Someone just made my day. She dropped this comment under the pinned post on my Facebook page, Aunty Edith:
“I’m beginning to love you, ma 🤭Aunty Edith!
“I heard stories of how students are forced to visit your blog, even when they feel like they don’t need it.
“But what I see is different from the picture they tried to paint.
“I thought I’m weird to have been optimistic in virtually everything I do, but I’ve seen a model of that today.
“I’ll be like you when I grow up, ma! 🤭”
My response:
“Thanks a lot for the compliment. It means a lot to me.
“About our students, training is not always pleasurable or desirable but the results are totally worth it.
“I need to emphasise that none of my blogs is commercial. Everything I do online is to teach and bless others, particularly my students, beyond what the limited time in the classroom can accommodate.”

Reasons I Send Students To Read Posts On This Blog
Let me elaborate on why I send students to read articles on this blog and do exercises from them as part of their continuous assessment (CA).
This blog has a category called Academic Resources that contains detailed lectures on different topics in Mass Communication. If you’ve visited any of our classrooms lately, you’ll see that the sitting arrangements do not offer the comfort of taking notes as every student would wish to. And even when they do, some students misspell words and mix up the ideas presented. So I upload material they can read at their leisure to get a better grasp of what they’ve been taught in some courses.
Moreover, by God’s grace, I teach mostly writing courses. So I give students writing assignments for CA. But to help them build their vocabulary and learn literary devices/techniques that can lift their writing above the pedestrian level, I send them to the blog, My Musings, to read just a little bit of the over 450 posts there.

My experience is that no matter how attractively you paint an exercise, students will not engage in it except they see that they can gain some marks from it. So I ask questions for submission to ensure they learn what I sent them to the blog for.
I’d like to reiterate that this is an altruistic, not profit-making, arrangement. I have no ads or affiliated marketing links on the blog. And I encourage students who don’t have smart phones to do the assignments with their friends who do.
On internet connection, students can use the school WiFi. If they live off campus or the WiFi connection is spotty, a few days of night plan on local GSM networks takes care of that.
The aim is to get the students excited about writing and equipped to venture into it frequently and successfully.
There’s also the aspect of character development. The university demands that students be found worthy in character and learning before being graduated. That is proper because education comprises both intellectual and moral training. We can hardly cover the intellectual aspect with the limited time we teach each semester. The moral aspect is almost forgotten.
The posts I send students to read convey moral lessons and values like honesty, determination and diligence.
I have addressed so many issues like Ponzi schemes and co-habitation to discourage students from engaging in them. I do this in both formal and informal posts. The latter are quite entertaining. Many are in poetic and fictional formats. That way, the students can learn while relaxing.
The search terms on the blog show that students in other disciplines also come to find material to do their assignments on the blog.
I consider this my contribution to the broad education of every young person who accesses the blog and I profusely thank all those who have encouraged me over the years in this venture.
(My second blog offers biblical encouragement and is thus called Aunty Edith’s Blog (Encouragement Café).
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The blog saga!!!
Thank God I realize the worth….and it’s no longer reading only to pass exams. But reading to know more.
I come to realize, how your contents provide great insight….
I must say, ma’m, you are creative and gifted.
God bless you!
You’ve truly been steadfast in visiting this blog. I know the benefits outweigh the data you spend here and pray for your limitless success in Jesus’ name..
Thank u ma this post have really taught me that knowledge is key to success . We don’t out grow knowledge
Very thoughtful of you. I’ve also enjoyed everything I’ve read so far, especially the short stories. You have a unique way of passing your messages.
Thank you for starting up this platform. I can already imagine my growth in the next few weeks if I’m consistently studying from here. Thank you for putting all of these together, ma. You’re doing excellently well.
Thank you for the commendation. May the Lord multiply the fruits of your efforts in Jesus’ name.
This is very thoughtful of you ma
Your work is full of moral lessons to imbibe.
You’re a mother who has her children at heart.
Thank you and I’ll love that you keep it up!
Thanks a lot!:By God’s grace, I will!
I’ve enjoyed everything so far. Thank you ma
This is actually my first time commenting on a blog and that was made possible because of you, ma. You are doing a unique thing by granting students a chance to learn more outside the classroom. Thank you, ma! ❤️
You’re welcome. God be praised!
What I learnt is that as mass communication student, we should willingly do exercises that will help us improve academically.
You’re amazing, ma’am.
Thanks for this your beautiful intaitive, even if some students do not see the worth of it.
I have learnt a lot since I have visited this blog.
May God bless you abundantly.
Amen. May God bless you richly too in Jesus’ name.
Your work has taught me a lot of moral lessons to imbibe. It is very thoughtful of you ma. I have learnt something useful as a mass communication student.
When you first gave us this assignment, i felt it was just to get traffic on your blog, but so far I’ve learnt more things from this blog than in some classes.
I’d advise other students to visit here as the time we spend in the classroom is not enough to learn all this.
Thank you for your frankness.
I am happy I got to read and learn more from this blog even tho I did not want to at first. Going through it, I understand that it is indeed worth visiting. I have learnt a lot.
Glory to God!
Have learnt not to visit the blog just for my academics but to get inspirations that would help in other areas of life. Thank you so much ma.
Very thoughtful of you. I’ve also enjoyed everything I’ve read so far, especially the short stories. You have a unique way of passing your messages.
Thank you for your selflessness.
Thank you very much ma for your efforts in helping students.I on my own part learnt a lot. God bless you ma.
So sad that it took me this long to visit this blog, 🤦🏾♀️not knowing these articles were waiting for me to read them and be impacted.
Ma’am I must say you are one of those few lecturers that don’t derive joy seeing your student fail. You don’t enforce your textbooks but you give us motherly push to do what is right. You put yourself in our parents shoes and that of some of us sponsoring ourselves. The way you are open about your heavenly race, I remember when you say you want to make heaven and so you won’t set hard questions and also you won’t set out of the box. Keep up the good work ma’am
One of my hobbies is writing and so I enjoy reading. When I was little I love reading anything I come across that interests me 🥰🥰
Honestly, ma I personally enjoy your blog stories, especially short stories, academic resources, guest posts and poems .
I really want to be a great writer too
You will achieve your dream as you work towards it. Just maintain your focus and practise as frequently as possible.
This is true. Students will not visit the blog unless there is something to lose. I love writing stories but I think this assignment will help me as a student to have a steady reading habit.
Thank you Aunty Edith for thinking of creating this blog. I love the way you write, so elaborate, it almost feels like you’re here talking to me in person. I’m really learning a lot from this
I feel this way too 🤗
I’m so glad this was the first of your posts I read. Thank you madam for this. I’m also a blogger and would love to learn from you. Keep the pen inking, aunty Edith.
Thanks a lot!
With this platform, I have come to understand that teaching and learning in university level is not just done in the lecture room especially in our lecture room where the students are much. At first, I thought the assignment was just to grow this site. But as I go through the blogs I realized that it far beyond my thoughts. It is really insightful and more. I’m so grateful ma. I pray for more grace and strength to you ma. Thank you so much
Truly, truly, coming to this site is not a waste. Everytime, there is always new things to learn. It’s truly for our benefit.
Thank you so much, ma!
I got cues to set up my blog site from reading your posts.
At the time you made me and my coursemates review your blog, I grumbled, until I opened, then I knew I had found a treasure.
Glory to God!
This blog has helped me alot, thanks for the good work ma.
It is true we student will not ordinarily read it but I must say it has added a lot to me
Wow, this is really nice. Thank you so much ma.
God bless you immensely Ma, for this platform. To be honest I’ve learnt lots of things in my visit to this blog.
This post in particular is satisfactory. It destroys all form of negative ideas about Aunty Edith’s actions and has answered all questions raised in our minds like as if she were in our heads😂. Kudos. I’m loving it☺️
I must commend ma, your blog posts are very enlightening and also unique
I want to personally thank you for ensuring that we engage in your posts, had I not come across your blog page, I sure will be missing a lot.
Keep it up ma ❤️
This blog has really help me in so many ways,thank you ma.
Well I have learnt a lot from this blog God bless you ma
Everyday I try to understand writing as a whole,but your work has given me a place to begin from and how fun it is doing what you like.
Thank you 🤗 ma for always having us in mind . It’s takes a teacher who wants to see her students grow and become successful people in life to do all that you are doing for us . And reading this post I have come to understand this . The value you have is unmeasurable.
Honestly, as tasking as the assignments are, which makes students visit the blog, it helps us learn a lot.
Students will never know this until they decide to remove their minds that you are just stressing them.
I should fall into the category of students that were described as ‘being forced to visit your blog’ and ‘not reading through the articles except some marks are attached’. I’ve read through this and I must commend the non-commercialisation of the blog (I really hate ads) as well as your passion for students to do well. You’re contributing your quota in bringing up students who would have a good knowledge of their field. I hope to contribute my own quota even if it means attaching ‘marks’ to it.
Thank you aunty Edith
I’ve been deeply enlightened by reading your musings, your insightful interpretations of biblical texts and your fiction stories. You and this blog are godsends, ma.
Thank you so much ma, this is truly a treasure you have here. The fact that i was enlightened as regards why you make students read your posts is actually for our benefits and honestly speaking if students aren’t cajoled even if it’s for their benefit they would still be reluctant.
This is nothing but a selfless act because” the aim is to get student excited about writing and to venture into it successfully”
I now have a background knowledge on how to find my way when I’m ready to open my blog. God bless you ma
I’m glad that we were directed to this blog for our continuous assessment. There is so much to learn from here. It is so enlightening and I look forward to learning more.
It has really been insightful going through the blog. It made me learn more about certain things.
I never had the intent to come to this blog honestly but as fate would have it I visited your blog ma and I must say it is very commendable. I love what you do here
When we were given this assignment, o also felt the same way but coming here is the complete opposite.
Thank you ma
Keep up the good work
Thank you ma for your continuous efforts to make your students and everyone at large better writers
My first time on this blog and the first post I read speaks directly to the nature of person I should grow up to become. I just wish Aunty Edith’s blog has a mail newsletter I could subscribe to. Waking up to a post from this blog everyday, will most definitely feel like God is walking with me to my destination. Thank you ma’am.
This blog has taught me alot, thanks for the good work ma.
after reading through, i understood the real reason as to why you refer we students to your blog.
I also got to realize how you’ve made learning under the department of mass communication easy🙏.
I learnt a lot from this blog. Thank you ma for your efforts
I’m always blessed by all your posts. They’re usually didactic and worth every read.
That is what I actually thought, but then realised that you are just helping us. Thank you ma
I have gained a lot from your teachings on the necessity of students increase in vocabulary.
I have also learnt that the blog is meant to build my career in writing.
I must say, this blog has ignited the passion of reading in me once more. Thank you Ma for this outstanding work.
Accurate, many of us (me inclusive) like when am forced to go through things like this when there’s mark attached to it. I’m grateful to God for making you our lecturer, so far I’ve learnt a lot and still learning
I didn’t want to do this assignment at first, because I thought it was one very hard assignment because I’m not good at writing but when I finished reading it,I felt so motivated and the assignment became so easy.Thank you aunty Edith for putting such amazing writing on this blog.it has inspired me to be a writer like you.
This platform is a great lecture ground where student learn more about what they are studying in school. It also serve as grooming ground for the transformation of our mindset.
Thank you, Ma. It is not easy but entirely worth it.
Hello Aunty Edith…
Going through not just your articles on the blog but also your facebook post, excites me,, in fact on my facebook I have my notification on so whenever you drop a post I read it immediately.. I am actually not one who comments on post but I look forward to your post when am online..
I get to learn new words, which I highlight and look up for their meanings and ways to use them in context.
Especially as a communicator.
Thank you for this motivation as I don’t just see it as learning and training for the present but it is imbibing the act to love reading and learning new words, it also improves my writing skills and builds my vocabulary use in context and drives me to learn more.
Thank you Ma… 🙌🏻🙌🏻😊
I really appreciate this feedback. May God help you grow in wisdom and enlarge your coast in Jesus’ name. 🙏
Aunty. I can’t say much . But I am inspired.
I would just want to say thank you for your time and work to put things in place for us your student without asking for anything in return.. may God bless you
I love the way you emphasize on morals. Indeed, you are a caring mother who will never let her children go astray. This is truly a place to learn. I’ve found a perfect library in this blog.
the morals you impact in me will never be gone🙌
Thank you ma you’ve been my teacher, mentor and my best lecturer 👏👏
Ma your work is really impressive
Is actually rare to see someone promote spirituality this much
It is unique and modest you don’t know this but your work actually is educative and it’s helping to increase a modest generation
I am thankful that I was force to look at this blog
Visiting the blog, has help me in my writing skills, I must say is an opportunity to be Part of this.
👏 this is so amazing
I now see ur reasons
Naturally, no one is eager to learn, except there’s a price attached to it, or they are motivated to do it. Thanks for all you do ma. Soon students will realize the worth of visiting this blog outweighs the cost.
I love how this aim is to get the students excited about writing and equipped to venture into it frequently and successfully thank you so much Ma for your interest in we student as a whole
I can’t even emphasize enough how much academic value your works here has impacted in me . I am someone that naturally enjoys learning outside the four walls of a classroom so spending time on this blog as been one of my favorite activities this period, as I learn and also get entertained. God bless you ma
Thank you ma for everything,I really appreciate, you’re really a role model to Mass communication students
Daily visits to your blog has made me a better writer and reader.
Though it’s a gradual process, it’s a fun ride that I really want to continue.
Thank you for opening this platform for enhancing personal and collective growth.
I have not regretted knowing your blog, I enjoy everything here, especially the short stories. Ma’am your are really gifted. Thank you soo much.
This blog has really made an impact in me, the messages, educative write ups and stories are worthy of our time and data, I’m grateful I met someone like you and also visited your website. For sharing this wonderful talent and gift with the world,
Muchas gracias ma!!
Thank you so much ma for this piece personally I’m not good at reading blogs but then i read this and it’s quite different, encouraging and interesting i must confess that I’m in love with this write up , it’s so obvious ma that your intentions towards us are pure.
Thank you so much ma for this beautiful piece personally I’m not good with reading blogs but I must say that this is different and captivating.
This blog has really taught me alot it’s not just about reading but reading and understanding, I’m glad I did
At first I thought the assignment was just to grow this site but as I go through the post I realized it far beyond my thoughts. The post are educative, didactic and more. I’m so grateful and I pray for more God’s grace and strength to you ma.
Thanks so much ma for your insightful teachings. It had really shaped me in various aspects of my life. Keep doing the good work you have started ma
At first I thought this was punishment but when I became consistent, I began to love what I see and I’ve learnt alot from this blog and it has helped me in all aspects of my life. Thank you Aunty Edith
I have gained a lot from your teachings on the necessity of students increase in vocabulary
I have also learnt that the blog is meant to build my career in writing.
I was glued to this write up so much so that I didn’t want it to end. It was really worth reading.
Honestly reading your posts on your blog has really changed my life. I won’t lie when I started reading I was a bit lazy and nonchalant about it then one day I read about two posts and I was marveled. Honestly Mrs Edith I am really grateful for giving us this assignment,it has really taught me a lot of things about life I never reasoned about plus your style of writing is unique.
I learnt that reading this blog is not to punish us but to help us in life
I also learnt that reading this blog is actually for our own sake cause the lesson one will learn from this blog are a lot which will help us in our future endeavors
God bless you ma
After reading your blog, I have noticed a change in my life. Af first I was reluctant to read it but after reading two to three posts, I became intrigued and interested in it. This assignment has really taught me a lot about life Mrs Edith and I’m grateful for it.
I learnt that the purpose of this blog is to help us navigate our way through life.
Thanks for all your help that we overlooked.
First you’ve got a unique way of writing that appeals to one. I have learnt ablot during the course of visiting this blog. Well done, ma! You are impacting the lives of many.
Your blog is a treasure house for knowledge whether on academic or life issues. Thank you, Ma
Thank you ma…it’s only God that can reward you ❤️
This is really true. I am happy I got to read and learn more from this post even though I did not want to at first. Thank so much ma.
Thank you for taking out time to teach and impact we young people through your blog. And every read is worth the while.
Thank you so much ma I have learnt many things on your blog both academically, morally and other wise. I pray God keeps you alive for us so you will be feeding us with more knowledge.
You are indeed a lovely mom I love you mummy 🥰
Truly, I have gained a lot from doing this assignment. My vocabulary expanded and I learnt about my faith. This is indeed an assignment worth doing. It’s learning in it’s purest form.
Thank you ma! The blog is not just there to read and pass assignments, it’s enlightens us
You are a model to a lot of us who desire to be very useful to the society and it’s an advantage to have you as our lecturer. You are a rare gem.
I won’t lie, at first when I saw the assignment, I was so upset and wondered why we were asked to read your blog but when I saw the content of the blog and read through few post, I realized that the contents are not only educational in aspect of education, it also teaches us a lot about God and also gave those that already started having doubt about the love of God reassurance. It gave us renewal of hope in Christ Jesus.
Thank you Mrs EDITH for making out the time to create this blog and also add these posts.Ma I’ve learnt so many things from these posts. It’s also shocking how you make each present post better than the last . Thank you for your work.
Students visiting your blog, is a great way to enhance them, learning experience and prepare them for their writing assignments. Providing additional resources for students to read and study at their own pace can be very beneficial, especially for those who may struggle to take notes in a traditional classroom setting.
Using the blog as a tool for building vocabulary and improving writing skills is also a smart move.
Thank you ma.
Thank you ma, I learn a lot of things from your blogs, thank you for the moral lesson, I appreciate.
Good day ma, this post is really encouraging, really love the fact that you didn’t commercialize your blog, very rare. Thank you ma for bringing out your time to teach students effortlessly.
I really enjoy reading your post , and its educating , we students really need it and learn from it
I must say ma, what you are doing is commendable. To be honest, I have learnt a lot from your blog. I love how there are different categories. For the academic session, I love that students in this field and even outside the field can learn one or two things. Thanks for all you do ma. God bless you richly.
Hmmmm, I can’t even say anything because i myself was very reluctant to visit the blog and when i hear stories of how long the posts are i just lose hope😭.
But m happy i get to visit now even if it was by force at least not only academics and biblical stories,other interesting fictions occupy ones mind too. Thank you ma’am
Thanks so much ma’am, you are not only a teacher but also a mother not because of your profession or status but because of the qualities you exhibit. There’s a saying “spare the rod and spoil the child” I like the way you are sharpening students. They might not know what you are doing for them now but surely they will when the time comes.
I must commend you, ma. I have been learning from the blog. Thank you for the assignment. Now, I know better.
You are a God sent to my generation ma.
Being given this assignment at first, I found it unnecessary, but in the cause of doing this assignment I have actually seen that I benefit more than an actual assignment
Thank you Ma for this discovery
To be very honest, the assignment is very tasking. Infact, its one of a kind . I think its the most complex assignment i have ever done. However, training is not always easy. I believe that this is a form of training because we would never be able to escape writing as Mass communication students. So this kind of training is very necessary.
Of a truth, you are an epitome of a 21st century lecturer. Ma’am, your writing prowess alone, is an enough motivation for students to aspire being fantastic and astute writers.
May your mind never cease being inspired.
May your pen never cease flowing.
God bless you, ma’am.