Gbenga stood with trepidation before his bedroom door. It was not the fear of what might be going on behind that door that filled his heart with dread. It was the fear of what any negative discovery he might make would do to his marriage that had made him halt.

He stood there as if transfixed and wondered how he and Funke had got to this point – a point where he was playing private eye in his own house. They had been very happy when they got married three years back. Their relationship was built on trust in each other and a deep faith in God. He frequently swore that his wife would never cheat on him, that such a thing would be inconceivable to her. But his friends told him to save his oaths, that it was unwise to vouch for any woman (wives and girlfriends included) that you were not with 24/7. Such a position seemed extremely cynical to him.

Even his disclosure that he met his wife a virgin did not change their stance. Some of them suggested that a lot may have changed since that first encounter. He was horrified at the implication and attributed it to jealousy. They envied his special bond with his wife and sought to belittle it and drag him down to their level, he thought.

But Funke’s recent strange behaviour had given him cause for concern. She was making some long calls at night and she was hiding in the bathroom to make them. He knew because he had checked her phone after the last two occurrences.

To make matters worse, she had received a text message that morning saying, “I’ll like to come to your house this afternoon. Let me know when the coast is clear,” to which she had responded, “Come by 2 o’clock. Gbenga will be at work then.”

He detected this because he had formed the habit of checking her phone the moment she turned her back after he learned of her night calls. He felt ashamed about this but let his suspicion and curiosity call the shots.

He was devastated. There was no question of giving her the benefit of the doubt. She was holding a tryst right behind that door and it probably wasn’t the first time. Perhaps, his friends knew all along that this had been going on. Maybe, it was even one of them in her embrace right now! How foolish he had been, he thought.

A sound at the front door broke into his reverie as the clock app in his phone announced 3 o’clock and he turned. Upon retracing his steps to the living room, who should he see walking in but his wife!

“Wow, what a surprise!” she exclaimed in her usual cheerful manner. “What brings you home by this time of day?”

When he kept staring at her without a response, she asked, “Are you alright?”

Then she added, “Do you want something to eat?” moving towards the kitchen with the fruits she bought from the vendor down the street.

Gbenga remained where he was, trying to process what had just happened. His emotions were in a whirl. He was torn between relief and anger. He was also thoroughly confused. He had arrived early enough to catch her in the act, he believed, but she hadn’t even been there in the first place. Had he misread the whole situation or had she sensed he was onto her and rescheduled the rendezvous?


More importantly, what should be his next line of action? Should he confront her immediately with what he knew or should he bide his time to get more concrete evidence like the name of her lover and people who knew of the relationship? If he chose the first option, what would be her reaction? Would she deny the whole thing or flare up? If he chose to wait, would he be able to stand the suspense and act normal?

Realising that trying to weigh these options immediately would only make his head spin faster, he decided to play it by ear. Going into the kitchen to help his wife prepare lunch, he vowed that he would not allow any man to snatch her from him. She handed him a tuber of yam to peel while she checked the meat she’d brought out of the freezer to thaw before leaving the house earlier.

As she worked at the sink with her back turned to him, he couldn’t stop watching her. She stood at 1.62m. (5ft. 4in). and had a muscular frame because of her passion for playing soccer and lifting weights. She wore mostly knickerbockers and T-shirts, but today she donned mauve-coloured dungarees on a pink, short-sleeved shirt. He fondly dubbed her ‘my tomboy’ and although she wasn’t what most people would call beautiful, in his book, there was none fairer. As he gazed lovingly at her, yam forgotten, he strengthened his resolve.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. Funke was visibly uncomfortable and made no move to open the door. However, upon the second ring, she marched out of the kitchen grumbling, “Stupid boy! Na now be your 2 o’clock?”

That didn’t sound good at all, so Gbenga decided to follow her only to see his errant brother-in-law, Kolade, sauntering into the living room.

“I thought I warned you not to come near my family again unless you repent?” he exploded.

“I have repented, Uncle, I have repented and cult boys wanted to kill me,” Kolade replied. “Sister Funke has been praying for me. She told me to come earlier so she can take me to her pastor for deliverance prayers, but I was held up in traffic.”
-The end-
Ⓒ Edith Ugochi Ohaja 2016

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  • Eze Benjamin Oduma

    What God has joined together let no man put asunder,love should be “built on trust and a deep faith in God”,love this piece!

  • Ekpali Joseph Saint

    hmmmmmmm, the effect of “distrust” in a relationship…. anyway, is a good one…

  • Ndubuisi Uchenna Nicholas

    well a basis of marriage should be love and trust, any marriage without these is doomed to fall apart.

  • Ndukwu cynthia C

    “TRUST” is very important in every relationship to love is to “TRUST”

  • Ekeh Chioma Jennifer

    God help us with the level of lack of trust in a relationship. A relationship without trust is like bird without feathers…..THE GREATEST AND MOST IMPORTANT INGREDIENT IN THE POT OF DATING

  • Trust is the bedrock for any relationship….

  • Without trust, no relationship can stand…………Nice one…really interesting

  • Trust is really important in relationships and marriages. We should not let outsiders destroy what we had already built for years

  • Ebreso Benjamin Bassey

    Skepticisms, distrusts and misconceptions often disrupt the construct of marriage…he is very lucky he didnt react initially.

  • Onah Juliet Ezinne

    Anything strongly joined by God,no matter what the bond will still be solid.

  • Trust, the only grease to the keep any or engine (relationship) steaming (strong & on).
    Sorry for Gbenga, he never trusted his wife because of what his friends said… This reminds me of the bible passage, evil communication corrupts good manners.
    Dear friends, mind the friends you keep for their opinions sometimes makes you go out of your thinking box.

    • Edith Ohaja

      You’re right. Some of Gbenga’s friends were not believers and listening to them would have ruined his marriage.

  • Shade

    Nice twist.

  • Ugwu Amarachi Deborah

    a nice piece,listening to gossips while in marriage is a disaster to the marriage

  • Duru Jane onyinyechi

    hmmn….patience is the key to resolving any issue. nice piece…

  • nnadi chinyere josephine

    nice one……. i love the suspense.

  • Ugwoke Onyinyechi Sylvia

    Nice piece

  • Onyeabor Precious Chioma

    Waoh! Nice one. can a marriage survive without trust? imagine living in suspense all your days,tiptoeing into your home to spy on your partner, that’s absurd.

  • Okoroafor Ijeoma Mary

    This is indeed a masterpiece for every relationship and marriages alike,it’s suspense-filled, dramatic and captivating. Trust is a necessary tool for a lasting love….

  • Madu Chidimma Sandra

    I really like the suspense

  • This is a cool short story.Marriage is a lifelong vocation by two people;distrust is not even an option!Anytime!The suspense and the twist shows creativity.

  • ulu christiana chinenye

    Nice write up

  • Christina

    Nice story. Having been in a past relationship that left me scarred from trusting someone who seems a little secretive I can relate. It is hard to trust, especially when people put doubt in your head, but that is the key to any relationship surviving. Communication is the key to mistrust in the first place.

  • Onuorah chinemerem

    Anyone in Gbenga’s shoes would be suspicious, I admired his love for his wife and I dreaded that she would cheat.

  • waow this is a nice one ….trust is the key to real relationships

  • Ubah chisom mariagorathy

    Trust is the key to every true relationship, nice one

  • Eze Valentine Chibuike

    chai! It got me badly. I wouldn’t blame Gbenga much, not after the contents of the texts on Funke’s phone. I think it was only wise that he didn’t act based on his initial suspicion, the story would have gone entirely differently if he did. The suspense is on point, the end had me laughing.

  • Rachael Obiora, mass comm

    i really like this post i always know relationship are built on trust and it is not always good to let an external talk about you family because they are always termed to tear it apart that is if the relationship is not strong and based on trust.

  • Ezenwafor vanessa

    Lack of trust can cost a lot…nice piece ma

  • Alegu, Solomon Chidi

    I have learnt from this story that TRUST is everything in relationship.it is an advice to every married men and women on FIDELITY IN MARRIAGE.I hope to be faithful to my wife; so help me God. thank you my lecturer. I wish you more Grace.

  • Ugwu, Chinagorom Joseph

    To be honest, events preceeding the eventual revelation of the truth, in my opinion, called for suspicion and investigation.Anyone whether Man or Woman could have done the same thing Gbenga did in such circumstances. The fact that trust is very important in every relationship is indisputable, but anyone who finds himself or herself in similar circumstance should carefully investigate because just as it might be false, it might also be true. Secondly, like Gbenja, we are to avoid unnecessary confrontation especially about something we are not completely sure of, but based on hearsay, rather we should carefully investigate to avoid pushing your marriage to implosion. Finally, the author, while conveying her message about Trust in relationship, uses powerful suspense to keep readers amazingly engrossed in the story. What a fascinating creative work!

  • Jeremiah Chioma

    i particularly love the way he goes into the kitchen and his wife unceremoniously hands him the yam to peel while she does other things…a compromise

  • onuoha diana

    we leave this story with a glaring moral lesson; don’t act on presumptions. lovely story,ma.

  • ogwu ugo

    I love the way Gbenga was slapped in the face (I don’t mean this literally)

  • ohakwe oluchi judith

    woow…Trust is the most important ingredient in a relationship without it there is no love

  • Without trust in a relationship or marriage then there is no love


    quite evocative and inspiring…Emotion sometimes elicit sadomasochism but For me, i think it takes a lot of time and event to build a concrete trust, a good relationship must stand a test of time and event like this. But however, it is good to scrutinize information before upholding it and jumping into conclusion; hasty conclusion has cost so many of us what we value dearly. it is better we think first before we act because apologizes sometimes doesn’t go a long way in resolving the issue. we should also be aware of some friends who have be tainted with envy; thus becoming our enemy in disguise. Nice write up! I must confess… it triggers my congenital trait….cheerio

  • Egwuonwu Priscilla

    nice writeup

  • Nice writeup…JESUS made us to understand that temptation will come our way but it wont b that greater than us…the man overcame the temptation…in marriages, temptation will come but what determines your strength is the power of holding on and having a rethink of your action before taking any step.

  • Asogwa Emmanuel C.

    Destiny the ultimate decider, what GOD have joined together no man can put asunder

  • Relationship without trust don’t last

  • Otugo Lucky Joel

    Marriage indeed should be built on trust and love; issues in marriage should equally be resolve by the couple themselves so as to maintain that privacy, bond etc between them. Nice post Aunty


    marriage without trust will never last and in every relationship one person must be sacrificing for peace to reign

  • Amadi victoria chinwendu

    Third party atimes, could be very dangerous especially in matters concerning marriage. Nicec one

  • TRUST really matters in every relationship

  • Attih Faith Etim

    TRUST in any relationship is sure the flavour that drives it on and in most cases it has to surpass the love you have for that person in order for the relationship to work. Gbenga should have trusted enough and forget about the misleading of his friends cos I guess they’ve lost the flavour in their marriages too.

  • Ononye Chisom Divinegift

    this is a very nice write up.trust is a strong key to successful marriage.

  • Ezeh Chikwado (CJ Martin)

    what a disappointment… had it been that his suspicions were right, I wonder what would have happened… great story, aunty.

  • Ezeh Chikwado J.

    Highly educative

  • maduebo ifunanya blessing

    trust is the main important thing in marriage. I love this story because it’s very educative. God bless you ma

  • okeke grace A.

    Nice one ma,this story has taught me to always make conscious efforts to avoid unnecessary confrontation especially about things i am not completely sure of.tnx for this piece ma.its suspense-filled,dramatic and captivating.I LIKE.

  • Akogu Chidiebere Imelda

    Thank God he didn’t confront his wife with all the questions going through his mind

  • itodo mary

    trust trust trust….very essential in every relationship

  • Opara Stella Chidindu

    Wonderful piece. Trust is indeed vital in every marriage.

  • Truly your write up is actually inspiring,, at least I have learnt that trust is the ultimate foundation forevery relationship


    Trust is needed for a peaceful and happy marriage. Male and female should learn to trust their partners. Nice one

  • Luke Chinyere Esther

    what a wonderful piece. Trust, a very important tool for every good relationship

  • Ezenwa Obinna Grant

    Marriage:It is a bond tied by God. let it not be compromised.

  • nwosu esther chioma

    nice work.love the suspense.guys do not jump into conclusions immediately.


    What God has joined together let no man put asunder. Relationship should always be built on trust not distrust. What a good story.

  • Fidelis Favour Chiamaka

    well, i was not expecting that end( i thought his wife was cheating on him). its simple, partners should learn to trust each other to avoid misunderstandings.

  • okonkwo benita chidimma

    I couldn’t help but laugh at Gbenga’s silliness at the end of the story. Trust is an important ingredient in a relationship, couples and friends should understand that. Nice, interesting, intriguing story.*thumbs up*

  • mordi ifeoma

    hmm-mm, so who was d person funke was telling that d coast is clear? if it was gbenga’s brother, then why didn’t he just come clean n tell his brother that he had repented.

  • they have become one and no longer two, so says the lord, trust is vary important in any relationship

  • oleru precious

    trust is needed in every marriage

  • imagining wat d look on his face would be on seeing his bother-in-law instead of wat he suspected….lol

  • Israel chinwe goodness

    Advice to everyone, dont belive every gossip. Build your home on trust.

  • chioma

    Now that’s one niece piece, I was on d edge all through until d end,well as for me i don’t really blame Gbenga cuz his wife’s actions were quite suspicious, but TRUST above all things nd good communication is d key….keep it up ma’am

  • it is good you seek advice from your friends but after advising you,as a humanbeing you re-advice yourself.


    I really like the suspense. Love, Caring and Trust is all that is needed for marriage

  • Aniah Favour Adaeze

    knowing ur partner in any relationship is very important….. nice one ma

  • Barnabas Timothy ebube

    Trust and love should work hand in hand then God balances the equation…. Nice story

  • Trust z the foundation of every relationship n marriage. love d post

  • Udeh Favour

    trust is very important in a relationship


    It is a nice story!

  • Ogbalu Treasure Onyinye

    Trust is like a solid rock used to build the foundation of a relationship. Without it, it will fall like a HOUSE built on sand. Grace.

  • Ogbalu Treasure Onyinye

    Grace is all we need to trust, because we can not do it by our strength.

  • odo chidera s

    we should not act based on what our friends statement.
    and also to trust ones patner

  • chinaza ezenwa

    very inspiring

  • osuagwu chiamaka

    trust is the bedrock of any relationship. even in your relationship with God, you need to trust Him for it to work out fine

  • flawlex

    There is more to that story. She was really expecting him. Did any one notice that. Before the brother entered

  • Empere Reuben

    there is so much suspense in this interesting story, Gbenga’s patience was worth it. also there should be the existence of trust and loyalty in every relationship.

  • amaka

    this is a typical example of what happens in most marriages and it leads to breakup. trust is very important.

  • Tyozua Elisha

    We should learn how to trust one another. This should also serve as a reminder to those who are married, never to cheat on their partner.

  • Nwafor Uchechukwu Judith

    very interesting one, trust is a very hard gift some people in a relationship cant afford but it really pays a lot

  • elijah amogu

    I like the suspense of the story, i must say. it is always good to pause and weigh our options before taking an action. One careless action might have probably end it all. above all, it pays to stand the test of time and it takes one in love with God to do what Gbenga did.

  • Oweka Chioma Sandra

    An interesting piece

  • Ugwu Amarachi Deborah

    trust is d bedrock of every relationship

  • Oduma chinaza.o

    Trust is the foundation of a lasting relationship.
    To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved.

  • Emeka-obi ijeoma rita

    A relationship should be built on trust

  • trust is the cardinal point of any human relationship, even with God.

  • Njoku Chimamaka Elizabeth

    …..look before you limp.

  • Chinyere Godwin

    It’s very important that we mind the kind of pple we keep around us (our so-called friends). What if that young man wasn’t patient enuf? Ah! God, Pls keep bad pple away from us. Amen

  • Rahman Peace Taiye

    hmm…what would have happened had he not waited to confirm his suspicions? patience is an important virtue we humans need. nice piece ma!

  • Soni-Onovo Ezinne Therry

    Wow, I have learnt that I should not always believe in what someone tells me. Because sometimes they might not be the truth and can mislead me. Thank you ma.

  • Eneje maureen ogechukwu

    good write up trust is the key that holds every relationship

  • Ekene Ejiofor

    Any relationship without trust will surely come crashing down. Like the Titanic, it doesn’t matter whether such a relationship was strong or so intimate that separation seem impossible, what is sure is that an iceberg must will cause it’s collapse.
    No matter how much the world puts it that we need not trust any man, for man can fail at any time, the undeniable fact remains that we cannot live without trusting our fellow human beings for some reasons as the case may be…

    Again it is notable that we evaluate the things said to us by men. Though they may seem true, a fact in life is that there must always be exceptions to prove that all men are not the same and all happenings don’t occur in the same manner.

    Gbenga in the end proved to a real man, for it only takes a real man to maintain his cool in the face of a confrontation.

    Aunty Edith, you are wonderful and gifted. I just learnt a great deal…

  • chika udeorah

    Trust is expedient in every relationship,we should try as much as possible to verify things before jumping into conclusion

  • Ekechukwu Nkechi Esther

    great story,really put me in suspense,i taught the person at the door would be her lover.thank God he chose the second option.

  • Rose Jonathan

    It wasn’t really his fault that he acted that way. We are human beings with emotions and the ability to suspect. Actually, I think he responded to his wife’s action. Why would she make long calls while hiding in the bathroom? It’s really suspicious, and I bet anyone in the guy’s shoe will do the same, even worse. However, on the man’s side, he should not have discussed his wife with his friends, cos I think that’s what spurred his action.

  • Okoroafor Ijeoma Mary

    It’s a splendid piece….Surely, love would be meaningless and without value when trust is amiss. Besides, love is more than ideas or what anyone thinks, it has to be well defined if it must last. Well done, Ma!

  • Nneji mary chinenye

    Lovely piece, marriage should be built on trust and loyalty .

  • What a refreshing piece…the suspense is thrilling.

  • Chigbo God'spromise E.

    nice one

  • onyebuchi gideon

    Even if I trust my wife, I would still check on her when I see dat kind of text. But all d same, the patient dog eats d fattest bone.

  • Every marriage should be built on trust avoid third parties……

  • woow, so nice.I actually learned something from this. Thnx alot

  • chika divine umunnakwe

    A marriage is not free from peoples’ talks and thoughts.love makes a man and woman trust each other and who is a friend to a married person matters.thank God for the husband who had learn to be patient as a man while watching.

  • Ikebuaku Ezinwanne Kosiso

    patience is needed in all facets of human life no matter how bad a situation looks patience should take first place.

  • Amedu blessing amarachi

    With oluwa involved all runs are in order

  • okereke chukwuemeka matthew

    this is a good example of what gossip can do in a marriage

  • indeed its a Trust deserved.Trusting your partner is a well to do step that must
    be taken

  • igboji victoria unique

    nice one ma

  • Amedu blessing amarachi

    An act of true trust can thaw a frozen heart

  • egbe ebere blessing

    oh my God,this is my best story among all….trust is the foundation in all relationships.

  • Thelma Ideozu

    trust really is the foundation of every relationship.

    love how you kept the readers wondering, in suspense until the end.

  • Ezike ifeyinwa .A.

    Men oooo…please trust your wifes…lol… really nice story

  • Ezike ifeyinwa .A.

    Men oooo…please trust your wives…lol… really nice story

  • ugwu Blessing chinenye

    Funke is a good woman so she really deserves Gbenga’s trust

  • Attamah chidiogo Georginah

    Funke should have realized that in marriage trust is needed

  • ohakwe oluchi judith

    trust is the bedrck of every relationship

  • Okoro ukamaka Victoria

    Wow so nice

  • Florence onyekaozuru

    As we always hear people saying; trust is the bedrock of every marriage. It is also important that people avoid third party in their relationship or marriage, do not let people or anyone be a mediator, not everybody like the fact that you are married happily or not

  • Ifechukwude Egbune

    most people cant stand the fact that you are happy so the best is not to listen or bring yourself to their level and the moment you begin to doubt your spouse the problem continues until you are able to rebuild the trust.

  • Benjamin Thelma

    You don’t let people steal ur joy or happiness by telling you all sorts of things. The moment you let them, it destroys ur home and life.

    • Edith Ohaja

      You’re right, Thelma! Some people talk thoughtlessly and we might take those things to heart, thereby welcoming trouble.

  • Chiwetalu Ugwu

    Awww.. Doubts are termites in a relationship.. It’s good to trust ur partner and always put ur relationship in the hands of the Almighty

  • Ogbu Nkiruka Gloria

    Trust is essential in any relationship.Just imagine Gbenga raising his voice at Funke and shouting at her for cheating and later sees his brother in-law things would have been messed up by then….Trust is really essential for any relationship to last

  • Njoku chiamaka Constance

    It was good that Gbenga didn’t confront his wife with his suspecision of her infedility. He gave her a benefit of doubt, at least to catch her in the act. In truth, I would have done the same if I find myself in Gbenga’s shoes.

  • Ikwuakam Oluchi Francisca

    It is always better to trust your spouse even when you’re suspicious because most times lack of trust in marriage might just destroy the marriage even before you get to know it

  • Anazodo Helen

    Gbenga was wrong for not trusting his wife and listen to the words of his friends. He would have caused trouble in his marriage and regret it forever but am glad everything turned out great.

  • Chioma Harmony

    One thing I’ve learnt about relationships is that third parties, most often ruin relationships. Look how Gbenha friends put thoughts in his head meanwhile his wife was completely innocent. Lesson is to avoid the third opinion and know ur partner inside out, if there’s any suspicion, communication is the best answer.

  • Osuegbu prisca

    Lol.. This story is actually funny. Gbenga didnt trust his wife anymore that’s why he believed what his friends told him. We should always trust our partners or rather confront them whenever you are uncomfortable or having trust issues. Thanks for this story ma.

  • Nwankwo Gift.

    Wow, I didn’t see that coming. Gbenga shouldn’t have listened to the advice of his so called friend. There are some people who derive joy in causing chaos . Am just happy that he knows the kind of wife he married. Its always good to talk to one’s partner about any and all issue. Kudos ma for a wonderful story.

  • Nnamani Eunice chiidnma

    Love should be built on trust because I personal believe that to love is to trust. It is the bedrock for any relationship. More grace aunty.

  • Catherine Anokwuru

    A relationship should be built on trust, we cannot claim to love someone that we don’t trust. Although the doubts and disbeliefs sets in occasionally, with outer voices of discouragement, the ones we love still deserve our trust.

  • Catherine Anokwuru

    relationship should be built on trust, we cannot claim to love someone that we don’t trust. Although the doubts and disbeliefs sets in occasionally, with outer voices of discouragement, the ones we love still deserve our trust.

  • Oshana Oyaku Endurance

    Seeking for advice from friends about
    our issues in our relationship can even help tear it apart. We might trust our spouse enough not to doubt them but some friends can be jealous and wicked enough to drain all the trust and believe we have in our spouse and refill it with doubt and hate.

  • We need to do well not to doubt ourselves, especially those in relationships. we shouldn’t allow doubt and jealously creep in to destroy something beautiful. thanks for the eye opener.

  • Chinedu stanley

    In every relationship, trust is needed. The moment there are doubts or suspicions in a relationship things tend to fall apart. Also, we should be careful of the friends or people we ask for advice. Some people advice others wrongly on purpose because they have inner negative intentions while giving advices. We should always think about the advices we are given before putting them into action

  • Chah ugochukwu

    ????? am sure gbenga must have been flooded with relief. I guess lack of trust stems from jealousy. What I mean is I don’t think he was really afraid of her cheating per se but he was afraid of her leaving him,of him not being enough for her. And I think jealousy is good in any relationship. It shows that the person loves u enough to be disturbed. But if the person doesn’t love u, he doesn’t care and thus isn’t disturbed at all but he may be angry not cus he loves u but maybe cus of pride. But jealousy is different it stems from love and hurt and fear not pride and it’s healthy though when it is too much it becomes obsession which of course is bad
    Am not saying that couples should go around not trusting each other ohh that one is worst cus u would believe anything someone tells u and mistrust is very dangerous for any relationship, but when it stems from jealousy, it could be nice u know

  • Duruji Veralin Ogochukwu

    A really suspenseful piece! A little seed of mistrust can grow into a tree of doubt and conflict. Thank God Gbenga’s doubts were cleared and his trust for his wife reinstated. A relationship without trust is like a building without a firm foundation, it won’t hold on for long.

  • Akupue chibuike

    It’s totally unwise to make a hasty decision on any issue. Because your conclusion might be the opposite of your assumption. Let’s learn how to apply patience whenever things turn out. Imprudent decision is a sister to unalarmed destruction, let us face every critical moments with ease and calmness. Had it been that Gbenga jumped into his initial thought,he would have made a very big mistake of his life.

  • Ibe favour kalu

    Relationships are about trust, you don’t have to play detective on your relationship or you might end up destroying it. Gbenga shouldn’t have listened to his friends,they will destroy his marriage for him. This is a nice story(it teaches about trust).

  • Wow! Marriage, relationships… Who to trust, who not to trust. Only God can help us. Communication is key. If you suspect something is going on, say it. Good one ma

  • John Adaobi Benedicta

    Hmmmm, this story left me in suspense as to who Funke was expecting. Turns out she wasn’t cheating and I felt relief and I guess Gbenga felt it too.
    Trust is definitely needed in a relationship because it helps to strengthen the bond between partners.

  • Egelebe uzoma geraldine

    Wow!!this is a lovely piece we shouldn’t judge people by what we hear until our suspicions is confirmed accurately, that was Gbenga’s first mistake and we should also strive to communicate in our relationships and marriages as often as possible in other to know what each partner’s feel and the reasons behind certain actions they take.

  • Nwosu Victoria

    well, well that was a tricky one. but come on, any one would suspect. the mid night calls, sneaking to answer calls, the text message to meet up by 2?? all signs were pointing at unfaithfulness. such a relief in the end. but then i feel when people are married, they should hide anything from each other. telling her husband that she was trying to lead her brother to Christ would not have been a bad idea.

  • Andeshi Moniica

    Trust is more valuable than love, because you cant love someone you don’t trust. Trust is the glue of life and the fundamental principle that holds all relationship. After knowing the truth, Gbenga knows beta than to ever doubt his wife ever again. don’t let other people opinion, world view and generalisations determine how you see and treat your spouse.

  • Mbata Jemita

    TRUST! well sometimes we misunderstand things in a relationship because we fail not communicate with them. Gbenge would have started feeling that what his friends told him was true and as such had same issue with wife. I would advise that even if it appears so true that there’s no need for talk, still do trust your partner and seek to hear from them.

  • Chukwunwenwa Chinenye

    While agreeing with the fact that every relationship should be built on trust, I still won’t blame Oga Gbenga.

    Truth be told, if I was in his shoes I’d have acted almost same way. The difference is that I won’t waste time to confront my partner.lol

    Like how can my spouse be hiding in bathroom of all places to take calls at night? Anyone won’t blame me if I become suspicious nah.

    You see ehn, its takes time to build this thing called TRUST but it can be broken in a twinkle of an eye.

    The suspense is this story is killing??. I was expecting Gbenga to catch his wife red-handed ?

  • Otung Theresa

    Trust is very vital in every relationship, you can’t be with your spouse 24/7. You should also not take issuea in your relationship to so called friends. Sometimes advice given may not be the best and as much as possible avoid third party in your relationships, e dey spoil things. Lol, the expressions on his face would have been so epic when he found out it was His brother inlaw

  • Theophilus Blessing

    So all those long calls in the bathroom were actually prayers. I understand Gbenga’s situation, when you suspect someone and you are totally overwhelmed or baftized by the suspension, even if the person is doing something right what you will be seeing is not even ‘bad’, you will be seeing ‘worse’.

  • Obiaga ifunanya steph

    The key word here is lack of trust. Every relationship should be built on trust or at.least communication. He should spoken with her at least instead he was creating notions in his head.

  • Enukora Onyedikachi

    Okay now pause, what just happened? His brother-in-law sneaking into his house? His wife is at fault here. She can’t keep something that small cryptic from her husband. Sha sha I laughed oo.

  • mary R

    “I trust you” is a better compliment than “I love you” because you may not always trust the person you love but you can always love the person you trust.

  • Heriet

    For every relationship to work trust must be the ultimate and they should maintain absence of third party. Assuming Gbenga listened to his friends his marriage would have gone down the drain

  • Eze vivian Nkiruka

    Trust is one of the most important keys to happiness in marriages today. It should be observed in alongside love and Peace.

  • Okere Jovita

    In marriage third party is not allowed
    Don’t allow your friends to mislead you in your relationship
    Don’t ever doubt your partner unless him/her gives you a good reason to do so
    Gbega was wrong about his wife Funke because he started thinking about his friends views about women
    They were just meant for each other

  • Chioma Christy Agbaraka

    Kai… to think his fears were finally not true. Thank God. He should learn to trust his wife the more.
    She is a sweet woman and it’s obvious she won’t dare to cheat on me. She actually made him suspicious though, but I am glad it was all for the best at the end.

  • Omaga Chiagozie

    In as much as we can’t dispute the fact that trust is the bedrock of a relationship, i will not blame Gbenga for being suspicious of his wife because of her behaviour. The story is suspense filled. I was waiting for Gbenga to catch his wife red-handed lol. The is really a face slap.

  • Emmanuel chibuike

    this is suspense filled. No relationship can stand without trust, yes! we can trust nobody but we have to trust someone at least our life partner.

  • Ejiofor Emmanuel

    One thing that is learnable from Gbenga’s action is his patience. Imagine if he had approached his wife asking her whether she was cheating on him? his wife would have been disappointed in him for the rest of her life. She would have thought that her husband doesn’t trust her despite her faithfulness. I know that kind of feeling when you are doing the right thing but your friend don’t trust you. It can be deteriorating to relationships.
    So, it is good to be patient with issues like this until substantial evidence is available.

  • Nora Nsan

    This story is a lesson for a lot of people that we should not take advice from people about our marital life and let us act wisely that we should try to look into things and get a bigger evidence before acting
    Nice write up ma I don’t regret going through ur blog I have learned a lot from the blog

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