[bctt tweet=”Here is a crisp #poem to encourage and cheer you up. #blog #poetry #inspiration” username=”edithsmusings”]

When the sadness is heavy upon you
And the darkness descends to blind
When help is far and hope is fading
There is a friend who will cheer you up
He is the light that darkness dreads
His arm is strong, His word upholds

He was badly beaten for your peace
He bore much pain to earn you health
His blood was shed to cleanse your sins
He gave His body to give you life

What more will He not do for you?
Why tread alone when He is near?

Ⓒ Edith Ugochi Ohaja 2017

[bctt tweet=”There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. – Proverbs 18:24 (KJV) #poem” username=”edithsmusings”]

Scriptural references:
“… there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.”Proverbs 18:24 (KJV)

“These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.”John 15:11 (KJV)

“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”John 8:12 (KJV)

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.”John 1:5 (NLT)

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”Isaiah 41:10 (ESV)

“But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.”Isaiah 53:5 (ESV)

“And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.”Matthew 26:27-28 (KJV)

“Then Jesus said unto them, ] Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.”John 6:53-54 (KJV)

“He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”Romans 8:32 (KJV)

[bctt tweet=”Why tread alone when Christ is near? #Jesus #Saviour #Friend #poem” username=”edithsmusings”]




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  • Abutu, Charity Nebechi

    this is quite inspirational because Jesus is surely the true friend. He is a friend indeed.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Reminds me of the song, “There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus, No not one, no not one.” Have a favour-filled week in Jesus’ name.

  • Ugwu Chiamaka

    Short but filled with so much truth. I was once faced with a situation where I had no friends, I was lonely. But then I realised that Jesus is the one true friend we can ever have. He is my best friend, my comforter, my guide and above all, He will never leave nor forsake me. It is hard to be without physical friends but having Jesus as a friend is the best.

  • ukwueze oluchi benedette

    This poem is indeed awesome. It’s only Jesus who can be your best friend forever. Even though you offend him every day, once you kneel down and ask him for forgiveness, he will accept you again and guide you through your life.

  • Nwangwu Chisom

    This is a short poem and I love it because I carry this consciousness everyday; no friend like my lord Jesus.. Thank you aunty for reminding me one more time

  • Nweke jane

    Jesus is a friend always there in every circumstance bless u ma

  • This poem is indeed for me. It has left a consciousness in me that no matter the situation, there is always a friend ready to help. Ma, I really appreciate the scriptural backups too.

  • Orji Annabelle obiageli

    he is always there in our time of need …….this peom reminds me of isaiah 53:5…..
    nice one ma

  • Ngbede Emmanuel

    With just few words in this poem, one would be able to see that Jesus died for us and that he is always there for us in all circumstances.

  • Abutu, Charity Nebechi

    yes! Jesus all through. he comes in when all hope is lost, when there is no father, mother, children, uncle, aunt and even boyfriend. ma, thanks for this short poem is worth a lot but to the wise and experienced ones

  • Nwosu Chinwendu Favour

    This poem is really wonderful…Jesus Christ is the way, truth and life. I strongly believe that his strong hand is ready at all times to save me. Recalling the past and his good works upon my life …..Jesus is indeed my best friend.

    • Edith Ohaja

      I am glad He is. He is mine too. May we enjoy an increasingly closer relationship with Him all our lives in Jesus’ name.

  • AGwu Tochukwu Frank

    Jesus is the only best friend that one can think of. I love your poem ma.


    This poem is really an inspiration!!! Indeed,no matter the number of friends we have in this world, Jesus Christ remains the truest because he is always present with us at all times and in all situations even in our sinful nature. There is and will never be anyone like him!!!

  • Ozoadibe Chidera

    i am inspired by this poem. It makes me know that there’s only one true friend and that is JESUS CHRIST.

  • Charles Vincentia chisom

    Jesus Christ is always there to catch us when we fall…when we think all’s lost…he’s there. My bestie rocks jare. …

  • Onah Chiamaka Geraldine

    A perfect friend we have is God. A righteous man that died for the unrighteous. What more.. It is finished and so He carried our burdens and made them His.

  • Nwanne Judith

    This is a motivational work highlighting the saving help of our lord Jesus Christ who was scourged that i may have health and died that i might have life

  • iheanyi ugochi elizabeth

    Thank you, ma. There is no other best friend to have except Jesus. Which friend can die for me?

  • Sunday Ezekwesiri Daniel

    Indeed He is a true friend all the time. He can never fail you as a friend. I love Him and love you as well, ma. Remain blessed.

  • Ewa-Ifeanyichukwu Chidinma

    This poem talks about God’s goodness and all he has done to make us whole in him. He died to make us who we are him so whenever sadness and depression comes, we should know that he died to free us from all problems in life.

  • Njoku Chineme Evelyn

    Indeed whenever we feel down and as if it is the end of the road, we should know that Christ died on the cross to redeem us and make us whole and free from bondages.

  • Henry Mbagwu

    it is bean-cake to hold unto a friend that is visible when in despair. But how does one hold unto someone you don’t see?
    That’s when faith is applied. Holding unto Christ in despair does not stop on mere saying it, it entails faith through the Word.


    JESUS’ love for humans is immeasurable; it is limitless and endless. Hope only comes from HIM. The scriptural backup is indeed superb.

  • Elibe Miriam

    Christ is a perfect friend. Even all through our betrayal, he will never forsake us and his love is everlasting. I love you, Lord. Thanks, Ma, for a wonderful poem.

  • Ndieze Kelechi precious

    Great poem, ma…this brings to mind how important my Lord Jesus is to me.










  • Fidelis Favour Chiamaka

    Jesus is the best friend anyone can ask for. He is always there to make you feel good when you are down, put a smile on your face when the sorrows and miseries of the world show their ugly face. The unique quality of this friendship is that He can die over and over again to save you (Us) from sins.

  • onyema chinonyelum cynthia

    No one can ever love me more than Jesus. i’m proud to have Him in my life even though i don’t deserve Him.

  • Abugu Chinazom

    Oh yes!
    We don’t see him, but he sure does exist. He’ll always be there for us, even in our darkest times. May the name of our Lord be praised, today, forever!

  • onyibalu kosisochukwu maureen

    if someone can really give his life in behalf of his friends then he can do anything when his friends feel lonely. Really no love surpasses that from above. The problem is been able to remember to know that someone is always there for us when we feel alone. I think reading this will always remind one of that Jesus and his father are always there for us in times of depression and are ever ready to help us in many ways, possible or impossible. Heart strengthening words Madam. Thank you.

  • Shade

    What a friend we have in Jesus indeed. We might not see him but he is always there.

  • JESUS is more than a friend, he is a comforter, listener and many more. we just have to learn to carry our burdens to his feet, he will always be there to listen and help even in the darkest night.

  • Agi Comfort Obahi

    Yes there is a friend
    No friend like Him
    That friend is Christ
    He is always there to listen to us even when we wrong Him a little I am sorry is enough
    Well I haven’t found a friend like Christ… He bears my worries and problems
    Thank you Jesus for being that friend I run to there is no one like You.


    Ma thank u for sharing this wonderful message, there is a friend. HE is a friend in need and a friend indeed. Our care is HIS priority. HE provides, protects and guides us all days.

  • Akabuike Chisom

    Jesus is more than a friend to me, but we choose to always run to him intimes of trouble forgetting the fact that a true friend is always one who would always stand by you even in peaceful and trying times, a bestie truly he is. Jesus is our only hope. God bless you Ma

  • Ezenwa Obinna G.

    He is such a friend that I cannot explain, his love for us is what strikes me most, what a loving and caring friend he is. Always there for us. Thank u Jesus.

  • Amarachi Deborah Ugwu

    What a friend we have in Jesus! He is ever there for us, in our worse moments, he calms us down, even when we go astray he still opens his arm for us. He is the very best thing that can happen to mankind. His mercies endureth

  • Ugwu Kosisochukwu Ifunanya

    Jesus is a friend, not a causal one but an intimate friend. He is my bestie, one I can tell anything and everything. I will always love You Jesus.

  • Joseph Edidiong

    we can only find the perfect example of friendship in Christ. His love is unconditional. He doesn’t show love, He is love and so when He do the things that He does, He is just being Himself because that’s who He truly is.

  • onyema chinonyelum cynthia

    i can’t boost of my love for Christ cos i fail Him, but i can boost of His love for me cos it never fails. He always picks me up from the trash of my sins and hugs me tight- even with the stench and dirt from my sins. I LOVE YOU JESUS

  • Ebreso Benjamin Bassey

    Yes indeed a friend is near, he is willing to do anything for your wellbeing , he is willing to guide and keep you company, he is willing to lay down his life in exchange for yours. I see no cause for him to be disregarded, for he has your best interest at heart.

  • So touching!
    My lord…..
    Whose friendship is beyond what mere mortals can offer.
    Whose love and kindness is limitless!
    What more can i ask for, that he can’toffer ?
    I call him yaweh!
    For he is my overdose!
    Countless times; when sorrow, pains, anger nd distress befalls me, no one gives me solace like he does.
    Jesus is my all, the reason why i live. I owe him my existence!

  • Egwuonwu Priscilla

    Thank you Jesus. God is our friend, helper, confidant and our everything. Thank you ma for the scriptural backings to the message.

  • Emeh Akachukwu Esther

    The best friend you can ever have is Jesus Christ, though we cannot see him. Once we believe him, we can hear him talk to us, he is a friend that never forsake us nor disappionts…He is so loving..

  • Nwafor Uchechukwu Judith

    This really calls for deep reflection. If Jesus did all these things for us, what type of friend are we still searching for? This makes us to remember that Jesus is the ever true friend

  • keswet mercy

    This poem reminds me of a very popular christian song “What a friend we have in Jesus………..”in sickness and health the friend who never leaves us no matter how tough and harsh the circumstance maybe,people will desert you when the going gets rough and tough but Our Lord Jesus never leave or abandon us.

  • Sunday Francis C

    We will always have a friend in Jesus. He is always with us, through every single step we take,the life struggles and any predicament we find ourselves in, he is always there with us. Reading this poem calls for sober reflection on our lives to know if we have at one time or the other neglected the role of Christ in our lives. Jesus Christ is always our friend

  • Ibe Chinwe Cynthia

    There is none like Jesus, there never was and there never will be. Always there to give us a listening ear, His arms always wide apart to welcome us with a warm embrace. Thank You Jesus for always being there.

  • ibemma Ginikachukwu

    What more will He not do for you?Nothing.What a friend we have in Jesus,always there to see you through both in the good and trying times.Our comforter ,refuge and protector.Thank you Jesus for you have never failed us

  • Jackreece Princess Daeregoba

    Our Lord is the only friend that would never let you down.. No matter how bad you are he would never judge you.. He would forever love and correct you


    several times i have experienced this friend in my life working out signs and wonders, wiping away tears i did not know were flowing. jesus is my truest and greatest friend. my beloved who considers me far above rubies and will do anything for my joy. for this reason, a man will lay down his life for his friends. sweet jesus, i can not do without your friendship, my bestie and everything, be thou praised.


    there is a friend for little children above the bright blue sky, a friend who never weary whose love will never die. our earthly friends may fail us and change with changing years. this friend is always worthy of that great name he bears. this song mirrors the reassurance that jesus is the best friend for anyone who wants to enjoy life. i submit to his leadership and i pray our journey of friendship will never end.

  • ozulumba chikodili

    This poem though short contains so much. A friend should always comfort you in time of trouble and happiness but lately they seem so far away. Our only one,true friend should be Christ Jesus who never leaves and never judges us in our time of trouble.

  • Umoru Sadia

    What a beautiful poem! I believe this is speaking to me because i’m going through some tough times and this was all I needed. A reassurance of God’s love towards us. Thank you so much ma


    What interest me most in this poem is that fact that it has a bible reference.
    Reading it is more like reading my Scriptures.

    As a believer, we don’t need to feel bad when we experience negligence from people who care about because there is always a friend that is always willing to console us.


  • Okeke Grace Amarachi

    This poem reminds me of that song “there’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus,no not one.He is always there watching and keeping us each step of the way. He sustains us even in life’s challenges. What a friend we have in him…

  • Kat

    There is a friend indeed. We have a friend in Jesus and anytime i remember that fact,my heart with gladness fills. Why do i let worries and burdens overwhelm me when i have him?. Why do i cry myself to sleep when he’s so near. I’m glad you reminded believers of this fact. It’s not one i’ll be forgetting anytime soon. Thanks aunty

  • The best friend one can have is Jesus. He will always be there. He never forsakes his people. This poem is very inspiring. In stead of giving up, call on the name of God. He never sleeps.

  • Chidinma Obasi

    we need no other argument no other fear its enough that Jesus died and that he died for us…God through his son Jesus Christ is the best friend ever, who laid his life for us. and he is the very present help in trouble

  • Akwara Agatha Uchechi

    When every thing seems to be failing, we should remember that there is a friend who is there for us. He loves us so much to the extent that he died so that we might live. What other love surpasses that? We should never compromise such friendship because it is the peak of all friendships.

  • Egbo Rita Somtochukwu

    When it seems as if everyone is against us, we should remember that we have a friend in jesus and he is always willing and able to see us through

  • Joshua igwe

    Jesus is my best friend today and for ever he never leaves my sight when it seems am alone in this world I remember I have a best friend who is always there to see me through

  • Ani Fabian

    There is no such good friend as jesus.A friend who died that we might live.crucified on the cross not for himself,but for our sake.when ever we are depressed and found ourselves in turbulent situations,let us always remember that we have a friend who is ever ready to help.what a wonderful poem ma.

  • Onwusonye promise

    Many a time sudden sadness would come to grasp our feelings. We should not allow any occurrence to deny us what our best friend has given us.

  • Dike Gerald Osinachi

    When we have problems that are making us sad, let’s remember that he told us”in the world you will have tribulations. But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world”. Our friend helps us in need. He does not leave us at any time. Grief should not take away this joy which he has given us in full.


    Whenever I’m going through any struggles or hardship, there is only one friend I can lean on and trust in, his name is JESUS!! He has never let me down or forsaken me. I love him so much and he is the only best friend that I have.

  • Good post! Thank you for the inspiration and the encouragement 🙂

  • Akuma Victor

    Reminds me of the song “My Best Friend is Jesus.” He who knows my worries and helps me out of my deepest tribulations. in Igbo we praise him with these words “o mere mbosi o ka bu.”

  • Bessong Faith Ada

    A good friend is worth gold. This poem reminds me of a poem written by Leonard Elvis titled the ‘History of Tomorrow’, it was a narrative/ acrostic poem of a man with lost hopes and was reckindled by a friend “Jesus” . This few stanzas of yours worth recognition and award for inspiring the youths who see formality in divinity.

  • Nwabuike Onyinyechi

    Jesus is one true friend you can always rely on and pour out your heart, he will never judge you and he’s always waiting for us with his opened wide, if we cry unto him from our heart, he listens and provides us with a solution always. He is a friend who can truly lay his life for us because of the love he has for us.


    Yes Jesus is my best friend, he is with me all the time. He is the only one that understands me and loves me without asking for anything in return.

  • God loves. We shouldn’t give up on life for any reason. Sometimes you may feel as if you are a lost cause. Just remember you have a friend who loves you and will never give up on you

  • Essien, Anietie Archibong

    In difficult and trying times,we can always look up to Jesus,for he died for us and od he did this,ehat makes you think he can’t be there to help you out of that trouble?

  • Nwata Blessing Chinyere

    This poem is inspirational and motivational.
    Truly, there is no friend like Jesus. He never fails. He always there for me.
    He is my Lord, comforter, helper, protector.
    Jesus is everything to me.

  • Odo Collins Nnaemeka

    In the time of distress beckon on and he will sure come for your rescue

  • Nwele Euphemia Uzoamaka

    Most atimes God is the only friend i can talk to,am gald he’s always there
    Thank you Ma(for a flashback)

  • Ewurum john

    The Lords shoulder remains the most cozy shoulder to cry on, the best door to knock on and the best bed to relax on, as it comprises all necessary spiritual sophistications.

  • Precious

    Short but filled with so much truth.
    I have friends but no one of them can do what God has done for me..
    He is indeed my best friend because I tell him of every step I take in life
    His direction Has been what is helping me all this while..
    Any step I take without telling does not end up well..

  • Okorie Flora

    Friends come and go. They are there for you but will not always be there. There is a friend I know that will always be there for us whenever we need him. He is more than a best friend, he is my companion and his name is Jesus. Ask him for anything and he is always there to answer you. If you offend him, kneel down humbly and ask him for forgiveness from the depth of your heart and he is always ready to accept you back and guide you

  • Nwankwo Amanda

    It is good to know that God would always be there for us, no matter the circumstance. God is our creator and he would always help us

  • Nwankwo Gift

    Yes truly there is a friend! He is always with us both in good times and in bad times. His love is unconditional. He loves and cares for us even though we wrong him continuously. He gave his life for us so that we may find salvation. He sees to all our needs. We don’t lack while he is with us. He is immortal and invincible but yet we will always feel his presence. This friend is our personal Lord and Savior.


    I have a friend who is dare to me, His love for mankind is unfailing and unconditional. Our human friends come andgo but God is a friend of all, He does not condemn but brings salvation.

  • judith

    Thanks aunty edith for this post “no one ever cares for me like jesus” He’s always there to care for us.oh what an everlasting love.

  • Thank you Jesus for your immense love for me, you made me what I am today.

  • Oba Cindy Biobele

    A poem of hope is what this is. Hope of a shoulder to cry on when one is needed. Most youths fail to realize that there’s a friend, up above, who’s ready to listen to your plight, fail to realize that they’ll never be alone, he’ll be with you from dusk till dawn

  • Catherine Anokwuru

    We have a friend who’s always there, his name is Jesus. Even when we stray he is always there, patiently waiting for us to run back into his arms. Cast all your burdens on Him for He cares for you and will give you rest.

  • Afunanya Chiamaka Lilian

    Thank you ma for reminding me that I have a true friend, a friend who gives me hope when my hope is fading a friend who brings light when there is darkness am really blessed to have such a friend that will never leave me in times of trouble??

  • Ugwoke Jennifer chinecherem

    Jesus is the only true friend one can ever have, he is my friend, he died for me to live, he gave me hope when there was no hope, he gave me eternal life in him. This friend of mine Jesus is this selfless.

  • Nnamani chisom linda

    This is truly a remainder than derz a friend who wen we are sad and depressed his there;wen help is far and hope is far his still der his arms are ever ready to embrace us who is tgis friend of our his jesus

  • Willie Albert Zikiye

    God is the best friend of humanity. After creating mankind, God still sent his only son to die for the sins of man. “What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and grieves to bear, what a privilege to Carry, everything to God in prayer.” Song by Alan Jackson.

  • Okoilu olawole ebenezer

    “But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.” – Isaiah 53:5 (ESV)
    There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus. He’s with us and in us to help us at all times. We are limitless because of him.

  • Venessa Stephen

    By his stripes we are healed, the best friend anyone can ever have. I have taste the goodness of the Lord and he has never wrong me. This poem remind me of the hymn. “Just a little talk with him makes it right”There are circumstances when I feel downtrodden but when I remember I have a God that is not in contest with anybody , one that is on his throne, I feel relax and secured.

  • Egbo Paul Uchenna

    Allow me to pun ma.

    Why shoulder all your problems
    When he’s able to bear.
    His mighty hands abides with us,
    So do not fear.

    Who can do this for us if not God?
    What a wonderful poem. Joy to my soul.

  • Achugwo Larissa

    This is really encouraging. God is always there for us, but we need reminders like this once in a while because we tend to forget.


    So motivating, it reminds me of my mom’s favorite quote in the Bible… “He is able to keep that which is entrusted into His hands “..He is a friend indeed .

  • Eze Nnenna Uzoamaka

    Life can be very challenging, and it’s no doubt that we humans may think we are alone to stand and face the turbulent times in life , but when we look at things, we find out that we have Jesus…. And as the scriptures has said ‘ he would never leave nor forsake us ‘ when we begin to live our lives in the consciousness of His words in the scriptures, knowing we have Jesus, in all we go through in life… We would walk through the fires of live with boldness!


    ”Why tread alone when Christ is near!”;this says it all.

  • Ozukwe Miriam chisom

    Wow!!! What a wonderful and inspiring poem. Indeed God is always there for us. So we should always go to him in time of trouble,sorrows and pain. He is always our one and only true friend who die to save us. Thanks ma. This poem really remind me that there is someone special always there to comfort me.

  • harriet

    A friend like no other just hold on tight and u will see wonders

  • Epunam obianuju

    it’s really inspiring, Christ is the friend above every friend.

  • Many people rely on their friends, parents ,brothers and so on for help and comfort failing to know they will flee or fail them when difficult situation arises, it is only one best friend we have and that is Jesus who stand with us no matter the situation or trials or hoe heavy the storm may be so we should lean on to him and not to our own understanding so that he (Jesus) can direct our path.

  • Eze chinyere

    Very encouraging. It’s satisfying to learn that God will always be there for us whenever we need a shoulder to lean or cry on. In times of misery and difficulty, we should always remember that God will never leave us alone(even if his response is not as quick as we imagine). Nice poem.

  • Blessing obidudu

    No friend like Jesus, at our darkest times He is with us,comforting us and giving us the strength we need to go through it and be victorious.

  • Izuogu, Ozioma precious.

    Jesus is the only true friend that can be with us in all conditions! I love him so much.

  • Arene Ifeyinwa Ketochukwu

    Jesus is the only friend who can stick with you through thick and thin. When other people we call friends disappoints, he never disappoints.

  • Nkwocha Chibueze Innocent

    What a friend we have in Jesus, Jesus is one friend that can never fail he has proven it many times and still doing it any time people fail me I go to him and I find rest and peace Jesus is always there for us

  • Uzor Victoria

    No better friend than the Jesus the author and finisher of our soul.

  • Ugama Gloria Nkechinyere

    Which friend on earth can die for me as he did? Nobody!!! He is ever my best friend.

  • Dennis Lydia Ekperechukwu

    The best friend one will have is Jesus. He died on the Cross because of His love for mankind. He is the only friend that can never disappoint. May His name be praise

  • Ejiofor Emmanuel

    The only friend that is ever faithful. A friend that is always there for us. He is Jesus. Thank u Lord

  • Joseph joy

    Jesus is the one and only true friend, he never change, same today, tomorrow and forever

  • Adeke Chukwuka

    Jesus is actually the realest friend someone can ever have. We mistake the word friend to mean someone we talk to; a friend should be someone who can sacrifice for you no matter the consequence.

  • Truly there is a friend who is always there for us ,stand by us,be at our back at all times.the only friend who does not discriminate or select and that is our lord and saviour Jesus.

  • Oshana Oyaku Endurance

    What a friend we have in Jesus all our sins and sorrow bear, what a privilege to carry everything to God. He is a friend indeed.

  • Uzochi Stephen

    There is this great joy I feel whenever I commune with the Lord.Just a little talk with Jesus makes things right.There’s not a friend like Jesus,not no one and an gonna stick to him like glue.

  • Jesus is the only true friend one can ask for , he is always there to help us out in times of our trials. He sacrificed his life and died for our sake so that our sins will be washed away. He doesn’t forsake those who trust in him. Thank you ma for this inspirational post.

  • Joseph Chizoba Kingsley

    Interesting! Our Lord is really there for us. Whenever we are sad and depressed, we need to run to him, he will surely give us solace. But the worst happens when one concludes that God doesn’t exist. This is when some people see no other option when they are sad and depressed than commiting suicide. If one has Jesus as personal Lord and saviour, suicide can never be an option. Thanks ma for tthi Wonderful Post.

  • Joseph Chizoba Kingsley

    Interesting! Whenever one is sad and depressed we need to just turn to God; he will surely give us Joy. Jesus is the only solution to any of our predicament.
    Suicide becomes an option option when one doesn’t have Jesus.
    Thanks ma for this wonderful post.

  • Theophilus Blessing

    I can remember when his disciples asked him in the ship amidst the tempest “carest thou not that we perish?” But guess what? He supercares for us.

  • Eunice

    What a friend we have in Jesus, he is always there for us at all time despite our sinful nature.
    Thank you Jesus for your love.
    God bless you ma for this poem

  • Jesus is the only true and faithful friend one can ask for, he is always there for us in times of troubles, trails and temptations. He sacrificed his life for our sake and for our sins to be forgiven. Thank you ma for this poem you are blessed.

  • Chioma Christy Agbaraka

    I can’t thread alone when he is near. He is a true friend that loves me unconditionally. His love and care supersedes that of any human.

  • Chukwuma Wilfred

    Who loves me more than my Creator? No one cares and leads more than He that created us in His own image. That’s why I can’t think of another helper than Him whenever trouble emanates from any angle, for He is my Light and source of life. I truly can’t ‘tread alone’ for He is always ‘near’ to help me triumph victoriously. Wonderful piece and encouraging bible references Ma

  • Obeto Clinton

    This friend is Jesus who would console us when we in our time of distress and want. He stands by us when we are down and what to fall. He let’s us know that He is forever there and wants to help us.

  • Sugbaza Benjamin

    Thsi is a lovely poem ma,I understood that there is a friend who is there for us and that friend is Jesus,that we should seek him and he will be there.

  • ugwu lilian

    One certain time I was pissed about something that happened, I was home alone,didn’t go out, didn’t talk to anyone till later in evening I went for mass, in my heart i talked to God, told him how I was feeling, and at the end of the mass I came out of the church smiling, I feel that one should get use to talking to God in one’s heart, he is always there to listen, he is more than a friend.

  • ugwu lilian

    One certain time I was pissed about something that happened, I was home alone,didn’t go out, didn’t talk to anyone till later in the evening I went for mass, in my heart i talked to God, told him how I was feeling, and at the end of the mass I came out of the church smiling, I feel that one should get use to talking to God in one’s heart, he is always there to listen, he is more than a friend.

  • Eze Chioma

    Whenever I’m feeling low and I have no one to talk to, all I do is go down on my knees and talk to God. I found out that he’s the best listener as he not only listens to my problems without judging but also offers me advice that pulls me out of sticky situations. This advice may come through divine revelations or mediums like my parents.That’s how I know he’s always there for me because I can feel his love and protection towards me

  • Chinelobi Treasure Oluchi

    Oh what a friend I have in Jesus… A song writer said “He is closer than Close”.

  • Eze Nnenna

    He’s words are comfort.
    God is a loving father.
    He’s always there to help, to lift us up, to cheer us…
    God God..

  • Chima ella

    Sometimes we feel we are alone but … there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” – Proverbs 18:24 (KJV. This friend here is Jesus. He is always with us but we dont know it because of our ignorant.

  • Aleke Juliet C.

    I’m happy that I have a friend like Jesus, whose love for me/us has no bound. What a friend in Jesus

  • Anabude oluchi

    He is indeed the true friend even when we are lost in sin he still uphold us in his saving grace. The ever reliable friend, am indeed inspired with this.

  • Otung Theresa

    He has known and loved us even before we were formed and would always love us. He laid his life for us so that we would be saved, that alone is reason enough for us to be happy!!!.

  • mary R

    A precious friend that bears our grief and sin.a friend that sticks more than a friend. He is Jesus . The saviour of the world.


    Nice one!
    This poem is that of assurance, it made us understand that God is always there for us and that He is the inner joy we need.

  • Oluchi Opara Dorathy

    There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. That friend still loves me despite my shortcomings. That friend everly wants to listen to my problems. That friend died for me, He left His comfortable Royal palace in heaven, and took upon Himself the uncomfortable human form for my sake….oh! How lucky I am to have such a friend. I love you Jesus.

  • Ossai Chidimma Linda

    This poem gladens my heart and reminds me so much of the love of God .

  • Igbokwe Rita Chinecherem

    Wow! Inspiring. What a friend we have in Jesus. He is indeed the one true friend.

  • Ezeh John Onyekachi

    Jesus is our light, when darkness hovers around us.
    Jesus is the way,when all other path seems to ‘ve ended
    Jesus is the key,that opens every door. He is a friend indeed.

  • Okorie Adaora N.

    He gave His body to give me life which nobody can do for me.. He is always here for me through the rough days and good times. I can never ask for a better friend. He has excess love for me.. What more can I say.. I love you lord

  • Nwannah Juliana ngozi

    This reminds me of that song that assures us of his friendship”what a friend we have in jesus,all our griefs and pains to bear”.he has being a friend in every dark our.tank u lord.

  • Chukwunwenwa Chinenye

    I’m yet to comprehend why he love me so much. He’s the only person that forgives even before we sin. Oh what a friend we have in Jesus! A friend in the time of distress. His love for us is unconditional.

  • Duru Joselyn Amarachi

    Indeed,there is a friend so why should I tread alone when he is near.His arm is big and strong enough to shield and cuddle me.
    In him I trust for indeed He is a friend.
    O Lord, I pray you help people out there know how much you have paid to keep us in perpetual fellowship with you and realise that only in you can they truly have a friend. Amen

  • Adiukwu Desire

    Truly there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. I am happy because i know him. I always tell the devil if you want me to be your friend, then go pay the price my first love paid for me. If not, get behind me.

  • There’s no friend like Jesus.. No one can give up their lives for my sake.. But Jesus did.. Lord , you have my praise forever..

  • Idika Uloma Sophia

    The poem is short but inspiring.We are nothing without HIM. He has already cleared our debts on the cross of Calvary. Indeed, there is a friend in Him.

  • Agwu Tochukwu Frank

    What a friend we have in Jesus. He died that we might live, he bore all our sins. He suffered our afflictions.
    He is a friend that worth having.
    Jesus I love you.

  • Vincentia Charles chisom

    This poem best decribes the proverbial bible passage of having “a friend that sticketh closer than a brother”. He is Jesus, oir master and friend… What a wonderful Saviour!

  • Richards Orighomisan Mercy

    Chai! Why truly tread alone when he is near??? just why??

  • Amalu precious

    – Jesus my one and only true friend, husband, brother, father and companion. I love you and I know you will always be there for your children.

  • Patience Anthony

    We should always remember that Jesus is that friend that can never forsake us.
    Learn how to take our burdens to our true friend Jesus and rely on him.

  • Jacenta ossai

    An heartfelt poem, What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and grief to bear, what a privilege to carry, everything to God in prayer.

  • Treasure Emone

    Jesus is indeed a true friend

  • Okoye-azi Chiemerie Regina

    This poem reminds me of the hymn “What a friend we have in Jesus.”

  • Jacenta ossai.

    An heartfelt poem. What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and grief to bear, what are privilege to carry, everything to God in prayer.

  • Okolo Elizabeth Chisom

    This poem is really wonderful…Jesus Christ is the way, truth and life and he’s always there in time of our needs…

  • Innocent Esther .C.

    Just like the song “someone’s knocking at the door…” Brethren Jesus is at the door of your heart, just open up and let him dwell in you.

  • Ezeagu Chidinma Annastacia

    God bless you ma! This poem has every bit of truth in it, especially the line that says “ He is the light that darkness dreads”. He is indeed the light of the world and no darkness can come to you if you abide in him and his teachings. This poem has helped me understand that with Jesus,there should be no pain,no emotional fatigue,no depression and I believe that he is the way to eternal happiness


    Yes oo, Jesus all the way. A friend that doesn’t judge and answers whenever I call upon him. He guides me in making decisions. His blood was shed for my salvation.

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