Why Can't You Be Like Peter Obi- Short Story


Linda unwrapped the latest gift from her fiancé, Dominic, with trepidation.

“What in the world is this?” she muttered. It looked like a world receiver but it was light and fanciful, not sturdy and durable-looking.

“It’s some sort of radio, but it can also play music and it has a clock and flashlight,” Dominic explained.

So it was one of those multi-purpose contraptions dumped on the Nigerian market from Asia by unscrupulous local importers.

Dominic fiddled with some of its knobs to show Linda how it worked. He obviously had no idea what he was doing, meaning he hadn’t tested the device before buying it.

As he tried to demonstrate the functionality of the device, one knob fell off. Meanwhile, there was no sound from the so-called radio.

Dominic then fished for the power cord in the packet. “Maybe you need to charge it first,” he said.

The cord was stringy and the plug so small that it didn’t fit any socket or extension in Linda’s apartment.

“Bring an adapter,” Dominic ordered with irritation. Linda complied.

When the plug was inserted into the adapter, sparks flew and a hissing sound ensued convincing Linda the plug had been fried. A few more tries with no current transmitted confirmed she was right.

“You can change the plug,” Dominic suggested.

“Even if I do, what exactly am I supposed to do with this?” Linda queried.

“I have explained its uses to you, haven’t I?” Dominic replied, his irritation rising. “I saw it in a shop and it looked good, so I bought it for you. If you don’t like it, give it to someone else!”

“Will you consider it rude if I asked how much you paid for it?”

“Yes, I would!” Dominic snapped, stiffening his shoulders. “It’s my money and it’s none of your business what I do with it!”

“That’s where you’re wrong. If you were a stranger or a mere acquaintance, I’d probably laugh at these recurring incidents, but you’re my fiancé.”

“What recurring incidents?”

Linda thought of all the gifts he’d given her in their three-year relationship. Most of them were just like this radio-clock-etc. – a calico bubu that was twice her size and the colours ran; a peculiar pot (just for cooking rice); some handcrafted footwear that cut while she tried them on; a flimsy, collapsible wardrobe (her bedrooms already had inbuilt wardrobes); all manner of electronics of dubious quality ….

Why Can't You Be Like Peter Obi- Short Story

“Think, Dom, how many of the gifts you’ve given me have been useful? You just see something that looks pretty and you buy it without considering its functionality or durability. And I can bet you pay a bundle for all that stuff.”

“You are unbelievable! Why can’t you be grateful that you have a fiancé who thinks of you when he sees a nice thing and buys it for you?”

“I would be if you used your money wisely and bought meaningful things with it. Why can’t you be like Peter Obi? With all the money you’ve spent buying me nonsense, I could have bought an okada to bring in extra money.”

Dominic was shocked. “My mum warned me about girls like you. It’s always about the money with you.”

“And my dad warned me about guys like you. You don’t know the value of money. Peter Obi ….”

Dominic lost his patience and interrupted her. “Okay, I can see that I am not good enough for you. Go and marry Peter Obi if he will have you.”

“I never said I want to marry Peter Obi, but if you’re going to be so petty because I complained of your wastefulness, I’m better off without you!”

Dominic was already marching towards the door. Linda went into her bedroom and lifted a huge carton where she had been throwing his unusable and unserviceable gifts. She came back and added the radio-clock-whatnot to the pile and carried it outside her apartment. Her plan was to put it on the bonnet of Dominic’s car but he was already driving away.

“Mtcheew!” she hissed as she carried the carton back inside.

-The end-

Ⓒ Edith Ugochi Ohaja


I love happy endings but unfortunately, this story veered in the other direction. But I am optimistic that with a little help, these lovebirds can get back together. So kindly advise them, if you may.

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  • John Adoyi

    Wow this is actually good. I think the man is ashamed that the gifthe bought for his girlfriend is not working. The fact that he doesn’t know what to do was what got him angry.

  • U cannot buy everything you see because there are beautiful learn to value money and buy useful things

    • Yes oh, my sister, especially in these hard times. May you be richly blessed in Jesus’ name.

    • Ezenwa Miracle Joy

      Wow! Very intriguing. Ok, what I observed is that they lack proper communication and understanding. If only the guy could communicate well with his lady and they discussed on what she like and does not it shouldn’t have led to the huge disagreement that ensued. What if he saw something and felt like buying it? He could have put a call across her informing her of what he wants to get and her take on it. There was lack of understanding because they were both trying to make a point but both parties especially from the guy, couldn’t understand the message and then took it as an offense. The lady kept comparing him with Peter Obi which is wrong. No comparison.

  • Okpala, Chukwuebuka

    Every relationship should be based on satisfying the partner. Obviously, Dominic was not sensitive enough to see and understand that his gifts to his fiancé, Linda, are of little or no use to her. Hence, the question, “Why can’t you be like Peter Obi?”

  • Queen Leyii Idamkue

    LOVE conquers all, it is Forgiveness and lots more…
    Dominic and Linda must learn to practice Love as it grows gradually, it is not just a spoken word “I love you”.
    Love strengthens them to conquer flaws, correcting each other with Love having a matured mindset of understanding by practicing it.

    • Good advice. Remain blessed!

      • Okwor Nmasi Sarah

        Wow!! What an enjoyable fiction Ma. I Think the man knows what she’s implying but doesn’t want to agree to it , but I believe if they reason things out they will comeback together.

    • Okoro Charity Oluchukwu

      Wow it’s better to buy useful things in the market rather than buying stuff which you will end up not using in your house and then tag it property. It’s better to spend judiciously. More ink to your pen ma.

  • Jackie

    Love expresses itself in giving. It could be material gifts, time, attention, service etc. Dominic obviously loves Linda but he buys gifts very unwisely. It could be a reflection of his IQ which would cause more problems should they reconcile and go on to marry.
    Linda, on her part, was very wrong to compare him to another man. No partner should ever do that. She could have lovingly pointed out this flaw earlier and advised him to give her gift vouchers, instead.

    Very good story as expected

  • Goodness Oluebube Nwaneji

    I can’t say much about love, but when she said, “Why cant you be like Peter Obi?” that was extremely humorous.

      • Egbue Precious

        I think that though Dominic could be a great guy that does not mean Linda should stoop low and overlook his fault look I put it to all the ladies out there know your worth and if you are in any relationship that hurts you better leave before it will be too late cos when you get too deep that’s the end

  • Angel

    Poor Dominic was just trying to prove his love for Linda by buying gifts. Unknown to him, these gifts are unnecessary. I think Linda should have used a better approach to let him know this instead of comparing him to another man.

  • Mbakwe Rebecca Turning point

    I think he needs to understand her point of view that not everything sold outside is valuable and fit to be gifted.

  • Nora Nsan

    Buying a useful and tangible gift for someone give it value and will make the person cherish it more.

  • Chioma Nwizu

    Some people have different ways of showing their love language, Dominic language is nice, buh also he should use his head .

  • Nzenwa Grace Zionah

    Being understanding helps to foster good and healthy relationships when going into marriage..
    If only he understood what she was saying this won’t have turned out the way it did for them.

  • Onyekachi Amarachi

    The fact that he doesn’t see what he did wrong shows that this guy doesn’t know how to use his money at all. That girl is definitely better off without him.

  • Macaulay Tekevwe

    The basis of everything is in understanding each other. And that comes with knowing ones like and dislike.

    Its not about giving gifts alone. It’s about giving a gift that triggers the butterfly feeling in your partner.

  • I think Dominic and Linda really care for themselves so much. This story teaches that some forms of affection can be carelessness instead of caring in nature. Care done for petty reasons is the same as showing no care. A wonderful piece of writing. Thanks.

  • Mma Eze

    Linda should have approached him nicely and Dominic should be open to correction after all that is what love is about trying to make each other better people

  • VivianVie

    The fact he always thought of her whenever he sees something he feels is fanciful is nice, but then I’d say he doesn’t know her taste when it comes to the things she likes.

  • Nwosuocha Winnie Chidiebube

    Well, it’s very unwise to gift things that are not going to be useful to someone, especially if you have long-term plans for the person. Both of them are wrong- Dominic shouldn’t have got angry when Linda said that he buys her things that are not useful and Linda should not be comparing her partner to another man.

  • Amadi Doris Nmesoma

    Although, Dominic kept on buying irrelevant gifts for his fiance but it’s very wrong to tell him that she doesn’t like it at the moment. It hurts badly.

    She could have accepted the gift and later on she can make her intention known to him.

    Nice Job, ma.

  • Rita

    Couple drama. They will be fine. My own belief.
    With some reflection on both their parts and an honest admission of fault, plus willingness to forgive.

  • Rejoice Ezeabii

    Some men really need to learn how to spend their money wisely and buy valuable things which would be of some use to their partner.

  • Ashamole Victory

    When getting gifts for someone you love, your goal is to make them happy. I think Dominic didn’t really think before getting his fiancée gifts, he just saw anything and bought them without even knowing how useful they will be to her. I always say thoughtful gifts are the cutest, and for a relationship that’s 3 years plus, that wasn’t thoughtful at all.

  • Udeh Cynthia

    People should stop comparing someone with another person,Dominic should try and spend or buy his fiancee useful and relevant gifts.

  • Okeke Tochukwu Patricia

    Effective communication is key in any relationship. We should learn to communicate well to avoid situations where our partners won’t be able to discern gifts that will be appreciated or not, to avoid time wastage and hurting feelings.

  • Agbo Kamsy Kate

    I really think that dom is mundane…They just need to improve on their communication skill.

  • Treasure Emone

    A funny write-up. Kudos ma😀. I have learnt that it’s not about what you can give to someone but about how effective what you give to the person is. Also, I’ve learnt that only the people who love you will reprimand your frivolous spending. Thank you.

  • Akamadu Oluoma Francisca

    Wow! Such a beautiful story.

  • Ngwu Chiamaka

    Dominic is only trying to express love…
    But got the wrong impression.
    Is really bad the way Linda unleashed her opinions about the gift.

  • Wonodi Success

    Gifts can’t prove love and even if you are to gift someone be sure the person will appreciate it.


    This short story is filled with lots of things to think about, the beginning is very captivating.

  • Asogwa Esther chioma

    Relationship wahala, comparing him though to Peter Obi feels off for me but they need to seat down and talk things out, because I feel like they are not listening to themselves.

  • The story is quite interesting and also filled with a little of suspense.

  • Ihuoma Ogochukwu Chinonye

    Good understanding in relationships is very important. I believe Dominic needs to understand what his fiancée was trying to say.

  • Ozioko Glory Oluchi

    This is funny but painful; trying to be and do the best you can for someone and at the end, you realize that it’s all a waste. Dominic should sha no vex but try to see reasons with his fiance.

    I learnt that before you get someone a gift, consider its usefulness to the person. Also, it is good to approach issues in a right manner in order to get the desired result. I mean, Linda could have made her point without comparing her man with another. No man wants to be compared with another man especially by his woman. It makes him feel that he is not man enough to his woman.

  • Mba Rita chizoba

    Understanding is an important aspect in relationship. Just because everyone buys gift in relationship doesn’t mean you must buy in your own.
    If you have a pattern who wants to plan and save with you then you should understand him/her.
    Not everyone loves unnecessary spending.

  • Chidimma Miracle

    All I can say is that there’s still hope for the two of them, she pointing out the guy’s flaws now before marriage is good because it will help the guy correct them. Give them some time when the guy stops fuming and the girl ready to sit down and discuss, the relationship will flourish again.

  • Bibian

    The story shows that Dominic isn’t sensitive to the needs of Linda, and Linda having packed all those gifts for three years, it indicates that she can hold on to grudges too.
    Dominic’s insensitivity (which should come from not listening to her) has made him think that just buying any fanciful thing is enough and therefore should make his ego swell. Linda’s grudges made her burst out thereby comparing him to Peter Obi (which is a very wrong move).

    The partners should learn to love themselves, listen to each other and ‘talk’ to each other.

  • Okoye-azi Chiemerie Regina

    Linda should have communicated her feelings calmly because Dominic wasn’t getting her those “horrible” gifts with the intention of hurting her.Dominic shouldn’t have walked out furiously too.

  • Treasure Emone

    I believe the couple would eventually get back together again. Three years courtship is not beans oo. I hope they work things out and understand their differences.

  • Ekeh Rosemary

    When getting a gift for someone you have to be sure that it would be something the person would love if not it may become a waste.

  • Okorie Blessing Chigozirim

    Linda could have found a nicer way of telling Dominic about the gifts. He loves her, just that he doesn’t think properly before getting gifts for her.

  • Wisdom Ugosinachi Miracle

    Love is great, and relationship is beautiful. When comparism becomes the lord of the relationship, it tends to end in a twinkle of an eye

  • Okoye Emmanuel

    This one can be tagged; love gone wrong, the guy was just trying to make his fiancee happy… But ended up not achieving it because all of it doesn’t matter to the lady.

  • Oh my God!, This is a very good one and as funny as it is, it is very true. Most people don’t know how to manage money and spend it judiciously…
    As long as the money is available, they just go about buying things they need and don’t need too.

  • Chidera peace

    She’s better off without him…those gifts show that he doesn’t value her.

  • Okoro Gift

    I think if the man should go home and reflect on what she told him they’ll be fine

  • Ihuoma Ogochukwu Chinonye

    Understanding is a very vital tool in relationships.

  • Peace Agada

    “The value of money cannot be overemphasised”
    seeing that Dominic was slightly embarrassed that the radio he bought isn’t working. But the intentionality on his part should be greatly valued for love expresses itself in giving, let’s not also forget that the scripture also said “for God so loved the world that he gave…” if God didn’t love us then he wouldn’t give us his only begotten son.
    Dominic loves Linda. The heated moment between them led to saying hurtful things.
    Nonetheless, I was captivated by this beautiful art of storytelling, and I also learnt that stories does not always have to end on a happy note.

  • Obinabo Chinelo Scholastica

    Nice one Ma
    Communication should always be key in every relationship

  • Yahsown Dabere

    Being in Love means you wanting the best for your partner, even if one has nothing, giving sensible little present matters. Must not be overly expensive. So Dominic should try reevaluating his live for his girl, while she tries approaching him in a more sensible way.

  • Onogwu chinenye blessing

    Dominic has a good heart
    But his choice of gift is the problem

  • Omolola Akande

    It was not wisdom for Dominic to have gotten angry and left in that manner.

  • Okwor Uchenna Sonia

    Just because things look pretty doesn’t guarantee it’s of good use. The resolution should be that the man should learn to be like Peter Obi in spending on useful thing just like the lady has suggested.

  • Nicholas Princewill Kelechi

    A good relationship thrives on understanding. This, Dominic failed to realize in his anger. He could have mellowed down to accept he was wrong to have wasted resources (monetary) and asked to know what to get her next that would be satisfying to her. That’s understanding.

  • Ezugwu Chidera

    He has the right motives but he needs proper guidance in choosing his gifts

  • Odinamma Okereke🦋

    Communication is key, so if the girl had approached him with kinder words to address his “wastefulness”, there would have been clarity
    However from the guy’s end, when something is being pointed out as a correction, one should be humble enough to accept and work on that which is being said.
    Driving away won’t solve the problem, he’ll still come back to his fiancée and they would still talk about it

    • Igboka Valentine chidera

      I think 🤔 its just a misunderstanding between the two patners. Dominic is trying to prove his love while Linda is not satisfied with it and she’s ungrateful 😒

      • Aniaku Oluchi Victory

        I think they both need to understand each other because on either sides they are trying their best.

  • Agwubuo Ebube

    Dominic is a sweet and generous boy with a wrong way of choosing gifts, Linda on the other hand should learn to be calm and not compare him when trying to teach him the right way of choosing gifts and spending money. Love and Light 🫶❤️

  • Aniehe MaryJane Chisom

    Relationship drama. I think they should both have a heart-to-heart talk and share their thoughts on what each party likes and dislikes.

  • I may not necessarily have adequate knowledge about this, but I have come to realize something. In this story, both the man and the woman did not have respect for each other. They both spoke in an inconsiderate manner. In every relationship we find ourselves, polite communication is paramount. Respect for every human being is very essential regardless of the age or status.

  • Chukwuebuka Joseph Uzochukwu

    Come on, Dominic. 😂😂
    This sort of improvidence can wreck a home.

  • Communication and understanding is the key to relationships.

    • Umeaku obianuju

      Obviously Dominic loves Linda, but he should check and know the type of gifts he buys for her, to avoid the question ” why can’t you be like peter obi”.

  • Linda’s action were lakadaisical from my perception though.

  • Okorie Divinefavour Nkechinyere

    Issues like this can be avoided if there is understanding.

  • Onyia Amarachukwu Maryann

    Couple should learn to communicate. If they sit down and talk things out then there’ll be understanding

  • Evelyn Johnny

    We should learn to correct each other in love and know how to deal with other’s excesses.

  • Abosi Delight

    Lmao very funny story
    I won’t blame Dominic sha to some extent I think some guys do not know how to get gifts for their ladies… But it also doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t learn.

  • Healthy conversation promotes good relationships, it is important Linda start an healthy conversation with him which will bring him to understand that those fancy gifts he buy are not necessary and she does not like them. Also, she should always appreciate the gifts because it was an act of love from him and not compare him with anyone.
    I understand that Dominic is trying to express his love to Linda but he should first of all understand her love language.

  • Blessing Baralatei

    This story doesn’t really end in a good light but also it’s a funny story to me . I learnt a lot of new words and that’s my greatest happiness . I could finish my lecturers with strong use of vocabulary and all thanks to you ma 😂

    My advice to this confused but sweet couple is to sit down and start all over . I mean in our generation we have what we call the “talking stage “ they need to talk about a lot of things and understand themselves better to see if the next person can be understandable or be patient to take what the partner has to offer . It can be interesting b

  • Assumpta Anachu

    Indeed money doesn’t cut it for everyone, thoughtfulness matters a lot ,if Dominic is just more thoughtful about the things he gets her , and not just giving out money in exchange for worthless goods and presenting it as a “gift” then she would be more appreciative and value them greatly

  • 😊
    It’s just a common misunderstanding from both parties.
    I wish they come back together 🥰
    Learn to tolerate and comprehend each other.🥺

  • Onyenekwe Ihechi Prince

    A very intriguing story. I could just visualize every drama displayed. Understanding is key in any relationship. I think they’ve not understood each other deeply to know what each other appreciates and how to approach situations. However, wasteful spending on valueless things can never be a way of building a home. Lots of lessons to grab. Thank you, Ma.

  • Utazi Ogochukwu Immaculata

    Relationship is not all about spending money on unnecessary things. It’s all about building your pathner up,for a betterment tomorrow

  • Kamsy Mbamalu

    Dominic seem nice. At least he saw something nice and wanted to get it for his fiancee but it seem that he just needs guidance on how to get ‘useful’ gift and also I understand the Linda’s frustration but I would feel bad if I am being compared to someone else.

    In summary, they need to work on their communication skills because every relationship thrives on it.

  • Nwachinemere Oham

    As an uncertified pseudo-therapist. I think the best solution here would be for them to sit calmly and talk about their problems. Sparks may fly, stray bullets may hit me, but in the end I’m sure we can get a positive result.

  • Onuoha Augusta

    They should try to understand each other well

  • Happiness Simon

    Very interesting piece. Couples should learn to communicate and understand each other to avoid unnecessary conflict.


    Not everyone has an eye for good things. It goes with the Igbo proverb ” Okro na amiri onye na amaghi esi ya” which means “Some have money, but do not know the best material to buy, while others that don’t have are gifted with keen eyes for beautiful stuff”.

    In the case of Dominic, he needs some guidance and Linda should tell him in a polite and romantic way that his gifts are of no use to her.

    Thank you for sharing, ma.

  • Couple are to talk to each other about their fault not compare each other to someone else.

  • Braide kenneth victor

    In the future they should learn to communicate more and know each others wants and needs to avoid misplaced priorities for a healthier relationship.

  • Should i even say not all that glitter is Gold? anyways, you don’t just buy anything that appease your eyes. communication and understanding can solve issues in relationship

  • Okolo Elizabeth Chisom

    I’d advice them to to sit and talk one on one,if possible make plans on what and way not to do especially with Money..
    They both should come to a reasonable understanding of each other… Bickering won’t solve anything..

  • Ucheghara Fortune

    I find this short story funny and thought provoking. It shows the level of misunderstanding couples find themselves in just because they fail to calm themselves and their soulmates down and make things work. Relationships need understanding to work… not material things.

  • Amachaghi Goodness Akuchukwu

    There is lack of good communication between Linda and Dominic .Linda should have found a more polite way of telling Dominic how to spend his money wisely rather than sounding harsh to him

  • Ihuoma Ogochukwu Chinonye

    Understanding and respect is a very vital tool in relationships.

  • Okolie-Ekwuazi Zutem Nonyelum

    They really need to have a heart to heart talk.

  • Glory Odogwu Chikaodinaka

    they simply need to learn how to communicate and understand each other properly.

  • Chinomso salome Jeribe

    None of them understood each other, nor were they ready to accept their flaws

  • Bassey Gideon

    Oof 😣.

    He to a huge extent is at fault, from not listening to her point and taking control of the conversation by apologizing. She certainly would have followed suit because what you give a woman, she would multiply.

  • Ezimora Reliance

    It’s a normal thing to see in most relationships these days. Firstly, Linda shouldn’t have waited for three years to tell him how she felt about the gifts Dominic had bought for her. Also her idea about buying a bike to generate extra income rather than spending money buying gifts she couldn’t use was brilliant but her approach and timing was bad. She should have shown appreciation first and calmly bring up the suggestion.
    Secondly our loving Dominic should be open to receive correction and advice from the woman he claims to love. Sometimes it may come from a bitter and angry feeling which can be annoying, but he should always keep in mind that a woman who loves you would always mean the best for you, whether angered or not.

    Like my friend Holiness always says…..Love is the most beautiful thing in the world. Nothing must be allowed to spoil that.

  • Abah precious

    This is a clear example of importance of communication

  • Francis precious Ifeoma

    One way to express your love to a person is through gifting, but then, you should know the kind of gifts to get for your partners.

    And Linda shouldn’t have compared Dominic to another man.

  • Destiny

    I think the important fruit in any relationship is love , understanding and trust , we have to be open to each other as partner and be able to forgive one another .

  • Anita Ilechie

    Wow, I really loved this one. Starting with the fact that he got something that cannot be used. I believe this story is just staying that before going into something or getting something, it should be able to last for a life time and produce value or worth.

  • Ezeagu Chidinma Annastacia

    Buying thing’s because they’re pretty isn’t a good idea,buying something valuable and handy is better and that’s what Dominic should have done,and then him getting irritated when he was clearly wrong is another red flag. But Linda on the other hand was wrong for comparing her fiancé with Peter Obi,she could have reprimanded him in a nicer way

  • Elias Ozioma Favour

    He has a generous heart but he needs to be wise while buying things.

  • Ugwuagbo Chibuike Emmanuel

    Lol! It’s usually said that not everything is worth buying but in this case i would say not everything beautiful is worth buying or good😁

  • Chibuife Deborah Chidinma

    Very interesting 🥰. In every relationship, there must be understanding. Truth be told, the man didn’t do anything wrong, at least he was very thoughtful for him to get a gift for his fiance, it shows that he cares but he got it wrong in the aspect of him not knowing her love language. He should be able to know what she loves and shouldn’t just buy anything because he feels that she might like it or it might look nice on her. He should be able to know her taste. This shouldn’t be a problem in a relationship, it’s just all about understanding. And the woman too should stop comparing her husband to someone else, it’s not good. No one is perfect.

  • Jacob precious

    Poor Dominic definitely and obviously has a generous heart. I am of the opinion that he needs proper guidance. It’s obvious he tries to please but unfortunately his fiancée gets displeased! Very comic though!

  • Ugwu Samuel Chidera

    Maturity of mind is important in relationship. You must not buy everything on earth to prove to a woman you love her

  • Ugwu Samuel Chidera

    It is good Dominic left to avoid unprecedented violence on the girl in such a tense atmosphere.


    Communication is very important in relationship

  • Chukwuemeka Lydia Ogechi

    Can’t really say much about love,, but love also go with understanding. Both of them need to observe and understand each other. In as much as love is giving, he should actually give wisely, work on his arrogance and be sensitive to her feelings. On the other hand, the lady should learn to speak politely and also desist from comparison, as it’s the major problem behind many wrecked relationship. Its an intriguing story. I love it

  • Okro Light Ibezim

    Wao! Very interesting, however, I agree with Linda’s idea, the husband is just a great waster simple.

  • Uduma precious

    In this poem we can see that Dominic and Lydia’s relationship lacks communication,here in the poem Dominic was busy getting all sorts of gifts for his girlfriend Lydia not caring if she liked it or not and wasn’t quite keen on being calm when he was corrected, while Lydia was at fault for comparing him to Peter obi in this life it’s not good to compare someone with another person cause in this life people are different ,one thing Lydia should know is that everybody is different.
    I learnt that in life communication is key , if Lydia had told Dominic that she didn’t like the type of gifts he was gifting her with, Dominic would have probably listened and asked her what she likes
    b) I also learnt that it’s not good to compare people,in this life people are different you don’t expect someone to be who they are not t.

  • Eze Samuel Anayo

    Communication is really important. You don’t know if you don’t ask.

  • Cyndy uju

    They really need to have a talk about their likes and dislikes and other things that follows

  • Harrison Nnamdi Ogbonna

    Comparison ruins relationships.

  • Ebube Leonardo

    Make sure the gifts you give people worth it and are of good value
    Communication and understanding is needed in a relationship

  • Wisdom Ugosinachi Miracle

    No matter what someone get’s for u as a gift, value it

    Also comparison is a killer of relationship

  • Chukwumezie Udochukwu Emmanuel

    This is serious and yet humorous. it underscores the importance of listening as a skill and being willing to understand as vital in relationships.

  • Stanley

    The central theme of this short story is placing Value on the important thing. Linda loved him that is why she wants him to use more of that effort he uses to buy stuff which could actually be of her value to them, if not anything but to save up to that amount to at least get a bike which could fetch them money to get some other things they want.

    • Mbah Adaku

      Well Dominic you might have to verify properly before buying her gifts, Linda you self calm down,your blood is too hot,don’t you see that he has thoughts of you when he sees something flashy? You both will have to reconcile o!

  • Odoabuchi Joy Ngozika

    Both parties need to talk
    Open up to each other and decide on what they want

  • Bibian

    Dominic and Linda need to work on their characters and ability to sense the needs of each other for a better future.

  • Robinson Mercy

    Being understanding helps a lot.

  • Chidalu

    Though Dominic’s intentions were pure, and out of his good heart he buys her gift, he was inconsiderate of the kind of love and gifts his wife desires. He kept on buying gifts that are unreasonable till she got fed up and compared him to man called Peter Obi.

  • Chukwuebuka Adikankwu

    When going into marriage, one of the key things to look out for is if your partner is understanding, that’s what builds relationship into marriage.

  • Rejoice Chiwudom Onyewuchi

    As an uncertified pseudo-therapist😌😂. I think the best solution here would be for them to sit calmly and talk about their problems. Sparks may fly, stray bullets may hit me, in the end I’m sure we can get a positive result.

  • Ezeh Joy Amarachukwu

    Understanding, transparency and humility is key in every, they already have transparency, but if this relationship is to survive, then humility and understanding must also come in, especially from the man…

  • Jesse Chioma Favour

    My advice is this, in this Dominic and Lynda’s relationship or any other, it’s expected that listening to one’s partner’s advice will go a long way in every aspect of their lives; that why they’re called partners.
    Also, wasting of money in this economy doesn’t make sense at all. Dominic would have known the functionality and durability of those stuff before getting them, even though they look fanciful and attractive.

  • Dan Joseph

    Comparing her finacee Dominic to Peter Obi was not right but at the same time corrections and advice need to be taken.
    Dominic needs be sure of what he buys before paying for them and before presenting them as a gift, It really matters. We should always place value on whatever we purchase otherwise it won’t be regarded as something meaningful.

  • Juliet

    Dominic and Linda should learn to communicate more and try to understand each other and practice love.
    To avoid things like this.

  • ” why can’t you be like Peter Obi”
    In this story Linda rebuked Dominic for spending on things that are not assest, hereby reminding him of how frugal of a man he should be using Peter Obi as an example. This teaches everyone of us to be conscious and calculative while spending money.

  • Ogbodo chiamaka

    Communication is key in any relationship, especially when it comes to expressing your preferences and expectations in gift-giving.

  • Chinaza

    You saw for yourself that the gift you got for her isn’t working and you got angry, but you expected her to not get angry 😁😁

  • Tom Teme

    The lady in this story is a keeper
    Loved this piece❤️

  • Anyanwu Geraldine Ngozi

    A very creative and well written story.I feel Linda made the mistake of not telling him before now,but all the same she could have been more polite and avoid comparing her man to Peter obi,I guess his ego as a man was hurt. However,if Dom really loves his woman and thinks through the conversation they had,he would come back to her a better gifter and maybe he would learn to enquire or observe her needs before purchasing gifts for her.

  • Esogwa Jubilate A.

    Dominic should calm down joor🤣😅

    People tend to appreciate beautiful and durable gifts. So I don’t know why Dominic is acting up.

  • Obinna Chiamaka

    Correcting her fiance and trying to advice him on his wastefulness is good but then comparing him with Peter obi wasn’t nice. She should have found a more subtle way to advice him without making comparison.
    Picking from the story, It is very important that one considers the functionality and durability before getting anything.

  • Nwaneri chinenye Priscilla

    I think Dominic was trying to please Linda with the gifts he thought had value and were pretty and Linda on the other hand should have pointed out his fault earlier instead of comparing him with another man, which is quite harsh.

  • Chidiebele Ojuanu O.

    This is like a comedy 😅 driving out an important lesson. Dominic should be prudent yet buying quality things while Linda should avoid comparing her fiancè with someone else. It’s a matter of forgiveness and understanding and these two lovebirds will be back together 🥰

  • Kalu Victory

    Well I would say that Dominic has a good heart, it’s actually really thoughtful to have your partner in mind but needs to be more financially responsible. I also think Linda should have informed him in a subtle way how useless his other gifts were instead of comparing him to Peter obi

  • Ogechukwu Joy Omeje

    Communication and understanding is very important in any relationship. I hope these love birds will sort themselves out and understand each other better.

  • Nnamani Chidibere John

    Wow, I can’t help but feel bad for Linda right now. It’s important to think about a gift’s intention and usefulness rather than merely its outward appearance. Dominic’s thoughtful but hurried gift-giving makes me think of a lesson I’ve had to learn the hard way: a gift’s true value does not lie in its price tag or appearance, but in the thinking that went into it.

  • Perpetual Oko

    It is possible that Dom still lives in an undeveloped world or he has refused to change the way he thinks. Buying radio and clock for a lady indicates that he is caring and wants to shower her with gifts but he is literally living with a remote mindset. Linda , on the other hand , should have talked to him about it but I guess they don’t communicate very well.

  • Onyishi Henry Kelechi

    Linda’s anticipation turns to disappointment as she unwraps a seemingly impractical gift from Dominic. The radio-clock’s poor quality and his obliviousness to its functionality lead to an argument about his extravagant but thoughtless gift choices. Their exchange reveals deeper issues about their relationship, culminating in a dramatic departure, leaving Linda questioning their future together. Very interesting!

  • Angela Ogechukwu Odo

    You do not need to compare one with another in order to tell the former about his flaw. Appreciate the gift and correct the person’s mistakes in a wise manner.
    It is actually love that do push him to get his woman every beautiful thing that he come across not minding the fact that those things later happen to be of low quality.

  • Ugwoke Rita ogechukwu

    One should always try to accept correction when corrected. Dominic should have accepted his mistakes of buying inferior things that doesn’t last and promise to be buying better ones rather than taking offence. Also Linda should have known the best way to talk things out with him without provoking him in order to avoid misunderstanding. I pray that they sort their misunderstanding out and live happily again .

  • Obasi Precious Perpetual

    Partners should actually know what their spouses cherish, i mean how did they reach the level of engagement without Dominic knowing what his wife to be likes, It’s true he tried impressing Linda but in the wrong way.

  • Okegbe oluchi tonia

    I understand Linda,she is trying to be economizes,less extravagant with her boyfriend’s money but I really don’t understand her boyfriend why will he see anything and just buy it without checking if is working or not,just because he has money.

  • comparing Dominic to Peter Obi might not be fair, it’s essential for Dominic to ensure the quality and significance of the items he buys and presents as gifts. The value placed on purchases matters greatly, highlighting the importance of making meaningful choices when selecting gifts or investments

  • Tricia Ogbuehi

    Him making an effort to gift her often was not his mistake, his mistake was giving her thoughtless gifts. The height of it should have been when he got her clothes that weren’t her size. I hope they actually break up for good because if she hadn’t spoken up when she did, her marital home would have become a junkyard in a few years.

  • Enete Precious Chikamso

    I don’t know if men has made it a norm that their opinion will always be the only thing that matters.
    If only Dominic will listen to his wife Linda and get a gift that will add to their resources and not subtract it, then I believe everything will be sorted out harmoniously

  • Odugu chioma Cynthia

    Comparing her finacee Dominic to peterobi was not right but at the same time correction is need for both. And you should stop comparing people because everyone is special on thy own.

  • Favour Nnamani

    Well,this story is quite intriguing.The man obviously does not know the essence of money so he keeps buying inferior things without checking if it was useful to the girlfriend.

  • Okeke Chioma

    While drawing a comparison between Dominic and Peter Obi may not be equitable, it’s imperative for Dominic to uphold the quality and importance of the items he purchases and offers as gifts. The significance attributed to these acquisitions holds great importance, emphasizing the significance of thoughtful decision-making in the choice of gifts or investments.

  • Ogbu Cynthia Nneoma

    Comparing her finacee Dominic to Peter Obi was not right but at the same time corrections and advice need to be taken. Dominic needs be sure of what he buys before paying for them and before presenting them as a gift, It really matters. We should always place value on whatever we purchase otherwise it won’t be regarded as something meaningful.

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