Tokens of God’s Love


What do I mean by tokens of God’s love?

When you are praying for a big miracle or waiting for the fulfilment of God’s promise, the answer may not come immediately but God gives you tokens of His love along the way. These tokens are little gifts that strengthen your faith and help you persevere. They are reminders that God has not forgotten you and that He is committed to answering your prayer and fulfilling His word.

The tokens may be confirmations of the original prophecy to you directly or through brethren, they could be the lifting of obstacles on your way, blessings of provision and healing that seem incidental but ultimately contribute to your standing firm with God.

When God promised Abraham that He will have a son to whom he will pass his inheritance, it took at least 25 years for that prophecy to be fulfilled. But God visited Abraham from time to time to reiterate the promise, gave him Ishmael to cheer he and Sarah up when they were getting tired of waiting and delivered them from Pharoah and Abimelech when they lived in Egypt and Gerar respectively (Genesis 12:10-20, Genesis 20:1-18).

These tokens are like the Holy Spirit that God sends to live in believers to assure us of our inheritance of eternal life through Christ Jesus. Life may be hard on earth, many times we suffer the things that others suffer like sickness and natural disasters, but the Holy Spirit in us bears constant witness that we have a hope in glory with our Lord and Saviour after this life. And so we hold on and rejoice.

“13 When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession” – Ephesians 1:13-14.

As you live from day to day, look out for the tokens of God’s love that He sends to remind you of His commitment to your case. Take comfort in them and rejoice that we serve a faithful God who will answer your prayers, fulfill His promise and put your big miracle in your hands.

Amen in Jesus’ name.

Tokens of God’s Love

Scriptural References

“God is not human, that he should lie,
    not a human being, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
    Does he promise and not fulfill?” – Numbers 23:19

“1 The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.
2 ‘I will make you into a great nation,
    and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
    and you will be a blessing.
4 … ‘Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Harran.” – Genesis 12:1-2, 4

“Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him.” – Genesis 21:5

“15 So Hagar bore Abram a son, and Abram gave the name Ishmael to the son she had borne. 16 Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar bore him Ishmael.” – Genesis 16:15-16

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16

“5 …He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,
6 whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior,
7 so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.” – Titus 3:5-7

“20 But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.” – Philippians 3:20-21

“16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.
18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.” – 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18


All the scriptures in this post are from the New International Version of the Bible.

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  • Osamor Emmanuel

    That’s true

  • Mary Chidinma Ekebuisi

    This is just the fact, God surprises us in so many ways.

  • Yahsown Dabere

    May the holy spirit in me strengthen me in him, Amen.

  • Nora Nsan

    Awesome one ma thanks for reminding the world that the gift of God is the best gift ever for His words are yea and amen.
    He is a covenant-keeping God!

  • Chiamaka

    Praise God! For all his faithfulness

  • Anyinachi Winifred Chinonso

    Truly he is committed to answering our prayers.
    God bless you ma’am.

  • Happiness Simon

    God will always be there for us no matter the situation we find ourselves in.

  • Abraham Ijakwu

    This is true with no doubt. It is this love that makes Him look at us and say that even though we re sinners, dirty as scarlet, he is ready to make us white as snow. God has not given up on us, we shouldn’t give up on ourselves either

  • Okoro kosiso Mary

    Now I understand better about his love and faithfulness to me.

  • Nnadi chimuanya marvelous

    He said come unto me and I will give you rest, indeed his burden is light and he’s always with us even if we don’t feel like it.

  • Harrison Nnamdi Ogbonna

    No doubt, our God is full of loving kindness and helps us in need.

    • Amarachi Ikwueze

      It’s a thing of Joy to know that God has me in mind.

      • Uderika onyinyechi gift

        The Lord helps us out at every point of our needs and show indeed that he’s the sovereign father.thus giving christians an edge in spiritual warfare.

  • Ihuoma Ogochukwu Chinonye

    One thing struck me “the fact that it has not manifested dosen’t mean He has not done it”. I am complete in Christ and shouldn’t let anything or anyone tell me otherwise.

  • Ihuoma Ogochukwu Chinonye

    God has his own ways of reaching to us whenever we call in him. We must only trust and obey.

    • Nicholas Princewill Kelechi

      But of course God is ever by our side in good and bad times. You know, this reminds me of this worship song we sing casually; “He is with me always, he is with me all times, he is my loving friend, my savior all the time,(2X)….

  • Angel Mandy

    God has good plans for us all. Even when it seems like he is not giving heed to our prayers, his token of love reminds us of his numerous gifts and undying love for us.

  • Nwije Vivian Onyinyechi

    This is comforting and encouraging for us as God gives us tokens to strengthen our faith and give us hope of everlasting life

  • Ugwu Ogechukwu promise

    I choose to always wait on God in prayer, for supply with blessings according with to His riches in glory, though it might tarry. I refuse to give up.

  • Ihediwa peace Akunnaya

    This write up is an eye opener to me

  • Akamadu Oluoma Francisca

    This is so true. God works in mysterious ways.

  • Wonodi Success

    Truly, God’s goodness can never be same as man.


    Wonderful write up, truly the love of God is unconditional.

  • Okolie-Ekwuazi Zutem Nonyelum

    Thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Indeed it’s a big token of God’s love for me after He sent His only begotten son to die for mankind.

  • Abel Janet

    In between the time we render our prayers and when we feel it has been answered lies the seeds of patience and perseverance. That’s a good thing to note lest we keep complaining…Taken and now I know why .

  • oboni veronica

    Our God is a Faithful God and a converant keeping God and he does that which is impossible in the eyes of man, whatever he has promised he will do it at he own appointed time.
    As Christian you are advised to put your faith in him for he will do that, that he has promised.

  • Summer Izuagba

    God’s timing is the best and so i should never give up as he will fulfil all promises.

  • Chidimma Miracle

    Truly we are reminded of his undying love for us when he provides for us, protect us harm. May all Glory and honor be ascribed to him alone forever and ever Amen.

  • Utazi Ogochukwu Immaculata

    Our God is a wonderful God and his love is so genuine and true. God bless you ma for this kind of post. God loves you

  • Treasure Emone

    I understand that no matter how hard the circumstances we are facing seems like, God has not left us alone and He is there to guide us through.

  • Edebeatu Ebere Nelly

    God’s love is portrayed in divers dimensions, which sums up the person of God. As was aptly stated, his love may Come as the gift of his spirit (see Ephesians 1:13-14), the fulfilment of his promises, performance of miracles etc. However the most important thing to know is that God himself is Love.

  • Okoye Emmanuel

    Indeed tokens of God’s love… Even while our prayers are yet to be answered, he doesn’t fail to send us a comforter who will lead us through.!
    God’s love is literally everything.
    Thank you ma’am.

  • His promises can be delayed but cannot be denied… It is only ‘we humans’ that makes it look as if God lies… God never goes back on his promises… Alleluia

  • Egbe Daniel Chidubem

    Gods time is best and that if we trust, obey and patiently wait for Gods time that we will inherit everything he has promised us. Thank you so much ma

  • Okoro Charity Oluchukwu

    Yes I know that God have something special for me. I know it shall come to pass because he never fail to keep his promises.
    Thanks for this food of thought ma.

  • Benjamin Glory

    Even when we think God is not answering our prayers, we should look closely. He has sent those signs which are the token of his love.

    His love is unending, never failing.

    This is a reminder that God’s love is the greatest.

  • Anaje kenechukwu

    God’s love never ceases to baffle me.

  • Thank you Jesus for your infinite Love upon your people.

  • Aniehe MaryJane Chisom

    Indeed, the gift of the Holy spirit is our inheritance in Christ.

  • Igboka Valentine chidera

    Always be patient while dealing with God

  • Indeed while we wait on God, the holy spirit is always our comforter

  • Ngwu Chinasa Modesta

    Truly, God does more than we ever prayed for without our knowledge, most Especially the gift of life which he offers to us every single day, while we wait for the miracle nd what we ask of him to come to pass

  • Angel Mandy

    God is not human and he will not lie. Irrespective of how hard life toss us, we should take solace in the token of his eternal love which is never ending.

  • Okolie-Ekwuazi Zutem Nonyelum

    God is so interested in me. Indeed, i am His beloved.

  • Onyia Amarachukwu Maryann

    Indeed God is focused on us so we should set our mind towards Him

  • Onyiwalu ogechi faith

    God never leaves or abandons his children, His promise May tarry but his word must surely come to pass(Genesis 21:5, Number 23:19)

  • Utazi Ogochukwu Immaculata

    God’s love is the greatest

  • Nwachukwu Rejoice chinaza

    God has indeed save us through the cleansing of his son


    Despite the fact that we are sinners, you overlooked our sins and made your love abundant in our lives. Thank you, Lord!🙌🙌🙇‍♂️

  • Nwachukwu Rejoice

    This is amazing let all ears know that God gift is the best and the greatest

  • Nwachinemere Oham

    With this, Gods love is evident in my life

  • Chukwuemeka Lydia Ogechi

    He sure knows how to surprise us. Cause he does things his own way.

  • umeaku obianuju

    God bless you ma. God’s love is the greatest, no doubt.

  • Braide kenneth victor

    It may not seem like it but God is always with us all we need to do is to trust and obey in His word in order for it to manifest in our lives.

  • Udochuwku Mmesooma gift

    God continually bless you ma, may he strength you,more inspirations to bless lives more and more may he bestow upon you ,amen

  • Jesse Chioma Favour

    Both consciously and unconsciously, my faith has been strengthened to wait and persevere.
    Thank you ma for this piece.

  • Once again another heart warming post about God’s love. Leaving our burdens and worries to God have proven to be the best decision any Christian should make. Thank you for posts about God’s love. Their impact on your reading audience is really visible.

  • Amadi Doris Nmesoma

    In the time of waiting for God’s promises to us, it’s important that we look at for those things ( token of love) that strengthens our faith and commitment in God.

  • Chinomso salome Jeribe

    God’s love for us never fails.

  • Madukwem Ebube Sharon Oghenetegiri

    God sends tokens of his love to comfort us

  • Chidalu

    This post just sit right with me at this trying period… I will be patient with God and trust him to do wonders in my life.

  • Okoh Stephanie Chinenye

    Well said Ma, it is those little tokens of love that strengthen our faith in him and reminds us that he still has us in mind which makes us preservere.

  • Obinabo Chinelo

    Even when we think there’s no hope, God always gives us hope

  • Abah precious

    God is always with us no matter the challenge

  • Akuma Creeda

    Numbers 23:19 gives me a sort of reassurance that all promises concerning my life will be accomplished.

  • Ugwu Samuel Chidera

    In the eyes of men delay is dangerous but God’s way is always perfect

  • Ugwu Samuel Chidera

    Many years may seem like a day to the Lord;therefore never you think he has forsaken you.

  • Oshen uke Gift

    God’s love reflects itself no matter what, the presence of the Holy spirit is a sure conviction. Thank you ma

  • Francis precious Ifeoma

    God’s love for man is incomparable.

  • Destiny

    This again teaches us how faithful God is to us , he never fails his children , even in the most difficult time we have to put all our trust and faith in him

  • Anita Ilechie

    Thank you Lord for the tokens of love you have shown to me even when I’m down that you haven’t fulfilled the ones I’ve hoped and prayed for, you still show me that you care for me.

  • Elias Ozioma Favour

    At times we ask God for something and keep waiting and murmuring meanwhile God has been doing the things we never ask of …God’s Love never ceases, thank God for the token of his Love.

  • Ekene Emmanuella kosisochi

    “Thank you lord giving us reasons to keep trusting in your promises to us in this world”, Amen. Thank you so much ma for helping us open our mind and heart to able to keep trusting and hoping in God.

  • Melody

    God’s token of love to us shows how He always wants the best for us

  • Odo Faith Chinecherem

    Beautiful reminder to me. God’s token of love is evident in our daily living. As long as we are alive, there’s hope. Being alive alone is a huge token of God’s love for us and a reminder that he still cares for us thus bringing his promises to pass in the appropriate time. I’m really blessed Ma.

  • Odo Faith Chinecherem

    God’s token of love is evident in our daily lives. As long as we are living, there’s hope. He will definitely bring his promises to pass in our lives when the time is right. Thank you ma for reminding us again

  • Chukwumezie Udochukwu Emmanuel

    God gives these tokens everyday as proof that he loves us and is still interested in making life good for us regardless of whatever challenges we may be facing.

  • Ifeanyi Nwanegbo

    The greatest gifts ever, are the ones received from God.

  • Robinson Mercy

    This piece just reminded me of the podcast I was listening to this morning with a similar message like this, while we wait for that “big prayer point” to be answered, God grants us precious gifts to cheer us up while in the waiting room

  • Ozor Mmesoma

    God is ready to accept us back no matter how far we’ve drawn away from him

  • Arazu ngozi Jessica

    This is indeed a spirit lifting passage because of someone is in need of things or favour from God and doubts God comes across this , it tells the person to hold on tight because God has not forgotten you , he is working on your matter and soon everything will fall in line for you, Amen!

  • Ajomiwe Chiamaka

    God is a good God. I pray the eyes of our understanding be opened to God’s tokens of love.

  • Stanley

    God love is ever bonding to help us in our Journey we should look around to see this as to strengthen our faith and hope in him

  • Chukwuebuka Adikankwu

    The post tells us that as believers, we have trials , but God is always there for us, moreover, that’s a phase we have to pass through to get to the paradise he prepared for us.

  • Chukwuebuka Joseph Uzochukwu

    When we pray, most atimes we don’t get immediate answer probably because God doesn’t want us to get things we request at that particular time to test faith but… He leaves a lot of gifts that assures us that our request will be granted.

  • Deekor Esther Ijeoma

    The post depicts the love of God that he gives us during the time of trials when we are heading through his path to the paradise he prepared for us.

  • Onogwu chinenye blessing

    God has his own way of showing us that he never forget his promises

  • Odiase Osazee Erico

    It is true that God is faithful and He never forgets His promises. Even when it seems like nothing is happening or that the promise is taking too long to be fulfilled, we can trust in His love and faithfulness.

  • Chima Jennifer

    Good day ma
    This post is really encouraging, it just strengthened my faith in God. Each time I feel like things are not working out for me,
    I’ll always come back to this post.

  • Miracle Ogbonna

    This is an eye opener that God can manifest and render help to us through different ways, he can show himself through different means and ways and can use anything. Everything is at his disposal to meet us at the points of our needs. Thank you ma for this.

  • Nelly otoko

    This post is a great reminder that God’s love and faithfulness are not based on our circumstances or the timing of our prayers being answered. Instead, He provides us with tokens of His love along the way to help us persevere in faith and trust in Him.

  • Ogbodo chiamaka

    Thank you Ma for this reminder that God’s love is constantly at work in our lives, even when we may not see the big picture or understand His timing. These tokens of love are truly a gift that helps us to stay faithful and hopeful.

  • Gbatalibe uchenna Mildred

    I believe that God always visits his people, even when we have lost hope in him.

  • Nnamani Chidibere John

    This article reminds us that even while waiting for the big miracles and promises in our lives, God showers us with these little tokens of His love, like rays of hope.

  • Decent Michael

    This work just reminded me about the token of love I received from God some days ago, although I never saw it as one until now. However it has encouraged me to be patient and believe that the miracle I am expecting will surely come through.


    This is a wonderful piece
    Before now I use to think after asking and asking so many times, God might just decide not to answer or the prayer was not suiting to him but now I have come to realize that there are numerous “tokens of God’s Love” which we might not have noticed
    Thank you Ma for this

  • Ugwuoke Eurel Chikwendu

    Tokens of God’s love are the reassuring signs and blessings that God provides, affirming His commitment to us as we await the fulfillment of His promises. They serve as a source of comfort, strengthening our faith and reminding us of His unwavering love and faithfulness throughout our journey of faith.

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