted.


    He dead once and for all for our sin.They couldn’t understand the prophecy so they crucified him but thank the Lord they will get to know later

  • Aleke Angela chidera

    Our God is a miracle working God.salvation is the greatest mankind ever received from God

  • Harrison Nnamdi Ogbonna

    Our Lord Jesus Christ is indeed stronger than both men and death. Glory to His name!

  • Amah Victoria Chiamaka

    Redemption and salvation can only be gotten from Jesus Christ who paid the greatest price for us. God’s love for us is too massive that he gave his only son to humanity. I’m so grateful for that. Thank you Jesus.

  • Ugwuagbo Chibuike Emmanuel

    Part of God’s greatest gift to man. His son coming to this sinful to die for us and resurrecting at last for the salvation of mankind

  • Oke Sharon Munachimso

    All glory to God for he conquered the power of death and rose again. May his name be blessed forever. Amen

  • Ugwu Samuel Chidera

    God please fill me with your spirit so as to do your bidding because you died for me

  • Otum chiamaka

    Christ died with our sin, shame and pain. He also rose up with victory for all who will believe in his name.

  • Melody

    Glory be to God

  • Oluka Faith Chikodili

    He died for my countless sins so that I will not perish.😭😭

    Thank you , Jesus for finding me worthy to benefit from your death.🙏

  • Francis precious Ifeoma

    I believe in the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus.

  • Ngwu Chinasa Modesta

    Gods death and resurrection is indeed a gift to mankind.

  • Ebube Leonardo

    The death of Jesus Christ was one of the best gifts God gave us

  • Ekene Emmanuella kosisochi

    Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and through him all mankind shall receive salvation. Thank ma for such lovely poem.

  • Wisdom Ugosinachi Miracle

    Christ has risen, hallelujah

  • Njoku Ebere Victoria

    Jesus dying for us was never in vain, through his death and resurrection we able to gain salvation, no longer slave to death or fear

  • Obiora Ijeoma Gift

    Christ has died and so we his followers on earth may live in his glory.Thanks be

  • Odo Faith Chinecherem

    Death could not hold our Lord Jesus back, he is risen!! Hallelujah! Thank you ma

  • Agboeze somtochukwu Juliet

    Thank God Christ has risen and lives in us everyday. His death wasn’t in vain he is indeed our savior.
    Tnk you ma 👍

  • Ifeanyi Nwanegbo

    Jesus Christ made the greatest sacrifice ever.

  • Odoabuchi Joy Ngozika

    Death could not hold Him captive, He won.
    He has conquered every limitation

  • Robinson Mercy

    I really love the rhyming words at the end.

  • Ezeh Joy Amarachukwu

    Thank you Jesus for paying the price for our redemption, once and for all!
    God bless you mightily, Aunty Ohaja!

  • Chukwuebuka Adikankwu

    The best gift given to us, is the gift of our savior Jesus Christ, who came to die for our sins and gave us eternal life.

  • Ajomiwe Chiamaka

    Beautiful poem. Coincidentally, I read this in the season of Easter. Christ reigns forever!

  • Chukwuebuka Joseph Uzochukwu

    This poem totally talks about this season.
    How I wish I existed then to see the shock on the faces of the soldiers😂😂.
    The rhyme scheme acutely reverberates the sound of victory every Christian sings.

    Glory to God, He is risen.

  • Bassey Gideon

    I wonder how and where we would all be if there was no Christ and His death.

    I believe it’s the best thing to happen to mankind.

  • Deekor Esther Ijeoma

    It contains the message of salvation and whispers to the heart of the reader.

  • Rejoice Chiwudom Onyewuchi

    How ironic that they believed He had been taken by His disciples, judging by the numerous accusations they leveled against Him. I suppose they also believed He was suspect. Regardless of what they did to Him, the wounded Messiah suffered all so He could grant humanity eternal life

  • Okwa perpetual chidimma

    No man born of a woman can stop what God has destined before time

  • Okafor Unoma Oluchi

    He’s risen! I’m risen in Him! Death had no hold on Him! His sacrifice has purchased and purified me.

  • Odiase Osazee Erico

    Christian belief in Jesus’ resurrection and the hope it brings to believers. The death of Christ was a reconciliation between God and Man.

  • Jesus death was not for nothing!
    Happy Sunday Ma.

  • Juliet

    Greatest gift mankind has received, his death is not in vain. Thank God Christ has risen and now lives in us.


    His (Messiah) death brought us salvation, and also remedy us from sin


    Christ died for our sin. His suffering brought us salvation and redemption.
    Hallelujah !!

  • Chidiebele Ojuanu O.

    The death and resurrection of Jesus are the elementary basis of the Christian faith. His sacrifice brought hope eternal.

    I love the rhythms ma, splendid!

  • Gbatalibe uchenna Mildred

    We have received our salvation through the resurrection of Christ. Alleluia

  • Anayo chinonyelum Cynthia

    God loves us so much we should never doubt that.

  • Angela Ogechukwu Odo

    The soldiers were not even ashamed of themselves due to their inefficiency. They wanted to make the people not to believe the message of resurrection.
    Thank God that man is not God. His Words will always prevail.

  • Judith Donatus

    You can’t use money to silence light. 13] Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept.

    [14] And if this come to the governor’s ears, we will persuade him, and secure you.
    …His disciples stole him by night…
    Christ is alive and because of that we believers are alive in Christ. Hallelujah!

  • Onyishi Henry Kelechi

    A beautifully crafted poem that captures the essence of Easter, celebrating the resurrection of Christ and the victory over sin and death. The verses echo the hope and joy of the holiday. Happy Easter! 🙏🌟

  • Eneje chidimma ekene

    These passages highlight key events and teachings from the Bible, emphasizing the significance of Jesus in Christian faith, from His miraculous birth to His victory over sin and death.

  • Ugwoke Rita ogechukwu

    There is nothing more than one sacrificing his life for others. Christ did what seemed impossible to give us salvation and also pave way for us to make heaven. There’s nothing more than that! We are forever grateful lord.

  • Uwannah Marvellous

    Every season in our life’s is the will of God for we are all wired to align to his plans for us.
    God won’t give you a burden more than you…. Jesus aligned to the last,even when doubt arose he still trusted the process.
    God knows the end from the beginning.
    Trust the process…for “No process No product”.

  • Ogbu Chinyere Rosemary

    Messiah has truly shown how much he love and care for us and our well being is his number one priority.

  • Okoye Paul Ketachukwu

    This poem is talking about the risen Christ how they rolled a stone over his tomb yet he came out victorious the rhymes of the poem and the quotations are exceptional and also the use of octave in the post.

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