This fictional short story series explores the issue of spontaneity vis-a-vis hearing from God. The context used is the acquaintanceship between two National Youth Corps members, Obinna and Tonye, which suddenly became an engagement. The story is funny and thought-provoking. Would really like you to tell me your views about the subject at the end. And kindly share the story widely on social media. You are blessed!

[bctt tweet=”This fictional story explores the issue of spontaneity vis-à-vis hearing from God.” username=”edithohaja1″]


See me see trouble oh! The type of wahala I entered today, I don’t know who arranged it: God or the devil. I’ve been worried about so many things in my life before now. Things like: Will I ever credit English? Will I ever pass JAMB? Will I graduate with my mates? Will I get a job after school? Note that I didn’t say a good job. Any job at all to get me off my parents’ back to start with will be welcome. Thankfully, that is still some months away as I’m yet to finish youth service. But none of the foregoing can compare with the turmoil going on in my heart right now.

I woke up early as usual. After praying, as I was doing some push-ups, something urged me to go outside. I am serving in the Works Department of a university in Nigeria’s Middle Belt, and all the corps members with the institution are quartered in the same compound. The house is a rectangular structure with eight self-contained rooms on either side and four at the rear with a back gate. In front, we have the main gate, a huge lounge with comfortable armchairs, a TV set and games like chess and checkers. My room is at the rear and as I stepped out, I saw Tonye, a fellow corps member, drawing water from the well in the middle of the compound.

Seeing her in the early morning light, her fair complexioned skin glowing beneath the sleeveless, navy blue blouse she was wearing, I was enthralled. A flowered print wrapper was tied around her waist. I gazed at her for some seconds while she concentrated on pulling up the tin of water and emptying it into her bucket. Before she lowered the tin again into the well, she looked up and saw me staring. I said “Hi” so softly I was certain she wouldn’t hear. My voice was all but gone as I stood mesmerized. She smiled and I couldn’t hold myself anymore.

In a few swift strides, I was at the well. I held the rope the tin was dangling from and whispered again, “Let me.” She flashed another dazzling smile my way and released her hold on the rope. After a few dips, during which we exchanged more shy glances and smiles, I had filled the two buckets she brought to the well. The next step should have been to offer to carry the buckets, or at least one of them, to her room. Instead, I took her hands in mine and right there by the well, I whispered, “Will you marry me?”

[bctt tweet=”Impulsive behaviour can be good or bad depending on who’s pulling the strings spiritually.” username=”edithohaja1″]

I need to back up a little and tell you a bit about myself and Tonye. I studied Electrical/Electronic Engineering at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, while Tonye read Library Science at the Rivers State University of Science and Technology. Although we might be termed friends in a loose fashion, we are more like acquaintances and that is only because we live in the same compound.

You see, Tonye and I don’t often see eye to eye on issues, especially spiritual matters. Although we are both Christians, she is evangelical while I am pentecostal. On several occasions, she has teased me about my speaking in tongues and belief in miracles. Once when she was sick, I came to visit her with my bottle of anointing oil. I meant to pray and anoint her but she said if I wanted to be useful, I should go to a nearby pharmacy to have the prescription she had just got from a doctor filled. On another occasion, I said that God told me to preach to someone, she laughed and asked me where I saw God to talk to me. She argued that the Bible has clearly instructed us to preach the gospel, that there was no need to claim I saw a vision on the subject. The matter generated a heated argument among the rest of our colleagues that day.

So while Tonye and I were getting to know each other along with the other residents of our lodge, we weren’t exactly the best of friends. But clearly something was different this morning. I’d casually admired and complimented her on her looks and dressing in the past and she’d done the same to me, but an invisible force had drawn us together today.

“Yes, I would love to marry you,” Tonye breathed, throwing her arms around my neck.

“Are you sure?” I asked. Whatever had taken hold of me seemed to have relaxed its grip just a bit and I was wondering where the proposal of marriage came from and why Tonye, rather than laugh at me as usual, had accepted.

“Well, true it seems premature, but I think that this was meant to be.”

“You do?”

“Yes, well, I’m not saying that God spoke to me or anything like that but I dreamt last night that you proposed and I accepted,” she replied, disengaging her arms and stepping back to regard me.

That didn’t seem like a good reason to agree to marry someone seeing that dreams can come from different sources, some of them very deceptive, but I didn’t tell her that. I was wondering the implications of what had just transpired and how it would affect our relationship. Amazingly, I didn’t think of backing out and washing my hands off the matter but I was concerned about the feasibility of the union, the details involved. Details like we had no jobs waiting for us anywhere (we’d chatted about our job prospects once), details like how this agreement will change our relationship.

“Hellooo!” Tonye called. “Are you still here?”

“Sorry, you know that this is a very big step. We will need to talk more about it later.”

“Sure,” she replied and bent down to lift her buckets. I picked them up before she could, she thanked me and we moved towards her room. After we went inside, I dropped the buckets in her bathroom and came out, wringing my hands. I was uncomfortable that we were alone inside her room.

“I’m not gonna bite you,’ she teased. I moved towards the door but she drew me back and pecked me on the cheek.

“Thank you,” I said, feeling foolish and escaped to my room.

(Related: “What Have I Got Myself Into?”)

As I entered my room, my skin was still tingling from where Tonye touched me. I was glad today is a Saturday. I was going to fast and pray to understand what was happening to me. Was I under a spell or was I supposed to marry Tonye? Even if the answer to the latter is “Yes,” why the sudden proposal? We are still serving our country. Marriage requires steady jobs and money, neither of which we have. And why didn’t she reject my hand? Why would she dream about this and I, with no idea that she did, come out and play exactly according to the dream script? Contrary to Tonye’s ideas, I do hear from God, so I’m going to get to the bottom of this mystery. But as I vowed to do this, I had no idea that further complications were coming so soon.

-To be continued-

Ⓒ Edith Ugochi Ohaja 2018


Hi! This is my favourite part, where we talk about the story.

Tell me, do you often act impulsively or are you a dedicated planner?

Would you share any occasion/s when you acted impulsively? How did it work out for you?

How would you respond to Syrie James’ assertion that, “Some of the most thrilling things in life are done on impulse”?

What do you think of the story so far: the guy’s sudden proposal, the lady’s acceptance, her dream …?


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  • Ch

    Well, the story is captivating. I ran through it wide-eyed. Impulsive actions have its good and bad sides like the scholar rightly inferred because there are actually some situations that require one to act on impulse or else a lot would be damaged whereas delicate issues like marriage should never be decided hastily.

    Once I was coming back from a visit to a friend, I ran into freshly ripe mangoes, I bought plenty for myself and for those at home. When I got home, I saw ripe mangoes scattered every where, someone had visited and came with excess of them. I was pained. At least I would have saved my money for other things I also needed to buy if I had gotten home first. Impulse shopping.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Lol! Impulse shopping should be left for the rich if you ask me. Glad to hear from you, Ch. You are super blessed in Jesus’ name.

  • Kat

    This is really intriguing. Can’t wait to see what happens next o. Great suspense ma’am

  • Akwolu chiamaka

    Waoooo this is nice and interesting, let’s see if tonye has a cockroach in her cupboard by reciprocating to obinna’s love without hesitating. Thumps up ma

  • Chinwe Anakwe

    Yesssssss! Another series.
    I’d hardly describe myself as an impulsive person. I have to be mentally prepared to travel. Sometimes, when I want to cook beans on a Thursday, I pick it on a Tuesday and then stare at it for a day and imagine the process to the end. My impulsive moments have ended up making me uncomfortable with regrets, like the time I gave in to impulse and yelled at a teacher whom I felt was bullying me or the time I decided to have a physical showdown with my cousin- my regret was giving it to the anger. I normally sit to process my emotions and so if I seem to ‘suddenly’ do something, I must have pondered upon it subconsciously.

    About the assertion, sure, thrilling as per going in to buy a dress on sale or diverting to the movies to watch a movie you had no plans of watching. I seldom do that but I have been known to do something out of the ordinary.

    That being said, I would NEVER accept a proposal just like that. I don’t care if you saw an angel or Jesus came to you to tell you so, I’d rather be convinced by myself. I have found out that this helps me in the sense that whenever I get to a rough patch in the journey of the decision I’ve made, I am assured that I made the decision wholeheartedly without being pressured otherwise. It gives me the assurance to continue in that decision or to rethink my strategy. Marriage is too important to be decided at the well because of a dream.

    My friends call me an old soul. I don’t care. Better to be safe than sorry.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Delighted to hear from you, Chinwe! I’m more like you. Before I do most things, I pray and think and plan and pray and think …, it seems to go on forever, lol! But I know some people are not like that. One of my former neighbours was the exact opposite. She once told me of the time she bought some chicks and started a poultry with no preparation or previous experience. She told herself she’ll figure it out along the way. Let’s see what happens to Obinna and Tonye as the story progresses. I pray God’s grace and many of your desired blessings come your way this week in Jesus’ name.

  • Nwagu Tochukwu (Monk)

    Wow! What a story! Atimes we do take actions due to immediate impulsive urges and later we would be asking ourselves if it’s God’s doing or we just act out of impulse. I love the story. It’s very captivating and am waiting for the continuation. God bless you, Ma, and happy Sunday!

  • Ozurumba Iheanyichukwuozurumba G.

    Wow, that’s wonderful. Please what happens next? Marriage is a very delicate issue, one needs not to hasten into it but be careful in taking a decision.

  • Florence

    Wow, very interesting can’t wait to see wat happens next… Reality await!!!


    Here Comes Another Edifying Piece! I had expected Tonye to feel embarrassed by such a proposal, but I was surprised that she did not, but even went ahead to share her dream of the proposal with him of which Obinna was left stupefied. The last statement “….I had no idea that further complications were coming so soon”, is another Aunty’s creative and tactical way of infusing suspense in the story, and I love this. This is commendable and I cannot wait to read the next episode. God Bless You, Ma.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Lol! You will the complications as the story unfolds. And thank you for your compliments. Glory to God and blessings to you!

  • Eze, Chime Mark

    Well, the sudden quest, ”Will you marry me” is somewhat quick and unlovely. There should have been other pleasurable and better ways of making such request. I’m absolutely ready to see how everything would unfold.

  • Ezenwa chinaza

    IWow this is an interesting story ma.
    I don’t always act on impulse because the result is not often nice. My experience of baring my mind to a bully without knowing he is a cultist makes me think twice before any action. The story made an interesting reading. Am expecting more!


    I just believe that the proposal of Obinna to Tonye is spiritual because from the story, it means that there is a propelling force behind it. If am to say, Obinna don’t have to blame himself for any reason whether the proposal is earlier, immature and unofficial, the major concern should be the love existing between both of them.

  • My last impulsive action or decision in a relationship really didn’t end with fulfillment as I made it outta ignorance and being inconsiderate of the persons feeling which eventually proved to be genuine and selfless.
    Really left a scar right here!

  • Asogwa Emmanuel C.

    I wouldn’t say that acting impulsive is not good but the question is, what’s behind it? Is it a good spirit or a bad one that’s behind the push? And since the proposer is a believer who hears from God, I think he should request for a clearer vision as regards his action because marriage can mar or make a man, even in one’s relationship with God. Eagerly waiting for the next episode oooo!

    • Edith Ohaja

      Well said, Emmanuel! The next episode is coming very soon by God’s grace. The delay is because the network has been terrible in the past few days. Cheers!

  • Caius Precious Chinwendu

    Most times,i am a dedicated planner. the actions i carry out on impulse mos times do not turn out good. actions carried out on impulse are sometimes dangerous because impulse actions are born out of active emotions such as anger, happiness and excitement. for example, let’s say i am squatting some one in my hostel room and the person annoys me. If i act out of that annoyance and do something drastic, probably the first evil thought that comes to my mind (acting on impulse) i would end up regretting that action. so instead, i stop to think about it before i carry out any action. i take my time to plan and get directions from the Holy Spirit before i do anything.Things done on impulse could be exciting depending on the situation. let’s say i land my dream job or i win a lottery. the first thing that comes to mind is to take my friends shopping or go out for a treat. it is not a bad idea provided we do not get carried away during the process. i think the lady has hidden motives but only the episode 2 would tell me. Very amazing piece ma. Thank you and bless you!!!

    • Edith Ohaja

      You are like me then: checking and planning and praying…. But sometimes it results in indecision. I envy people who don’t agonise over everything the way I do, although I realise that praying and planning is often is safer than acting on the spur of the moment. ❤️


    Hmm! As a matter of fact, I sometimes act by impulse and forget to plan. Although this has turned out not to be positive sometimes, working by impulse helps too. Anyways, I see myself planning before anything. So, I can say I’m a dedicated planner.

    “Some of the most thrilling things in life are done on impulse”?
    I totally agree with Syrie James’ assertion especially in his usage or application of SOME, cos some of my life’s notable achievements were done quickly and without hesitation.

    Ma, I think it might turn out to be a great story. But then, I think Tonye went too far. Her reason you may ask, was unsubstantial. Seeing such drama in her dream meant she was to pray, not jump into things sheepishly as she did. As for Obinna, him try wan deceive Tonye. He’s really gonna learn the lesson of his life.

    Great piece I must confess. Expectant of subsequent episodes as the drama unfolds.

  • Jeremiah Chioma Juilet

    i believe our brother here will have to make sure he is doing the right thing and hearing from the right source Cause marriage is a really big deal that can break or make him for life

  • onyeabor ijeoma Rita

    lol yea i actually act on impulse but not in delicate situations like marriage, when i read where obinna proposed to Tonye i thoought she would have made mockery of him but d reverse was the case, maybe she has been nursing feelings for him but was waiting for him to make the first move, to the extent that she confidently pecked him, obinna might start regretting why he actually proposed to her, well the next episode will tell better.

  • Bim Bim

    *crying* where is the rest of the story ?


    well i mostly act on impulse even on the particular food to cook and buying of clothes and i wouldn’t blame Tonye for accepting the proposal just like that because from the line of the story she has known a little about Obinna so Obinna is not a total sttranger to her and come to think of it Obinna seems to be rooted in the things of God which might be one of the qualities she admirers about him although they have different perspective about it and maybe she must have been crushing on him for a very long time to too the extent of seeing him in her dreams because it do happen that whenever someone is occupying your heart you tend to start seeing the person in your dreams. this is another nice piece, Ma. God bless you!

    • Edith Ohaja

      Very interesting, what you said about the dream. That thing can put someone in trouble if they depend solely on it. You are the apple of God’s eye, my dear. May His peace and nercy cover you today in Jesus’ mame.

  • KathyCouser

    A lot of our impulses would be destroyed or under control at least, if we would trust the Word. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him. And now the One He left for all Christians to adhere to and receive power to do the will of God…The Holy Ghost, aka, Holy Spirit! Those that are led by the Spirit are the sons of God. Romans 8:14..So Walk in the Spirit my brothers & Sisters and his Influence in our lives will be inevitable. We will not fulfil the lusts of the flesh. Life’s decisions are too important to leave to our own mind or impulses. Christians should follow the Word of God with the Holy Spirit in full charge; after prayer… “Trust and obey! Your peace and contentment will be well worth it! Only the Holy Spirit is the Revealer of God’s will for our lives! Gal. 5:16… St John 16:13…14:26-27..v.17 Have a Great & Blessed day my Beloved.. Wonderful Example Sister Edith and “soul searcher!”

    • Edith Ohaja

      I am honoured by your visit, my dearest sister Kathy, and I love your comment. Have a beautiful weekend in Jesus’ name.

  • Izukkah chinonso favour

    I am one person that the thought of marriage scares me and still interests me when I hear of people’s experiences in marriage. The thought of saying yes to someone I know is enough risk than saying yes to someone I don’t know well. So good luck to Tonye and Obinna.

  • Analike, Vivian U

    That kind of proposal should have been a shock to Tonye but I’m surprised that she accepted claiming she dreamed of it the previous night. Well, she must have had a reason for accepting immediately.
    Then as for Obinna, pulse or no pulse, I think he was just infatuated from what he saw
    finally, who said one must make money before getting married ?
    lol…….though it’s very necessary ooo but let me wait for the part two first, I will then conclude
    quite interesting ?

  • Joseph Jennifer Ezinne

    I am not an impulsive person at all! I believe that whatever you rush into,you’ll rush out of it. Take life easy and gently. I don’t like how the young man already started proposing! Forgive me,if I’m cliche or probably in the old generation,but we need to stick to status quo in critical issues like marriage. I’d support people who are impulsive in doing things for the Lord,sowing dangerous seeds! Giving up all they have! Impulsive actions are supported in that context,but in issues of marriage and relationships, No oh!

  • Maduabuchi Ebube Deborah

    How can a man see a lady and start proposing immediately? Dream or no dream,it’s totally wrong to do that. That’s the height of spontaneity. You need to get to know someone,no one goes from acquaintance to marriage straight up,no friendship,no romance. Waaawu!

  • Godwin Maxwell

    Wow…..Intriguing and full of suspense..
    Sometimes i do act on impulse but on a critical issue like Marriage? No no
    I will give it a thought and pray over it.
    Appearance can be deceptive and can make us act before we think but with prayer and self control, we will get to the right destination.
    Nice story…..


    wow, interesting, let’s wait and see what Tonia is up to.

  • Maduebo, ifunanya blessing

    Hmmm! i am a dedicated planner but at times i can act impulsively. the whole thing is just weird. the sudden proposal, the lady accepting without any objection. i cant wait to see what will happen next.

  • Amadi victoria chinwendu

    This impulse is magical, i can’t tell if the both of them are acting under the influence of something other than the dream.

  • Nweke Jemimah Chisom

    Am really curious to find out how this would end. marriage isn’t just any kind of relationship. to say you proposed merely becaused you were moved to..hmm. accepting to marry a guy because you had a dream..wow!..I just pray its the hand of God working here since the brother claims to hear from God.

  • chinenye nwokoye

    I’m not an impulsive person even though I know that sometimes I envy those that do not agonize over things, they just get on with it. Dedicated planning can sometimes be a form of indecisiveness but I love to think through what I am about to do and also pray about it because it helps me a lot.
    however, let me see how this is gon’ work out.

  • Ohakwe Oluchi judith

    Can’t wait for the concluding part of this story…i can be impulsive atimes but not to the point of marriage…Before I say yes to a man I will analyze him, pray about it and Make sure I’m not doing the wrong thing…

    Marriage is not something that should be rushed, how can you just wake up one morning and propose to somebody and she foolishly agree to it…i don’t thing that’s a good thing to do because there are many things to consider before jumping into marriage and from the look of things I don’t think they did all that before the sudden proposal…

  • Nathalie Ukwu

    A lovely twist because the situation cannot be called love at first sight seeing as they had met before. It comes off spiritual too because something seemed so right about her at that moment.
    Being impulsive can be good sometimes because some positive life changing decisions are taken on the spot but more often than not, decisions should taken thoughtfully and carefully.
    Recently, I was just about signing up for a data-saving application without fully reading the terms and conditions when I realised it could have resulted to spyware on my device; simply because I assumed it was the same basic information. Better safe than sorry!

  • Anyadubalu Oluchi maryrose

    Now, I love taking my time in making decisions especially one as critical as this. When you rush into things there are higher chances of rushing out. Nothing done under rush or desperation yields a good result almost all the time. The young guy could be joking but no now, not to that extent, he should have thought of it very well before voicing it out. Na big wahala he got himself into ooo. Lets watch and see what happens next.

  • Chinemerem Onuorah

    Wow. Interesting story. I never act impulsively. Ever. So I wouldn’t know; but I think these two are in hot soup. Marriage without jobs? Hunger go waya you people. Lol. Good luck to them.

  • ugochukwu ogwu

    Ooooh suspence…would luv to read pt 2 to see the bottom of it. Funny guy…what was he even thinking wen he proposed with nothing at hand to offer???

  • Abugu Chinazom

    Quite captivating!
    But I still think Tonye was joking when she accepted his proposal.
    Either ways, I can’t wait to see what happens at the end.
    Nice one Ma’am.

  • Ekpali Joseph Saint

    Smiles.. . acting on impulse no doubt, is very dangerous.. . Though i might be tempted to make quick decisions, but i try to think of it very well, because my concern is in the aftermath – positive.. But the sudden proposal is very funny to me. The guy should have started on the basis of friendship and understand the kind of person she is. Also, the sudden acceptance on the part of the Lady is very surprising… Marriage therefore, should be carefully looked into and understood before going into it..
    Also, from the happenings around, i think James Syrie is right… … A very wonderful nice story..

  • ofodile chinenye

    I am beginning to have double thoughts on this obinna’s hearing from God o. hmmmm. Let’s see how they wrap it up interesting story by the way.

  • Onyibalu kosisochukwu Maureen

    Wow..nice one. Talking about impulse, I think all of us in one way or the other act on our impulse especially when pressured but the bad thing is that we tend to regret afterwards. Hmmmm but acting on my impulse when it comes to marriage..No way! This marriage stuff is one of the things that scares me the most, we all have to take our time before making this commitment… Anyways nice story ma, can’t wait to read the continuation

  • Ifebunandu Angela Chimerie

    This story is a bombshell
    Can’t wait for the continuation.. Acting on impulse is really bad because you tend to make mistakes.

  • mordi ifeoma

    the guy’s proposal, tonye;s acceptance is just a funny fairy tale that wont happen in Niger. responding impulsively and especially to matters like this, i think its a very bad idea and it doesn’t always end well, things like this are meant to be planned. if i was tonye , i would say a very big NO! and even disengage the guy because he is sooooo unrealistic, he doesn’t even have a job!

  • emekaobi ijeoma rita

    i think Tonye was joking when she accepted his proposal. Either ways, I can’t wait to see what happens at the end…part 2 loading

  • Ofoegbu Maureen

    Wow nice one but I don’t think one should act on impulse on a marriage matter because it’s deeper than what we think.
    Let’s see how they want to do it without any source of income or job.

  • Vanessa Ezenwafor

    Wow! What a story! Atimes we do take actions due to immediate impulse. I hope Obinna was not acting on the impulse of her physical beauty.
    I think I’m more of a planner though. Sometimes ,impulse actions are borne out of feelings and emotions like anger, excitement etc. Let there just not be a cause for regrets. I love the story

  • ubah chisom mariagorathy

    I was expecting Tonye to unleash hell on Obinna but accepting the proposal hmmm, let see what happens next

  • Okonkwo chidimma benita

    This one is funny oo!!
    I don’t act on impulse not even close to. Especially something that has to do with marriage. Hmmm. Tonye surprised me too. What if she had a soft spot for him earlier? You can never tell. Let me read the next part.

  • The issue of marriage is a delicate one and so needs to be treated with utmost importance. Thus, a ;roper consideration before you say i do. Its not in anyway what to be left for chance.

  • Nnadi Daniel

    Seems like his proposal was part of their destinies, because she dreamt about it.

  • akpan agnes

    hmmmm am of the opinion that one could do anything on impulse but certaintly not with the marriage thing oo. nice write up ma

  • Opara Stella Chidindu

    Wow! This is a perfect example of ‘strange but true’ story. Marriage is not child’s play. it is deeper than what we think. He had better get his priorities right. I can’t wait to read how the story will end.

  • Chukwuneke Blessing

    Decisions should be made after careful thinking, as impulsive decisions could be dangerous especially when it comes to the issue of marriage

  • Ike Faustina Uchechuwu

    very nice but marriage is not a thing to joke about , acting on impulse that’s very childish and Tonye wasn’t thinking about he future when she accepted that proposal in the name of, that’s not love that’s stupiditty

  • Augustina Okpechi

    This is unexpected but we’ll see the end obviously in the next story

  • Ndubuisi Uchenna Nicholas

    This is something else, like something you see in a movie, but cant wait to see how it plays out

  • Onoh Oziomachukwu

    So while acting on impulse is great.. and yes the most thrilling things of life happen on impulse..wonderful! but making a marriage proposal on impluse?! ah that on is impulse that pass impulse o. I dont think marriage proposals should be done on impulse biko, What if i wake up tomorrow and find out i dont like the person?.

  • Emmanuel Nancy o.

    This is such a great and wonderful story to draw life’s lessons from….I love the use of your artistic method Ma, like the suspense can’t wait to read more… God bless you mummy Edith ohaja.

  • Egwuonwu Priscilla

    They should both take it slow because marriage is a delicate matter. I really want to see what happens in part 2

  • Ike Ruby Olachi

    Hmmmmm, from what I have seen and heard marriage is not a child’s play it comes with a lot of resposibilities. The young man should make sure they are compatible, have the same beliefs, have something doing before he thinks of getting married. He is just making a rash decision and should take his time.

  • Anowi chisom vivian

    Intriguing….. Well am not an impulsive type, I tend to pray before I make decisions especially life changing ones. I think tonye should have thought it through and even prayed about it……

  • Chukwuneke Blessing

    Decisions are made after careful thinking as impulsive actions are dangerous especially when it comes to the issue of marriage. Obviously Obinna doesn’t know what he his getting himself into.

  • Opiri chidimma

    I can’t help but laugh at the two of them, what kind of proposal and response is that and she even gave a reason that it was because of the dream she had, can’t wait to read the next part.

  • Akogu Juliet Aniema

    Lols it is funny how obinna was gazing at tonye at the well side…and more interesting how he could ask such question to a girl you barely know…nice write up though…part two loading

  • Nwosu Esther

    This is quite funny and interesting

  • Egbe Ebere Blessing

    Aside marriage, I’ve found myself not being so meticulous with plans. I suck at it.

  • Ibe Chinwe Cynthia

    Oh! Captivating! One would have expected Tonye to say “no” sef. Can’t wait to find out the reason behind Obinna’s proposal.

  • Chekuzo veronica

    Sometimes our impulse could lead us to make a decision that might either favour us or desapoint us, getting even more interesting.

  • Ugwoke Onyinyechi Sylvia

    I don’t always act on impulse to do something. I like to think about my decision before I act. Marriage is a very delicate issue that shouldn’t be rushed into. But since both of them feel that it is God’s will for them to be married, I wish them the best. They should not relent in prayers.

  • Amaobi Precious

    Wow! That was really something else! Whatever got into him to act so suddenly like he was in a rush or something. But I want to believe that it was for good. Impulse can work out really well for one sometimes, but it is still necessary to think before acting. Lol, he acted before thinking as if he was pulled by magic. Interesting story, Ma. It tied me to my chair. Heading on to the next part.

  • Ndukwu cynthia chizoba

    lol….interesting…… i cant just stop thinking about what in God’s name is on Obinna’s mind.

  • Ugwu Kosisochukwu Ifunanya

    Its interesting how Tonye who do not believe in God speaking to people and miracles, accepted a marriage proposal simply because of a dream. Ladies ehhhh….

  • Onwuka Chinaecherem Emmanuel

    Most of the decisions we make without planning often turns out to be that our emotions clouded our decisions. I’m the type that plan before I take a step into any endeavour or a tasking adventure talk more of marriage. Marriage is something that requires planning; Tonye must have been blindfolded by the way the relationship was getting along which to me is not enough to accept a proposal that was made earlier (impulsively). And as a woman in Nigeria, that has graduated from the University, serving her nation a lot is expected of her (which is most times marriage, for the unambitious ones). So I think with this few points of mine that Tonye’s acceptance is not wise at all, she allowed her emotions to get in the way.

  • Josiah Judith Enobong

    No matter the feelings and how good a relationship is going, getting into marriage is something one has to give a deep thought before entering into it. Yes he proposed to Tonye, I believe, but don’t you think it is too soon to be true? No woman wants to get married and wake up the next day asking herself questions, whether she did the right thing or not. Love conquers all, we all know. But in matters like this, love is not enough. Marriage/relationships demands a lot from the two, from finance, to attention, etc.

  • Peace onoja

    Whoa! I doubt this is ordinary. Surely there must be something wrong there. This is really a bad impulsive result. Hmmm. Why do I feel tonye has something fishy in her pot. Lol. I think part two will clarify me

  • Ifebe June sobechukwu

    I want to be like Tonye when I grow up…lol!
    Thrilling things happen on impulse?… That is true but not in all cases. Not in a case like that of Obinna and Tonye. The feasibility rate is poor. Personally, I don’t think that can work. If I were the guy, I would be scared oo. But I am still wondering what prompted him to ask for her hand in marriage just like that

  • Agi Comfort Obahi

    I am not close to being an impulsive person because one decision I made based on impulsive action, I regret.
    but, Tonye giving an immediate an positive action to the proposal is shocking although it is very possible she must have developed little feelings for him since they have known each other for sometime.
    I will not make that kind of drastic decision because of a dream I had the previous night did she even pray or ask the Holy Spirit on what it meant? How well did she know him.
    great suspense Ma and your stories are very descriptive it makes me have a mental picture of the scene and action in your sories. Kudos

  • Onoh, chiazo Johanness

    I have acted impulsive buh mine was not that serious.hmmm…ma i am short of words cause your writing find a way to make me think hard and beyond what my thoughts don’t usually get too.
    The marriage proposal is really a big step for the two and the young man is trying to finish his service and find something doing so i didn’t expect the marriage proposal to be the next step he will take…lets see how it goes

  • Maduabuchi Emmanuel Chidera

    Quite fascinating so far,how would Tonye just agree to the proposal immediately,something is not right. I prefer being a dedicated planner but sometimes acting impulsively saves the day. Can’t wait to read part two.

  • Ugwublessingchinenye10

    The sudden proposal and the lady’s acceptance is not proper. At lest one has to think about such issue before making final decision.Two of them are not working with their full senses. I pray that they don’t regret their rash decision.

  • Onah Chiamaka Geraldine

    Marriage is a very delicate something and not what someone can do based on impulse. I never even thought Tony’s would accept the proposal but the reverse was the case. Can’t wait for the next episode!!

  • Okoye Chukwuebuka (Decency)

    Oh…wow, this is super captivating ma’am.
    I strongly have this feeling that there is something fishy about this quicky “YES” of Tonye. On the part of the guy, hmmm, he was never serious, yes he was not serious because for him to consider it a wahala so to say, that means he was playing around, but this is Joke gone Bad! He should get prepared to be a family man….Lol

  • Ugwuaneke Grace U.

    this one is a serious love at first sightooooooo! but i wonder where it is leading them,they barely no anything about each other and they are already talking about marriage. I cant wait to know the outcome of this sudden love.

  • Anigbo chisom Anastesia

    How can you accept the proposal of a man you barely know and how can you propose to a lady you barely talk to? The issue of man ND woman is highly complicated. I totally disagree with this kind of sick love… Do they even have memories that they both share… . Trust me, obinna is starting a war he can’t finish and is only God that will save him

  • chidera

    The quick response to the proposal is shocking but give an impression that something bad will happen at the end

  • Njoku Chimamaka Elizabeth

    This story is funny. Tonye is acting like she’s desperate and the guy on the other hand is really really weird. he was the one who proposed to her voluntarily, no one forced him…and after getting an answer he is behaving like a wimp.
    I am sure he had it all figured out before the proposal…or does he want to break Tonye’s heart after putting her in a state of excitement..LOL..i would love to see how the story unfolds
    PS: I love the satire/sarcasm employed in the story..


    thats so hilarious of them, marriage is not all about rushing, it is about taking your time to meet the right person because it is a life time affair that needs no mistake,if not they would be doom . they should have slow down and not being in a hurry to taste the soup. this story is a live changing story,ride on mum.

  • Ibute kosisochukwu nina

    Hmmmm… Sudden marriage kwa… How will he propose to a girl he doesn’t kno so well like dat… Well thank God Tonye did not accept… Let watch n see wat happens


    Cooking unplanned food is usually most of the aspects i act on impulse. Most times i would say i wasn’t going to cook any food today and make do with other eatables’ that i have, but with the little sound of warms gathering canopy in my stomach, i would rush into cooking and end up cooking food that my whole community can not finish. Acting on impulse is not really a good idea as we most times end up regretting the effect of our unplanned act.
    I think Tonye accepted the proposal just to play along and the dream saga may just be a forged out lie that suites and coincide with the unexpected proposal.

  • Onyeka pamela chiamaka

    Sometimes I act impulsive but it cant be something as serious as marriage if I were in her shoes I would take some moments to digest the news first bfo giving an answer.

  • Onwuania adaora p

    I think it is the will of God for him to propose to her. without thinking about anything at that moment, i think they were meant to be together. I believe her dream was to be proposed to, and it happened to be him. But he should know that marrage is not just any relationship, hope they understand sooner than later.

  • Joseph Edidiong

    LOOOOOOL! i love this story and the humour attached to it. i would ike to put my self in the guy’s shoes, sometimes i do things without really thinking deep and i find myself asking same question. i would like to say their getting married might probably be God’s will but…… i think there is something suspicious about Tonye and her quick approval. i thought most ladies would be really shocked and probably play a little girly drama? lol. cant wait to read the next episode.

  • Onyema bright

    This is funny I never saw that proposal coming I think Tonye acted on impulse. marriage is not something one just dabble into based on your feelings at a particular moment it is an institution and before jumping into it you must first have heard from God and also find your compactability with your spouse…Any way I wish Tonye goodluck let’s see how it turns out!!
    Nice story ma,quite and interesting one.

  • Eze Benjamin Oduma

    One thing about God is that He is not an author of confusion, if this is divine, then it would work but if not, I’m afraid it will be short lived. It is always the best thing to sit down and think about possible steps one would take in life or the person will just end up like the Biblical man who wanted to build a house without planning about it and ended up being an image of mockery in the town. We should always look before we leap.

  • This is not just a case of jumping into conclusions but one of diving right into it. I see more twist and hurdles ahead, good luck to them.

  • okereke chukwuemeka matthew

    Although i act impulsive sometimes but not to that extent and also i believe in planning oneself before anything.
    I believe Syrie James assertion, most of the things that happen to people at times were not really planned for but rather it happened because of the manner they reacted to it.
    About the proposal, i can’t really fathom what made the two react in such manner but what i know is that they are both adults and can take care of themselves just fine.


    marriage should not be rushed into without adequate information of both families, though Tony is not totally strange to Obinna but i think the question here should have been put; WILL YOU BE MY FRIEND? So they will know each other more and justify whether marriage life will suit them.

  • Abugu Nkemjika

    The suspense is the bomb!
    Nice one ma, I can’t wait to read the rest of the story!

  • Njoku Chioma Grace

    impulsive actions can be one’s undoing in life. i have never been one to act impulsively on any issue or matter. i rather take my time weighing and judging the matter at hand before taking any action or decision on it. only on few ocassions, do i act impulsively and then, i begin wondering what came over me and hating myself for it. in Obinna’s case, i believe his action was not out of impulse but another power beyond his control which in this case, i believe it’s God. Ma, i love the way this story began… it got me wondering how on earth a guy will meet a girl at the well and propose to her right there and then i saw your use of flashback. cant await to see how the story unfolds, ma.

  • Okereafor, Cynthia Uchechi

    This impulsive behaviours of theirs are at the height of it. Both Obinna and Tonye are strange. Well, impulsive Behaviour is difficult to be handled. But on Marriage Proposal to a fellow youth corps member is unusual. For me, I see Obinna loosing it over Her. He may end up of abandoning his faith.

  • Chika Divine Umunnakwe

    The story is interesting and funny. i was laughing almost throughout the story. it just relieved me of my stress. it is simple, direct and pace flow correctly. it is well organised and composed.

    Yes, i often act impulsively but not in all occasions.

    when i decided to travel at all means based on my impulse but it was a day of failure that cost me, can’t be forgotten.

    yes, Syrie James’ assertion on impulse; happens as he said. actions done by most people are based on impulse.

    For, me the guy is missing things. How can a christian bro be directed by feelings and not the spirit of God he believes in. The had not been told by God at first and he felt one morning that he could just opened his mouth and proposed without any plan- God is not a magician! Proposal is not a joke neither is it a drama. On the other hand, the lady is trying to use her human nature to get what she wants. Some women can be manipulative when they want . Her dream could have come from what she had thought/ imagined during the day before she finally went to bed. Her dream is not certainty .

  • Osere Theresa

    I’m actually an effective planner, I plan ahead before doing anything, about doing something on impulse, a friend got tired of how effective I am in planning, she actually told me to act on impulse sometimes, I thought about it one day and I called her and said I was thinking not to think before acting, that was really hard for me, about Tonye and Obinna, it’s hilarious because it was as if he was hypnotized by Tonye, marriage is not a day job, its not about proposing ooo….

  • Okereafor, Cynthia Uchechi

    Both Obinna and Tonye should take easy. Tonye should allow Obinna to do the talking. It is strange she seems to be pushing for the relationship. The attitude is un-african. They are just serving the nation. A jobless graduate does not think of marriage until gainfully employed. Marriage is not like Girl Friend- Boy friend relationship. It’s a lifetime relationship.I just like the suspense in the story. God bless you, Ma.

  • Ani Chiamaka Theresa

    This is quite interesting ma…..but left for me..I will say dat Tonye acted on impulse…. Marriage z not just a day something that one can rush in and rush out…it is something one should take his time and think very well before carrying on any proposal and in all remember to seek God inball u do….bless u ma

  • ene esther

    I can’t seem to remember the last impulsive decision I made, although I believe that decisions made on impulse are bad would later be regretted. Obinna asking Tonye to marry him is quite understandable but then Tonye should have given some thoughts to his proposal instead of jumping in. like he said they don’t even agree on almost anything so I wonder how a relationship would work not to talk of marriage.

  • igboecheonwu Prisca

    Am a dedicated planner but not when it comes to issues like marriage. Marriage is a life commitment and I can’t just jump into it.

  • Rahman Peace Taiye

    I’m not an impulsive person. Every decision I take is thoroughly thought out. I always ask myself the pros and cons of taking such decision.
    Marriage is a sacred and important decision we all make at some point in our lives. Choosing whom to marry is equally important and shouldn’t be done on impulse. Well, I believe Obinna know what he is doing. God help him

    • Ikwuakam Oluchi Francisca

      What! Impulsive proposal? Who does that, well I guess I’ve seen Obinna does. To even think that Tonye also accepted the proposal is baffling. Well, I hope it works out well between them in the subsequent series because if it doesn’t then it could mean that the dream was from another source different from God as thought by Obinna. Nice one ma

  • Onuoha oluebube Jessica

    This is funny I never saw that proposal coming I think Tonye acted on impulse. marriage is not something one just dabble into based on your feelings at a particular moment it is an institution and before jumping into it you must first have heard from God and also find your compactability with your spouse…Any way I wish Tonye goodluck let’s see how it turns out!! Nice story ma,quite and interesting one.

  • Ifebe June sobechukwu

    Something must have triggered that sudden request. You know the brain works in a particular way that you may be having some kind of feelings towards someone but you don’t know and then you suddenly find your self dreaming about the person. It’s hilarious but true.

  • Interesting! Tonye; you accepted a proposal simply because you had a funny dream. hmmmm i can’t imagine how this story ‘ll end, because it’s unbelievable and everything is happening fast. that a male nd a female that has no emotional connection will go in to marriage without rightful thinking.

  • covenant

    Lol… this story will be fun to finish. well everything happening is strange, it’s really weird the way she accepted the proposal because of a dream she had, i didn’t expect her to agree because most girls will like to take their time and “think about it” especially when the guy has nothing bring to the table.

  • Ekeh chioma Jennifer

    Hmm… I won’t jump into conclusion to yet till I see read further,. Igbo people would say…..love gba kwa oku!!. Obi bobo your village people dey at wrk for your journey to the lost land has just begun…lol!! No man in his right sense would propose marriage to a girl when he can’t even boast of a job.. Ma your use of suspence is something else. I await the conclusion.

  • Aneke Modesta Chinemerem

    Nawao, proposal without having any source of income? Well, I can’t tell because God have his own way of doing things, to we humans is impossible but to God is Everly possible. So for obinna to suddenly propose to Tonye and she accepted immediately without thinking twice or the effect means there is a huge force behind it.

  • Nwogu Chiamaka

    This is so fascinating, I completely agree that there are some situations which you find yourself that calls for impulsive decisions and response, but coming down to marriage, it does not work. Marriage needs serious planning, decision about who to spend your life with should not be made rashly, mind you it’s a life affair. I don’t know what really pushed Obinna to propose to Tonye even without a job to boast of, I just feel it is the same thing that made Tonye accept him, they must be joking. Can’t wait to read up the story.

  • Charles Emmanuella

    I’m a dedicated planner. Infact I’m a dedicated to a fault. Sometimes, i want to go all out and just act on my impluse but it’s always hard . I alwayfind myself overthinking things (this is a bad habit but I can’t help it) . Well Marriage for me is a big deal and I feel if you rush in , you will definitely rush out . I can’t wait to read the other episodes of the story!!!


    Sometimes, i act impulsively but most times I stick to my rules and principles, well, to an extent I agree with James, emotions get the best in us , the proposal was a shock ,i mean so quick and tonia acceptance is something else and I don’t believe in coincidence in this case.

  • Eze Valentine Chibuike

    Hi, Obinna. you’re very stupid! You too, Tonye, very stupid! So just like that, you have done it??? Both of you are sharing madness like slice bread! That is annoyingly impulsive, you two tubers of yam! Some things are done based on impulse, not that! Not the “will you marry me” king of somethings! Ahhhh! Obinna, see your village people outside, they have reached. Stupid you. Both of you!

    • Edith Ohaja

      Warning: I don’t allow coarse and insulting language here even when the story is fictional. I would have deleted this but I want others to see this and beware!

  • onyema chinonyelum cynthia

    marriage is a life time something, it shouldn’t be rushed into, if they do, believe me they will crash along the way. well good luck to the both of them

  • keswet mercy

    One thing is obvious, he got carried away by the heat of the moment but then his senses came back after she said “yes” making him realising what the implication of what he said, Tonye on her part is quite a drama with her dreams and all that …lolz

  • Ikebuaku Ezinwanne K

    This is a very interesting story I must say.
    But why are things happening this fast?
    Please there is an urgent need to inquire from the Lord dear.


    NAWA FOR WAEC. This kind of proposal and acceptance is what I don’t understand. You don’t no each other and you are asking and she is accepting, does that make sense at all. What if he was drunk, joking or anything and she just accepted without thinking. I wonder oohh!!!. I was expecting her to be surprise at first,not accepting the proposal atleast till they get to know each other. Was she desperate to get married? or what. He didn’t ask himself why she asked just like that. They did not even try to seek from the GOD first. I don’t like the way she accepted the proposal.

  • Nkwere PraiseGod

    Obinna’s proposal to Tonye is an impromptu one, though some people might consider it romantic. He should have given it a second thought. Marraige is a life time deal and should be followed carefully.

  • praise chinazom onaga

    the story is intriguing but what shook me is the fact that obinna proposed without a ring plus he proposed close to a well and Tonye just accepted without thinking through.


    Wow! This is thrilling. But personally I think this is out of impulse and of am the lady I won’t accept. Come on I don’t really know this guy really well.I really won’t put my self in a situation such as this just because I had a dream. I am realist.


    I would say am a dedicated planner as I tend to mix things up if I don’t make further plans ahead of time. Once I had tried it and it left slaps on my face from dad. You know those moments when you just speak even without thinking? Well I tried that with my dad and responded immediately what I felt was the right answer the last thing I remember was seeing tears roll down my cheeks with my face turning red! I learnt the hard way tho.
    Tonye and Obinna story self sha; this kind proposal too nawa for am. But sometimes it happens that people who have never bee in good terms for quite a long time just getting along immediately but not to the extent of a proposal! I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

  • Nnakwe.uchenna

    The story is a tad sentimental and romantic, feel as though you should make it more realistic. I’m not saying that romance isn’t good what I mean is that the situation where by a guy just poses the million dollar question without a solid relationship attached is just.too fictional

  • Afiadigwe Nnedinso Rita

    It is really captivating, romantic and interesting.But why is everything so fast? ..marriage is a long time journey.Tonye should have understood that before accepting. Can’t wait to see the next action unfold……… Well done ma.

  • Theresa

    I would say I’m more of the impulsive type, using my last card to buy a dress all becos I felt it wld look good on me with no hope of getting money anytime soon, though acting on impulse has it’s effects… In a matter as serious as marriage I no fit try am oooooo, its for a life time. I jus hope this ends well becos from Obinna description I smell infatuation here.. I jus hope this ends well.. Tanx Ma for sharing

  • Ezeh onyekachukwu c

    I was even expecting tonye to disagree with the proposal. This is an interesting story. I can’t wait to read the next part .

  • Ezeh onyekachukwu c

    Marriage is a life time affair. Obina should have thought about his financial capability before letting his emotions control him.

  • Ogbu Nkiruka Gloria

    Marriage is forever(for better for worst), Obinna was too fast to propose to Tonye….they should better meet and trash things out oo

  • Otti Augusta Uzoma

    Lol this kind of proposal is just rash! They are old enough to know what marriage is about and if they are ready to embark on this journey they should be prepared for it but their basis of Obinna’s proposal and Tonye’s acceptance is not advisable.


    Before taking any step in life one must plan it well, obina proposal to tonye was unexpected, what will happen next now that tonye accepted his proposal ? Can’t wait for the second part of story.

  • okoro nneoma anna

    Am really scared for them, don’t know what to expect in the next part, I hope it’s God’s guidance but if even if I think the timing is very bad except they postpone the marriage till they get good jobs. Or is this a dream? Let me run and read up the remaining parts. Intriguing

  • Udeobasi Ngozi B.

    I can’t believe this… does it mean that both of them were under a spell or something. I don’t think the outcome of this will be a good one. First, Obinna was enthralled by what he saw; to me, that is lust. And for him to ask for her hand in marriage at that instance is what I do not understand. On the part of Tonye, accepting a marriage proposal at the first instance because of the dream she had the previous night isn’t mature. She didn’t even pray about the dream she had or even give it time to think over it.
    Spontaneity or acting from impulse is good a times but in cases like this, which has to do with who you spend the rest of your life with, I think it is stupid to act from impulse without good reasons the way they did. Both of them didn’t really show the characteristics of good Christians as portrayed by the storyline.
    Anyway, let me see what will happen in the end.

  • Ugwu Chiamaka Peace

    Some people say unplanned events are mostly the best. Others say thinking is getting overrated and thinking ruins everything,I say it depends. Thinking things through is an important quality of being an adult,although, most of life’s decisions are based on impulse.
    I was in the hostel in January and a girl who was squatting with my roomie got kicked out,she was crying and she was stranded. Then I told her she could stay with me. This girl is a total stranger,just felt like it was the best option at that moment..its been fine with her so far.

  • onu victor tochukwu

    this advices us to be careful on the way we use words. Always think before you talk because words cannot be swallowed, we so many times use words without knowing the consequence but realises it when it already too late. I can’t wait to read the next episode.

  • Ugwoke ifechukwu Melvina

    Awwww. He was shy. I too act on impulse at times and sometimes it turns out to be the right decision. When two soul that are meant to be together collide, there is no stopping the impact.

  • Iroegbu Chinatu Amara

    A proposal just like that?? Do you really know each other to get married?? Is God really behind this?? Well let me keep my fingers crossed and watch how this drama unfolds.

  • Oleighibe Oluebube Tessy

    act on impulse? I rarely do that, accept of course when I’m angry….
    this story is funny, Obinna is funny, wasn’t he thinking before he proposed? lol….
    I believe Tonye to be joking about the dream and acceptance of the proposal….
    but one can’t tell…
    I can’t wait to read the second part of the story.

  • Okafor chiamaka Miracle

    First of all I will like to take a deep breath .How can you propose to a girl just like that. I don’t think what Obinna did is wise, they are more like acquaintances, on the part of Tonye ,a dream should not be the reason for her to say yes to a guy u barely know. But all the same I love obinna ‘s courage, going for what he wants, it pleases me to know that this is not the end of this story

  • Ezugwu Ogochukwu

    Wow this is very serious, how can he propose to her just like that when they don’t even know each that much. I can’t wait to know what will happen in the part 2.

  • Eze levi

    Tonye jumping into saying yes to the proposal is some what suspicious, because they have not know themselves very much and have already agreed to marry. I can’t wait for the next episode.

  • Ezeudu Chioma

    Wow, Obinna acted impulsively without thinking through it, Tonye to me is just naive and might be leading him on only to leave him at the end.. He(Obinna) should be focused on better things than marriage at the moment .

  • Sunday Ezekwesiri Daniel

    The guy’s sudden proposal I feel has to do with divinity. Since he is rooted in the word and hears from God. I think it is divine arrangement but what baffles me is the quick acceptance by Tonye. It is either she is hiding something that prompted to the quick acceptance or she has been admiring the young man Obinna because the story says they know a little about themselves. Well we will find out their respective reasons for the quick proposal and the acceptance in the next episode.


    The proposal happened so fast! I can’t wait to read the next episode to find out if tonye’s response to the proposal was also done impulsively or if there was another motive behind her response.

  • Njoku chiamaka Constance

    Sometimes, we spontaneously take actions that we didn’t plan at all, but this Obinna’s proposal was way too out of the line. He should have at least thought of the out come and implications of his words before the came out from his mouth.
    Dreams often has indirect meaning and that’s what Tonye failed to understand. Well let’s see what happens next.

  • Njoku chiamaka Constance

    Sometimes, we spontaneously take actions that we didn’t plan at all, but this Obinna’s proposal was way too out of the line. He should have at least thought of the out come and implications of his words before the came out from his mouth. Dreams often has indirect meaning and that’s what Tonye failed to understand. Well let’s see what happens next.

  • Essien Anietie Archibong

    Sincerely the title lured me to read this post,and i dont regret reading it.I wouldn’t say that acting impulsive is not good but reasons behind the action matters. Tonye accepting his proposal, i’m shocked maybe she has been nursing feelings for him..i will find out as i read the next episode

  • I wonder why the lady acted without hesitation. Anyways, such impulse actions always portend greater implications. Let’s watch out and see.


    Yes, some of the things we do in life are done on impulsive but not something of marriage. Marriage is everlasting which every youth is advised not to mistakenly commit his or herself to it. In this case, they should think twice because it is not the end of it, there can be a reverse of mind.

  • Kalu Divine Ogechi

    I wouldn’t say acting on impulse is bad outrightly but for an issue as marriage, it is meant to be prayed about and carefully thought about because is not something to rush into and for obinna to later feel like he was under a spell shows something might be amiss…let’s watch and see..

  • Nwata Blessing Chinyere

    According to Syrie James’s assertion that, “Some
    of the most thrilling things in life are done on impulse? Is it done in marriage??
    Marriage is not what somebody hastily runs to. Obinwa acted impulsively, he would have prayed and asked God for directions before carrying his sudden plans.
    To Tonye, the proposal should have been a surprise but hastily accepted with claims she dreamt about it.
    Who knows what the future holds for them?

  • Nwosu chinwendu favour

    Tonye acted without faltering…who knows how long she has been dreaming of that

  • Precious

    Hmm! As a matter of fact, I sometimes act by impulse and forget to plan.
    Dreams often has indirect meaning and that’s what Tonye failed to understand.
    I can’t wait for the next story..

  • OK, this short story is super captivating and full of suspense Madam. Anything that is quickie has something fishy behind, my belief. For Tonye to jump into saying YES is quite suspicious. On the part of the guy, he was never serious because for him to consider it a problem to say, meaning that he was playing around.

  • Onovoh Adaeze J.

    Although, i still can’t figure why Obinna suddenly proposed to his direct opposite ‘To ye’, but I’m loving the suspense. I can’t wait to read more as it unfolds.

  • Ukwueze oluchi benedette

    Interesting story. Sometimes being impulsive works and sometimes it does not work ,but obinna would have just collected Tonye’s phone number first before the sudden proposal.

  • Nnamani Eunice chiidnma

    Marriage is something you need to think about every well before going into it, how can you propose without having any income. Well, let me calm down and wait for the next episode. Lol


    Well, personally i feel that you dont really need to overhink the whole engagement thing when posing the question, it just comes naturally.
    The character is quite peculiar in that area

  • Onoyima juliet

    Marriage is what we should give a second thought before rushing into it. Obinna was too fast proposing to Tonye.

  • Ekwe Success Chinenye

    I am short of words tho?
    I feel Tonye shouldn’t have acted based in impulse, although her dream is convincing enough.
    Obinna as well should have been ready for what marriage brings because from his thoughts, he is not ready.

  • Anulika Iwoba

    Would you look at that.
    Acting on impulse(s) wow!
    Very often, my actions are more as a result of unclarified impulses than keen reasoning.
    But, good heavens, not in marriage related affairs??.
    Nonetheless, as with all else, impulses don’t just come on their own.
    It could be the Spirit’s way of expressing itself.
    Who knows?

  • Abaraonye Chidinma B

    What a suspence! An interesting story ma, but the lesson there is that we should be very careful with marriage issues. It does not just end in the physical appearance but it’s till death do them part. This is the reason you see many broken homes because they rushed into answers like Tonye.
    Am sure by this episode, “I still love Tonye” will be better understood. Thanks ma.

  • Chidebe uchechukwu cyprain

    The sudden proposal from obinna to tonye is quite unusual, he didn’t wait to know more about her before proceeding with his request..how I wish obinna will reconsider his decision and reason one more time before embarking on this journey in the next episode.

  • Awelle

    This story is a nice one. Making impulsive decisions is usually not the best but like you said, it depends on who is pulling the strings spiritually. If the relationship is not of the lord there is no way it will work. Exactly why tonye needs to take it to the lord in prayer. There are some things in life that happen and some of us don’t see the need to ask of the Lord’s opinion but we do need his guidance and approval in everything in life for things to work out well.

  • Ugwu Chizoba Janet

    Wow, this story is catchy but I was so surprised that Tonye accepted his proposal,her reply to Obinna is too immediate.

  • Anabude oluchi m.

    My take on this is that we should always seek God’s direction through prayer and reading the word of God because when we want to use our Human understanding we get everything messed up

  • Abugu faith Chinecherem

    I’ve never heard or seen this kind of proposal before. I just hope they ended up together.

  • Nwoye Chiamaka Favour

    Very often we tend to make certain irrational decisions due to impulses. It is only on second thought that we see that sometime those decisions were wrong and unwise. The story uses explicit choice of words and it’s very narrative.

  • Ogbozor chiamaka Zillah

    This actually sounds like a true story because it seems familiar to what happened to a friend. This story is good for both the boys and girls, one can learn more from this story.

  • Nnachetam Favour

    Frankly speaking ma, I can’t imagine myself in such situation. A very important decision like marriage should not be taken on impulse. Only God knows the chemistry that pushed them to make this decision without thinking.

  • Wow! This is interesting and somehow funny in another way, what is really going on? A marriage proposal, just like that? As in a real one or is it a joke? And a ”yes” in return just like that?… Nooo. There is more to this and I really can’t wait to see


    No, because I am also meticulous in my dealing. For the guy proposal and the lady immediat acceptance..hmmmm. I will say that they have done what they think it was right, either in the hurry or not. I can’t really conclude, because for some people they go for things in the different inspiration time, some choose to go after the inspiration might have died down while some go immediately the have it.
    So in this case, I think this is what happened. Probably, the guy didn’t check will before proposing for her that morning he just worked on what has been in hisvmind, because what he did, the idea didn’t just come to him that morning.
    Ladies believing so much in dreams and vision just had to accept so that she will not blame herself later, she could have resisted it if it’s was on normal circumstances (if she didn’t dream about it), but her dream made her weak. The story just begun and I believe it will end well.

    Thanks ma for writing for us, may God continue to strengthen you, in Jesus name.. amen.

  • Nnamani Eunice chidinma

    What kind of marriage proposal is this one? Kind of funny, and she accepted just like that ?? can’t wait to see the end of this?‍♀️


    It is a matter that is yet to be unraveled, the magic Obinna felt that led him to making such quick move… and Tonye’s equally swift reply. Dream, revelation or prophecy whatever it might be, shouldn’t prompt such move. It seemed to me to be a fairytale story, or that they are a desperate set who are not willing to patiently study each other… Let’s see how other episodes unfold

  • Oma

    God walks In ways we can’t see ,man propose but God dispose..in obinna’s mind he would be wondering how did I propose to someone am not even very close to and things like that .
    I always plan before anything , I spend like 15mins planning my day before stepping out so I haven’t done anything out of the blue.

    • Chukwunwenwa Chinenye

      Hmmmmmm! I often act impulsively. I can wake up in the morning and tell you that I’m travelling all the way from Nsukka to Lagos and one would wonder if I had made plans about the journey all along. It works for me sometimes.

      However, anything that has advantages surely has disadvantages. Having said this, I don’t think I’d do such mistake of taking impulse action while choosing a life partner. Never!

      Obinna’s proposal to Tonye is indeed mysterious and it seems like a huge joke to me. But then, it might work out for them if they are really meant to be.

  • Okoro nneoma

    Very interesting story. Can’t wait to begin the next story but i must say that God’s ways are amazing indeed. I was already expecting Tonye to laugh at him and mock him but God’s always has better plans and in the most mysterious ways he will execute them.

  • Ibe favour kalu

    Yes, most of the thrilling things in our lives are done on impulse: when we say yes to request; when we say no to request; when we ask questions; when we answer questions. After the whole scenario, we would be like, did we really do this? I think the same thing is happening to tonye and obinna…,let me read on to part 2 to get the full story. Haha.

  • Chioma Agbaraka

    Most times, Impulsive actions have its repercussions too. I don’t think I can remember doing something on impulse. I love calculating my next step and action before delving into it. I might have done something on impulse, but it would definitely be on a rare occasion since i can’t think of one.

    Tonye’s acceptance was really shocking and Obinna had nothing to say than to play along. I hope it works out well for them at the end, because at this stage of their lives where they had nothing going on already, marriage is the last thing to think of, if I must say.

  • Chukwunwenwa Chinenye

    Hmmmmmmmm! I’m this type of person that acts impulsively sometimes. I can make abrupt decisions and oftentimes it works for me.

    Meanwhile, whatever has advantages surely has disadvantages. I don’t think my impulse action can come into play while choosing my life partner. Like how can I even do that?

    Obinna’s impromptu proposal seems so weird to me and to think Tonye accepted the proposal made it scarier.

    However, let me keep my fingers crossed and watch how things unfolds. Maybe it might work out for them, just maybe.

  • Onyejekwe favour kosisor

    We don’t jump into conclusions because they may be hard to get out of. Marriage is not a child’s play considering the fact that they were still serving.

  • Eya Paschal

    Hmmmm…this story is awesome and i can’t wait to see the continuation. And the little advice i have for Thelma and Obinna is that they should go and think over their decisions because taking an Impulsive decision is dangerous especially in marriage issues and from the look of things, i think Thelma and Obinna don’t know what they’re getting themselves into. Nice story Ma.

  • Agbo onyekachi obumneme

    I can say that I am more of a dedicated planner than one who act impulsively. This because will be very hard if not impossible for me to do what Obinna did besides, the issue of marriage is not what you approach casually like he did. It takes a deliberate effort of planning and knowing when you are set for such expedition. marriage is a university that one never get to graduate till death and in a regular school, you can drop out is you are fed up but in Christian marriage, drop out is not permitted and to do so is to disobey because God hates divorce and that is why everybody needs to be careful how they go about the matter of marriage most especially young people. We can see that this singular action of Obinna has gotten him into psychological and social problem,social problem because he may henceforth, start avoiding Tonye,affecting their normal relationship as lodge mates and you cannot blame Tonye because He(Obinna) made the initiative and Tonye resides to play along for reason she knows best.

  • Ugwoke Victor Nnabuike

    I was going to tag Obinna’s action “Love at first sight.” But having gone through the story, especially the paragraph where Obinna talked about himself and Tonye prior to that Saturday morning event, I will affirm that the newly found love had already grown in them, the nature of the proposal notwithstanding. As you’ve rightly said, impulsive action could be good or bad, depending on who control it from the Spirits.
    Meanwhile, I’ve come to the full knowledge, the story line in “I Still Love Tonye 1-7.”
    Best regards, Aunty Edith.

  • Oba Cindy biobele

    What a huge question asked on impulse! Can’t wait to Know wether it was for better or worse. I’m hooked already!

  • Emmanuel chibuike

    it is amazing as how Obinna proposed to Tonye and howTonye accepted his proposal. Impulsive acts sometimes favour but the case of marriage is not something to be decided hastily as we end up making incorrectable mistakes. Coming to Tonye’s dream of Obinna proposing to her and she accepted, well sometimes dreams foretells the future but the question here is did she prayer to make sure that the dream is truly a revelation from God telling her that she is meant to marry Obinna.

  • Ijoma Chisom Jessica

    This is really interesting and very funny… Before I write a comment on the story. I would love to share my testimony…
    Well .. I thank God that I finally saw a comment box to leave my comment, for ages now it has not been easy!!! Praise the Lord!!
    Concerning the post, it is so funny .. personally I am a very dedicated planner. But I have been in situations that required I make a fast decision many times and each time I did, things always work out well for me .. on the other hand I have a name I call God from my experience growing up as a child till this point in my life… I call him MY PERFECT PLANNER!! Usually whenever I make plans for something it takes so much mental work and many atimes it doesn’t work out the way I had wanted it but God usually surprises me with His “master plans” I begin to imagine why I even planned so long at first, regardless of this experiences I do not stop planning, I only make sure not to worry… But in this case, marriage is too deep that one can not afford to just make such decisions, my concern is that both the guy and Tonye do not agree in doctrine, I really fear for them ooooo

  • Ajibo lovelyn onyedikachi

    Marriage is not like relationship, marriage entails slot, such as commitment, understanding, building trust etc, it is a life time something and should not be rushed into. Obinna sudden proposal and Tonye acceptance is quite strange and unappealing,on Tonye’s side, she accepted obinna because she saw obinna propose to her in a Dream,isn’t she hilarious?

  • Clifford Ndujihe

    Tonye’s lack of belief in God to perform miracles and to communicating to humans is baffling. however I understand why obinna is puzzled concerning his proposal to tonye since Tony’s said she accepted because she dreamt about it and not because she loves him.

  • Clifford Ndujihe

    This is another captivating love story, can’t wait to see what obinna finds out in the next episode.

  • Ugwuanyi Collette Mmesoma

    Wow! Unplanned proposal. I am not surprise Obinna proposing, it could be out of joking but for Tonye to take it serious and accept the proposal is what baffles me.

  • Adumike Winifred Munachimso

    Acting impulsively?,no way!
    It has landed me in trouble so many times,now before I say or do anything,I think twice.
    Obinna is lucky, Tonye must really like him to react in such a sweet manner, or she probably took it calmly,because of the dream she had.
    I really need to read the next part of the story.

  • Adumike Winifred Munachimso

    Acting impulsively?,no way!
    It has landed me in trouble so many times,now before I say or do anything,I think twice.
    Obinna is lucky, Tonye must really like him to react in such a sweet manner, or she probably took it calmly,because of the dream she had earlier.
    I really need to read the next part of the story.

  • Joy emeka

    There is something strange about tonye for her to accept a proposal like that maybe it could be that she had liked obinna for a while, and as for obinna unplanned proposal, let’s see where it leads to

  • Ugwu Amarachi Matilda

    Though I used to act impulsively at times but not to a crucial matter like marriage. Tonye would have seek for more time to think about it but no, she went ahead to make her decision. I just hope it ends well with no regrets. Interesting story.can’t wait to find out what happens next.

  • Ossai Chidimma Linda

    This story is so unbelievable, how could she say yes and why would he propose suddenly.

  • Ugwu Amarachi Matilda

    I will not actually call myself a dedicated planner because I have sometimes acted impulsively but, I don’t think acting impulsively in the issue of marriage just like Tonye did is actually a good idea. Marriage is something that requires commitment and compatibility which both of them are not likely to have in the aspect of religion. Tonye would have seek for more time to think about and to also pray over it, but no she jumped into conclusion probably because of her dream. I just hope it won’t come out to be full of regrets. Can’t wait to read the next episode. Nice story ma.

  • Awforkansi Kamsi Salita

    This is an interesting story but ah! Impulsive proposal!? Who does that? I’m actually really interested to see the end of this series.

  • ify queen

    Impulsive actions most times results in negative consequences but it still shows your true and unedited feelings. I still think its better to think twice before acting, i can’t wait to see what happens next

  • Omaga Chiagozie

    Acting on impulse is not good sometimes because we tend to regret later. Marriage is not something you jump into simply because you had a dream. If you dram about it pray think pray and think again. They said marriage is a prison so it is good you choose your cellmate wisely to avoid had I know. And what is with Obinna proposing because of what he saw i never see this one coming. Let watch and see how it plays.

  • Ugwu Ogochukwu A

    There are some things I take impulse decisions, but not to something so grave like marriage. I’d say Obinna was just moved by what he saw without giving in much thought. Without control,as he was feeling, Obinna thought proposing would be a better way of expressing himself.

  • Okoloji kosisochukwu vivian

    It’s really strange how Tonye accepted the marriage proposal,it Should be committed into the hand of God before it becomes a mystery.

  • Ezema Uchechukwu

    Ok personally I think men are often moved by what they see which was the case of Obinna.
    He was blinded by what befell his presence that made him propose. I’m not sure those words were properly planned out in his head before coming out. On the side of Tonye, I’m not sure what moved her to say yes. She makes fun of Obinna about speaking in tongues and miracles and yet she said she saw what occurred presently in a dream which I believe is still under that “supernatural” category.
    He should actually pray about it because not all dreams are revelations.

  • Ekeh Maryann C

    God is not an author of confusion… Yes dreams can be deceptive, but I believe if it’s God he will make it look as simple as it can be.

  • Okpala, Chukwuebuka

    Issues bordering on love are most at times very dicey and one couldn’t help but be very direct and intentional about them. Sometimes, one may be under the spell of infatuation (what we may call, love at first sight) while thinking he or she is reasonably attracted to another.

    How can two recent graduates serving their fatherland consent to marriage when they haven’t thought of what their life may look like after NYSC.

    Intriguing and didactic story indeed.

  • Chimdalu Onah

    I’m sooo curious, what happens next?

  • Aniehe MaryJane Chisom

    A very interesting read. Indeed, marriage is not an easy life course.

  • Sometimes our impulse could lead us to make a decision that might either favour us or not, i love this piece and it’s getting even more interesting.

  • Itodo Amarachukwu Grace

    Acting out of impulse can be good or bad depending on the spirit behind it. But God’s spirit isn’t deceptive.
    It is good to seek His face in any situation before acting out. I won’t say am perfect though but, I don’t really like acting out ofimpulse. I do rather thoroughly think and pray about it before deciding according to the directives of God.

  • Monday Favour Nnanke

    Captivating 🤩
    I rarely act on impulse, I believe everything should be thought about and planned before acting it out. It gives me a sense of direction and accountability. It helps me stay sane and happy.
    There are somethings I can’t control though so I have to act on impulse when they happen, though it’s never easy for me to quickly orchestrate a response, I still try🤧🤧 but whenever I do, most times, I later regret my actions.
    For example, when I know I might have people around me, I plan the way to behave, things to talk about, how to talk about them etc. Sometimes, this people deviate from the topic of discussion into another that is not related at all. Most times, I find myself at a loss, In this instance, I have to act on impulse and later when I think about the replies I gave, I feel distressed cause it’s always barf.
    Syrie James is actually right though, I don’t think thrilling experiences comes from planning 😏😏, thrills are sudden, it has no place in a scheduled day, week or year(planning helps makes ur day less emotionally stressful, it keeps you calm).
    In retrospect to the guys proposal, I think he said it because the lady was expecting him to(she put the words in his mouth- ‘I don’t know how true this is but it happens’).
    Also, the lady’s agreement was due to her beliefs and faith, most times, christians often assert that dreams are directions, instructions, visions or impressions from God and they often take it too seriously, that was the case for her, I guess.😂
    Though marriage is not a joke and should not be trivialized nor agreed upon based on intuition or fallacy,one can never ascertain the results of impulse, it might be good, bad or “e just dey” permit me to use the word, I don’t know a perfect English subtitute.

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