Intro by Edith Ohaja
Many people are not privileged to earn their living doing what they are passionate about. Many do not work in areas related to what they studied. Vincent Ihesinulo, the subject of this post falls into these categories. So what is his present occupation? And does this mean he’s given up on journalism and writing? His story below answers these questions. Before we get to the present, though, he regales us with a narrative of his exploits during the one-year compulsory service that follows graduation.

You may recall that we started this tale two days ago with my preamble (A Social Conscience Worth Applauding) and Vincent’s account of his busy days at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN). In case you haven’t seen them, you can read those articles by clicking on their previews under this post. They will help you to make better sense of this piece.

Below, we have the conclusion of Vincent’s story and with it, we wrap up this edition of Celebrating Super-Jacksonites. Read and be blessed!

Leaving the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN), I hoped to continue my journalistic endeavours at a higher level but alas, I could only do that briefly due to prevailing circumstances. On graduation, I was posted to Ibadan, Oyo State where I found myself as Leader of One Platoon and later at Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) Ibadan Network Centre as my place of primary assignment. My membership of the Outside Broadcasting Service (OBS) at the orientation camp must have contributed to that.

While at NTA as a production assistant, my acting skills got reactivated. I played a minor role in a Yoruba movie because of the language handicap and a major role in a star-studded TV flick, A Woman Called Doris, produced for NTA by Tunji Adeshina. The experience, different from stage performance, was strenuous but quite thrilling.

I also became the editor-in-chief of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in the state, working with the State NYSC PRO. I formed an editorial board at our Community Development Service (CDS) group and we repeated the UNN magic in Oyo State. The monthly bulletin, Periscope, published in monochrome leaflets became bulkier, juicier and more colourful. It was no easy feat convincing the PRO to deviate from the norm that was black and white and to increase the pagination, content and budget.

The first trial (for which I staked my allowee*) convinced him and he gave us the freedom to run the show on our own. Coupled with the massive support and inspiration from a more youthful and avant garde editorial adviser, Mr Joe Idalu, our guts to stretch our creative abilities were fired more. When websites were not as popular as they are today, we created one for Periscope with the assistance of an IT-oriented colleague, Kola Ladejobi.

Oyo Kopa, a sister publication to the Periscope, also benefitted from the transformation that our editorial team brought on stream. Being sessional, it only came out once per batch, unlike the monthly Periscope, and featured memorable literary take-aways, a little beyond the regular corps members’ contact manifest that it was primed to be. Always handy with assistance then was my good friend and colleague, Sheriff Momodu. Together we lost nights of sleep and shared in the pains and gains that ensued.

Editor’s page and editorial board of Oyo Kopa

At the peak of the Obasanjo-Adedibu vs Ladoja brouhaha in Oyo State politics, we (myself, Sheriff and Tammy Jaja – another foot soldier of the editorial team) braved all odds and sought audience with the late Lamidi Adedibu, better known then as the strongman of Yoruba politics and garrison commander of amala* politics. The man hosted us despite the retinue of guests that thronged his residence seeking his attention. And instead of giving us the scoop we sought, Adedibu promised to sponsor a project for us. We felt the visit wasn’t entirely a waste in view of that promise.

But the devil of Nigerian civil service really has ugly fangs and bared them on the matter. We were chided for the Adedibu visit as our bosses failed to see the opportunities therein. Facilities as basic as decent conveniences were lacking at the state secretariat of the NYSC then and Adedibu could have fixed all that and more without a mention. This was shot down.

Those fangs were bared again at the end of my service year when the outgone state director queried the PRO for allowing the editorial board to publish a damning report on her stewardship. For publishing the true state of affairs at the secretariat and not doing a whitewash on the interview the past director granted our board, our certificates (mine and Sheriff’s) were almost confiscated but God gave them the Egypt treatment and we signed them out before they realised it.

On my last day as a corps member, THISDAY newspapers invited me for training immediately I hung my NYSC khaki. I proceeded to their Apapa office, venue of the training where I won the Tony Momoh prize as the best among the new recruits. This gave me the liberty to be able to change my posting from Damaturu in Yobe State to Port Harcourt (PH). I chose the latter in order to be nearer home to keep checks on my ailing father.

I spent a short time with THISDAY before I joined FirstBank. Why? There was no window in PH for me to pull my Dele Giwa stunts. Funny (the Dele Giwa quip), but seriously, I missed writing which wasn’t the core responsibility of the office I got in PH. I was an advert executive. Some of the work I did was handling ads during the launch of Tinapa and supplements on hotels in the South South. Damaturu would have been it but I put family first…

I was on duty in Edo State, waiting to see the then governor of the state, Prof. Osaremen Osunbor, when FirstBank called. I came back and resigned from THISDAY on August 20, 2007- exactly one year after I joined them.

Vincent, the banker

I maintained a monthly column, Off Stage, for Lagos-based Applause magazine and later 234Magazine in my early years at FirstBank until the magazine shied away from the stands. At the moment, I still write but only occasionally; and when I do, it’s usually ghostwriting. I write stories on salient issues and send out to my contacts in the mainstream news media to publish. That way I affect my environment in a subterranean mode.

However, I am perfecting plans to return to my first love, the media. I don’t know when or how but I shall surely return. And that will be very soon, by God’s grace!

Home front

On 9th of October, 2011 (notice the serial arrangement of numbers – 9/10/11), I got married to a gorgeous lady, Queen Erivo. Having her as Mrs Ihesinulo has added so much joy and fulfillment to my life.

Queen studied Economics and Marketing at the University of Bologna and worked for a while with a credit bureau agency. She is currently a staff of the Ministry of Interior in Italy. Our union is adorned with two lovely kids, Jamie and Michelle, to God’s eternal glory.

*allowee refers to corps members’ monthly allowance
*amala is a popular meal in Western Nigeria, the home of the Yorubas.
Amala politics refers to the politics of offering material gratification to members of the public to deflect them from more important and lasting issues. It also connotes the politics of patronage that works through conferment of favours to earn loyalty and future rewards.

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  • Jerry

    What a life! I enjoyed every bit of his story. People like this motivate me to aim higher.
    Kudos Aunty Edith for bridging the gap between us and older super Jacksonites.

  • Amoke chinasa

    This is indeed nice,the Vincent is really a workerholic

  • Ozor Chukwuebuka

    Whao… Indeed, success in life depends more on the material one is made of, than the course he studied. This guy has inspired me. He has the potential to be fulfilled in whatever career the ocean of life takes his boat to.

  • stinblaze

    nice,am motivated by the life of vincent! Kudos mam

  • flawlex ifeanyi

    It was confusing when I started reading the story but along the line it became clear to me. Great story.

  • Ogechi

    A masterpiece.

    Good to stand out in the crowd

  • Eze Chime Mark

    I enjoyed every bits of the story, but it got much more interesting when he disclosed that he married an Economist. I think the marriage is a blessing and above all, the gentleman is an achiever.

  • Ahaotu Ikenna

    The Da Vinci whom I have known from our university days, is a successful, intelligent, vibrant and talented man. He is blessed in all ramifications. May he continue to shine and do more exploits in Jesus name. Aunty Ohaja, thank you for your good works

  • Akwolu Chiamaka MaryAnn

    Passing through the walls of an institution is not easy, and it takes the strong willed to come out in Flying colours. The young man’s story is one to be admired, more so emulated. I hope that one day, I will have a wonderful tale to tell about how it all began and ended in school. Nice piece.
    By the way, when am I graduating? Can’t wait… lol

  • Florence onyekaozuru

    Very interesting and inspiring piece , indeed one must strive to attain his or goal no matter what it may cost (speaking in line with his NYSC experience). a very motivating piece

  • Flawless Ifeanyi

    You life after school is indeed a memorable one, ihesinulo. I love the part where he said that he will go back to the media. it shows the love he has for what he studied. Nice one.

  • Emmanuel Gerald

    This is indeed the account of an achiever. Stories of this nature always leave me motivated to really get into continuous and relentless struggle for the actualisation of my goals and dreams.

    • Edith Ohaja

      God’s grace to you then and may you continually see beautiful results in each dream’s due season in Jesus’ name.

  • Ugwuaneke Grace U

    vincent ihesinulo has an outstanding personality, starting from his days as a jacksonite which i had followed to his days after school. it was both characterised by this spirit of hardwork, commitment and dedication. he is indeed a super lion, an editor that had the spirit of Dele Giwa, now a banker. then i came to the conclusion that no matter what life imposes on us, our commitment is what matters.

  • Odo Collins Nnaemeka

    Vincent is indeed hard working and I am really motivated by his story.

  • Nwosu chinwendu favour

    One thing I’ve always found helpful is the wisdom of great achievers…Nice story

  • Ezema .u. peace

    i must confess this story has made me understand that UNN is not just for learning but also for self empowerment and legacy making. he is indeed an achiever.

  • ozoadibe chidera

    DaVinci’s story is motivational and shows how wise and courageous he is.

  • nwafor chukwudalu franklin

    he has an adventurous story like most people who are through with school. life outside the walls of school is a totally different place and many people, without proper motivation, would crumble on their way to success. Vincent is one of those who persevere through a lot of challenges and trouble to get to his destination.

  • Ebreso Benjamin Bassey

    Truly an icon, his resume says it all, however, what is required to evaluate this piece at this point is “emulation” which is a responsibility on our path as readers of this content, to mentally consume this account and make effective use of it.

  • Chika Divine Umunnakwe

    Vincent is a blessed man. When you look unto God and be hardworking in thy field; success and favour will meet you. A man that is prepared and knowledgeable can be picked out for success at anytime just like Vincent . A man sees the value of a blessed woman like Vincent’ wife and he is ever grateful to God for the union. God blesses us and perfects it.

  • Joseph Edidiong

    Wow! His story is so interesting. The qualities in a man cannot be hid. Determination and hard work births success


    life after school: what a scary cum exciting phase of our lives. mr. vincent ihesinulo has inspired me to reach for my goals no matter the height. our life might not fall into the stereotypes in our head but if we are resilient enough, we can become great persons using our gifts and intellects to make the world better. i am proud to be a jacksonite and no matter how uncertain the future seems, there is hope.

  • udeh favour makuachukwu

    It’s true that one of the best way to live a ever fulfilling live is to live a life lead by one’s passion. A life without passion is empty. That coupled with a great partner, spouse, the chemistry will definitely be complete. Vincent, i’m very happy for your life. i pray despite it all, you will have the grace to returned back to your first love (Writing). Stay bless.

  • onyema bright

    i enjoyed every bit of this story this is a life motivating story.this just openned my eyes to the fact that no where is too small for you to make a long lasting impact. no wonder it is been said that succcess has so many friends while failure has no friend his hard work and resilence trilled me. nice one can’t wait to affect my bgeneration like he did!!!


      Life can really get in the way most times, but the different testimonies of here and there braces up to stand, and grace of course keeps us!

  • Ndudu John

    He really made good use of his NYSC period and this opened doors for him in his career. I’ve been encouraged to be diligent in whatever responsibility I’m given by the grace of God.

  • ibemma Ginikachukwu

    This is very inspiring. He had great opportunity because he showcased what he was made of. He wasn’t belittled or intimidated where ever he went and that is what employers are looking for. Someone hardworking, intelligent, diligent etc. is their spec.

  • ibemma Ginikachukwu

    This is very inspiring. He had great opportunity because he showcased what he was made of. He wasn’t belittled or intimidated where ever he went and that is what employers are looking for. Someone hardworking, intelligent, diligent etc. is their spec.So,we should learn to do our very best.


    interesting! he was determined, he knew what he wanted and he went for it. I have no interest in doing anything i am not passionate about. There’s this inner joy and fulfilment that comes with doing something you love regardless of how hectic or time consuming it might be, you just keep going, its like a hobby. The key words to note here; determination, hardwork and passion.

  • Ani Fabian

    Honestly speaking determination in life matters alot.He simply made me understand that hardwork really pays.what a wonderful and interesting story.

  • Maduabuchi Emmanuel Chidera

    Success in life depends more on the material one is made of, than the course he studied. This post has inspired me. the person in the story has the potential to be fulfilled in whatever career the ocean of life takes his boat to.

  • Iheanyi Ugochi Elizabeth

    that is a sweet story i pray that my own story will be like his or even better.most peoples life after school is like from great to grass having nothing to show for being educated.

  • Orji Chidiebube Prudence

    Wow… He became a banker! Despite whatever you studied, success in life is all about the kind of spirit put into work. And Da Vinci is a typical example if one who has the high achievers’ mentality. This is very inspiring

  • Christian Nnamdi

    Wow, this is another juicy story! It’s not only inspiring, but serves as a pathfinder for we upcoming stars. Bravo, Mr. Vincent!

  • The life of Ihesinulo is a motivating one, it is interesting. He is really a workaholic. Thank you Ms. Edith Ohaja for sharing this inspiring story on your blog. it is an encouragement to me and to all Jacksonites. We promise to be hardworking like IHESINULO.

  • The man is really a hero . I pray that God will continue to bless him.
    We love you ma’am edith our jacksonite moltivator

  • Nnaukwu Emeka John

    i enjoyed every bit of this story this is a life motivating story. This just opened my eyes to the fact that no where is too small for you to make a long lasting impact. Little wonder it is been said that success has so many friends while failure has no friend. His hard work and doggedness thrilled me. Nice one, I cannot wait to affect my generation as he did.

  • Anekwe Paschaline

    With the current position Nigeria is in now this story has really motivated me not to give up and always get up when the world beats me down. Thanks for sharing

  • Nnachetam Favour Chinecherem

    Most times, life gives us not what we ask for but an irony of what we asked. We never give up, we bring the best out of life.

  • This story has made me to believe that if one is good academically, one can easily fit into any kind of position one finds him/herself. Therefore, every student should, irrespective of their discipline, learn how to diversify in knowledge gathering for no one knows when it will be useful.

  • Too bad he had to leave his long desired passion for a banking job. He still pulled, although for a short term his dele giwa’s stunt. Its a story to learn from thank you ma for this platform.

  • Okoli Ezinne Juliet

    I always feel like no matter what happens in our life there is a purpose and it is clearly seen in this story.
    It is really motivating
    thank you ma

  • ikedichi blessing henry

    From service year at the local magazine to thisday to first bank …
    All points to the efficacy of knowing your onus even the bible records that he will bless the works of our hands .,it all points to diligence.

  • ikedichi blessing henry

    From service year at the local magazine to thisday to first bank …
    Diligence is just the key word

  • ikedichi blessing henry

    The efficacy of diligence can never be over rated ,all these accolade worthy feats can only be attained via dillgence

  • ikedichi blessing henry

    All these feats can only be attained via dillgence

  • Jibulu Ngozi

    The journey of a thousands mile begins with a bold step,passing through the educational system in Nigeria can be a tough one and needs lots of prayer with hardwork to scale through, Mr Vincent did take a bold step and did everything he did little by little and now he has gotten to the point where success can never depart from him.
    He is indeed a man with dreams;kudos to him. Thanks ma for sharing this post,I have been highly motivated by it.

  • AKUPUE Vincent

    Vincent you’re a successful mentor! It’s such a prudent decision. The things you have passion for will always be your first priority, no matter where yoy work for a living. Vincent has passion for writing media articles. Although he is working in a financial institution, it doesn’t change the fact that his passion remains with the journalism profession.

  • Brown Favour Felix

    It is not always about going to school and making of good grades, but the footsteps you leave at the sand of time.

  • Obeta Lillian Chiamaka

    Wow how wonderful. I have learnt through this story to always think big.Thanks a lot ma

  • Ugwuja Deborah Tochukwu

    This story has inspired me to work harder and to focus. He had a lot of things going on but never gave up on his journalism profession.


    Quite challenging, and impressive work you did sir,no matter what came your way, you travailed… It was in a giant strive, I don’t know how you handled journalism and Banking.. This has convinced me that as a journalist, you should be versatile.. Keep it up sir…Thanks a lot ma for this piece

  • Paschal Odigonma Victoria

    This is hardwook and diligence.. I’m sure there must have been challenges but it didn’t stop you. May people like you never quit their good works on earth.


    Wow this means we should learn to adapt to any situation because we never can tell where the breeze would blow us. Love this post!

  • Omeje Daniel ifeanyi

    Dilligency and hard work took humans to the moon, which simply means with those two attributes the sky is your stepping stone

  • Eze martins Tochukwu

    One’s natural abilities, education and hardwork is what one have tohold onto, lf one have to be successful in life but the most important is the natural abilities as we can see in the story. it is really enlightening ma.

  • chah ugochukwu adiensa

    i envy your zeal to work hard and to bring out the best in your self, no matter where you go to. I think the people you met saw that in you and that was why they readily gave you positions in all sectors. you found your passion, and you went after it, irrespective of the difficulties, am sure, that came. The sky is your limit if this diligence and hard work


    I admire Vincent for leaving his place of work because he didn’t have the opportunity to unleash his full potentials but not leaving the field completely.I also admire him for putting family before work.


    Life after school is in fact a significant one, Ihesinulo. I cherish the part where he said that he will return to the media. it demonstrates his dreams are important to him

  • Vincent first considered his family first before work. I like the fact that he has the zeal of seriousness and hard work and he made sure he brought out the best out of him

  • harriet

    wonderful story.
    i like the comment ”i will return to my first love the media ”
    keep moving sir

  • Nwachukwu chidinma

    Quite challenging, and impressive work you did sir,no matter what came your way, you travailed… It was in a giant strive, I don’t know how you handled journalism and Banking.. This has convinced me that as a journalist, you should be versatile.. Keep it up sir…Thanks a lot ma for this piece


    A wonderful life is certainly filled with up and down.but with God we shall man can do it without God alone.A challenging experience which youth of our today world should copy,learn and emulate from.


    seeath a man delligent in anything or what he does, he shall stand before Kings.a lovely one ma.this post have brought back that mindset of working towards achieving a fulfilled life.With God at the center,we would certainly be unstoppable in all endeavours.

  • Onyeka Stanley

    This story illustrates the struggles of people we don’t see because we’re interested in their success. I think this will inspire some of us who are in similar situation.

  • Chima ella

    Life struggle makes one strong and a great example to others. Vincent considering his family first is something that seems hard when it comes to work but he try to merge the two. Its a good example to the fragile ones.

  • Ominaki pamela

    He is an example to people who have determination and believe they can achieve anything. He made the sky his starting point instead of his limit.

  • Mirian Ndawe

    Wow, what a captivating story, I must say I was inspired by this piece. I always fantasize about how life after school would be, I imagine it rosy even when I know it might not be easy, I only hope for the best. But I’d really want to be a Broadcaster in a national or international TV, I really pray it’d be so.

  • Ikwuakam Oluchi Francisca

    Wow… What a beautiful life after school!! It goes to show that he learnt well while in school because his writing skills tells it all. God please give us similar testimonies in Jesus name.

  • Nwankwo Amanda

    This story is not only interesting but also very intriguing.
    The reality of life is that there’s no formula to life, not everything goes as planned.
    I’ve learnt to let Jesus take the wheel, whatever His plans are is what I’ll take.
    God bless Mr Vincent for this.

  • Okeke Obinna Clinton

    Mr vincent, this is a nice piece from you.. it’s not always to stay in class and learn, make sure you get the best out of it..

  • I enjoyed the story, thanks so much for sharing this with us..God bless you

  • Makwe Covenant Nkiruka

    Multi-talents is really a rare God-gift. Despite, he’s intense media training,he ended up in another field. His story corrobates the maxim about, “no knowledge being a waste”. So,always strive to perfect anything and field you find yourself.

  • Dennis Lovelyn Chisom

    Vincent is indeed a hard working man, I’m inspired by your story sir, thanks again

  • Perpetual ADIMORAH

    Most times in life we don’t get things we asked for,but anywhere u found yourself make the best out of it.

  • iloka Sandra ukamaka

    His life story is quite motivating and inspiring

  • Ikechukwu Fountain Chidera

    Very motivated with the life of Vincent,thank you ma’am.

  • Ugwuanyi Charity

    Sometimes we don’t get what we wish in life, we just have to accept what life offers us

  • Ekenworah Chidinma

    Mr. Vincent’s story is a typical example of Determination +hardwork =success, his story has revived and motivated me to struggle to be the best in all my endeavors in life. Thank you so much sir for instilling in me these rare virtues Determination and hardwork and commitment.

  • Jennifer Chisom

    This young man’s story is really inspiring. Having worked in a department in PH that he couldn’t do what he really loves, he still found a way to write for readers’ satisfaction. So, our circumstances shouldn’t limit what we love.

  • Ani Gift Onyinyechi

    Thank you sir for sharing your story with us.

  • Macaulay Tekevwe

    I am motivated by the story this morning.

  • Goodness Oluebube Nwaneji

    What a story! I think stories like this should be made more available for students to see and become inspired.
    Mr. Vincent is where he is now not because of anything but because he is good at what he does and fits in other profession apart from writing. we hope to have you back in the media sir. nice piece!

  • Ide Oluchukwu Cherish

    Things take different turn just like after going through school and still got nothing doing even after the stress and resources being invested into education. Really tough .

  • Treasure Emone

    I’m always pleased to hear stories from past jacksonites

  • Vincent is truly a blessed man. When you put your trust in God and you are also hardworking in anything that you find yourself doing; you will always succeed. As men, we should always learn to appreciate God’s gift to us which is women.

  • Uzochukwu Angel

    Life after school is a dawn of reality and new experience.

  • Amara Ikwueze

    What an inspiring story to be told.
    A story of perseverance. This type of story should be published so that we students can see what it’s like after leaving the four walls of the University as journalists

  • Winner Favour

    His story is a big motivation to me. Be prepared for anything because the ocean of life can take you anywhere

  • Ucheghara Fortune

    Wonderful story. I accord a lot of respect to him because despite the fact that he loved his profession dearly, he would do anything ensure it’s integrity even though it attracted setbacks. That is motivational.

  • Mboutidem Godwin Samuel

    Mr Vincent is a character worth immolating.
    I wanted to query the fact that he went to work as a banker leaving his profession, but I remember he wants acted as an actor. He is indeed, a dynamic character.
    Thank you ma for this wonderful, quite encouraging and motivated story

  • Will ifeanyi

    Our ability to discover our passion and push for a successful future through hardwork and persistence says more about how tomorrow is gonna be than certificates

  • Kamsy Mbamalu

    His story is really inspiring. It shows how hard to find a journalist that will be true to the profession. As cliché as it may be, I want to be like him even greater.

  • Destiny

    Wonderful story. I accord a lot of respect to him because despite the fact that he loved his profession dearly, he would do anything ensure it’s integrity even though it attracted setbacks. That is motivational.

  • Ekene Emmanuella kosisochi

    This a nice story. He overcame his challenges at the camp, made decisions that did not entirely benefit in what he wanted in life and he still has a positive mind. Thank you ma for sharing this story with us.

  • Okwa perpetual chidimma

    Be of good courage because the life after school is very tough especially when you are the sponsoring your self.

  • Ozioko Glory Oluchi

    This post is inspiring. Vincent got different opportunities to practice what he studied because he is good at what he does. It is good that he wants to return to his first love; the media. I think he will be more fulfilled if he does hi dream job.

  • Ozioko favour Ada

    The author’s journey is a compelling narrative of their experiences in publishing, politics, banking, and family life, offering a glimpse into the challenges and aspirations that shaped their path.

  • Nnadi Blessing Ngozi

    Nigeria is no longer a country one gets a job he studied in the university,one needs to be versatile so that any job you are called for you do it perfectly. Thanks for motivating the hopeless ma.

  • Alung Glory

    Dedication I think brings success and good things to can push u to different sides but one should learn to be focus and consistent.
    I love the fact that he still writes and is trying to go back to what he had always loved doing.

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