Ola was amused when she came into their guest room on Monday morning and saw how her friend, Oluoma, was hurrying to get dressed. Oluoma had been unable to get hostel accommodation in UNN and had been squatting here and there. The situation had been driving her crazy with her health jeopardised and her class attendance drastically reduced. Her belongings were scattered between the places she squatted: Onuiyi, Odenigwe and Mary Slessor Hall. She had even lost some stuff because she couldn’t remember where she left them and she didn’t have secure closets anywhere. Her suitcases were in Ola’s house and she dropped by every other weekend to pick a change of clothes.

Ola was newly married and lived with her husband, a lecturer, in the staff quarters on campus. After Oluoma’s hospitalisation the previous week due to malaria and stress, Ola had convinced her husband to bring her home to stay. The girls had been close friends in secondary school and were very excited to meet each other in a General Studies lecture after a four-year break in their relationship. That was in their first year. Currently, they were in their third year, Ola in English and Oluoma in History.

Ola had an 8 o’clock class. She had woken up early to prepare breakfast and get dressed for school. Oluoma was still weak from her recent illness and when she staggered into the kitcheni around 6 a.m., Ola had urged her to go back to bed. Ready to leave, she had come to tell Oluoma her food was on the dining table and to wish her a great day.

“Babe, what’s up? I thought you didn’t have lectures this morning.”

“I don’t but I’m leaving with you.”

“Why the rush?”

“Sweetie, I’m not staying here unless you’re around. I don’t want stories that touch the heart.”

“Stories that touch the heart? Babe, you’re tripping!”

Ola walked out of the room angry. She pecked her husband, Ikenna, who was watching the news on TV, on the head and went out of the house. Oluoma followed shortly after, still putting on her earrings. She waved to Ikenna and ran after Ola.

“Wait up, girl! I’m in no shape for a race.”

Ola didn’t slacken her pace though. She was beginning to wonder if she had made a mistake inviting Oluoma into her home. Stories that touch the heart? What was Oluoma insinuating? That her husband might make sexual advances which might result in what? Or that she might be blamed for seducing him if …? Or that Oluoma and her husband might have an affair and break her home?

Why would she even think that? It’s been what, three days? Could my husband have given her the reason to think that way? Has his eyes lingered on her and her goods indecently? Or is she attracted to him and feels that in the event they are left alone, something might go wrong?

Whatever the case, she shouldn’t have spoken like that. It was a very flippant thing to say! And what good could come out of it? This can only make me suspicious of my husband and threatened by her, none of which serves her well in the desperate accommodation situation she’s been in.

As she thought about it, she got madder and walked faster, causing Oluoma to give up trying to catch up with her.

[bctt tweet=”Words are like yeast. Think of their multiplied effect before you use them.” username=”edithohaja1″]

Ola began to remember the marriage advice they’d received.

“Do not let a third party into your relationship,” the Marriage Committee Chairman at their church had warned. But did the present scenario qualify as third party meddling and was Oluoma really a third party? She had never thought of her that way before. She was her best friend on campus, her “sister from another mother” as she liked to say. She had been her chief bridesmaid too at her wedding a few months ago. And ever since she introduced them, she hadn’t noticed any strange vibes between her and Ikenna.

Oluoma was just being stupid, she told herself. She was a beautiful girl but so was Ola. Most importantly, Ikenna was a disciplined young man. Which was part of the reason Ola married him: he didn’t have roaming eyes. He was too focused on his work to pursue women. She had been the one to do the heavy lifting of capturing his attention by serving as a volunteer (teaching English) at his Free Exam Prep. Centre and once she did, he proposed soon after. He didn’t have the stomach for a long relationship outside marriage, he had said. She called him “the last of the innocents” because she was aware of the havoc other young men were wreaking in girls’ lives.

And the worst are the lecturers! It’s a nightmare for a woman, young or old, to be married to them. It appears that once they are hired and see all shapes and sizes of women, they lose all self control! Kids in candy stores, that’s what they become!

But she was convinced Ikenna wasn’t like that.

Still, if Oluoma has started thinking like this, shouldn’t I kick her out right away? Is our marriage not too young for us to be having a live-in guest in our home, and a PYT at that?

As angry and conflicted as she was, Ola couldn’t forget how close she and Oluoma were and what the latter had passed through due to lack of steady accommodation. She could not, in good conscience, send her back to that type of wearying experience. She was certain that if the tables were turned, Oluoma would not have allowed her to suffer before welcoming her into her home. She was such a large-hearted girl.

[bctt tweet=”Caught between obeying the Golden Rule and securing your marriage, what would you do?” username=”edithohaja1″]

Sure, she had spoken out of turn but, perhaps, she didn’t know the implications of what she had said or that it would upset her so, Ola reasoned. She could also have been trying to protect her. With this turn of thoughts, she slowed down. Looking back and seeing how far behind Oluoma was, she waited for her under a pine tree nearby. They were close to their faculty and would soon part to their different departments.

As she watched Oluoma walking towards her at a quicker pace, she wondered what she would say to her. Scold her? Apologise? She couldn’t make up her mind. She wasn’t even sure it was such a good idea to keep hosting her. She wondered what other issues would crop up in time and how much they would strain their friendship and her relationship with her husband.

[bctt tweet=”One wrong move can trigger events that summon years of tears.” username=”edithohaja1″]

She needed to stop worrying and hand over the matter to the most capable hands she knew, she advised herself. God, take control of this situation and grant me wisdom in Jesus’ name. Amen.

-The end-

Ⓒ Edith Ugochi Ohaja 2018

Hi, hi! Would love to chat with you about the story.

Do you think Oluoma was right or wrong when she told Ola, “I’m not staying here unless you’re around. I don’t want stories that touch the heart”?

Do you feel Ola was right to be upset about what Oluoma said or she overreacted?

Going forward, how should Ola handle the situation?

Are you or anyone you know affected by accommodation hassles? Can you offer some coping mechanisms to such people?

Ola has a terrible opinion of male lecturers. Sounds like an overgeneralisation. What’s your take on that?


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  • Ishiwu victor c

    The situation in this story is very complicated. Coming to what oluoma said it do happen because temptations do come even when the victim don’t have such act in mind because nobody is perfect. On the other hand I won’t blame ola for thinking the way she did because she thinks that having a disciplined husband can unroot outside affairs or having a trustworthy friend will wage the act of being tempted. So I think the illusion there is kind of ignorance, and for those stranded in terms of accommodation should try and sort it out rather than squatting with a married couple.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Okay, you feel no matter how disciplined the man is or how trustworthy your friend is, the arrangement they have isn’t a good idea because temptation can blindside anyone. I appreciate your view. God bless you richly, Victor!

  • Oleru Precious

    I also have terrible opinions of male lecturer. I feel once they know you, they will want you to be at their mercy. That is why I always keep away from them. I also don’t want to tell stories that touch the heart.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Aaaargh! I thought if they know you they will protect you. But there are some good guys who aren’t out to take advantage of anyone. But one needs to be wise and pray for God’s protection, not just in school but all through one’s life. May you be safe in Jesus’ name, Precious!


    Wow, so interesting! Thanks for the write up MA.. In my own view, Oluoma’s approach was poor because we are all human and we handle or react to issues differently. If she had noticed any unusual behaviour, she should have informed her so-called friend and sister, instead of joining her on the note, that she doesn’t want stories that touch the heart. For the way that Ola reacted, its normal and 99 percent of us will think that way because it’s not easy to develop trust for someone and all of a sudden, an old friend will come up with something else. Oluoma should have come up with something else or fabricate an excuse if she thinks that she staying back will create unusual scene. Maybe she knows she can’t control herself or that she doesn’t like the way the man looks at her or she has the view that as a lecturer, he is prone to chase women which is overgeneralisation. The belief that male lecturers sleep with students is a fallacy because it’s obvious it’s not all and sometimes we students contribute to it. For hostel issue, OLUOMA is not the only victim, am also a victim and so many others. Come to night class, students will be in class sleeping, you will think that they dont want to read but it’s because their main aim is to come and sleep in class since they don’t have anywhere to lay their head. in the morning they will go to the hostel, take their bath, dress up in a friend’s corner and start going to school.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Oh my word, this is so appalling! You students are supermen and women. I don’t know if I would have been able to cope if I had to sleep sitting in class and still make it to class the next day and this consecutively. Infrastructural development, esp in terms of hostels and classrooms should now be a priority in our tertiary institutions. May God strengthen you all and help you to earn good grades regardless of the current hardships in Jesus’ name.

  • Rahman Peace Taiye

    I think Oluoma has a perfectly good reason to leave with Ola. She might want to avoid temptations which the devil might want to bring in. Although, I think her choice of words is a little blunt. I think Ola should just pray and leave it all in God’s hands. If she is sure her husband isn’t the type with a roving eye, then she has nothing to fear.

  • Ukamaka Ukaegbu Mirabel

    This is quite a captivating story, ma. I think Oluoma might have had a painful experience while battling with her accommodation issues. Anyone who has been in her shoes will attest to the fact that it’s really not an easy ride at all. Also, Ola is not out of place for nursing any kind of thoughts in her mind judging by the world we live in today, whereby a lot of people rather than appreciating a favour done for them choose to bite the fingers that fed them openly.

  • Eze, Nnenna Victoria

    One wrong move can trigger events that summon years of tears. Oluoma was very wrong to have made such statement although she would have probably had that in mind. Because it’s not everything that comes to one’s mind that one should voice.
    Now coming to Ola, I think she did a very good thing by helping her friend. But since she is already feeling insecure, it’s better for her to find an alternative accommodation for her.
    Thanks, Aunty Edith, for this wonderful piece. It made my day! I celebrate You!

    • Edith Ohaja

      Glory to God! The problem is that finding accommodation is like a seasonal thing. If you start searching late, it becomes extra hard. The problem is that many people affected already paid for hostel accommodation and didn’t anticipate the difficulties they later faced. I pray they find help as exams are fast approaching. May the Lord celebrate you, my dear, in Jesus’ name.

  • Uzoh Children

    Hahahahaha… I’m not quite am in support of this ‘live-in guest’ of a thing- be it male or female as I’m not so sure of myself and may not even be so sure of my wife.

    Be that as it may, situations may arise where one has to throw caution to the wind and take the risk. What else? Any step taken to secure one’s marriage is good. Besides, jealousy is the spark of love. Little wonder God himself said he is a jealous God!

    Beyond the above, my fear of marriage returns. I just hope it’s something I can handle… Thanks for this Aunty- if for nothing else, it has set me thinking aloud!

  • Edeh Cynthia oluomachi

    Oluoma my namesake shouldn’t have talked that way because if Ola didn’t respect their friendship, it would have affected it and caused a problem between Ola and her husband. I love d way Ola handled the situation and even if Ola’s husband has approached her, she would have handled it maturely than leaving so many thoughts on her friend’s mind.

    • Edith Ohaja

      It did sound thoughtless dropping that comment. If it was about a stranger, maybe fine, but to your friend and hostess on such a sensitive matter? No! You are sooo blessed!

  • Mbadugha Ifeanyi

    “Stories that touch the heart” Oluoma must be a huge fan of Nigerian movies. ? I think she had good intentions though, the problem was in her delivery coz that one sentence sprung up so many possibilities in Ola’s mind. Ola, on the other hand, is actually a very nice person. I knw girls have a problem accommodating their fellows when they’re single talk more of inviting them to stay in their matrimonial homes, and i think her reaction to Oluoma’s statement was okay. She should just hand over to God and pray that her hubby is acually the “last of the innocents”

    • Edith Ohaja

      Hmmm, that “last of the innocents” claim is the kind of thing that one shouldn’t boast about oh! E get as trouble dey show wen peson make dat kain boast. But the guy really sounds nice. I hope he can maintain it. Love your comment, Ifeanyi. Have a great new week and remain blessed!

  • maduebo, ifunanya blessing

    wow! what a story. Oluoma was never wrong in making that statement, maybe she has passed through such experience and she doesn’t want the same scene to occur again. Ola, on her own part, overreacted because she is supposed to know how men behave (not all though, but most of them). However, I like the way she handed the situation over to God to avoid jeopardizing her friendship with Oluoma.

  • Ogugua eboh

    Oluoma shouldn’t have said that to Ola even if she felt that way in her heart. It is natural for Ola to think there may be something cooking behind her. Any way, she took the right decision by taking all to God.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Yes, that was. A very smart thing to do. He could give them an option that would solve Oluoma’s accommodation problem and allow their friendship and Ola’s marriage to blossom.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Yes, that was a very smart thing to do. God could give them an option that would solve Oluoma’s accommodation problem and allow their friendship and Ola’s marriage to blossom. May God’s favour be yours in the coming week, Ogugua, in Jesus’ name.

  • Amadi victoria chinwendu

    Ola is a good friend, she did what every good friend is suppose to do when their friend is in trouble but oluoma on the other hand didn’t control her choice of words. Whatever she felt at that point should have been with her alone and not letting it out like that. For me, ola’s anger is justified and i am happy ahe remembered the power of God in all situations.

  • ibemma Ginikachukwu

    I really do not know why OIuoma is angry. She should be grateful for the kind of friend she has, someone who has her back. As for men, they are not to be trusted. You can hardly vouch for them. This accommodation problem is one big problem students are facing and I think Ola falling a victim is enough story that touches the heart.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Abi? Maybe that’s why she doesn’t want more stories that touch the heart. What she has suffered in the area of accommodation should suffice. Lol! God’s grace in your endeavours, Ginika, in Jesus’ name.

  • Analike, Vivian U

    Well, from my own point of view, Ola did not do anything bad in accommodating her friend. Friends are bound to lend helping hands to each other anytime any day. But for Oluoma to make that statement, means something fishy is smelling. She might not want stories that touch the heart but saying it like that to her friend is so uncalled for. I would have reacted if it were me or anybody else. And this might make her friend to kick her out of her house. It’s high time we take precautions in what we say and actions we do.

  • Ifeyinwa flora

    Seriously Ola is right in her thinking. You can’t keep goat and yam together and don’t expect the goat to eat the yam, after all most men make use of the philosophy “you can’t keep eating same soup everyday”.

  • Ezenwa chinaza

    Ola was just taking caution to avoid being sorry. I don’t think she was wrong at all. I would accomodate any of my friends that have such issues but like oluoma, I would seek God’s wisdom before, during and after the person must have come and gone because it’s not easy at all.

    Finally, oluoma should just take it easy with her, she loves her enough and really didn’t want any story that touches the heart. So I dont see any reason why she should be annoyed, better flee than giving the devil chance to tempt you.
    Nice one ma. Ride on.

  • Oluoma was damn wrong. She should have kept it (whatever she felt could happen) to her. Telling Ola would naturally arouse curiosity and worry. It did. Oluoma should have avoided staying with Ikenna alone at home without telling her friend why. See what she caused now! On the other hand, Ola was not wrong, neither did she overreact. Every woman feels insecure with another woman around her husband, not to talk of when the woman in question feels and confesses as Oluoma did. She could react the same way- or even worse. Oluoma gave her friend a good reason to do whatever she did. Now, Ola does not know whether her friend received an advance from her husband or her friend just thinks being alone in the house with Ikenna would expose them to temptation. The only thing she knows is that she trusts her husband. But that is not enough. People change. And Ikenna is only human and may likely be tempted to do something wrong with his wife’s friend – exactly what Oluoma is trying to avoid. So the ideal thing is to begin to make arrangements to help Oluoma secure accommodation elsewhere. Paying for her accommodation may actually save her marriage. It is wisdom. I suspect this marriage may not be safe with Oluoma under the same roof. And for Ola’s opinion on male lecturers: it is such a terrible stereotype. One man can show a woman that all men are not the same! Meanwhile, Ola must do something to save this marriage ooo. I can identify with this namesake character lol…

  • Rosemary Stephen ibibo

    Wow wot an interesting story, BT I think oluoma should be very glad for the kind of friend she has. Cos not everyone will open up like that, she should face her husband cos men are not to be trusted. And also pray about it COs is only God can solve all things.

    • Edith Ohaja

      I’m a bit confused by your response. Who is who, my dear? It’s hard to tell who you are addressing at any point. Bless you!


    Oluoma was wrong. it sounds like there is something extraordinary going on without Ola’s knowledge. that is suspicious, ola is not to blame because she was moved by emotion. although she overreacted a little insinuating things that are not real at the moment. I think Ola should be calm for now, Well, yes, Ola has a terrible opinion of male lecturers, well everyone can never be the same, she overgeneralized it. There are still some good men out there that are lecturers but a few.


    What an interesting story ma, i think Oluma was right kind of, because you never can tell what will happen.
    Ola overreacted, she could have just waited to hear her out, instead of reacting that way. Ola should handle the situation at hand maturely, because she supposed to have known her friend Oluoma to some extent and be able to predict what she can do and can not do. Yes, i have been affected by accommodation hassles but i will advise that the people involved with such a situation should be nice to each other and have understanding among themselves. I agree, it is an overgeneralized statement.

  • Henry

    First, Oluoma didn’t put out the words appropriately. Every right thinking wife would obviously grow curiously suspicious of such an unguarded utterance.

    To me, even if nothing had gone wrong between Oluoma and Ola’s husband, it is a sheer sign of disrespect and disregard for Oluoma to think Olas husband could be nurturing the ambition of going down with her.

    Having said that, I think Ola overreacted. She should have been more pragmatic in her approach. Walking out like that would send a strong message of disapproval and jealousy to Oluoma and could hamper Olas chances of finding out the true situation of things.

    She should just pretend like nothing happened and keep a closer eye on both of them. Or rather still, call her, have a chat with her and plainly ask her the meaning of what she uttered.

    I enjoyed the story!

  • Nweke Jemimah Chisom

    Personally, I don’t think Oluoma meant any harm. She simply spoke that way because of her relationship with Ola, there are very close after all. she just forgot she was talking about her husband here. Ola should look for a way to tell Oluoma that she didn’t like what she said. she might apologise and maybe tell her why she said what she said. Ola’s husband may have done something to suggest interest in her…

  • Onyema bright

    I beg to differ, I see no wrong in what uluoma did I think she made that sentence with a clear heart moreso Considering the fact that her and ola were very close pals she may have wanted to make fun out of ola leaving her for lectures I bet you assuming it were to be someone else that was not ola she wouldn’t have used such sentence I think she made those statements with no ulterior motive or bad intention at heart.
    For ola I think she read so much meaning to oluoma’s statement though she might be forgiven for her thoughts towards the possibility of her good intentions towards uluoma backfiring.it is very natural for a woman to feel insecured with sensitive statements like that but I think if uluoma was truly her best friend then in secondary school then she shouldn’t have as much as allowed such thoughts to disturb her peace.

  • Lawrence, Ernest Enyi

    For Oluoma to have said “I’m not staying here unless you’re around. I don’t want stories that touch the heart” I guess something was already on-going which she never wanted to let affect the relationship she has with Ola. Still, voicing it at that early stage is untimely. She should have applied common sense!

  • I really do not blame Oluoma for her “…story that touches the heart” statement. Yes, Ola as a human will feel bad about that, but this is life and it’s normal if she does. Oluoma on her part meant no harm having an understanding about sexual advances occurring in such situations. she was being cautious and it’s a nice thing. it also shows she has much respect with Ola. Ola simply needs to calm down and try to understand her friend. They should talk it out in order to understand each other better.

  • Ifebe June sobechukwu

    Personally, I think it is judgmental to think of someone like that. What if Oluoma never had the idea of doing such. Well, as the story progressed, the lines changed and am glad that Ola changed her mind about it and put it in the hands of God.
    This story also reminds me of the hostel hassle in UNN . Sometimes, the situation Keeps one in a condition not very suitable for academic learning. Distractions begins to creep in as your interaction with various people increases.
    I think I also have the same mentality with Ola concerning lecturers. Nice piece.

  • Ohakwe Oluchi judith

    Oluoma shouldn’t have said that to her friend, this kind of things is better concealed than voiced out. Ola in her own part over reacted Her action Shows lack of trust in her marriage…meanwhile if I am in olas shoes I will not allow my friend live in my house at the early stage of my marriage I will rather rent a house for her…

  • Nathalie Ukwu

    Ola was wrong to have said something so vague and thoughtless. On the contrary, she could have meant many other things like the possibility of having a relapse of her illness while her friend was away. Oluoma overreacted and should have been patient to find out what her friend really insinuated to be able to make decisions accordingly.
    Her ability to bring her friend home was not just an act of kindness but showed great trust for her husband and this should not be compromised for speculations without evidence.

    • Nathalie Ukwu

      Oluoma was wrong to have said something so vague and thoughtless. On the contrary, she could have meant many other things like the possibility of having a relapse of her illness while her friend was away. Ola overreacted and should have been patient to find out what her friend really insinuated to be able to make decisions accordingly. Her ability to bring her friend home was not just an act of kindness but showed great trust for her husband and this should not be compromised for speculations without evidence.

  • Ijeoma Okoroafor

    This is not a complicated situation, Oluoma did the right thing by not staying at home, seriously, one would have felt uncomfortable, besides wasn’t there an empty space in slessor to crash ? Ola would have asked oluoma to stay there.

  • Joseph Jennifer Ezinne

    I’m here right now! Aunty Edith and her unending fictions that always wow me. Oluoma talked before she could think. Those words flew out of her mouth and it’s quite a pity they can’t be retracted. She simply made it look like Ikenna had made advances towards her.I feel like she should have kept her opinions to herself. In fact,if I’m in oluomas shoes, I would never move in with a married woman oh! It’s risky,you never can tell what would happen next. I understand she was stranded but then, was ola truly her only option? Not only is she making ola uncomfortable in her house,the words she blurted out has given ola a huge cause for alarm! We should really mind what we say around others. Look at how ola has been thinking! Mere words oh.
    Thank you so much Aunty Edith.it’s now very obvious that I look forward to reading and interacting on this awesome blog! You’re blessed!

  • Kat

    Oh Aunty,that can’t be call,can it? Awww. You can’t possibly end everything at this point. I need to know what Oluoma will say and Ola’s reaction. Oh please do tell. It’s a very lovely story Aunty,thank you

  • Kat

    Oh Aunty, that can’t be all, can it? Awww. You can’t possibly end everything at this point. I need to know what Oluoma will say and Ola’s reaction. Oh please, do tell. It’s a very lovely story Aunty, thank you.

    • Edith Ohaja

      I’m afraid, it really is the end, Kat. Was touched by the accommodation troubles students go through and crafted this story to show some of the human crises it can generate if not properly addressed. Glad you enjoyed it. Have a beautiful weekend. ❤️

  • Ezeme Evans Ejikeu

    I think Ola was quick on her judgement, maybe Oluoma had other meaning to what she said.

  • ugochukwu ogwu

    Loool. Lovely story that I can totally relate to but if I were to be Ola I’ll try to find out what made Oluoma ulter such words rather than think too much about it and end up questioning their loyalty.

  • Oluoma’s statement was wrong, it was too early to make such a statement. Even if it was a joke! In fact a thing like that shouldn’t hv come out from her mouth. And for Ola thinking the way she did, guess it’s normal considering the weight of the statement. It’s not bad to help a frd, but married couple should only allow frds on short term visits to avoid issues. In Oluoma’s case, looking for an apartment should be a solution, bcx that’s the best option, to avoid embrassment or go through the pain of someone throwing you out!
    To me not all male lecturers are “women sick”. Some are truly decent nd disciplined; the most important thing as a lady is to dress properly so as not to put anyone into temptation, but help deliver them from evil, Amen.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Lol! Do you have the power to deliver anyone from evil? I don’t think so. But you’re right in advising girls to dress modestly. Cheers!


    Oluoma shouldn’t have made such statement, it really left a lot of questions in the mind of her friend. that is why we should avoid loose talks because we never know how deep the word we said can hurt people. and even if Ola’s husband made advances at her, that is really not the right way to go about it. i believe she does not want to break her friend’s marriage that is just few months old. Thank God that Ola has decided to hand the matter to God for direction and i Believe she will get solution to it.

  • Vanessa Ezenwafor

    Hian… Ola was to fast to conclude..i mean Oluoma was not specific about what she meant.. I think she (Ola) should have confirmed what she meant before flaring up anger.. she obviously brought the girl home because she trusts her husband. so why let a statement; an unsure one at that,bother her?
    Oluoma as well, shouldn’t have said what she said or at least should have been more specific… Every married Nigeria woman would think exactly what Ola thought.
    As for the male lecturers stuff, it’s overgeneralization Biko.. Responsible lecturers are plenty too

  • Ene Kosisochukwu Zita

    Oluoma is cautious and disciplined knowing full well human is errant. Such a living condition always poses a threat to a relationship as young as that. Not like anything has happened but she wishes stories that touch are kept in check in order to maintain the relationship she has with Ola. Ola needs to first of all understand the angle she is coming from if both of them must be on the same page.

  • Chinemerem Onuorah

    I think that Oluoma is very right in what she said and did, and I think I also understand why Ola reacted the way she did. Ola trusts her husband, excellent. But Oluoma is right in also fleeing from the devil and all his works. Effort from both sides is usually the best.
    Well, I know Ola is overgeneralizing, but I also have a terrible opinion of male lecturers, so….
    Good luck to everyone looking for accommodation.


    Nice story you’ve got here ma.
    Well, if I was in Oluoma’s position, I wouldn’t have voiced my thoughts out the way she did but would rather keep it within myself then try not to stay alone with Ikenna, because saying it out in the way Oluoma did would well out different thoughts in the mind of my friend even if I said it jokingly.
    I also think Ola reacted as a normal everyday person would have, because Oluoma’s words which came all of a sudden gave her benefit of the doubt
    Well, Ola’s perception of male lectures may not always be true because I’ve had encounters with some good male lectures who are out there doing their job with a sincere heart and not always thinking in the negative direction Ola described.
    However, based on the way Ola’s thoughts is going, further suspicion which are uncalled for may arise which would not be healthy for their friendship so I think it would be nice if she help support her friend with some cash if she has so that Oluoma would supplement it with whatever she has and get a place outside the campus where she can stay so as “to really avoid that story that touch” and to secure their friendship.
    I can’t wait to read the next phase of the story.
    God bless you ma.

  • Joseph Jennifer Ezinne

    I would not totally say oluoma was wrong to have made a statement like that,I think there are better ways to say things without sounding rude and really suspicious. She needs to bridle her tongue. This young woman is simply trying to help her. The way people talk when you try to help them sometimes can make you want to throw them out immediately!! I’ve had such experiences. They jump into your house and start blurting words that would not just piss you off,but push you to the nearest wall and then push you into throwing their bags outside! We should really mind how we talk,especially when we are at the mercies of others. Look at what she said. Ola is a good woman. If it were me,you’re leaving immediately. You cannot make me feel the slightest level of insecurity in my own house! Nooo! I’ll chase you out!

  • Ibe Chinwe Cynthia

    Oluoma was wrong, totally wrong. It’s wise and very important to think of words before uttering them.This statement will most likely cost her the free accommodation she presently has. Ola on the other hand was right to be upset, though for clarification I’d advice she confronts Oluoma to know what she really meant.

  • Onyibalu kosisochukwu Maureen

    First of all oluoma didn’t make the right choice of words because if I were ola she will explain that statement to me oh and also on the other hand I think ola has insecurity problem or is it that she doesn’t trust her man. its funny that in few seconds she has thought and concluded this far. Lol…anyways I don’t blame her because her marriage is still so young and she doesn’t want to hear stories that touches the heart

  • Umoru Sadia

    Nice story. If I were ola, I would have asked oluoma why she said that instead of speculating and getting all worked up. She did a good thing by letting her friend stay in her house in the first place. It shows that she cares about her, and that she trusts her husband

  • Kalaowubo Rebecca Ibinabo

    I will encourage ola to hand over the situation into God’s hands because if she follows what her mind tells her, she may regret…

  • Henry

    Oluoma was wrong saying such because it sends message of Infidelity about Ola’s ‘Disciplined young Man’ .
    However Ola is to take preemptive measures to avoid the stories that touch. Since both are students, she could try to go To and Fro lectures with Oluoma and always be there for Ikenna(Wifey duties i mean), also try not to make Oluoma cook always because Men easily get attracted to Good Chefs.
    On the contrary, these measures are all susceptible when she leaves all to God..
    The reason why ‘ Third party’ is not adviced in Marriage is because it interferes with the Love flow and attract its own attention which couples are not willing to share. And of course Ola is not willing.

    Wouldnt advice these kind of squatting though to anyone but when the desired is not available, the available becomes the desired. All is Well.

  • Abugu Chinazom

    Very nice piece. Well, I wouldn’t blame Oluoma for her thoughts and actions, she was only trying to prevent any future occurence. But on another side, insisting on following Ola to school even when she (Oluoma) wasn’t ready, questions her ability to have self control…either ways, ‘she try’.
    As for Ola, who wouldn’t become furious and scared? Realising that, your trying to give a helping hand to a friend may land you in problem in future?

  • Jeremiah Chioma Juilet

    Ola should be very careful in whom she brings into her matrimonial home, friend or sister. the devil does not ask for relationship certificate before he strikes.
    Oluoma should be careful in voicing things like this out. she could have just sat down with her friend and thrashed the issue out

  • Ekpali Joseph Saint

    I believe Oluoma understands why she said those words. Probably in her helplessness, as regards the accommodation, she has been molested. So she is trying to avoid any temptation that she might not be able to overcome. But the way she presented it is where the problem lies. Because anyone could have reacted the way Ola did.
    Also, Ola has the right to react that way. Because it is difficult to imagine one’s sister, as she called Oluoma to conceive such thing, let alone engaging in the act. So Ola sees what her friend said as an insult. But she failed to realize that having a disciplined man and a close friend might not work at all times because of temptation that lurks around. And since everyone is trying to be just, they can plan getting another place for Olanna. Very nice story.. .

  • nnadi chinyere josephine

    oluoma was wrong for blurting such words in a very blunt manner without giving it a second thought, oluoma spoke those words without thinking. also to me ola lind of overreacted because she would have calmed down to find out what her friend meant by stories that touch the heart, thereby allowing several thoughts run through her mind both the positive and negative.
    ola should situation by putting her marriage into the hands of God and praying fervently about it.
    yea also on ola opinion of male lecturers to me its an overgeneralisation because i have met some male lecturers who are actually nice.

  • ofodile chinenye

    oluoma was too quick to conclude that anything could happen in the absence of her friend ola. it is true that temptation is inevitable but still there are other ways she would have gone about it instead of making her friend feel insecure about her husband

  • Euniprecious

    Oluoma was wrong for not giving her thought a second look before lashing it out although we don’t really know the reason behind her thought because some words can cause havoc more than you think and is capable to take the hype more than you expected it’s good to mind your word and to keep somethings as secret. As for ola she is right to think what so ever because she is a woman and the way thing goes I this present generation because there is nobody that you will alter such words to that will not react, read more meaning to it and if care is not taking think more than ola. But what I have to say is just ola should not be so sacarstic because she don’t know the reason why her friend say that rather she should be careful to avoid the story that will really touch the heart. The story is interesting I enjoyed it although MA I was kept in suspence.

  • caius precious chinwendu

    very inspiring piece

  • caius precious chinwendu

    the words just flew out of Oluoma’s mouth i think. Oluoma was actually wrong to have made such a comment. It can make Ola start watching her husband suspiciously or even develop trust issues with Oluoma.Most times, we should actually think before we talk. I can squat a friend whois having accommodation struggles because in my first year, i came across a guy who slept in GS building during my first year period. Ola was very right to get upset about the statement made by Oluoma. That statement could suggest that she married an irreponsibleman. Ola should talk to her friend because what kills any kind of relationship is lack of communication epecially, keeping the other person in the dark and not letting him or her in on what is going on in your mind and leaving him or her to assume things, and lastly pride. So Ola should call her friend and talk to her in a polite manner. Lastly, not all male lecturers chase everything in skirts. Some are actually God fearing and reasonable. I wish the story continued, it is suspense filled and contains several moral lessons like thinking and processing words before you spit them out.My eyes are itching for a part two o. Bless you mom.

  • Ifebunandu Angela Chimerie

    Oluoma was a bit wrong in her statement, although I won’t totally blame her for saying what she felt and acting the way she did
    I for one know I’ll tell my friend same thing although in a joking manner
    Ola on her own part was too quick to act and judge, however her actions are understandable.. You can never trust people too much this days

  • Anyadubalu Oluchi Maryrose

    Truth be told, Oluoma is only trying to prevent ”stories that touches the heart” If i were her, I would do same. My mum would a;ways say that you can’t keep a yam where the goat is and expect the goat to overlook it. One day be one day ooo.
    The man might be disciplined but who knows when he will loose it . Marriage with its own wahala, the best is to hand everything over to God and been careful also.

  • Anyadubalu Oluchi Maryrose

    Truth be told, Oluoma is only trying to stay away from ‘stories that touches the heart’ If I were her i would have do the same. My mum once told me that you can’t keep a yam where there is a goat and expect the goat to overlook the yam, so, no matter how disciplined a man is you just have to be careful because it is blood that flows in the vein and not water.
    Marriage and its own wahala, Ola just need to be prayerful and watchful as well.

  • emekaobi ijeoma rita

    uloma shouldn’t have said that and i dont blame ola either for getting angry.

  • Ulu Christiana Chinenye

    In my own view, oluma’s approach was bad because, we are all humans and there is a way we do handle issues or react to issues differently. Oluma should have come up with something else, if she thinks that, she staying back will create unusual scene. Any one who has been in her shoes will attest to the fact that its really not an easy ride at all. Ola on the other hand is a good friend, she did what every good friend is supposed to do when their friend is in need. She did not anything bad in accommodating oluma, so oluma shouldn’t ve utter that comment.

  • Maduabuchi Emmanuel Chidera

    If Oluoma could have made such comments it may mean that something fishy is going on the part of the husband,though there is never a right time to say such comment than then.Ola should have enquired from her friend why such comment and find a way to address it to avoid conflict in the future rather react the way she did.And the thought of any third party in an early marriage doesn’t seem fine because you can never seem to trust people that much lately.

  • Onoh, Chiazo Johanness

    Oluoma just said her mind something must have promted her to say that cause out the abundant of the heart the mouth speaketh and i think she’s trying to protect herself and the interest of her friend.
    Ola has a right to be angry because she doesn’t know where her friends attitude is coming and she couldn’t help but think in multiple ways trying to weigh the situation and understand what is going on i think the best way to handle the situation is to quietly ask her friend in a polite manner d reason she said what she said and try to caution her too and also put everything in God’s Hands.
    I will help a friend in need but the minute i notice anything fishy u are living my house immediately.
    Nice one ma

  • Onyeka pamela chiamaka

    Wow such a twist, I feel oluoma shudnt hv said dat even if she doesnt Want to be in d same house wit Ikenna alone I understand it. pple re unpredictable but she shud hv kept shut

  • ubah chisom mariagorathy

    Oluoma might have a reason for saying what she said, Ola should have listen to both sides before blaming either of them.

  • I think it is just a lack of understanding between the two. Ola took Oluoma’s statement the wrong way. Looking at it critically, I would say that Oluoma was right in saying that, because even though Ikenna won’t make advances, or even though nothing is going on between Ikenna and Oluoma, rumours might start going around that while Ola is out, Oluoma is servicing the husband. Not only third parties ruin marriages, rumours also do

  • umerah scholastica ifeoma

    the thing with some people is that they talk before they think …and it is nt good.
    Oluoma shouldn’t have made such a statement because it is not nice..
    even if she felt dat way,she shouldn’t have said it out

  • Oparah Goodness

    Ola wasn’t wrong for accommodating Oluoma and Oluoma wasn’t wrong for saying what she said but she should have put it in a better way… It’s obvious she didn’t know she hurt Ola with those words. But the best thing that a person in Ola’s shoe can do is to open up and ask “Babe him don chyke you? ” and free your mind… Your friends answer will tell you the next step.

    Nice post Ma.

  • Ihezie Eberechukwu. C.

    I think something must have prompted the statement from Oluoma. Ola’s reaction is only normal. As humans, when something like that occurs, it is only normal for our mind or wonder and questions to arise except in a few occasions involving people who don’t care about such issues probably because they trust their partner or just don’t care. And the stereotype regarding male lecturers may be true but like stereotypes, it is not entirely true. Some male lecturers are genuinely good devoid of any pretense or ulterior motive.

  • Ike Faustina Uchechukwu

    Ola did well in accommodating her friend because finding accommodation in the university is quite difficult, but oluoma on the other hand shouldn’t have said what she said because it now making ola to have doubt about her husband and also to start suspecting them. But then she is not sure and shouldn’t have treated her friend that way. Also oluoma is not entirely wrong she made the statement to be on a safer side

  • Nancy Emmanuel

    Your use of suspense is great. The fragmented end leaves the reader to make up the story the way he deems fit. Nice story Ma.

  • Delight Obiakor C.

    I think Ola actually overreacted, moreover Oluoma is her best friend and was only being sincere or probably joking anyway.Ola also committed a fallacy of hasty generalization by not only assuming but judging the fact that male lecturers are bad.

  • Godwin Maxwell


    Oluoma shouldn’t have said that in the first place, some things are best when they are buried in the heart. However, she made the right decision by following Ola to school because a second is enough to destroy a reputation built for years.
    Temptation are bound to come but you don’t consciously give it a chance to take place.
    Olu might be justified in her thinking but she should try and not make hasty decisions.
    Nice story…

  • Okonkwo chidimma benita

    Really? I don’t think there must have been an advance from Ikenna for Oluoma to make such statement. She is either saying it because of what she had been told by people, read or even experienced. Ola should appreciate the fact that Oluoma said her mind without twisting it. By the way, if Ola knew she wasn’t strong for the aftermath of her help towards Oluoma, she shouldn’t have decided to help. They are all grownups. They should take responsibility for their choices and actions.

  • Onoh Oziomachukwu

    I just really feel Olumma. The girl just wanted to play safe and all and Ola shouldnt have taken it very serious.
    No one is safe these days, so itd just better to play safe and leave the rest to God. raging hormones aint it!

  • itodo mary

    I can’t blame oluoma for saying what she said, I believe she was being cautious. Its no news of men especially lecturers even with high morals to deviate and join the crowd of women chasers. I believe since we are good friends you should know what I am capable of and not overreact over a simple remark.

  • Nonike Victoria

    this situation is quite technical. if i was in Ola’s shoes, i will also be confused myself; the more reason i will have to run to my Father in prayer since he only tell me what to do. personally, i think Oluoma was just being careful and practical, but she shouldnt judge a book by its cover and Ola being angry, was not called for.

  • my father used to say, it is not what is said is important but how it is said. from my perspective,Oluoma should have conveyed whatever she feared in a polite and subtle manner though i doubt whether Ola would still comprehend, or better still even handle it on her own with wisdom rather than saying it. on Ola’s side, who wouldn’t be afraid if put in such tight corner as it really was one?. as human is just normal to have one or two doubts and when you even don’t, sometimes things may spoil right under your nose, but thank God that she remembered the one with the blueprint which is God and had to step aside for him to do what he knows to do best.

  • Ike Faustina Uchechuwu

    ola showed that she is a good friend by allowing oluoma to stay with her when she had no place to go but then she is overacting for nothing, she would have jus assured her friend that nothing is going to happen that is if she trust her husband, oluoma on the other hand is not entirely wrong because men of these days are something else but making that statement in front of her friend thereby making her suspect them

  • Ofoegbu Maureen

    Well I feel how Ola reacted is normal and her not trying to jump into conclusion after thinking of what Oluoma said shows she cares about her friend and husband. so I feel she should talk to her friend to iron things out because communication is the best way to know why she said something like that at first.

  • Chinecherem Victoria C

    People cannot be trusted. No matter how disciplined he is or how trustworthy the friend is, their arrangement is totally wrong by all standards as anybody can fall into temptation.

  • Jackreece Princess Daeregoba

    Wow… It is so interesting and funny.
    Trust is a very difficult thing… I see no wring on Oluoma making that statement, for me.. I would say exactly that because, you can never tell who a person is until you have close contact with the person.. I feel Oluoma is just trying to be careful not to cause any misunderstanding between the two partners.
    It is known that.. An idle man is a devils workshop.. So I think she is just trying to avoid any room that the devil can use to cause harm or chaos.
    Every Lady would act the way Ola did, she was obviously thrown off her feet by that statement, she never thought about it, so bringing that to her hearing was enough reason for her to over think and act the way she did.
    What I think Ola should do first, is to put it in prayer and then just try to be more observant.
    This story is very evocative… And highly relatable.. Most people struggle with this hostel accommodation and it has caused friends to become enemy’s, girls to go astray by going to live with their male friends… I just pray this problem gets solved soon.
    The case of lecturers having an eye for students is something we hear of everyday, but I haven’t experienced it, so I don’t know how true the stories of those who have been affected are.

  • Nnadi Daniel

    Judging from the situation I think Ola over reacted, because her friend may have a veiw that not all men are trustworthy. So she should have over looked the statement.

  • Ibute kosisochukwu nina

    Oluma was right shaa… Men can’t be trust like dat… If I were ola I would act exactly d same way she acted n definitely leave everything in Gods hands… He alone has d control of everything n everyone… I love d the story shaa… It z sure an interesting story.

  • Ozoguejiofor Uche Jacinta

    I don’t really blame Ola for thinking the way she did. People these days make it close to impossible to genuinely help a friend in need without them biting the hand that was extended to feed them. There are so many instances where such cases has ended badly. It’s a very bad idea to keep a friend in a house as a newly married couple. She needed time to bond with her husband and having a friend over is a deal breaker. Even if Oluoma doesn’t have alterior motives at first..Later on..She may start seing the beauty in her friends husband or Olas husband finds Oluoma in a very compromising outfit. Oh well…They are just my assumptions. But I do hope things doesn’t escalate and peace continues to reign .

  • mordi ifeoma

    oluoma was totally wrong and way out of her lane for saying such, even if there was something that’s no way to address such matters, with such i don’t care attitude and disrespect. ola has every right to be angry, i mean shes only human, what woman would hear such and not be under duress? but then ola should have tried talking with her friend instead of battling with herself and keeping quiet about the whole thing, maybe oluoma’s response would have given her a step further and an idea on what to do next.
    on the other hand, male lecturers being like kids in a candy shop. i kinda agree, my reason being that the temptation male lecturers face and their chances of getting any female student they want is very high, they have what the students want and then sometimes the students themselves are the ones chasing after the lecturers.

  • Nwamauzor Victoria Uchechi

    Well what can I say, you can almost never predict what happens next #Unseen

  • Augustina Okpechi

    Well, after reading the piece, I felt like the story was hanging. I wanted an end not to make an end.

  • Opara Stella Chidindu

    Oluoma was wrong to have said such. Ola overreacted a little, she should have gone further to ask Ola the reason why she said such instead of having different thoughts in her head because things are not always what they seem. Apparently, it looks like she has trust issues.

  • okereke chukwuemeka matthew

    I think she was right to make such statement in all ramification because you can never know what the man has in mind and what she also has in her own mind incase of incasity
    She was right to be angry, because i believe if she was in such position she would also react in the same manner
    First she cant just kick her out her home because of a little thing like that. She should talk to her about it and find a way to resolve it and she should also pray about it.
    Ola was very wrong in making such assumptions. Although there are the spoilt eggs yet in their midst you find God fearing male lectures whom are there to be your friend, advice you and teach you without wanting anything in return

  • akpan agnes

    lol i think i like that line ‘stories that touch the heart’. but sincerely, i think Ola didn’t do anything bad in helping out a friend because i know what it feels like having accommodation issues. oluoma only wanted to avoid stories that touch the heart, prevention is better than cure oooo

  • Ike Faustina Uchechuwu

    ola did what showed that she value their friendship by accommodating her friend when she was stranded but then she should take things easy and not getting angry at her friend. oluoma on the other hand is trying to be on a safer side but she shouldn’t have made that comment in front of her friend

  • Duru somtochukwu

    I feel there’s nothing wrong with inviting your friend to “crash” with you for a while
    And oluoma as a friend shouldn’t have uttered such
    Cause even if nothing was supposedly going on all eyebrows would be raised and suspicious thoughts would be coming up on her side.

  • Ogbu Nkiruka Gloria

    Wow,this is very captivating, Oluoma might have gone through different scenarios that made her say such a thing and I also like the fact that she is being realistic in telling her friend why she don’t want to stay alone with the husband at home.Ola is actually facing a complicated situation and the fact that she acknowledges that only God can help her, I believe He will give her the wisdom to tackle the issue.

  • Anowi chisom vivian

    Well, oluoma shouldn’t have talked in that manner, she made ola conscious of things that had never crossed her mind. She should have given another reason for wanting to leave early and for such thought to have crossed her mind about her best friend’s husband is absurd. Ola’s actions are justified because oluoma’s words made her doubt her husband and her best friend. And yes I could squatt a friend of mine who is in need of an accomodation and it is not all male lecturers that goes after everything in skirt.

  • Egwuonwu Priscilla

    This is a very interesting story. Oluoma to me is a nice young lady who values her friend and doesn’t want to hurt her but her statement was not necessary to voice out because she made Ola a little suspicious of her husband and I was utterly impressed with the bravery and sweet heartened ola for trusting no one but God with the issue

  • udeh blessing

    you don’t tempt God all in the name of ‘trust’. she should not have said that, she should have kept such thought to her self.but don’t forget that marriages should be guarded jealousy. trust works, but to some extent because we are all human. the Bible said that Joseph flew from portipher’s wife, he did not walk away neither did he run, but he FLEW. For me, I will not bring in a third party into such a young marriage no matter who you are to me.

  • Shade

    The situation is a very complicated and dicey one. I suggest that instead of drawing conclusions and making up things in their head, they talk about it. Simple.

  • Ndubuisi Uchenna Nicholas

    Ola made the best decision when she handed the matter over to God, because she doesn’t know why Oluoma made the comment so any wrong approach she might have taken my have jeopardized either her marriage or friendship

  • Nwankwo anita

    i think its not right for oluoma to live with a newly married couple because as long as they cohabit under the same roof, temptations are bound to occur even though its not her intention. And the couple dont need such at this early stage of their marriage.So to be on a safer side,its better she leaves to avoid regrets.

  • Nkiru Amaechina

    I guess oluoma might have had such experience before and don’t want it to repeat itself​.But she should have said it in a more thoughtful way rather than making ola think suspiciously.Interesting story ma,the title is really catchy.

  • chidera odo

    Nobody know what oluoma have seen to make make such statement. Such things do happen. Bt she should have said that to her friend. She should av just told her that she wants to catch up with some things in school.

    In Ola’s side, I think she over reacted. She shouldn’t have taken such to heart. Next thing is for her to monitor her husband’s move and suspect him when ever he returns home late… Which might lead go a quarrel.

    Yes I help a girl get a temporal accimdation that’s to be squatting with someone until she gets a bed space in the hostel.

    And about Ola’s take on male lecturer, that they say women can cook very well doesn’t mean all ladies can cook. So it’s the same with her take in lecturers, some lecturers do indulge in such act bt not all we still have some God-fearing male lecturers around

  • Opiri chidimma

    Oluoma wasn’t wrong thinking of such thing but she shouldn’t have said it, and on ola’s side, a normal human being will think the way she did but thank God she left everything in His hand

  • Chigbo Godspromise E

    Oluoma is lucky to have a friend like ola, for God sake, ola is newly married and don’t want any competition,so considering Oluoma staying with her is such a big deal. Oluoma should be grateful and avoid making ungrateful comment that will pit ola’s mind in search of things that are not there

  • Ike Ruby Olachi

    Life can be quite unpredictable, I understand what her friend was trying to avoid probably it has happened to her before. So I think Ola should keep on trusting her husband and give him the benefit of doubt because she can’t control everywhere he goes to. I also think that she should try talking to her friend one on one, tell her of her fears and all that and since they are friends they can resolve it amicably. She should also take it to God in prayer, God should be the bedrock of the marriage.

  • izunobi stanislaus

    Even tho Ola’s husband is soo focused on his job, Ola shud be very careful because her husband is a man, a young man for that matter. And the way Oluoma said that means dat she doesn’t trust herself, she could easily fall for the temptation

  • Anueyiagu Winifred C.

    This story is quite interesting and full of suspense, i was thinking something terrible would happen towards the end of the story. Anyways, Ola made a good decision by leaving the situation in God’s hands, and by trusting her friend. Nice one Ma.

  • Igbokwe Janefrances

    This story is full of suspense, eager to wait what will happen next . In Oluoma’s part, she did a good thing by telling her friend before hand that she cant stay alone with her husband to really avoid “stories that touches”. likewise Ola by not judging her husband too. But also she has to be careful in everything. Thrilling short story.

  • Abonyi Kelechi

    Oluoma’s words are weighty ones to say to any wife about her husband`s presence.Personally, I do not encourage the idea of bringing in a mature young female to live in the house so early in the marriage. While I am certain that if both(Oluoma and Ikenna) are cultured and disciplined,nothing would go wrong, Ola and Ikenna need space as they are just starting out.
    While Ola should have recourse to God, she should be alert,`Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.`
    As for male lecturers who are promiscuous,I believe they choose to be.Sexual indecency is not a default thing but that of choice.

  • Chekuzo veronica

    Oluoma did a courageous thing by letting Ola stay in her house .althoug what Ola was going through is common amongst students I had a friend who was facing the same problem but I was able to accommodate her ,I think ola should have just kept her opinion to herself and just insist on going out with her. Nice story ma

  • Emmanuel ujevwe

    God should be the only third party in a marriage. I don’t think oluoma was wrong as we all know , man is not a perfect being a mistake can be made at any time. Besides oluoma must have seen someone experience such and just wanted to be on the safe side.

  • Jill

    This is very interesting. well in my own opinion she would have asked her friend oluoma to explain what she meant by that word. And if possible shouldn’t have shown her any reaction but would have looked for a place for her to stay by all means, tho. Peacefully and kindly explain to her that her marriage was still young and needed not to disturbed. As a gud friend, oluoma should have understood.


  • Akogu Juliet Aniema

    This story is nice…I love what oluoma did…its good to make hay while the sun shines and its also wise for one to note that one needs to think before saying anything because once spoken can not be taken back

  • Asogwa Emmanuel C

    No woman who is jealous of her marriage that won’t give a thought to Oluoma’s comment. Most times we put ourselves in situations that we have no control over the outcome which was the purposed intent of oluoma. But her approach was wrong, we’ve heard cases where a sister coming to stay with her sibling was having an illicit affair with the brother in-law. How much more friends. Whether it was an insinuation wisdom demands Ola to fix up an accommodation for her friend. Besides the couple are newly married so their privacy is non negotiable.

  • osuagwuchiamaka

    I think it is just a lack of understanding between the two, looking at it critically, i would say that Oluoma was right in making that statement, because even though Ikenna was not making advances, or even if nothing was going on between the two, rumours would have it that while Ola is away, Oluoma is servicing her husband. not only third parties break up marriages, rumours also do.

  • Nwosu Esther

    Prevention is better than cure; it is better not to invite her not to leave instead of doing that with regret

  • Egbe Ebere Blessing

    That’s her opinion, though it happens all the time but, we should always be tactful in handling issues like this.

  • okoro nneoma anna

    If I was in this situation I would have been so confused and probably make the wrong move. Ola is a very intelligent woman and a rational thinker, from her we learn to try to always see things from so many sides and not just jump into conclusions as its usually the cause of broken relationships these days. Asking for directions from God is the best way out as he will never fail you. Motivating piece Ma

  • Chukwuma Chekwube Jennifer

    I don’t think oluoma was wrong as we all know all men are not perfect being a mistake can be made, beside oluoma must have been a Vitim of such act.

  • Ani Fabian

    What a wonderful story ma.viewing it from my own perspective i think oluoma was speaking out of experience,by making such statement. When such temptation come it takes only the grace of God to overcome it. I don’t think that statement should spoil their relationship. Ola should just commit everything to God.


    Just when the whole story became interesting you had to cut it off!
    Oluoma was sincerely right! I’d stand up for her if it votes were to be taken. In a world such s the one we found ourselves, one must be very careful for loopholes or a little mistake. This was what Oluoma tried to communicate to her friend. Ola did not see it that way; forgetting that man would always be man no matter how good they are! Oluoma made a very wise decision oh!
    If Ola would be a good listener I believe she’d make the right decision and see things from her friends perspective. She might even decide to rent an apartment for her friend if she and her husband are buoyant enough.
    About the notion Ola has about lecturers I perceive it might be from experience or probably knowledge but I strongly do not agree with her on this as this could just be her own view about university lecturers.

  • Orji Chidubem Blessing

    Ola has every right to get angry over what oluoma said, at the same time Oluma was not wrong about what she said. This is because men can never be trusted when it comes to issues like this. I think Oluoma was only trying to tell her friend Ola that she cant betray her in the sense that Ola’s husband could start making sexually advances on her in ola’s absence, so in order to avoid that Oluma had to leave the house when Ola is not around so as not to create stories that touch the heart.
    In other words, Ola should try to understand what Oluoma meant by her words and also reason with her.

  • Ezeh onyekachukwu c

    Killing someone does not necessarily means stabbing the person to death, but we can kill people with what we say with our mouth. We should be careful on how we talk to people.

  • Theresa

    Well I can’t categorically say if Oluoma is right or wrong, she might have said that based on past experiences. Ola is jus newly wed and inviting a third party is not advisable, there are several means through which she can offer assistance to Oluoma.
    Her decision to hand the matter over to God is very good, but she shld not lose sight of the fact that prayer without actions is nothing…

  • Agu Ginika R

    Hmm ! ladies and suspicion….
    That one is trying to be conscious, protective or prevent danger should not drive him or her into unnecessary negative thoughts especially when he or she is only making assumptions or not too certain about what is in his or her mind though men are not to be trusted when it comes to extra marital affairs as well as the ladies or wives. As human beings, we should be conscious of the type of statements or words that we utter even though we might not really mean them especially in a serious situation where it can raise misunderstanding.even though Oluoma may not have any bad notion or intention about Ola,but for the fact that she made the statement, Ola misunderstood and even suspected for ever thinking of taking her spouse away from her or having anything to do with him. Also married people should always learn to trust themselves at all times and always practice or stick to the tenets of their marital vows without giving room for a third party or anything that will put asunder….
    An interesting story.

  • Adonu Ifeanyichukwu B

    Oluoma’s utterance was unnecessary because such a curt remark will only create suspicion between her and Ola. If Oluoma felt something was bound to happen between her and Ikenna,she shouldn’t have told Ola about it, the best thing for her to have done was to intensify her search for an accommodation while she looked for a means to avoid being in the house alone when the wife is not around without making such remark. This will only bring their relationship to ruin. And Ola’s generosity should not be rewarded with this.

  • Ikwuakam Oluchi Francisca

    Ola is a typical example of a good friend who wouldn’t want her friend to suffer. However, Oluoma on the other hand is also a nice friend just that she almost wrecked her relationship with Ola by the words she spoke. Thank God Ola realised that only God could handle the situation.

  • Joana ushie

    I think oluoma was right when she said that because ola was newly wedded and men generally cannot be trusted and also she might have passed through a situation like that before. We all know experience is the best teacher

  • Onu Victor Tochukwu

    I think Oluoma is right when she told Ola that she doesn’t want a story that touches the heart. For there is a saying “prevention is better than cure”. If ola should leave the husband alone with Oluoma, he may start developing feelings for her though Ola trusts him.


    Ola did a wonderful job which most of us can not do. Taking someone in to stay with you in your new home is not an easy thing. I understand stand what oluma was preventing but she shouldn’t have said it to her friend, that speech made Ola to be restless. Thank God she handed everything to God for him to take charge because left to other people they will just send her out to avoid any story that touches the heart.
    Nice story.


    Marriage demands wisdom and patience. Ola was too hasty in jumping into conclusion. No matter the kind of anger Oluoma must have caused her, she should have allowed her to clarify things instead of making unreasonable conclusions.

  • Otti Augusta Uzoma

    It just the game of understanding. Ola needs to understand no matter how difficult it is that her husband is human. Oluoma on the other hand was quite insensitive to have made such utterance, well we didn’t get to know what their discussion was about but I do hope they resolve it.

  • Ezeh Blessing

    Ola shouldn’t have taken those innocent words to heart afterall they are true words. That is what is happening in marriages today. Oluoma obviously didn’t mean any harm. Jealousy and anger is an evil disease that can destroy any relationship or even friendship at that. I’m just happy Ola saw reason in the end. Lovely story ma

  • It was not bad that ola brought oluoma to her home for old time sake and out of sympathy, but we all are human beings that have feelings, it is not advisible to have a third party who is not bloodly related to the family into your marriage, especially young couple, it can create commotion, if ola and her husband where bouyant, they would have helped her to rent a cheaper lodge, as for oluoma, she talked carelessly without minding how ola would react, we should always think before we vomit any word.

  • lnegbu Benedict

    Nice indeed for both married and unmarried . People should be extremely careful with their usage of words, where they use it , when they use it and how. Even the manner such words are used. Often times people term to have a negative or general bad notion over things or situations and as such hold unto that. In fact in the case of Ola is obtainable in most people’s conduct of how male and female behave.

  • Ogbonnaya Noble Comfort

    Oluoma’s comment wasn’t bad, but, it would have been preferable if she’d said something else other than our conventional “stories that touches…” Ola on her own side should even appreciate the fact that her friend is helping her to protect her new home.

  • Ayigbo Chineme Edna

    I think Oluoma was right when she told Ola, “I’m not staying here unless you’re around. I don’t want stories that touch the heart “. She did this confidently knowing that she was talking to one of her close friend. For me, I think Ola overreacted because common sense should have told her that whatever Oluoma said was for her best interest. Ola should not pursue her away rather should pray to God to help her husband to overcome any form of temptation and her friend not to betray her. olas terrible opinion of male lecturers is overgeneralization and I wouldn’t blame her for that because it is common among male lecturers in the university.


    I won’t blame OLA for thinking the way she did because, I would have had the same thought if I was in her shoes. We are different individuals and we think and interpret things in different ways. Although, Uloma may not have had any intentions to create doubt in ola’ s mind but, ola was the one who took her words seriously. It is very important for us as individuals to be careful with the kind of word that comes out of our mouth.

  • Nzeribe Ashley

    Oluoma obviously didn’t have the intention of causing a war of thoughts in Ola’s mind, though there are better ways of placing words to describe her intent which is where she went wrong and although Ola overreacted but 85% of situations like this the man falters.

  • Unwana Ekere

    Words of the mouth are powerful, in this context, Oluoma voiced out what she think is right not knowing that her little statement can burn down a skyscraper,Ola on the other path has every reason to react because as a newly wedded couple, you wouldn’t want anything to come in between you and your man but then i liked her courage, she trust our creator and she handed everything to him.
    Accommodation palava is just too much here, many students get mocked and embarrassed all because they are squatting!
    About the male lecturers,i wouldn’t say anything because i haven’t experienced it but then alot of tales about them from friends.
    God save us in this planet earth!

  • Nnakwe uchenna

    Personally, I feel that involving one in your issues when you have problems should not be frowned upon.
    Most times we need the advice of older ones or the help of those close to us.
    Ola’s decision was a very reasonable one considering the circumstances.

  • Nnorom Wisdom

    I think sometimes we all need a third opinion.
    Not that we should make it a habit of involving someone else into our marriage.
    Rather, we could seek the advice of experienced couples and seek help only when our life or sanity is threatened.

  • helen

    Humanswould always be humans. In marriages, it is better never too give rise to situtions that could bring about wreckage or distabilisation. This applies to our general lives and endeavours

  • stella

    words are very powerful tools, they could build or devastate.

  • Akaniru Chioma Theodora

    Ola did a very good thing or took a wise decision by not asking Oluoma her friend what she meant by “Stories that touches the heart “. She was wise by committing the present situation in God’s hands and asking him to grant her wisdom

  • Udeobasi Ngozi B.

    This is yet another big problem people face in life. Ola is a darling to lend a helping hand to her friend in need. But Oluoma’s comment has put her in a state of dilemma and insecurity. Although, what Oluoma told her is a fact that must be faced, but she would not have made such a comment. It’s a good thing she is thinking in that aspect but that knowledge should have been kept within her to help her in making decisions as some things are better left unsaid.
    In a situation like this, it is evident that Ola is now feeling insecure and the thought of Oluoms’s words will never leave her memory. So the solution is to send her away and if she is kind enough, she would simply help her get another place to stay. After all, she is also trying to avoid stories that touch the heart so she would not be blamed.

  • Ogbodo somtochukwu ikemefuna

    Firstly… I think ola’s first reaction was to much ..Yeah ,u trust ur husband bt Doz oluoma know him. . .D reason 4 dt statement may not even b d husband. ..So many people have had some experiences dt make dm do somethings some times…
    So, ola wud hv calm down to hear d full gist. ..Tnk God she had a second thought ..
    I wud really love to c Wot happened next

  • Ugwu Chika samson

    Ooh! no oluma shouldn’t have said such thing, it is really irritating, I believe if oluoma were in ola shoes she wouldn’t take it likely with her. At times things are better not to be said.if ikenna is actually making love advance to oluoma,the best thing for her to do is to leave the house amicable without creating any scenero. I believe stuff like that do happen but one need to be careful in handling such situation in order not to break one,s home.

  • Ugama Gloria nkechinyere

    Everyone is created different and unique, as such, we understand and interpret issues differently. What is important is understanding one another which was what Uloma and Ola lacked. Nice story MA.

  • Ugwoke ifechukwu Melvina

    The statement Oluoma made was very wrong on so many levels and I don’t blame Ola for jumping into conclusion the way she did. Male lecturers have certain reputation, maybe Oluoma was trying to be cautious where Ola’s husband is concerned not knowing that he is not that kind of person. Ola should just trust that God will help her sort out her problems.

  • Ezeorah Cynthia Somtochukwu

    Ola had the right to be upset after hearing what Oluoma said. I mean telling me you don’t want stories that touch the heart, it might seem like you are trying to insinuate something. I advice Ola to, if possible find somewhere else for Oluoma to stay not minding the fact that they’ve been close for sometime. Ola should also be grateful for having such a trustworthy friend like Oluma who doesn’t intend to cause any chaos in her friend’s family. Ola’s opinion about male lecturers wasn’t an exaggeration because, if it is, parents wouldn’t advice their female children on not having any personal interaction with any male lecturer.

  • Nwabuike Onyinyechi

    The story is really complicated. I don’t blame oluoma for thinking her husband may fall for her best friend or otherwise because it happens most times. She made the best decision handing the matter over to God

  • Oleighibe Oluebube Tessy

    call me wicked! if ever I were face with this situation, I’ll never accommodate even my best friend. for crying out loud, Ola’s marriage is still young. In my humble opinion, if ever anything went wrong, I’d neither blame Oluoma nor Ikenna, rather, I’d blame Ola because she shouldn’t have accommodated Oluoma in such an early marriage all in the name of being a good helping friend.

  • Iroegbu Chinatu Amara

    Lolz… Ola should not blame Oluoma because one can never be too sure these days so it’s better not to take chances. Biko Oluoma continue avoiding stories that touch the heart oooo. Can’t stop laughing.

  • Njoku chiamaka Constance

    Hosting a friend in your matrimonial home is risky cause anything is possible. Oluoma was right in following her friend out but the manner in which she put it was alarming.
    In my opinion, I can’t accommodate my female friend for long in my home when my husband is in town.

  • Agugbua Miriam Chisom

    This situation is actually a complicated one. Oluoma should have said what she said in a nicer and friendlier way. She made it seem as if the husband might make sexual advances or she might loose control if she stays alone with him. Ola wasn’t all that wrong to be angry but she should have taken it lightly because Oluoma might have been joking. She took the right decision by leaving everything to God.

  • Sunday Kingsley Odinakachukwu.

    Oluoma on her part might be right. But her statement was not really sounding right.Ola getting herself pissed up about the statement is really not nice,since she truly trust her husband.all she need is just to commit everything to God.what a wonderful post ma.

  • Afiadigwe Nnedinso Rita

    Conjucture without verification is very bad. Ola was thinking that something must have transpired between Her friend and Her husband that made Her say what she said.It so kind of ola to accommodate her friend,but left for me, I will not do it to avoid any confusion. It is really captivating.

  • Afiadigwe Nnedinso Rita

    Conjecture without verification is very bad. Ola was thinking that something must have transpired between Her friend and Her husband that made Her say what she said.It so kind of ola to accommodate her friend,but left for me, I will not do it to avoid any confusion. The story is really captivating.

  • Okafor chiamaka Miracle

    For me, so many things will run through my mind, Ola is right to think the way she did we re all human and at some point we will act like who we are. But then i think that Oluoma is right with what she said but she didn’t use the right words, God is the ultimate, we should submit all to God

  • Kalu Divine ogechi

    I actually think ola was overreacting because oluoma has been her friend and best friend long before she got married, so I believe that oluoma just said it as a joke without knowing it will make her friend angry.but is best she wait on God for an answer at her state because she is between the devil and the deep blue sea, and the generalization of her terrible opinions about male lecturers are not right because inasmuch as there are perverts amongst them it does not mean there are no Godly and responsible ones…

  • Edet Elijah

    One has to know the kind of words that proceeds out of our mouths. Words are powerful they can either hurt or cheer up. That is why the bible says Bridle your tongue. Ola never had an inkling that the words that proceeded out of her mouth got Oluoma thinking and making her think of taking drastic actions but she came to the realization that every thing has to be taken to God in prayer.

  • Sunday Ezekwesiri Daniel

    Nice article. First of all I think oluoma was just trying to be careful and I don’t see anything wrong with that but the presentation and choice of words she used weren’t appealing. We must be careful of our use of words and expressions. As for ola kicking her friend out of her house is not the best thing to do knowing her predicament at that time. Besides she knows the kind of person oluoma is. But that does not mean she should welcome a third party in her marriage. And again trust is important in any relationship. But above all, she should seek for God’s assistance. Wisdom is profitable to direct. Bless u ma.

  • Eze levi

    Oluoma is right because though some men are conserved, they may be overcomed by temptation. Prevention is better than cure

  • Ezugwu Ogochukwu

    Temptation can come anytime, Oluoma was right about what she said just that she didn’t make use of the right word. Ola on the other hand just need to commit her marriage into hands of God.

  • Ezeudu Chioma

    I won’t blame Ola for thinking about what Oluoma said. On the other hand Oluoma said the right thing but not at the right time,her comments might ruin the marriage at it’s early stage. Couples should learn not to harbor third parties in their home or relationship.

  • Ugochukwu ukamaka Alice

    Oluoma was right on her own part but her statement was not sounding alright , but in all things ,all we need is to commit everything in Gods hand because he is the author and the finisher of everything.

  • Ugochukwu ukamaka Alice

    Oluoma was right on her part but in all things we need to commit every thing in Gods hand because he is the author and finisher of everything

  • Nwele Euphemia Uzoamaka

    Oluoma might have been talking based on experience, she is right in what she told Ola. Ola on the other hand is in her right having to react the way she did, but i’d advise her to trust her husband and be focused

  • Essien Anietie Archibong

    Ola is a wonderful friend, they type we need in our lives.she did what every good friend is suppose to do when their friend is in trouble but oluoma on her side didn’t control her choice of words. She shouldn’t pour out her anger like that..For me, ola’s anger is justified and i am happy she remembered the power of God in all situations.

  • I don’t think Oluoma had bad intentions when she spoke like that. These things do happen and she was just trying to be careful but she should have picked a better choice of words. Ola on the other hand did good by entrusting her marriage to the hands of God instead of overthinking it.

  • Ezema Chidiebere Blessing

    This story is full of imagery, when i was reading it, i was a kind of seeing myself as oluoma, i had the same hostel issue and i saw hell on earth, i was moving from pillar to post like a parish priest without parish house, i moved from ziks flat to nkrumah from nkrumah to odim, from odim to eyoita, from eyoita now am in Balewa hostel where i found favour from a friend.as i was passing through all these difficulties without choice, i knew i would have done the same thing that oluoma did, because i would not like to hear story that touches the heart. my dear trust nobody oh!

  • Onah Chiamaka Geraldine

    Judging from what’s happening in our world today.. I don’t blame Oluoma for the statement she made. She was just taking precautions but thinking before talking is very important.. Her statement left her friend Ola misinterpreting everything.

  • Nwata Blessing Chinyere

    Many students have suffered accommodation issues/problems just like Oluoma. Ola was such a good friend by accommodating her friend Oluoma.
    Words are like yeast, they have multiplied effects when used; Oluoma let out those words without knowing it would have effect on Ola.
    Ola, is caught in between obeying the Golden rule and securing her marriage.
    Her final decisions were really great, she handed over the situation to God,for him to take control.

  • Nnamani Eunice chiidnma

    Oluoma shouldn’t have made such comment or maybe the world just flew out of her mouth. Ola is right about feeling bad about oluoma’s statement, but I also feel she (oluoma) is just trying to prevent the story that touch the heart..anyone in her shoe might feel the same

  • Mbata jemita

    The tongue is the only tool that gets sharper with use, so we should be able to tame our tongues. I don’t think Ola was wrong about feeling bad and did not kill herself thinking too much and perhaps Oluoma said that out of experience.

  • Nwosu chinwendu favour

    This story is truly educative and interesting
    Oluoma was too straight in her comment yes, she said it because of her past experiences or because she was trying to avoid trouble but atleast she would have given another excuse instaed of saying something that will give her friend an imagination that will be too difficult to be overlooked

  • Precious

    This Story is captivating…
    Oluoma might have had a painful experience while batting with accommodation
    I can’t ever tell my worse enemy to squat

    It was a bad experience in my first year

  • Okorie Flora

    This situation needs to be dealt with delicate care. The right choice has to be made because if your choice in handling the situation is bad it might lead to heart break. In the case of oluoma, she was right when she said that she was not going to stay in olas house alone without her being there. There is temptation every where and we need God to be able to resist it. No matter how good and responsible you think your man is anything can happen. Also ola was right to be upset about what oluoma said because she trust her husband so much and believes that he does not have eyes for any other woman except her. Olas opinion of male lecturers is not all that true but most of the time it’s the truth. Thank you ma.

  • Dorcas Philip

    OK..at first I thought my story was being told until Ola n her husband came to light…Ooa did good by helping her friend out but it was soon wrong of olouma to voice that kind of comment,she should have just harboured it and keep giving other excuses-even if they were lame ones, it’ll definitely prompt Olas thoughts into wild ones

  • Anyalewechi Chinaza

    We should be careful in our choice of words because words are very powerful tools, they could build or devastate.

  • Ukwueze oluchi benedette

    Oluoma was wrong by uttering such word. Before one talks he or she has think. See what utterance oluoma made have caused by making ola to have negative mind and regret over her.

  • Onovoh Adaeze J.

    In my opinion, Oluoma could just be making conjestures without having any ulterior intention you know. I for one, make such jokes with my friends sometimes, without having any ulterior motive. However, it is good Ola took that statement into consideration, because, just like a quote in the story states, “one wrong move can trigger events that summon years of tears.”

  • Okorie Adaora Nneoma

    Oluoma could have good intentions because temptation could come from anywhere which could be what Oluoma was trying to avoid and Ola got it wrong because Oluoma didn’t use the right words thereby making Ola have regrets helping Oluoma in the first place…..

  • Morgan Joy

    Ola did not overreact. She is human after all and bound to have different thoughts running through her head but she also made a wise decision by asking God for wisdom. The situation she was in was a sensitive one and demanded to be treated delicately. Very nice story, ma.

  • Chisom vincentia charles

    As much as I understand Ola’s anger ,oluoma had aright to say her mind.No sane person would want to share her husband with another .she might have let that comment slip off her tongue without deep thought.Best friends still snatch husbands. Wonderful post as usual ma

  • Ndieze Kelechi

    you know what?words that exist any how can be true especially in this respect should not be handled anyhow but with care.Ola’s anger is justified but I wouldn’t advise instant and extreme reaction. She should observe more this time

  • Njoku Chineme Evelyn

    I had this same hostel issue but I coulodn’t take it anymore, hence i rented an apartment. So i would say i can really relate to ola’s situation . Again, people should know the effect words have on people. I can say something like that jokingly to my friend and she wouldn’t take it to heart but not everyone is like that.

  • Chioma Harmony

    Maybe olamma meant well and was trying to do her friend good. Maybe she thought her friend might start suspecting her if she left her and her husband in the house, however, he statement was very wrong. If I were ola,id find somewhere else for her to stay. Owing to the fact that Ola’s marriage is still young, they both should be more careful.

  • Nwankwo Amanda

    Ola has every right to get angry at Oluoma for saying such, but at the same time, she should have reasoned form oluoma’s point of view. Nobody is perfect and so Ikenna is prone to temptation by having Oluoma around,that was what Oluoma probably meant.
    This is a lovely story by the way.

  • chika ezemobi

    She could have said it in a polite and funny way, or even advise her on things like that instead of pouring it to her face

  • Nwankwo Gift.

    I think Ola is overanalyzing what was said by Oluma. Although Oluma had little to no right to do what she did even in an amusing manner, Ola should learn to trust the man she married before she destroys their marriage.

  • Ugwu Gabriel

    The story was a bit complicated, but from the ab initio suspicion is not actually good but should go with certainty.

  • Ola was wrong to have said that but I feel it’s because of there long and open relationship with her best friend so she thought it okay to air her opinion.
    Oluoma isn’t wrong to have nursed her thoughts as well.

  • In every relationship, trust is the most important factor

  • Hmmmm, this is really a short story that touches the heart, Oluoma shouldnt have said that, because the statement has meanings surrounding it, people should mind what they say, because it affects the audience positively or negatively.

  • Nneji Mary Chinenye

    A healthy relationship should be built on trust, suspicions kills relationships, such a lovely story I hope we can all learn from

  • Matthew Nwachukwu

    See what she caused now! On the other hand, Ola was not wrong, neither did she overreact. Every woman feels insecure with another woman around her husband, not to talk of when the woman in question feels and confesses as Oluoma did. She could react the same way

  • Ola made a very big mistake,she should have kept the ball rolling having known that her husband Ikenna cannot stoop so low to have an affair outside their marriage because she trusted him from the onset

  • oluoma was too quick to conclude that anything could happen in the absence of her friend ola. oluoma was a bit wrong in her statement. although, i will not blame her for saying what she felt and acting the way she did, ola on her own part was too quick to act and judge. however, her actions are understandable

  • Ezike winifred udochukwu

    From the way I understand it ,I feel uluoma was just been careful for herself and also for her friend ola..ola must have misunderstood that particular sentence uluoma made maybe because of the trust she has for her husband ikenna
    But notwithstanding ikenna is only human and temptations are due to happen .it’s a very interesting story,I also remember when I do gist with my mom and she would ring it in my ears not to trust my husband with any of my friends,,lol ..? it’s so funny

  • Onoyima juliet

    This is indeed story that touch the heart. Uloma thought anything can happen in absence of her friend ola. If I were her I would never go close to him to avoid stories that touches the heart

  • Okoye Uchechukwu Joyce

    Woah, some people are so quick to judge situations at times even though her friend was very wrong to have said such. In this regard, we should learn to control our utterances at all times.

  • Ukaegbu Osinachi

    We should learn to control our words sometimes because it has broken so many ” enviable” relationships in the past

    • Idika Uloma Sophia

      We human being sometimes act or talk without reasoning. Oluma was very wrong by making that statement. But Ola should have asked her to explain further on the statement before getting upset. I think also that Ola should still accommodate her and keep close eyes on her and also hand over everything to God. In Igbo dialect, it is said “O biara be onye, abiagbulaya, mgbe o ga-ala .kpukpu apulaya.”

  • joyce

    The situation here is very complicated, ola is faced with helping her friend and saving her marriage, but she would have thought of any other alternative other than let her friend come into her new home.it could jeopardize her marriage.

  • Nnachetam Favour Chinecherem

    Ola should not let her mind play tricks on her. If she continues with such thought she might one day jeopardize her marriage on assumption bases. She has a good heart and that’s an advantage.

  • Alex

    The tongue is a powerful instrument, Oluoma should have minded her words. As a result of what she said, Ola is already doubting her friendship with her.

  • Paschal Odigonma Victoria

    This story portrays the insecurities couples face in their relationships. I commend Ola for committing this matter into God’s hands and not taking irrational actions.

  • Igbokwe Jennifer

    Although its a flippant thing to say but in this case we have to understand that she really wanted the best for her friend and husband. As young ladies we should always learn to mind our statements, someone might be hurting because of what we said

  • This story shows that one can never be too careful when in a relationship. Ola was right to be suspicious but I feel that she overreacted. She would’ve lost her best friend and husband if she continued but she handed it over to God.

  • What Ola did was very good of her. She did the good thing by not confronting Oluoma but rather she left everything in the hands of God to help her descern the right thing to do.

  • She doesn’t have to trust her husband too much because he is also a human being and he is prone to making mistakes.

  • My take on it is that it cannot be concluded that is all lecturers that go around sleeping with all students but the truth remains that most girls dress so irresponsibly and in a seductive manner to tempt them which could be very disheartening and Ola’s decision was a wise one because whatever is committed into God’s hand always turns out perfect.

  • Ossai Chidimma

    If I were Olumma I wouldn’t make such comment. In Ola’s position I won’t kick my friend out or voice my opinion, rather I will be more observant to really avoid “stories that touches the heart” while doing what she did handing it all to God.

  • Abaraonye Chidinma B

    The speeches we make can go a long way. It can either make or mar a situation. Although we might be right when we make some statements in order to avert an impending danger, but the question is “how do we make those statements? The fact still remains that people have different ways they interpret what they hear, and if not we’ll interpreted, it can cause offence. Therefore what Oluoma did was not encouraging. In this case, we should be wise like Ola who handled the matter with wisdom and took it to God who knows what Oluoma has in mind.

  • Obi Chisom Vanessa

    I wouldn’t blame Ola for being worried about the situation because its natural for newlywed to be worried, about what Olunma said; though Ola started overthinking the situation, because Ola could’ve just been joking about what she said since young people tend to joke that way these days mostly using that statement “stories that touch the heart”, though it seemed like an expensive joke at the moment. However, I believe that Ola should just trust her friend and her husband, because that is one of the things that naturally build up both a marriage and a friendship, “TRUST”.

  • It’s not right for Oluoma to use such words. They are really hurting though she might not know the implication of the statement she made. Ola’s reaction to the statement is exactly what anybody that finds him/herself in this kind of situation would do, but she should temper justice with mercy. Her stereotypical view of male Lecturers is an over-generalization in the sense that there are still have some male lecturers who don’t chase after ladies.

  • theophilus anthony blessing

    For oluoma, she was not wrong for thinking that way. But she should not have voiced it out to Ola, for peace to reign..

  • Ochei Anthony mkpulumma

    This story portrays the life of a talkative. sometimes people talk without knowing the implications of what they voiced out. And also what we say out of joke normally kill people’s soul.

  • Nwosu Victoria Onyinye

    First,Oluoma is very insensitive to have said such.Although she is not wrong for thinking that way because things like that truly happen.However, she should not have said it out especially to Ola.I wouldn’t blame Ola for having such thoughts go through her mind.Besides,she did not ever think of Oluoma taking her husband.It was Oluoma’s remark that ignited those thoughts. One should really learn to watch his or her words.

  • Eze Nnenna Uzoamaka

    Well ,I won’t blame Ola totally for her reaction to what Oluoma said. Yes, oluoma may think that since his a lecturer, he might be a womanizer, as it’s something associated with lectures in university.
    But then oluoma’s words are wrong, she shouldn’t have said those words to her friend. Ola’s anger, I support, if it were to be me, I would be mad at my friend for such words uttered.
    And the thoughts of Ola, it’s one that I think I would have if my friend should say those words, it would make me suspicious of my friend and I would also consider telling her to leave my house, so we actually don’t hear any story that touch the heart and Mar my relationship.

  • Epunam obianuju

    I don’t really think letting somebody into your home is a bad thing but you should know the kind of people let into you home. for someone like me I don’t think I would even take the risk at first. I would rather rent an apartment for the person.

  • Ugwuja Deborah Tochukwu

    It was actually best for her to leave the situation to God. Its quite funny though how one statement created so many assumptions. It was also good that she helped her friend and taking her in despite her doubts. God will definitely reward her.

  • Nwannah Juliana ngozi

    Men of our generation have turned this cheating thing into something normal, So i don’t blame oluoma for saying what she said but she shouldn’t have said it to ola’s face .ola now has all this silly thoughts and her marriage is too young for that. Ma’am you are God sent…

  • Onah Blessing Chioma

    The situation created among the students concerning lack of accommodation in the hostel is quite alarming. I think the government should help in building more hostels to save students from “stories that touches the heart”.I don’t think Oluoma did well concerning what she told Ola,for that erupted an evil imagination in Ola.She should have reserved the comment and act godly as she knows that her staying there may endanger the marriage.

  • It was not ola fault actually for her thoughts cause no one should be trusted nowadays cause people you call your friends might be your worst enemy she was just being concerned for her marriage even the way oluoma said her comment contributed to her thoughts also. Oluoma was also running away from temptation she doesn’t want story that touches the heart

  • Ellanora

    Oluoma was right in what she said to olu cause no man can be trusted,she meant no harm in what she said,she did what anyone could have done.it could be that ikenna made advances towards her so she made her friend know what is happening indirectly

  • Ekwekwu Onyinye Francress

    The comments oluoma made was not right as that implied that ola did not trust her as a friend
    Ola did not overreact she only behaved in a way another person would.
    Friendship may not last but trust sure keeps us going

  • Ngene Bob Charles

    I really like the fact that Oluoma was trying to take precautions, temptation will also remain that rude visitor that comes uninvited and I strongly it’s something Ola should understand not minding the fact that she saw Ikenna as an upright man

    Putting it in God’s hands?? That’s by far the smartest move Ola could make at that moment and that is what every married woman should do in that kind of situation

  • ugwu Ozioma joy

    I understand oluoma fears but she should have kept her thoughts to herself,and avoided the “stories that touch the heart” its okay for ola to be mad at her,I’d be too if I were in her shoes..and the decision of putting everything in God’s hand by ola is the best,ikenna is not God and as such not perfect.

  • Ukpai-uma Lucy

    Stories that touches the heart indeed. What if Ola had taken Oluoma’s words as an advice than reacting that far. Anyway, I appreciate her last resort. Always needful

  • Ezera Favour

    Saying such thing to her friend is not necessary even though she’s trying to protect her. Oluoma is scared though and I would not blame her because I have an uncle who is a lecturer and sorry to say he’s useless to the family. Ola shouldjust pray and ask God for direction.

  • Ibe Arinzechukwu Christian

    Oluomachi may not actually mean the statement she made. She may actually be trying to prevent her friend from making avoidable mistakes. It was wise of Ola by handing the matter over to God.
    God bless you ma’am.

  • Brown Favour Felix

    Oluoma was just trying to be open and careful to avoid anything that will bring breakup in her friend’s marriage though she didn’t consider how it may effect our friend’s perspective of her and her husband.

    For Ola, I think she overreacted, because being that Oluoma told her this should show that nothing was going on, because assuming anything was trespassing between the husband and her friend, she shouldn’t have said that and the like manner. Sometimes we get overreacted about things because what we might be told about a setting things. And That was the situation in Ola case.

    For her to handle the issue, I still encourage her to maintain the last idea that came into her mind, that is asking for wisdom from God in handling the situation. As the Bible says that in all your dealings ask for wisdom for wisdom is the principal thing.

    Yeah, and that was at home, my house, and I was so happy that I was actually helpful in that point of her life.

    I don’t really support the motion, because lecturers are just like other workers and is not all of them that are the same.

    Thanks ma.

  • Emmanuel chibuike

    Stories that touch the heart” I think Oluoma was right to say that because, no matter how one thinks he or she is disciplined, we should try to avoid temptation. Judging from Ola’s opinion that her husband is disciplined, I think she is right to react the way she did at least it shows that she trusts her husband. but to avoid any regret she should be careful and hand everything over to God.

  • Eze Chioma

    Oluoma unknowingly sowed the seed of uncertainty in the mind of Ola. Ola had no problem with her good friend, Oluoma staying with she and her husband, until Oluoma made the statement “I don’t want stories that touches the heart”. Naturally as a human she is, Ola would start thinking of any possible scenario that will lead to a story that touches the heart, which will cause her to double think her hospitality.
    However, I think Oluoma is harmless and knows that it is possible for some affair to blossom if a male and female are left alone in close quarters and is clearly trying her best to avoid this situation so as not to betray her friend who helped her in her time of need.
    Ultimately, as Ola later resolved to do, it is best to ask God for wisdom and direction in a situation like this.

  • Euniprecious

    Oluoma is right, man no be firewood when the desireable is not available the available becomes desireable. Temptation is inevitable it is better to look for a black goat while the sun shine to avoid the so called story that touch the heart because if once the deed is done its not revisable. Oluoma is just trying to avoid the story that touches the heart and also not to betray her friend. Peharps, old has every right to think or act the way she did, i will even give it a better thought if am in her shoe, i pray that God grant her the wisdom to tackle the whole issue amicably.

  • Oba Cindy biobele

    Oluoma put uncertainty in the heart of Ola and as Ola kept questioning everything she kept brewing that thought. Oluoma shouldn’t have said what she said in that manner because it could mean anything.
    Also, I agree with the idea of male lectures Okay gave. Although not all but a good number see undergraduate girls as preys.

  • Rose Mary

    It a good thing that ola helped a friend in need but a small good action or gesture like this can yield bad results. As for ola I will advice her to tell olunna what on her mind and tell to leave but not to be offended and as a friend I think olunna will understand

  • Adumike Winifred Munachimso

    Both girls are best of friends,I think Oluoma made a statement which in her opinion is harmless,she probably says similar things to Ola before she got married,and they laughed about it,what she hasn’t realised is that marriage has changed the way Ola sees things,especially in a world where snatching of husbands by friends is so rampant which is why I don’t blame Ola by taking it serious,one can’t be too careful though, Ola is just being careful like every other newly married young woman.

  • Ajibo lovelyn onyedikachi

    I won’t blame oluoma for making that statement, she just wanted to prevent the story that touches the heart, having been traumatized by lack of hostel accommodation, only God would knows what she has gone through, in my own opinion I think she is just trying to protect her friends marriage. Ola is also not to be blamed in getting angry because we are individuals with different instincts, many people under her shoe would do same. This hostel accommodation issue has done much harm than good to many students which I have been a victim before,its really frustrating.

  • Joy emeka

    Ola has every right to be angry. Oluoma shouldn’t have made that statement considering the fact that ola was trying to help her by bringing her into her home which she is at the initial stage of building, at this stage a third party is not needed, that statement brought a lot of confusion in ola’s mind. Plz let us learn how to control our tongue

  • Awforkansi Kamsi Salita

    I was looking forward to where Oluoma’s statement would be explained in this story. I also think Oluoma was just trying to be too careful by saying she wouldn’t stay if Ola is not around. Looking at it from a different angle, it shows she respects her friend’s union. Temptations can arise and we should do all humanly possible to avoid them. This is an interesting story too.

  • Amuzie Chioma Esther

    There are other ways to say some things and not hurt other peoples feelings. Oluoma shouldn’t have said what she said in that manner tho she meant well for her friend and ola she shouldn’t have gotten angry to the point of thinking of throwing her friend out of her home because she thinks she is at threat to her relationship not that she caught her with her husband t there’s one thing she didi liked which calling God to take control and give her wisdom to do the right thing which was the best thing to do. Concerning the lecturers, well… Temptations do come but it’s now who has the grace to over come them. Nice piece MA ?

  • Janefrances Nwaduche

    I think Ola’s reaction is very justified. Oluoma, on the other hand shouldn’t have been that blunt in addressing the issue. I mean, She could have made an excuse or something like that. Since, it all played out this way, i think Ola has a big decision to make but I believe the issue will eventually be resolved because she has handed it over to God.


    Words are indeed powerful..just one statement meant a lot of things. It’s really a big risk to accommodate a friend in ones marital home that’s just few months old. Ola should just leave into God’s hands so as not to drag both her marriage and friendship into jeopardy.

  • Arthur Ukaga

    I feel Ola overreacted, I don’t know if anyone else feels this way. Sure, that statement carries a lot of things to think about but it’s just a joke. And besides, it shows that Oluoma cares about their friendship and the relationship between Ola and Ikenna. Men can easily be deceived no matter how steadfast they are. Take the case of Adam and Eve for instance. Ola should definitely not let her guard down and she should also be appreciative of her friend’s effort. Not all women can do the same.

  • Clifford Ndujihe

    Well I feel ola is over thinking the matter at hand, oluoma said she doesn’t want stories that touch innocently, I don’t think she meant anything in particular.

  • Ezeh Onyekachukwu c

    In my own opinion, I don’t blame Oluoma for saying that she don’t want stories that touch the heart. I think she didn’t mean any harm, rather she was trying to be on a safer side and also win her friend’s trust. Though I think she would have related that to her friend in a more Subtle manner

  • ogbonnaya chioma .F.

    something must have prompted the statement Oluoma made. any one should have acted the way Ola did. we As humans, when something like that happens it is only normal for our mind to wonder and questions to arise except in a few situations involving people who don’t care about such issues maybe because they trust their partner or just don’t care at all. And the stereotype regarding male lecturers may be true, it is not entirely true. Some male lecturers are genuinely good devoid of any pretense or ulterior motive. we shouldn’t generalize things because it happened with just one or two persons. we should also learn how to say things without hurting the feeling of others.

  • Okere Jovita

    Is Natural for Oluoma to think that way cause she must have heard or experienced where some male lecturers try to harass the famale students
    For her to say that it means that she loves her friend Ola and wouldn’t want to break her marriage but the way she handled the matter is not encouraging, since she thinks that she cannot stay in the house when Ola is not around she would have told her she has plans for the day and leave the house that would have been better

  • Omaga Chiagozie

    I think that Oluoma is just being careful especially when the man is a lecturer. Though not all the lecturer are like that but that image has already been created so i don’t blame her. And for Olu her reaction was not bad owing that she already trust this man that much it will just be creating some imagination in her mind. Maybe Oluoma would have fine a better way to present the issue rather than the way she said it.

  • Chukwunwenwa Chinenye

    Accommodation comes with lot of issues shaa!

    Oluoma was just being too careful, I don’t blame her though. In this part of the world where we live in, anything can happen. I only blame her for not being technical with her choice of words. She could even stay away from the house without letting Ola know her reasons.

    However, it’s not out of place for Ola to be angry. Such words from Oluoma could arouse her curiosity and suspicions. But she really overreacted, she would have handled it maturely, since she trusted the people in the picture.
    Good to know she handed everything to God’s hands.

    Lastly, I don’t support Ola’s opinion about male lecturers. There are men with roaming eyes. You don’t need to become a lecturer to start going after women. If you’re naturally discplined, being a lecturer won’t change you.

  • Egenti Blossom Mmesoma

    Oluoma was out of place for making that kind of comment. It is very derogatory, if I were in Ola’s shoes I would be very angry too. She offered her shelter and she went ahead to demean her husband. We should really think about the things we say before we utter them, in order to avoid damages.

  • Ezeh Chimezie Amos

    Oluoma wasnt that right, she should have found a better statement like “the house could be boring without you around”

  • Ugwu Ogochukwu A

    Oluoma was very blunt in making that type of statement. Although,there is an iota of truth in what she said but shouldn’t have presented it that way. And Ola in her part, wouldn’t have invited her to her matrimonial home knowing very well the implications of such good deeds.

  • Obi-eze Adaobi

    Oluoma’s statement was really a deep one and if i were Ola, i would not think twice i will just hook her up with someone else for accommodation in order to save my marriage because if i choose to over look what she said, the unexpected might happen.

  • Joyce Jonathan

    Marriage is a union between two people,ola bringing oluoma into her home is quite dangerous, anything could happen to her marriage and for oluoma to have made that statement something is really suspicious here.

  • Thomas Rebecca Ina

    Oluoma said too much. She could have still kept her distance without making it clear that it was to avoid stories that touch the heart and if I were ola I would ask straight up if my husband had given her any reason to think there would be anything as such.

  • Desire Adiukwu

    Hmm, I think Ola decision to bring in 3rd Party in a ‘New home’ is absolutely wrong. In fact, it is an expensive decision for a new home. I have heard and read about cases of husband having affairs with sister in-law. Thus, it will be easy with friend. Assuming it is not a new home, the case would have been different. She is expected to know the husband’s strength and weakness before taking such decision.

  • Ezema Uchechukwu

    Firstly its actually a bad idea to bring in a friend at such a fresh phase of your marriage. Yes, she has been your friend since year one but there is a difference between your friend and your family member. I like the fact that Oluoma decided to follow Ola out and not to stay at home with Ikenna but she making that statement is wrong in the sense that it will stir up thoughts that were not there at all, like what happened. Those words of hers have now made Ola to rethink the accommodation that she is enjoying.
    Be wise in the words that proceeds out of your mouth.
    How you view them is not how another person will.

  • Joy Morgan

    Its hard to say who is right or wrong in this story. Oluoma was only trying to protect herself but she should have considered her friend’s feelings before blurting out her thoughts. Ola also made a wise decision by choosing to hand over the matter to God but she should have been practical enough to ask Oluoma what she meant. This story is suspense filled.

  • Duru Joselyn Amarachi

    All I saw in that statement was a friendly joke and nothing more and I think Ola overreacted. Even if Oluoma was serious, she did what she did so as to avoid any case of “had I known” since Ola is a friend.
    I think when we weigh people’s comments, we should do so on both sides and try to understand why people act the way they do and say what they say at certain times and events.

  • Blessing Imoke

    We are all humans and as such, no one is perfect but we can only strive towards perfection however, we should avoid putting our spouses in tight corners because only a man who is grounded in Christ knows how best to handle sexual temptations. Moreover, squatting of non family members isn’t always the best.

  • Blessing Imoke

    What keeps a relationship is understanding, firstly, squatting of non family members is risky as the end point of it is usually disastrous. It takes God’s grace to overcome sexual temptation so we should avoid putting our partners in tight corners.

  • Adiukwu Desire

    Hmm, I think Ola decision to bring in 3rd Party in a ‘New home’ is absolutely wrong. In fact, it is an expensive decision for a new home. I have heard and read about cases of husband having affairs with sister in-law. Thus, it will be easy with friend. Assuming it is not a new home, the case would have been different. She is expected to know the husband’s strength and weakness before taking such decision.

  • Idika Uloma Sophia

    One wrong move can call up events that will bring years and regret for years.It’s not everything that comes to one’s mind that will be voiced out, sometimes we swallow it. Ola on her part did awonderful job by helping her friend. I can also say that she should look for alternative accommodation for her, as she is already feeling insecure.Thanks to you ma’am, for this wonderful piece. It made my day! I celebrate You!

  • Andeshi Monica

    i think Oluoma is one of those very open minded people that just open their month and talk whatever just crosses their mind, she was just thinking out loud which sometimes is a problem. Ola also, is not wrong for pondering on it, but anyways, i think she should talk to her friend. Oluoma should explain herself, why she made such statements, it might not be anything serious.

  • Chukwukanne chinecherem winner

    I think Oluoma has a perfectly good reason to leave with Ola. She might want to avoid temptations which the devil might want to bring in. Although, I think her choice of words is a little blunt. I think Ola should talk to her friend but first she should commit everything in the hands of God and also be watchful.

  • Udaya Blessing Ngozi

    The statement is too complicating that one will hardly think right at that very moment. Ola could be right in her thinking while Oluoma in the other hand might mean something else by saying such and that is why some words are better not said as its could be ambiguous in nature.

  • Gbatalibe uchenna Mildred

    I feel Oluoma should not have said those words , and I don’t advise bringing anyone into your house unless siblings if necessary because you don’t read people’s mind to know what they are thinking.

  • Nnebife Uchechukwu

    Oluoma did, the right thing because no one is above temptations, it takes only the grace of God to overcome them🙏.
    But she shouldn’t have presented it the way she did.

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