I am a university lecturer. I teach Mass Communication, mostly writing courses like Feature and Interpretative Writing, Magazine Article Writing and News Writing, and let’s just say I’ve been doing this for a long time. As you have probably guessed, I am a born-again Christian.

“HOLD MY HAND” – JESUS (A testimony of deliverance)

Are you at a time in your life when God seems distant or uncaring? In this post, I share my testimony of deliverance to encourage you.

Remember God is not defined by what you are passing through or what you might be feeling at the moment. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Your circumstances may vary, but God remains as loving and faithful as His word says He is.
I hope my testimony will bless and strengthen you as you see how I pulled through.

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ARE YOU ASHAMED BECAUSE YOU ARE SICK? (Here are 5 Things You Need to Know)

Sickness is not a pretty experience. It comes with a lot of costs. The cost of getting help is often high and add to that: weight loss; disfigurement; loss of body parts, mental acuity or bodily functions. It’s no surprise that those with chronic or debilitating illness sometimes feel shame. However, sickness is bad enough without the added weight of shame.
This post gives you knowledge to subdue that shame with if you ever feel it.

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