Need a tonic for the day? Well, look no farther. Here’s one that will encourage and cheer you up some. Do have a lovely day and a great new month. ???

[bctt tweet=”Here’s a pick-me-up #rhyme. Hope you get some #cheer and #encouragement from it. #poem” username=”edithsmusings”]

(Related: Live in Hope)


A girl came to school laughing, hailing everyone
Some called her loud, “Just a bloody chatterbox!”
While some tagged her warm, “What a bundle of fun!”
This girl tho’ praised, still received some heavy knocks

As you step out today, do what you’re led to do
No matter how you try, some will surely criticise
But look out for those who proclaim the good in you
Their kind, thoughtful words will your spirit energise

Ⓒ Edith Ugochi Ohaja 2017

(Related: There is a Friend)

[bctt tweet=”Hang out with those whose kind and thoughtful words energise you. #poetry #kindness” username=”edithsmusings”]





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  • Good food for thought!! Grace as always here with Edith. Don’t miss your nomination honor, in my recent blog post.

  • Solomon Jr

    Real tonic for the day, month, the year and indeed, the rest of my life. I’m blessed by the message of this beautiful poem. Bless you, Aunty Edith.

  • Ezema .u. peace

    wow! this poem is short and encouraging, believe in your self and love what you do , because there are so many people out there ready to discourage you. ma your blog is a blessing to me, i love you

  • Njoku Chineme Evelyn

    This poem shows that whatever you do in life, people will complain and back bite, so the main thing is for you to do what makes you happy!!!

    • Edith Ohaja

      Well, if you see it that way, Evelyn, but it has to be within the bounds of decency and decorum. Have a good night!

  • Ewa-Ifeanyichukwu Chidinma

    No matter what we do in life people will talk about our actions whether good or bad so we should not mind them and do whatever tickles our fancy.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Ummm, that is not exactly the admonition here. It says to “do what you’re led to do”. That presupposes that the receiver is a believer, led by God’s Spirit. So this is not a call to behave anyhow. Bless you, Chidinma!


    wow….this poem is amazing

  • Henry Mbagwu

    Happy new month, ma’am.
    For a surety, whatever you do, there is a divided reaction to it. If our Savior had divided reaction for his mission on earth, who are we not to face same? I have learned to always smile regardless of what I hear, see and not feel what people say.

  • Tochukwu Kingsley

    This poem reminds me of Chief Ebenezer Obey’s evergreen ko si ogbon to ole da, ti ole fi taiye lorun
    Translated to mean you cannot satisfy the world. Criticism must trail one’s actions.


    Wow, I love this. This is very simple, short and smart. I am really encouraged. Thanks, ma, for this piece.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Thank you very much, Gloria! Glad to hear from you and the Lord be praised! Stay blessed, my dear, in Jesus’ name.

      • Venessa Stephen

        When you listen to what people say,you ain’t going nowhere. The best thing is to do what ever that’s right and just that makes you happy.Some will love you for who you are and some will detest you for no just cause.Jesus Christ faced thesame situation and we all must.Cheer up , be glad and live your life.




    I always leave my ears open whenever I hear the rhythm of a poem. Though it is just two stanzas with eight lines, it comes with lots of lessons. Good one!

  • What a lovely encouragement for the day!

    • Edith Ohaja

      Praise God! Glad you visited, Alice! You blessed my heart with your post today. More grace to you, dear sis!

  • Elibe Miriam

    That’s true, you can’t please everyone. Nice one ma!

  • You’re always a good encourager. Thanks for these words. Looking for the good God created in me!

    • Edith Ohaja

      Bless you, Traci! It’s easy to get sucked into the negative and ruin our day, hence the call to focus on our strengths. I love reading your stories too. Keep them coming, my dear!

  • Stella Onyeji

    A good one

  • Read this again tonight, and needed it! Thank you my precious friend! Love you! Blessings! ❤️


    what you just said is 99 per cent true because so many people out there are just there to judge anything that passes their way. hmmm! dont be suprised. but for more emphasis, some people will see me wakking on heel to school and they will be like, “this girl sef, she likes showing herself… the ONLY LADY that wear HEELS to class, na waooo!”

    some will not consider the comfort it gives me. i love this, ma. “DON’T TALK ABOUT ME, JUDGE ME NOT”

  • okoh daniel

    I think I v come of age to know that people must say something either good or bad to everything you do irrespective of what ,So just be your self ,do your best and be happy especially when your doing the right ones

  • Fidelis Favour Chiamaka

    Do good or bad, people will still talk about it. It’s our nature ….. It’s advisable to always do things that will please you and not others. As I step out today, I shall make someone happy.

  • onyema chinonyelum cynthia

    Ma you made me realize that often people will want to change me into what suits them, but the truth is we are who we are; different in every aspect. That’s what makes me me and not them.

  • Abugu Chinazom

    No matter what you do(of course, it doesn’t matter how perfect it is), people will always have negative things to say to you.
    So just as the poem suggested, its best to pay deaf ears to every form of negativity, so as to reach our heights without limits.
    Thank you for this post ma!

  • Jeremiah Chioma Juilet

    this put smiles on my face. Thank you ma

  • onyibalu kosisochukwu maureen

    This is indeed a strong tonic for the day. Though short but it inspires as it shows the importance of choosing ones associate wisely, being with right people, people who can affect one positively, Nice work madam

  • Nancy Emmanuel

    Wow! I am energized already Ma. Your kind and cheerful words in the intro of the poem, and in the Poem itself has given me a cheer. It doesn’t matter what people would say, we should do as we are led, and listen for those voices that got our back. As you encourage us, may you receive encouragement too Ma.

  • Augustina Okpechi

    Not everyone will love you, know that and live around it. You are still your ever wonderful self.

  • Shade

    It is very necessary that you surround yourself with positivity and positive people.

  • Oparanozie David Chidumam

    Wow, already feeling motivated

  • ubah chisom mariagorathy

    People will always talk whether you do good or bad. Live your life for you not for others.

  • ugochukwu ogwu

    This is major food of thought for me. No one can be liked by everyone and there are those that will always discourage you. Thank you ma for another wonderful piece

  • Thanks, Ma’am, you just taught me a lesson. What you think of yourself is what makes the difference. people will always criticize you no matter how good you try to be.

  • Akumambila ijeoma Winifred

    I love your encouragements MA. Not everyhuman will encourage you. Most people are bent on deceiving you.

  • Eze Benjamin Oduma

    Sure! people must say something however creditably or badly you have done or are doing, never mind, especially when you are doing the right thing.But do not allow yourself to be praised when you are doing the wrong thing because people will surely hail you even when you are sheepishly heading into a ditch. Nice piece.

  • Agi Comfort Obahi

    Thank you ma for the poem I will definitely put this into practice and rehearse it to myself everyday I am stepping out. You have taught me that it is best we look for people that have good thoughts for us rather than those that will criticise us I believe this has taught someone else too really nice poem

  • Ibe Okwukwe Emmanuella

    I’m this kind of person that don’t care about what people think of me or say about me as long as I know I’m right and I’m not in your business, except you as ready to share it. Thinking so much of what people say about you(bad) gives you low esteem about yourself. Pull your self back up,no matter the rumours going round about you and the unfair judgement passed unto you from others. Always tell yourself you’re a star and continue soaring higher.

  • Amarachi Deborah Ugwu

    Sure its best being myself even outside not minding how people see it, some might call it doing ITK, or too loud like u called it, but its just you, so as we go out today we be ourselves no matter how people see it. A nicr one ma

  • thelma Ideozu

    Food for thought, ma. Thank you for this short but poignant post.

  • Ugwu Kosisochukwu Ifunanya

    Thank you Ma for this word of wisdom. People will always be people, we cannot please everyone; we can only just be ourselves.

  • Joseph Edidiong

    Nice. such beautiful words of encouragement to me. Thank you so much ma. The poem is really short but with powerful words that can transform your day and your entire life and attitude if you accept them.

  • Ebreso Benjamin Bassey

    I find this poem very appealing, it simplicity enables you to grasp the message being put across, its adopts an advisory tone which draws its reader.

  • Yes ooo
    No one can limit my bound of joy, happiness and socialization. Am motivated!!! Nice post ma.

  • Egwuonwu Priscilla

    I find this message very true and uplifting because I had this friend that made me feel bad and sometimes unworthy to be called good, focused. She made me feel she was merely coping with me and not loving my presence. But then I had people that their words marvelled me, they made me appreciate myself and the things I did and how I did them. I discovered my awesome self,, the one Christ died for and made perfect with his blood.Messages like this became a turning point for me. Thank you ma. I love this piece.

  • Oleru Precious

    I love this post, it is one of the first thing to meditate upon after the bible every morning. We don’t need negativities to start a beautiful day. Thank you Ma.

  • Nwafor Uchechukwu Judith

    I love this! It is always the best for us to be ourselves as far as we still on the right track

  • Rahman Peace Taiye

    Short but packs a lot of meaning. I love this poem. Now I know how to act when next I go out…as the spirit leads. Thanks for this great piece ma.

  • Rose Jonathan

    There has never been a place for negative people in my life, and there will never be… Thank you Ma., for this reminder.

  • Lawrence, Ernest Enyi

    Being Original and yourself is nothing compared to replicating another person’s lifestyle. Living your life the way you deem it fit is nothing near living the life of another person. Courage is all it takes afterall. Thanks for the poem Ma’am

  • Ukamaka Ukaegbu Mirabel

    There is never a dulling moment in your blog ma, it’s always filled with educative words that gears towards inspiring us to be better persons. It’s already too late for someone like me to surround myself with people filled with so much negativity and jealousy as friends because they tend to pollute the good environment you are existing in.

  • Nwogu Chiamaka

    I appreciate this, because it encourages me. Irrespective of what we do in life, good or bad, people will always complain. We should mind the kind of friend we have, some are unfriendly friend who are around us to pull us down.


    as a self acclaimed drama queen, i have always received several hurtful jabs from students who feel my energy is boundless and annoying. but i have decided to re-evaluate my self worth and understand that their comments do not change anything about me. as i step out each day, i will consciously live to be a blessing and never allow the words of criticism pull me down to depression.

  • Delight Obiakor

    Oh my God…..quite inspiring….Ma you just made my day,thank you so much.

  • Nkwere PraiseGod

    One should stick to what he or she is doing or believes in, so far it is in alignment with God’s will. Criticism ofcourse will weigh you down, but stick to it and make a difference.

  • Ibe Chinwe Cynthia

    Truly, not everyone can like a person. If a person is liked by everyone, the person needs to double check, something is wrong, absolute wrong. It’s impossible to please every mortal at a time. In all, it’s best to do what one knows is right.

  • Amedu Blessing Amarachi

    If you give in to letting people’s bad words affect your person, then be less assured of ur success. What keeps me going is my less care nature, in fact I’ve got less worries. Nice poem Ma! U said it all just in a few sentences.

  • Jackreece Princess Daeregoba

    Awwwww❤ Thank you ma… No nagative vibes in 2018 and the rest years to come… People should learn to see the bright side of things and people… This writeup would always be in my heart to feel better as I go out everyday. May God bless you

  • ibemma Ginikachukwu

    No matter how good or nice you may be ,you cannot please everyone.Its nature.Thank you so much for this post ma,for it has opened many people”s eyes that you cant look good in everyone’s eye.

  • udeh blessing


  • Onyeka pamela chiamaka

    People will always have negative things to say about you. So start ur day the way u want it make it colourful as you want it to be


    every christain needs words of edification for each day in order to conquer the evils of the day. this prayer will definitely follow us as we go to our various destination and i pray that as i step out each day, the love and mercy of the lord will never cease to be evident in my life. thank you ma for inspiring me.

  • Vanessa Ezenwafor

    I love this poem so much. No matter what you do, people would talk. Best advice is just to do your ‘thing’ your way. Chatter, laugh, smile, eat, pray, whatever. Do it your way. Let them talk.
    Positivity vibes biko

  • Umoru Sadia

    This poem is an advice to do what you are led to do, so long as its right. Because people will always criticize or chastise your actions no matter what you do. Its better to be who you are and do what you love doing because those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter

  • Okeke Grace Amarachi

    Thank you ma,I’m really blessed by the words of this poem…we should allow people to express themselves and be who they are around us without criticizing them or trying to talk them down

  • Nneji Mary Chinenye

    This is a lovely poem, as a believer, people will surely stand to criticize you and some will stand for you,have an unflinching faith and all will work out well for you.

  • Ruth Ejims

    Indeed, be yourself and the real you belecause people will always talk and you can never satisfy everyone.
    Also focus more on the positives and forget those who are negative kill joys. Good peom ma.

  • iheanyi ugochi elizabeth

    it is really tonic. most people love it when you are sad than when you are happy .they like to see you pain always when you are sad they are comfortable and ready to mock you.

  • Afiadigwe Nnedinso Rita

    I believe you ma. There is nothing that one can do without He or She being criticized, it always better to be around those that appreciate the kind of your person.may God help us.

  • Kat

    Oh,if you only knew how beautiful your poems are. They are like a cup of cold drink on a sunny day, a balm that soothes the heart. I’ll step out today with a bounce in my step because of you. I’m going to do what my heart wants and not give a damn what people may say. It would be such a relief!. Wonderful lyrics and graphics by the way ma’am. Well done

  • Anazodo Helen

    Very encouraging,no matter what we do in life people will always have something to say but the only thing we have to do is to keep on going,we are doing it for ourselves not for others

  • Many have lost their self esteem by listening to what people say. They don’t own you. They don’t guarantee the fact that you are living. What people say don’t matter. Just do the right thing

  • Egbo Rita Somtochukwu

    As we go about our daily lives, we should do what is right and what makes us happy. We shouldnt bother ouselves about what people think as long as what we are doing is right.

  • Joshua igwe

    Yes o we should all keep our smiles on and do what makes us happy every day we step out of our doors having closed ears to the ill people may say about us and smile back to those who appreciate our happiness and there is no greater joy than innermost joy as long as we are on the right track our day will glitter.

  • uzoma chidera

    This poem is a very encouraging one, no matter any situation you are in we should always learn to smile and don’t bother about what people say. People opinion shouldn’t define your mood every time you step out. Always be happy its the best medicine??

  • Agwu Tochukwu Frank

    Do the good things your heart adjudged right.
    Do not mind what people may say .
    Although no one is perfect, try let your good aspects overweight your bad aspects.
    This is an interesting poem.


    Wow! This is an inspiring poem. It is true that not everybody will appreciate what you do, no matter how good you try to be at what you do, just keep doing what you love best. Don’t ever do things against your own will, in order to please a particular set of people.

  • Nzeribe Ashley

    This is an encouragement to do what makes you happy and be happy not withstanding whatever the crowd is saying. Awesome piece ma.

  • Akuma Victor

    May God always be praised through your works. I consider this piece a strength given poem. Many peoples dreams have died because of other peoples comments about what they. This poem is right in time to give hope and strength to them and even me.

  • obidigbo ifunanya Nino

    As I step out today, favour, break trough shall be my portion. This piece of write up carries a lot of strength in it. This poem gives hope to the hopeless, good post ma.

  • Chukwuma Chekwube Jennifer

    Don’t do what people around you will like but do what makes you happy and you will achieve your dream

  • Ugwuda Mathew Ejike

    wow! This poem is short and encouraging, believe in yourself and love what you do. Because there are so many people out there to discourage you. Ma your blog is exposing me to many things… Carry on

  • Ugwuda Mathew Ejike

    wow! This poem is short and encouraging. Believe in yourself and love what you do because there are so many people out there to discourage you. Ma your blog is exposing me to many things…carry on

  • Ugwu Chiamaka Peace

    Such lovely poem. This poem softened my heart especially this morning…we shouldn’t spend time worrying about critics. We should be with the people that see the good in us. This poem is more of an advice. Thank u ma

  • Nwabuike onyinyechi

    I love this poem!!! Do what makes you, because people will always talk even if you try to please them, they will still talk so it’s to do what gives you joy; let them talk but the main thing is that you are happy and [proud of who you are.

  • Ezeh Blessing

    Yet another lovely poem. If you step out with joy and happiness people will definitely talk and even if you’re moody, they’ll still have something to say. So the best thing is to do whatever your heart wants. That’s the only thing that’ll please you. I love this poem

  • Gerald

    ‘do what you’re led to do…’
    This line got me pondering…
    Most times we tend to pay unnecessary attention to the opinions of people and allow these opinions define us. It is however really wrong!


    There’s nothing so real as being oneself. Critics will always surface but ones ability to stand them makes him even more real because so many has been mislead into living a fake life because side talks. To people like these are aunt referring to. Be real, be yourself and don’t let anyone shout you down. abilities differ.

  • ologhofor sampson

    Thank you very much ma for your words of encouragement and i know no matter what people say, it wont stop me from doing what i believe is right, bless you ma.

  • Essien, Anietie Archibong

    Truth is, no matter what you do there are people out there that will appreciate and othets will criticize,it is best to focus on what you’re meant to do and do it well.

  • Arene Ifeyinwa Ketochukwu

    Thanks for the encouragement ma. I have learnt to surround myself with positive people that will uplift me as I do what I love

  • Ogbodo somtochukwu ikemefuna

    their is nothing one can do on earth to please everyone …
    The thing is jux try to please ur maker. ..Dts d one dt counts…
    Infact…i noticed dt d more successful a man becomes d more enemies he has..
    Bt jux dm eeep .
    Do u tin joor. ..

  • Chisom vincentia charles

    This poem torchlights the different reactions of people to our personalities. Onetime,someone called me an “attention seeker”. I attributed this to the fact that I was a socially active person.I’ve learnt though from this post to live above their criticism and do what makes me smile,Brings me joy and much laughter.Thank you ma for this refreshingly wonderful poem.

  • Nwata Blessing Chinyere

    Wow! Love this!
    What a wonderful piece!
    No matter what people say about you,
    Stand out with courage ,believe in yourself.
    Don’t be discouraged, love yourself and everything will turn around for good.
    This poem is really motivating.

  • Odo Collins Nnaemeka

    Word of encouragement MA….may he endow you with more blessings to do more.

  • Ezema Chidiebere Blessing

    this poem is small but might, some people can never appreciate others no matter what, even when they know the person did good thing, instead they will criticize the person and copy the person in silence or in the private room. my advice is that we should know who we work with, because is only a true friend that can help bring out the best in you, donot forget that one must be your friend before being your enemy.

  • Okorie Flora

    Most people do not appreciate what other people do whether it is good or bad. Instead they will find a way to criticize the person. Everyone has different reactions to a persons personality. Most times critism brings out the best in people and makes them stand out in the crowd. Therefore surround yourself with people that Will lift you up positively and always encourage you.

  • Nwankwo Amanda

    People would always try to bring you down with their words because they envy you, I had a conversation with someone last night similar to this. It’s left for you to either let them bring you down with their words or for you to use their words as a ladder to even climb higher, I’d advise you choose the latter.

  • Nwabueze Sylvia

    Thanks for the encouragement MA… Surround yourself with positive people.

  • Ugwu Gabriel

    Lovely, this poem needs to be revisited every morning before one starts ones day

  • Martins Kingsley

    Dynamic in thoughts and educative in mind are your gentle words of encouragement. This really shows that if we believe in ourselves, then we should keep hope alive, and if we must keep hope alive, then the inner us in all persons should be out to work


    Wow! loving this ma. some people are just bent on seeing the bad side of people. Do what is good and the things that pleases God not men.

  • judith

    Ma, I really felt this one, if we keep on listening to people’s view, we might end up living their lives and not ours

  • No matter how good or bad you are, people must surely talk or criticize you. So the best thing to do is to ignore them and continue doing that which u know is right. God bless u ma for this encouraging poem.

  • Aleke Juliet

    In life we have destiny builders and destiny destroyers, friends who will make u and the ones who will mar u. Some who want the best for you and some who don’t. If only we can be cautious of these, there’s sure success and fulfilment.God help us!

  • Ezeibe chiamaka

    Nice poem. This is a good reminder that everybody will have their own opinion about you and about the things you do. So we should not build our lives based on peoples opinions about us but it is important to note that listening to peoples advice sometimes can be helpful.

  • Venessa Stephen

    People experience problems everyday,the best you can atleast do is to be nice to them
    Don’t criticize rather encourage them.
    Also, no matter what people say always be yourself, do what is right and what makes you feel alive and happy.
    Remember, if Christ was criticized, same can happen to you.

  • Henry onyeka

    Wherever we go we should try to be open and show our talents. People may try to stab us at our backs but let us not let that bother us, those that praise us should be our source of inspiration in order to succeed in life

  • Oba Cindy Biobele

    A great poem that encourages you to believe in yourself no matter the criticism coming from around you


    Quite elevating.. Believe in yourself and be happy even though people may look down on you.. Stand with words that energise you at all times. Don’t let anyone take away your happiness..

  • Ugwuja Deborah Tochukwu

    Sincerely, this is a lovely poem. As I step out everyday, I won’t let anyone kill my joy. I was’nt born to please everybody.

  • This is an interesting poem, I won’t let anyone bring me down! I wasn’t born born to please everybody

  • Your good friend will always energise your spirit,they will always find the good in you.

  • chinenye ogbuagu

    Focusing on bad speeches will only succeed in bringing you down but with our mind on uplifting ones will go a long way in energising us.

  • Ominaki pamela

    We shouldn’t care what people say about as long as we are sure it’s right before God and man, because no matter what we do people are bound to find fault.

  • As u step out, do what makes you happy, stay away from negative energy and spend time with people that celebrate you!

  • Nkwocha Chibueze Innocent

    One good thing is about being yourself and another is about starting every blessed day with happiness, joy comes in morning and that joy must be expressed glory be to God who has given us happiness

  • Dennis Lydia Ekperechukwu

    The type of friends we should have should be friends that motivate, encourage and inspire us. Friends that keep us happy and help us to achieve our goals. Not friends that look down on us and discourage us.

  • Uzor Victoria

    Surrounding yourself with people who bring a lot of positivity into your life and staying away from people with loads of bad energy would really help.

  • Chikodi Obu

    This is the truth of the matter. No time to spend on negativities. Looking out for those who appreciate you in what you do. It’s good to be aware of the flood of criticisms that will follow you and their no-good intention so you would realize the need of surrounding yourself with positive energy. I was lightened up by this!

  • Mirian Ndawe

    Several times I’ve been in situations where people critisize me for every little silly mistake….but i come out strong and pretend they don’t exist. I do my thing my way….it don’t matter what people say, so long as I’m doing the right thing. Thanks for the lovely poem.

  • Ejiofor Emmanuel

    Do what your heart tells u and don’t think about what some people will say so far it is good. Be positive and appreciate those who motivates you and are kind to you. The mistakes people make at times is that they forget those who are with them and seeks to please those who are not with them. Avoid that.

  • Eze martins Tochukwu

    This poem is interesting and encouraging thank you what is right and what makes you happy. Believing in your self is very important because it boost your self esteem.

  • Nwannah Juliana ngozi

    I have had people in my life who try to tell me that what I have going on isn’t going to help me but I stood my ground and did what made me I love that I listened to my inner mind.appreciate those that enocurage and put u up.dont let any one lower ur self esteem.thank u ma’am for such wonderful piece

  • Interesting poem. people like her are often misunderstood. it’s all about character and personality. Its so bad those like her are labelled loud and not so serious. humans need to be more open-minded. Thanks Ma

  • Adeke Chukwuka

    As we step out each day, we should by all means try to be ourselves, rather than copy others. Before going out, we should look at the mirror and proclaim good things on ourselves.

  • Oshana Oyaku Endurance

    This poem is actually for me, for a while now I’ve live my life with the fear of what people will say or what there will think about me. But then I’ve come to know that there is more to life than what people say. Yes they will talk, whatever you do whether good or bad they will still talk. Its better if you don’t pay attention at all.

  • Chukwuma Wilfred

    When one is set to achieve something substantial, discouragements and heavily fixed notion and criticisms are always by the corner waiting to pull down. Much as forces and people will always talk good or bad, I believe as long as you know you are doing the ‘ ultimate right and common good’, just “look out for those who proclaim the good in you” and SMILE ON. Short, witty, encouraging and straight forward piece.

  • Herit

    What a food for thought! Be who you are. No matter what you do, stay to your ground when critics come. Never change your views unless you are sure that your critics are more correct than you are. Many fail trying to copy others. We are different individuals with different ideas and talents. Stay put. Be focused on what you do. Be who you are!

  • ugwu lilian

    As you step out each day, people will all always talk about you, you can’t please everyone, you can only be confident enough to play a deaf ear about what ever people have to say about you only when you have the spirit of God in you, because whatever you do seems right.

  • Arthur Ukaga

    This poem talks a lot about creating positive energy for yourself and surrounding yourself with positive people. We should understand that some people will always have negative thoughts and comments about us but we should smile because we still have positive and caring friends. Their negativity should not affect our day.

  • Don’t try to please anyone, be your self and be happy. No matter what you do people must talk out of jealousy , They always try to find a way to criticize you . Don’t listen to the negative things, people say to you some are destiny killers. Be confident in your self don’t copy any body. Don’t keep a company that doesn’t motivate you positively. Thank you ma for this motivational post.

  • Let us always be ourselves anywhere we go. Let us leave those who criticise us and try to be happy for that cherish us in our good ways.

  • Joseph Chizoba Kingsley

    Encouraging! One thing in life that can never be avoided is criticism. Some will be positive and some will be negative. The only thing is just to concentrate and refuse to be hurt by the nagative criticism; especially when one is doing the right thing. Life continues no matter what.

  • Theophilus Blessing

    This is a must read for every human cause our days are all mixed with goods & Bads. Aunty I love this one because I usually feel so sad whenever I have a bad day. But I have come to know that there is always something good in a bad day & something bad in a good day.

  • People will surely say hurtful words to you. There is no time where you do good, there won’t be someone to criticize or despise you. Just keep doing you and keep the kind and encouraging ones closer. Not everyone is your friend, as long as you do good and touch lives, you’re good to go.

  • Obiemeka favour chukwugozie

    That is the absolute truth people will always criticize, but the thing is to follow your spirit man it will never mislead you.


    His grace is sufficient for all humanity.his strength will continue to flow in our blood streams.our only way of making this favour appreciative is showing gratitude and love to everyone.


    We all know that life has it good and bad sides.In life people will dig up thing,spat on your face as many times as possible.but one thing is certain the lord is sure and able to strengthen us.

  • Eunice

    This a poem of encouragement.
    The fact is that no matter what you do here on earth, people must surely talk , but one has to forget about what they have to say and stick to the right thing and do it

  • Izuogu, Ozioma Precious

    Am inspired, I know that no matter what you do, people must talk, but always see that as encouragement to do more. For your success.

  • Chukwunwenwa Chinenye

    Awwwwn! The message is so apt.
    I had a bad day yesterday, I allowed a lot of things get to me. So today I’m going to be in charge of how I feel. I’m not cut out for any negative vibe today. Thank you ma.

  • Charles D.

    What a nice encouragement for the day. No matter the criticism we all must push through. God bless you Ma.

  • Obeto Clinton

    Lovely poem ma,please yourself more to be able to please others. Don’t let your happiness be based on other’s interest and opinions.

  • Eze Chioma

    This poem reminds us that everyone was made differently and thus some people’s views could be different from others. The poem also teaches me that even though people have their opinions about how I may act, I shouldn’t let what they say deter me and should do only what pleases me as long as I know what I’m doing is right and stick to the positive compliments to help with my self esteem and confidence. It shows that confidence should be worn like a garment so people will even reluctantly give you compliments because their spirits doesnt dampen you.

  • A very short poem with the most atom of encouragement because there are people out there on a daily basis that try to discourage us.. God help us everyday Amen

  • Eze Nnenna

    Lovely ma!
    I did a screenshot of this poem, the second stanza and posted on my WhatsApp status.. It’s a tonic indeed!

  • Odeh faith elakeche

    This is a very short and simple poem with a meaningful content. Have learnt that we should believe in our self, don’t let what people say about us have an infect in our lives and also hang out with people who speak positive things into our lives. Thank you ma!

  • Ugwuanyi Collette Mmesoma

    Brief and concise. Nice write up ma’am. I have learnt that no matter what you do; you cannot satisfy everyone. Therefore be yourself.

  • Cynthia ihekwoaba

    Nice just encourage us to believe in ourselves no matter what people say.dont let negatives thoughts get to us.

  • Otung Theresa

    Waking up everyday with a smile and an optimistic attitude is the best way to achieve whatever you plan to do. Picking out the positives and motivating yourself to do better!.

  • Favour obi

    This is a reality. Not everyone will like me. That’s for sure. No Matter what one does, people must surely talk. This is just some breathe of confidence to me.

  • Igbokwe Rita Chinecherem

    Wow! Very short and encouraging poem. Is just the normal thing in this world, you can never be good for everybody; some will love you while some will do the opposite. It’s just left for you to believe in yourself and love what you do; reciprocate to those that love you and don’t give a damn to those that don’t.


    I love your words of encouragement. To be honest, it’s beautiful. From today henceforth, I do what I’m led to do no matter what those that want to criticize do criticize.

  • Okorie Adaora N.

    Wow!wow! This poem is really encouraging because no matter what u do in life people cannot be pleased.There must be criticism, hate and envy. But I learnt something from this poem-look out for those who proclaim the good in you their kind, thoughtful words will your spirit energise”. I will never forget this because I know for sure it will keep me going in life. Thank you very much Aunty.

  • Ezeh John Onyekachi

    This is really awesomely,the The fact remains that not everybody will love what we do. And so looking out for those who love what we do is ideal to keep us motivated and moving. We must note that, in journey of life there must be opposition.

  • Ijoma Chisom Jessica

    Interesting poem, so short but encouraging.. In this life not everyone will love me but I don’t forget that God aways loves me ..????

  • Nwannah Juliana ngozi

    U have just spoken to me with these words,i refuse to let criticism stop me from moving forward tomorrow nd forever.remain blessed ma

  • Dike Gerald

    With it’s few words, it’s so impactful. Don’t act to please people, is the lesson, for what pleases one, may displeased another. Rather, be your self and in boldness. Inspirational.

  • Duru Joselyn Amarachi

    Exactly. No matter what you choose to do, comments will still flow in. I support you ma. Let’s do what we are led to do so long as it is right.Gracias#

  • Adiukwu Desire

    This is wonderful. Most successful man enjoy criticism. If you are not criticized that means you are a nobody. Successful men pick good side of criticism and leave its bad side. Thus, keeping moving forward and don’t go back because someone criticize you. Definitely they must talk.

  • Do what you gotta do.. As long as it doesn’t hurt anyone.. Live, laugh , love … Sending you warm smiles… I enjoy every bit of your poem collections..

  • Agwu Tochukwu Frank

    Whatever you do in life, people must complain and criticize you, the best thing is to do the right thing and leave the criticism and compliant for them.

    God bless you MA.


    As you are awake and healthy try impacting and making someone else’s day pleasurable and meaningful. It might be a person in distress, stranded or depressed. We should step out and make a change. Our creator who sees us would bless us exceedingly.


    We should endeavour to step out with gladness and joy for unknown blessing to come us we can never tell when a good is coming our direction. Try making someone day a pleasant one.we can never tell where and how it could help us.nice ma.

  • Vincentia Charles chisom

    The truth in this poem has me really inspired. Most times I tend to only concentrate on the criticism and it is frustrating and exhausting. But now I will look beyond that and be positive.

  • Being unique is the goal, look out for those that look out for you. More successful days ahead Ma.

  • Okoro Iheoma

    May God bless you ma because indeed you are really touching souls with your blog🙏🏿.

  • Udeh Cynthia

    Don’t let people words define who you are.Just be happy with yourself.

  • Jacenta ossai.

    A wonderful poem, this shows that no matter what you do whether good or bad, people will always run their mouth. Just dust your garment and keep moving regardless.

  • Jacenta ossai.

    A motivating poem, you will always be mocked in every fields of life , but when you have God, you have everything and can be able to achieve anything.

  • Treasure Emone

    Wow… People would always criticise and certain people will complement you too. I will learn to accept the ones that are true and reject the ones that are untrue.

  • Benjamin Glory

    Find joy in what you do.

    And in all you do, move with people with positive energy as they will always lift your spirit.

    Thanks for this quick reminder, ma’am.

  • Chimdalu Onah

    I feel like this post was directed to me. Thank you ma

  • Innocent Esther .C.

    In other words… Create your own happiness.

  • Okeke Mmesoma

    Nice poem. Really straight forward and concise

  • Odoabuchi Joy Ngozika

    These words are like blood tonic
    Thank you, ma.

  • Pearl

    This set your day ahead with smiles and excitement .

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