Lol! I just read Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey’s epiphany after banning the US president, Donald Trump, from his platform. I’ve cut out the drivel where he claims the decision was taken in the interest of public safety while liberals are doxxing conservatives on Twitter, compiling lists of those whose lives should be destroyed for supporting Trump and planning Antifa, Blm riots on the platform. Even terrorists ply their trade there, like the leader of Iran (the country that is the biggest sponsor of terrorism worldwide) who is constantly threatening the US and Israel with physical attacks.

Part of Dorsey’s statement published in a tweet thread reads as follows:

“While there are clear and obvious exceptions, I feel a ban is a failure of ours ultimately to promote healthy conversation. And a time for us to reflect on our operations and the environment around us.

“Having to take these actions fragment the public conversation. They divide us. They limit the potential for clarification, redemption, and learning. And sets a precedent I feel is dangerous: the power an individual or corporation has over a part of the global public conversation.

“The check and accountability on this power has always been the fact that a service like Twitter is one small part of the larger public conversation happening across the internet. If folks do not agree with our rules and enforcement, they can simply go to another internet service.

“This concept was challenged last week when a number of foundational internet tool providers also decided not to host what they found dangerous. I do not believe this was coordinated. More likely: companies came to their own conclusions or were emboldened by the actions of others.

“Yes, we all need to look critically at inconsistencies of our policy and enforcement. Yes, we need to look at how our service might incentivize distraction and harm. Yes, we need more transparency in our moderation operations.”

Would Dorsey have expressed any remorse if Twitter’s stock prices had not tumbled after banning Trump? And is he making any definite effort to level the playing field for people with different viewpoints? I don’t think so. This is virtue signalling at best.

Till date, Twitter is continuing with banning and slapping restrictions on conservative accounts. People are forced to delete tweets that go against its preferred narrative on any issue; prevented from using some features of their accounts like likes, retweets and follows; receive temporary suspensions for posting what Twitter disapproves of, no matter how true; they are shadow banned and their accounts whittled down. Over the past week, Twitter’s practice of removing followers from conservative accounts has reached alarming levels. Some blue-check conservatives have lost hundreds of thousands of followers to reduce their reach and influence. Even my small account has gone from over 5,500 followers to below 3,800. I don’t know how much longer the haemorrhaging will take to completely wipe out my following.

In a related tweet, Twitter Public Policy condemned the shutdown of access to social media by the Ugandan government in the run-up to elections in the country as a result of the uneven censorship they practise.

“Ahead of the Ugandan election, we’re hearing reports that Internet service providers are being ordered to block social media and messaging apps.

“We strongly condemn internet shutdowns – they are hugely harmful, violate basic human rights and the principles of the #OpenInternet.”

Imagine the two-facedness! A private company exercising vast dictatorial powers, up to the point of silencing the president of its own country, preaching about the danger of violating basic human rights to another country!

These tech oligarchs go in front of Congress and lie through their teeth, claiming they do not discriminate against ideas that are contrary to their political ideologies whereas they rabidly do so. The talk about public safety is hogwash when they give actual dangerous elements free rein. There are so many instances of influential liberals and Democrat politicians encouraging the rioters who burnt cities and businesses, shot people and created autonomous zones over many months last year on Twitter and raising money for their bail. None of them were banned or asked to delete their tweets.

And now they’re shutting down alternative platforms! ParIer, which Dorsey referred to its termination in the tweet that started with, “This concept was challenged last week,” was targeted for offering sanctuary to people who jettisoned Twitter and Facebook or were kicked out to deny them a voice, simple as that! On Jan. 10, investigative journalist and attorney, Glenn Greenwald, tweeted that, “Far more violence has been planned on Facebook than on Parler, including at the Capitol & many other violent protests as well.” So why haven’t Google and Apple removed its app from their stores and blocked it on their phones as they’ve done to the Parler app, which was the No. 1 downloaded app for months? Why hasn’t Facebook been pulled from its hosts in the cloud like Amazon kicked Parler out from its servers with only a 30-hour, rather than a 30-day notice, and possibly intimidating all its vendors and support services to drop it as well?

It appears these tech giants are even putting pressure on domain registration authorities to deregister existing social media that do not bend the knee to them, like Gab. Reasonable people on both sides of the political divide are mad at them for acting like tyrants and it’s translating into huge financial losses, at least for Facebook and Twitter. In just two days of trading after Trump was banned from them, the two social media lost a combined $51.2b of their market value.

Just like Congress, all the social media and other companies did not allow investigations by law enforcement to determine who was responsible for the riots at the Capitol Hill before punishing Trump and branding his supporters domestic terrorists. Not one property has been destroyed or person killed by Trump supporters since Biden was declared winner or even when one of them was attacked or murdered over the years. And suddenly, they’ve learnt to organise and execute an “insurrection”?

Already, it has been discovered that paid agitators and anarchists, like John Sullivan (founder of Insurgence USA), helped to instigate the riots. His own YouTube videos posted after the event (and being used as evidence against him in court) show him saying, “We accomplished this sh*t!” and asking people to set fires during the riot. There’s also a video of him and photojournalist, Jade Sacker, triumphantly saying, “We did it!” givng the impression that there was a plan to orchestrate the breach/violence and blame Trump and his supporters. Moreover, the timeline of events on Jan. 6 shows that the chaos at the Capitol started while Trump was still speaking.

And for the icing on the cake, Project Veritas, headed by James O’Keefe, has released its exposé on Dorsey telling his workers that censorship is for the long haul.

“EXCLUSIVE: Twitter Insider Records CEO Jack Dorsey Laying Out Roadmap for Future Political Censorship … ‘We Are Focused on One Account [President Trump] Right Now, But This is Going to be Much Bigger Than Just One Account’”

So, until they get off their high horse and start treating their subscribers. fairly, the likes of Jack Dorsey deserve whatever they get from the discerning public.


Here’s the thread of Dorsey’s ruminations on his ban.of Trump

Twitter Public Policy tweet on Uganda

Project Veritas’ exposé on Jack Dorsey

“Facebook and Twitter, the two largest social media platforms to permanently ban President Donald Trump for his role in last week’s Capitol riots, saw $51.2 billion in combined market value erased over the last two trading sessions.”

Glenn Greenwald’s tweet on the termination of Parler by tech giants

Left-wing activist, John Sullivan, charged for role in Jan. 6 Capitol riots

Sullivan’s videos used as evidence against him

Jade Sacker’s video

Another leftist arrested for role in Capitol Hill riot

“(CNN) – Evidence uncovered so far, including weapons and tactics seen on surveillance video, suggests a level of planning that has led investigators to believe the attack on the US Capitol was not just a protest that spiraled out of control …”

“The legacy media has spent the last week repeating the nonsense that Trump supporters travelled to Washington D.C. last week in a coordinated attempt to overthrow the government. It’s a lie.” An analysis

“Parler could be offline for weeks, months or even permanently if it can’t find a server willing to risk the ire of the Silicon Valley”

“Parler CEO accuses tech giants of co-ordinated attacks to kill competition”

Co-ordinated clampdown on Parler

Videos of Democrats calling for violence that are still active on Twitter


  • Awforkansi Kamsi

    It was as clear as day that the tech companies had targeted Trump. Banning the president from social media platforms is something unheard of. There is no proof that he instigated violence.

    The ban goes against everything democracy stands for. Also, silencing accounts of conservatives and deleting their tweets is also a clear move of tyranny, which shouldn’t be. This goes to show that they know exactly what they are doing and aim to achieve.

  • Ejiofor Emmanuel

    Twitter’s banning of Trump is uncalled for. Banning him is like giving someone a cake with the right hand and collecting it right back with the left. You can’t give someone a platform to freely share his opinions and you collect that same rights from him

    Everyone, including the president, is entitled to their opinions. Social media was created for people to share their opinions. It makes no sense denying him(Trump) that right.
    Honestly, I think it is insultive to ban Trump for his opinion considering his status. And this means that Twitter is acting like a government of its own where it dictates what can be said and not said. This is not supposed to be their function. Their function should be just being a platform where views are shared.

    While I disagree with some of Trump’s tweets, I still find the ban uncalled for.

    • You’re right. The tech giants have been allowed to accumulate power and now they’re using it recklessly. This was inevitable because as the saying goes, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  • Ossai Chidimma Linda

    They have always been looking for an opportunity and when it presented itself, they took it. Some things Trump said might have been instigating but that’s not on him alone. Why should the ban seem specifically targeted at him and his supporters? Indeed, Jack Dorsey wasn’t sorry for what he did, only sorry, it earned him losses. Looking at the general sphere, they might have tried acquiring Parler and were unable, what better way than to force its head down, a market strategy aimed at completely and permanently eliminating competitors. Soon the war of sell or leave would get to Jack Vs Mark.

  • Ossai Chidimma Linda


  • Ifunanya Obiaga

    I saw it as hypocrisy and hate from jack knowing he was being sentimental and purposely putting trump as target and hanging him out to dry. The accusations against him was too much, he wasn’t even given a chance to justify himself and most pro trump believed everything they saw about him online.

  • Obi Chisom Vanessa

    I also saw this as high hypocrisy due to the fact that firstly, social media should be a free ground for everyone and actual proof that there’s no privacy in social media as our tweets are being monitored.
    Secondly, blaming Trump for tyranny was wrong- his tweets couldn’t truly be seen as instigation of the public.
    And I believe owners of these platforms should do better and take responsibility for their actions.

  • Ochei Anthony Arinze

    I just hope that after blocking Trump’s account that Jack is now having a peace of mind, I hope he is now satisfied with his actions because I don’t see any tangible reason what so ever to block any twitter account talk more of somebody like Trump without warning him 2 to 3 times. It simply shows that Jack is a tyrant and autocratic. I blamed Trump’s government for giving them a limitless power and they now used it against him

  • Honestly, Trump has been unfairly treated in the United States. Corruption everywhere.

  • Emelife Assumpta M

    Twitter banning Trump’s account was uncalled for. I believe everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, so is Trump. They have been looking for a way to get at Trump, and this gave them an easy access to that. The humiliation is too much, that’s unfair

    • Ndukwe chinecherem diamond

      Banning the president from Twitter is totally uncalled for . The media is there for people to express there self and there view


    Does it mean that Trump is the only one that says things that are instigating ? I was taught that social media can be a place where one can lay their opinions freely on issues concerning them. Moreover, there was never any form of warning to Trump and why should the ban seem specifically targeted at him and his supporters? Jack Dorsey’s act is not acceptable, taking peoples power of expression is another form of violation of human right.

  • chukwuneke adaeze jennifer

    as a journalist you shouldn’t be biased or let your emotions cloud your judgment ,twitter is a social app which means everything done and said their is seen by everyone and its a platform for everyone trump was treated wrongly because he has the right to say whatever he wants and that too being the former president of the nation and also the fact that its his given human right to air his opinion ……….

    • What makes it worse is that they did this to him while he was the President and Commander-in-chief and he didn’t even contest it. Meanwhile, they were calling him a dictator. Who’s the dictator now?

  • Aṅulika Iwoba

    Lol the hypocrisy is stark.
    It stands neither as an apology, or excuse and like you said, what has been done to remedy it? Was there an immediate reversal of the ban? And has twitter become any more tolerant of divergent views?
    With every passing day, we see the grand design. To shush people and create a single narrative.
    The humiliation Donald Trump suffered in his years of serving the American people is unparalleled and incredible.

    • Udop Reyner Ivor

      Banning the president from social media platforms wasn’t a good thing to do. Right to freedom of expression is preached but those sitting in power do everything to keep you shut.

  • Dennis Lydia Ekperechukwu

    Expression of opinion is everyone’s entitlement. Trump said what he felt was right. I fell that the embarrassment he suffered was unfair.

  • Abasiofon Nkem

    Right to expression is very paramount.. that’s wat I know
    and if someone is not allowed to exercise that freely, then it’s bad

  • Enukora Onyedikachi Blessing

    Big techs are in on politics now, which is scary. Anybody that supports Trump in any way is suspended from any popular app. Steven Crowder a popular Christian conservative was suspended on Twitter for posting about the possible rigging of the election. Not quite long ago YouTube demonetized his channel of over 2 million subscribers because of his controversial topics on there, but later remonetized it. I love love him so much. He isn’t scared of the democrats one bit.


    Trump time as president of the united state of america can’t be forgotten for a very long time.. suffering opposition of all sort and not even completing a second tenure all because the force of darkness had joined forces to humiliate him…a banning of him from a platform which is meant for airing your views and thoughts is uncalled for. he should stand strong and let the lord be his guide..


    Trump ban from Twitter should be criticised wholly…as the president of the United States of America..there should be a level of respect attached to it…how can they just ban him on the bases of words that incite violence…he should never back down in a fair and democratic regime…he should air his thought.freely without fear or favour..


    The hypocrites don’t like transparent Trump. They banned him and some other conservatives and his supporters on their platforms but when Uganda government shutdown internet service, they became defenders of freedom and fairness. They may try to bring conservatives and shutdown Parler but God is our rock and salvation. We shall not be shaken.

  • Chidebe uchechukwu cyprian

    Everyone on earth is entitled to his or her own opinion. Trump Is a president a country for crying out loud not just a president of united State of America but a world leader by United nations, but the evil men who wants to destroy America and the world at large does not want him to liberate america from ending up like Sodom and gomorrah. Jack reversed trump’s twitter ban because he noticed that he was losing millions of subscribers, he didn’t do it on the act of remorse which very bad. He did ask for forgiveness from a man he humiliated with his social media platform.. the least I can say is that, God will surely fight for trump, the battle is not over. The bible said that there is no rest for the wicked.. the battle just began.

  • Nwankwo Chinonyelum Gladys

    Banning Trump was uncalled for.Why would one shut down a president of a country from expressing his opinion all because you didn’t agree with his political views.Jack Dorsey infringed on Trump’s freedom of expression.Yes, he’s the owner of the app, but that doesn’t mean he should suspend accounts or reduce one’s number of followers because the person’s opinions and views didn’t match with his.

  • Every social media app have their rules and principles that guides them and Twitter CEO is right to ban Trump if he has broken the rule. After all, nobody is above the law.

    • You don’t know what you’re talking about. Iranian leaders are threatening destruction on Israel without sanctions from Twitter. Democrat politicians are inciting violence against those who are patriotic and demand free speech, accountability, etc; even Antifa and BIm are plotting riots on Twitter without repercussions and Twitter bans Trump on mainstream media say-so, with no shred of evidence he called for any form of violence.

      Wait until you understand the ideological and cultural war going on before you talk about these matters.

  • Abiayi Ifeonuchukwu

    Well I don’t do so much of Twitter but I was aware of all the drama that went on between Trump and the CEO of Twitter. I thought I knew so much about it up until now, reading through the posts and comments has enlightened me on the issue.
    God bless you ma’am

  • Chikwesiri Uka

    America claims to practice democracy, but still people are being gagged and denied opportunity of expression. This time it’s the other way round, private companies and even the press seems to be the ones stepping on democracy, making false accusations and gagging those perceived as threats to them. I think America is scared of a conservative, responsible and Christian administration.

  • Banning Trump was never the best option to do.


    Most of these media companies are partners in crime, they are looking for ways to pull Trump down.

  • Obiosa Oluchukwu Reward

    personally I don’t see any think wrong with Jack banning an account. but during that US election. it was not right on his part to block Trump account. its just another form human right violation. that time Trump voice needed to be heard whether Orally or any form of Social media handle.
    More grace ma

  • Ajah Ugochi Agnes

    I don’t see any reason why Trump was banned. Twitter is a free platform that allows one to express him/herself, so the banning is not justifiable. One thing I know for sure is, many leaders of other countries detest Trump and as such the only opportunity they had was to remove him from power. The social media banning was also part of their conspiracy against him.

  • Igwe Chioma Esther

    How can you set up a forum for public opinion and then you place a ban on an individual for airing his opinion? What then makes it a social media if people cannot socially interact? Jack’s action was totally out of place!!

  • The action of the twitter’s owner dorsey concerning the block of president trump from his twitter at that election period shows that his biased and lack credibility as the media owner and somebody that have the interest of people at heart as he claims.

  • Ibeh Lorretta Chiamaka

    He was a president and should be acorded with respect. I don’t see any reason why Trump’s will be banned by Jack, just because he express his own opinion. Isn’t that what social media is meant for. I take this as a form of conspiracy against Trump.

  • Chibuife Isaac Chukwuebuka

    The tech giants used their power to bring Trump down but I believe he will rise up again even stronger.

  • Sochi

    I don’t have twitter app or even the account and I am not tryingvto open one anytime soon but I heard about the Trump ban and all I can say is that it is a disrespectful act. He was still a president then,did the Twitter C.E.O even think of the effect such thing will have on Trump before doing it?.If u ask me,I will say that it is very thoughtless of the CEO.

  • Akpom Chinazor Kamdilichukwu

    Twitter banning THRUMP is uncalled for and wrong. You can’t give rights to someone and take it right back. They have just been looking for an opportunity and they grabbed it as soon as they found one. Very bad

  • To me Trump is too good for all the ill treatment given to him

  • Eze Nelson Emeka

    Banning Trump was not and is not the best idea,He was expressing his view.

  • Emmanuel Eze

    Twitter’s operations leaves a lot to be desired and their censorship campaign is an obvious lie because they only ban accounts which do not fit into their narrative, same thing happening with the crisis between Israel and Palestine now

  • Stephen Ofojeh

    Users of twitter should obey their rules and regulations to avoid being banned

    • You certainly are not on Twitter to know the one-sided censorship that goes on there.

      • Obong Phebe

        I think they are just doing this to delusion people, or Probably instill fear in us to speak up or challenge their authority since some this platforms have made it easy to do so. Just as the bible has rightly said, the anti Christ wants to take over. They can’t achieve that if they don’t impose their selfish rules of everyone. These are all signs of the end time.

  • Dick-Unegbu Jennifer

    It was definitely improper of Jack, to do such a thing, most especially the president, everyone is allowed to air their views on social media, it is not right to be bias to certain individuals.

  • Nwofor Gift Chinenye

    Pure hypocrisy!
    Why should he be banned?
    It’s obvious this is all part of their “game” of politics

  • Nwoke uchenna

    What ever the terms and conditions of Twitter are, those on the platform should adhere strictly to avoid being place on a ban, that my opinion though.

    • You did read the piece. It’s not about terms and conditions, it’s about selective enforcement of those terms as well as malicious, one-sided and politically-motivated actions by Twitter.

  • Olusola Esther

    I find it fascinating banning the president of the United states of America, one of the world power. That gut though!
    It shows that nobody is above the law.

    • No, rather it shows that the tech. companies have become stronger than government and are imposing leftist authoritarianism, not just in America but across the globe.

  • John Adoyi

    Banning trump for me wasn’t a good move. I believe everyone should be given a level playing field to air out their thoughts. Some of the tweets by Donald Trump were not cool, I believe as the world’s President, he should have mind somethings he tweeted. Banning him is not cool at all.

  • Maureen

    Understandably, every platform has it’s rules and can ban who ever goes against them. But my question is, what exactly did trump do wrong? When did airing one’s view become a crime? And the fact that many others have done and said even worse without their accounts getting banned explains it all.

  • Obiogwu Onyinye

    Social media is supposed to be a platform to air (our) views and opinions (although with a bit of censorship) but banning Donald Trump?? President of a country? That’s quite disrespectful and uncalled for. They wanted him out anyways so reason to keep him off/out will do. Too bad!

  • Ekechukwu Francisca

    ? Technological oligarchs. That is the right title for them Ma. In trying to check public speech, the CEO of Twitter and his cohorts, infringe on the right of expression which the platform was created for. How appalling.

  • Igwenagu Somtochukwu Osinachi

    It was obvious that the tech companies targeted Trump. Banning him from social media platforms isn’t nice at all despite the fact that they couldn’t prove that he instigated violence.

  • Chinweuba Blessing Oluchi

    Placing a ban on a president’s social media access is unheard of and undemocratic. I am forced to think this was a ploy all along

  • Twitter banning trumps account wasn’t ideal every one has the right to air their thoughts, opinions, ideas and point of view regardless of their status the social media was created for people to communicate different thoughts and opinions but every platform has its principle though some of Donald trumps tweets were uncalled for, the ban on his account was still not the right way to go..

  • Alaedu Chioma Gloria

    Banning trump wasn’t the right thing to do
    What happened to freedom of expression??
    He was just airing his opinion

  • Chinenye Enwerem

    Bans on social media platforms is doing more harm than good. No room is given for clarification, learning and even effective communication.

  • Akpan Sarah Precious

    You set up a platform where anyone can air his/her views and then ban the person cause he did so, very unwise I must say.

  • Adimorah Perpetual

    I really don’t have a Twitter account but I believe that every social media platforms has there own rules and regulations which they take seriously,but is Soo unfair to ban People because they want to speak out..Is there no such thing as freedom of speech again

  • Ezeobi Chisom

    Lots of people are against Trump
    Jack Dorsey did the wrong thing

  • Mecha Favour

    Twitter is a platform for people to air their views so banning the former U. S president is uncalled for.

  • Iwuchukwu Vivian Chinagolum

    Banning Trump was uncalled for. Everyone has the right to freedom of speech.

  • Phillips faith

    Twitter’s banning of trump was not and is not the best idea. There Is right to expression and Twitter is a platform or social media that allows one to express him/herself.

  • Ebeyi Emmanuel

    I believe everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, so is Trump. They have been looking for a way to get at Trump, and this gave them an easy access to that…..

  • Nnaji Esther uchechukwu

    Twitter is a free platform but it still has it’s terms and conditions.trump violated it,this he should be banned and besides Trump’s freedom of speech wasn’t taken away he was just banned from a platform for not adhering to it’s rules

    • You got it completely wrong. Trump didn’t break any Twitter rule. People on the left do that everyday, inciting violence and plotting mayhem on Twitter without repercussions. I have an account on Twitter and the platform.has been draining it of followers the same way it does all conservative accounts. There is no justification for what Twitter did. It was politically motivated.
      The media have been lying and twisting facts against Trump, so he built a massive following on Twitter to reach people directly. That was what Twitter destroyed- his chance to defend himself and counter massive media misinformation.
      And to show you that it was a co-ordinsted effort to ensure his political demise, he was simultaneously banned by every other social media, email services, etc.
      If you read the post, you would have seen that it wasn’t only Trump that was targetted. Competing social media that offered a level playing field were destroyed as well.
      Read, my dear, read. Don’t just see a title and start spewing your predetermined notions.

  • Ibrahim Mariam

    In as much as Twitter is right to some extent in banning Trump, they are also wrong to some extent too, because we have the right of freedom of expression and but at same time rules and regulations should be adhere to.

  • Nwawulu Arinze

    Trump’s account shouldn’t have been band from Twitter ,it’s a free place ,tho truth be told rumors go around there more than any other platform cause Twitter is like a global mini community

  • Njepuome Nmesoma .O.

    Twitter is a free platform with terms and conditions. Anyone that violates it, should be banned.

  • Ezema Johnmartins Kelechi

    It is said that when the righteous is in power, the people rejoice. But it is like the reverse is the case with US. What gives one a relief is that Trump is an already made billionaire with his business to keep him pushing for now. Maybe some years later, if luck is in his side, he will still bounce back.

    • Uchegbu Ogechi Elizabeth

      Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Twitter is a medium for Trump to relay his own opinion of what is going on. I think they were just threatened by Trump that one of the reasons why they wanted to ban him.

  • Chukwuma Ifeanyi Williams

    The thing is that Twitter likes to control some story narratives, so what Trump was saying in his post might not be following the path they wanted so they banned his account.
    Twitter being so widespread won’t allow anyone use their platform to share what they don’t want.

  • Peter Chinecherem Nathaniel

    Twitter is like a global community, it is free for everyone. For the fact that they banned Trump, they had him as a target. The ban obviously goes against what democracy stands for. Why create a platform as such, if you will end restricting us from airing our views and opinions.. It’s so sad

  • Onoh Chinenye

    He got no warning, the claim of insurrection was still not thoroughly investigated and if you ask me, the level of unprofessionalism Jack played out could cost him his entire image if the situation was a bit different. The platform has rules, yes but banning the President of a country without stable proof could only be as a result of plain bias. It’s sad that the media of today has turned partisan.

  • Victoria Chigere

    Everyone has the right to express how he/she feels on any social media platform

  • Dennis Lovelyn Chisom

    There’s freedom of speech.
    Twitter shouldn’t have banned Trump’s account talk more of anybody’s account with out a valid reason for that.

  • Manifest Eja

    Social media is so powerful that a post on any social media platform can start a fight.
    I do not support Trump being banned, he should have been suspended just like anybody else.

  • Orazulume udochukwu victoria

    Ma , I am on Twitter and to be sincere that Jack guy has real issues
    Does he have any right on banning Trump’s account, it was an election period every one has the right to air their opinion. Jack Dorsey is a hypocrite!


    His account being banned was far too much. Everyone has freedom of speech and should be allowed to express themselves.

  • Zita Ezechi

    You can imagine!
    I don’t even see anything wrong in Donald Trump’s tweet.
    For Jack to ban him is sheer hypocrisy considering
    I feel it’s all part of their political game

  • Nwafor Cynthia Chinenyenwa

    Not picking sides but twitter has its own terms and conditions so all users should adhere to it to avoid being banned.

    • But Twitter constantly flouts its own terms and conditions by selective application of censorship of all kinds. I’m not sure you read the post at all nor am I sure you’re active on Twitter and knows what actually goes on there.

  • Agbedo ebubechukwu

    Everyone has the right to air their opinion, I don’t see any reason why Trump should be banned. None of his tweets violated twitter rules.

  • Victor Izuchukwu

    Suspending Trump’s account was a bad idea because everyone has the right to air his or her opinion.

  • Odey-Oko Victor

    I only frowned at the fact that he was banned instead of being suspended. It was so worst that even music platforms had to ban him too. He makes racist comments and stuff but I don’t think I am ready for this conversation

  • Uyanna Chibuike

    Just like I said before trump is being hated in for saying the truth. There are people who do worse things on Twitter and yet they haven’t been banned. It’s a shame that speaking your mind is a crime.

  • Josh-mba Amara

    This must be something political because I don’t think Jack’s motives were pure

  • Enemuwe John Paul

    The social media seems to have more control over the people than the government. Exercising sanctions like they are not all under the government.

  • Ikechukwu Fountain Chidera

    Corruption everywhere, truthfully Trump has been treated unjustly.

  • I personally see nothing wrong with Trump been banned on Twitter. Twitter is an app that comes with its own rules and regulations and if Jack felt that Trump was not abiding by the rules he had every right to ban him. Although as a President of the United States as at that time he should have been given respect and should not have been disgraced publicly. But I feel that whatever Jack did to Trump was a political movement. Trump should have been suspended and not banned.

    • You’re contradicting yourself. And you obviously didn’t read the post. Twitter is a public forum that does not have editorial powers like a publisher. It should, therefore, respect people’s right to free expression except where they share hateful and violence-indicing content (which Trump did not). At the end you acknowledged it was a political move and you’re right there because Twitter has been banning, restricting and whittling down the accounts of people with political views that differ from its owners’. But people on its side of the political spectrum suffer no consequences when they openly incite violence or doxx political opponents, thereby endangering their lives.

  • Okochi Chinonso

    The ban is not right! It goes against everything democracy stands for

  • Onuzulike Chukwuebuka Prosper

    Is there no such thing as freedom of speech again. Why will Jack ban Trump just because he expressed his own opinion. I think this is an act of conspiracy.

  • Jennifer Chisom

    This simply shows that Trump’s statement was misunderstood or that some people didn’t want him to succeed.

  • Ekeh ifunanya Cynthia

    I thought America is practicing democracy isn’t this a clear case of discrimination and violation of his right to expression especially when this no clear evidence of him inciting violence? Can’t twitter be sued?

    • Agboeze somtochukwu Juliet

      Banning Donald trumps wasn’t right though but even though everybody have freedom of speech don’t just misuse it.

  • Banning Donald trump from the platform is really not a good action to take. Everyone has the right to

    • Ugwu Ogechukwu promise

      Banning Trump from Twitter And other social media platforms wasn’t that he violated any of their regulations but deliberately to prevent him from expressing himself and airing his opinion on the matter on ground.

  • Ahueze Vivian Isioma

    The Westerner Hyprocrisy is really crazy

  • Ahueze Vivian Isioma

    Politically motivated

  • Egbue Precious

    But why are these people always attacking Trump I mean he never did anything wrong but his only fault was that he never had a filtered tongue

  • Akamadu Oluoma Francisca

    Sincerely, Trump was not fairly treated by the U.S government.

  • Nicholas Princewill Kelechi

    Banning him really wasn’t well thought out, was it? Putting sentiments before strategy and business does not augur well for anybody. Would they have ever guessed that their decision of banning Donald Trump would amount to that much loss of money? #sentimentharms

  • Okereke victoria chigemezu

    Honestly, Trump has being unfairly treated in the united states.

  • Sonia Ubani

    Banning the president from social media platforms wasn’t a good thing to do.

  • Sonia Ubani

    Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, and it’s unfair to ban the president from social media.

  • Amara Ikwueze

    Banning Trump was totally unfair and uncalled for
    They were just looking for a way to bring him down. They never liked him and therefore were looking for every possible way to drag him down. And all this when he was the president. This Twitter CEO is a real hypocrite

  • Sunday chibuike

    The tech giants used their power to bring Trump down but I believe he will rise up again even stronger.

  • Akuma Creeda

    Alas! Not only Nigeria is corrupt. Why will they ban Trump from Twitter in the first place?

  • Bibian

    If according to the terms and conditions that comes with the usage of the app that Trump broke the rules, well, I see no reason why he shouldn’t be banned if that’s the punishment regardless of his position .

    That’s democracy.

    The unjust nature of the ban depends on Trump’s innocence.

  • Ugwuagbo Chibuike Emmanuel

    The irony of what people call “freedom of speech” yet banning a former president for literally nothing at all


    He was just making his opinion which everyone is entitled to

  • Ugwuanyi Perpetua

    Twitter’s ban of Trump is uncalled for, I mean what is the main purpose of the social media platform, it’s where we express our different opinion freely and unrestricted. Cautioning him would have been better.

  • David Efemena Christiana

    This is so uncalled for! It’s such a clown move!
    We shouldn’t allow our emotions alter our judgement.

  • Cyndy uju

    Trump is a good man and he was treated unjustly. So sad


    I thought there’s something like “freedom of expression?”

    Banning him is uncalled for biko!

  • Okolie-Ekwuazi Zutem Nonyelum

    This is a clear violation of freedom of speech.

  • Ogbu precious

    One thing I dont like about twitter is that after they shadow ban you for maybe saying the right thing or pointing out the societal ills, they will also reduce your twitter engagements and its audience reach.

    Then for them banning trump, I wouldn’t be surprised. He’s not the first nor the second. As far as you air your view and its true. They tend to bring the post down.
    Them banning their president is totally wrong

  • Chukwuebuka Adikankwu

    It is personally seen as hypocrisy and hate from Jack knowing he was being sentimental and purposely putting Trump as target and hanging him out to dry.

  • Juliet

    Banning trump was really unnecessary, we all have our opinion.

  • Nelly otoko

    It’s disturbing to see the level of censorship and discrimination against conservatives on social media platforms like Twitter. It’s clear that the tech oligarchs have an agenda to silence opposing views and it’s time for them to be held accountable for their actions. Banning Trump was uncalled for.

  • Monday Favour Nnanke

    This is an eye opener for me, during the last two years, I was not conversant with the news nor did I get updated on trending issues.
    Now, I see why Twitter was sold and how it’s stock started depleting which led to it’s change in CEO

    Thanks for the clarity, Ma. More power to your elbow.

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