Hope For The Abused (Poem)
Abused daughter, cowering in darkness
Bruised and battered by one stronger than you
This is not the end of the road
Ignore the voice whispering, “Why not just take your life?”
I do not mean to belittle your pain
I cannot even fathom the depth of your hurt
I cannot by words paper over the cracks in your soul
But Someone mightier than you and I can help
He is the Lord, the Almighty Creator
He brings parts together to make a whole
He can bind your bruises and stitch your cuts
He can mend your broken pieces and make you new
He will help you shed the tears that are trapped inside
He will chase out the gnawing fear your torment brought
He will break the endless cycle of recollections that keeps your trauma raw
And he will cleanse away all shame and self-loathing from the brutality you endured
I pray you have the courage to come into the light
I pray you be strengthened by your Creator God
I pray you be saved from the one that hurt/s you
And I pray that you receive justice that forever ends the nightmare
Ⓒ Edith Ugochi Ohaja 2020
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Wow! This is a lovely poem, Ma. “Someone mightier than you and I can help” Very powerful words! I pray the Lord delivers those living with abuse physically, mentally or spiritually from their oppression so that they may walk in peace and enjoy a life full of blessings In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Amen. You are sooo blessed!
Beautiful Poem, Ma, Good use of words “I pray you have the courage to come into the light”- very deep words!
Grateful! Happy Sunday to you!
Love and light to all the victim of abuse.♥️♥️
Amen. A happy new week to you and a great July ahead in Jesus’ name.
Look beyond your past hot and see the bright part of yourself
This poem is lovely but this line caught my attention, “He will break the endless cycle of recollections that keep your trauma raw”. I know someone who is unable to move on from past traumas and I don’t know, how to help.
Our God is Jehovah Rapha, the Great Physician. Happy new week to you, Chidimma! ❤
I love the fact that you acknowledged that in only God can we draw solace to our pains. I pray this piece serves as a “medicine” to the abused. Amen in Jesus name.
To the abused, please don’t give up on life. God loves you. May God wipe away the feelings of Trauma from your life. May he bring Justice to your case.
This poem is a wonderful one?
Amen in Jesus’ name. Thank you!
A message of healing, comfort and hope. I hope all abused gets the justice they deserve.
I can’t even begin to fathom the pain people that have been abused go through. The depression must seem unbearable and ending it all might seem like the best option for them, which is why suicide cases are still on the rise. I hope God locates all victims of abuse wherever they are before they get to the stage where they begin to question life and it’s futility. I hope God gives them more reasons and a purpose to live and keep thriving.
The poem is very deep and emotional, it gives hope to the sexually abused
I felt emotional while reading the poem. The trauma and sorrow the abused go through is heartbreaking. I pray they find solace in the Lord because it is not easy. I hope this poem will give them hope, healing and justice they have always wanted.
Hope is not lost, let the abused arise and shine for the latter days will be better than the former. All that is needed is to abide in the words of God for we know that our Redeemer liveth, definitely a shout of joy and victory will be heard.
Amen. Thank you very much, and be awesomely blessed too in Jesus’ name.
An inspiring poem indeed, after reading this poem I was reassured that am not alone
My soul was comforted.
Thank you so much ma for making my day.
“Come unto me, all ye who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest,” says the Scriptures. No matter what we’ve been through, no matter the condition, no matter the colour, hope is not lost. Jesus saves, Jesus comforts and consoles better. Don’t not fall back, look up to Jesus. Society may not give justice but Jesus is the King of justice and peace.
I pray for everyone that has gone through or is currently going through one form of abuse or the other. Jesus says in his word to cast all your cares and burdens on him for he cares for you. I pray you find healing, hope and peace in Christ.
I pray for everyone being abused that they’re able to get help and let it out. I pray they find comfort in the Lord’s embrace. Love and light ♥️
The run-on-line poem is to give hope to the abused sexually, to keep hope and strength on God. The pacifier of struggle and heart wrecking circumstances.
Uhmmm, there are no run-on lines in this poem. I didn’t use punctuation but the thoughts in each line are complete. God bless you!
Amen, That was very beautiful and encouraging
reading this poem I can only think of a verse in the Bible that says Come upon me all ye that labor and of heavy load for I will give you rest.
Thank you ma for this wonderful piece.
Beautiful poem ma. I felt emotional while reading this and remember the story of rape in my country, Nigeria, and how justice has been neglected. But as I read, I remember that God can do all things and he will always fight and vindicate his people and save them from everything they are passing through.
This poem is very encouraging and the part whereyou said; ” I know someone mightier than you and I that can help…”really struck me. Most times we feel God is as incapable as humans but He’s more than capable to help us heal.
God bless you ma’am
Amen. This is a poem that gives hope to the hopeless. We can lean on Jesus for he is our rock.”But Someone mightier than you and I can help” Indeed our help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. From him alone does our help come.
Thanks, ma!
This poem is really for me, I pray that the one mightier than I help me out of this pain and heal my heart.
Amen in Jesus’ name.
I’m short of words but these post (poem) really touch my heart
This poem beautifully captures the pain and struggles of those who have experienced abuse. It offers a message of hope and healing through faith in God.
To the abused, life’s not over for you. There’s light at the end of the tunnel. You are not alone, you are loved.
The poem has healed my soul in many ways, I have been hurt by many I called my friends.
This poem is a sure hope for the abused, especially those who have been abused mentally, emotionally, spiritually, e.t.c.
Relying on God is the only way to obtain hope and freedom.
This poem is really lovely. giving up on your life is not the best thing we should always confide in God
Abuse! Being abused is one thing and being able to come out and say it is another thing but Someone mightier than you and I can help as Aunty Edith says.God can help.His grace is enough.Amen
Amen to all the prayers….
Thanks a lot ma for this poem
I love the poem, there’s Hope for the abused
The lord is the master to any problem amd nothing is beyond his capabilities.
This poem is a soul and burden lifter thank you so much ma.
Lovely poem, for the abused ones please read this poem and understand that God’s love is unlimited and his mercy endures for ever. Cheer up and move on for a better future.
This poem brings light to the dark corners of an abused child. A light of hope in Christ Jesus where the old abused person is blotted and a new hope to live is given.
Inspirational poem. I pray we all find one who is mightier than us heal our pains and our hearts and cause all to smile again, Amen. Thank you ma for these soothing words that is pleasant to the ears.
Comfort and love to all victims of abuse.
Those people that have been abused need assurance that they are in a safe place and that the society would not judge and question them, the abused should open up and speak so that justice would be served.
My sincere prayer for all the victims. May God give them the heart and grace to bear every trauma that comes from these abuses.
Dear God, heal the pain in the heart of every abused persons. Give them the strength to have faith in you and trust that you can take away their pains.
There is hope for the downtrodden… Thanks for this ma’m
What a wonderful poem, I pray God heals us from the pains and sorrows of this world
I pray the Lord will rescue those abused whether emotionally or otherwise and that they should not give up on life.
God is our helper and our last hope even when everything seems upside down. We should pray and have faith and he will answer us.
The mighty one has power to heal the broken heart, restore peace and above all he also helps us to see meaningful things out of everything.
This is a really a heart healing piece. God bless you Ma for this
A message of healing, comfort and hope. I hope all abused gets the justice they deserve.
Victims of abuse endure more than we know. This poem helps them know that they can find hope, consolation and love in God.
This poem was like as if it was for me in particular because since week I have been depressed ? this poem have indeed restore hope I even have to read it twice and screenshot it is really inspiring.is really a message for everyone going through one challenge of life or the other
This poem is captivating and specially written for those who have been affected by abuse of any kind. It will help those who have suffered abuse to understand themselves in a deeper way. It will help them to identify roots to problems they have not been able to solve in their life.
This poem is captivating and specially written for those who have been affected by abuse of any kind.It will help those who have suffered abuse to understand themselves in a deeper way.It will help them to identify roots to problems they have not been able to solve in their life.
Suicide is never an option, this poem gave me comfort and hope. The mighty one is God, the comforter. God bless you Ma.
Our God is awesome indeed he will never run away from us in time of needs he is always right with us anytime, anywhere.
This poem truly inspires one. It’s not so easy but the abused can overcome the feeling of guilt and self-condemnation. There is indeed one mightier than us. He will help heal our wounds.
This poem really touches things ma. The trauma that comes with abuse can be quite a lot to deal with but there’s one mightier than we are and He’ll always come through for those who lean and rely on Him. Thank you so much ma. May the abused find help and healing in the Lord!
This poem speaks peace, hope and comfort. Thank you for this wonderful piece, I hope people who are victims come across this and receive healing and light.
God is the way!
This is a poem for all.
Everyone going through one form of abuse really need this.
Hope is only lost when you give up.
God comforts us in time of sorrow
It takes constant prayers and reflection in the word of God to overcome depression that is caused by abused.thank you ma for the poem
Nice one
Our God is indeed an awesome and a gracious God. He is always there in any situation and our time of needs. He heals the broken hearts and wipes away our tears. No hope is lost. All that is needed is to abide by the words of our heavenly father cause we know that at the end, joy and victory cometh.
Well done ma. This poem is full of hope and love
To the abused, there’s hope for you someone mightier is always there to help just come to Him.
Suicide is never an option!
This poem speaks hope for every fading soul, come and find your comfort in the one who alone knows how to give so much of it. It tugs at one’s emotions, the powerful way you had versed it all. You have saved so many souls already and you might not even be aware. Congrats, ma!
Help, peace and hope! To everyone going through distress, there’s someone willing to help, and there’s hope! God bless.
The Lord will wipe our tears and stitch our cuts no matter the pain we are facing. We just have to allow him him to do what he does.
A message of hope and comfort.
There is always light at the end of every tunnel.
Thank you for sharing ma.
Amen?❤️. There are so many pains in our hearts that we can only share with God for true healing comes from him alone
Always trust in the Lord his our shield and comforter. Only in the Lord peace is free and joy is obtainable
Your article is one that everyone has to read especially those in pain , frustrated in life thinking that there world has come to an end ,they have hope for that man in heaven will never forget them.
I can’t grasp the way people abused can cope with the stigma, I can only but imagine.
But there’s still hope God hasn’t forgotten you, suicide can never and will never be the way out.
All I pray is that God heals them Amen.
This poem consoles the abused, offeres hope and shows that there is a better place in God.
Only God is the faithful judge and He alone will save those that are abused.
To all those abused out there, stay strong and don’t give up.
I pray for the broken and wounded at heart, that their heart be healed and the scars patched up.
May the good Lord come to the aid of the abused and be their comforter
People go through a lot of abuse nowadays ranging from domestic, physical, emotional and so many other forms of abuse. I pray God grant them absolute peace and comfort.
God bless you, ma .
This is really an emotional poem.May God save anyone passing through any form abuse of abuse,from the voice suggesting suicide as an option.Its hard but with the grace of God, everything will be ok and their broken heart will become brand new
Never give up and trust in God always, he’s your comforter
My heart goes out to those who have been abused not just sexually, but emotionally and physically. God alone knows the extent of your pain, but isolating yourself is not the answer, there is a God who cares.
This poem is really a pain relief,I pray that God takes away all the pains in our heart and comfort us.
Only God can make you whole again!
Hold unto Him tightly and He will never fail you
To the abused, please don’t give up on life. God loves you. May God wipe away the feelings of Trauma from your life and the tears of hurt from your face .May he bring Justice to your case.
This poem is a wonderful one
“He will cleanse away all shame and self loathing you endured from the brutality.” This line really got to me because really, we can’t imagine the kind of pains people go through.
The poem is a very nice one ma, thank you.
He will cleanse away all shame and self loathing from the brutality you endured, not the other way round.
A beautiful poem. May God grant every abused person the courage to come into the light.
This poem should be rendered as a spoken words poetry. This is the trauma that the abused deal with,but the higher being is always there to lighten our darken past
There’s healing in this poem
Joy comes in the morning when. The Lord heals all broken hearts.
This poem rekindles hope! The future is bright.
Much thanks ma’am!
Thank you so much ma for this beautiful poem of hope.
I pray everyone going through one form of abuse or the other gets redemption.
Wonderful peom ma. I believe God is ever ready to help the helpless. There is hope for the abused indeed.
Beautiful poem love to the victims.
Everybody has their own fair share of struggles but should never give up. God is extending a hand of help for you to hold on to and let go of the pains in your heart.
I pray God wipes away the troubles we have been facing. It isn’t easy at all.
I for one am a victim of sexual abuse and it hurt most cause these people were my loved ones. I learnt to forgive but it was hard. Thank you ma for sharing.
The lord gives total consolation,hope for the hopeless and comfort to the distressed.
Lovely poem aunt Edith. The devil comes in different ways to push you into his darkness but with the lord you can come into light, embrace him and heal your heart.
I concur ma. Than wasting away in depression, there is someone that sees and understands and is ready to help you through the pain in all love. Just come to him
God the comforter of the weak shall and will always bring healing to the abused.
There is hope for you. Christ Jesus is the hope of the hopeless. The Almighty God is beckoning on us to come closer to Him. He says in the scriptures “come unto me o you that labour and is heavy laden, I will give you rest”. Only look up to the author and finisher of our faith and all will be well with you.
Very true and impactful words ma’am. Dealing with abuse is not easy for anybody atall I pray God heals them.
I pray that the Lord Jesus who is mightier than all, heals and consoles all those going through abuses of any kind . Amen
Nice post Ma’am ?
This is a reassurance that all will be well.
Just what an abused or depressed person needs. I have a question though. Don’t you think an abused person needs more physical engagements than spiritual considering that they cannot suddenly get to know about Christ on their own? Someone has to talk to them. They need someone to talk to you.
Some abused people already know the Lord, you know. Tragedy does not only visit the in saved. People need both spiritual and physical help but the spiritual can be more powerful because it connects the person in need to God who can touch them where people cannot reach.
Hmm, it is only God that understand the weight of the pain in the hearts of the victims of abuse. May they receive the strength to stand and regain their self esteem.
A condition can never be permanent, when God is by your side. Believe and you will see.
All hope is not lost. A lot of lives has been damaged because of some kind of abuse, either sexually, physical or emotionally. Some seek justice but they were denied. I pray that God will listen to their cries. Amen
Nice words there ma’am…. This is an assurance that God got our back always.
I pray for those who have been abused mentally, emotionally or physically.. please trust in God, he is the one that will fight your battle.
So emotional I must say,I hope all the abused get healing and not give up on God.
All hope is not lost, we carry so many pain in our hearts and its only God that can heal us. We should always have faith in him because only him knows our problem and he is the solution to them.
Amen! Many times, we only feel truly relieved when we talk to our Heavenly Father about all we face. This is quite inspiring. Thank you Ma.
Let the weak say ‘I am strong’ for the Lord is coming to fight your battles and clean your tears forever. Thank you Ma’am.
Being abused and being able to come out and say it is another thing. But the God we serve will surely fight fou their cause, amen.
This is a really amazing poem with deep words. May God help every abused out there
We look up to God in this trying times because what can we do?! No matter how hard we try there are still going to be monsters out there waiting for who to devour.. May God help us! To those who have been victims of abuse, please stay strong and hold onto the Lord.
Abused people go through a lot but there is hope, hope from God who knows all and gives hope to the hopeless. Thank you ma for this.
As stated in the poem, there’s one stronger and mightier than us who is the Almighty God…He gives hope to the hopeless, and can take away any form or abuse or depression one undergoes….The abused should cheer up, knowing there’s a supreme being, and ignore voice compelling her of suicide…
With God you can heal from every pain
I can only imagine the pain and trauma such people go through
It is only by God’s grace that they can overcome those pains
There is hope in Jesus name
So soothing and refreshing.
The lord heals the broken hearted and takes care of all the pain and makes us new and whole.
This is a message of comfort, healing, hope and upliftment. I pray that all the abused gets the justice they deserve.
Well done ma. The victims of rape will find solace through this.
But Someone mightier than you and I can help.
This part triggered me positively.
Once you are with the supreme God then there is no impossibility. He heals any unhealable and never will he fail. Take solace in him and all your problems are solved.
Nice one ma, a poem of hope for the hopeless
This is a nice poem, Ma. To the abused, no matter how difficult life is always remember there is hope. I pray that God will listen to their cries and grant them justice. Amen
Victims of abuse should know that it’s not the end of the road for them .when others bad mouth and turn their backs on you why not turn to God instead he is greater and mightier and the only help you need but
apart from physical therapy.
This is a nice poem, Ma. To the abused, no matter how difficult life is, always remember there is hope. I pray that God will listen to their cries and grant them justice, Amen
This poem is an anti-depressant, a comforting one at that, which passes a message that Christ is our only comforter.
Abuse leaves an injury in the emotional, physical, psychological and social life of the victim which may last for a lifetime, I pray that God gives the victims the fortitude to heal,let go and move on with their lives.
As comforting as this is, I can only imagine the pain abused people face not pain from the act of cruelty but trauma after they’ve been abused. I hope they all find comfort and solace in the Lord while the perpetrators of abuse live in hell all thier lives.
Life are faced with a lot of challenges that sometimes suggestion suicide as a solution to curb the problem. But our assurance and hope is that no matter how shattered and battered our life is God is able to fix it back.
This is very nice. Words of comfort is necessary for human.
No matter the situation one is, the God sees you and will help you through
deep, resonating and intense poem. a great message indeed
To those who have been abused mentally, physically or emotionally don’t loose hope, suicide isn’t even the answer to your situation. Embrace the Almighty and watch him work out things for your own good.
Abuse is the worst thing that can happen to anyone. It is not easy to heal but with God all things are possible, he is a true companion
Suicide is not the best option dear victims, may the good Lord help you to overcome the trauma.
A silent prayer for all who have been in such a situation.
Such a poem filled with heart-throbbing should be read by all.
I pray that those that are abused will one day see and know Christ and also be healed
How nice it would be if they can see this poem: it bears healing in its wings .
Very nice read. I strongly believe that when there is life, there is hope. To the abused, hang in there a little bit more!
Wow, this is awesome. I so love this poem. It’s not just a poem, ma, it’s a word of encouragement that has encouraged many and even me. Thank you very much, ma, for this wonderful piece.
I hope the message gets spread and communicate to those going through sexual harassment trauma because it’s an excellent piece.
This is such wonderful piece. I must commend your choice of words Ma, they’re emotive and comforting. I pray everyone facing abuse or suffering its trauma is healed completely by our Heavenly Father.
There is still hope. With God hope is full. God will never leave nor forsake you.
A most read for all who have been abused
May God strengthen them and mend their broken pieces
This poem is very powerful and it’s specifically for those who have undergone abuse one way or another, it really spoke to me.
This piece left a word of life in me
Thank you for your craft
This is nice, being abused is not something someone can forget but with Christ you can find inner peace and learn to let go. Thank you ma.
Thank you ma for this piece.
Many of us might be undergoing many things in life, sometimes we might think of giving up in life but God has assured us that all broken pieces in our lives will be taking care of by him.
To those that have been abused,God will comfort and strengthen them.
This is healing
Thank you ma
I didn’t find a comment section for a similar post I find here: (I’M I STILL WORTH YOUR TIME??)
I would really like to drop something there
This is a message of healing and hope, let’s spread love to all the victims of abuse.
Amen. The poem is soothing.
To any victim of abuse don’t give up on life , pls be strong, you havemany things to achieve. I pray you will continue to be strong, Amen.
There is indeed hope for the abused.
There is still hope out there! Beautiful poem.
thank you so much ma, you might not understand what this meant to me but God bless u, I’m human and I know the voice is still there but it’s been shut down for awhile.
This is a great hope for abused individuals. Thanks for the encouragement, ma.
God can heal the bruises and mend the broken hearts.
thank you ma for this.
Being Abused is not easily forgotten
All I can say is Amen.
The poem is very touching. It’s a piece of encouragement to everyone who has been abused
A lot of people have gone through so much in life that sometimes they feel like disappearing from all the pain. But thank you ma for bringing back to our consciousness that God is always there to ease the pain and give us hope for a better tomorrow.
This poem is a beautiful piece, this poem simply shows us how a girl is being abused, who is broken but the writer introduces someone who is greater than anyone in this world someone who will chase out the gnawing fear your torment has brought upon you ,someone who will wipe away your tears for it says in the scripture ”COME UNTO ME ,ALL YE WHO ARE HEAVY LADEN AND I WILL GIVE THEE REST”
I learnt that no matter what someone is going through suicide should not be the first thing that comes to one’s mind.
I also learnt that no matter what someone is going through there’s always someone up there JESUS CHRIST who will wipe away those tears, mend the broken heart.
Thank you Mrs edith Ohaja for this wonderful master piece.
Breath taking, a strong hope and consolation to the abused.
This poem is an emotional work of art ,this poem simply shows how a girl is being abused,a girl who is broken but the writer introduces someone who is greater than anyone in this world , someone who will chase the gnawing fear your torment has brought upon you, someone who will wipe away your tears .for it says in the scripture,” COME UNTO ME ALL YE THAT ARE HEAVY LADEN AND I WILL GIVE THEE REST”.
I learnt that no matter what someone is going through we should always remember that man up there who will wipe away our tears ,who will mend our broken heart.
I also learnt that no matter what someone is going through suicide should never be the first or the last option one should succumb too.
The trauma faced by rape victims js actually bad. Some would choose death over living with shame.
Our joy is that we have the greatest master healer who heals deep down to spiritual wounds. When the rape victims surrender themselves to God, he heals them and grants them newness of life in Christ Jesus. Glory to his name
A nice piece ma’am
I pray that everyone out there facing an emotional trauma or abuse shall receive the help of God… Because is not a pleasant experience.
This poem is a really powerful one,may God strengthen the abused.
Thank you so much ma for this. It’s so filled with hope… I love the aura of the poem. God can heal our wounds.
Yes we encounter all forms of emotional traumas but when I remembers that Jesus heals wounds, I solemnly trust in him for my inner joy and happiness.
It is only God who can give hope and strength to the broken, no human can understand the pain of it unless they have been victims, hence cannot console victims of such circumstances. Taking ones life has neither been a solution or consolation. However it is only God that can merge the bits and pieces again.
Love and light to all victims of abuse🫶❤️
I know someone close to me who is a victim of abuse, I hear her say “it’s too late to tell everyone”, “nobody will believe me”, “nobody will take me seriously”, “they will brush it off” and I can only imagine the kind of guilt she carries and still carries as she goes on with her daily life
They need people to talk to them and give them hope out there.
They are suffering within
This content is so encouraging. God bless you ma. I quote Ms. Edith Ohaja, “God can mend our broken pieces and stitch our cuts.” Hallelujah! Thank you lord.
Such an encouraging poem to the broken hearted and abused. I pray God continued to heal and console them and give them the comfort they need. Amen. God bless you so much ma
This is such a wonderful piece, I must commend your choice of words ma.
There’s a strength and refreshing feeling that knowing Christ brings. That is my prayer to every broken man/woman. That you may know Christ and enjoy his gifts. God bless you ma for this uplifting piece.
An encouraging poem
A message of hope.
Thank you so much for sharing,ma
This piece is really the Hope for the abused, may the one who is mightier than us bring comfort to every abusedn soul.
God always comes to our rescue.
The abused needs to have a read of this poem. It carries in every line, hope, encouragement and strength. It many not be easy to overcome whatever it may be but the Lord can put an end to that nightmare. I pray that those who are abused physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually will enjoy the fullness of life again and come into the light, In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Theres still hope for the abused with this your beautiful piece
God heals every broken heart , and heal every wound, Abuse is not the end of any victim life , so don’t give up , time heals
I was touched by this poem. I have always wanted to reach out to those who are abused. I pray that God heals them of the pain they go through.
This poem is lovely.. beautifully portrayed the empathic state of the writer
This is really encouraging! A very nice piece☺️
This is a beautiful poem; may the Lord free those who are oppressed physically, psychologically, or spiritually. I pray that everyone who has been abused receives the justice they deserve.
As someone who knows an abuse victim,this poem offers hope and love to them. We stand in solidarity!
I love your poems ma they are so encouraging and they always find a way to point toward the savior. Kudos ma’am God sees all these and will surely reward you
The circumstances of life has the capacity to cripple a man both physically and spiritually, but the knowledge of God’s promises has the power to breathe life into dead hope.
Such soothing words, I really pray that all abused persons out there will find solace and peace of mind in God, truly people out may not be able to fathom the depth of your pain but God does and he doesn’t gossip. More grace to you ma.
Is good to know that even when people don’t believe your hurt that GOD know what am pass through
To all the girls going through there is GOD and he will forever know what your passing through
Powerful words of hope to the hopeless.
For the victims, I pray justice will not be suicide.
Abuse of any kind can prove to be traumatic and can not be easily gotten over without the help of a greater force helping out from above. Indeed an inspiring piece and I pray for all dealing with any kind of abuse that they will find peace .
A wonderful piece of art
God always come through for his people no matter the situation
Been abused is one difficult trauma one can go through. But we got to let some ugly experiences go in order not to ruin our lives . It’s difficult tho but we have to let go so we can be happy.
“Ignore the voice, whispering ‘ why not just take your life?” This part got me. I pray the Lord comforts every troubled soul 🙏
Amen. This is so consoling
Uplifting. Therapeutic. Top notch. That is what’s written all over this poem.
There’s a strength and refreshing feeling that knowing Christ brings. That is my prayer to every broken man/woman. That you may know Christ and enjoy his gifts. God bless you ma for this uplifting piece.
This is a great hope for abused individuals. Thanks for the encouragement ma
To all those suffering from any form of abuse
Peace be unto you for He will send you a comforter the Holy Spirit. Amen
A poem of hope for the hopeless
A beautiful piece ma.
this poem is trying to let us know that there’s a new life in Jesus and no matter the pain we go through, Christ is ever ready to welcome us into his open arms.
The trauma and pains, the abused goes through is unbearable, it’s take only God to heal them.
God is all powerful. He has the power to heal our broken and battered ways.
Sending love to all abused victims
An encouraging poem for the abused. Even in this circumstance the acceptance of Christ and the knowledge of his promises are the solution to life’s oppression always, I pray that they (the abused) heal and overcome this in Jesus name, amen.
I love how encouraging this poem is,the words of encouragement and hope. The prayers are simple yet deep. Not every victim of abuse knows how to move on,I feel people should be aware of a poem like this
This is super inspiring, so many people get abused everyday but don’t know how to speak up, some can’t even acknowledge that they are being abused. I hope this really inspires someone out there to speak up and get away from the abusive person they are with. God bless you ma for always being an inspiration.
Consolation to many that are hostages to this cankerworm abuse. There is always a light at the end of the turnel.
all hands must be on desk to annihilate abuse of any sex in our society.
What a powerful poem! I hope the ones abused will accept the hands of the Lord that is being stretched out. Ready to receive them.
There is hope and that hope is christ!
What an inspirational poem! Every words used is so soothing. God bless you for this great piece, ma.
Wow this is really good for the broken soul 🙏 love u ma♥️
Knowing fully well that the abused have resentment and regret. Some even have suicidal thoughts but with God as a comforter, he can mend the broken and heal whatever scar it has created.
I pray God helps every person going through abuse.
This is a wonderful poem.Thank you ma.
Suicide is never an option. Just come to Jesus, for there’s no broken heart he can’t mend. Thank you for sharing this message of hope and healing, ma’am.
To all those who were abused or being abused please don’t give up. Your breakthrough and salvation is near
He is our hope when we are hopeless.
Thank you ma for your kind words
I learnt that no matter how traumatic the situation is there is still no need for one to take his or her life. The good Lord is always there to help.
This poem is an emotional masterpiece,this poem simply shows us how a girl is being abused,broken but the writer introduces someone who will greater than anyone in this world, someone who will Chase the gnawing fear your torment has brought upon you, someone who will wipe away your tears. For it’s says, “come unto me all ye that are heavy laden and I will give you rest”.
a). I learnt that no matter what one is going through in this life suicide should not be one’s first or last option.
b) I also learnt that whatever your going through there is someone up there ,who will wipe away your tears,who will mind your broken heart and that person is Jesus Christ.
An inspiring and hope filled poem.
Thank you, ma!
To all people out there being abused, please don’t give up on life. God will surely come to your aid
A beautiful poem❤️ To whoever that is being abused, there is hope and God will heal/fix your broken pieces
The choice of words are apt.
Love this
One of the most beautiful experience in life is the light of God during your dark times. Thank you ma for this.
There’s Hope for the abused actually, I pray they get healed and face life with happiness and joy
To everyone reading this, I pray that that someone mightier than us, the Lord Jesus, brings an end to all your trauma. Jesus is the only light to restore our lives back. Thank you ma for the words of encouragement.
Such lovely message to the abused.
This is a hope reviving poem. More grace ma
the poet uses a run-on-line scheme, without dismissing the actual pain felt by those who go through sexual abuse, gives them hope that a greater being is there to take away their pain.
Uhmmm, the poem has no run-on-lines. I hate enjambment and try to avoid it in my poems. Read again and see that there is a pause at the end of each line.
It breaks me that many are in silence on the pains and abuse they have suffered but nothing is worth taking one’s life.
The best thing is to surrender the life to the One who gave it to us.
Let the abused be healed, let God hear their voice
Let the grace of God keep their heart.
The trauma of abuse can be a life-altering tragedy, but it doesn’t have to be so. Thank you, ma for this poem that resuscitates hope.
The prayer in the last stanza is something my heart needed. God bless you, mummy.
I was once a victim of abuse by my own father, at first we thought it was correction but I later got to realize that was how he was trained by his own father and he believed that to be the best way of correcting a child but thank God for awareness, internet and other means of enlightenment because he was able to understand the difference between abuse and correcting a child.
finding safety, healing and justice for the abused out there.
Please reach out for help, whether it be a trusted friend or family member
Or a helpline specifically for survivors of abuse
I am a victim of abuse, this poem gives me so much hope , thank you ma for this poem, I pray God heals me and end my traumas. Amen
I love the part that says “He will break the endless cycle of recollections that keep your trauma raw”. It is so hard to get over painful memories,but Jesus will make it easier. Indeed, there’s hope for the abused!
This poem is filled with deep meaning, That has a way of calming your heart down. Am not quite a lover of poem but this is wonderful.
Such an amazing and comforting poem. These lines captivated me:
“He can bind your bruises and stitch your cuts
He can mend your broken pieces and make you new.”
The content aligns with the title. Thank God for God , the weak would have been oppressed and abused with no hope for justice.
Getting over pain is kinda difficult. Our strength fails to help us overcome. “But Someone mightier than you and I can help”. Jesus helps and heals our pain and bruises.
A powerful reminder that there is always hope and light amidst darkness. Thank you for sharing this inspiring piece.
A heartfelt and compassionate message of hope and support for those who have suffered abuse, emphasizing the importance of seeking help and healing from a higher power. It encourages strength, courage, and the pursuit of justice.
The poem’s emotional impact highlights the deep trauma and sorrow that abuse survivors endure. Your empathy and prayers for their healing and justice are genuinely compassionate. Poetry and storytelling can indeed provide hope and solace, and I hope it brings comfort and support to those who have suffered.
This heartfelt message offers solace and hope to those who have suffered in darkness, emphasizing the power of seeking help, finding strength in a higher power, and pursuing justice to heal from trauma and find a way forward. It’s a compassionate reminder of the importance of support and faith in difficult times.
Jesus really heals a person of his past history and he is a peace and joy giver.people who are injured need to come to the person I call my doctor that is Jesus.
To every soul that have gone through this or going through it, I hope you find a reason and strength in the most high God to keep being strong. The whole emotional damage and torture to face the society will end one day.
A beautiful and emotional poem. May the victims of abuse find the strength to overcome their abuser and the abuse.
The memories alone can make someone hate life and even think of leaving this world. The stigma would make one feel unclean and dirty, infact one’s confidence might be lost and he or she will hate a certain type of people for life. I really love this part, he will break the endless cycle of recollections that keeps your trauma raw and he will cleanse away all shame and self-loathing from the brutality you endured. But, there is hope, God is able and willing to help us from that affliction and make us whole again. He is ready to make us forget the past and help us move on. Truly, the abused one really go a lot and we can also help them pass through that phase.
This part really got me.
May God help those that are suffering this trauma and pain to overcome this.
The emotional resonance of the poem underscores the profound pain and suffering experienced by abuse survivors. Your empathy and prayers for their recovery and justice are truly heartfelt. Poetry and storytelling have the power to offer hope and consolation, and I trust it brings solace and encouragement to those that had endured such hardship
I can imagine the pain the victims are passing through but all hope is not gone, God will make a way for the victims that are being abused in one way or the other.
Always remember your creator in times of depression he’s your ever present help and a leaning shoulder for you to cry on because he’ll comfort you and make you whole.