Today, as I celebrate my birthday, I want to share my love story with the One who started it all, the One who fashioned me in the womb, brought me forth and has preserved me to this day, God Almighty. This is a poem of thanksgiving to Him. I hope it inspires others to reflect on His love for them and spur them to seek to reciprocate that matchless love. Amen in Jesus’ name.
My Love Story
I am the delight of His eyes
The crowning glory of His creation
I was bought with a price
To honour Him with sweet devotion
Before I was conceived
He wrote down my life’s design
And ensured that I received
Fitting gifts for the tasks He’ll assign
Since my journey began
I’ve been clothed with His protection
And when affliction left me wan
He swiftly brought rejuvenation
In my moments of confusion
He has offered me His counsel
And in times of scant provision
My hands were graced with many a parcel
Perfect concord it would have been
If I matched His care for me
But oft, I wandered into sin
Like His love I couldn’t see
But His hand kept reaching out
Attiring me afresh in garments white
He died for me and without a doubt
He was determined to see me walk in the light
By now I should say that I do His bidding
Without any question, at the drop of a hat
But the truth is, as yet I’m learning
To do this daily as His word fills my heart
He says we will be together forever
It’s exciting to think that He’ll always be mine
That I have the honour on this plane and yonder
Of unending companionship with God divine
Ⓒ Edith Ugochi Ohaja 2021
Scriptural references
Zechariah 2:8 (KJV)
For thus saith the LORD of hosts… he that toucheth you toucheth the apple e of his eye.
Psalm 8: 1,4-6 (NIV)
1 LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory in the heavens.
4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?
5 You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.
6 You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet:
Jeremiah 31:3 (KJV)
Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.
Psalm 139: 13-14, 16-17 (NIV)
13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them!
John 3:16 (KJV)
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 14:1-3 (KJV)
[1] Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
[2] In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
[3] And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
[21] He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest f myself to him.
[23] … If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
Almighty God, You are everything to me. May I never take Your love for granted but strive each other to reciprocate it. And may I live in such a way that everyone I come in contact with will not only know my love story but embrace it for themselves too through having a saving relationship with Your Son, our Messiah, Jesus.
May my life show forth Your good works that all may glorify You and may my love story with You continue after this life to forever in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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Happy Happy Birthday to you ma’am. Wishing you God’s grace and love. You shall live to fulfill his promises for you on earth. Enjoy your day.
Amen. May God keep and preserve you too in Jesus’ name.
HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY MA! You have been a blessing and have made much impact on me. May God’s love, blessings and favour never cease in your life. AMEN!
Thank you for that lovely prayer. May God’s favour and all-round blessings locate you too in Jesus’ name.
Happy birthday ma, God’s blessing.
Happy birthday in arrears ma’am. God bless your new age and may He continue to keep you to fulfill all that he has designed for you, amen.
The love of God is one that is incomparable and unmatched as it cannot be compared to the love of any man. So we should be content with the love of God as it addeth no sorrow and let us learn to live in the live of God
Happy Birthday are a living amazing icon..God will always have your back
Thanks for the compliments. Glory to God! You’re going places in Jesus’ name.
That’s a beautiful poem Ma. God has always been Faithful.
Happy belated birthday Ma, I’m so sorry it’s coming late…..I wish you all the very best in life and may God Almighty grant you all your good heart desires, may He enlarge your coast and may you reap the fruits of all your labour in life. Amen.
Happy birthday Dr Ohaja. You are an inspiration to most of us (me especially).
You play important roles in our life.
I know that words would not be able to convey how awesome you are, but I will still attempt it. You are a wonderful person and lecturer, and I am glad to have known you. I wish you more success, prosperity,more of God’s blessings and protection and long life and prosperity in good health, ma. May all the blessings that follow birthdays be yours in Jesus’ name!….. Amen
Once again, Happy birthday, ma.
Thanks a lot for this touching message. May you be appreciated and favoured wherever you are in Jesus’ name.
May the grace of God continue to grease your life as you journey through this new phase. May His blessings never depart from you and may His presence always abide with you. Happy birthday, Mummy!
A big “Amen” ooo! You are lifted in Jesus’ name.
Happy birthday ma, remain blessed, the love of God cannot be overemphasized, His protection, His provision, His Grace, everything He has done has been for the good of all, may the good Lord continue to give you strength and keep you in good health
Amen. I appreciate. God bless you much much too in Jesus’ name.
Happy birthday ma??may your days be long and happy and truly the Lord’s love and mercy is evident in your life . May the Lord strengten you to love Him more and sing of His goodness.
Amen and Amen. May your relationship with God flourish too in Jesus’ name.
Wow..HBD Ma! Indeed he’s a faithful one even when we have not been faithful with him and his love and grace make a difference in our lives. I also pray this day that my benevolent father blesses you with more wisdom and knowledge. Keep on being a blessing to your generation. Cheers…
Amen. Thanks a lot and may God bless you more in Jesus’ name.
The poem is so lovely, emotion filled, shows how much the writer loves God and how close the relationship they have, i really hope to learn to broadcast to the world how much i love my God.
Wowwww,happy beautiful birthday celebration ma’am. This poem showcases intimacy with your creator (lover). It’s nice. Once again, happy birthday, ma ????❣️❣️❣️much love from here.
Thanks a lot and God bless you!
For God so loves you, hence He made it possible for you to see today strong and healthy.
He alone deserves all the gratitude and praises.
I pray that His cup of oil on your life never runs dry. Amen!
Happy Super Birthday’, mummy.
You’re blessed! ♥️♥️♥️
(PleasePrayForUsSoOnYourNextBirthday, WeGoSurpriseYou)????
Thanks a whole lot, Abigail. ???
May you be celebrated too in Jesus’ name.
Happy birthday ma. May God’s love continue to shower over your life. I wish you more life, grace and blessings.
Amen. I wish you God’s unending blessings in Jesus’ name.
Happy birthday to you ma, you will be filled with joy and laughter always.
I really want to appreciate you for all your efforts, it will never be void and we’d always remember you for who you are ma.
You are truly an inspiration to me and hopefully everyone whose paths crosses with yours.
We love and celebrate you ma!
Cheers to beautiful yearsssss ahead. Hurrayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much! May you be appreciated always too in Jesus’ name.
Happy Birthday, Enjoy the day ??
I appreciate. Have a blessed week!
Happy Happy Happy Birthdayyyyyy to you ma.
The poem was simply sublime.
Here’s to the Lord’s unending goodness and mercies ❤️❤️
Amen. Our God is awesome. May you find Him so daily in Jesus’ name. ?
Happy birthday ma,may the good Lord grant you very long beautiful years. I say cheers to many blessings from today till the end of time Amen
Amen and Amen. May God also overwhelm you with His blessings forever in Jesus’ name.
Happy birthday ma 🙇🏽♂️
You’re welcome indeed a blessing to students.
Happy birthday ma. You’re truly God’s cherished and anointed. May His hand hold you forever, even when you let go. May His love search you out and find you IJN. Amen!
Thanks for the beautiful prayer. God bless you!
Happy birthday Ma
You are an inspiration to me!
May God continue to bless you and supply all your needs in his riches in glory through Christ Jesus, Amen.
You are amazing!!!
Glory to God and may you be richly blessed too in Jesus’ name.
Happy birthday Ma. May your life be sweet like honey. God bless you.
That is a sweet prayer. Thank you and be awesomely blessed too in Jesus’ name.
Happy birthday ma, may God continue to shower his blessings on you. I wish you many more amazing years and the best life has offer
Amen. Chukwu gozie gi!
Mummy happy birthday to you. I pray that you will have more cause to be grateful to Him.
Amen and God bless you richly in Jesus’ name.
The fourth stanza of the poem really got me, God’s love for us is truly unmatchable. Despite our shortcomings towards him, he is always forthcoming for us. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MUMMY, we love you to the Moon and back
Happy belated birthday ma, I pray for many more birthdays, joy, happiness, peace of mind , good health , grace to serve God continuously and more success to your endeavors.
Amen. Thank you and stay blessed too!
Happy belated birthday ma’am. I wish you heaven’s choicest blessings.
Now to the issue at hand, to that one person who needs to hear this, the word for you is: don’t doubt God’s commitment to you…from your first cry to your last breath his is totally committed to you.
*He is totally committed to you. please pardon the error
Happy birthday ma, May Almighty God bless you abundantly, you will always radiate his love like always.
Wow Happy birthday mum wishing God’s choicest blessings more wisdom and insight this poem inspired me to love him who fashioned me and it also made to understand how you love ur creator well done ma
Very beautiful poem! May you continue to enjoy greater depths in God ?
I rushed to read the poem when I saw the caption?.. Your love story. Anyways, when I started reading I dawned on me that His love is the greatest. Happy birthday in arrears ma.
Happy birthday, ma! You are indeed a blessing to this generation. May God Almighty continue to bless you, increase you on every side, spiritually, financially, academically and health wise.
May every journey of life you embark upon go very smoothly for you and may all your efforts be adequately rewarded with sound success.
Amen in Jesus’ name. Thanknyou and God bless you tremendously too.
Your work for humanity will definitely be rewarded by the heavenly father according to his riches in glory. This poem has made my day glow.
No one comes in contact with any of your write -ups without being inspired. May your days be long to continue influencing the world, ma.
Amen. Thank you very much for your kind and encouraging words.
Yes, i know your birthday was a month ago but I want to wish you a belated happy birthday Ma.
“Since my journey began
I’ve been clothed with His protection
And when affliction left me wan
He swiftly brought rejuvenation” This line really inspired me.Yes,he clothes us with protection.He is God that brings us rejuvenation.Amen.More power to your elbow Ma
The unmeasurable love of God can not be expressed enough with words. I thank God for His love over you and you still representing it through studying His word. Happy birthday in arrears, ma. Thank you for all the categories that have inspired me and others.
A beautiful way to appreciate the Goodness of God in your life through all these past years. May God continue to release his blessing on you today and always ma.
Amen and amen
Happy Birthday Ma.
I wish you many more years ahead.
Lovely poem ma, God’s love for us is unending. Many more years to u ma.
Happy birthday in arrears.. God’s plan for you will not fade.. amen
This is a beautiful poem ma…. Indeed God’s love is not for a season but it’s forever and His love has always been there even before we were born like He told Jeremiah.
God bless you, ma’am!
Great! I love the caption used in this poem, the simplicity and the accuracy is so splendid and lovely too
Happy birthday ma’am.
Happy birthday ma.. wish u all the good things in life… I pray for God to give you the strength to continue his Good works.
An inspiringly wonderful poem ma ?
I pray for you that celebration shall never cease from your life and that of your family in Jesus name. Happy birthday in arrears ma ?
Amen. Thank you and God bless you awesomely in Jesus’ name.
A very superb eulogy. Our God can never be compared to anyone. His love is unmeasurable. I bless God for adding another beautiful year to your life. He will definitely see you through and be with you till the end. Thanks for all you do ma.
This poem is so amazing and it captivates the mind, indeed God’s endless love in our life is just mind blowing
I pray you enjoy your new age with God’s grace, more happy years ahead ma.
The poem is simply sublime and unique.kudos to u ma
God’s love for us is really unconditional
The poem, bible references and prayers are on point
I’m really blessed
God’s love for us is really unconditional
The poem, bible references and prayers are on point.
I’m really blessed
What an inspiring poem. Indeed God is wonderful.
Happy birthday ma .the poem is just wonderful because the content of the poem is what our God cherishes.
Belated birthday greetings ma. You are such a sweet soul to reckon with. I pray God keep you in good health. Age gracefully ma.
May God bless everything that you represent, a belated happy birthday to u ma.. you are a unique woman
God’s love is surely unending
Even though this is coming late…..I still want to wish you a belated birthday ma’am….you’re a sweet soul
The steadfast love of God never seizeth neither does his mercies come to an end. I celebrate you ma, may God’s love for you continue to flow in bountifulness . Happy birthday in arrears. Many may fruitful years to you. Amen.
God’s love is always the greatest.
It’s a work of art.
More power to your elbow
I seek to reciprocate His matchless love for me. I have the honour of unending company with God. Hallelujah! This poem really spurred me ma. I’m deeply inspired. Thank you for this piece.
I pray you keep burning in the flames of his love
Happy birthday ma, wish you God’s grace, love and protection.
I pray for God’s love and grace to you ma. God’s love on us is unconditional.
I pray you keep growing and glowing in the Lord’s abundant love.
Happy birthday ma in arrears.
More feathers to your cap!!
God bless yoi
Happy birthday in arrears ma’am. God’s grace and love for you is unending and will continue to lift you higher ?
Happy belated birthday, Ms. Edith. I sometimes envy your relationship with God, that closeness and that unconditional love you have for Him. You inspire me each day to want to draw nearer to Christ and find my own comfort.
I love your reflection on God’s love for us. My prayer is that we keep burning for him as His love never ceases.
The poem is nice na .I know am Apple of God’s eyes he doesn’t play with me . thanks allot .
God’s Love is unending
May you continue to grow in the love of christ. Amen
Nice poem ma
Your description of God’s love is amazing.
Your closeness to him is also inspiring.
Thank you ma for this poem.
Belated happy birthday ma. You are indeed a great woman
May God’s love for his children never end….more greater years ahead ma.
God is wonderful, we should always thank him and glorify him
Happy birthday in arrears ma. This poem shows that God has always loved us even before we were born.
Many more years to you ma
May God reward you for all your good deeds and for all the help and advices you have rendered to others
Happy belated birthday ma. I wish you heaven’s blessings.
Now to the issue at hand, to that one person who needs to hear this, the word for you is: don’t doubt God’s commitment to you…from your first cry to your last breath his is totally committed to you.
We should be ever grateful.God is love,his love is unconditional.
Only one with a good relationship with God would understand the poem to a great depth. His love is amazing
Gods love for us never ceases or changes, May his love always continue to abide for us through Christ our lord. Amen.
Happy birthday ma, may God bless you abundantly
This poem is so romantic. It portrayed an unending love between a believer and her God. Nice work ma’am.
Truly in my moment of confusion he has offered ne his counsel in an unimaginable way that I never thought was possible. It has been God all the way and im forever grateful to him for bringing me thus far.
Such a beautiful poem
Truely, the Lord is working wonders in your life ma
I also pray for my own blessings
Happy belated birthday to you ma. This is really a beautiful piece, I pray God continues to uphold you and keep you.
Nice rhymes,ABAB. Yeah, God’s amazing and reckless love. Even while we didn’t care, He still loved us. Thank you Jesus
I see the ryhme scheme “abab” you made use of ❤️. More of God’s blessings to you ma’am.
Happy birthday in arrears ma. You are an amazing icon. May the love of God never depart from you.
Your poem is like music to my ears, truly God helps us in any situation even when we’re in need of him. The belief in God is a prominent aspect in your poem.
The love of God is one that is incomparable and unmatched as it cannot be compared to the love of any man. So we should be content with the love of God as it addeth no sorrow and let us learn to live in the love of God.
The poem really portrays God’s love for us. Nice poem ma.
Ma, you can write!!!! ??
I must confess; your write-ups have been a source of inspiration and upliftment to me. Thank you for all you do. I love you!
Strong and encouraging words! Thank you very much and may you experience God’s love in a very real and overwhelming way all your life in Jesus’ name.
Amazing! The love of God is truly the greatest
May God fill your life with joy, good health,progress, promotion and happiness Amen. Nice work ma.
It’s the rhymes for me.. This is an excellent work, ma. Happy birthday to you in arrears!
The Bible makes mentions of the so many ways God depicts his love towards us. Nothing can separate us from the love of God, it is endless.
Indeed, your truly the delight of his eyes and he has promised to be with you forever when he returns, cos your lifestyle has been of great joy, love and happiness to him, and as such he knows your bound to his kingdom…
Happy Birthday in Arrears Ma…
When I think of the love of God it is so overwhelming, thanks ma for this wonderful poem
God’s love is reassuring
Such a beautiful poem!
Many more years of successes and blessings to you ma’am
Wow , may God continue to shower his love on you ma
Happy birthday to you ma. God our wonderful counsellor, government,, the mighty God, the everlasting father, the Prince of Peace be your guidance amen.
May the grace of GOD continue to guide u ma as u do his work and as u Inspire others to follow his way.
That’s a wonderful piece,ma…
Happy belated birthday
What a wonderful way of expressing your love for God, truly God is ever loving. Nice piece ma.
Happy birthday in arrears ma. Many more years to u ma.
Amen and Amen.
No love can be compare to God’s love
At all!
I love this poem with perfect rhyme scheme (abab). You are so good with words.
For God commended his love toward us in that when we were yet sinners or keep falling into iniquity Christ came and died to redeem us back to the father. This is the foundation of our existence. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MA.
Happy birthday to you ma.may our wonderful councellor, the mighty God, the everlasting father, the Prince of Peace be your guidance amen.
Happy belated birthday to you ma. I wish u more grace and upliftment. You have been s blessing to me. The poem is mind blowing and amazing
Happy birthday Dr. Ohaja❤
You are a rare gem📌
God’s love is excess❤
Keep impacting!
You are limitless!
I thank God for his love for me from when I was conceived till now
Happy belated birthday ma’am.
What a beautiful poem, it made me realize how God’s love for me isunconditional because he sent his only son to die for me.
God bless you…
Beautiful poem
Wow this poem is really nice, the way you just romantically talked about GOD Jess this is just 🔥
Happy birthday in advance ma, because it’s 2023.😁 I think this is a very deep and lovely poem that talks about God’s unending love for us. Despite our sins, he’s always there, waiting for us to come back to him.
I’m glad I stumbled upon this in your birthday month. Happy birthday in advance Aunty Edith . God’s love is evident in your life
Happy birthday in arrears ma.
God bless you for the knowledge you impact on us.
Many more years to come!
Belated happy birthday, ma. Surely, God loves you.
Happy birthday in arieas and also in advance ma.
May God continue to bless you and increase you wisdom and knowledge to continue to inspire people in the upcoming years. This is your month ma , may you be blessed.
Happy birthday ma, i wish you long life and prosperity and many more years ahead.May his countenance shine upon you and your household forever and ever.Amen
An amazing poem ma
Am falling in love with your lover🥰
This comment is coming before your birthday which is on the 21st of this month, So happiest birthday in advance Ma’am.
You’re indeed the delight of his heart and the glory of his creation.
I’ve learnt to give God praise in all, birthdays is a time for reflection and utmost thanksgiving to God, as we are getting older, our dreams are also aligning.
Lovely poem. I love the fact it helped me understand the depth of God’s love me. What an endless Love He has for me and everyone of us.
I love the rhyme scheme
I thought it was your love story with your husband at first but then I realized it’s Jesus you’re talking about.
LoL. Jesus must love this acknowledgement and poem.
I love calling myself Yaweh’s delight because I know that God’s love for me can’t be quantified and all I can do in return is to make my king smile everytime he looks down at me.
Happy birthday ma, this made me to realized that before we were conceived in our mother womb God has purpose for our creation and existence on Earth and he guides us in the right paths to see that it comes to manifestation.
God has ever been faithful even in times when we actually knew we didn’t deserve His awesome love, He still keeps coming.
His love is the type that is so persistent and insisting not forcefully but then compassionately. He’s ready to go an extra mile just to see that we don’t fail or fall.
Happy birthday MA’AM
This opened my eyes to see how marvelous Gods love is upon us .
Wow! Am wowed! This poem is top-notch. It is amazing. An eye opener.
This poem will actually turn something around in the life of anyone who reads it.
This poem is actually gratitude pro max. It teaches us what sincere gratitude entails, what a life if gratitude should be. It’s alarming that we no longer give God praise for his goodness in our lives. Instead we always forget the place of God in our lives and filling it with things that don’t really matter.
God actually enjoys his creatures praising him since he can’t praise himself (Ps. 50)
When we praise God, he leaves his throne to come listen to us. He fills us with his glory and gives us peace granting instant answer to those situations we’ve been facing.
Always strive to live a life of praise!
Happy belated birthday to you ma’am.
Your life is an inspiration to me.
Remain blessed and soar.
Awwwn… This poem truly displays the love of Christ. Happy birthday in advance ma’am. Thank you for this beautiful reminder
I am so lucky to have Jesus as my lord and personal saviour
The greatest peace of all is to be aware that you’re God’s own.
And it’s a joy to know his love is unconditional.
Keep living for Jesus, ma’am.
An inspiring poem indeed. Even before we were formed in our mothers worm, God already fashioned his blessings upon us.
I wish you good health for more celebration in life.
He knows me even more than I think I know myself.
Happy birthday in arrears ma, I’ve learnt from this poem that God created us with love and has written our story down even before we were conceived.
Thank you Jesus for your unending love.
Happy Birthday to you u also ma. You are a blessing to humanity. God bless your age.
This is an excellent work ma.
Wow! I’m pretty sure Christ is pleased with you and your family, ma’am.
God bless you ma.
Belated Birthday Blessings, Ma.
This is a poem that incites a soul to Thanksgiving. A wonderful one, I must say, Ma!
I so much love this poem. God bless you ma.
God’s love is real and unending… Happy belated birthday ma’am
Belated birthday blessings, Ma.
This is a poem that incites a soul to thanksgiving. God’s unconditional love is overwhelming. A wonderful one, I must say, Ma!
Always remember how special you are to God
Incomparable in its depth is God’s love for us. He is consistently available for us despite our shortcomings toward him. God’s love endures forever; it is not temporary.
So beautiful 😊
Omniscient God, we serve!!! He knows us even before we are birthed. This a beautiful work ma
Is good to know that in everything we do GOD still love us unconditionally
And in everything we pass through that GOD loves us and will Never abandon us
What a beautiful line. 👏👏
Happy belated Birthday to you sweetest mum 🥰
We should be ever grateful.God is love,his love is unconditional. Scrolling through this has taught me a lot, truly educational and enlightening.
God is with us always and he cares for us even though we are sinners,may we learn to serve God
May the lord continue to bless you and add more virtues to your life
Nice poem!
Such an impactful poem
Keep inspiring lives, ma.
Happy belated birthday to you my spiritual mentor. God will grant you the fortitude to carry on his work.
A constant reminder that even in our rebellious nature, God always stand for us.
I thank God for his loving kindness and blessings in your life ma. I pray God increases you to more levels of grace and abundant blessings. Amen
God’s love for us is abundant. May he continue to bless us and see us through. Amen
God’s love is the ultimate,
Happy birthday in arrears ma, what a wonderful way of expressing the love of God in our life’s
The words boost confidence, making one understand their true identity. This is beautiful.
Thank God for his faithfulness in your life. Happy belated birthday ma
Happy birthday ma, my your day be filled with joy, reflection, and hope for the year ahead, and may God continue to bless you and watch over you all the days of your life Amen.happy birthday once again .
May God’s mercy continue in your life.
God has indeed been faithful ma, happy birthday in arrears ma.
God love is evident in your life as you Glow each day. Happy birthday this is a very lovingly poem that describes God loves for you
You are a valuable gift to humanity ma. God bless you
Happy birthday in arrears ma
God is faithful.
perfect rhyme scheme and great message
A lovely poem. You’re indeed God’s delight. Keep growing in grace ma’am.
The post was made on her birthday (Mrs. Edith Ohaja). perfect rhymes and the unconditional love of God.
You need to learn my name. See me and let me know you have done so.
Gratitude is very important, good turn deserves another. Appreciate God in every thing.
Beautiful piece!
Jesus loves me, yes I know!
Yes Jesus loves me….
This part touched me as I was reading the poem.
“Perfect concord it would have been
If I matched His care for me
But oft, I wandered into sin
Like His love I couldn’t see
But His hand kept reaching out
Attiring me afresh in garments white…”
God’s love is second to none. Though I don’t deserve it, He keeps chasing after me me with His love.
He loves me unconditionally, I will strive to reciprocate His love for me.
I was blessed by this poem
My love story (peom)
This poem tells about the on-ending companionship with God devine, he who does not sleep nor slumber. He laid down his life for us, what else can we call love?
I hope and pray that all will accept christ whole heartedly because he is the beginning and the end.
Happy belated birthday Ma’am. I wish you good health for more celebration. May the Lord order your steps.
Happy belated birthday Ma. Indeed, u are the crowing glory of God’s creation. I wish you God’s abundant blessings and success in all your endeavors.
The never ending love of our Lord, Jesus Christ. He is always showering me with his love. Even in times crisis, his love defends me. No man can love me like he do🥺.
Thank you Jesus for your unconditional love towards me🙏🏾.
A beautiful expression of faith and the profound belief in divine guidance, protection, and love throughout life’s journey.
God’s love is incomparable and far surpasses any human love. Embracing and living in His love brings contentment and joy, as it adds no sorrow. It’s a reminder to appreciate the divine love that transcends all.
The Lord who brought a great heroin like you to this world had a reason for doing so,i pray that his wish will continue to come to pass in your life ma.
This heartfelt poem beautifully emphasizes the depth of God’s love and His constant presence in our lives. It conveys the message that, despite our imperfections and moments of doubt, His love and guidance are ever steadfast, offering hope and eternal companionship.
This is a beautiful picture of God’s unending love for us and his willingness to draw to closer to him.
Wow, if you’re not in God,you’re missing a lot.
Thank you ma
You are highly cherished and appreciated always. Love 💝 from Chioma
Just saw this now. Much love to you and yours. 💙
Happy birthday ma ☺️
Live long and excel in all ramifications 💯