This is the first episode of our new short story series titled, “FROM BAIT TO CATCH”. This story will run for many weeks by God’s grace. Since this is the first instalment, I want to tell you a bit about the entire story.

It is a love story that portrays the craftiness, envy, deceit as well as the generosity of spirit that often characterise people. The story also shows how danger or trying circumstances can ignite faith and bring out the best in some people but the worst in others

Being a long story, it has many characters but the chief ones are a young woman called Sharon, a young man (Raphael), a business mogul, Chief Igwe and his sons, Ikenna and Chukwuma. Here we go!



My life is going very well right now. I graduated top of my class and landed my dream job as an executive assistant to the MD of a private conglomerate. My boss, Sir Benedict Igwe, (who owns the company, wonder why he detests the title CEO) travels a lot and that means I get to see the world too.

I was hired largely because of my tech savviness and writing ability. My boss has all these social media accounts where he engages members of the public on diverse issues. That would be me actually, you know what I mean. I think the man has political ambitions. And as long as he maintains my fat paycheck, I’ll keep ghostwriting and arranging his schedule for him till kingdom come. If he gets a big political office, I’ll be sure to make enough money to set up my own gossip and entertainment rag.

So why am I telling this story? Because I have a very pesky decision to make. I have this boyfriend, I don’t even know if he qualifies to be called my boyfriend. Our relationship was never more than friends. You see we were classmates and reading partners. Because we were often seen together, people began to assume we were an item. We initially tried to correct that impression but all our attempts were futile. Somewhere along the line, we were voted best couple in the department, so we decided to ride the wave and had fun keeping up the pretence.

Anyway, it’s been three years since we left school and we’ve not set eyes on each other within that time. In fact, except for the occasional phone calls he initiates on birthdays and other festive occasions, we’ve had no contact. He did invite me to a couple of events but I was abroad both times.

And now out of the blue, this guy (by the way his name is Raphael) says he wants to marry me. At first, I thought it was a joke when he brought up the idea on my birthday three months ago and I made fun of it. But apparently it wasn’t because he showed up at my place in Lagos last week (all the way from the east) and he was still saying the same thing. To make matters worse, he has been bombarding me with calls and text messages since then.


Apart from the fact that we don’t have a romantic connection, (he seems to think we do or that our friendship is more than enough to build on but I don’t), Raphael is yet to find his feet financially. This is a guy who was a contract staff with a bank until recently (you know what that means in terms of remuneration)* and right now, he’s submitting job applications here and there. I wonder what he wants a wife for and how he hopes to maintain her.

Wait a minute! I have a job, a fantastic one at that. Could that be the reason behind this sudden love that wants to hurry me to the altar? But Raphael never struck me as a gold digger or calculating sort before.

What was the reason he even gave for wanting to marry me? He said he can be himself with me, I understand him, I don’t put pressure on him and I make him laugh. But that was then. I didn’t bother him because there was no serious relationship, I was not expecting anything from him. I doubt that he will find me quite so agreeable now if we were to get together. Besides, my tastes have shot skyward, understandably, and I get easily irritated because of the load of work on me.

But what is most annoying is not even that I have to devise some means of getting rid of Raphael but that this whole visit and proposal have drawn attention to an aching need I’ve been battling to ignore: my complete lack of a social life and, by extension, plans for as they call it “settling down”. I’ve even forgotten how it feels to go on a date. Poor, poor me! How do I come out of my social oblivion? Think, Sharon, think! (Oh, that’s what my parents named yours truly.)

Hmmmm! ….

Eureka! I’ve found it! Raphael’s visit shouldn’t be a total waste. I’m going to use him as a bait! I’ll give him the impression that I might be considering his proposal but that we need to get to know each other better. We will go out a few times and I’ll parade him around the office as my boyfriend. There are a few gentlemen in the company I’d be interested in exploring something romantic with but they probably think I’m getting it on with the MD and so I’m off-limits. Introducing Raphael will show them that I could be available if the right moves were made.

Sweet Raphael! Coming to my rescue yet again! Just like old times when he helped me with difficult courses and assignments and I clinched the best student award. History has a way of repeating itself, doesn’t it? For a while back there, I was beginning to think my life wasn’t as beautiful as I’d made it out to be. But I’m going to fix it. Soon, I’ll literally be the girl that has everything. And I’ll be sure to tell you all about it.
-To be continued-
Ⓒ Edith Ugochi Ohaja 2016

*(you know what that means in terms of remuneration) refers to the fact that contract staff don’t earn much

Is Raphael right to think he can build a home with Sharon based on the type of friendship she described they have?
What do you think of Sharon’s plan to use Raphael as a bait to get male attention?
Any words of advice for either or both of them?

Watch out for Episode #2 of this very entertaining story right here on

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    Hmmm! This is quite a charisma you put up there Sharon.
    PLEASE RAPHAEL, you seriously need to embark on a serious fasting and prayer. The lady you dealt with while in school is no longer herself. Invite God in your case… you need money to deal with her this time around and only God can give you such.
    It will only take God for Sharon to accept your proposal cos financially, you really need to put up with the challenge.
    To you sharon, pride is all that is in you. Your plan will not work, if God should be on Raphael’s side. remember, “your pride is your downfall!”

  • Miracle Amaka Nwokedi

    Lolz…Sharon is a master planner. I don’t think there is any head way for the two of them that is,ending up together. As far as I am concerned, both of them have selfish interests, although Raph’s intentions have not really been let out. But, I think Sharon could get a better grip of the rope. Laughs.

    • Edith Ohaja

      The girl, is a schemer, that’s for sure, and to do this on someone who loves her so much and wants to marry her. That’s terrible!

  • Ugwu, Chinagorom Joseph

    In my opinion, Raphael is not wrong to think of building a home with her, but his seeming desperation to marry her and doing so in the face of his unstable financial condition is strange and questionable. Sharon’s plan to use him as Bait is laughable because it could backfire. Both should dialogue and court once more to understand each other more whilst asking for God’s opinion. God bless for sharing!

    • Edith Ohaja

      Yes, I think they should learn how they have both changed over the years andcsee whether they want to be together, and seeking God’s direction is also very important.

  • Kingsley


    Both of them are making the wrong decisions. Im sure, it will not end well. Im sure. The lady is greedy.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Hmmmm! She certainly isn’t thinking right. Anyway, just keep following the episodes and let’s see how the story develops.

  • Ugoamaka

    From the title of d story, I think Sharon will end up with Raphael…
    He was the bait t first, soon he will b the one person she won’t ‘catch’.. Why? Because…

  • chiamaka

    Well I think Raphael also has a skeleton in his cupboard if not,why will he just want to marry Sharon without a serious relationship. Let me keep my fingers crossed and anticipate! Weldone ma!!!!

  • Chinaza

    Rapheal is not totally wrong, if u feel yourself with someone, you can probably kick off with the person, but he should pray for God’s help too. Again, Sharon’s idea is not a good one, it will only cause more harm to her than good., she should tell Rapheal her mind on time to set the poor boy on the right track.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Bless you, Chinaza! You’ve made some lovely suggestions but, you know me, I like the part about praying for God’s help most. ??? Cheers!

  • Rachael Obiora

    naturally based on the type of friendship sharon described, i don’t think Raphael can build a home inspite the fact that they have known theirselve during their days in school but that is 3 years ago and many things can happen during those years. one cannot build a home with someone when he or she does not know the lifestyle, likes and dislikes of that person. no serious communication between them. even the bible said it that “two cannot walk together unless they agree”. so with that type of friendship i don’t think its really going to work between them.

    • Edith Ohaja

      I like that scriptural wisdom you quoted. They really need to agree to move forward. A one-sided relationship is a heartbreak waiting to happen. Bless you, Rachael!

  • Ekeh Chioma Jennifer

    for Ralph to think he can have a seriouys relationship with Sharon…….i say yes to it.bcus i blive in friendship.nd the best relationship is to be with someone who knows your in and out………….and for she using him as a bait is wrong…..true luv grows…and she should have respected his feelings…i like people that stand by their words

    • Edith Ohaja

      Yeah, I agree that it’s easier to be with someone whoknows you well and accepts you for who you are, not someone you’ll be struggling to impress. Bless you, Chioma!

  • onoh chiazo johanness

    If Raphael thinks and feels positive about building a home with Sharon then there is nothing wrong with it and with God by there side it will come to pass.

    Sharon is really a smart a girl but her smartness should not be based on scheming or setting a stage for attention, it should be used to look closer to one person around her

  • maduebo ifunanya blessing

    Raphael wants to marry her because of her position. and Sharon doesn’t love him because she has no feelings for her and also because his financially down. so both of them are selfish. but with prayer, both of them will grow in love and also understand each other

    • Edith Ohaja

      Seems pretty obvious that Sharon is selfish. But is Raphael too? I do love the prayer advice, though. Works every time.

  • Kalaowubo Rebecca Ibinabo

    For me, i think Raphael is right but his consistent pressure towards Sharon as regards marriage is so questionable and as for Sharon, if she truly had loved Raphael in the first place, she would never even think of using him as a bait to attract males attention. The both of them should get to spend more time together more often so as to get to know each other deeper, in this way, a peaceful and understanding relationship,which is the dream of every couple can occur, but where this is lacking, the reverse is the case.

  • Chinemerem

    If Raphael really wants Sharon to marry him, he should first of all find a stable job. No matter how rich a woman is, she wants to know that her husband can provide for her, no matter how little.
    But really, if Sharon cannot marry a man who has always been her friend, who does she want? She gats extract the guy from the Friendzone and start seeing him in the romantic light.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Welcome, Chinemerem! When a guy is friend zoned, it’s like a sentence and there’s no telling when he’ll be released, if ever.

  • onyeabor ijeoma

    Sharon doesn’t even see Raphael as someone who is qualified to be her boyfriend talk more of being a husband, but they’ve known each other for years, am quite sure, they must have learnt each others flaws, i guess if they were able to survive as best friends back then in school, they can also make it now, all Raphael needs at this point is prayer….as for Sharon thinking of using her very good friend as a bait is really unfair, she might end up losing her true friend…trust me, it’s not worth it.

  • Fidelis Favour chiamaka

    Raphael is not entirely right to think he can get Sharon to have a family with him based on what they had in the past, he should be focusing on getting a job and maybe get her by proving his love for her. Sharon is wrong to think that she can use Raphael to get the attention of other guys.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Yes, a job is very important if someone wants to build a home with another, especially in the world of today with all its economic difficulties. Bless you, Favour!

  • Raphael isn’t right to think that he could build a home with Sharon based on the relationship she described that they had. Sharon’s plan on the other hand to use Raphael as a bait to get male attention is not a good one, as it might backfire on advice firstly to Raphael is that he should look for someone else he can build a relationship with. my advice to sharon is that life is not centered around her, and she should stop seeing people as an opportunity to get what she wants

    • Edith Ohaja

      Thank you so much, Chiamaka! However, one problem with love is that it doesn’t always go where it is wanted and it is sometimes deaf when it comes to well-thought advice like yours. Almost time to say, TGIF! Have a fabulous weekend, then, and remain blessed!

  • Ekechukwu Nkechi

    well…for me, i think a romantic relationship or a marriage can spring up from an ordinary friendship,because friendship entails a lot, it entails trust,understanding,believe,acceptance,tolerance and a host of other things that can make a successful marriage. I even recommend marrying your best friend(off course not same sex). so I think Rapheal is right to think he could marry Sharon. But Sharon being a lady,now thinks differently and has her eye glued to things of the upper class, so my advice to Rapheal is that he should understand that sharon has evolved and is now a different person,and then find a job. No woman will marry a jobless man. And now finally, Sharon’s plan to use Rapheal as a bait to get the attention of other men is a terrible bad idea. What goes round will surely come around,i am yet to see a girl play with a guy’s heart and go free.

    • Edith Ohaja

      It works either way, I mean the consequences of playing with someone’s heart. Nkechi, you are lifted in Jesus’ name.


    I believe Rapheal is not totally right to believe they can build a home together based on their friendship, although being friends is important in every relationships. but don’t you think love is the most important. for every marriage to survive it must be built on love. I could be friends with a guy and might not be attracted to him romantically and no marriage can survive without that. so I wont blame Sharon for seeing Rapheal’s proposal awkward.
    but for Sharon trying to use him its totally wrong, that would be toying with his emotion. it will hurt Rapheal badily and she might end up loosing at both ends.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Nice comment, Chinwe! Raphael definitely does not deserve to be treated that way from the way Sharon described him. He seems to be a really nice guy.

  • Luke Chinyere Esther

    I think Raphael is wrong in his thinking because his finances are not yet balanced talk more of getting married to someone like Sharon who is financially buoyant. But then they can still get married based on Sharon’s explanation of their intimate relationship in the university, I think he should have known little about her and getting along with each other won’t be a problem

  • Luke Chinyere Esther

    I think Raphael is wrong in his thinking because his finances are not yet stable and marriage shouldn’t be the next thing for him to think about but based on Sharon’s explanation of their intimacy in the university, I think they should be able to get along with each other. And then for Sharon that wants to use Raphael as a bait, I can say she’s about to make the worst mistake of Her life because while in the act of making him a bait will unconsciously fall in love with him.
    my Advice for Raphael is that he should wait until his finances are stable before he would talk about marriage.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Good advice! But maybe he wants to secure the prize while looking for work. The part about falling in love with the bait inadvertently is quite possible. Thank you, Chinyere, and remain blessed!


    Sharon is just scared, she feels rushed, which i think is normal for every young girl, but in whatever we do we need to ask God right? they cannot be equally yoked if its not God’s will, Raphael should understand that the young girl he knew then might not be the same with the woman he is seeing now, besides they were just friends they never knew what it was like dating each other, what if they end up not compatible with each other getting married and again he is financially unstable, what does he need a wife for . Sharon using him as a bait to attract other men would be unfair and unwise because it will even make the men think she is hitched

    • Edith Ohaja

      Sharon deems to be thinking rationally till she unveils her bait plan. That is as strange as it is callous. Have a beautiful weekend, Amarachi!

  • ekwuru chidimma Jill

    Firstly, I Dont understand why Raphael want Sharon as a life partner suddenly. Because if it had been his intention he would have started it from when they were still I’m school. Secondly, l think Sharon is doing the right thing by playing along and finally, my advice to Raphael is to think and know what he is about to do…and for Sharon to be wise as she plays along…

  • okpechi Augustina

    I doubt Raphael’s sudden marriage proposal and I don’t believe marriage should be built on such grounds. Sharon on the other hand is very wrong to want to use Raphael as bait cause u dont need a boyfriend for u to be chased after. My advice for them both is to sit and really talk then try to know each other better.

  • Ndukwe Catherine

    I think Raphael is right. I believe he must have been observing Sharon during their school days for him to have proposed to her all of a sudden. Although the idea of knowing people well through relationship is good but it should also be well noted that most people can hide their bad characters during relationship period. I think Sharon should have told Raphael off than to plan using him as a bait to get other male attention because I have never heard of using a fish to catch a fish.

  • Nnenna Eze

    well from my own point of view, I THINK Rapheal has an ulterior motive and also Sharon shouldn’t have planned on using him as a bait because for me it’s bad in the sense that she is trying to a paint picture of what she is not.

  • Udeh Favour Makuachukwu

    Well, i think that it is very wrong for Raphel to suddenly come up with the issue of marriage. I mean he thinks that he knows her long enough but people changs overtime! a lot could have happened within three years. He should calm down first and get a life before going into marriage. As for Sharon using Raphel as a bait i think she would regret her actions at the long run. My advice for the both of of them is to get re-orientated with each other… that would really help

  • Ibemma Immaculata Ginika

    the truth is that people change ,you don’t expect to know someone last year and then use the persons behavior then to judge his /her present..i don’t think Raphael is making the right choice by suddenly wanting to get married to Sharon, it might lead into regretting you know

  • Izukah chinonso favour

    Okkk…. In my own view I feel b4 a man wakes up to da decision of marriage he or she has to be fully established financially and otherwise…to me there is no problem if rapheal decides to base marriage due to the friendship they shared ,these days most friends actually end up to b soul mate n life parrners in terms of marriage n also for him to decide that he wants to marry her then must have contrasted and compared the qualities he wants in a woman n he might have taken the friendship far beyond what he thinks to me there is no problem with that , the only problem is if she also thinks that their level of marriage actually gives them an edge to get married….. Now to Sharon’s case 1 thing ladies have failed to understand is that they are secret admirers and responsible suitors whatever action u take determines if making a move is necessary , parading Raphael as her boyfriend yes to an extent will send the message home that she ain’t dating the MD but why do that at the expense of indirectly chasing responsible suitors away when you know that you won’t end up with the dude you are parading to me its being foolish….finally my advice to them is be open to yourselves ,if u don’t like him or you like him but can’t marry him let him n if you have any ulterior motive for the marriage let her know …never play with each others heart it is key

  • Akabuike chisom

    Well I think that Raphae,due to the fact that its been long they both left school, that understanding between them is something he really needs to start afresh and build again, and i also have to say that Raphael has the right to think of it, but my advice to him is to know that change is constant, that who you know today may not be the same tomorrow and not to live on past glory because it may not suit the condition for today, so engage God by committing yourself to prayer and fasting not to make mistake that will affect tomorrow, to prevent had I know for it always comes last.
    And for Sharon you must know that if one is not rich today that does not mean he will not be rich tomorrow, you may even be the person that has been destiny to enrich him. And for using him to draw men to your side , you will only end up in putting yourself in devil’s shoes by joining heads together which will lead to something dangerous, be warned. Thanks. Bless you ma

  • Ani Chiamaka theresa

    In my own opinion,,I don’t think Raphael is actually right to mk a marriage proposal to Sharon at dat time rather he should av waited to become fully attached to her Nd to get close to her maybe by dating her and perhaps during dis period might as become financially stable… Secondly Sharon z wrong trying to use him as bait to catch me rather she should avoid simply objected the marriage proposal at the first instance her she found out dat Raphael z not his kind of man

  • Amadi victoria chinwendu

    Raphael is very wrong to think that it will be so easy to make Sharon his wife. Afterall all they had while in school was just a platonic relationship, no strings attached. I think Sharon’s success has a part to play in relation to Raphael’s proposal.
    Sharon’s idea of making Raphael a bait to catch her type of man is not a bad idea, she really needs her kind of man. All the same, i can’t wait know what’s next. Kudos ma!

  • Ezenwafor Vanessa

    And so Raphael thinks he is in love with sharon because of their friedship years back? seems more like they both need each other as baits… As for sharon, using Raphael as bait could also mean joking with his feelings… What if indeed he is in love?

  • amachukwu amarachi

    A man in his reasonable senses should not use “marriage” as his first priority when he knows that his financial pocket is on crisis. According to scale of preference, Raphael should create a strong relationship to dating to courtship and finally marriage while huzzling to earn money which will create dignity and respect not only from the wife but to others as well. I wont blame Sharon either, every lady should know the rules of the game, girls please wakeup! You can’t marry a guy that is not financially buoyant and the worst part too in hurry, in this aspect I won’t blame Sharon bekos no woman will want a liability as a husband, therefore, she uses Raphael as a magnet tool to create attention and attraction through the art of seduction of those who are in the blue records that is in line with her perception.

  • Abugu Nkemjika Edith

    Raphael as a fully grown man is not wrong to decide to get married to a lady he feels he has known for many years back then in school but he should note that marriage is not something one rushes into and there has to be an existing connection between both partners so his asking Sharon to marry him after so many years of not even dating is kind of surprising because they might have changed their character in one way or the other and before one gets married to anyone that person must be able to endure the other persons flaws because marriage is for a lifetime and there must be love. for instance in the current economy of Nigeria no woman would want to marry a man withouta job or someone that earns very low but although marriage is not all money because what tomorrow holds is unknown.
    Then on Sharon’s part to use Raphael as a bait to attach other men is very wrong even though she thinks she doesn’t love him to the extent of becoming his wife and for the fact that he has no more or less a job , one should not toil with other people’s feelings. Thanky you ma for this opportunity.

  • Abugu Nkemjika Edith

    Thank* you ma .I also wish to state one has to pray to God before getting married to know if he or she is making the right choice.

  • mordi ifeoma

    raphael is right because you never know,some ladies are very good in hiding their feelings especially when it comes to things like this. but three years is a lot of time to be apart from someone, lots has changed, raphael should have made more effort in getting to know Sharon first


    Raphael, is not totally wrong for wanting to marry Sharon but the problem is will the marriage last? friendship and marriage are not interwoven that’s why Raphael needs to pray and ask God for directly because marriage is a school where no matter how u succeed or fail, u can never graduate.

  • Seeing that Sharon was an established woman, he felt it would make a prefect match, since he is not yet established! And as for Sharon she wasn’t really cleared on what his intentions might be nd seized the opportunity in a bait to attract men up to her standard.


    looking at Sharon’s description of how she related with him while in school, Raphael’s proposal to Sharon is considerate and normal and I strongly believe he can comfortably live with Sharon if she accepts his proposal though, he is not financially stable, his love and desire to marry Sharon is not detrimental. for Sharon using Raphael to attract to herself the attention of other male, it is not advisable considering their life in is either she accepts or rejects his proposal. my advice to Sharon is to think and consider Raphael’s life very well before accepting his proposal.

  • Ogwudu Onyinyechi Linda

    In every relationship there must be a problem.For Raphael to start thinking that he will continue with Sharon,i think is right but where the problem lies is on Sharon because she thought that money is everything in life,this is where the youths of this generation is getting it wrong and for Sharon to think that way is not going to allow that relationship to work and one thing both of them is lacking is prayers but my advice to them is that they should allow God to take control and if it is His will for them to stay together let His will be done for Sharon to use him as a bait is where she is getting it wrong because she don’t know weather he is the rightful man for her

  • Eze Benjamin Oduma

    What a myopic world always putting material things at the apex of the criteria for making every decision! What I hold of Raphael’s decision to seek Sharon’s hands in marriage is that of positivity provided it is built on love, an unalloyed love!.
    Sharon’s plan to use Raphael as a bait is unreasonable, she should have a rethink, accept him or refuse the offer. God’s intervention is also very imperative.

  • Agi Comfort Obahi

    Raphael s wrong to think that he can build a home with Sharon because they hav not really been in a serious relationship were they will say they actually love each other . And Sharon is wrong to see her friend as a bait cos it may lead to them loosing their friendship. my advice to both of them is that they should get closer and know themselves better it may even cause them to love this time around.

  • Rapheal thinking he has a future with sharon is normal and right but he is thinking of it at the wrong time because he is not yet financially stable, he needs to be out of the woods first and also should take his time studying her again cause she is not the girl he used to know and for sharon trying to use him as a bait is kind of immatured and very wrong cause its not good to take advantage of people that care about us. my advice to raphael is that he shouldn’t rush anything with her but be patient and trust in GOD and for sharon she should grow up and be her self

  • sharon has known her status in relation with Rahpael’s own and there is a big gap b/w the two , to her Rahpael was not qualified to be called her boyfriend let alone her husband .sharon thought that Rahpael sudden proposal was because of her money, i don’t think Rahpaerl was right to think he can build home with Sharon. i advice Rahpael to look for his type or wait till he is financially stable.

  • Rapheal is right to think he canbuild a home with Sharon because he feels he knows her well enough … I think Sharon’s plan is childish and inmature, for a lady of her status, she doesn’t need to stoop so low because she can attract any man of her choice if she is more social….. My advice to Sharon is that she should be matured enough to come out straight with Rapheal and not use him as bait.

  • Njoku Chioma Grace

    i feel terribly sorry for Raphael because if his intentions towards Sharon are genuine then he will only be a tool in the hands of Sharon whom i see as a cold-hearted schemer out to use Raphael in meeting her own needs but come to think of it judging from the title of the story, this will all backfire on her. As for Raphael, he is making a mistake by thinking that friendship without any romantic love from both sides is enough for marriage. God help them both.

  • Osere Theresa Ebiyun

    Rapheal is not right because that was long time ago, and even if he talks to her on phone(festival period) it’s has changed, gone are those days…
    And as for sharon she’s good to go because no body knows the kind of plan Rapheal has for Sharon, she can as well play along.

  • Ihezie Ebere Christiana

    Building a relationship requires more than that, so i think Rapheal is a making a mistake by thinking a home with Sharon based on that reason. its obvious to us that Sharon is a sharp shooter nd a witty fishergirl, but I. think that using a guy as a bait to get others attention is very wrong. and she will probably make a mistake.

  • Ekpali Joseph Saint

    Since they have spent most of their lives together, i subscribe to Raphael’s plan of marrying Sharon.. Morever, as the saying goes; “if you love someone, walk up to the person and express your feelings”. but to be wary is necessary. if Raphael is to marry Sharon without anything, according to Sharon, how will he manage the home. well, God can always make a way where there seems to be no way. but it will be wise if Raphael plans his life with God, such that finance will not be a problem, then he can propose.. because the truth is, if you get marry and you cannot take responsibility, you have a answerable to God…. in the same vein, many have failed to understand the fact that if God does not build a house, in vain does the labourers work (if God does not approve of one’s plan, in vain will it be). Sharon has a plan, but it might not work. what if those gentlemen already knows about the plan… moreover, bringing in Raphael does not guarantee anything… so, it is better for Raphael to plan well with God and for Sharon to remove the wrong notion/impression she has about Raphael and plan reasonably – my advise….

  • Egbune ifechukwude

    Friendship is a vital part of any relationship but its not the only thing to be considered when thinking of marriage. you can be childhood friends and know all about yourselves, although it has its advantages but its not a guarantee that you ll have a lasting union. Also time, circumstances and even distance change people so my advise is that Raphael should consider all the other things needed to build a home( like love, understanding, tolerance…etc) apart from old bond. For Sharon, friends don’t use friends

  • Nweke Jemimah Chisom

    “Poor Raphael, the Sharon you use to know has changed! now she wants to use you..” (only if he can hear me) i really don’t like Sharon’s idea of playing with this gentleman’s feelings( that is if Raphael doesn’t have his own plans cause he seems kinda suspicious. appearing out of the blues to propose marriage to someone you have no intimate relationship with coupled with the fact that he doesn’t have something serious doing…hmm). Using someone as a means to your own end, Sharon please don’t do that( that is if she can hear me)

  • Onyinyechi Ukamaka Ekwem

    Ma the first question, i don’t think Raphael can build a home with Sharon even if they have been good friends but as a young lady you don’t expect to accept any proposal from an old friend whom i never had any romantic connection with.
    The answer to the second question is no, a very big NO..i mean, hasn’t she been getting attention from men since she is young and beautiful, i bet she is going to regret it does it.
    My advice to Raphael is that since he is not financially strong, he shouldn’t think of getting married now and even if he wants to, definitely not Sharon because she believe that she didn’t have any romantic relationship with him. And to my beloved Sharon, i won’t advice you to use Raphael as a bait because you meant end up chasing away the right suitors for you.

  • Ezike ifeyinwa .a.

    I feel Raphael is right to feel that way, to me, it’s the best way, but considering the long time break, he has a lot of work cut out for him.
    About Sharon, hmmmm!!! I just hope it works well for her.
    I would advice they get whatever it is they have straight, to avoid tragedy.

  • Ezenwa Obinna G.

    Raphael did nothing wrong proposing to marry Sharon. As a matter of fact, i think the drive behind Raphael’s intents is nothing but love, trust and sincerity. Having found a long known friend to spend his life with, Raphael has this trust in Sharon that she would not hurt him in any way. It is often said a friend near is better than a brother afar. If mischief plays in the life of any of these figures, i think Sharon is the character. Sharon’s intention of using Raphael as a bait is nothing but sheer wickedness and betrayal of trust. Raphel’s financial status is no reason for such evil thoughts of hers for if there is indeed a bit of love in her for Raph, she would indeed not try to think of such. I conclude by saying pride has a room in the life of Sharon perhaps because she’s got a job and Raph has got none. I advise Raph to be careful and pray before venturing into this life tie to avoid making a ship wreck of his life in marriage.

  • Oleru precious

    I think Raphael is a gold digger trying to establish himself. Him coming out of no where professing his love towards her is a sign that he has ulterior motive. I like Sharon’s plan, she is smart

    • Edith Ohaja

      Wow! You’re about the only one who has commended her, Precious. Like to see your views on the other episodes. You are blessed!

  • Nwankwo Gift

    Raphael is wrong to think that anything can exist between him and Sharon based on the type of friendship she described they have. This is so because the Sharon of yesterday might not be d Sharon of now. How sure is he that she is still the same way he knew her people do change with time. Also it was wrong of him proposing to Sharon while he new that his financial status is not good and this is what made Sharon to think he is a gold digger. On the other hand Sharon is immature for wanting to use Raphael as a bait and I think the both of them will end up with each other because they might eventually fall in love but before that, they will have a hard time.

  • Ohakwe Oluchi judith

    I think Raphael was wrong in his proposal to sharon,knowing her in school days doesn’t mean she is still that cool innocent girl she used to be…that is if she had been. Of course Rapheal can build a home with Sharon but it will only be hell on earth for him because he is oblivious that Sharon has been using him all this while

    • Edith Ohaja

      Your comment is quite rational I must say but keep reading. You can’t predict what follows. You are so blessed in Jesus’ name.

  • Nkiru Amaechina

    Hmmmm…. From how Sharon described their relationship after school ,I think Raphael has an ulterior motive considering how he is persuading her on the marriage proposal and her financial status. On the other hand, Sharon is smart and a great opportunist, from the way she used him when they were in school.

  • Emeh Esther

    Relationship should be more than communication. Raphael and Sharon should get to know each other and spend time together. If it works out for them fine.

  • Oleru precious

    I feel Rapheal has an ulterior motive by coming to sharon profess his love to her after so many years. Sharon is very smart to think about such wonderful idea

  • Osuegbu prisca adanna

    Raphael should get his head straight up and find out first what kind of relationship he wants with sharon because they have not even started officially dating and Sharon should stop playing around with Raphael’s heart, she should tell him directly that she isnt interested in his proposal.

  • Hmmmm i think Rapheal is right by thinking that they can build a home because he wanted sharon whole heartedly, but i think sharon”s plan to Rapheal was to play him and dump him since he don”t have any means of earning a better living.

  • ewa chiamaka

    I don’t think Raphael is totally wrong, he should pray in order to avoid stories that touch the heart or “had I known”. I also think Sharon’s plan is disgusting. I see her as a woman without good virtues. They should be sure of what they want and fix things in their lives

  • Chikwado Ezeh

    3 years of friendship is enough for a guy to know if a lady is good enough for him… I mean to know whether a lady possesses the qualities he wants in a woman


    Really unfortunate….. really unfortunate that Raphael never understood the kind of lady Sharon had been since their academic days. That relationship is going no where, it is a dream that had been on illusion. The high time Raphael observed that the bird hovering in his compound would never perch on his Iroko tree the better, he should let the flying bird be and let love come as love as God desires so. Sharon seems capricious and deceitful …… why is it that she doesn’t want to break the silence…..let the boy know that you are not interested and stop making him believe that the relationship is still in its hibiscus. Sharon should not play on Raphael’s intelligence. Love is never forced, love is never built on illusion.

  • Rahman Peace Taiye

    Well, I don’t think Raphael is right to think he can build a home with Sharon based on the kind of relationship they have. It’s nice to marry your best friend but is Sharon really his best friend? According to her, he doesn’t call except on birthdays and festive occasions. For me, that is not a prerequisite for a best friend relationship. coming out of the blue with a marriage proposal and no job? Sharon is right in being suspicious. I would be too.
    as for Sharon, using Raphael as bait? It has bad idea written all over it. i really don’t think she should do that. You can’t play with fire and avoid getting hurt.
    My advice to both is that Raphael should go get a job before thinking of marrying a woman. And Sharon? It’s high time she stopped thinking high of herself and using people. It’s very bad.

  • GraciousGift

    Its not a bad idea on Raphael trying to build a relationship from the friendship basis they’ve ones had as most friends end up tying the knot together. He can give it a try but Sharon’s intending plan on using him to play along isn’t really a wise decision to be made by matured minds.

  • Eze Valentine Chibuike

    Raphael, Raphael, Raphael. You feel love for her, good thing. You feel things could be same as in school, ‘couple of the year’, maybe even better, shey? You then go straight to it, you want to ‘marry’ your ‘wife’ more seriously this time. Get out of town! Time changes a lot of things bruv. I don’t think your ‘wife’ feels the same things you do, at least not in the same way. Take a tip for another time, after all that time apart, try to rebuild the bonds you both had as friends once you feel you want to get serious, check for possible changes because you don’t know what you might find. Sharon of then might not be Sharon of now……. Sharon, the money woman! I greet you ma! How market? Anyway, I think Raphael has a clean start, maybe a not big one, but then give him a break! He could grow too with time, you know. I’m not saying you must marry the bobo o, maybe you should take more time to think. Use him for bait, Sharon, really? Not fair, Lady.

    Sharon’s mind has been set to another angle entirely, Raphael might only kill himself trying to get there. He could try, if he’s true and Sharon finds some promise in him…

  • nkemakonam onukwue

    use Ralph as a bait??…… for me as long as Ralph is around no serious guy as she expects will come closer cus it is assumed she is taken…..and for Ralph get a job first

  • ofoegbu maureen

    I don’t think Raphael can build a home with Sharon because he is jobless and he cant run a home without being financially buoyant; as for Sharon using Raphael as bait i think it will help her in getting closer to him.

  • Chigbo ifeanyi james

    First i notice that most long lasting relationship starts with friendship, so i support Ralph marriage proposal to Sharon because they have been frends a long time But i dont like the fact that Sharon wants to use that to her own advantage

  • egbukwu ogechi precious

    Rapheal! Rapheal!…there’s something he must understand which is, in life ,nothing is what it seems…what he’s trying to do is a deadly act…she is no longer the gir he used to no..things have changed, they are of two different worlds now…marrying her is total off the picture

  • praise onaga

    I think Raphael was taking it rather serious, Sharon didn’t feel what he felt. on the other hand, the idea of using ralph as a bait was actually a smart but foolish idea because no man would see her ”parading” with ralph and still come close to her. ralph should get a job and as for Sharon, she should work on herself.

  • Kalu Miracle Ama

    Using Raphael as a bait, hope Sharon won’t get a run by doing so

  • Ibe Chinwe Cynthia

    Raphael, in thinking he can build a home with Sharon based on their type of friendship, is totally wrong. They do not have any kind of connection and so do not seem compatible plus they had been distant for years and from the blues he wants marriage. Sharon’s idea of using Raphael as a bait may keep men off, giving them the impression that she’s taken. Plus she might end up feeling choked up in the relationship.

  • The truth is that I don’t know Raphael’s true intentions but I think I feel sorry for him and on Sharon’s part she should be mindful of what she’s about to do.
    However,they both need God’s grace and intervention.

  • Rose Jonathan

    How unfortunate poor Raphael is going to be! To have a lady use him as a bait? Oh! How heartbreaking! But it’s his fault. I think he was too carried away by his past. He did not realise that human beings change like the direction of the wind. We humans are never consistent and he should have known that. He should have known better to think of marrying a person he knows, not knew. It’d even save him a lot of stress. What’s there? If she wouldn’t have you, go to someone who will. It’s better to get what you need, than what you want.
    On the other hand, I do not outrightly blame Sharon. You never know how hurting it can be until a man would not let you have a breathing space. I have experienced that, and I tell you that if you were in her shoes, you’d do worse…


    Raphael is not right but because of the friendship they had before, he thought it will work out between them. Sharon’s decision is wrong because anything can happen based on her plans. Raphael and Sharon’s should just be careful.

  • Nwufo chukwuemeka valentine

    Rahael proposal is rather agreeable to me from the story if at all his aim was to marry sharon for money then he doesnt deserve her. sharon using him as bait might just be a guide for them to get to know each other.

  • Ibute kosisochukwu nina

    I think Raphaels idea of building a home with Sharon base on the relationship they had bf z nt bad but he should kno that ppl do change, he should nt expect a person he knos fours years ago to be d same person so the best thing to do is not to jump into marriage dey should first of all court to understand eachother better bf marriage.
    And Sharons idea to use Raphael as a bait to get other guys does nt make sense at all n it will surly backfire dats for sure.

  • chioma Jeremiah

    Raphael is wrong to think that he can base marriage on friendship alone and I think he deserves a little lesson on life partners and human nature. Sharon I believe, is doing what most people do I.e ” looking for a better option”


    Nawa ooh. Raphael is not right by having such thought of their relationship because it was well defined while Sharon’s plan will work either with the same Raphael or other men. My advice for the both is that they should take things easier and slowly especially Raphael. This is a an interesting episode.

  • Ene Esther Obiageli

    hmmmm, Ralphael was just a friend in the past and they had no romantic attachment to each other so coming out of the blues asking her to marry him is wrong. Because marriage is like taking a leap of faith and you can’t build your marraige based on only friendship.Sharon using Ralphael as a bait to get male attention is totally wrong cause using someone as bait is wrong not ot talk of someone you call your friend.

  • odo Chidera

    Yes,Raphael is right. I don’t think hr is going for Sharon because of her status. Rather it because of what they shared back then in school. And judging for the past, he thinks Sharon is the right person for him.
    But sharon wouldnt get it that way because Raphael is not financially stable. Sharon having tastes riches and power wants more.
    There by wanting to use Raphael as a bait to catch other ranked personal(men) in her place of work.. She thinks that they don’t make their movement towards her because she dating their boss, bt with Raphael she could prove them wrong.. They would be like “if sharon is dating this low life (Raphael), then I still have hope of getting her.
    In my own opinion I would say that Sharon wants to use Raphael to get other influential men in her office.

  • ugwu kosisochukwu ifunanya

    Ralph didn’t even check to see whether Sharon was the girl he used to know and just jumped into marriage .it is not nice,something smells fishy. Sharon is a schemer and that kind of plan doesn’t usually end up good. Let’s watch and see

  • yes Rapheal is right to build the relationship,sharon”s plan is deceptive ,and my advice to them is to be clam and give time to each other to see if they are compatible.

  • Onyekaozuru Florence

    Yea, I think rapheal is right to think of it, they have been friends for long and I think they understand themselves and I think relationship should be based on understanding and I am sure they have that and for Sharon I think she is been selfish

  • Benjamin Thelma

    Yes.Raphael is right to think he can start a home with Sharon. It’s been 3yrs since d parted yet he feels he wants to settle down with her which means he has discover he other half which Sharon is yet to discover. As for Sharon, she is being selfish and self centered who derives joy in using people reach her goals. My advice to Raphael is he should pray to God for direction and provision while Sharon should stop looking down on people because the toes you step on today may b the toes you will kiss on ur way up. Life turns around.

  • Analike Vivian U

    Standing on d comment of Luke chinyere, I think Rapheal should hv think twice before embarking on a marriage which he knows is a lifetime journey.
    Nice one Aunty

  • Njoku Chimamaka Elizabeth

    In my opinion, Rapheal should think about being stable before delving into marriage. Racheal on the other hand is not right for wanting to use him as a bait, he could probably be a good catch someday.

  • okereke chukwuemeka matthew

    From my own perspective, i think that rapheal was right to do want he did because the tiles were there already. I don’t think it is wrong to do what he did because he had known her for some period of time. But as for the lady she was so wrong in using such a golden chance that young people of her age are seeking to have to think of taking advantage of the guy.

  • Akogu Chidiebere Imelda

    Raphael maybe right or wrong because their kind of relationship is a kind that both of them cannot afford to stop being friends, so even if they are both married to different people, their relationship will make partners envy and jealous. so for them not to create such jealousy, they are both good to be married because they already know each other very well than for them to find two different persons and starting from stage one to find out the likes and dislikes of their varrious partners and menhnn Sharon is clocking 30…

    If Sharon thinks using Raphael as a bait is the best way to get male attention, then she should go ahead but she has to be very careful befor all her plans backfires on her.

    Raphael should be careful the way he takes Sharon, because the truth is that she is no longer the same girl of three years if she can conceive the thoughts of using him as a bait. just like she said her “my tastes have shot skyward”.

  • Ibe Okwukwe Emmanuella

    Raphael proposal towards Sharon wouldn’t work out because back in secondary school,they were just friends, best friends and no feelings were attached. so coming out of the blue with a marriage proposal is not the right way but if his really keen on the marriage proposal,he should first of all seek God, because it say in d scripture “seek first the kingdom of God and every other thing will be added unto you”. And for Sharon using Raphael as bait just to seek attention from other employees in the company is no good either because i believe in the saying “what goes around comes back around”.

  • Ugwuoke Kenneth Ekene

    Raphael is right considering the number of years he has been together with Sharon. Sharon’s plan was a very smart one. her story says that other members of the staffs assumed she was dating the boss. Who knows, they might assume otherwise when she finally introduces another guy even before the Boss as her boyfriend. having known each other for so long a year, i advice they don’t let whatever be it to put asunder. After all, her story says they were known right from school as the best couple.

  • Odeke Chidubem Camilus

    Raphael is right. three years is enough for any reasonable guy to know how a lady he is with behaves. Sharon’s plan, i will say is a very smart one. Very smart. I advice they keeping on with their relationship and never give room for intruders.

  • Eze, Chime Mark

    There is nothing wrong with Raphael’s decision as regards building a home with Sharon. They have known each other for a very long time and I think such marriage would be worthwhile. Also her decision(Sharon) to use Raphael as a bait to get men attention is probably putting herself in trouble. My words of encouragement go to Raphael: He should be courageous “maka na-aku fecha, o daa na awo”.

  • Anigbo chisom.a.

    funny!who is actually using who?Raphel and sharon thinks that the world is a bed of roses not knowing that as they make their bed so shall they lie on it. marriage is not somthing we play with, the foundation of it matters alot!

  • Asogwa Emmanuel C.

    we men are sometimes the typical of Raphel, no doubt but sometimes we shouldnt think of someone close to us being the same after so many years of our depature with them..we should be expecting CHANGE! (APC)LOL……

  • Onyeabor Precious Chioma

    I believe people change…you dont just come from no where to propose to her because of what u thought u both shared in the past… there might have been a change, he should have slowed things down, rekindle the fire in their friendship and watch as things turn out. I must say Raphael plans aren’t genuine either seeing how established she is. and as for Sharon, she’s a schemer, these kind of people utilize every opportunity as they come.

  • Priscilla Egwuonwu

    Poor raphael. It’s sad he thinks he can take a great step, that’s marriage wit a person he hardly knows totally. She’s different now which he is not aware of. Sharon on the other hand is making a big mistake of her own by thinking of exploiting the innocent man not caring about the hurt she might cause him. If a man really likes her and is worth her love he will approach her no matter the circumstance. Sharon shouldn’t go ahead with her plan and Raphael should look before he leaps.

  • Nwosu Esther chioma

    Raphael be prayerful Sharon be wise

  • Nwosu Esther chioma

    Raphael be prayerful Sharon be wise

  • Nathalie Ukwu

    There’s more to a relationship than just friendship, going into it devoid of some grounds could be disastrous, especially with someone like Sharon who doesn’t even plan to be an asset. Bad idea! Raphael ought to pray for God’s direction, and Sharon who comes off rather selfish, should seek God’s guidance rather than a bait.

  • Soni-Onovo Ezinne Therry

    Raphael have you asked yourself if you are doing the right thing. I don’t know your aim of asking Sharon for her hands in marriage, but you should ask yourself if this is God’s will for you and not yours. You should also know that change is constant in people. So therefore a flower today can become a weed tomorrow. Please watch your move and use your head.
    Sharon girl, I know you want to play smart. Please stop that plan because you will hurt yourself. If you don’t want him simply tell him. It will be civilised of you to do. Please you both need JESUS!!!

  • Dorcas Philip Nkwonya

    from how sharon described their friendship back in school…it seemed like it was more of a “friends with benefit” kinda thing,thou dey got close but its not a close enough friendship dah’ll lead to marriage….so its better he opted out….sharons using him as bait is totally insane,unacceptable n inhumane,she obiously doesn’t care about how he’d feel if he eventually finds out…dats selfish!

  • onyeka pamela chiamaka

    I think Raph has turned to Sharon’s scape goat and if care is not taken he would be emotionally down when things end. And on the part of Sharon I think she might have a rethink about what she’s about to do…… we might never know lets see other episodes


    To marry a good wife is good, but if you marry a bad wife you become a philosopher. I moaned because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet. Money is not the basic thing in marriage because when the power of love overcomes the love of power, to the extent that even a clock that does not work is right twice a day and for Raphael he should beware lest he may lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.

  • Odiase Erico Osazee

    In my own view i will say that with the kind of relationship Raphael and Sharon had does’t guarantee a successful marriage and instead of thinking of marriage he should think of how to get on His feet. In the aspect of using Raphael as a bait to get the attention of other men in is organization is a right if only he can play her game very well.

  • Nwafor Uchechukwu Judith

    Raphel’s proposal is really suspicious but Sharon should think seriously before she makes a big mistake. But if there is no luv between them, i dnt think they can make it so far.

  • Ezeagbo ifebuche juliet

    In my own opinion,Raphael is right to think of marriage between himself and Sharon because they’ve known each other back in school to some extent. And for Sharon who is trying to use Raphael as a bait to attract boys attentions,she should be careful because she don’t know what the future will hold for her.

  • nnadi chinyere josephine

    rapheal has good intentions for Sarah and loves her a lot but Sharon wants to use him as a bait to get other men attention which is ba,. and if Sharon is not careful it might backfire on her.

  • Ebreso Benjamin Bassey

    Personally, i consider Ralph’s intention and his efforts implemented towards it rather permissible, i’m pretty sure Raphael would withdraw from the misconception he assumed to be a relationship the moment he realises that he was being used. and for sharon, her mischievous plan may turn out to be futile when the law of karma takes its effect.


    Raphael is right based on the relationship that existed between him and Sharon before.But Sharon’s plan to use him to draw attention to herself is absolutely wrong though she may end up having her way but the might be disastrous.
    My candid advice is that every decision should be properly weighed before implementation in order to avoid regrets at the end.


    Although i dnt understand this story very well but let me just comment in the little that i understood.someone can not just come from nowhere after two years without calling and think he can just propose to me and think that i will accept him unless if i still love him that much lol, but thats by the my own understanding sharon and Raphael might build a good home together if God is in support because it doesnt matter how many years someone is in a relationship that wil guarantee if they are going to build a good home together.As for Sharon,am not in support that she is playing with someones feelings and for her to think that using Raphael will make her to gain attention from guys is absolutely not something a normal human being can do,because once you are doing it,thats when guys will be running away from you thinking that someone already have i think that sharon action is not good at all but sometimes some guys need to be treated like that.but my advice is that sharon attitude concerning this matter is really absurd.

  • Ndubuisi Uchenna Nicholas

    well Raphael cannot just out of the blue pop the question ”will u marry me” to Sharon because after school they have not been close and also he does not know if she is seeing anyone.
    Sharon on the other hand should not exploit raphaels love for her and use it to suit her personal gains thats just unfair

  • covenant

    Raphael is wrong to think that way because people change as the year goes by. He should also understand that what they had in school was not real but was just for fun. Sharon’s plan is just wrong.

  • precious

    I think Raphael is under the pressure of finding work and is looking for someone to keep him happy. I think the way he saw Sharon 3 years ago and how happy they make each other feel is what is drawing him back to her now. And for Sharon o think her idea isn’t a bad thin after all she has a good job and is living comfortable and is the right time to have someone to share it with but what she isn’t see in is DAT could Ralph be the right person no matter the crisis he is in now because she looking for big men that work in her company and misssin the person that will make her happy all her life will be her advice is time they should think it through rather than jump into conclusion

  • Ajibo lovelyn onyedikachi

    i dnt buy the idea of them getting married since there is no love.and for Sharon using Raph as a bait to catch men is out of it, it illustrates selfishness.

  • onyeze precious

    Rapheal is wrong to think marriage is something you jump out of the blues into: Sharon is weaving her own trap by trying to use him for her own selfish reasons: they both need to have patience and give it time to grow or die naturally:

  • Awoke isaiah

    For me, Raphael is right because since he have been with the girl in question for some years, I believe he can write a full page note about her kind of person.
    Sharon it’s going to have herself blame if she embark on her plan because she never can tell what tomorrow will be like.
    My advice to Raphael is that he should invite God and also to consider his financial status. For Sharon, I think she should remember that time does not wait for a girl in terms of marriage

  • Adaeze Ogota

    yes. love can do anything. Sharon should be careful on what she is planning to do. By God’s grace, they will grow in love

  • okeke grace Amarachi

    This Sharon girl is very good at the game of scheming.but then, this Raphael guy appears to like her so not of the opinion that they should go ahead and marry but all im trying to say is that they should learn how they’ve both changed over the years and see if they can reach a consensus on whether they want to be together or not.while asking God for guidance.

  • Okoroafor ijeoma

    Using some one’s intelligence to get up high is wrong,just lets see how it rolls

  • Madu Chidimma Sandra

    Raphael is so wrong thinking marriage can just come into their relationship right out of an unserious friendship they had way back, I don’t think it works that way, I mean, what happened to courtship?? I think they need a stronger foundation to lay that marriage on, else it’ll collapse someday.
    About Sharon using him as bait, well… I don’t think it’s such a good plan actually, I mean, if she thinks there’re men in the office who she thinks might have interest in her, using someone to get there won’t be so go, she’ll just end up hurting Raphael if her plan eventually works out.
    I’d advise them to have a fresh start, establish a better foundation, get to know each other better and most importantly,they need to put it all in prayer, prayer has a lot of power.

  • onyebuchi gideon

    I think sharon’s idea to use Raphael as a bait is not a cool one and if i were to be a gal, i will tell Raphael that i ain’t interested. Meanwhile, sharon should be aware that if a lady doesn’t get marry at the appointed time, she would have to buy a husband for herself….

  • ofodile.c. vivian

    the question here is, is Raphael asking Sharon to marry him because he loves her or because he finds her finacially stable?. i don’t think Sharon is right for trying to use raphael as a bait to get other men’s attention. if she fancies any of her colleague let her make it known or look for other methods. there are many ways to catch a fish.

  • In my own opinion, Raphael did no wrong in expressing his feelings for Sharon. Sharon on the other hand is not supposed to treat him so badly, to me its not matured. They might have a bright future ahead because no one knows tomorrow. Faith has a way of doing things,things might not work the way we have planned them. there is a possibility that Raphael will get a well paid job.

  • nwafor chukwudalu franklin

    Raphael should calm down, you don’t show up after some years and expect somebody to marry you based on the friendship you had before and Sharon is not being nice using her close friend as a bait to attract others knowing well that Raphael is into her.

  • ugwuja cynthia chioma

    well it might be that Raphael has always loved her and did not no how to tell her without breaking their friendship,so for me i think he was not wrong to ask to marry him. on the other hand, Sharon is selfish and wicked. for crying out loud, they were good friends, so to use him as a bait is totally out of it. well i will advice them to give it time no mater what

  • Analike Vivian Ukamaka

    According to the first question, I don’t think Sharon is smart because that is not one of the qualities of being smart. She was just trying to seize that opportunity to get men to notice her and know that she is ever ready for a relationship

  • ofodile.c. vivian

    if Sharon fancies any of her colleague let her make it known instead of using Raphael as a bait.there are many ways to catch a fish.

  • Analike Vivian Ukamaka

    According to the second question, the answer should be yes because when you are always alone especially in an organisation or even classroom, no one will notice you even if they do , hardly you become a topic of discussion but when you start dating someone among that particular group, everyone will like to hear the gist

  • chika divine umunnakwe

    Raphael is not wrong to have thought he could build a home with Sharon based on the friendship they had when they were in school. People often say ” IT IS BEST FOR A PERSON TO MARRY HIS/HER FRIEND”. He was sincere and believed Sharon was not a stranger to him. He was willingly to learn develop and establish a relationship with Sharon that could lead to marriage.
    2. Sharon’s plan to use Raphael as a bait to get male attention is very wrong and deceitful. The attention would later ruin her integrity and cause people to regard as a low lady.

  • Ononye Chisom Divinegift

    YES. Raphael is right to believe that they can work things out because they know each other very well and they know their likes and dislike.they know what makes each other happy and what makes them sad.To me its a strong key to a successful marriage.But Sharon is actually wrong on her thoughts and that shows that Raphael was never her friend as she lead us to believe because if he was then she should have been able to tel him the truth about her she feels about the whole issue and not to lead him into believing that something is actually going to happen between them.

  • amaechi chinaecherem chiemela

    1. psychologically, men has a different world view to women. in Raphael’s mindset, nothing might be wrong but Sharon who is a woman might see it as a funny decision. but as a woman, i believe Raphael should start a fresh relationship with Sharon and indeed, a serious one.
    2. sharon’s idea of using Raphael as a bait isn’t a cool one though

  • Akogu Chidiebere Imelda

    Raphael maybe right or wrong because their kind of relationship is a kind that both of them cannot afford to stay away from each other. so even if they are both married to different people,their relationship will make their partners envious and jealous and getting involved with other people you have to start from stage 1 trying to find out the likes and dislikes , and mennh Sharon is no longer getting young

    If Sharon thinks using Raphael as a bait is the best way to get male attention, then she shouldbut she just have to be very careful before her plans backfires on her.

    Raphael should also be careful the way he thinks of Sharon because she is no longer the same person he used to know three years ago, because according to her, “her taste have shoot sky wards.

  • Eric-nnaji Nkechi

    She’s got a terrible personality.. I think Raphael’s proposal is very cunning. He hadn’t been keeping in touch frequently and now that he’s in need of something, the frequency in his keeping-in-touch is now disturbing.. They might both just be using each other for selfish purposes

  • adaora onwuania

    yes , Sharon’s idea was to get attention to herself especially men at her working place to notice and admire her. my advice to Sharon is to be herself and not to try pleasing others. To them both, they should be carful with the decision they make because they may end up hurting each other.

  • sylvia ugwoke

    i really think that Sharon is not being fair and for Raphael , i am not sure of his motive for marrying Sharon knowing fully well that he is not capable of taking care of her.

  • idoko faustina kelechi.

    Based on this question, i think Raphael is actually following his mind. And his love for Sharon has made him blind that he thought he knew his crush more than any other person ..He is very much okay with the idea of getting married to his long time best friend, The idea of Sharon using Raphael as her bait is actually not cool. .She should just tell him her mind rather playing with his feelings., they both need Jesus direction in their different endeavors..

  • Okereafor, Cynthia Uchechi

    Firstly, I think Raphael is so wrong to think that he make a home with her based on that type of relationship they had. The fact is, Sharon has no interest in anything pertaining relationship with Raphael,except GOD makes it possible because she wants an ” ALREADY MADE ” man. Raphael is obviously not one. Secondly, he is not financially ready yet, he should try to secure something first before going to someone like SHARON. Sharon using him as a bait is so wrong,she could easily say ”NO”,without having to toil with his feelings. My advice to Sharon is to cut down on her pride and think of the future while Raphael should seek for God’s grace and direction.

  • Udeh,victor chukwudi

    Raphael has a positve mind towards Sharon,that is he judge the base on their past relationship but he did not know that her girl thinks otherwise.

  • chinonyelum onyema cynthia

    I think Raphael is wrong and unrealistic to think he can establish a home with Sharon based on their past friendship. He has to at least create a foundation on which he could build a marital relationship. And Sharon’s plan on the other hand to try to use Raphael as a bait is childish and selfish.

  • Godwin maxwell

    sometimes in life we assume friendship to be relationship, Raphael took what they had back then in school to be love but never knew that Sharon was acting base on permutation. His sincerity has been taken for weakness, so he rather be careful before he lose it…. I LOVE THIS STORY BECAUSE OF THE WORK OF SUSPENSE..

  • nwachi peter chikwendu

    Raphael is very wrong. he is on a journey of no is like pregnancy and it cannot be hidden, although Raphael is blind to see the picture of their relationship . i will only tell him to safe journey even though i knew his journey may later turn sour. sad to love and not loved in return.
    sharon’s use of Raph as a bait to get male attention means she wanted to use him to draw her attention to her desired men and also to make them realize that she is a kind of girl that anyone can approach.
    my advice to sharon is that she should know that a cheater must be cheated and also to realize that she who baits for fish one day likely be the catch(fish).

  • obianuju onyeama

    In my opinion, Raphael is rushing into this marriage issue.. And as for Sharon she is really a schemer.

  • okonkwo chidimma benita

    Sharon is really a character, a smart one I must comment. I hope her plans works out well. I love the suspense.

  • Nwankwo Anita Chinenye

    Raphael is right to think he can build a home with her but he needs to exercise some more patience to know her well enough for a relationship..Sharon’s intention to use him as a bait may backfire in due time so she needs to be very advice for Raphael is that he should go for Sharon if his love is Genuine but follow her little by little.

  • Reuben Empere

    Raphael wasn’t right neither was he wrong, I just think he moved a little too soon. Also, Sharon should be real with him instead of using him, anyways something could still work out between them.

  • It is not entirely wrong for Raphael to ask for Sharon’s hand in marriage despite the kind of relationship they had back then in school because since they were considered close back then, it means they got to know each other to some extent, so it is not as if he is asking a total stranger to marry him. But, i still have my reservations on that because as Sharon explained, it has been long they left school and i think that is the more reason why Raph should give observing Sharon the second time a chance because within this period, i believe her ideologies or the way she viewed life might have changed and some of these changes determines their compatibility.

    On the side of Sharon, it is not a bad thing to have goals and be optimistic in their pursuit, but, love is a delicate issue that should be handled carefully as it has to do with human emotions. so, i see Sharon in for a very big shock because what she wants to do rarely works without someone getting hurt.


    hmmm who knows what sharon is up to…..i cant wait to read more of this

  • daniel nnadi

    As a guy I think it’s wrong for her to use him as a bait for male attention because if he gets to realize it, his feelings would be hurt?.

  • Azunna Ikechukwu O.

    Both of them are making a bad decision, I’m not quite sure this will end well

  • Umerah Scholastica Ifeoma

    i think Rapheal has an ulterior motive..from what Sharon described above about their relationship,i dont think it is strong enough for marriage..Sharon`s plan to use Rapheal as a bait is not good at all..because it is not nice to play with someone`s advice to sharon is for her to wisen up and know that the world does not revolve around her and my advice to Rapheal is that he should pray for God`s guidance and direction.

  • Nonike Victoria

    Dear Raphael is not totally wrong in his thinking, if two mature people think they are compatible, it could be a basis for marriage but a there is a popular adage which goes thus, “home is where the heart is”. I don’t see a happy, lasting marriage with Raphael’s ideology, it is better he rearranges his priorities before considering marriage. Such manipulation! Sharon reminds me of myself in a way, always coming up with plans on how to remain in control of my life. It really is not advisable tho, using a close friend as such bait if at all it is right to use anybody in such manner. A word of advice for Sharon? keep calm and allow God plan your life.

    • Edith Ohaja

      Wow! The last two sentences really got me. Thanks for chipping that in, Victoria! Hope te young ones are paying attention.

  • Caius Precious Chinwendu

    Raphael is not totally wrong to want Sharon as a wife based on the kind of friendship they had but he should set his priorities straight especially with his finances. Sharon is now an independent young woman with a good job, he should be able to keep up with her growing standard first then he can consider marriage. a man should be stable in all ramifications before searching for a wife no matter the level of friendship. Sharon using Raphael as bait to get male attention is not totally a bad idea. She is only trying out something new. if it gets her what she wants, fine, if it doesn’t, she may end up falling in love with Raphael. shikena! my advice is Raphael should get a life first before considering settling down with a woman and starting a family and Sharon should help him as a friend she is to him.

  • Chinecherem Victoria C

    1. I dont think its wise for any sort of relationship to go on between the two of them due to the kind of relationship they are described to have.
    2. Using Raphael as a bait is totally wrong, considering the fact that they both do not know what one has in store for the other and its not proper to play with the feelings of a person all for ones own interest.
    3. Sharon should know that all that glitters is not gold and everything should not revolve around her and Raphael should “shine his eyes” as a typical Nigerian would say.

  • Nkwere Praise

    I think Raphael is truly in love with Sharon even right from their university days, although he might have tried to deny dating her. I guess he was probably scared of disclosing his actual feelings to Sharon, because he was shy or afraid of being turned down. Right now, he assumes he is man enough to let his feelings be made known to her. On the other hand, Sharon’s idea of parading Raphael as her fiancé, I guess would rather scare people away than bringing suitors.

  • ugo ogwu

    Well i believe yes because it was obvious they loved each other even after their university days so they already know each other.
    my words of advice is directed to Sharon. Sharon your intention of using Ralph as bait is the most messed up plan iv’e ever heard of in my life because last i checked Ralph is not a dog or a doll that you can do anything with and get away with it, he is a living breathing human with feelings that shouldn’t be taken for granted.

  • sunday chinecherem francis

    from my own point of view, Rapheal shouldn’t have asked Sharon to marry him,and Sharon’s plan to use him too isn’t right at all. My advice to the both of them is that they should be honest to one another.

  • Akumambila ijeoma winifred

    Raphael is wrong to think that he can build a home with sharon.Good and fine they have been friends for quite some time but that does not give a good foundation for a solid home.As for sharon using him (Raphael) as a bait,it is gonna work out because she does not love him and as the saying goes nothing is written under the sun.By the other guys finds out that she has just been playing with Raphael,it will also scare them away from her.

  • ozulumba chikodili

    i feel that both of them are both getting it wrong.sharon is naive if she thinks she can use him to her advantage,rapheal on the other hand could only be using her just for his advantage known to him

  • chika udeorah

    I don’t think the duo will make good couple because Sharon isn’t going to accept his proposals because she loves him. She’s just using him as a bait to have other men in her office come after her. Now that isn’t a good reason to go into marriage. I advise Raphael to get a well paid job and have financial stamina before thinking of having a wife.

  • onoja peace

    i don’t think Raphael is totally wrong for thinking that. but his decision don’t work in every situation and for everybody….. so if anyone out there is trying to imitate him, that person should not be surprise that it might not work for him.
    And in Sharon’s case,its not totally wrong for her to act that way… you know we girls we think abstract sometimes.
    my advice for both of them is that hold on to what you believe in.

  • Adaora Onwuania

    Yes he does, Sharon’s idea of using Raphael to get men attention was only for the male workers in her office to notice her, and also to tell them she has all it takes to be married but she may not be interested in it at the moment.
    They should not play with each other’s feelings, and also Sharon should note that playing with others feelings is not advising it may come back to you.

  • Oweka Chioma Sandra

    Raphael’s assumption is crazy and Sharon’s plan is delusional

  • Onwuka chinaecherem Emmanuel

    For the number one question; based on what sharon described their relationship as, I don’t think it is enough to build a family since there is no romantic connection because there is more to marriage than just laughter. For the second question, sharon’s idea of using Raphael to draw male suitors/collegues is a “No-No” because if Raphael gets to know he’ll be disappointed and heartbroken plus his time wasted. My advice to the two is for them to take it slow; they should come clean as adults based on their feelings with each other if it’s worth giving a try then it’s left for the two to decide.

  • Josiah Judith Enobong

    For the first, my answer is: there is more to marriage than just personal charms,the magnetism has to be felt by the two parties and to start up a home as a man you must be fully established especially in the financial aspect;so i don’t think Raphael is fit yet. For the second question: our charisma as ladies matter alot, so sharon really should pray for that because she needs it in her life, what she intends doing with Raphael looks and sounds childish especially looking at her status…well it sounds sad. For the third question, my word of advice to both parties is that they should really take their time and if actually they don’t have true feelings for each other then they shouldn’t waste their time especially on the side of sharon.

  • onyeze precious

    marriage is a lifetime contract and Rapheal talking marriage is too early; he doesn’t even know if she snores while sleeping lol m kidding; I think he should get to know her more if his intentions are right. Sharon! life is never a bed of roses, nobody has it all ; I advice they do the right thing, and see a counsellor aswell.

  • ndukwu cynthia chizoba

    Raphael is wrong to think that way …..sharon is quite delusional

  • Samuel Godsgift Akachukwu

    Considering the number of years they have known themselves, I think it is not bad for Raphael to ask for her hand in marriage and for Sharon’s idea of using Raphael may not work out well as she planned because she may end up wanting the relationship the more.

  • Umoru Sadia Idris

    Raphael is wrong to think he can build a relationship with someone he barely knows. Sharon’s plan of using him as bait is very shallow and she didn’t consider the consequences. They should pray for God’s guidance and dir
    ection instead of doing it on their own

  • Onuoha Oluebube Jessica

    I think Raphael’s decision is good since they have been together for a very long time. On the other hands, Sharon needs to think again because her thought might be a downfall. My advice goes to both of them: they should remember their past.

  • Abonyi Juliet

    Well, I think Raphael is really fast to talk about marriage after being separated from her for a while.Right, he might think they are fit because of the experience he’s had but marriage is’t child’s play and things must have changed since their school days.Raphael should be careful,patient and logical. As for Sharon,friends should never be taken advantage of,no matter what.

  • opiri chidimma

    it’s wrong for Raphael to propose to Sharon immediately,for me i think the first thing to do is to be more close to her (more than just being friends) because marriage is not easy.Sharon is wrong to have the thought of using her friend as a bait.

  • Uwaegbuonu Precious

    Rapheal shouldn’t just propose to her because they were friends, but i don’t really think its nice for her to keep him around when she knows she is not interested

  • Okeke Miriam Uzochukwu

    It is important to note that they have been in a relationship for a while now. I think Raphael’s decision is good. They have known each for a very long time.

  • Ezenwa Chinenye Evangeline

    I don’t see anything wrong in Raphael asking for Sharon’s hand in marriage. He has known this lady for soo long just that they didn’t get in touch like before maybe he didn’t know how to tell her then or he wasn’t ready. Let’s just keep our fingers crossed and expect something good from him. Sharon the master schemer,,, diaris God ooooo

  • Otugo Lucky Joel

    To be honest, he (Raphael) is very wrong to assume that such relationship they had back then in school is enough for them to get on with ( build on). the truth is that there are some part of her behavior/nature Raphael never smelt, talk of seeing or experiencing. if only he was able to cash in on that opportunity he had then in the school, it would have been wonderful and acceptable.

  • Ogbalu Treasure Onyinye

    Raphael and Sharon’s relationship won’t work! Their friendship isn’t as close as possible. There’s a friendship whereby they are so close, share all their secrets and stuffs like that! That’s the kind that can marry out of the blues. This on the other hand isn’t like that.

  • igboecheonwu prisca

    yes because he believed that she understands him. I think he did the right thing

  • Ndudu John

    1. I don’t think Raphael is right to believe he can buikd a relationship based on past experience with sharon while they were students. People change with place and time. She may not be the same sharon he knew back at school.
    2. Sharon’s plans to use Raphael as bait isn’t right. Raphael is a human being with feelings which no one has the right to toy with for any reason.
    3. My advice goes to Raphael. He should get a job before proposing. Money is needed in marriage.

  • joseph jennifer jayjay

    just read all 165 comments…God bless AUNTY Edith..she remains one of my greatest inspirations…ok..let’s be realistic.a lot of ladies would do what sharon did, because they’re skeptical, but then women are fragile atimes. raphael can still catch her if he wants to..we dwell on emotions..we reminisce..we feel nostalgic..all these feelings rekindle lost emotions..sharon is probably planning because she has not spent quality time with raphael..when she does..her plans will take a new direction..oga raphael has not gotten money and he wants to marry..probably propose..and place a ring on her finger for years..tun the poor girl to lord of the rings…God is watching him in 4D

  • Nneji Mary Chinenye

    i think its very wrong for Raphael to think of building a home with Sharon because they barely know each other and Sharon’s plan to make use of Raphael for her own selfish purpose is a very wrong thing to do to someone who might actually be in love with her , my advice to them is for them to get to know each other better before rushing into anything and to always put God first.

  • Onah Joy Chinemerem

    When one have a feeling, the person should feel free to express it no matter the situation.

  • ifebe june sobechukwu

    from my observation, Raphael seems to be making a big mistake.He doesn’t have enough resources to take care of Sharon. He might end up being the fool. secondly, Sharon using him as a bait may give Raphael the chance to pres harder

  • Jackreece Princess Daeregoba

    okay, i feel it isn’t right for Raphael to think they can build a home, for goodness sake they have been apart from each other for three years, what is he thinking?? That she is still going to be that small Cinderella he knew years back??. i don’t even understand why he should be thinking of marriage, when he is struggling to cater for himself. Well as for Sharon, hmm, it’s normal for ladies to act that way sometimes,if I was in her shoes I would probably do the same.
    My advice is that they both dance to the rhythm of the music, they should get to know each other once again, if they find themselves compatible while together, fine. if they don’t, still good.

  • Nwamauzor Victoria Uchechi

    wow!!! lol I feel pity for Raphael cause all this drama is all in his head, I mean after 3 years apart what did he expect from Sharon to develop feelings for a friend that has been far away? well i feel Sharon’s idea of getting to know each other better isn’t a bad one cause hopefully feelings might flow in some way or the other but if she’s certain she wants nothing from Raphael then she should just save him the stress of trying……… but let’s see how getting to know each other will go for them


    I really dont think so because a lot has happened since they graduated from school and probably the fire must have gone down. Sharon using him as a bait to get the attention of other guys aint right because she is playing with his feelings. And i think they need to spend more time together in order to know themselves more.

  • Onoh oziomachukwu beulah

    well I think he shouldn’t just appear from somewhere and want to get married chill bro!. You need to at least re-study the lady again naw at least to know if there are some changes….I just think they should both take their time

  • chekuzo Veronica

    No, Sharon’s plan is not a wise move.
    They should know the value of what they have.

  • Okwor Donald

    I think there is nothing wrong with that. It would probably strengthen their long waited relationship

  • keswet mercy

    i actually see nothing wrong in Raphael proposal to her……lets just watch out and see though

  • Ike Faustina Uchechukwu

    Sharon should have told Raphael that she is not interested instead of using him as a bait

  • Anyadubalu Oluchi Maryrose

    Am yet to understand Ralpheal’s motive for that proposal…He should give the babe time.

  • Abugu Chinazom Rosemary

    For the fact that they have known each other for long I dont think its a bad idea propsing to her just that Sharon doesnt want to accept him the way he is.

  • Ejiofor Ekene Maduabuchi

    To me, Raphael is not wrong at all with his thinking. The absolute truth is that sometimes, things take time before they happen and emotions take time before they build and are nurtured. The fact that he had a friendship with her is enough reason for him to feel the way he felt.
    Secondly, Sharon’s plan to use Raphael as a bait is wrong. It’s very wrong to make a man feel you love him only for him to end up hurting because you merely used him to…. i feel is better not to embark on her plan, because things can go wrong and she ends up being the one to lose.
    Finally, my advice is that they think about the moment and consider what they actually want. Sharon can actually get a good man without exploiting Raphael’s naivety and Raphael should consider his financial status and tell himself if he is ready to embark on his quest.

    Nice one Ma…


    why sharon turn down Raphael proposal, not yet understood may be because it was the first ask . i only know that marriage partner is best to one you have already known not a stranger.


    no he is not wrong,sharon is still single and it desnt mater the type of relationship they have had, every thing is possible with the power of love.

  • Joseph Edidiong

    i think Rapheal is making a wrong decision to think he can build a home with a woman he barely knows. marriage is a life time thing and shouldn’t be rushed into.
    i would say sharon’s plan is an act of wickedness because it is wrong to waste a person’s time. it’s best to tell him she is not interested and let him move on with his life.
    My advice to both of them; for Rapheal, i would say he go get a job and build a life foe himself before considering marriage. no one wants to marry a liability.
    for Sharon, i would say she should figure out what she wants in life and go for it.

    • Edith Ohaja

      And bless you too, Immaculate! I pray that you live out your name in character and be fully rewarded of God in Jesus’ name.

  • Ugwuoke chidimma Brittany Gloria

    I sincerely do not think that Raphael is right to think he can build a home with Sharon. Based on what Sharon described,it was something they had while in school and three years later, the guy resurfaces to talk about love? Let’s be realistic here…cos it’s been so long that they had both changed to some noticeable extent. Besides there is no real connection between them, prior to his visit. It’s all in Raphael’s head. So the best thing to for him to do is to get to know her again. As for Sharon’s plan to use Raphael as a bait to get male attention, think she either lacks some good character in her or just lonely. Her crave for attention should not plunge her into a life of pretence. And in the end she may fall so madly in love with Raphael that she would not remember her initial plans.

  • Anowi chisom vivian

    i actually think Raphael is still in love with her, but proposal out of the blues is totally uncalled for. he should have at least dated her officially before the whole proposal-thingy..sharon, on the other hand is not totally wise in her decisions…she might end up falling for him. afterall, they were friends for a very long time

  • nwobodo amaka

    sharons plan isnt going to work out. because once she showcases raphael as her boyfrend others wll be hands off. and as for rapheal well i d0nt know what to tell him. there’ll be a point he’ll notice whats going on.

  • umeji sophia

    good starting

  • christiana

    Rapheal can build a good home with sharon because the way and type of relationship, they share was quite a good and interesting one. Sharon’s plan to use her secondary school boyfriend Rapheal to get male attention can not really work, as she has planned.

  • ubah chisom mariagorathy

    I dn’t see anything wrong in Raphael decision to build a home with Sharon.

  • Ruth Ejimanya

    No, Because Sharon right now doesn’t really love him. And two of them can not build a home if they don’t agree.
    I think it is a bad idea, Sharon is being self centred here and my advice to her is that she should be sincere with Ralph; open up to him about how she really feels and stop pretendimg.

  • ugwe Blessing chinenye

    Raphael can build a home with Sharon because judging from the type of relationship they shared before it was quit good.
    And also Sharon,s plan to use Raphael to get male attention will not work as she is planning.

  • Ogbu Gloria

    There is nothing wrong in Raphael trying to build a home with Sharon just that they are world’s apart now, he was unable to build a good relationship with her after school but Sharon’s plan to use Raphael to get what she want is very bad and uncalled for, I pray she sees the consequences of what she wants to do and not do it

  • Chukwunwenwa Chinenye

    I’ve seen people who were ‘just’ friends while in school settle down afterwards. It happens!
    So I believe Sharon and Raphael can build a home. For the facts they were very close back then, it’s not wrong for Raphael to think they’d become an item.

    Sharon on the other hand seems to be a smart fellow who uses people for selfish reasons. No wonder why she felt Raphael wants her money… Guilty conscience!

    It’s better she don’t raise Raphael’s hope with whatever thing she’s plotting because she wouldn’t enjoy the outcome if the table was turned.

    (Raphael shouldn’t fall my hands o, let him pray hard before embarking on this journey)

  • Chioma Christy Agbaraka

    This is indeed a very selfish act by Sharon. Using him as a bait to seek attention? No!

    If a man genuinely wants to be with you and you are not in anyway interested, it’s better to tell him. Even when he refuses to let go, keep reminding him of your stance.

    Using him a bait is not a good idea, Raphael is a man in love and not a Toy. Let’s see as this bait thing goes, because this might definitely hurt him when he finds out at the end.

  • Andeshi Moniica

    Raphael’s sudden show of affection is questionable, who does that? you just wake up one morning and start talking of marriage, on what foundation or former intentions is she supposed to build a romantic relationship? well… i think Sharon’s plan is cool (even though its not the best) she will get to know what Raphael’s true intentions are.

  • Omaga Chiagozie

    Raphael is not wrong because everyone will like to settle down with the person that makes him/her to be themselves and i think that is the reason for his proposer but if he has any other thing in mind say her money as she thought I think it is totally wrong. We should get married for love not the material things attached to it. And for Sharon intention to use him as bait, it is totally wrong and unacceptable. If there is someone that meets her fancy, she should find a way to give the person green light instead of hurting someone feeling along the line. My advice to them is first, they should try to know each other better and know if they are compatible because that is what courtship is for and secondly, they should pray especially Raphael. To me he is not financially Bouyant to keep a family though Sharon is working, what if she is not earning enough what will become of their family. They should pray for God’s direction.

  • Okibe Mercy

    It is really not a bad idea thay Raphael to build a home with Sharon after knowing her for a very long time, but the fact remains that they may be friends for a very long time but they are not in love. He would have first of all try to make to relationship strong before presenting marriage to her. On the other hand, for Sharon to think about using Raphael as a bait is totally not good, if she doesn’t want him, it’s better she lets him know than allowing him swim in assumption.

  • Raphael can’t just come up with marriage. I think its a process and they haven’t been receiving contacts and keeping in touch with Sharon frequently. The Sharon of college is a grown woman and has changed. Sharon is straight up wrong to use him as bait, but fate always has a way of turning situations around.

  • Ugwuanyi Collette Mmesoma

    I strongly disagree with Raphael actions; why should he propose to Sharon when then do not have any intimate relationship though is unknown if Raphael truly have feelings for Sharon. Despite that, Raphael is meant to have a reliable job before thinking of marriage.
    As for Sharon I don’t think she using him as a bait, is right

  • okoye paschalmary

    I think Raphael should get something doing first before talking about marriage unless he wants to be end up in a catastrophic marriage most especially to the friend he thinks he knows whom have changed alot. And for Sharon, she is just a player girl

  • Raphael did the right thing by proposing to Sharon but Sharon wants to turn him down because she has gotten a high paid job.she has forgotten so sudden their past friendship, even thou it was devoid of emotions but what they have shared together it’s worth her accepting him now that he’s ready to propose. Sharon shouldn’t use Raphael as a bait to attract guys rather she should tell Raphael that he doesn’t want him instead of using him

  • Ezeh Onyekachukwu C

    I hope this guy called Raphael is not coming to break Sharon’s heart. I hope he is for real. Sharon should also try and evaluate Raphael very well to know if he is for real.

  • Ezema Uchechukwu

    Hehehe… Francis should know that levels have changed. The Sharon he knew during their school days has metamorphosized into a wealthy, independent and classy lady.
    Conversely, Sharon acted in a way that most people would act. She’s one to think about her future and to make sure she can maximize her present situation to ensure a glorious future.
    My advice to the both of them is to forget the past and look into the future because any new relationship will definitely leave one of the parties heartbroken and embittered.

  • Ejiofor Emmanuel

    Although Best of friends most times make the best couple, Raphael is rushing matters. How sure is he that Sharon hasn’t change after school? For Sharon, she is making a regrettable mistake. She is playing with Raphael’s emotion just to get attention from other men.
    This story is very interesting, Let me hurriedly move to episode two

  • Nora Nsan

    From the friendship Raphael and Sharon shared, Raphael is not wrong for having that intention to marry her because he thinks he has known her so well for there’s a popular saying that goes like this: true love starts from friendship,
    But I feel bad that Sharon does not keep him as a friend but keeps him because she is using him, which to me is not fair.

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