To Singles- Prophecies on Marriage and Soul Mates


Hi, everyone! Let’s talk marriage for the singles among us, specifically prophecies on marriage and soul mates. There is this erroneous impression that some people have about marriage, like there is only one person meant for each of us.

I’ve seen people put up with nonsense under the notion that they were prophesied to or saw someone in a dream as their wife or husband and they hang on even when there is no indication the relationship is going anywhere. Others feel they have found their forever love and decide to stick it out.

To illustrate, some years ago I heard Bishop David Oyedepo of the Living Faith Church tell the story of a young man who claimed that God told him Oyedepo’s relative was his wife. Years later, he told the bishop he was still waiting because he was convinced of the revelation he had. Oyedepo told him to stop wasting time and move on with his life since the girl had married someone else.

Even if you’re certain of the prophecy you received or your heart feels helplessly tied to someone, if the person decides otherwise, don’t embarrass yourself by clinging to them. Especially for sisters, if a man is not convinced to marry you, don’t lose sleep over him. God will give you someone else that will be more of what you need than the former.

In fact, I don’t advise any sister to be in a hurry to marry any man that is not excited about her or that feels trapped by a prophecy/revelation or the advice of senior brethren approving their union. That sort of thing can lead to verbal, emotional and physical abuse in future.

To Singles- Prophecies on Marriage and Soul Mates

Remember, no one is your wife or husband until you guys are married, so it makes no sense to call anyone that even on the basis of a thousand revelations or how much your heart is set on them.

I repeat for emphasis, don’t be suckered by the idea of soul mates or “God said you’re my wife” to waste your life for anyone. God has enough people that can complement your life, help you fulfil your destiny and make you happy. If you’re led to one and for some reason it doesn’t work out, open your heart and receive another wonderful person from God.

It’s not that I don’t like the fabulous idea of having a soul mate, but in real life, things don’t always work that way. Don’t put yourself in bondage by hankering after the fantasies sold by the überspiritual and romance novelists.

I notice that the soul mate thing is common in paranormal novels like the ones where werewolves that live for thousands of years are given only one chance at love with a human mate and in the event she dies without being transformed to their immortal nature, they’ll forever be lonely and destructive. These novels paint a picture of perfect mates, where the two characters are matched in every detail and their lovemaking is so passionate and out of this world. That is a nice storyline for entertainment but it’s not real.

If things work out between you and your prophesied or “once in a lifetime” love, fine. If not, remember that, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein” (Psalm 24:1 – KJV). If one relationship fails, go for another and marry if you wish to. If, God forbid, your spouse passes away, after mourning, ask for another if you want to and God can make you just as happy or even happier than before.

May God grant every single who is trusting Him a partner that they can live peacefully and happily with in Jesus’ name.

Would love to read your reactions to this discussion about prophecies on marriage and soul mates. Cheers!


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  • Obangham Mbang Etiowo

    Thank you so much Ma! God bless you so so much for this. I took two things from this. First “If a man is not convinced to marry you, don’t loose sleep over him. God will give you someone else that will be more of what you need than the former”. Second is “God has enough people that can complement your life, help you fulfil your destiny and make you happy”. A VERY TIMELY PIECE!

  • oforgu ifeanyi Augustine

    This piece marks the kind of mistake most people do make. I will like to address a special note whereby a man makes promises of marriage to a Lady just for the sake of copulation. All this amounts to disappointment and demoralizing the concept of love

  • Thanks ma for this, I learned a lot and am grateful

  • Williams Blessing

    This is so inspiring,ma.
    I really learnt a lot.
    May God continue to bless you.

  • Abraham

    “Remember, no one is your wife or husband until you guys are married, so it makes no sense to call anyone that even on the basis of a thousand revelations or how much your heart is set on them”. 👈For me, this was the line that hit the nail on the head.

    Thanks Ma’am for this edifying post.

  • Uchechukwu Jonathan Eze

    Wow! That’s a very wonderful piece. I have now come to realize that on the choice of a life partner, there is the need to separate facts from fantasies.
    Thank you so much, ma.

  • Aṅulika Iwoba

    I completely share your thoughts on this ma.
    I’ve always believed that there is something erroneous in thinking that in the whole wide world made up of billions of people, there is only one person who complements you enough to be your partner.
    That idea would make finding a life partner, a lifetime job in itself.
    Thank you for putting it even more clearly than it has been in my head.

  • Chi

    I completely agree with this. Especially because the “Uberspiritual” as you mentioned, portray the concept of love as something one can only ever find once. Many have lost themselves because after parting with a loved one, they believe that there’s nothing else to live for. Very sad.
    Thank you for this!

  • Emmanuel Ejiofor

    A lot of lessons to be learnt here. The part I loved most was when you mentioned that sisters should not be in a hurry to marry any man that is not excited about them. It also applies to men. It makes no sense to marry someone who is not excited or enthusiastic about the marriage. The marriage won’t last.

    • I think it applies more to sisters than to brothers. The marriage may last if the people involved have an overwhelming sense of duty but it will probably not be enjoyable.

  • Ossai Chidimma Linda

    Amen though, I actually always thought everyone has someone specially made for him/her.
    However, I always considered the possibility of that someone marrying someone else but I thought it impossible because then that person wasn’t really made for you.
    Naive I know but that’s how I think of the issue.

  • Ngwu Chiamaka

    This is an eye-opener obviously. People should realize that marriage is not prophecy issue or the imagery Hollywood and the rest portray to the society.

  • Goodness Oluebube Nwaneji

    How enlightening! There are so many young people that need to see this post.

  • Anyinachi Winifred Chinonso

    Amen to that prayer!
    There is always a complement so we won’t be suckered by the idea of soul mates.
    I’m learning!

  • I have that belief before, but with this your direction, I have learnt some more things. Thank you, ma!

  • Rejoice Ezeabii

    It is so unfortunate that many of our sisters and brothers don’t understand this. They jump into marriage all in the name of prophecies and “God told me…”

  • umeaku obianuju favour

    Many people jump into marriage, without asking questions, and also from God. May God direct everyone to their rightful partner. Thank you soo much ma’am, God bless you.

  • Happiness Simon

    Thank you so much ma for this wonderful piece. I really learnt a lot.

  • Onyekachi Amarachi

    I’ve heard a lot of single people say that they’re waiting for God to show this their spouse and many times i try to explain to them that it doesn’t work that way.
    I really hope people get to learn that life doesn’t work that way.

  • Chidera peace

    This piece is an eye opener, its not just about the prophecies, actions and prayers should follow it up.thank you ma.

    • Eze Chidiebeube Judith

      I’ve always believed marriage to be based on agreement and consent, people who live in the illusion of prophesies mostly regret afterwards. However I blame the mushrooms churches and self acclaimed pastors who really are the main cause of the whole prophecy marriage thing.
      I always say, have a connection with your spouse, date for a while or probably court for a while before marriage. This will help you know whether or not you can do forever with this person. Stop living in the illusion of GOD SAID. This is not the time of old when God chooses partners for people. He has given us freewill to do these things ourselves, that is why we have the Holy spirit to guide us.

      Thank you for this insight ma.

  • Blessing Amarachi Azoribe

    This is really an eye-opener. Imagine a brother who doesn’t greet you at all comes to you after service one day and says, ”Sister, I saw you in my dream and God said you will be my wife.”

  • Rita

    The modern definition of love comes under the “woke” umbrella.

    We do need wisdom-filled awareness posts like this.

  • Rita

    The new definition of love is somewhat lost to those who believe in “woke culture”

    Old school is the way to go sometimes. In this noisy world of ours.

  • Ifechukwu Izueke

    Nice one , a great advice .

  • Okeke Tochukwu Patricia

    My mum once said this to me as well. She told me that there’s no one person designed for you by God. She did this while trying to make me understand some concepts behind failed unions.

  • Udeh Cynthia

    Thank you ma for this write up,people should understand the fact that marriage is not an achievement.It doesn’t define who an individual is.

  • oboni veronica

    Thank you ma, I must confess that I have learnt a lot from this.
    We are advised not to be in a hurry to marry anyone that we are not excited about.
    Also don’t to be suckered by the idea of soul mates or “God said you’re my wife” to waste your life for anyone.

  • Chimdalu Onah

    This is really enlightening, people end up in toxic marriages because “God said”, that’s crazy.

  • Oshen uke Gift

    I just love your thoughts on this ma, it is nothing but the truth!

  • Ekeh Rosemary

    Life is beautiful so everyone has the opportunity to keep loving and living. If one relationship doesn’t go well the other might be better. So it’s good to keep an open heart.

  • Itodo Amarachukwu Grace

    Thank you so much ma for this post. I learnt so many things from it and I believe others did. So many people have been living with this kind of mentality go long that our becomes part of them.
    As rightly said, “no relationship should make us loss our sleep.” There would always be a sign that the relationship you are into is heading to the wall, but instead of accepting that fact and moving on, we tend to brood and cry our eyes out. Some even ended up taking their lives with the “I can’t survive without him/her”
    That is a lie from the pit of hell. You have been surviving and living pretty good before you met him/her so you will make it out if you really choose it. It is not worth dieing for. Also, building your life around Christ will allow you not to be swayed by emotions and make wrong decisions.

    We should be mindful romance novels or books we read for they are mostly for entertainment and not always real, so that you don’t come wishing for what is not real. We should also be mindful of the relationship books we read to avoid muddling up different principles. We should not be desperate and waste precious times.

    Above all, trust God for he will make available your soulmate at the right time

  • Onyenekwe Ihechi Prince

    Truly, everyone has a perfect person made for him or her. Engaging in prayers is the ultimate while searching for one’s life partner. With the help of the Holy Spirit, one will be guided to the right woman or man for him or her respectively. Thank you so much for the insights, Ma!

  • Treasure Emone

    Love is a beautiful only when the people involved love themselves deeply. Wonderful piece ma’am

  • Okwor Uchenna Sonia

    Nowadays, ladies pictures a particular kind of person as their spouse and when they mistakenly meet such person who may not even be interested in them, they crawl allover him just to seek attention since he fits their picture. Marriage is a mutual thing which has been designed to be sustained by love and help from each sides.
    Thank you ma, I really got value.

  • Agwubuo Ebube

    Wisdom filled…Thank you ma for this eye and brain opener

  • Okereke victoria chigemezu

    Thank you ma for this great piece, I really learnt a lot.


    Thank very much Ma for this piece of wisdom ☺️some many people are getting it wrong when is comes to issues of prophecies and dreams about marriage.just because you dreamt about it doesn’t mean it will come to pass.learn to let go if it not working out for either of you

  • Udaya Blessing Ngozi

    Thank you so much mummy you have said it all, many people believe in what they were told in a prophecy even when the relationship isn’t going well with them.
    I have had such experience with a man who claimed to have heard God speak to him in his dream saying “the name of the woman whom you are to spend the rest of your life with is Blessing” then I asked him how sure he was that God is referring to my own blessing as there are many people with the name Blessing. I had to walk away not minding his dreams because the relationship wasn’t going well with me.

  • This is wonderful ma. Thank you for remembering the single ones.
    I really appreciate. Amen to your prayer🙏

  • This post helped a lot in all this relationship problem , thank you ma

  • With this I can have more confidence in any relationship am in .

  • Ezenwanne Chisom Akunna

    We shouldn’t rush into marriage or marry because our pastor said . But rather marry someone you are comfortable with and have interest in

  • Ogbu precious

    This is so inspiring ma,
    Thank you for this

  • Lessons, yes I understand the language and I have been living by it but I think I will take it more serious. What is the language? The language is not to cling to someone in the name of love as if he or she determines your tomorrow.

    2.One should do himself or herselfgood by detaching prophecies from marriage.

  • Innocent Esther .C.

    You’ve said it all ma.
    Instead of wasting your youthful years (ageing in loneliness) waiting for that “prophesied soulmate”, choose one person and present he/she to God. Trust me, he (God) will bless your union.

  • Ezimora Reliance

    I had an argument some years back with my older brother about having a conviction regarding one’s life partner. He just kept laughing at me and wondered who taught me such. Well,I know better now. Thank you ma!

  • Ezeagu Chidinma Annastacia

    God bless you ma for this wonderful piece of writing. This is so understandable,it is sad that people are deprived of their happiness when it comes to things like this because most times,the person they feel is their soul mate ends up not being the right person for them. Although it works out for some,but it is not always the case in many other peoples situations

  • Ugwu Samuel Chidera

    A wonderful directional message for singles seeking for their life partner.

  • Ugwu Samuel Chidera

    We only develop love so it can be shifted to another when one fails.

  • Otum chiamaka

    This is so inspiring ma
    One thing I got is this, even though a prophesy has revealed about your future spouse, don’t stress yourself because it didn’t work out rather move on because God has better plans for you.

  • Amah Victoria Chiamaka

    This is an amazing piece with lots of morals. Marriage is suppose to be balanced agreement and feelings between two persons. Don’t be controlled by fake prophecies but let the spirit of God guide you. Thank you very much ma for this piece

  • Ebube Leonardo

    Thanks ma for this piece of word, I learned a lot and am grateful and blessed

  • Cyndy uju

    We should not always jump into marriage. Thank you ma for this piece

  • Udensi Cynthia

    Indeed their is wisdom in this
    I learnt a lot from this ma
    Take your time to choose a life partner.
    Do not rush into it because it is a lifetime journey.
    This is helpful, ma.
    God bless!

  • Wisdom Ugosinachi Miracle

    Marriage can’t be built on prophecy, I never believed in this ideology that I saw him/ her in my dream definitely his my husband, or she’s my wife, we really need to wise up

  • Dan Joseph

    Being single is quite devastating, lonely and it hurts I know but don’t jump into any relationship because of you hear he or she is your soulmate. You must be sure if he or she is meant for you don’t be carried away by prophecies or be ready to face the predicaments. Nothing is more bad than being with the wrong one, please be careful and sure.

  • Juliet

    If a prophecy is true, you are not supposed to stress over a man, since he is for you, things will work out, we women should not always be in a haste to marry, marriage is not built on prophecy.

  • Chima Jennifer

    Especially to the sisters
    Lessons being taken, and amen to the prayer.
    Thank you so much ma❤️

  • Diamond

    I was told that the man that will marry me won’t date me.
    I’m a kind of person that can’t adapt to someone easily and I need time to study the person
    This thought and prophecy keeps giving me nightmares

  • Eleke Jane Somadina

    Prophesies have made many singles end up with the wrong man or woman. Some didn’t marry their spouse because of love but just because a prophet said so.

    There is a man of God I know, if a spinster comes to him for prophecy in regards to her marriage partner (ihu ohu n’isi ya – Igbo), he will tell her that it’s only her wig and scarf that he can see on her head 😂. He advises them (male and female) to pray to God for direction instead.

    I also know someone that divorced the wife and married another just because a prophet told him that he married the wrong woman.

    Prophecies have really done more harm than good in marriages. It’s even getting worse because this generation loves prophecies a lot and has refused to pray.

  • Omeh-Williams Chekwube Dominion

    This a practical and realistic perspective on relationships and marriage.

  • Ogbu Cynthia Nneoma

    Being single is quite devastating, lonely and it hurts, I know but don’t jump into any relationship because of you hear he or she is your soulmate. You must be sure if he or she is meant for you. Don’t be carried away by prophecies or be ready to face the predicaments. Nothing is more bad than being with the wrong one, please be careful and be sure.

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