Once in a while, God graciously shows me that the efforts I put into blogging are not in vain. A reader posted the comment below in response to one of my short stories, “My Beautiful Neighbour“.
“Wow!! Ma, dis story is really touching I felt goose (bumps) all over my body.. It was as if Christ was close to me ..from now hence forth I receive Jesus as my personal lord and saviour.. Ma, this your story has a power it’s carrying because I really felt like crying and I feel like worshipping Jesus for the rest of my life.. Thanks so much, ma.” – Cynthia O.
The comment (with a like sign in the screen shot below) brought tears to my eyes and I thank God for the awesome privilege of sharing stories that bring Him close to people via
While I was rejoicing and glorifying God over that, I received the comment below:
“I got goose bumps again reading this final episode. God works in mysterious ways. He’s an ever-present help in times of trouble. No doubt, Dinma and Ebony’s story will definitely turn many lives back to Christ. God bless you, Ma, for this touching story.” – Janefrances N.
(See comment with like sign in screen shot further down below.)
[bctt tweet=”It gives me so much joy to receive #testimonies in response to my blog posts. #blogging” username=”edithohaja1″]
I once explained in a post (linked below) why I often present the gospel and encourage people through creative writing in the form of poems and stories (both fictional and nonfictional) rather than straight-out preaching.
5 Reasons I Use Creative Writing to Blog about Faith
“Some people will not click on a post once they think it’s religious. Many of these people will not darken the door of a church either. We can still reach them by approaching them with stuff they can relate to. In the short story series, My Beautiful Neighbour, I presented a young, handsome Nigerian man, who was an unemployed graduate. The story followed his hustles to make a living and his sexual proclivity, heightened by his attraction to his married female neighbour. The story was inspired by the Ponzimania that hit Nigeria between 2014 and 2016.”
It is that story that I am thanking God for the responses it is receiving. I would give other examples if all the stories weren’t so easy to identify with and inspiring.
Beyond evangelism, I love to make my humble contribution to teaching the youth and others the right way to live. But as I said in the post “5 Reasons …” cited above, “I know that most (people) won’t appreciate my droning on about the right values and good behaviour. So I write captivating stories, poems and maxims, which they can read on the blog.” As they are wowed by the humour, suspense and verisimilitude of the stories; the structural beauty of the poems and the catchiness of the maxims; hopefully, they will assimilate the lessons in them.
[bctt tweet=”I #blog to provide hope, inspiration, encouragement and vital life lessons to people.” username=”edithohaja1″]
So if you are ever discouraged or you are just bored, check out my creative writing categories (linked below). By God’s grace, you will find something to buoy up your spirits, entertain you and introduce you to the Lord Jesus or strengthen your connection with Him. If you are looking to improve your writing, you can pick some tips too along the way.
Fiction (I call the posts there Short Stories)
Even my devotional posts benefit from this gift that God has given me. By creatively retelling Bible stories and making them fully relatable to our contemporary life, the readers are able to put themselves in the shoes of the characters and better appreciate what God is telling them through their life stories and other Biblical events. An example is:
The Story of Noah and the flood.
If you have been blessed by this blog, please help me to invite others to subscribe to it (it’s free) and do share the posts on social media to reach many others.
May God bless you abundantly in Jesus’ name.
[bctt tweet=”My blog offers captivating and inspiring stories, devitionals, poems and maxims.” username=”edithohaja1″]
A few commendations from readers:
? “Thank you, ma, for this blog. It has helped to shape our lives positively. It teaches us life lessons which benefit us both in the long and short run. I am really thankful for this inspiring site. Thank you, ma. Keep the flag flying!” – Pamela O. in response to “A Youth and Her Dreams”
? “I will continuously be grateful to God for His love and the wisdom He has bestowed upon you, ma. Your posts are not just for writing sake but they come with a heart-mending spirit. These posts I have read these past days have indeed encouraged me to continue holding onto my faith no matter the situation. And this one is no exception. I will continue waiting for my sunshine day, no matter what I go through. Thanks, ma, once again. This oil shall not dry.” – Favour B. on “You Will Ascend Your Throne of Glory”
? “There’s no gainsaying that your blog is indeed worth visiting. Whenever I visit this blog, I meet articles that encourage, inspire and boost my self-confidence. Most importantly, I come in contact with articles that draw me closer to my Creator-God through His Son, Jesus Christ. May God’s wisdom never lack in your life as you always make efforts to update this blog.” – Kingsley C. J. on “Snappy View of My Bio and the Blog”
? “Ma, I must say the joy of the Lord is your strength. You have gone a long way and you have touched many lives with your writeups. I am a living witness to that. All thanks to God for I believe He is your source of inspiriation.” – Grace U. on on “Snappy View of My Bio and the Blog”
Many more on “Snappy View of My Bio and the Blog” and in comments under each post. All glory to God!
Subscribe to to receive updates of new posts (inspirational, educational and entertaining articles, stories, poems, quotes and graphics) in your mail. Subscription is free.
If you ever feel down or burdened, I’d like you to vist my second blog, Aunty Edith’s Blog (An Encouragement Café). Come, eat and drink from the word of God for free. The posts are crisp, refreshing and uplifting and I believe God will restore hope and joy to you through them.
You can also like my Facebook page, Aunty Edith, follow me on Instagram, Twitter (1), Twitter (2) and Pinterest. Plus, you can connect with me on LinkedIn. Jesus is Lord!
This is where I must send my most sincere gratitude for the blog contents.
The creativity, the originality and thoroughness is absolutely remarkable.
Honestly, I’m quite reluctant to click and read religious posts.
But it’s different here.
Unlike others, it’s relatable and doesn’t have this subtle message of doom for unbelievers.
And I appreciate most the gentle promptings.
I too have learnt so much from reading the posts here.
Thank you ma!
Thank you too, Anulika! I’m glad you love the blog posts on this site. Glory to God and blessings to you in Jesus’ name!
Honestly, your blog is an inspiration to many. I’ve read many stories here and must say that I’ve been affected positively in many ways. KEEP DOING THE GOOD WORK MA.
Thanks a lot for the positive feedback. Praise the Lord!
May God bless you, Ma, for the various posts on this blog. There are some Bible characters you’ve made me understand from a whole different angle, like the 5 lessons from Rachael and a host of others. So inspiring. Most of the posts are so relatable too, like’Not my Portion’. May your ink and source of inspiration never run dry.
Amen and amen. Thank you so much and glory to God!
When you mentioned that most people are often reluctant about reading or even clicking on a religious post, no lies Ma, I felt attacked, because that’s me you’re talking about. But I really can’t explain how you tend to capture my heart to stay glued to a story. That’s some legendary moves, I must confess. God bless you forever, Ma. You’re a light unto our generation.
Thank you, Paul! That is what God expects, that all of us His children serve as lights in this dark world, and by His grace we can do it. May the same light fill your life and radiate from you daily in Jesus’ name.
Seriously, one can never get bored with your posts, Ma. All the posts I have seen so far always have a way of letting me know how life goes, how God works in different ways. Every single post has something genuine to offer to the reader. Sometimes the post reminds you of why you should keep believing in God. Other posts in terms of politics and about Nigeria are seriously engaging. Thank you, Ma. This blog is lit and interesting!
It’s the Lord’s doing and it’s marvellous in my eyes. You are blessed, Ifeanyichukwu, in Jesus’ name.
I know that I for sure do not only come here to be entertained but to learn and be uplifted. From the flawlessly crafted stories to use of language to lessons embedded therein. You’re doing a good job ma and we appreciate
I appreciate, Chiamaka. God bless you!
Sometimes I feel some of your works are directed towards me and in my heart I say a silent prayer not just thanking God for speaking to me through you but also thanking Him for using you to speak to me. You are really impacting on a lot of us positively and I pray all your work becomes a success! Amen! Remain Blessed ma and Thank you so much!
I’m blessed by your words, Jane. I pray that you encounter kindness everyday in Jesus’ name.
I am so thrilled by the stories I read and the kind of moral lessons you creatively convey to the readers through them. I have learned, relearned and unlearned on various topics and the scriptures. This is a blog with a content for this generation where no one is eager to read stories only based on the scriptures. Thank you so much ma and may God continue to strengthen and bestow you more knowledge and wisdom to keep writing and impacting lives.
I have learnt a lot, I mean a lot. Care to know
First, there are lots of moral lessons conveyed through this medium which you will discover after reading up most of the posts.
Second, this blog exposed me to certain issues of life that I myself was enslaved with and how to get out of such situations.
Thirdly, I am more encouraged in my Christian race after going through one, two or three posts from this blog. Ma. God will bless you ?
More power to your elbow, ma!
God bless you.
God has saved so many through this blog and I’m one of them.
Ma honestly you don’t know how many lives you have touched via this blog. I used to think that you run this platform for personal gains before but when I went through most of the contents and comments from people I discovered that my life has taken a new shift drastically… Lately, I traveled and unknown to me my parents were like boy have really changed and in surprise I asked how? They said that I have improved in my commitment to God’s services, my writing.. and immediately I knew that it was due to my little exposure in this blog. Why? I often try my hands when I go through a story on your blog and I try to write the way you do.. and it is working. Thank you, ma….
Blogging is platform where experiences are shared. It gives people the opportunity to express themselves and learn from others mistakes. You’ve been a blessing to many through your blog. Keep up the good work ma’am.
indeed it has not been only impactful but I must also use this medium to commend you on the writeups on the blog which have contributed to the kind of personality I am today and the motivation pieces are just superb! Indeed, you are a blessing to humanity, Ma. Keep up the great work!
Your writeup touches every angle of life including those situations where I have almost lost hope, it serves as a healing balm, indeed you are impacting greatly on this generation and If we have more of your kind definitely the world would be a better place.
I strongly affirm with the testimonies that is coming from the people reading stories from your blog. The blog is indeed an inspiration and a muse for different people: young writers, youths, etc. And also those who seek knowledge. The categorical arrangement of the blog gives anybody that wants to read, what he or she wants.
Thank you, ma, for the work you do with this blog. I’m a living witness.
Ma, believe me, your blog has the hand of God on it. There is something so compelling about the things you write. Your ability to present raw truth in ways that even a little child can understand is amazing. God will continue to increase you..
Personally I have learnt a lot from this blog packages… Believe me, before now I know how my character was but now, glory be to God, I am a changed person. Something which helped me were powerful contents from this blog … Oh yes! I don’t comment always because I prefer copying the posts out in order to go through them in my liesure time… Ma, I want to use this means to appreciate your efforts. God bless you in Jesus name, amen…
Even without saying it. I know that lots of lives have been touched via this platform, including myself.. I don’t know how else to thank God for ur kind…. U are blessing to me in particular…
This blog is one that is morally enriched. It teaches and corrects with scriptures supporting each post. May God continue to bless you for this wonderful blog that is changing lives…Amen
Ma, I really feel that this medium of using ur blog to reach out to a lot of people is indeed a great step. There are so many people that know nothing about u but one way or the other stumble upon ur blog and miracoulously get converted…I know with this great bold step u have decided to take, God will continue to bless and replenish u without measure. Amen.
You are a blessing ma, thank you for being an inspiration.
Wow! GLORY TO GOD! God bless you Ma for all you do! God’s grace!
Wow! Thank you so much ma, this is just it, i found out that most uninterested students have found a way of deterring some students who happened to have the zeal to visit and learn from your posts on
this blog. The first time you spoke of your blog, I was determined to visit and follow it ma, but with time, some other students started complaining about it and I almost got discouraged, especially with the assignment we were given. But I’m grateful to God I didn’t buy into it and I’m here today. I’m also challenged by this post and the reason behind this ministry you have and the lives you have touched, still touching and will yet touch. Thank you, Ma Edith!
May your endeavors yield plenty fruits
I’m amazed at this blog.
It has inspired me morally, educationally and otherwise.
At first, I saw it as stressful but I calmed down and now I see the beauty of reading through the blog.
Thank you so much, Ma.
Ma,your blogs are just so inspiring.keep putting out this beautiful works.