Years ago, I listened to a song by gospel artiste, Ray Boltz. This was fifteen years ago or thereabouts. The song, “The Anchor Holds”, became a kind of anthem for me. It was a tonic and one day, inspired by it, I sat behind an Olympia typewriter in my department’s general office and tapped out a short piece which I pinned to a board in my office. You know sometimes you just have to encourage yourself in the Lord when you are being buffeted by life. You may not always have people to speak hope and strength into you but you can do it for yourself or rather to yourself. I wrote it in the first person plural though so that others who read it will be uplifted as well.

I want to share that piece with you today. It’s not a theological document that answers any deep question about suffering and the Christian perspective to it. It doesn’t even quote Scripture directly except in the penultimate paragraph but it encouraged me and I believe it will do the same for you. I also picked up a couple of lines from my recent poem, “Thank You, Lord!” for the accompanying graphic which I hope will fortify your heart. You might want to take a moment to give your life to Jesus if you haven’t done so to enable you appropriate the blessing in the passage. You are blessed!

(Read how I came to be using a manual typewriter in the office when the world had gone digital here.)
(Read how I eventually learnt to use the computer here.)

Life is not a bed of roses. There are challenges along the way. Sometimes, it seems as if the ship of our lives will capsize. At other times, it looks like our entire lives are coming to an end. Yet, we should never give up. We should continue to believe that God cares and He will never leave us desolate.

Our lives are like ships and the Lord Jesus is the anchor. Though the sea may rage, though the winds may howl, He remains unshaken and through Him, so shall we. No matter what comes our way, Jesus our Saviour is able to see us through. He is able to bring us out of it all unscathed, even enriched, for it is true that “all things work together for good to them that love God, … who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28 -KJV).


So when temptations and trials come your way, when it seems like there’s simply no way out, remember it is not the end of the road, for the anchor holds. Always, THE ANCHOR HOLDS.

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  • Joe Odo

    Whao,madam your write ups are wonderful and give hope when life seem nothing to individuals.Thank you for inspiring people and may heaven embarass you with unquantifiable desires of your heart.

  • Yes! My Anchor Holds. Amen! Really edified in the spirit. Thank you ma

  • flawlex ifeanyi

    God is my pilot and I cant do without him. I cant forget that. Thanks

  • Akwolu Chiamaka MaryAnn

    Without God, we cannot stand strong. He promised to always hold us firm and He would not forsake us if we keep trusting in him. He is indeed our Anchor

  • Ishiwu Victor Chinonso

    God is my anchor… With Him, I know that I can face tomorrow. With Him, I will always stand strong. Thanks a lot aunty for this post

  • Oparaugo shalom

    God bless you ma, this is truly inspiring. God is the anchor that holds my live even when the storms of life comes my way he still remains my anchor.

  • Okoye chidi

    God is jst d pilar to our success so no matter wat we should hold on to our faith in Him.

  • tara8910

    This reminds me of an old Christian song. I hadn’t thought of it in years!

  • I love that we can encourage ourselves in the Lord when we are buffeted by the storms of life. My life is definitely being buffeted now, I needed these words. Glad to be your neighbor at Sitting Among Friends

    • Edith Ohaja

      Nice, Vickie! God speaks peace and comfort to us in various ways. He does that a lot for me through songs. Glad you were blessed by this. Hopping over to visit you now. It is well with you in Jesus’ name. ??

  • HOPE! HOPE!! That the anchor holds, always, in God, is the foundation of hope in our lives. Without which SUICIDE would be a virtue; a Priceless way out of misery.

  • kalu Divine Ogechi

    Yes, as children of God we are to put God first in all that we do. that is the only way he can be our anchor because he does not force his way into our lives. but if we accept him wholeheartedly, then we are in safe hands. no matter the wind that may blow, he will never forsake us.

  • Okwor Blessing Amuche

    My anchor holds!! ma you dont know what u’ve done for me.

  • fon cyril

    God is the reason for our being, the anchor to our soul.

  • Wonderful one ma. Surprising how sometimes, little things can inspire us to do great things. I agree with you ma, the Anchor holds no matter the circumstance.

  • Victoria Nonike

    The Lord alone is our anchor, our rock that never fails. I love that you never fail to talk about the love of God and how he expresses it to us everyday ma. Very lovely piece.

  • Njoku Chimamaka Elizabeth

    Nice one. Our Christian race is not one of fear but of hope and faith in the unwavering ability of God to deliver us from all our troubles.

  • Akabuike Chisom

    Just like a house, he is the foundation, I call him the anchor man, because in our everyday life filled with torment and regret, he is still with us trying to reshaping us to stand firm and always hold out ground and always believe in him. Jesus is Lord

  • Sandra Oweka

    Our Anchor will sail the ship of our lives to a safe place. Let us all endeavor to believe and trust in Him.

  • Chika Divine Umunnakwe

    YES! There are lot of challenges we human face in this world of different stages. The ANCHOR is Jesus for He knows how to hold us in those difficult situations. My Anchor is Jesus and that is what Aunty Edith has tipped to me; to tell that tough situation and stress- My Anchor is Jesus.

  • Aniah favour Adaeze

    Jesus my anchor!
    I trust in you..with you on my side..
    My fears of earthy worries are gone..

  • Akogu Imelda Chidiebere

    Yes the anchor holds and in him do I place my hope and my life when trying moments come in him do I look up to.

  • Beautiful song. I love when a song is encouraging to my spirit. Especially when I’m in need of it. Like you mentioned, they become anthems.

  • Yes the Anchor holds…. In our everyday life filled with torment and regret, He is still with us trying to strengthen us to stand firm. God is indeed lovely!!!!

  • Catherine Anokwuru

    When it seems like there’s simply no way out, the anchor holds. This write-up has touched me and I feel really blessed and encouraged by it. God is good all the time.

  • Ukaga Arthur Jachimike

    God is the steadfast anchor of our live, who sees us through difficult moments. Our lives are truly like ships about to capsize but God is always there to hold unto us. This just clearly shows that without God we are doomed to fail.

  • egbo Rita Somtochukwu

    In trying times, when it seems like there is no way we should remember that our God lives. He never sleeps, he never slumbers especially in difficult situation. When he comes in, every storm seizes, when he comes chains begin to break, when he comes good things begins to manifest. We should have that at the back of our mind that God is always the same, he is the way maker who makes way for us. We should also believe and have faith in him.

  • Afiadigwe Nnedinso Rita

    The Lord is my anchor because in Him I lay all my trust in.
    He is my everything and I believe that He never disappoints.
    Wonderful post ma.

  • Ebe John Chimuanya

    No matter what comes our way, Jesus our Saviour is able to see us through. He is able to bring us out of it all unscathed, even enriched, for it is true that “all things work together for good to them that love God. This touched my heart and will go a long way in my life…… thanks for sharing ma.

  • Ezekiel Stanley C.

    Am blessed ??, for the Almighty God is anxhor. No matter how battered, ruptured and how long the darkness has been in my life, the Bible says let the light be… thank you so much Father.

  • Adiukwu Desire

    So refreshing… Knowing that my anchore is JESUS CHRIST strengthens me especially in time like this. God bless you Dr. Edith

  • Menkiti Vivian

    I can’t imagine how my life would have been now… I will forever be grateful for the salvation am enjoying. God is my anchor in him I obtain my being. That means outside him I don’t exist.

  • Nwakaeze Jane

    God bless and keep you.i remembered sometime ago I used to think that am all alone no one to run to because I was raised by my uncle and all my life I can count how many times I saw my parents. .. I didn’t feel this Because of their absence but because of the maltreatment I received from my uncle. Thank God for his love and protection… Today am an undergraduate hallelujah!

  • Ejiofor Emmanuel

    No matter the storm, God is still there. I believe.
    Thank you Ma for these words of encouragement

  • Odey-Oko Victor

    Anytime I feel like giving up, I call on Jesus to take the wheel and he has never disappoints.

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