MY EXPERIENCE IN CHURCH TODAY: Anointed Singing Breaks Yokes
I woke up this morning feeling a strong urge to be in church very early, It was about 6 a.m. so I decided to worship at the nearest church to my house. There is a branch of Dunamis International Gospel Centre adjacent to my house, so I went there for the first service.
It was my second time of worshipping there and the service from the headquarters of the church, with the Senior Pastor, Dr. Paul Enenche ministering, was telecast to us. The message centred on dedication to God, same as when I was there a few Sundays ago. The man of God has been expounding on various ways our dedication to God can be manifested. Today, using the example of Abraham from Genesis 22 where he went to Mt. Moriah to offer up his son, Isaac, to God, Enenche reminded us that giving is an important way of showing our dedication to God.
While giving to God for the work of His kingdom is important, he explained, giving to our fellow human beings is equally vital, just as the greatest commandments in the Scriptures are to love God with all our hearts, souls and might, and to love our neighbours as ourselves (Matthew 22:36-40).
(Related: What Can I Do For You Today? by Cindi Ruiz)
Enenche also identified another crucial dimension of dedication to God as defending the cause of God. Drawing from Nigeria’s current situation with Islamisation allegations against the ruling party and persistent killings in the Middle Belt approximating ethnic cleansing with no sanctions against the perpetrators, he said anyone who really loves God cannot be silent. That is why he and some other ministers of the gospel are speaking out against these evils and will not be cowed. He gave the example of Elijah, the prophet, who stood against King Ahab and his wife, Jezebel, for giving over the land of Israel to Baal worship (1 Kings 17).
(Related: For Nigeria, I Pray – Poem)
Enenche read a letter from the Presiding Bishop of Living Faith Church, with which Dunamis is affiliated, Dr. David Oyedepo, in which he declared a seven-day prayer programme from tomorrow to enable these and other sister churches further address the dire situation in Nigeria. While the various churches have been praying individually (Dunamis declared a seven-day fasting and prayer programme for Nigeria the last time I worshipped there), this is a concerted effort in the spirit of Isaiah 62:7, to give the Lord no rest till He restores peace to Nigeria and establishes her as a praise among the nations.
After the sermon, Enenche began to sing a song that brought a mighty wave of God’s presence and power into the service. The refrain (I think it was) went this way:
With You Lord I can be naked and not ashamed
With You Lord I can be open and not afraid
For I have found in You a Friend that I can trust
That is why You will remain my Great Physician
The song also thanked God, among other things, for not being judged by one’s past, for the freedom to come to Him for strength, to admit one’s need and not be mocked. In short, it was a song of affirmation of God’s love and acceptance of the believer. It struck such a strong chord with worshippers that many were crying as they belted out the lines and some were rolling on the ground. When the man of God said healings were taking place, I was certain of it. And although many testified of some physical healings, I believe that much more happened on the mental and emotional level. The validation cum freedom from the inspired words and beautiful music is in my view priceless.
(You can watch an earlier performance of the song that I found online here
The man of God followed it up with a song, “Lord, I appreciate You” and it elicited a similarly strong, but more joyous reaction. Understandable as it was a song of thanksgiving for what the Lord had done.
(Related: So Much To Thank God For)
Did I tell you that the songs I’ve referred to were written by Pastor Enenche as received from the Lord? Well, they were. It was during my first visit to the church that I learnt that Enenche is musically gifted. On that occasion, the choir performed a complex and most rousing worship song similar to Handel’s “Messiah”. The ICT team credited the song to Enenche. But he explained that on his birthday, he had asked the Lord for two songs. He received only one and was wondering why only to have his wife, Becky, wake up early the next morning to announce she had received the second song he had asked from the Lord. She had recorded it on her phone and it was forwarded to the choir to interprete.
That is how many of the songs used in Dunamis services come: received straight from the Throne Room. That is why like other divinely-inspired songs, whenever they are sung, an instant connection is made to heaven and chains are loosed.
Music is a very important part of worship. King David, the man after God’s heart, played the lyre and ministered to God through music. Many of his songs have been shared with us in the Psalms. Those songs are so relatable and help us convey our deepest love, gratitude, petitions and fears to Him. The best form of worship, the one that brings heaven down to man fastest, is the one that taps from the heart of God. I mean where our words and actions are received from above. It all starts in the heart of God, it is revealed to us, we offer it back to God and He pours a rain of blessing on us.
I came back from service feeling thus drenched and I felt I must share my experience with you. Hope you have been blessed by this.
To watch the entire service, click on this link:
To follow Pastor Enenche, his wife and Dunamis International Gospel Centre, you can check them out on Facebook:
Do share something that blessed you from the service you attended with me.
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There is deliverance in God’s presence. Anytime you feel weary, church is the best place to get hope. I am truly blessed by this message and I love the song. God is our great physician, He will surely heal Nigeria!
Amen! That is our prayer, my dear! Have a truly blessed week in Jesus’ name.
Praying at home is really good but whenever I enter a church, I feel the power of the holy spirit welcoming me in his house. I think church helps in boosting a person’s faith.
Acknowledging the fact that generosity shows dedication to God. As a Christian, I pray for God’s blessing from which I will extend my generosity in His church and to help the less privileged.
That’s a commendable prayer. May God grant you enough to share always in Jesus’ name.
I am truly blessed by this message.
Giving is indeed an important way of showing our dedication to God. It tells God that we are grateful for everything He does for us. Even our offerings will never be enough to thank Him.
But He appreciates what we can afford to give. We can also give our time and talents for His service. You are highly blessed in Jesus’ name.
Giving to God is a very important thing in the life of a Christian both to the church and to human being.It is a great sacrifice. I as well pray that God will deliver Nigeria in Jesus name.
Amen and amen. May God bless us with giving hearts in Jesus’ name.
Even things ordinarily we may not be able to form into words could be formed into songs. Most times I just say “thank God for music” God be praised!
Hallelujah! Music is really the language of the soul.
Thank you Ma for this post. At least, people will understand that giving to our neighbours is equally as important as giving to God. So many christains give to God, but sees a friend in need and ignore that person, not knowing that, just as giving to God is very vital, giving to your fellow human is also important.
A giver never lacks, one thing I know nad have learned. Thank you ma
In giving we receive.. Giving might not necessarily be monetary.. It could be time and utmost dedication. May God help us
Music is one of the ways we can reach to God songs compliment prayers and has a very essential role to play in our worship to God songs and praises are the ways we use to thank God and glorify his name
Giving is the key to receiving, this is one thing that Christians need to always remember, music is also a very good and wonderful way of praising God.
Amen, without question, the anointing of the Holy Spirit is very powerful and beneficial. When ever we sing praises ,the Anointed One, our Messiah, who is anointed by the Holy Spirit of God. Jesus Christ absolutely delights in removing and breaking any chains that bind
Many walk in bondage and captivity because they are not desperate to be set free.
If not, know that the anointing and the power of God are here to break that yoke for you.
Down through the ages ,the anointed one Jesus Christ breaks yokes of the enemy
When we give back to God, we express our appreciation to Him for all the … It’s one thing to claim we love God, and another thing to express that love
This message is inspiring
God said come unto me ye that weary and I’d give you rest
God loves a cheerful giver and givers never lack .. We also tell God that we are grateful for what he has been giving us ..Am really blessed with this message ma’am. And I pray God will continue to give us the grace to know and serve him more ….More grease to your elbow ma.
The church is the best place to go when u need God.. .We all should need God always . He needs us.. We should also learn how to give. It’s in giving that we shall receive
Giving to God, defending His cause and praising Him for His blessings are three ways to God’s heart. Thanks Aunty Edith for uplifting our spirits.
love is sacrifice .he who loves knows God, how can you say you love God without expressing it through your neighbor . Alms giving is indispensable to a practicing christian, God loves a cheerful giver.
Thank you Jesus. Truly being in God’s presence is the best feeling you can ever get. God bless you ma for sharing this with us
Music heals the soul, God eats only praise and worship. Blessed is he who praises Him in songs and hymns, praise God
My constant prayer has been that God should bless me in a way that I will bless people.
I so much love giving and gospel music. Thank you Aunty for this post
Spirit lifting… In the words of St. Augustine -“He who sings well prays twice”…
Praise and worship has long been known as a yoke breaker. It moves the hand of God and causes him to do wonders. A problem that prayer cannot solve, will be definitely solved through anointed praise and worship.
Worship and praise is one of the greatest instruments that has been used to bring down so many barriers and break down limitations. The wall of Jericho came down as a result of praises and shouts unto God.
Music heals the soul God eats praises and worship . blessed is he who praises the Lord in sings and hymns .
The message is inspiring… God loves a cheerful giver. Givers never lack
This is an inspiring story, giving shows you love God and you want to please, also Gos loves a cheerful giver
When you join in the exaltation of God, there is so much that will follow you. The scripture says that where two or more gather that He is in their midst and also where the Holy Spirit is there is liberty. Praising the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart is perfect because He is the Author and finisher of our faith.
Indeed, in the presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy and liberty. it’s rewarding to be dedicated to God, it’s awesome to give the Lord soothing melodies. I feel like i’m in heaven right now by just mere reading this write up.
Worship is one of the most things that draws Gods presence to men especially when it’s drawn from the throne room, it quickens God into action.I pray that our worship will always come from our hearts and just to sing because others are singing
I took a bold step at 16..and i vouched to always render help to whoever might need it,,with money if i have, or in kind…also along with paying my tithe to God almighty..and i must say ever since den till now i never lack i get everything i ask of God at most 1 week from the time i prayed for it..its that awesome,. The way God raises helpers for me is unbelievable i must is essential.??
As for Nigeria ,,am not giving up yet because i believe God will still raise up that someone to change this nation….it might be me lol u never can tell???
Thanks Aunty Edith for sharing this with us. Its really inspiring to feel the presence of God while in church, its simply the best place to be to uplift your spirit. Singing has always been the best part of service in church, I simply can’t define how I feel when I praise and worship him.
God bless Nigeria for us.
I can say that the lord has used pastor Eneche to touch me too… I truely admire him right now.
Now I know that dedication to God must not center on bringing offerings to him but by the way you live people will see you and glorify your father who is in heaven.
Helping people matters a lot no matter how little it may be.
Thank you ma’am for sharing this story because it touched many aspect of life not only dedication.?
The best way to worship the most high(God) is by singing to him. That’s why we should all endeavor to open our mouths and sing to him when we are in church services.
Giving is good virtue and therefore, it should be done your own free will because God appreciate a cheerful giver.
May the word of God continue to dwell in our hearts In Jesus name. Amen
They say where two or three people gather, the presence of God is there. And there is also another saying that in the presence of the lord, there is fulfillment of joy and liberty. Though I won’t say I am the powerful praying type but when it comes to praise and worship in church, i feel like I am in heaven, like I am not among people again, like I have been uplifted. I can’t really explain where or how I feel at that moment and may God bless of change the story of our country Nigeria.
Thanks to a mother, a mentor and an inspiration to all. May the lord strengthen and make u alive for us all.
Let’s keep praying for Nigeria, there’s still hope. Nigeria go beta.
He that sings well prays twice. Music I feel connects us with God and the angels in heaven especially during church service or prayers. He that has the gift of making such music should not take it lightly. On the other hand, we will continue praying for our country and God will surely answer our prayers, Nigeria will be better. But it will take not only the input of the leaders but also the attitude of the followers.
Thanks ma for sharing this great message with us. It’s seem as if I was there present. I am bless, I know I will be more bless when I might have done watching the hymns.
In his presence destiny are being transformed and lives are changed therefore the importance of praise and worship cannot be overemphasized. They bring us closer to God.
Just like pastor enenche, we can use our talents in the glory of God, just like he did by joining the choir. Truly, worship is essential in prayers because it is said our God eats praise and worship as food, so it’s really important to sing some praises while praying
Hmmm, where did you read that Pastor Enenche joined the choir? Do read before commenting, dear. You learn a lot that way.
Like a song says”when I come into his presence I’m so happy and glad”in God’s presence there’s a lot to be thankful for,in his presence, we have come to realise that he is always for us,music with good lyrical composition matters. I pray the lord uses you to touch the hearts of his children, Amen.
Dunamis is one of the best church in Nigeria. The lords garden is another amazing story. Thank God for pst Eneche and his wife
Music is the language of the soul
The power that comes from praise and worship to God is extraordinary… I can relate to this
I think I can feel the elation you felt during the service and in God’s presence that Sunday. It’s amazing to feel so connected to God that you feel you can talk to him that instant and get a response immediately. The songs! they can take you straight to heaven and back. A wonderful experience truly. Thanks for sharing aunty
I have learnt that through praises, miracles happen. My pastor, David Oyedepo always emphasises on this fact. When you praise, you feel at peace with God, you feel his presence, your heart just opens and you know you have been touched. I wished I attended that service with you MA. I believe more experiences like that are still coming my way.
In the presence of God there is fullness of joy. So it is a good thing that one experience the joy of the Lord. I remember in the bible when the children of Israel were to cross Jericho, and the king of Jericho refused, they only praised God and God showed them why he is called “God of the Israelites”
Praising God brings His presence down more especially, praising Him from your heart.
You had a wonderful encounter.
So many instances in the Bible where praising and worshipping God has moved him to bless people ,King David wasn’t ashamed to dance and sing to God even to the extent of his clothes falling off, if there’s anything I’ve learnt is that there is joy in praising God
Worship is the way we connect to God, when we worship and praise God in spirit and truth yokes are being broken ,captives are being set free in fact creative miracle happens.
I thank God for his death and resurrection that gave me access to his presence through worship.
Wow! How wonderful it is to draw sounds from the throne room. I thank God for this wonderful encounter you had last year. Good music truly heals the soul. Thank you for sharing your experience Ma.
Prayers moves mountains but praises moves God. His presence is just the best place any child of God can be, because in the presence of God there is fullness of joy. Hallelujah!!!
What prayer can’t do, worship and praises does. It moves God from his throne to perform wonders speedily. We should form the habit of worshipping God daily, it breaks changes of difficulties and gives us easy access to our maker. What a lovely experience this is, thanks for sharing.
God bless you ma. I believe God will see us through from the evil acts that is befalling our dear country Nigeria. In the other hand, praise, worship and prayer can go a long way in resolving the crisis in Nigeria.
Praising God is a very big source of miracle, even from our daily experiences, you find out that people are highly connected with the heavenly bodies when praises are rendered in the Church.As a chorister, I believe that one who sings well prays twice.
Indeed, music is a very important part of worship. There are times when I would feel down and songs tend to be my best companion at a moment. To think that songs can be gotten right from the throne room is amazing. More grease to your elbow sir.
I’ve always had this mentality that when you give, you receive more. This has proven itself to be a reality. Whenever I have money I can spare, I give it out to people who need it more than I do and sometimes I get handsomely paid back. Many people have a misconception about giving and if I’m ever given an opportunity, I would really like to correct that.
Ma music is my pains relief, in the presence of God praises and worship do alot. Especially for emotional relief.
Music!!! If only some churches knew that songs have a way of lifting up the souls of men, they’d put in their best in making sure that the best of songs are rendered. I love it when I see men of God get involved or talk about what is going on in the country as well as provide an avenue for prayers to be made for the nation. Ministers should not have a laissez affair attitude towards the affairs of the nations because they have become ministers not just for the church but also for the nations they’ve found themselves in as exemplified by Elijah.
We express God’s love through arms giving, for givers never lack. When it comes to service or holy mass, the stage I enjoy most is praise and worship.It gets me connected with my creator.
Nice post ma!
We express God’s love through arms giving, for givers never lack.When it comes to service or holy mass, the stage that I enjoy most is praise and worship, it gets me connected with God.
Nice Post ma!
Now I know the secret of the Dunamics choir, I am so happy to hear that the inspiration of their songs where inspired by God…thanks Ma, I am blessed
Who sing praises to God prays twice. Music is appealing and can make manifestations to happen.
Thank you ma, for reminding us that our fellow human beings are the Gods we see and are equally as important to be treated as we treat ourselves. And that we can not be Christ-like if we do not treat people around us with good faith.
To help one another is a good way of worshipping God and also I learnt that praising God through music is very lovely.
Thank you ma for this story, my love for music just deepened.
Giving is better than receiving, but only few know about this. There is always a blessing we receive from God each time we give genuinely give from our heart. It may come spiritually or physically. May God open the spiritual eyes of His children to see and understand this.
God manifest where there is an act of worship, and am a living testimony. Giving with a revelation produce result and that is multiplication. Thank you ma
Givers never lack, the more you give, the more you receive, it takes the divine grace of God to be generous. We should always love our neighbour just the way we love ourselves.
Ive learnt that as believers, we don’t give because we expect something in return, but bcause we have been blessed with the ability to give. In giving, we reveal our father. As a chorister, I know what getting a song from the throne room can do. The only thing that differents our gathering as believers from other gatherings, is the presence of God. Thanks for the beautiful post ma. God bless you
Giving is very important to everyone, not just as a Christian its a sign of humanity through helping others, and music on the other hand is indeed a gift from God himself, it heals it ministers it serves as a calmer also as seen between David and King Saul. So I therefore can’t imagine of one from God himself so pure and wonderful. I’ll do my best to check out this song, Thanks.
God has not stopped raising Generals in preparation for end time. Dr. Paul Eneche is one of the great Generals that God has raised for himself. I usually get glued to my TV screen anytime I selected his channel, he sings powerfully in many Nigerian languages. Worship I think, is a good bait used to catch God’s attention. At the mention and worship of his Holy name, God manifests. May we all learn the act of worship to God.
Worship songs gets us connected to God
Giving is an act where we help each other and expecting nothing. We should imbibe the habit of giving wholeheartedly and not grudgingly
There is truly truly deliverance in God’s presence. Songs of worship is the fastest means of getting heaven’s attention with the purest of intentions. God is good!
Truly,when we come in the presence of God there is fullness of joy. Cause in his presence there is annoiting and his spirit moves around .
Thanks alot ma for sharing this imortant message .well i’lld add by saying that It’s necessary for us (as Christians) to understand that it is more blessed to give than to receive .
When you give , you may feel something has been taken from you , that’s not true because what God gives us in return is much more. And we shouldn’t give just because we have excess but because we know what it feels like not to have.
The golden rule loving our neighbors as ourselves applies to everyone. We should help each other out and giving is an act of appreciation to God which has a great reward. Whenever we feel weary we should go to the Lord’s presence and worship him because to me that is the greatest therapy ever and we feel great and elated after doing so
“giving to our fellow human beings is equally vital, just as the greatest commandments in the Scriptures are to love God with all our hearts, souls and might, and to love our neighbours as ourselves”
What happens when God brings out your giving account to judge your entering heaven? Most ministers of God would be greeting people like me at the gate as I majestically stroll into heaven.
Wake up! God can not be mock! Give and it shall be given even more!
Blessed is the hand that giveth than the one that taketh. There is a saying that givers never lack. Give thanks to God all the time for his goodness is everlasting.
Worship moves God, worship draw us closer to his presence, through worship we can taste heaven on earth. Praising and thanking God opens doors that we thought were shut. Worship humbles a man. With the example of David mentioned in the post we can learn that true worship takes us closer to God’s heart. I thank God for the life of Daddy Paul Eneche and other men of God that have dedicated their lives to worshipping God .
Doors prayer can’t unlock, worship unlocks. Worship brings us to God’s presence as it is the only thing that God accepts from us. The grace to worship God with my substance, is my earnest prayer.
The story is so good. Giving is very important in the life of Every Christian; both to the church and to our follow human being. It is a way of sacrificing to God and being dedicated to Him. As well, we Christians have to learn how to speak against evil things, keeping quite shows we are Cowards.
I must say I appreciated you sharing your experience at the service ma, I just got to know pastor eneche is a gifted singer, and with your description of the service, I got to see the importance songs have on our connection with God.
I love the message being passed across. You don’t necessarily need to give cash because sometimes we may not have cash but then we all have talents and we should use it as a form of service to humanity
I can relate with your experience ma,there’s a saying if you thank a great man for what he has done he will do more, giving God thanks through giving alms, giving the church,singing praises is way of showing appreciation to God for what he has done. when you give God thanks he finishes what he has started, when we celebrate God we become more fruitful. Being dedicated to God and thanksgiving in any situation is an expression of strong faith.
Praises brings God down. That is what the angels are doing at every point in time. The pastor of Dunamis understood this very much
Wow !
What a mystery.
He prayed for two songs but got one while the second was receive through his wife.
When they say in marriage that 1+1=2, I took it for granted until I came across this post.
What a miracle working God we have.
Pure praises attracts God’s presence sharply than a prayer of many words.
Finally it is always and ever encouraging to pray for our dear Countries respectively…
A good song after a powerful ministration takes the church into a whole new realm. As Christians we have a responsibility to pray and speak against evil where ever we find ourselves.
It is a beautiful thing to be in the presence of the Lord, truly I feel there is nothing compared to it. I also have had wonderful experience in his presence. Most times I go to the lords presence “church” depressed and worried, but the most beautiful thing is that I never return the same way I went.
The spiritual effort to restore peace to Nigeria is one I must wholeheartedly commend. This spiritual exercise shouldn’t be left for churches alone but every Nigeria citizen home and abroad.
Well, as the saying goes, ” he who sings well prays twice”, I can clearly understand and imagine why and how drenched you indeed must’ve been ma. Obviously, I’m blessed by this. Thanks for sharing this with us.
In my own opinion I think every Nigerian should participate in the spiritual exercise of liberating this country. Secondly, song is something that helps to calm you and put you in the mood of worship in the church. Thanks ma for the post.
Worship is one of the most things that draw Gods presence to men especially when it’s drawn from the throne room, it quickens God into action. I pray that our worship will always come from our hearts and just to sing because others are singing there is deliverance in God’s presence. Anytime you feel weary, church is the best place to get hope. I am truly blessed by this message and I love the song.
When you feel weary or downcast the best place to go is the church, in the presence of God. God is supreme over all being and he understands us more than anybody in the world. Going to the church is an important factor in one’s life. Being in church is one thing and listening to the word of God is another thing. We should always listen to the word of God because it enriches our soul. Music in church is also important because praise and worship brings us closer to God.
Nehemiah 8:10 “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” A true Christian must be a generous Giver for Christians are Christ like and Christ is Love and love is giving. When we learn to think of Heaven as the End, giving won’t be a problem, people who find it difficult to give still believe in their strength and sees the earth as the end. Thank God for Gospel Songs.
Hmmmm! Ma, I must confess am more touched than you are. If the mere description of you been there can affect me so much, how much more will it be if I be present there. Thank you Jesus! Remain blessed ma.
When we give back to God, we express our appreciation to Him for all. It’s one thing to claim we love God, and another thing to express that love. Let’s learn to love and give.
Worship is a balm for the soul. It has a way of connecting us to God. Powerful worship draws down d spirit of God and at the end of the day, we feel refreshed and satisfied even without praying
God does not eat food,He eats praises.Lets worship God at all time,and also give that we may receive more abundantly.
As much as paying our tithes and offering is important, giving to the needy is also important. Thanksgiving also is a very important part of our worship. Someone once said to me “when you thank someone so much from your heart for what he’s done for you, he is moved to do more. How much more God?” Appreciating God by singing to Him and worshipping Him is a very important aspect of our spiritual life. We better get used to worshipping Him because that’s what we’ll be doing in heaven… smiles.
Giving shows your dedication to God. Worshiping, offering and tithes are also solid ways, but the Bible says that you should give to the needy. We as Christians should not neglect our giving duties, i believe it is a way to show God that you are grateful for all you have been given
It is always a privilege and an honour to be in God’s presence. Most time, when I plan not to go for Sunday service, I’m persuaded to go by the instrumental beats made by either the drummer or pianist. Also, some other times, all I need is just my earphones attached to my phone then play Christians songs and almost immediately I’m richly filled and blessed. This is why my Pastor, Mr. Temple Sam will say ‘we can err in our prayers but we can’t err when we praise and worship our God’.
Singing is one of the ways of giving gratitude to God almighty,song alone can lead one to the spirit,when David thwarted the will of God,it was through song that he asked god for forgiveness
I so much love the part about songs, God spoke through his dedicated minister and even gave him Songs to sing to his glory, so heavenly! Songs have always been a way of communicating to God,that’s why we should always sing to the glory of God.
Indeed, he who sings and prays,prays twice.
I have always love to worship with songs of praise and worship,when I words of prayer can’t seem to come out from my lips,his songs always fills my heart.
Giving is good,when we don’t even expect it in return is even better.
God is a lover of praises and worship, so when we praise him we bring down his presence and this brings about deliverance.Afterall where prayer can’t go praises can…
God loves a cheerful giver and givers never lack .. We also tell God that we are grateful for what he has been giving us…. . And I pray God will continue to give us the grace to give
God bless you ma for this piece!!!
Singing is another way of worshipping our maker,i sing most times when I feel my prayers are not effective enough. May almighty God give us the heart and the voice to praise him always.
The only thing God cannot share with anybody else are his praises especially when it’s done genuinely and wholeheartedly,this piece is inspiring
Music is one among the living thing that connects us with God, that’s why our lord loves praises and worship cause it is the only gift we use to appreciate the Lord.
Sunday services are incomplete without songs. Songs are very important part of worship,it elevates the soul, sets the captives free, opens the heaven’s gate, heal all manners of sicknesses and also makes God to rise for our sake.
Wow your experience is indeed worth sharing ma. No wonder the bible says that blessed is the man that giveth than the hand that taketh and that God loves a cheerful giver. We are all encouraged through this piece of writing to love and help our neighbours for the betterment of our society. Also,the heart of every spiritual gathering is worship and praise, that’s why the bible tells us that he that sings prays twice.
The songs at my church most especially will make you repent self.. So soothing to the soul makes you feel closer to God singing is a way of pleasing God our creator when he hears our praises he is happy and the angels rejoice. He stretches out his holy hand to bless us and grant us our heart desires
Praise and worship has long been known as a yoke breaker. It moves the hand of God and causes him to do wonders. A problem that prayer cannot solve, will be definitely solved through anointed praise and worship
From the days of Paul and Silas, the power of praises have never been underated, Your prayers touches God’s heart, but praises bring down his presence, and his presence comes with anointing, anointing that breaks yokes.
Music is just a very beautiful instrument of praising and worshipping our Lord.
I personally think that the assembly or congregation of believers is one association that should never be taken for granted. We can learn so much from other believers in Christ. Jesus is Lord!
Going to church has always been of great importance to me. Whenever am at the church I have always felt filled up. In the presence of God there is really fullest of joy and contentment.
The best place to be is in the presence of God, because the word of God is being revealed. Love this post.
The best place to be is in the presence of God, because the word of God is being revealed. Love this post. It’s an eye opener
There is a sweet anointing in the sanctuary; there is a stillness in the atmosphere. Wonderful post ma’am.
Wonderful experience ma’am. I’ve had similar experience. As a matter of fact, whenever I’m in a church gathering, the songs really motivates me. Songs are really essential. God loves praises, may His name by praised both now and forever.
Awesome experience ma’am. I’ve had similar experience. As a matter of fact, whenever I’m in a church gathering, the songs really motivates me. Songs are really essential. God loves praises, may His name by praised both now and forever.
Let my worship rise like a sweet perfume, Thanks, worship are amazing ways to give Him thanks. Like David who through Psalms and strings adore God. Giving is also a big aspect of giving thanks to God. Many give to show they have, some with the aim of receiving back others not to be noticed that they didn’t give. Give your all to Him, also love your neighbor as your self, treat them like a brother and give to the needy, you bless God when you give to the needy.
While praying I start with songs of worship,because I believe it has a way of melting God’s heart. May his name be praised for ever
Wow! It was as if i was in the service myself, while reading this post. Thank you ma for sharing this wonderful sermon by pastor Dr.paul Enenche. I’ve truly been blessed by this and i will dedicate myself to God the more. God bless you ma.
Thanks Ma for sharing this wonderful experience. I feel delighted when I’m in God’s presence. Being in his presence is a privilege.
I believe prayers move mountains and Praises move God. We get connected to God through praises and worship. Praise God, for he alone is worthy of our praises. May his name be praised forever. Amen
Giving is a good virtue that Christians should emulate because givers never lack. Also, praise and worship has played a great role in our life’s because it remind us about how God promised to be with us anytime we call upon him.
Wow! That is where I worship too…So blessed ?.. I joined Dinamis Last year and of a truth each day I attend either weekly services or church service, I come back happy, blessed and refilled. For my testimony is greater glory …. Shalon, PEACE!
Giving is a good virtue and it show our gratitude to God,it’s also a good way to open doors for ourselves.we should always acknowledge God and eager to always want to be in his presence.
They say he who sings prays twice. Most times a song pours out our heart even better than we can say it. Pastor Paul Enenche does well with his songs. Songs that minister to our spirit. How I remind myself every morning of Jesus’ love for me is by Mercy Chinwo’s “Excess love”. God is good.
When we pray God send down angels but when we worship he comes down Himself,praises and worship is very important in every Christian’s life. Also givers never lack so it’s best to give than to receive. God bless you Ms Ohaja
Not only prayer but also music is also a means to reach out to God, Paul and Silas made reference of the power of music, when I sing, is like I can feel God’s presence…
Who am I not to be blessed? When I know how powerful such worship can be. Being in such atmosphere is one of the best feeling ever in this world. Where your burdens are lifted up and your spirit,soul and body worships in truth and in spirit. God bless you ma for sharing such a wonderful experience in God’s presence with us.
Singing,to me is one of the easiest means of reaching out to God very fast. Whenever I sing praises to God, I feel relieved from all my burdens. Through songs,dedicated ministers hear from God too. Songs have always been a way of communicating to God,that’s why we should always sing to the glory of God. It is said that, he who sings and prays,prays twice.
Praise and worship songs are a way to get me spiritual because it lifts up your mind and spirit to God. It’s also an alternative way to sing out your prayer when you cannot put out in words. I am happy you had a fulfilled experience at this church with their songs of praise.
Really I celebrate God in his life so much, his songs are just so extraordinary, the lyrics conveying supernatural and beautiful meaning, the experience alone is a blessing itself, greater grace in his life I pray
The Music part, there’s nothing I look forward to in church more than the Krause and worship, it lightens up my soul, it makes me feel so close to my maker.
Singing is an important part of a Christian gathering,we Christians should cultivate the culture of giving praises unto the lord.
singing praises is also a form of communicating with God, especially in church it just feels like the angels are around us because we feel the presence of God and his descendants..I have had this experience too and I am glad that you’ve experienced yours too Ma.
Nothing moves God to action as much as music,i remembered when i attended an all night worship and praise program,it was superb,i felt the glory of the Lord descend among his people.Indeed,in the presence of God, there’s fullness of joy and liberty.Thanks for sharing,Ma
I learnt something of recent that when we pray God sends his angels but when we praise and worship he comes himself. This I honestly believe ,most times I feel heavy in m heart and the words of prayer won’t just come out that moment I just worship God and it won’t take a long time before my prayers are answered ?
Givers never lack and God made us to understand that he loves a cheerful giver. The measure you give, is the measure you receive, so we should endeavor to give bountifully especially to those in need, so that God will bless us abundantly. Secondly, the person that sings well, prays twice. Singing and praises do wonders. Whenever I feel sober or in a state of dilemma, I devote myself to God through praise and worship and it has been very helpful to me.
I once heard this saying from a man of God and I quote: “you can pray amiss but you can never praise amiss.” When prayer doesn’t seem to be working, praise can make it work faster by moving God to do something concerning the situation, because he deserves the praise more than any being in the whole world or universe.
The song written by God’s servant, “With you Lord, I can be naked and not ashamed,” emphasises the manifestation of God in our lives amidst the current situation in Nigeria. God will never abandon us!
Worship connect man to the supernatural being God, without saying much in agitated prayer. Through worship God hears and doors are opening, heavenly showers of blessings, among other things singing does in Christiandom.
Giving definitely is a big part of our Christian journey. Starting from the moment we give our life to Christ to transform and take over,to when we begin give our service in church activities,to when we give physically to those in need. Giving shows dedication to God’s work and the bible notes that God loves a cheerful giver.
Thank you ma’am. God bless you
The power of praise and worship can NOT be over emphasized! God definitely shows off whenever He is being praised.
Glory to God!
Praise and music is another way of worshipping God, because he who sings prays twice.
Thanks for sharing your experience with us ma, God ministers to us through music, i think we Christians often overlook that.
Giving is also one of the good ways of getting to God’s heart too,it draws one close to God. Also when singing with a pure heart it draws God’s attention to us and he relinquish his blessings on us during that section.Dedication is not only doing God’s work in the church, giving is also part of it. I am so grateful for this partly experience shared ma’am.
Service to God is awesome and service to humanity is beautiful,we should always bring our worship as a sweet smelling savour unto the Lord.
Thanking God for everything is you saying MORE. But
You keep asking God for things is you saying LESS. our duties as believers including praising God.
I know of a song that once troubled my heart. it says, I will never let the stone to praise the Lord! I will rise and take my rightful place. we can not be alive and let God raise stones to praise him.
Thank you ma for this wonderful experience.
Whenever i feel down, I sings songs that are inspiring and i feel better after a while. Music is just beautiful and also food to the soul.
This is a very wonderful experience.
I can relate to this…. Just a service with God leaves me refreshed
There is a saying that “Music is life”. There’s always this joy in you when you sing God’s praises. St. Augustine will say, “ All who sing well, praise twice”. Our praises to God are answered faster than we think.
“He who sings well prays twice.’ I’ve read that this quote was erroneously attributed to St. Augustine but cannot be found in his writings.
No, it isn’t. I guess they drew wisdom from his writings that state something similar to pray and sing.
Thanks Ma.
I’m seeing that one of the ways to be dedicated to God is in the area of giving my resources to His work.
Services like this would render you longing for God’s presence the more. God’s presence is heavenly!!
Giving is an art of worship to God so if we want our relationship with God to be sealed .we must give because he first gave his only begotten son
Music heals a wounded soul, worshipping God is very important as a Christian. God was pleased with David when he was worshipping him.
Spiritually inspired songs bring untold healing to both the internal and external body.
Giving is truly a way of showing that we are dedicated to God’s words, because the Bible admonishes people to give.
Also, singing is a way that we can directly connect to God because the Bible also says that he dwells in the praises of his people
Giving to God is important in a Christian Life and it is also important to extend it to our neighbors. God loves a cheerful giver.
That moment it feels the lord packaged the days service just for you.
As a chorister, singing is my way of communicating with God. It’s like I’m filled with his presence every single time I sing his praises. Thank you for sharing ma
The power of praise and worship can never be underrated in a christian gathering. I’ve been truly blessed with this inspiring message ma. God bless you with more wisdom ma.
May the glory of the Lord endure forever, may the Lord be glad in his works.
Thanks for this inspiring message, it is spirit-lifting.
Good worship is like a balm to the soul.
We must appreciate God’s love for us by loving him back, that’s a way of being generous to God. God loves a cheerful giver.
According to the Bible, whenever we sing praises and worship to God with all our heart and soul,,, we are equally praying, we need to form the habit of praising God, he eats nothing except our praises.
Giving is an important way of showing our gratidute and dedication to God.
God loves worship and when we worship him worship him we burn incense to him. worship comes from the heart, we connect to God through it.
Thank you ma for uplifting our spirit
God loves a cheerful giver.
In his presence there’s annointing and his spirit moves around! I believe worship is the easiest way to move God. Worshipping God is just heavenly, it can’t be over-emphasized
Giving in all aspect is not easy,it only takes the grace of God to give.
Oh! That feeling of peace, knowing we can pour out our hearts to God and not feel embarrassed about our situations especially when the right songs are played.
There’s is a saying that says, he who sings praises, prays twice. Praise and worship sometimes covers all our intentions. Charity is also important in the life of any believer.
Really inspiring
In giving we receive.
Because of Abraham’s selflessness he was richly blessed.
Good worship breaks every yoke
If only some people will understand that music can actually inspired someone den we should be very careful the kind of songs we sing.with worship we can also communicate to God and through giving we can Also be sowing seeds in our life
Giving is a virtue that comes from God, when you give you are connected to heaven.I pray that the lord will enkindle in me the zeal to give.
Singing is a gift that comes from God….no wonder the saying that “he who sings pray twice”
The church, God’s presence is where we feel the most loved. Often times the song makes us feel at peace.
There is always saturation in the presence of God also giving is a very important aspect of Christian Life because in as much as it is not able to tank God enough it’s shows your love for him.halleluyah
Singing praises to God is the fastest way if getting God’s attention.
Giving is also very important because Givers never lack the more you give the more you get.
Thank you for sharing your experience with us, ma. Even from reading this alone, anyone would feel the power of God at work.
Praise,worship and offering is very important in the life of every Christian
Praising and singing to God is very important to Him, because He recieves honour while we do so.
The inspiration to sing comes from God and he declares his message to his people through which they are saved
In the presence of God there’s liberty .
This article is really nice ma
God is really awesome.
Giving is a key to receiving, this is one thing that the Christians need to know. Even the bible said”Blessed is the hand that giveth than the one that recieveth”.. And will should always worship God in every situation because it does a lot in our life.
Giving doesn’t necessarily mean material things, we can give our time, talent, voice and so on
Even things ordinarily we may not be able to form into words could be formed into songs. Most times I just say “thank God for music” lol!
He who sings well prays twice. Good songs heals, blesses, exults and cleanses .
Its the surest way to connect with God instantly
There is freedom and total deliverance in God’s presence. whenever we feel unworthy and empty,we should remember and know that God is always here to embrace us and give us everlasting peace .We should also learn to give because in giving we receive.
Worshipping God is awesome. There are a lot of testimony from those who worship God with their heart and I can testify to that. I will never stop praising the Lord.
Blessed is the hand that gives than the one that takes. We should all learn how to give to our fellow human beings, especially, the less privileged.
This is inspiring, In God’s presence there is joy and peace.
With this I have learnt that giving is a way of showing dedication to God. Not only giving to God but to our neighbors also.
God our Father is a cheerful giver so we emulate the spirit ofgiving from him . I have this belief that a giver receives a lot of blessings from God .singing praises to God awakens the spirit.
Generosity is one of the hallmarks of a true Christain.
God is always happy when we sing His praises.
As God’s creation, we owe him worship. We should dedicate ourselves to the worship of God without reservation.
Giving is the key to receiving and this what the christians need to know, even the bible said “Blessed is the hand that giveth than the one that reciveth”. We should learn how to give to people because he that giveth never lack.
I have also had a similar experience
There is great power in praise and worship
Praising God is the fastest way to God’s heart.
I was really inspired by this experience. Indeed the best form of worship, the one that brings God’s attention to man, is one that is being birthed from on high. Thank you ma for sharing.
Coincidentally, I’m reading this post on a Sunday too despite you wrote it on a Sunday in 2018.
I can totally relate to a mighty worship session. Same thing happened in my church today at Ideal Life City, UNN Campus. It was fireful and most times while worshipping, you want to lay on the floor, you want to cry, you want to kneel, you want to do a lot of things. The presence of God is wonderful.
As for Dunamis, I admire the fact that Pst. Paul Enenche is a songwriter.
Yeah, what a refreshing time you had in God’s presence.
Worship, i.e, true worship in spirit and in truth really takes you to the throne of God.
Our God demands our praise and worship
Indeed, we receive in giving. Thanks for sharing your experience ma. Really inspirational.
There is always comfort in God’s presence
Everyone enjoys a good praise and worship session and it is nice way to connect with God
Thanks for sharing.
Wow! That’s an awesome experience in the presence of God. Gospel musics has a way of lifting up burdens and lightening the soul.
This post is inspiring. There is always fullness of joy of in the presence of God. Thanks for sharing this with us ma.
A moment in the presence of God is all we need to be transformed from one realm of glory to another. It is really an exciting and worthwhile experience to spend time in the presence of God and especially with other believers. And that song….. So lovely!!
Pastor Paul’s song are so inspiring, the holy spirit is the best song maker. Thank God that people are praying for Nigeria as inspired by the Lord.
I believe in rendering psalms to the Mighty one rather than prayers. I am really blessed with this article. Thanks for sharing Ma
In God’s presence, there is fullness of joy. There is liberation. There is salvation. Hallelujah
Giving is one of the ways through which we express our gratitude to God. We should also learn to give freely without expressing much in return. Thank you Ma for this post.
Giving is very essential, give because you are touched and not just for giving sake. God doesn’t need your money for anything, what more can we offer to God if not praise and worship
Worship is one way to stay connected to the Throne
Willingness to give to God is a very important virtue in the life of a christian
When your spirit man is attentive,it is easy to feel a direct connection to God through songs.
Givers never lack. The more we give the more we receive from God. Singing praises is a way of giving thanks to God and bringing us closer to Him which makes us feel as if we are in the midst of the angels. Hallelujah!
Thank u ma for this post. I learnt that music is another way of praying to God and also that giving is a vital way of showing dedication to God.
Anointed music or song elates one’s spirit. I love worship songs most bcuz I feel like God can hear me and heaven has been let loose. Music directly from God carries anointing.
Very true! God bless you richly in Jesus’ name.
prayer is always the master key and solutions to all problems especially singing praises to God which could go a long way .
therefore we should learn not only by being church goers but practice Christianity and pray until we achieve changes especially in recent happenings in our county today.
God help us all Amen
Music is a very important part of worship, it brings heaven down to man fastest, it taps into the heart of God,it reveals God to us, it propergates healings, miracle, signs and wonders. My worship is an attitude of Gratitude. Glory to God
What an experience! Personally, I don’t joke with the worship session, that time is always for me. Worship is very powerful
It’s thrilling to know your firsthand experience with meet was as connect. Honestly, it reveals to readers that there’s power in the worship song; also it takes a divine interpretation n and spirituality to decode heavens gain and knowledge towards the things of God.
I am a standing member of Dunamis and I can say yes to all you’ve said ma, I remembered my father in the Lord “Dr. Pst. Paul Enenche” preached that message a certain Sunday and the song part, every of daddy’s song is accompanied with power just like the church represent
The most fufiling place to be is in the presence of the Lord with praise and adoration.
This reveals to readers that there’s power in the worship song; also it takes a divine interpretation n and spirituality to decode heavens gain and knowledge towards the things of God.
We should learn how to contribute in the advancement of the kingdom. Worship is a very fast way to the heavenly.
There is always the roaming of the spirit of yahweh amongst the anointed when they sing from the deepest corner of the heart.
I’ve been to a branch before, I was surprised that I could’t sing any of their song, a friend made me understand how their songs came about…. Truly truly the lyrics are so spiritual…
Songs got from above are not just for worshipping the Lord but also for miracles and wonders.
Amazing experience.
There is more to experiencing anointed singing, it opens heaven.
Thanks for sharing with us, ma.
As believers, giving to both God and man is very important.
I wish I was at that church. I really do love nice praise and worship. It motivates me and makes me feel alive in God’s presence
Songs that are inspired by the holy Spirit always bring about the move of God in mighty ways. Sometimes, God is moved when we worship Him with songs rather than prayers. Thank you ma for sharing your experience. I love Daddy Enenche even though I don’t attend Dunamis church I always find myself watching and listening to his message.
Indeed there is power in praises and worship to God, it brings God from his throne to perform wonders speedily.
In this life, is either prayer or nothing.
And anointed singing provokes the sweet melody of our God. To me, I think we should praise God more via singing! Awesome experience Ma.
No matter how little what we give is, as long as it comes from the heart, God appreciates it.
In Giving, we receive. Thank you, ma for this reminder.
Truly, the power of songs can not be underestimated.
I realised that music is a way to bond and connect with God.
thank you for this piece ma.
Wow, I’d love to experience such a wonderful time in God’s presence. Indeed singing praises to God is wonderful and it opens our heart to healing
Songs and praise worships are very essential. Many of the miracles and interventions recorded in the bible today, happened because the persons involved worshipped the lord in praise. To show how much God loves praise, the bible made it clear that he has hosts of heavenly choiristers who sing to him till eternity. Even as we pray, let’s learn to worship in praise too, for a more powerful effect.
I believe that singing praises to God, can go very far in destroying yokes that prayers didn’t. Praises illuminates God’s mood to glory….
Finally I pray God delivers Nigeria!
Indeed, in His presence there is fullness of joy. Songs received straight from heaven have a way of lifting up burdens and heaviness.
Music is a very important part of prayer…even the bible says a man that sings well prays twice.
Wow! One day in God’s house is better than a thousand elsewhere.
One of the ways to drawn down God’s throne apart from sincerely worshiping God is offering him a sacrifice that costs you something, an honest sacrifice (2Sam. 24:24). Just like Abraham did without his faith in God diminishing.
From this post, I came to understand that music is life especially ones coming from the secret place. They cut deep into our soul and invokes those hidden emotions in us enabling us to express them wholeheartedly to our creator. It instantly creates a connection with heaven and the spirit of God overflows doing wonders in the lives of the worshipers.
Thank you Holy Spirit.
The Jericho wall was brought down with praises. There is this kind of spirit that posses you when you sing in the spirit and there by creating everlasting relationship with God.
Thanks ma
The act of giving is not cultivated in isolation, it is a life style.
Dr Paul Enenche! Wow! Aunty Edith is the second person I have heard so much testimonies about him from after my mother. Worship honestly should never be underrated in the body of Christ. It is the first thing that presents the atmosphere for the Lord to dwell amongst His children.
Giving opens door for us
We cannot receive from God if we do not give. It opens door in our endeavors.
Truly there’s liberty in the presence of God, his presence breaks every chain.
This is an inspiring piece, ma’am.
Worship takes one to another realm where healing takes place and the glory of God is seen in the land of the living
Praise and worship glorify God mostly spiritual messages and songs that are been done by men and women of God.
Indeed absolute worship to God brings heaven down faster
Gospel Songs should edify and show a revelation of the father. God bless pastor enschede.
pastor enschede?
I’m so blessed by this post. I completely acknowledge the fact music is the best form of worship and is best revealed by God.
Thank you so much Ma for this uplifting message
The best place to run to for solace is the house of God. For peace and fullness of joy.
Every song carries a message and a spirit so we should be mindful of the songs we listen to.
Giving is an expression of obedience, yes, but also of gratitude, trust, and increasing joy. God seeks out and recognizes those who worship him. So it is best to make giving a part of one’s life.
I’m blessed by this ma. Daddy Eneche is a blessing to our generation and we don’t take it for granted as we are so grateful to God for this ministry and his family. The powerful songs he receives from God h also blessed me tremendously which one of them is close to you.
The house of God is the best place to run to when you feel down…We all need God at all times. God needs us to be close to him at all times…We all should be cheerful givers. Give and it will be given unto you that’s what the Bible says.
Whenever you are in HIs presence, there is a satisfying feeling of joy, fulfilment and submission. May His name be forever praised..!
Music is a very important part of worship
This is indeed an inspired piece. Singing has more effect in the life of a Christian when put to action especially when done from the depths of the heart and not mere lips. It is the Lord that inspires our song and we appreciate Him with those song making blessings abound. Truly, anointed singing breaks yokes. God bless you Ma Edith for this.
This is So wow! Awesome experience.

He that sings well, prays twice
May God continue to bless you for sharing this experience.
I learnt a little about pastor Eneche in this writeup and how majority of songs sang in his service were “straight from the throne room”.
I also learnt that giving to God is important but giving to our fellow humans is equally vital.
Anointed singing is very powerful. Our prayers can be answered speedily through this.
Thank you ma for this wonderful piece.
A true worshipper makes it his priority that God is exalted at all times, in all situations. May God give us the spirit of a true worshipper to glorify him for the rest of our lives.
In the presence of God there is fullness of joy. Music is another way of communication to God. Thank you ma
This is a beautiful one. Pastor Paul Enenche is really a blessing to this generation and I love the way he stands up for the right thing
Blessed is he who praises Him in songs and hymns thank you ma for sharing this wonderful experience with us. May the lord continue to bless you in Jesus name Amen.
Giving is one virtue that unlocks receiving from God. Thank you for sharing your experience with us, ma’am.
It might sound funny but I enjoy the music part of service at church than every other part of it.
I can attest to that because I’m proudly a dynamite, worshipping and praising God is what we do best. Such a lovely write up.
When we praise and worship God through music, it feels like heavens truly open, when I am not sure about what to pray about sometimes I just start singing and I truly feel God’s presence with me.
We should see giving as the reason for our relationship with God.
This is because no matter how little our gifts are, it can be of help to someone.
It might be our time, our money, our love and many others. We should be a father to the fatherless and always be in the position to help others.
Generosity/ sacrifice is a good virtue that should be practiced by every Christian as it draws us closer to God and helps us receive what we ask of him. We pray that God gives us the spirit of generosity
Giving is indeed a sign of dedication to God. Not just giving to God or the church,but giving to the less privileged,the needy,etc. I believe that giving paves ways for us more than we even know. And music being an important part of worship is so true,I can testify to it. Most times when I feel weary and discouraged to pray,I sing praises to God and cry out my heart worshipping him and it relieves me….thank you ma for giving more insight on this
Worships and praises to God opens His presence in our lives and when His presence is open His goodness, Mercy, blessings begins to flow in our lives.
humans are small god whatever things we give to humans,it is God that we give and he will reward us for that
God loves a worshipper.
He eats our praise and worship for real.
Thanks for this ma.
I feel more connected to God when I sing
Giving to God is a very important thing in the life of a Christian both to the church and to human being.It is a great sacrifice.
When we sing the heaven moves. The walls of Jericho was pulled down by song.
Songs coming directly from the throne of Yaweh have this spiritual energy around them that tends to elevate the people within that atmosphere.
It is good we worship God in truth and in spirit.
Many often underestimate the power of songs. Praise singing is a vital way through which we express our gratitude to God. God bless you Ma’am.
Singing and worshipping God edifies our soul and communicates to God. Help me Jesus to be dedicated to praising you
Pastor Enenche’s songs are very spirit lifting. I really love his songs especially one titled “you’re always there for me” indeed songs can open the heavens, sometimes we only need to truly sing to attract God’s mercy and grace.
The only thing he consumes is praises and worship. I pray I live my life from now all to worship and praise him forever! Thank you for sharing this with us
Beautiful story! Indeed, in the presence of the Lord, there is fullness of joy. I’m glad you didn’t forsake the gathering of the brethren.
In giving we show our dedication and thanksgiving to God.
God loves a cheerful giver, never stop in giving
Praises move God.
When we sing, God hears our heart through the song we sing.
Giving is a great sacrifice to God, Giving and helping people and the church in a way we can, we Christian should learn to give in anyway we can.
It’s amazing how music can touch the deepest parts of our souls and bring us closer to God. I love how Pastor Enenche’s songs are inspired by God himself and are sung straight from the Throne Room. It’s a powerful reminder that when we worship, we’re not just singing to pass the time, but we’re communicating with the Creator of the Universe. It’s a humbling experience and one that I always look forward to when I attend church.
Ma you emphasized the importance of music in worship and how it can help convey our deepest feelings to God.
Whenever we worship God ,we tend to feel his presence within us , doing wonders that we didn’t expect. Praise be to his name . Amen.
There’s power in worship. I really love the song ma, it’s one of my best
Giving to the needy is essential, it’s parts of the good works the Word of God demands us to do. I’m gaining a lot, God bless you ma.
Prayer and alms giving open doors we never expected could be opened. Through worship to the Almighty is forever the greatest.
Learnt alot from this ma.
Worship is a means whereby we can transcend into another realm with God
Also our time and talent can be a form of giving and service to God apart from money.
I couldn’t agree more with the importance of giving to both God’s work and our fellow human beings, as it reflects the essence of love and compassion. This article is really powerful and inspiring!
It is indeed true that praise unlocks God’s blessings faster than prayers.
As true believers we should worship God with everything we have. When we count ourselves as born again, we should also leave behind all those things that separate us from God. With a pure heart, our praises and worships will attract the presence of God.
Giving to God with a full heart is very important because God loves a cheerful giver.
Worship songs are soul lifting and brings joy to the house of God