Are you awed by wealthy people, captains of industry, political office holders, celebrities and the like? Are you among those that envy them and feel they are the most valuable people on earth? You must have your reasons but I beg to differ from you.

My conception of a person’s value comes first, from the fact that they are made in the image of God and Jesus died for them. Now that is a leveller of rank unlike any other. But beyond that, I have a way of stratifying people and that comes from the extent to which they live out the dual chief-purpose of human beings on earth.

[bctt tweet=”A person’s value comes first from the fact that they are made in the image of God.” username=”edithohaja1″]

One arm of this relates to their acknowledgement of God and submission to Him. The other relates to their usefulness to other people. The two actually go hand in hand because no one who truly knows God can be insensitive to the plight of people around him or her. Besides, it is our relationship with God that causes us to desire and act in line with His purpose (Phillipians 2:13), not to mention His fighting our battles and releasing resources to us (spiritual and physical) to bless others with.

[bctt tweet=”Everyone is valuable. That is why Jesus died for every single one of us.” username=”edithohaja1″]

The teacher of the law who asked Jesus about the greatest commandment did us all a big favour. The Master’s reply was:

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets” – Matthew 22:37-40 (KJV).

So what am I looking for? Humility towards God and empowering of people that He places within our circle of influence. We may not run a church or preach in crusades, but we can bring the gospel to individuals we meet on our job or in our neighbourhood. We may not be able to feed millions but, perhaps, we can put food on a widow or aged person’s table. We may not fund a scholarship scheme for an entire community but, maybe, we can see a kid from an indigent family through primary, secondary or tertiary school.

In Phillipians 1:22-25, Paul speaks of the reason he would remain on this side of heaven, rather than departing to be with the Lord immediately. It all boiled down to his capacity (and I would add, desire) to meet the needs of the brethren. This was why the believers in Joppa were devastated when Dorcas died and asked that Peter wake her up and by God’s grace, he did (Acts 9: 36-41). When we cease being useful, there is no reason for us to be here.

To sum this up, if we must grade ourselves, the value of a person’s life, I believe, can be measured by the extent of his or her devotion to God and usefulness to others.

[bctt tweet=”A person is valuable to the extent that he or she is devoted to God and useful to others.” username=”edithohaja1″]








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  • Ugezu Chisolum

    Well said?.
    Our worth isn’t measured by our beauty, how much we spend on the latest clothing or on how we enjoy life generally rather on how we treat our neighbours and humble ourselves too. Life itself is a mystery and one has to be careful especially about how we live. We can be worth much or worthless, it solely depends on us.

  • Amadi Chibuzor .J

    Our value, is it to be measured by the good we are able to do, or the ones we fail to do.

  • Eze charity Ginika

    Nice piece ma,and God bless u with a long life so that u can help, we, the young people in realizing ourselves in Christ Jesus as always.Amen

  • Vivian

    I really love this post….. It has alot of in-depth meaning in it. Some people think it’s all about the fame, affluence or nice looks.. But then what difference and influence have you made?, what value have you added?, what have you used ur fame n wealth to do for the Lord and people around you…? Some people go as far as stepping on others to get to where they wish to be without considering the Lord who maketh everything work out. Forgetting that only the foundation of the Lord standeth sure. I could go on and on but all I can say is thank you ma for sharing this post cus it really gladdened my heart to know and understand that the the value of ones life is not and cannot be measured by what the eyes merely see but by one’s relationship with God and the people around him, without which one cannot be fully fulfilled……. Nice one Ma



  • This is really awesome to read with deep insight and wisdom as you always have, beautifully written..It was so rich in the way you brought out the value of every person made in the image of God and the value we need to put on everyone….also Jesus died for everyone..so with that in perspective, our love expands.. beautiful.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Glad you came by, Rita. Glory to God! It’s easy to beat ourselves up that we’re not worth much or to despise others on the wrong parameters. Health and favour to you and your family and a happy new week ahead, my dear, in Jesus’ name.

  • ononso akwueke

    Good one aunty Edith. We can impact in other people’s lives in ways we can’t even imagine. No matter how little its the thought that counts

    • Edith Ohaja

      You’re right, Ononso! We can only give within our means but we should give, no matter how meagre. It might be just what someone in a worse condition needs.

  • Osmond Anyaka

    I believe we should use the gift given to us by God to impact on others.. Doing good shows how good we are.. It determines our personality.. Nice write up ma.
    Good comment Ononso and Justine chubuzor

  • Nedu Igbo

    Grace filled… This correlates with this simple quote.. “be relevant in your generation, having a reason to live, then you’ll have every reason NOT to die” Nice one… This makes us ask ourselves… What value and impact have we added and do we intend to add to people’s lives? This is beautiful ma!

  • You are so right that the world’s sense of valuing a person is not in accordance with God’s Word. Our value comes from what HE says about us, not from what the world says.
    Also, when we do not love God and love others, it does not take away our INNATE value, that value being because we are made in the image of God, but it still tarnishes and corrupts the God-given purpose for our life, and therefore, the worth and usefulness of our life. He made us in His image so we could come to know Him and worship and serve Him, not so we can serve our own selves and the kingdom of darkness.
    Thank you for reminding us that we are valuable to God, and that He expects us to love and serve Him and others.

    • Edith Ohaja

      So glad to hear from you, Ruth! Yes, we are precious in God’s sight, all of us, and that is far more important than how the world sees us. You are highly blessed, beloved, in Jesus’ name.

  • It’s always a question. Still. I love this quote from Doctor Who last weekend:
    “Human progress isn’t measured by industry. It’s measured by the value you place on a life. An unimportant life. A life without privilege. The boy who died on the river, that boy’s value is your value. That’s what defines an age. That’s what defines a species.”

    • Edith Ohaja

      Okay! That’s the first I’ve heard that. Thank you so much, Jennifer Lambert and abundant blessings on you and your family in Jesus’ name.

  • Walter Nkemakonam Onukwue

    What value can be attributed to ones life? This question, to some, may sound silly. It may sound funny but it’s indeed a serious question. We go to bed every night; wake up in the morning; converge on the roads to get to our different destinations without considering the main reason why God made us. He made us in His own image, for us to serve Him. he made us and breathed in us the air of life that we may bear witness of His marvelous deeds, hence that’s why he sent His only son, Jesus to come and die for our sins. Some may think that the sole reason why they are alive is just to make the money; but what shall it profit you if you should gain the whole world but lose your soul to the devil? Some may say, you can only value life when there is enjoyment. Thus without enjoyment, life is not worth living. But how wrong they are!


    Thank you so much ma for this awesome reminder. My experience in Christ has actually taught me to always go for treasure in place of pleasure. Because inside treasure, you find pleasure but inside pleasure you can never find treasure. and Jesus is the pure entrance to that awesome treasure of life. I’ve come to realize that my real worth and personality is not measured by the criteria of the earthly value of man. One might not have been born a wealthy child but can belong to the most valued family.I might not belong to their own executive class to be considered worthy of identification or valuable. But the truth still remains that I am among the most valuable by the virtue of my identification in Christ. Yes, human value is measured by/in Christ and not by worldly ranking. More grace to you, able Ma, as the Lord Almighty continues to use you in blessing our souls through these awesome inspirational write-ups.

  • Henrietta Okoye

    Most people especially youths mess themselves up because they just don’t know their value… They measure it on being a slay queen and having millions of likes on instagram and they end up losing their worth and value. like wise the guys… Money is nothing compared to who you really are. We are beautifully and wonderfully made.

  • Chukwuma Nkemjika

    Our good is measured on hw good we are to others…. We shuld always try n impact positively on others. Nice one Ma

  • Amoke chinasa

    Ma, you have done it again. this piece is really an eye-opener to all of us. for those of us waiting to be millionaires to be able to render help to people, I want to tell u that you can help someone with that *change* in ur account. it pays to be good.

  • Ijeoma Anita

    Heaven is the target but let our lives be meaningful on earth. Our worth should be measured on how we positively impact on people’s lives and not on material possessions.

  • Well said. Our value is not measured by our beauty, riches or fame but our good works.

  • evans nwawuefe

    the true worth of one’s life can only be measured by the impact he or she has on other people’s lives.

  • Kelechi chukwuma

    This got me…you may not run a church or preach in crusades but we bring the gospel to individuals in our work place..this is market place Christianity. Not matter were we are it is an opportunity to impact into the life of someone. Some unbelievers may never read the bible but our lives is the bible the will read…let’s live right and impact positively.

  • Florence onyekaozuru

    True fact, ma! One’s value is indeed measured by their relationship with God and how they have been able to affect the lives of others. If all Christians would bear this in mind, they will not envy those who are in the world and their riches. You are an example of one of those people I see as valuable because in every way, you influence lives positively… Very nice and interesting piece and indeed motivating

    • Edith Ohaja

      Glory to God! You have been a big encouragement to me, Florence. May the Lord reward you fully in Jesus’ name.

  • Ifeanyi Ekwegbalu

    Value is usually measured through money today especially if you live in Africa or even Nigeria. But i feel that as we grow older, we’d most definitely get a rude awakening that your money wouldn’t be transferred to a bank in heaven (or hell;depending on where you find yourself lol) and what matters the most is how you deal with situations and people around you as well. I personally feel that value sometimes doesn’t have to be about how you’ve helped someone else or society, it could be as simple as making changes in your life for your progress or sanity which could in-turn bring you closer to a mindset that can put you on-track to adding value to another’s life.

  • Perpetua Ugwu

    There is nothing as good as being beautiful on the inside. Your physical look does not matter to anyone, but how you’re able to have a positive impact on others and a good Christian.

  • Irumekhai Mariam

    Well articulated. Our priorities as humans should be to be useful to humanity and put in our best in rendering our services to God.

  • Chidinma Odigbo

    It is well written, I must say. These lines enthrall me the most: “if we must grade ourselves, the value of a person’s life can be measured by the extent of his or her devotion to God and usefulness to others”. We cannot be reckoned to have lived if we fail to add value to the lives of others with our God-given wealth.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Praise God! I’m glad you were blessed by the post, Chidinma. You are favoured in Jesus’ name.


    To measure success/wealth of every man on earth goes beyond how much you have in your bank accounts, how many cars you drive and the mansions you own. Real men are measured with the amount of impact they have on people around them because i believe that when you are living for others, you are fulfilling Gods purpose on earth. Contrary to these, many of us struggle on daily basics to gratify our selfish desires even when it is at the injury of our neighbours …. nice post with an indepth and insightful meaning …

  • Adamu Micah

    Just like one prophet would always say, “you are because I am, I am because you are”…our progress in life depends on how helpful we are to people. It is not just about us alone but the people around us. I pray God should open our eyes to realise this, for it is one of the secrets to tapping heaven’s blessings.

  • values are measured by our works and we should ensure these works create or leave a positive mark in the lives of people

  • Eneje Chekwube Vitus

    This reminds me of a sermon by Rev. Fr. Emma Ugwu.

    There was a big man (rich or wealthy) as we often term it who died. So on his burial day when they had finished digging his grave, a mad man came and started asking people around if they were mad. Reason being that the grave was too small for the man’s riches. To him, the grave has to contain his cars, mansions, cloths, etc.
    It happened that this man never helped anybody while he was alive upon all his wealth.

    So people should understand that God gave you the privilege of becoming rich in order to be a source of help to others not to gather around yourself alone.

    Also, we should always humble ourselves no matter who we are and let people recognize and praise us for our good deeds.

    Thank you, ma, for always inspiring us.

  • Monye Gift Onyinye

    You’re right. Though most times, I feel one needs some of these achievements to feel a sense of worth!

    • Edith Ohaja

      It’s a slippery slope, my dear! It can feed pride and arrogance. While we should strive to accomplish something in life, we should know that we are already important in God and our fellow human beings who may not be privileged to attain the heights we do are important as well.

  • Nnamani Adanna Mary

    This is a really self reasuring write up. So many ppl have engaged themselves in some unthinkable acts bcos they lost sight of their value and worth. We try to compete or envy others forgeting dat God has above every other thing, made us as equal and as important as the person next to us by creating us in his very own image and likeness.



  • Mbah Merit

    nice one ma, am compelled to have a serious rethink…. God bless you.

  • Couldn’t have been said better ma?? a lot of young people don’t know and understand their value. I hope as they read this their perspective would change

  • Anioke Ebere

    This is a great revelation truth! Until we see ourselves the wonderful way God sees us, we will not have a right perspective of our true worth. The picture of our future is in the Scriptures. Thank you Ma for reminding us this great truth we easily forget. Shalom!

  • Anunukem Geraldine

    Wonderfully said, ma. I just wish a lot of people can read this and this is one write up I would love to share with people. Thank u for teaching us that its not one’s power or influence that makes the person valuable.

  • Nneka Orjiude

    Of a truth a person’s worth is not just based on his material possession but knowledge of God. Once again, this has been an eye opener, am truly blessed. I have formerly valued people based on wealth. God bless you, ma.

  • Abasibiangake Essienubong

    I agree with you, ma. My pastor used to say that he cannot envy any man that does not have God, irrespective of what the man has. Our worth is measured by the joy we give heaven and the smiles we put on faces here on earth. The Bible says on the last day, He will say to many, “depart from me ye workers of iniquity”. And even though they cry, “Lord, in your name we did cast out demons, etc”, it would be irrelevant simply because their impact was not felt in heaven. May God help us to understand this truth.

  • Ogechi Ugwu

    Hmm……. I truly see no meaning to living a life void of God’s knowledge, i.e Matt. 6:33. Secondly, we are urged to have Charity “love” if we have them we’re complete. Now imagine a life without these qualities. It’s really a useless life which no one should be found living. No matter your level in the society, if you lack these things, brother, sister, aunties and uncles. The list is endless o! My advice is that you get a life! The spirit of God is there to enable you. Beautifully written, ma!

  • Thank you ma, it couldn’t have been said better. Some people have more than a lot to make an impact but they don’t and those that do not have often want to be as wealthy as these people. This is a sign of lack of understanding. Your value is measured by what you have done, people you have blessed, your ability to stand out from the crowd and so many other unique qualities.

  • Ogechi Ugwu

    Hmm……. I truly see no meaning to living a life void of God’s knowledge, i.e Matt 6:33. Secondly, we are urged to have Charity “love”. if we have them we’re complete. Now imagine a life without these qualities. It’s really a useless life which no one should be found living. No matter your level in the society, if you lack these things, brother, sister, aunties and uncles. The list is endless o! My advice is that you get a life! The spirit of God is there to enable you. Beautifully written, ma

  • Eneje Chekwube Vitus

    No reasonable human being will ever castigate money as being bad. But money becomes bad and evil when certain values are extended to it and it is worshipped as God.

  • Eneje Chekwube Vitus

    We are created in the image and likeness of God. That means each and every individual has a unique destiny attached to him or her. It’s now left for us to better our various gifts.

  • Ani Chidinma M

    We are prized far above rubies…….that’s should be our watchword in this fleeting world. More wisdom to you Ma.

  • Chukwuekezie Nneka Quindaline

    I pray for God’s grace to live a worthy life that will bring people closer to him.

  • Benjamin C.Nweke

    Nice post ma’am
    our value does not always lie in status or accumulated wealth. true value lies in how much you have contributed to humanity.true value lies in the number of people you put smiles on their faces. after our stay on earth, our monetary value doesn’t count anymore, what counts is how many people we blessed in our little way.

  • Uzor, Ogechukwu Juliet

    Truly, value found on material or ephemeral things is really shallow. I also base the value of any person on how much of themselves they give to God and their fellow men.

  • Uduma Mary

    This just gave me an insight to how much i should value my life and people’s lives. Thank you ma.

  • Mbadugha Ifeanyi

    He has helped you to help others. It must not be by doing charity, as Ekwebalu said it could be by making changes in your life that will in turn help someone. And when we get “there” lets not see ourselves as transcended above others.

  • Amos Janet

    Our devotion to God and usefulness to humankind is really a great yardstick for measuring our value.

  • Kingston Duru

    “A person is valuable to the extent that he or she is devoted to God and useful to others.”

    This answers it all…

  • Knowing God aggregates a man’s value.thank you ma


    God sure adds value to one”s life

  • Chukwu patience

    Well articulated. Firstly, God so esteemed us and that’s why He rates us much higher than the birds of the air and lilies that wither within some hours. Therefore, for no reason should we devalue ourselves for our Creator has placed us so high and all we owe Him is to fear Him and adhere to His bid for that is the whole duty of man. Eccles 12:13

  • Everyone has value like you said, and we have to look inwardly to find our true value ourselves. It is wrong to let people determine our worth

  • A reasonable admonishment yet again!! What hasn’t been said ? Nothing, I think. We get down from our high horses, stick together, love God and not ‘have two left feet’ when dealing with our neighbors. Really rich post, Good Aunty. Keep it coming !!

  • Chioma Onah

    Everyone God created has a value. Do not lose your own in your bid to ‘belong’. One without value is lost.

  • Lillian Ogbobe

    We should exhibit good values that depicts us as God children.. . Our value depicts who we truly are.. Nice comment Osmond, Chisolum nd Ononso

  • Otugo Lucky Joel

    There is always essence to our existence both spiritually and otherwise and the God who created us did that purposely; therefore, we should strive to give good account of it on the other side of life starting with what we do here on earth. Wonderful post Ma.

  • Ugama Gloria Nkechinyere

    Honestly, being a christian is not only going to church, it should reflect on how you live and associate with people around you, helping them in their plight because they are the CHRIST we see and when we help those in need we at the same time doing it for CHRIST. Great inspiring one, I love it, good night MA

  • Arene Ifeyinwa Ketochukwu

    This post answers one of the questions people seem not to answer correctly. Bravo, madam.

  • Okwor Blessing Amuche

    How people see us is not the most important thing but how God sees us. He wont trade us for anything
    will you??????????????????????

  • This is great, it motivates us that we have a value and we worth more, it reminds us to know whom we are and where we came from.. I am strengthened.

  • omenma ndidiamaka

    This is really a post that can help build my self-esteem. No one should feel inferior because we are all created equal before God. Our value is measured by our relationship with God.

  • levi ifeanyi

    It is true ma. some people value others because of their wealth but truely man is valuable because he is made in the image of God

  • okoro nneoma

    the way we live our lives and interact should be a preaching and motivation to people around us. Beautiful piece ma

    • Aleke Juliet C.

      God’s love has really added value to my life and has indeed held me to this moment, not minding the unfavorable condition I do found myself in. God bless u ma

  • Emmanuel Gerald

    The value of a perons life actually ddoesnt depend solely on the amount of material acquisitions he/she has gotten. Our value stems from our devotion to God and our usefulness to others.

  • Obasi Kosiso

    People value worldly achievements acquired through licit or illicit means. Most people have lost their sense of dual purpose of life: living in reverence to God and creating positive impacts in other people’s lives. The height of our recognition in life is the good legacies we leave behind.
    Ma, remain unceasingly blessed.

  • Juliet

    Most people are just so selfish with life. They live their lives like they will forever remain in this world.mWe should learn to help people no matter how small. We owe God that duty.

  • iheanyi ugochi elizabeth

    thank you so much ma .after reading this i think i have to improve in sharing the little i have with the poor. most people prefer buying expensive things for their skin than giving a helping hand even to the poor beggar along the road.

  • Abugu Nkemjika

    Nice one, most youths feel that material things is all that matters but they tend to lose the value of their life, the essence of their life in the quest for material things.
    I have to learn how to share the little I hv with others!

  • Joseph Edidiong

    Very true ma. our relevance to God, makes us relevant to the world. He created us to be lights of the world, to shine this light that men may see and glorify our father in heaven. A man’s value in life is dependent on his relationship with God.

  • Ugwu Ikenna

    A personis valuable to thepoint of usefulness to God and others around. Nicely written ma

  • Amana Sharon Umola

    Help me Lord to devote my time and myself to you so that I will have eternal value and not worldly value

  • Anabude oluchi

    The value in life is determined by how well we render service to God and how many people have been blessed and impacted by us because we have not lived a meaningful Iife if we have not put smile on the face of someone

  • Ejiofor Emmanuel

    The value of life is determined by how we worship and love God and by how we show love to our neighbors and help people in our capability and not by our riches.

  • Chukwunwenwa Chinenye

    Note to myself!

    “My value will not be measured by what I’ve achieved or the things I’ve done for myself rather it’d be measured by the number of lives I touched positively, the people I became the sponge that could absorb their negativities, the number of people that didn’t give up because of me and my devotion to God”.

  • Thomas Rebecca Ina

    I’m that person that is awed by these things, but now I know better that a person is valuable to the extent that he or she is devoted to God and useful to others.
    so thank you so much.

  • Obi-keguna Ebele Princess

    measuring success of every man on earth goes beyond how much you have in your bank accounts, how well known you are or how wealthy you are true value lies in the number of people you put smiles on their faces

  • Ibekwe Vincent Chukwuebuka

    The post states objectively the meaning of VALUE.
    Some People famous with value,.
    Nice to note that aside the fear of God and contribution to the humanity, then one is valueless to the society and also to the Creator.

  • Ikwuakam Oluchi Francisca

    Wow… It’s not about having it all or being famous,our value in life is determined by our devotion to God and usefulness to others. We don’t need to have it all to help someone, right from that little,put a smile on someone’s face and you’ll be adding value to yourself.


    The truth is, I have already known what to compare is all about and it’s not good because we are different. I have a very sharp curved figure and you don’t doesn’t mean we you have to get and must have it. That’s why most people run into the stage of surgery to change themselves or be like people they envy a lot… The theme gist here is they want to be perfect by all means… That’s why I fell deeply in love with the music by Beyonce”pretty hurts” it explains that perfection is the disease of the nation. We should learn to value ourselves and one way to start achieving such is by accepting the way we are… Those who we envy you never can tell the story behind what made them what you envy. Nice informative piece.

  • Richards Orighomisan

    A person’s value comes from the fact that they are made in the image of God and that Christ died for them. Hmmmmmmmmm, that’s powerful. Jesus said the hairs on our heads are numbered, that’s how much detail he puts on us, that’s how much he loves us. I hope we would all grow to the level of realizing that in Christ we are most loved and that we are complete in Him. Also I pray every single person gets to realize this and treat everyone as God’s image

  • Idika Uloma Sophia

    Our value in life is to use that which God has given to you to influence others in a positive way.Our value in life should be assessed by our character and influences made in someones life.Not by material things, beauty or money at his/her disposal.Nice write up.

  • Udochuwku Mmesooma gift

    A person’s real value is not all about what the person has achieved,but by how many lives he/she has imparted while living.
    That’s is a person’s true worth. God bless you ma for this wonderful ministration

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