Our story ended where a male youth corps member who had just proposed to a female colleague went back to his room to pray and find out why he suddenly asked for her hand without an existing close relationship between them. Let’s see what follows. Looking forward to reading your comment and kindly share on social media. You are splendidly blessed in Jesus’ name.

[bctt tweet=”Our story picks up from where Obinna goes to pray to discover why he suddenly proposed …” username=”edithohaja1″]


Hearing from God is not as easy or straightforward as I’d like it to be. If it was, I wouldn’t be second-guessing myself as I’m doing right now.

After I left Tonye, I did try to pray but I was so happy that I just sang some praises and fell asleep. I was actually grateful for the nap as I thought my heart will burst with the joy I felt.

When I woke up, I began to clean my room, something I’ve hardly done. Besides sweeping the tiled floor once or twice a week, I’ve never bothered to mop it or wash stuff promptly. I brought out two Ghana Must Go bags. Into one, I dumped all the clutter I needed to get rid of: cartons and styrofoam packaging from some electronics I’d bought; plastic disposable plates, cups and spoons I’d been collecting from takeouts I bought or events I attended to save me the expense of buying my own stuff; some battered clothes, shoes and boxers. Into the other, I dumped dirty clothes, which were almost my entire wardrobe.

[bctt tweet=”This story indirectly poses the question: Does impulsive behaviour have a place in a life of faith?” username=”edithohaja1″]

Tonye had never been to my room and I wanted to ensure she didn’t bolt if she did. I dumped the bag of trash in the backyard to be burnt later. I then dusted my two white plastic chairs, cleared the papers on the table, mopped the floor, cleaned the windows and replaced my worn out bedsheet with a new one featuring Mickey Mouse, which my elder sister, Ihuoma, gave me during Christmas. I also sprayed my favourite musk cologne on the bed and around the room in lieu of an air freshener.

By this time, it was past noon but I still needed to wash those dirty clothes. As I was doing so, I heard a knock on the door. I knew it was Tonye but I wished it wasn’t. I hadn’t had my bath! What will she think of me? I was sweating from all my exertions. I couldn’t let her in. I decided to call her instead. She came to invite me to eat, she said, but I explained that I was in the bathroom (which technically wasn’t a lie although I wanted to give her the impression I was bathing). I added that I would see her later. I rushed through the washing, packed the clothes in some buckets, bathed and wore a new pair of shorts and T-shirt I also got courtesy of Ihuoma. (God bless our sisters!)

As I went to hang the clothes outside, some of my neighbours were just waking up. They had attended a party the previous night. Normally, they will come to my place to eat whatever I’ve cooked but I hadn’t cooked, thank God! I didn’t want them messing up the room I had so carefully scrubbed. I didn’t even want them to know I had tidied up the place because they would know a woman inspired the effort. They would probably assume the worst and tease me mercilessly.

I can just hear their taunts: “Pastor, leave women for us oh, souls are perishing!” Or “This is a different anointing you are carrying oh!” (They call me Pastor because I’m born again and living the faith, not because I’m ordained.)

It may look suspicious to them but my heart is pure. Seduction is far from my mind. I just did something I should have been doing far more often (the cleaning, I mean). But I cannot pretend that Tonye hasn’t become terribly important to me, so pleasing her will be a priority.

When I later went to see Tonye, the guys who were looking for food had beaten me to it. They were on the floor, eating semovita with egusi soup. My stomach growled at the sight and they laughed. Tonye offered me a soft drink from her mini cabinet fridge, which I gladly accepted.

“Sorry, all the cooked food is gone,” she said.

“Yes, Pastor, it’s gone except you can do a miracle with this,” Don said, offering me a piece of fish, which he quickly withdrew and threw into his mouth. They all burst into laughter.

Another guy, Trevor, grabbed the can of soft drink out of my hands and took a swig from it. “This is January,” he observed. “Aren’t you supposed to be praying and fasting?” He was alluding to the practice of declaring a corporate fast for different lengths of time by many churches in January. Isn’t it ironic that the unsaved take such great delight in keeping the saved accountable?

“My church fasted for the first three weeks of the month,” I replied, but he held on to the drink.

Soon, they were passing it around and drank the whole stuff. I was perching on the edge of the bed feeling sheepish, as Tonye had sat on one of her plastic chairs while the other had a heap of books on it. She brought out two more cans of soft drink, tossed one to the three guys on the floor and gave me the other. Then she did something unexpected. She picked up an empty plate and knocked on the back to get everyone’s attention.

(Related: A Love To Count On)

“We have some news, Obinna and I.” She pulled me up and put her arms around me. “We are engaged, as in, we are getting married as soon as we can.” She looked around at them with a challenging stare. I knew what she was doing. I was always the butt of jokes in the compound. She was trying to put an end to that. I pecked her cheek but lingered and moved my lips down to her jaw and her neck. I don’t know who was more surprised by my action – Tonye, the guys or even myself. Where did the boldness come from and how did I know what to do? It seemed so appropriate and I felt Tonye shiver with pleasure.

[bctt tweet=”You often do not know what you can do until the relevant situations present themselves.” username=”edithohaja1″]

“Uwa mmebi!” Don exclaimed, snapping his fingers on both hands. “Pastor don join!”

“Nna men, idikwa too much!” Chima jibed. “All this Bible and Jesus talk is just a show, okwa ya? Guys, pastor don hit una below the belt.” He was referring to the efforts several guys in the lodge had made to befriend Tonye but she had declined, claiming she had a boyfriend in Port Harcourt. Trevor was speechless but tried to compose himself.

“Una never tell us oh!” Chima continued. “There should be, at least, a small party and everyone in the lodge and some other friends should be invited.”

“We don’t want noise. We just want you to be informed,” Tonye clarified.

“Congratulations!” Don declared, lifting up the can of soft drink.

Everyone echoed the congratulations and the guys sprang up and left, thanking Tonye for the food, without even washing their hands.

Tonye and I decided to go out for lunch. We not only needed to eat but we wanted to celebrate our engagement as our colleagues suggested, but we wanted to do it alone. I planned to change but Tonye told me not to bother. She was staring at my upper body like she was seeing me for the first time and I could understand why. T-shirts show off my toned body better than formal clothing. But I wear the former often. I guess she just hasn’t been paying attention. I told her to give me a minute to slip on a pair of sandals and grab my wallet. We were flowing well together and seemed to know what we were doing. We had no idea that a bulldozer was headed our way.

-To be continued-

Ⓒ Edith Ugochi Ohaja 2018


Hi! This is my favourite part, where we talk about the story.

Have you ever done something you didn’t think you could, you know, something good, something bad? (Like stand up to a bully, pay back good for evil …)

Have you ever been the subject of constant teasing on any subject? How did you handle it?

What do you think is happening to Tonye and Obinna?


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You can also like my Facebook page, Aunty Edith, follow me on Instagram, GooglePlus (1), GooglePlus (2), Twitter (1), Twitter (2), Pinterest and StumbleUpon. Plus, you can connect with me on LinkedIn. Jesus is Lord!


  • wow, this is an interesting story especially the part of ”UWA MMEBI”. OUCH, I don’t believe something happened to these love birds, that BULLDOZER should better park one side. WAITING FORTHE NEXT PART. ride on Ma!

    • Edith Ohaja

      Lol! See the doublefacedness of that guy who probably has an active sex life. Anyway, he must have been joking. Bulldozer, you don hear? Park for side oh! Lol! Have a beautiful day, my dear!

  • Mercy

    What a nice way to start my day, nice one ma but still waiting for the full story oooo

  • Ezeorah Cynthia Somtochukwu

    I guess it feels good when you think you are engaged to the right person right? Now, some people know about their engagement and those around are people that have tried to get Tonye and they couldn’t. What I’m saying is not everyone will be happy for them so, they should be careful.

  • Chinwe Anakwe

    First off, why did it end now? What bulldozer? Chaee.

    Have I ever done something I never thought I could? Well, I did enter into a dancing competition in secondary school just for the heck of it, I failed miserably, the whole school voted against me, I left the stage and wept blaming my friend for convincing me to enter in the first place??.
    Repaid evil with evil? I might have and I must have felt justified. But I have physically fought with my cousin before. Never thought I would, he deserved it ?

    I have been teased constantly for so many things; stuttering, having ‘yam-like’ legs, being a mumu and deferring to everyone. In fact I was bullied.

    How did I handle it? I retreated behind a wall and turned to novels. The characters were kinder, children are the worst bullies really.

    Nowadays, I use sarcasm and mischief to deflect the hurtful words.

    That being said, I suspect Tonye. She’s up to something. Poor innocent, virginal Obinna.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Chaee? Lol! Don’t worry, let’s just pray network stays strong from now. Wish I’d been around to defend you from the bullies. Na so! I was never too courageous growing up, esp in school, ’cause my classmates were usually older than me. But you’re a tough one, picking a fight. I defend myself with my words, which could be quite brutal. Hmmmm, about Tonye, if she’s shooting, Obinna isn’t exactly dodging the bullets. Thanks a whole lot for your rich engagement on this. Have a fruitful,day in Jesus’ name.

  • Ngozika Cynthia

    Bulldozer ! I hope nothing will happen to these two as their love life is about to start.


    Wow… Enjoying this series greatly. Can’t wait for your next episode. Thanks, ma, for sharing

    • Edith Ohaja

      Thank you too for dropping by, Ebere! Hope you’ve been fine. May God multiply your blessings in Jesus’ name.


    This is really getting interesting more and more i kept picturing the surprise look on the faces of those guys. am really happy for Tonye and Obinna and that Bulldozer should better pack one side. it should not come and put sand sand in their garri o. God bless you Ma once more. the story is really inspiring.

  • Wait oh, first before giving my answers, bulldozer? Seriously? Well, it is bound to happen so the true test of love will come and leave with either disappointment or fulfillment. And yes, I have severally done some things that naturally I wouldn’t even brag of doing, both good and bad. Back then, you don’t tease me and leave without a serious quarrel. So yes, I’ve been there. Sometimes, we would leave our parents yelling at each other over this issue. As for Tonye and Obinna, no comments yet. Cos I might make wrong judgments and possibly wrong predictions. All the best. Story continues to unfold.

  • okoh daniel

    Christians do get married and have every right to be romantic about that. I wonder what makes people think those who are real born again deserve less. anyway, good for them and waiting for the next episode. Bless you, Ma!

  • Nancy Emmanuel

    This bulldozer suspense is driving me nuts oh!. I can’t wait to read the next part. Am enjoying the “pastoral love”. Lol!

  • Izukah chinonso favour

    Okay…. I am so loving this story ???. The sudden boldness and togetherness is something that is sure getting my attention. Next please

  • Analike, Vivian U

    I am still wondering what the bulldozer will look like. Is it in hand form or in problem form. Well, I don’t really believe they are in love but whatever it may be, God actually has a plan for everything that happens in our life. Tonye my dear, I don’t really know where to place you but I will join you and believe that you are doing this not out of frustration but because of the dream or rather VISION.
    roll out the part two Aunty because I can’t wait to see the bulldozer
    This really looks like a true life story, I can’t help but imagine the scenario as I read through
    Thumbs up Aunt??

  • Eze,Nnenna

    Hmmm, like seriously. let me hold my words sha ,I just hope that there is reason for everthing.

  • Godwin Maxwell

    I can’t stop laughing, those guys language makes me to remember the teasing of some of my friends. What a humorous and evocative story.
    ‘Obinna please take am jeje’
    There is this boldness that usually envelop us when we think we are in love and trying to prove a point….
    Bulldozer Kwa!
    Biko upload the next part… i can’t wait!
    Really Nice…


    Wow, can’t wait for the next episode, marriage is a good thing, its most enjoyed when you are in safe hands.

  • Rahman Peace Taiye

    Awwn…I was beginning to enjoy it???. It’s sooo interesting. Let me reserve my comment until I read the whole story. Nice one ma.??

  • Maduebo, ifunanya blessing

    This story is full pf suspense! Lolz. I have not really experienced that expect when they gave me Mich to sing on the alter, at first, i thought i couldn’t do, but to the glory of God, i did it!. people always tease me that I’m too churchy but i do ignore them at times. honestly, i don’t understand those two (Obinna and Tonye), could that be true love or……? Can’t wait to know what will happen next.

  • Amadi victoria chinwendu

    Oh my God! i could never predict Tonye could take such a step and to rap the suprises up, the guy added a bold kiss wow, i can’t wait for the next one. Welldone ma

  • Kalaowubo Rebecca Ibinabo

    I’m really happy for them and I pray they end well…but I’m so anxious to get the full gist ooo

  • Nweke Jemimah Chisom

    Really, i love those guys at the logde..very funny guys! Obinna did shock me too! wow! he even knew what to do. kudos to the source of that boldness.lol but then the bulldozer..please, it should better pack one side.

  • chinenye nwokoye

    I have done something that i never thought I would do, I was happy, it was like discovering myself.
    I have often being the subject of ridicule among my friends and I laugh over it with them most times but I live the ‘unbelieveable’ look on their faces whenever I go out of my way and shock them.
    However, I hope this bulldozer is not a bad thing coming their way.
    Ride on m, you are blessed!

  • Rosemary Stephen ibibo

    Am even scared, I pray that nothing should separate this two. Cos I don’t understand this bullzoder thing ooo…. Anyway am still looking forward for d complete story. Interesting story mama Edith .

  • Nathalie Ukwu

    Hilarious reactions! They are getting along so well. I hope they surmount the troubles to come.
    Considering the circumstances surrounding their relationship, spending quality time alone was a good idea seeing as they need to get to know each other more. In the mean time however, Tonye and Obinna seem to be falling deeper in love.

  • Anyadubalu Oluchi maryrose

    Chai! Odiegwu. It is getting serious oo
    Yes, most times I have done things I never knew I could do. Its just about giving it a first try. But, why does it look like they might not end up together, who knows when Obinna’s God will answer him or if God doesn’t answer him nko, what will become of him, will he continue with the marriage even when he is not sure yet of what he really wants. Let’s keep on watching………

  • I reserve my comment; cx i dont want to rush into conclusion, obinna took a great step wit Tonye and as other episode of the story evolves…….i ‘ll finally take my stand.

  • Chinemerem Onuorah

    I really wish these two well; I love their chemistry. I get teased, so I can imagine what Obinna went through. Hopefully, it will come to an end now. He Shoots, he scores. #Tonye. Lolzz

  • Ohakwe Oluchi judith

    Wow so interesting, I can’t wait for the concluding part to know what This bulldozer is…I’m feeling this Obinna and Tonye’s love oo.

    To the question now, I have done something I couldn’t have done on a normal circumstances this happened when I challenged my Dad when he did something wrong and was claiming boss man on top, he was surprised and scolded me for that then later on he came to appreciate me for my boldness and sincerity…

    My roomies always tease me of my unromantic and churchous life… Sometimes I smile and walk away or try to show them that I can be romantic just that opportunity have not presented itself…

  • ugochukwu ogwu

    Hmmmm hope there will be a pt 3? Infact there has to be so that I’ll fully understand the picture that is being painted here. I also congratulate obinna and toyin

  • Jeremiah Chioma Juilet

    This is one story i must finish. i would like to know how he receives confirmation from God to know its his will and not just fleshly desires. Ma, pls ride on!

  • Abugu Chinazom

    Wait! what?
    For real this people are taking this thing really serious!!!
    Well, I can only sit back and patiently wait, to see what happens next.
    Nice suspense!

  • ofodile chinenye

    oh wow…………now am filled with suspense for real. but what could the bulldozer be? could it be that this was tonye’s plan to intentionally grab the attention of pastor. I got my arms crossed, can’t wait for the concluding part.

  • Iroegbu Chinatu Amara

    Wow! Really can’t wait for part 3. I wonder what the bulldozer could be. Nice piece ma

  • Ekpali Joseph Saint

    Let me quickly fasten my belt for the next part, buldozer? Really, one does not know what to do until the relevant situation comes.. . Because there are things i do and i will ask myself if i just did this.. Also, people always ask what am doing in a secular university, that am suppose to be in the other side.. Sincerely, the way Obinna and Tonye get along now is sweet..

  • Onyibalu kosisochukwu Maureen

    Hahahahah wow! This is getting more interesting and intense, I can’t wait for the concluding part of this story, I can’t wait to know what the bulldozer really is. But seriously the love between this two is really strong and sweet oh! I wish them well…aunty please cut the suspense short ooo

  • Ifebunandu Angela Chimerie

    I can’t wait for the part 3..
    I wonder if God will tell Obinna that Tonye is not the girl for him and what will he do about it
    The suspense is killing me

  • mordi ifeoma

    whozzzz………. butterflies every where, when you think you’re in love, but then in this couples case, something don’t just feel right. i think something bad is gonna happen to them. anyway i cant wait to see the end of this story!

  • Euniprecious

    Hmm. Am filled with suspense, I can’t wait for the continuation of the story. I can’t Imagine what the end will look like. One does not know his or capability until the force beyond u your control push you by then you start seeing yourself doing what you don’t even think is possible for you. I wish Tonye and obinna well.


    It’s not bad to be in love but young people should be careful with the way they approach love in order not to be misled.

  • emekaobi ijeoma rita

    suspense again *crying* i really want to see the end of this story..its so captivating

  • Ulu Christiana Chinenye

    I guess, its interesting and good, when you are engaged to the right person. But I must say that, I do not like the ending part of the story. What bulldozer?!!. I hope nothing will happen to Tonye and Obinna as their love life is about to start. Thanks Ma, for sharing this story.

  • Ofoegbu Maureen

    I really want to know what the bulldozer is but I still suspect Tonye sha.
    Can’t wait to see what happens next

  • ubah chisom mariagorathy

    What could the bulldozer be? interesting story indeed, part 3 loading………..?

  • Vanessa Ezenwafor

    Why do I suddenly feel Tonye is just all about joking? What bulldozer again?
    Well, I remember standing up to my very wicked head girl then in secondary school. I felt like a hero when everyone was praising me. It feels good to try something new though
    I want to believe they are in love already but really it’s hard to

  • Oparah Goodness

    I couldn’t lift my eyes off this interesting story the title was catchy though… Suspense! You got me Ma I must say
    Waiting for the next story, my fingers are crossed. What could be this Bulldozer? Mixed feelings!

  • Okonkwo chidimma benita

    First of all, i will say congratulations to Tonye and Obinna. But i am curious a bit to know what the bulldozer is. Talking about being teased, i get that always for being overly conscious of everything i do.

  • Nnadi Daniel

    The story is an exciting one… The pastor guy as nicknamed in the story seems to formerly be a very shy guy.

  • akpan agnes

    hahahahaha i can’t wait ooo for that buldozer. This kind of impulse marriage! nawa ooo. great write up

  • Opara Stella Chidindu

    Hmmm… I wish them the very best and i hope the engagement leads to the marriage proper. i can’t wait for part 3, the suspence is killing me.

  • Ike Faustina Uchechuwu

    The characters were kinder, children are the worst bullies really. Nowadays, I use sarcasm and mischief to deflect the hurtful words. That being said, I suspect Tonye. She’s up to something. Poor innocent, Obinna. waiting for part 3

  • Ndubuisi Uchenna Nicholas

    my suspicion is on the Trevor character, but this is turning out well

  • Onoh Oziomachukwu

    So chill, what do people think? that spiritual people cant have women? lol. they do and yes they have very good taste too. i’m just too expectant as to what will happen next. i just love how you mix humor and slangs too in the stories.

  • Shade

    I believe it is very necessary to think things through and even pray things through. You might be impulsive about what you want to eat, but never who to spend the rest of your life with.

  • ijeoma Okoroafor

    Lol, well me I think if one is together with God in the spirit, I mean through prayer, rash decisions wouldn’t be made. Lol, bulldozer, I’m suspecting Tonye.

  • Egwuonwu Priscilla

    Tonye’s actions are highly suspicious and I am in suspense. Can’t wait to uncover the bulldozer .

  • Ike Ruby Olachi

    Well to my surprise I think that they are flowing quite well for people that I think do not know each other quite well. Now am very curious to know what will happen at the end and how they really intend to go about it being that they don’t have any job that will put food on the table.

  • Anowi chisom vivian

    “Bull dozer” lol…. I don’t know where this is headed but I like the twist if it all. Well being a subject of constant teasing is terrible but those teasers derive joy from making you angry by teasing u. Thumbs up ma …. Can’t wait for the rest……..

  • Opiri chidimma

    This is really getting interesting especially the part where the other guys were teasing obinna, next part ma

  • osuagwuchiamaka

    wow! i love this. i just can’t wait for the part three

  • Nwosu Esther

    Haha..bad guy

  • Caius precious chinwendu

    Okay this story got me Laughing. I could like picture the whole story and it was like the whole drama was going on in my head. Aunty Edith I have to admit you are A very amazing writer. Like your stories are very descriptive I could actually relate with it. The drama was just playing out in my head.
    Well I am not totally sure whats going on between the two of them. It looks suspicious to me. Like I don’t trust Tonye so much, I think she has ulterior motives. Moving on, I think what people regret most is the things they didn’t do when they had the opportunity to do it. Whenever you get the chance to do something you’ve always wanted to do, go for it like the example you gave, standing up to a bully. I’m off to part three. I pray you need lack inspiration for your writing. May the Holy Spirit continue to be your guide. Amen and bless you.

  • Ibe Chinwe Cynthia

    Bulldozer?! The suspense is just amazing.They seem really into each other. I can’t wait to find out what happens next.

  • Chekuzo veronica

    Lol his actions are suspicious but something good could come out of it. waiting to find out.

  • Ugwoke Onyinyechi Sylvia

    What bulldozer. I am beginning to like Tonye and Obinna. I hope nothing goes wrong. I can’t wait to read the end.

  • Amaobi Precious

    LOL at “Uwa mmebi” Its indeed a wonder how unbelievers are so quick to keep the believers accountable. Being the teased one always isn’t a nice place to be and I really feel for Obinna as he couldn’t voice out his disaffections. Luckily, Tonye came to the rescue. And the way they’ve been flowing like everything was planned is simply amazing. They are giving credence to the fact that their marriage is of God. Kudos to them. And they better be ready for this bulldozer coming to hit them. An excellent work, Ma.

  • Ndukwu cynthia chizoba

    i so want to read on and on.nothing for Obinna and his fiance yet until the story is over

  • Ugwu Kosisochukwu Ifunanya

    I pray that Pastor Obinna will not forget his first love because of this new love and that he will be able to balance the two love, considering the difference in their view or belief in God.
    Unbelievers can seriously keep believers accountable especially in fasting periods. I had a similar experience in this last matriculation ceremony….
    İ look forward to this bulldozer and how the lovebirds will handle it

  • Peace onoja

    Hehehehe. This their impulsive love seems to be growing tough oo. Tonye Tonye am still suspecting you oo

  • Agi Comfort Obahi

    Waow that was great courage on the part of Tonye but, I feel it is too early to let people know about their engagement.
    Is this love for real? well, I have had the courage once or twice to do things I never planned I could . when ever friends tease me I just smile or join in the laughter so I do not feel bad myself even though it can be very annoying.
    I can not wait for this bulldozer oooo….

  • Onoh, chiazo Johanness

    I love the fact that they are flowing well and what the lady did for her man..she stood up for him.
    Please all the bulldozers should go and chill so that this two will have some fun

  • Maduabuchi Emmanuel Chidera

    Hmmmm,suspense.what might this bulldozer be, talking about being in such a situation of constant teasing,I once had a similar experience but I handled it by ignoring the teasers. Anticipating for part three

  • onyeabor ijeoma Rita

    yes oh i have been constantly teased in different occasions the one i wont forget was the day i read from morning till the next morning for a particular course (though i have been reading it other days) at the end i made a “C”, it was not funny because i was teased for days, and used as example by my room mates, saying over jacking kills GP.

    wow! are you kidding me, so Obinna don gather moral reach for that level, wow that is nice.ma, please clarify me on somethings here,in a practical sense is it a sin what obinna did, (in a romantic way)despite they are not yet married

  • Asogwa Emmanuel C

    Chai suspense is killing me oo. Anyways Tonye is a woman that knows what she wants. Obinna should not be confused God is not an author of confusion. Hmmm my lack of height has always been a constant subject for teasing. To the point someone said am summarized.

  • Blessing

    Wow! Nice and Wonderful story, filled with suspense. MA I strongly believe in your quote ”you often do not know what you can do until the relevant situation present itself ”. Obinna never thought of showing any romantic affection to a woman , but what happened at last, he caught himself doing it in public because the situation presented itself at that moment.

  • Okoye Chukwuebuka (Decency)

    Hmmm, it’s seems glittering and facinating, the two are really enjoying the shape this whole drama is taking. But from what am seeing Toyen looks like she will have something to unveil as this story progress. I will wait to see the end. The end will really justify the means in this story.
    Thank you ma’am am with you.

  • Ugwuaneke Grace U.

    Wow!this story is keeping me in suspense ma’am,i am sure this girl has a skeleton in her cupboard but it is quite unclear to me,what could that be?a boyfriend in port Harcourt and then accepting pastor’s proposal like that,well mmh! and yet to unveil is this bulldozer which i can’t wait to know about.

  • chidera

    For there to be a buldozer it definately means that obinna would not end up with tonye. He should just get ready to face and fight the buldozer if he wants to end up with her.

  • Anigbo chisom Anastesia

    Hmmmm,, why didn’t obinna consult the divine Oracle in heaven before making the proposal… My mum will call this act, medicine after death. But the issue of born again that are against relationship before marriage, what are they trying to portray. This reminds me of a man I was arguing with that said there is nothing like serious relationship that may lead to marriage and besides is a sin.. That statement from him sounded like a bombshell to me that I had to reply to his statement saying ” the gravest sin you will make as a born again you claiming to be is to stop half way in marriage or use the attitude of your partner as an advantage to cheat…. The man kept mute… Some people don’t understand that marriage is for brave and the wise…. Steps are to be taken before you venture into it…. MA you are my source of inspiration to me…. God give you more wisdom

  • Njoku Chimamaka Elizabeth

    wow..seems like Obinna is garnering more courage here…even going as far as pecking. Tonye on the other hand is acting so comfortable with this whole thing like she has her plans or something..anyways we hope nobody gets hurt..

  • Ibute kosisochukwu nina

    Can’t Christians marry again bikonu.. Dis story z getting more n more interesting… He feels he z engaged to d right person


    It was incongruous for Tonye to announce their supposed engagement herself. The same was the case when Tonye could only offer, Obinna, her supposed Boyfriend Soft Drink on the premise that ”cooked” food had finished, meaning that nothing like Food was reserved for him, apart from the one probably from their lunch Date. The story has been very engaging and interesting. Obinna’s last statement, “We had no idea that a bulldozer was headed our way” was another creative technique by Aunty Edith to Sustain readers’ interest and pin them to the story. That is Commendable, Ma.


    I remember a time in my secondary school days, I once wanted to stand up against a bully – a classmate of mine. i needed to let him know that enough was enough but I ended up being beaten hands down once more. I just dusted my body and went home accepting my fate that he was stronger.
    This story is keeping me in suspense…. As regards Obinna and Tonye, who knows, their story might be the case of “happy ever after.”….

  • Joseph Jennifer Ezinne

    Well,I don’t know why I really like this story. It’s so captivating and humorous. I’ve been teased severally by people and honestly,the best way to handle it is ignore and allow them to make those assumptions! Don’t try to talk back or tell them to stop.each time they start,ignore them. One day,they’ll observe that you’ve developed thick skin to their nonsense and they’ll stop


    This story is an interesting one and it is filled with suspense. I wish that obinna and tonye will end up together. But, with this bulldozer heading their way, I’m guessing that it is something that might end their relationship. I can’t wait to read the next episode and see what will happen.

  • Ukamaka Ukaegbu Mirabel

    Being used as a subject of ridicule can be so painful, you would just wish that the ground will swallow you up instantly but it can only get to you so deeply if you allow it to….. well am always strong in such situations because I wasn’t born a dumb??.
    The sight of bulldozer signals danger

  • Onyeka pamela chiamaka

    I think I like this tin bertween Tonye and obinna I would just say crazy tins happens like there was a day I stood up to a bully in my primary school. I love the chemistry bertween them

  • Onwuania adaora p

    I think Tonye and Obinna are in love, misunderstanding what is really means to yet get married and already telling people about it.

  • Oleru Precious

    Yes, I have been the subject of constant teasing and I always laugh it off even when I am boiling with temper. Most times I don’t want to overreact

  • Ugwu Ifunanya

    Lol.. I wonder what awaits this two love birds. Best of luck! #smiles#

  • Joseph Edidiong

    Hmmm. I’m getting more interested in this.
    There is something strange about Tonye’s attitude. It’s a beautiful thing that she is getting married but. … her response- strange. I just hope she is up to something good.
    I really love the suspense in this story.

  • Onyema bright

    It is quite humorous what women can make men do just to please them(Obinna cleaning his room for the first time;it’s well) I think Tonye did great unleashing the news of her engagement with Obinna it showed how much she values him.
    Great one I love this story

  • Onwuka Chinaecherem Emmanuel

    love happened to them; not minding the efforts of their colleagues to bring them down, they still didn’t give room for such. I love tonye’s courage.

  • Josiah Judith Enobong

    I like the fact that tonye acknowledged their engagement; not allowing their colleague/neighbours to bring them down. It’s a nice start for the two.


    i welcome Tonye and obinna to their marriage. And am set to read how they will play their love in the family. woah! it is getting more and more interesting ma

  • Abugu Nkemjika

    Engagement! Love! Marriage!
    These are eseential things and we should be careful before making our choice, Ride on ma!

  • I just remembered one day (during my secondary school education) when I refused to accept punishment from a teacher that frightened every student. I could not believe myself and I kept on asking myself if I really did that or was it magical?
    When it comes to fashion trends and makeup, the tease is a normal thing. If it’s not my dress, it would be the shoes or the shape of my eye brows ?. Some of my friends prepare earlier and wait for me because my arrival calls for a five – minute tease with annoying laughter. Most times, I throw in one or two words to stand my ground, even as I laugh alongside them.
    ? As for the ones who woke up to love, what else? It is obvious they are in love. The ‘butterflies in the stomach’ kind of love. See overgrown Obinna, acting like a child. ? I love the suspense that ended the story. ?

  • Osere Theresa

    This story is really interesting, I love it !! I’ve actually been the centre of ridicule before back then in my secondary school, it was not a nice experience but I built myself out from their ridicule, how I tackled such situation was that, I actually got use to their abuses to the extent that when ever they come around wanting to insult me, I insult myself already, that rendered them speechless and that was how I came out of the issue of been ridicule..

  • Okereafor, Cynthia Uchechi

    Well, I think Tonye is rushing everything. She is pushing for this relationship more than Obinna. It is unafrican and strange for women to do that. I just like the way the story is progressing. Thanks Ma!

  • Chika Divine Umunnakwe

    The story is interesting and funny. laughing while reading it. its purpose of such story has been achieved. The creative style input is capturing. it took me well. the use of simple words and slangs to show the set of guys dialoguing is well organised. YES! I have stood up to one of my neighbours who always think he ought to direct everyone whenever he likes. He is just a neighbour that people call ‘Landlord’ because of his authoritative nature. i had to oppose him the day i saw he was beginning to override the other neighbours unnecessarily. And i was surprised that he could respond back like a woman. According to him,”Chika head is always hot”

    Yes! That was when i was in my junior secondary school. i had a guy who was always disturbing for childhood love but his younger brother with his friends constantly were teasing me on the issue. I had to ignore them since i knew i did not start such proposal and also knew his younger brother was two years older than me. I could not reply but reported him to his elder brother.

    Tonye and Obinna are just having fun that human nature always seek. Mr Obinna that was going to seek God after proposal has not yet communicated with His God and here he is been drowned by the gift of the flesh. When reality and challenges come; his eyes will be opened. on the other hand, Tonye that started the game, thinks she is in-charge now but when the real action comes, she will see another side of the game. They are both having fun and not finding the way.

  • Njoku Chioma Grace

    wow! i love this part ma especially your use of language by the guys… it’s exactly what guys would have said in real life to a friend of theirs whom they consider to be ‘too spiritual’. no, i have never been bullied nor stood up to one but i have constantly been teased by others especially on the same issue as Obinna. It’s something i have learnt to overlook with time and to accept with joy. as for Obinna and Tonye, i really dont want their story to end in a mess, Ma.

  • ene esther

    I’m enjoying this story and I hope that their new found love blossoms and doesn’t die out.

  • Ibe Okwukwe Emmanuella

    Hmmmm! Doing something you’ve always thought of doing, but you never knew you could do it and you find yourself doing it is an awesome feeling, aa having a great mind of rest. About Obinna and Tonye, I believe its love. For Tonye to put up such act, I believe she has always liked Obinna but never knew how to let it out. Still waiting to see the bulldozer. LOL.

  • Ibe Okwukwe Emmanuella

    Hmmmm! Doing something you’ve always thought of doing, but you never knew you could do it and you finding yourself doing it is an awesome feeling, and having a great mind of rest. About Obinna and Tonye, I believe its love. For Tonye to put up such act, I believe she has always liked Obinna but never knew how to let it out. Still waiting to know the bulldozer. LOL.

  • Onuoha oluebube Jessica

    Wow! At this point am speechless because it was so unexpected. Yes he’pastor’ likes tonye but he never even had it in mind about marriage. The neighbors are of course funny and I love their kind of people. I think tonye is rushing everything…she might be taking it as a joke but obinna might not understand. I love the story and want to know what happens next.

  • Ifebe June sobechukwu

    This story is full of suspense first of all. This got me laughing too “… Pastor, leave women for us oh, souls are perishing!”. Well, I don’t think it’s new to laugh at people like Obinna. I was shocked at the move he made when Tonye broke the news to the guys that’s funny. This is like the funniest part. I guess. I was even thinking “pastor ” would deny the announcement. I like his spirit…

  • covenant

    I love this story…please i don’t want any bulldozer to come oo and even if it comes it should be in there favour.
    Well i think it’s good the way she told everyone about them,that is to show how much she loves him.

  • Ijeoma Okoroafor

    Hmmm, very interesting, What could be this bulldozer ??

  • Chigbo ifeanyi James

    This story keeps ones attention to it. The love story of Obinna and Tonye. This kinda story gets me emotional.

  • Ekeh chioma Jennifer

    Jenifa would say” I cannot belifa” I thought this would be the story end not knowing its just beginning….obi and bae, the two both of una need go counselling before that bulldozer tidy una. Aunty Edith nice piece. You off me through Tonye’s announcement. And Obinna reaction to it. Obi is no longer a boy. Tenants una better begin start to contribute money ooooo, maka wedding don set!!! Lol

  • Ugwuota Delise Philomena

    This people are really crazy doctrine they think relationship is a play ground, funny, let me not judge them Shaaa! Let’s wait still the end of the story, I can’t wait to finish the story.

  • Ebreso Benjamin Bassey

    Such an alluring story, with love as its main ingredient. lol I suggest the bulldozer diverts to the nearest demolition site to make ruins rather than making its way to Tonye and Obinna’s love site which is apparently under construction. pls let the love birds be.

  • Aneke Modesta Chinemerem

    Hmmmmm, I think Tonye is already in ocean of love with obinna to the extent of announcing the engagement herself,i.e playing Obinna’s role as the man to announce the engagement and obinna too succumbed immediately even at his confused state on whether the action they are about taking is a nice one.

  • Nwogu Chiamaka

    So nice, this story is filled with so much suspense and am enjoying the flow. Bulldozer please mind yourself, don’t try o disturb this two live birds.

  • Eze Valentine Chibuike

    Well, it’s child’s play that’s worrying Obinna and Tonye; Obinna most especially. So that’s how their mates used to love eachother up to the point of engagement. they should well done. Until the bulldozer comes first na, then we will know howfar.

  • onyema chinonyelum cynthia

    the story is funny and full of suspense too. the funniest part was “pastor leave women alone o, souls are perishing”

  • itodo mary

    i have been teased endlessly, is it my eye brows my friends tagged ‘noah’s ark’, or my my dress sense, or when i try to speak igbo and end up sounding funny, or even when i try singing, the list is endless, but i believe being teased is a way of getting better at something you do wrong, it might not necessarily be something wrong though but being teased is a way of growing up. as for the two love birs, i couldn’t help but smile knowing Obinna is really behaving childishly just because of a girl!.. so so cool!!

  • keswet mercy

    Lolllzzz, the story keeps getting hilarious by the second….really? i never saw that coming o Tonye is really a brain buster!
    Obinna’s reaction is actually alarming….it seems like whenever he is around Tonye his brain becomes formatted. Let me look forward to the end of the story.

    • Ikebuaku Ezinwanne K

      Is this a spell or what?
      Obinna what is actually happening?
      We must keep watch over our emotions and be careful of the decisions we take especially when we profess that we are Christians so that others will not miss road as a result of our actions

  • Ekwuru Jill

    Lol!!! This really made me laugh … wat a beautiful atmosphere. I really like the part were Don and trevor was mocking “the pastor” lol.. ? “uwa mmebi”. Abeg bulldozer i rebuke u in jesus name amen..
    This is nice ma, it made my day!

  • praise chinazom onaga

    did i see “bulldozer” at the end of the story or rather episode? pls nothing bad should happen because i’m beginning to enjoy their relationship


    I believe this is crush. I can’t accept that this two are really been serious on this marriage thing.

  • Anyadubalu Oluchi Maryrose

    I just hope this two know what they are entering into. Anyway, I wish them luck

  • Afiadigwe Nnedinso Rita

    Waoo! I admire Obinna’s courage and God-fearing in him. He understood that God is the only source He can consult and that was why He fasted and prayed to clear his confusions. God bless you ma.

  • Ezeh onyekachukwu c

    Its quite funny how obinna changed drastically because of love. He never kept his room clean for once. But because of tonye he started keeping his room neat. Love is powerful.


    Jezzz am very very much alert to find out the end of the story. So much force is sha pushing both of them! Replying my senior bro is something i never thought I would be able to do for such a long time. It got to the point that I could not take it any longer that i had to stand my ground and object his opinion. I felt i was on top of the world after i did that but it didn’t really go well since I recieved a resounding slap for it. Being a subject to teasers was something i had to deal with when I was in secondary school. People saw me like this shy girl and really made fun of me but i bursted out like burbles one of the days and everyone was awed! I felt so relieved truly. For Tonye and Obinna I hope they are doing the right thing and would not head for the rocks in the future.

  • Otti Augusta Uzoma

    This drama issa serious something! I can’t wait to know where they are headed with this public display of affection they have just shown, whatever this is I don’t have a good feeling about their relationship.


    Whatever the bulldozer is, it should allow them a space to experience love. It is always hard to find a true love. I wish Obinna the best and pray that it work out well for him without undermining his spiritual life.


    This story is really interesting but filled with suspense, I believe that some action we display In life we do it unknowingly, that was what happened to Obinna he never believed that he could do such a thing, wow! Love is too much lol, pls this bulldozer should not crush this two love birds.

  • Nnakwe uchenna

    Well, nice tale but really I must say that i’m not one for public displays of affection.
    Tonye seems to be a positive character that captures the essence of romance.

  • Nnorom Wisdom

    Obinna and tonye, I guess you could call them an African Romeo and Juliet.
    I actually don’t feel the barrier of cultures in the case of these two lovebirds.
    It would be nice if you could introduce a formidable obstacle to their romance and see how it plays out.
    That would make the story a step closer to reality

  • Udeobasi Ngozi B.

    Jeezz! I couldn’t help but shout while I was reading the story. I never imagined Tonye breaking such news in that manner. Such guts and boldness. I think I’m getting more interested in this story… let me just keep reading.

  • okoro nneoma anna

    Love is so bold, i am seriously rooting for these love birds but for every good happening you never know the plan of the devil, but i hope its conquerable. interesting piece, this one totally caught my attention.

  • onu victor tochukwu

    this story is really interesting, what I dont understand is why accepted Obinna’s proposal without second thought despite the fact that they where not very close and she have been approached by other lodge mates. I smell something fishy in her behaviour.

  • Ugwu Chiamaka Peace

    This story is full of suspense. Really making me anxious to read the next one.
    With the boldness Obinna had and the smooth flow,could it be possible that his act on impulse was right?
    The couple seem sweet,that bulldozer should respect itself and stop moving!!!
    Ride on ma.

  • ologhofor sampson

    Wow! i was just waiting to see how the story was going to end but that means i will have to wait to read the other side of the story. But it was a nice one ma. It is not good to be laughing at people just like Trevor and Don did rather we should learn from the life of people who are better than us rather than partying. Bless you ma.

  • Akaniru Chioma Theodora

    Am really happy for Obinna and Tonye. The Boldness and togetherness or unity really caught my attention…

  • Iroegbu Chinatu Amara

    Its heating up. Am waiting to see where this sudden engagement is leading to. So many thoughts on my mind but I’ll reserve them for now.

  • Ugwoke ifechukwu Melvina

    Love , a feeling that can reduce and humble even the must stubborn of people. I believe that what obinna feels for Tonya is love and God is solidly behind their relationship.

  • Oleighibe Oluebube Tessy

    I’m in love with this story? just as a jollof rice could be garnished with vegetables and chicken ?, so is this story garnished….
    the way you added comedy relief; especially the side the guys ask Obinna to perform miracle on the fish and all of that….
    Ma, you’d make a good comedienne….. ?
    Speaking of the engagement and proposal, in part one, I thought the proposal was a joke…
    I can’t wait to read the remaining part(s)
    thanks for this wonderful piece Ma.

  • Ogbu Nkiruka Gloria

    Replying a bully back then in my secondary school was something i never thought i could do until i did it and he changed and i also felt so good.Being subject to teasers was something i suffered back then in children bible club,while other kids answered questions i couldn’t answer any and they made fun of me until the day i answered a very difficult question,everyone including our teachers were amazed and they actually changed their attitudes towards me.I think Tonye and Obinna are meant for each other with the way things are going.

  • Okafor chiamaka Miracle

    I can recall at some point in my life, I have been able to do somethings I never thought I could do. Obinna took a bold step all because of Tonye, I like the love between the two, but then I have been thinking, is it possible that this thing Tonye and Obinna have for each other is genuine and will last long. Maybe I will get to know in the continued story

  • Ezugwu Ogochukwu

    Sometimes we need to be bold enough to take some certain steps in life. Tonye was very bold enough to tell her fellow colleagues that she and Obinna were engaged.

  • Theresa

    This suspense be killing me oooooo… Wow!!! I’m so loving this series… Well in Sec school I was teased a lot becos of d length of my skirt ooooo, it was actually very long though… So I was called “Mary Amaka” lols….
    This story is sha filled wit comedy ooooo, I really had a good laugh
    I jus hope everything ends well, I can’t wait for d next one

  • Eze levi

    Interesting, I can’t wait for the bomb in the next episode. Well I pray the love Tonye feels is genuine.

  • Ezeudu Chioma

    Interesting piece, i feel both Tonye and Obinna really have a long way, the issue of getting engaged might not work out at the end but they seem happy and in love.

  • Sunday Ezekwesiri Daniel

    This is getting interesting. Two love birds. Everything is happening really fast. But this bulldozer should better not crush this relationship. Bless u ma.

  • Njoku chiamaka Constance

    Just love the boldness Tonye displayed, lol, while Obinna confirmed the news with the kiss.The both seems to be doing well, I wonder what this bulldozer is.

  • Essien Anietie Archibong

    I love that fact that this story has a bit of suspense and is not like the regular love stories anyone can predict the end..nice story ma,cant wait to read everything!

  • I have to say, I did not expect Tonye to make the announcement so suddenly. I feel she has something up her sleeves but only time will tell.


    WOW, this story is getting more interesting. Are they playing love already? Love nwantinti. Obinna must have felt special as this gorgeous lady, Tonye choose to be with him, the pastor. LOL.

  • Kalu Divine Ogechi

    I must say am speechless at this point because obinna is actually acting like someone not in his right senses and tonye acting so desperately, well let’s see how it all ends..

  • Nwata Blessing Chinyere

    Wow! This is serious.
    Their engagement is no longer news. It has gotten into some many ears. At least, this will save Obinna from being teased endlessly by his lodge mates.
    Awwn!! They are in love already.
    Lets see what happens next.
    Suspense filled… Interesting though.

  • Nwosu chinwendu favour

    Well I don’t want to conclude here, let me quickly go to the pt 3…loving this story

  • Onah Chiamaka Geraldine

    Hmm… Everything is just happening so fast. II hope nothing happens to these love birds. That bulldozer should chill one side first

  • Precious

    This story is filled with suspense ..
    I never imagined Tonye breaking such news in that manner. Such strength and boldness.

    Can’t wait to know what happened next..

  • hmmm…..woow. It is now becoming more glittering and facinating, from what am seeing Toyen looks like she will have something to unveil as the story progress.

  • Onovoh Adaeze J.

    This is serious. Tonye is handling the whole proposal matter as if she has been waiting for Obinna to propose to her all this while. This bulldozer suspense, hmmmm. I just hope it’s not tragic

  • Okorie Adaora Nneoma

    Suspense filled!! Awww….It’s no more hidden. …she really shielded her man and this made him earn more respect from the other guys who used to taunt him…..I commend their boldness especially Tonye..

  • Ndieze kelechi

    Wow. Mind blowing! These guys are really lost in love and admiration. Well, I would say it’s a good beginning. But They should be careful not to impress people in the relationship. Slow and steady wins! Can not wait to see the next…

  • Nwankwo Gift.

    Awwwww, love, a feeling that makes us do the craziest of things. Obinna is lucky to have found a woman willing to defend him in all things.they have a real connection. What bulldozer are we to expect? Don’t leave us in suspense.

  • Ezemobi Chika

    That’s why we say God’s plans are different from those of men, and most times when we propose, God disposes, most times God tells us another thing and we think ira aborder, anneau that’s Being humain and failing or d’allure as ws are néant to believeis à chance to try Again or even do better, nice story anyway

  • Nnamani Eunice chiidnma

    Ma! This story is getting more interesting , wow! Tony made the announcement so suddenly, I didn’t see that coming, everything helping really fast can’t wait for the next episode. More grace ma.

  • Ifediora mmesoma

    I think impulsive actions are not a characteristic of a rational being especially on cases such as marriage which should never be an impulsive decision because marriage is a life time decision. Obinna’s impulsive decision got me on the lookout. So far I think it’s a nice piece, kudos to the writer can’t wait for subsequent episode

  • Onoyima juliet

    what bulldozer? I can’t really wait for the next episode. When Obinna and Tonye are already Happy over the engagement

  • Okoye Uchechukwu Joyce

    This story is really interesting ….I’m so roped in and cant wait to read the next part.

  • Ekwe Success Chinenye

    This is becoming interesting because Tonye feels very comfortable with the whole idea of getting engaged to someone she barely knows
    But it’s all good,I hope things work out fine.?

  • Ekwe Success Chinenye

    I think things will work out fine, because Tonye feels very much comfortable being engaged to somebody she barely knows.
    It’s getting interesting.


    Well the young man”obinna”failed to distinguish between friendship and marriage,if he really wants to marry Tonye,I don’t think Boma will stop him. Maybe Tonye was waiting for him to act like a man. MARRIAGE is not an easy task Obinna should have been courageous.

  • Awelle

    i love the way things are going, keep it coming aunty Edith

  • Abugu faith Chinecherem

    And what happened to them. Did the trailer crush them, did anything bad happen to them. Oh my God! This suspense is killing me, I can’t wait to see what finally happened to Obinna and Tonye.

  • Nwoye Chiamaka Favour

    Uwa mmebi this part was the hit. Am beginning to sense a hook a bait is placed on. Even his friends seemed shocked. I hope this doesn’t lead to a disaster. Wonderful suspense.

  • Jibulu Ngozi

    Tonye announcing the engagement to fellow corp members was not right because it made them tease Obinna but his proposal go Tonye made him do things we did not expect.

    • Edith Ohaja

      She also helped to show they were serious. As for the teasing, it had been going on before and she was actually trying to put a stop to it. The announcement may have been premature though. Bless you!

  • Wow, Obinna is indeed lucky that he find a woman who is willing to defend him at any time. Their bond of love is really tight

  • Nwanze Josephine Chidera

    Obinna was moved to do what he never taught he could do just to feel among. But I think he really found a woman which other men could not convince.

  • Heheheheh… This is serious ooo. Love is indeed magical, ‘Mr pastor’ surprised everyone including himself by his action…
    But a bulldozer headed their way? I’m scared right now


    Love is the only beautiful thing. Love can change a rude and prideful person to a very caring and person.

  • Nnamani Eunice chidinma

    Love is sweet oo, Obinna my guy is getting so much attached to tonye already, but this one a bulldozer is coming Dre way???


    Yes I have done something I had always thought i would never do. Which was, challenging someone I grew up taking as a role model… To me, he knew it all. But along the line, I began discovering that he took somethings from in an entirely different perspective. For me, it seemed to be myopic and cause it affected me, I stood up to him. It caused a lot of issues which i am not ready to tell here although, it turned out to be very effective.
    Well, about Tonye and Obinna, i don’t know yet what is happening to them oh but I’m sure that it’s gradually unfolding. This story keeps me wondering what will happen next….

  • Oma

    I think what is happening to tonye and obinna is an act of true love ,because when u do something right your heart settles and that’s what happened to Obinna and tonye.
    I have in some occasion done somethings that after, I will ask myself if I was the one doing this like standing up against a bully and others.

  • Ikwuakam Oluchi Francisca

    Hmmnn, seems the proposal was not a mistake after all with the show of affection all around. Well, I do hope this bulldozer on the way do not cause irreparable damage.

  • Okoro nneoma

    Obinna has really found a good wife, one that is even ready to stand for him in any situation. God let my story and actions surprise people positively too. Can’t wait to read the next part.

  • Ibe favour kalu

    Back in secondary school, I was always afraid of public speaking, but oneday, I took the bull by the horns and addressed a large crowd. It was something I never thought I would do and that happens to us everyday. The same thing is happening to obinna(that perk). He perked tonye with boldness even though he wasn’t that type of I-love-you-romantic guy. I think they are in love (tonye and obinna), though, it looks sudden. Bulldozer? Am scared.

  • Chioma Agbaraka

    When you are the subject of the tease, it’s painful ehn. But when you are the mischievous teaser, it’s fun. I just learnt not to take teases to heart, just laugh it over. Life goes on.

    Umm… Tonye and Obinna, I see a light at the end of the tunnel for them.

    It’s seems it would end well. Lemme run to read the other episodes. Suspense won’t kill me.

  • Chukwunwenwa Chinenye

    The emergency clean up got me laughing out loud ??

    I can’t really explain what’s happening to Tonye and Obinna. I feel like there’s something fishy somewhere .

    This mission they’re embarking on seems scary to me. Like “why is everything happening so fast?

  • Agbo Onyekachi Obumneme

    The fact that Obinna was in the bathroom and told Tonye so to keep her out does not make it right. I believe God looks at the intent of an action. He did that to make Tonye believe he was bathing but he was not.

    Ma! please is this story on its own or is it a continuation of “I still love Tonye”?

  • Dennis Lydia Ekperechukwu

    What a sweat story. Why did it stopped here? I was engrossed by the story all of a sudden I saw to be continue. In fact I am moving into the continuation right away.

  • Oba Cindy biobele

    Im not accustomed to igbo and there were no interpretations for the igbo words used. Aside from that, I’m happy I chose this story. See small Tonye already kissing neck o!! Lol. Whatever bulldozer coming should follow another path. What a great way to start my day.

  • Ajibo lovelyn onyedikachi

    You often do not know what you can do until the relevant situations present themselves, this is so true, I could remember the first time I was called out in a class during my SS1 in my secondary school, I never believed I can read, but after my reading that day, everybody were amazed including myself. The story of this two lovebirds is becoming more interesting and I can’t wait to see what happens next.

  • Clifford Ndujihe

    It was nice of tonye standing up for obinna, by announcing their engagement that was to reduce the teasing and taunts it was remarkable. Can’t wait to see the bulldozer in their way.

  • Adumike Winifred Munachimso

    That public announcement was so fast,they should have given it sometime before telling everyone, they haven’t even prayed about it.
    Oh…I hope nothing goes wrong.

  • Joy emeka

    Most guys a like obinna, it’s only a girl that will motivate them to clean their room lollz. Announcing their engagement publicly is a good idea but it was too soon. I thought obinna wanted to hear from God first but let’s see how the story unfolds

  • Ugwu Amarachi Matilda

    Hmmmm… I think this two lover birds are in love already but announcing their proposal publicly is rather too early. They have not even prayed about it and here they are making public announcement. I just hope nothing goes wrong but this one bulldozer is headed their way am getting scared already. Can’t wait to find out what happens next.

  • Awforkansi Kamsi Salita

    Ah! Isn’t the announcement of their engagement too soon? Are they sure yet? So many questions but let’s continue the story first.

  • Ossai Chidimma Linda

    Love, I am not a saint but I still wonder about something how do “born again’s” date, do they say I love you? What goes on between them?

  • ify queen

    Its filled with suspense and i like it. I’m really surprised at the two for being bold, they really make a cute couple and I wish to see how they handle the trials ahead

  • Omaga Chiagozie

    Surprise is understatement. Did she just announced there engagement? Oya now guys you have heard it she is taken dint even think of looking her way lol. I have learn not to take tease to heart we will just laugh about it and life goes on. I see bright future for the two of them.

  • Wenibo Modupe Glory

    This is so unbelievable, Tonye announced to the other corners already! Can’t wait to see what happens next

  • Okoloji kosisochukwu vivian

    This is happening so fast,am so anxious right now, can’t just wait to read the continuation of obinna and Tonye’s drama. I pray it ends well.

  • Ugwu Ogochukwu A

    This is very interesting. More like a true life story. No doubt that love is a beautiful thing especially with the right person.

  • Chukwuebuka Okpala

    From the ending of this sequel, it’s obvious Tonye and Obinna are on a boat cruise round the river of their dreamland. It’s only but a matter of time before the tsunami.

  • Adachukwu Rejoice

    I hope this start won’t be terrible

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